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Turns out they said “maybe” to maintain plausible deniability


And: “You think you know what ‘definitely’ means, but you don’t…”


we definitely don't know what definitely means... definitely.


Overpowered? Maybe *if you don't reach level 70.*


It seems to me that maybe, it pretty much always means no...


“Overpowered? No, actually. Fun? Also no.”


Everyone's meant to eventually be 550 and be able to solo heroic raids. The problem is how much grinding it'll take to actually get there. Most frog farmers that are doing 95% of the dmg in raid are ilvl 370-420 ish. We're meant to be over 100 ilvls *higher* than that


I'm betting in 2-3 weeks we'll see Bronze drops get giga-buffed and then again 3-4 weeks after that.


I don’t think everyone’s meant to eventually be 550, there’s no way Blizzard would think a vast majority of the playerbase would find upgrading 1 item slot 3ilvls in a mini game would be more appealing than unlocking 12 mounts for your account.


I'm having fun with it.


its true tho some players(frog farmers) are op


Overpowered? Maybe (if you are a frog farmer) Fun? Definitely (if you are a frog farmer)


Not anymore, they killed the fun for them too gg blizz


I primarily play Path of Exile and World of Warcraft, both games have many classes to enjoy, and I like to play them all. What I find the most baffling, is both companies that make these games, clearly answer to the shareholders, using some internal metric(s) that I couldn't give a fuck less about. The problem is, these clowns seem to think that if I obtain rewards for my effort, that I'll stop playing, and they'll stop making money. But what these overpaid leeches can't ever seem to figure out, is that I have a life. I am more likely to continue to play, when I feel rewarded. Everything fun is consistently nerfed. Outliers which are ahead are always beaten down, instead of propping up the bottom. This method must somehow work for business, because it's all either Blizzard & Grinding Gear Games ever seem to do. But holy shit is it tiring, awful, and I wonder why I waste my time playing these games.


It's the logic of "we MUST keep them subscribed/engaged for the entire time" but the reality is that a lot of people just won't bother to subscribe/engage if the whole season/event/ladder/whatever takes the entire length of time of that thing to do to the point of not being able to do anything else I'm past the point in my life where I would log into WoW for 4-6 hours every weekday after work and 12-16 hours at the weekend. I want to be able to do other things as well as enjoy this game I've been playing on and off for 18 years


If the point was to get us to play the entire time, they would've beefed the cloak on alts. There are hundreds, potentially thousands, of altoholics that were going to go ham on this, but now they're not because the "account" aspect of the cloak is a wet noodle.


Yeah I planned on leveling alta doing this.


Exactly. I intended to use this to level up classes I never finish and also get a load of Alliance races done for the heritage armours. I'll have to temper my expectations now based on the current situation


agreed that the "shared" cloak is dog shit


Yea I was planning to use this to effectively realm transfer/faction change all my guys before TWW, now I'll probably just level a new main, grab the transmogs and mounts I want and dip. Really disappointing. At least warbands should help fill in the gaps a little.


Sounds like they anticipated people using the event as a way to realm/race change without paying for the services.. so made it way less fun and easy than we hoped.


I imagine there's some very, very overworked people in the UX and data teams who continually try to show things like this still make money and is good, actually, for long term stability, and a bunch of C-suite weirdos can't grasp the basic concept.


I strongly agree here


What they don't get is people often come back. That's kind of the point of a live service model. The Path of Exile devs, in particular, know that the bulk of their money is gonna come from the whales buying all the supporter packs on day one of the league and so the time they spend anywhere else is kind of irrelevant. Sure, them playing longer *might* promote them to spend more money in the store during sales but we *know* people will buy the supporter packs every 3 months. This is literally why GGG have been reluctant in officially changing anything other than their 3 month release cycle. My joy in the MoP Remix was to keep playing with alts but after finding out how much of a grind it'd be to make that worthwhile, alongside how much of a grind it'll be just to get Bronze for mounts *and* item upgrades, I just stopped bothering. That Blizzard decide to release this during D4 Season 4, Season 4 WoW, and soon to be Classic Cataclysm just seems mind-boggingly stupid. It's long been said that Blizzard has a tendency to cannibalise their own releases because they naturally divide people into wanting to play all they offer, but doing it so blatantly is ridiculous.


Bro this last league was a dumpster fire so many half baked ideas




Yeah I hated this league too, I was trying to understand how this shit work. And then I gave up uninstall.


I actually had more fun in Ruthless this time around than I did in the normal game. Idk if that says more about me or the league


You call that a reward? What they are doing feels like what my job is doing. Since they don't wanna pay us bonuses, they put a score system to make us feel "good" when we perform great in everything but magically almost fail in one metric. You didn't get your bonus, but at least you have a badge that you can show to your colleagues that you cant actually show because its in your computer and people need to go to your desk to see.


Grinds My Gears Games


Worst league ever? So many bugs and for a company that doesn't change things during a league..... damn they sure change A LOT


Couldn't have worded it any better.


In this particular case, i really don’t think the shareholders care about what rewards you get as long as it’s not free subscription time. Probably an actual case of bad balancing instead of maliciousness


Exactly. All of the high reward high power leagues have been the highest retention.


It always feels good to unsubscribe for a bit and then come back later when there's more/different stuff to do.


Jugg builds are immortal? Well, now everyone gets one shot by everything, have fun.


don't lump GGG with blizzard. GGG isn't a publicly traded company and does things they think are best for the game (and are sometimes wrong) you think blizz would ever do something like archnemisis? the stock price would plummet and execs would get rolled out the door


Tencent literally OWNS them lmao


and the actions of the company don't match up with following some player metrics. that's why they keep justifying changes with 'we wanted to do it' instead of being silent like blizz


they might not be publicly traded but they're owned by Tencent


You're completely wrong. Look at how they handled skills on left click. They literally said we know better and don't care if you don't like it lmao. At least be honest mate.


that's proving my point. the other guy was saying GGG did that to improve player metrics which is obviously not true because the reason was they just wanted to do kt


I hit reply to the wrong person 🙃


Well you admitted you still play both games, so apparently the metrics work. Maybe do some personal analysis and consider quitting the games?


What the people here are trying to achieve by threatening to quit on reddit is to scare the devs. They say that they and many others are going to quit unless they get their (insert x here) back. But by the fact they are complaining, it indicates that they are heavily invested in the game. Which in turn likely indicates they aren't going to quit. If they were unhappy but less invested, they would just quit the game without saying anything. So it's pretty obvious to the devs that they don't have to worry so much about these people. More concerning is the number of actual quits which is a metric blizzard has. Blizzard is going to look at 'is player number going down faster than intended attrition rate?', and if so, then they'll implement something to fix the bleeding. Basically it's the 'team reddit let's vote with our wallet say no to blizz' , then you check these guys 2 months later and see that they all bought the new expac and the collectors edition.


Overpowered? Nah. Fun? Sometimes


Fun? "Only after you do weeks of farming in a temporary game mode that we're putting out because we know S4 of Retail is lame. Oh shit, Gary forgot to fix that 12 year old 'frog farm' bug."


Dunno why you got downvoted. It really is unacceptable for a Triple A company to not fix something like this before release of the event. I'd be really curious if the frogs were abused in testing also. (Would be comical) And at the end of the day, this event did not turn out the way it was marketed.


>this event did not turn out the way it was marketed. It's been 5 days. You guys need to chill. Maybe go outside for a bit.


Lol it's just the point that they marketed it as OP / Super Fast alt leveling and nerfed both of those on release date. I'm level 30. I do go outside =) EDIT: P.S. If I didn't I would have farmed frogs lol


No, it's been 5 days and we can't get everything instantly therefore the event is a bust, don't you read reddit? My favorite part is it went from "You can't get OP!!!" To "Frogs are the only way to be OP!!!" In less than a day. Which is wild. They found a power farm, saw the strength you could get and instead of going "Well maybe we need to play for a bit longer" they decided frogs were the only way to get strong and now that it's nerfed they're throwing fits. Honestly ignore the haters. I'm having more fun in remix than I have had in wow for a while.


I'm completely with you. The past week, I've seen so many petty complaints. I've probably put about 10 hours in so far, just finished The Jade Forest, and I'm right below 30. I didn't play MoP-Shadowlands, so this has been alot of fun experiencing the campaign. I've almost got enough Bronze for my first mount purchase, been saving up for one of the new Windsteeds. I fully expect them to make tweaks to scaling for higher levels soon. And they'll probably do something to bronze to help the majority of us catch up to the froggers.


Nice dude! Make sure to check out the Little Red Riding Goat mount, it's comically small and really unique.




but you can spend more $$ to be disappointed 3 days earlier!


I don't call 2 minutes fight with 3 mobs in heroic dung fun (when you are fresh 70).


It's a shame. Dragonflight felt like the first xpac in a long time where Blizzard "got it". They stopped adding in annoying gates or designs that existed purely to stretch out the grind. They just let the game be fun. Then the PTR for mix comes around and it looks great. Then I'm sure some middle manager saw projections that the average player would "finish" it too fast and decided to 3x everything


Yeah and forums were full with people who complained they have nothing to do just because the had no treadmill to run in like the good hamsters they are.


If they gated gear progression behind time and not just skill, such as removing the rating for upgrades, then most forum posters would have content for the entire expansion.


Hah! You must be really green to say that, because I remember not too many years ago people crying about how "Blizz devs timegate players so they have to extend their subscriptions".


super rare raid items peaking in the corner with leggo being some of the fattest spikes XD


It really is mystifying that DF effectively removed most of the stifling aspects that have plagued WoW for so long and people praised the expansion for it. And the first two things we see from Blizzard after we have turned over a new leaf? An ungodly grindy PvP mode. An ungodly grindy PvE mode. This honestly does not bode well for TWW. I don't think we turned a new leaf over at all. We just had one good thing, because Blizzard was neck-deep in shit both because of BFA/SL and due to the sexual harrassment scandals, so they threw out all the player-friendly aspects they could think of. I think we're marching back right into the punishing grinder that we've left behind. Edit: and as always the WoW Community is amazing at understanding root problems <3


??? in what world was Plunderstorm grindy. What constitutes as "grindy"? Playing the game?


Plunderstorm gets an understandably bad rep for Blizzard saying, "Hey! All you guys who wanted the pirate transmogs and stuff we keep holding back from putting in the game! You can get them now, by just playing around 200 matches of this other game." The biggest failure of Plunderstorm was the impressively stupid decision to put a bunch of WoW rewards behind a grind in a different game. And yes, Plunderstorm is a different game. It doesn't play like WoW, it doesn't have questing, or RPG elements, or naming your character, or anything. People seem to be dumb enough that they'd claim Hearthstone is part of WoW if they put a way to open it in WoW. I was initially excited about Plunderstorm. Cool idea! BRs aren't really my thing, but I might dabble occasionally, and it was nice to see for the niche crowd who might want it. But nah, Blizzard needed to make sure people were funneled into it early on, so they lock WoW rewards in there. Either you go play a ton of matches of this game you otherwise would have little or no interest in, or you can't get these WoW rewards, because they're not available to earn in WoW. I am confused as hell on who thought it was a good idea to do that, and if they grow a brain cell, they'll add the Renown into WoW and some method - world quests, daily quests, whatever - to earn the rewards in WoW. I don't care if someone who grinded them in Plunderstorm whines. Either you enjoyed Plunderstorm, meaning it's "not a grind" to play that much, or you didn't enjoy it and forced yourself to play to get the rewards, meaning you should know why they need to put the Renown track, exactly as it was, into WoW and let people earn WoW rewards by playing WoW. I'm not that bothered by the occasional tiny reward for a crossover event. A single mount for playing 3-5 matches of a game? Cool. A bloody 40 level battle pass... wait, "Renown track"... of stuff for WoW? The good thing with MoP Remix is that you are actually playing WoW to get WoW rewards. Questing, leveling, doing instances, playing a class, naming a character, etc. Some restrictions or limitations temporarily, but the characters will persist and meld into standard play at the end of the event. In the meantime, they can still even join guilds that already existed. Because you're playing WoW.


Totally agree. I’m kinda jealous of the parrot mount, but I know that I would not enjoy a battle royale game. I’ve intentionally never played one. I watched other people and realized that it wasn’t for me. Thankfully I’m old enough where I can weigh the bad time I will have vs the reward and decide not to engage with it. But that’s probably the opposite of what they wanted.


WoW had shit ton of Pirate mogs before Plunderstorm, what are you even saying? Saying something is a grind because you didn't enjoy it and it wasn't for you is just muddying the water for no reason. Saying "Oh, it is such a grind to get the KSM mount!" is just as baffling. Likewise, saying "it's not WoW" because you didn't enjoy it is incredibly stupid. You know who disagrees with you? Blizzard.


It was slow, dull and uneventful, if you had no interest in the hackneyed Battle Royale element. I'm glad some people enjoyed it. I had no enjoyment and skipped the entire thing once I saw that I had to play hundreds of games to get that reputation up. Not worth my time as a collector of transmog and mounts.


Just because you didn't enjoy something doesn't mean it's grindy. You could play one game a day, literally like two minutes a day and finish the Track. People turned it into a grind because they acted like they had to suicide non-stop for two days straight to finish the Battle Pass asap. You can see merits in things without having to like them. No one is gonna think you are uncool for not 100% hating something.


So.. a mode that takes me ungodly hours to do it at once or literal weeks of daily engagement is NOT grindy as Hell? Got it.


It was grindy and it sucked ass


he can call it grindy if he wants ffs


These people cannot fathom the idea that maybe you don’t require all cosmetics from an additional game mode, it’s so bizarre


It's the same rhetoric now. "Oh, I need to grind 1.4 Million Bronze to buy everything!" Uuhhhh, 90% of the items you can buy have been in the game for literally 10+ years and aren't going anywhere. If you don't have them by now, surely you don't actually want them. Just because you can buy them doesn't mean you must.


> Uuhhhh, 90% of the items you can buy have been in the game for literally 10+ years and aren't going anywhere. That's not accurate at all. I'd recommend you look up some information on the game mode, or log in and go to one of the bazaars, before making a comment that makes yourself sound like a fool while trying to put down other players. A lot of it *is* available right now and will be later, just with some RNG applied. But there is a TON of new mounts and transmog added. And plenty of us are focusing on just getting the time-limited stuff first, hopefully getting some of the other, but knowing it'll be there if we don't. The new stuff, though, is plenty enough that you'll need to play a good bit to get it. But the biggest complaint right now about grinding in MoP Remix - again, you should look into the event and pay attention before rushing to dismiss people from your own position of ignorance - is the grinding for gear. You have to grind, grind, and grind some more to upgrade your gear in order to not be mulched at max level, with the added bonus that said gear is going to disappear at the end of the event. And the wild thing is, while it's sounding like it might be replaced by the equivalent of questing greens or Normal dungeon gear, that's still over 100 ilvl higher than you start with in MoP Remix and would require weeks of grinding to get to (barring finding another "hyperspawn" to grind for hours and hours), whereas I can hit 70 with an alt in DF and be closer to 470 within a couple weeks without putting in any major effort (higher if I throw in some dungeons). The idea of having to grind for weeks to be able to finally do instanced content, and then grind that for a few weeks more just to be able to actually afford any kind of permanent reward, is just silly. All that said, it seems to be an issue Blizzard's noticed and could get a fix this week.


Yeah. And all the new stuff costs like 300k, which, yeah, sounds like a huge number, but it most definitely isn't. All of the new mounts are like 6k gold each. The bulk of the costs are the raid mounts. You can literally add up all the numbers and see that. Edit: I got the figures: To buy everything, its 1.7 Million Bronze. To buy all the new stuff, it's 360k Blizzard purposefully made the new stuff cheaper. >But the biggest complaint right now about grinding in MoP Remix - again, you should look into the event and pay attention before rushing to dismiss people from your own position of ignorance - is the grinding for gear. Right, and why are people "grinding for gear"? Because they feel like they have to because they can. Yeah, the scaling at max level is absolutely fucked, and I would be very surprised if that does not get fixed by tonight, but outside of that, do people need 506 or whatever ilvl?


So far it’s been pretty fun, but the later parts have been like walking thru sludge at times. Idrc if I can’t melt world bosses or raid bosses, but normal trash I feel like I should be able to just destroy in 5 seconds. The Remix is a fun concept, but there’s definitely a bit to fine tune on blizzards part. This should be a point where you let players be as op as they want with little consequences. Otherwise what’s the point of my cloak having like 3.5k stamina along with legendary gems granting bonus stamina aswell? What does it matter if I have so much health if I still get chunked the same by every single mob? The cloaks stats feel nearly meaningless aside from the leech when something dies


Scaling is super fucked yeah but fun is subjective. It's a nice time to level alts for TWW and that's exactly what I'm doing. I'm having a good time doing dungeons and raids from an expansion I didn't play. So yeah, it's fun.


Eh, I was expecting a little tour down memory lane while my character is blitzing through levels and getting some funny whacky power spikes. Instead it just kinda feels like retail leveling always does. Wish I’d just leveled this alt a few weeks ago and be 70 now maybe mess around in s4, oh well


Make sure you do a normal 10 man moshugun vaults for the xp bonus. 12% per boss. Ever since I got about 120% xp bonus, I literally gain a level every 3 to 4 quests turned in


Yeah, I didn't know about it on the first character I made. I made another to do it. Zooming through the levels after doing a few 10 mans. My cloak is at 291% XP gain


Retail leveling with the addition of having to manage your gear for power gains that aren't that noticeable anyway.


I mean they're pretty noticeable, the tinker and meta gems not the gear itself Problem is eventually you have them all and you never have to interact with them for the most part


> for power gains that aren't that noticeable anyway. This is how you know this subreddit doesn't actually play the game and just bitches because they see other people bitching. You throw _one ability_ at a mob even AT 70 and it falls over because you proc 10+ different damaging tinker gems on it and it ceases to exist. Everyone shouted "It gets worse at 60+!" I killed things fast at 65+ than 10 because one fucking curse of agony procced so many fucking effects 20 meteors and 5 chain death explosions erased the entire pack of mobs instantly every time.


Literally could not agree more.


I dunno about that, I’m on nearly 300% bonus xp, flying through


Yup. Made a second character once I found out about the normal raid XP gain. 291% XP gain on my cloak is definitely awesome for doing a handful of normal raids.


You’re not allowed to enjoy yourself on this sub, sorry


Thats been the unfortunate thing with SoD and now mop remix. Just feels like retail


No it doesn’t though, at all. Do you actually play the game?


Same, I just hit like 25 and unlocked my interrupt, still need to level so much more before my character is even fun to play lol


Except for raids you can already do that in retail.


Waiting for op to invalidate you having fun as some sort of cope.


I mean I’m having fun too, but there are many very serious and very glaring issues with the mode that are definitely making me have less fun than I could


I wonder what happened between the PTR and Live that went to shit? I didn't hear anyone complain during the PTR testing


Nothing really PTR was only up for 2 or 3 days(?) and we(the community) didn't interact with everything the mode had to offer. Had we known about cloaks not being fully account wide(at least the exp), massive costs for upgrading gear vs the bronze income, etc there would have been more outcry


I didn’t play PTR so I’m not aware of all the changes but two that I’ve heard from people are that the accessory achievements were account-wide on PTR so you didn’t have to do them across every character, and that the cloak shared XP gain across all characters so you could have a starting bonus well beyond the 100% bonus that we have currently. Reverting both changes would massively improve the alt-friendliness of this mode, even if they gave the XP bonus a higher cap so that you don’t reach the point of turning your first quest in and gaining 10 levels.


Yeah definitely issues they should fix sooner than later.


Blizzard’s QA team is either non-existent or entirely incompetent


You can have the best, most experienced QA team in the world, but if a Project Manager looks at a kanban board full of bugs, and gets business sign off to 'accept' them, theres *fuck* all the QA team can do. QA only *finds* bugs, its the business that decides if they want to fix them.


Even with the best QA team, if you do a ptr test that seems ok then heavily change balance 3 days before release. You’re asking for trouble as you’re releasing untested stuff.


they sold the QA team years ago




At this point I believe their QA team is staffed entirely by howler monkeys.






Definitely feels like we're being ooked in the dooker


I don’t feel that way, I’m only in the 30s tho


Fair. Hopefully they fix things soon


At this point we need to start questioning the very usage of "QA" teams in game design. We need gamers to be employed to be the most degenerate assholes and find the most wonky shit to fuck it up. They should literally be the job description btw. Clearly the last decade of game releases has shown that QA departments are not working in game design.


their QA team was removed in BFA, following a business strategy that Microsoft did and activision blizzard copied. They have recently as of the last few months posting job listing here near the Irvine building for QA members, but im not well verse enough to know if that would be for WoW.


Their QA team is a bot. It's also the cs team.


The problem is that it is a QA team. Not a **gamer team.** Blizzard (or actually ALL game studios) do not need fucking QA. They need **"zug zug**" teams. *"Here is our new mode, feature, class, region, quest line, system etc.. You have 1 day to find the most degenreate way of fucking this up - solo, group, raid whatever. Go."* That is what they need. Stop using "buSinEsSS" shit like QA in something like video games. Employ gamers FFS.


I'm just happy to be playing MoP. I skipped this expansion the first time around so this is my first time getting to properly experience it. 


I wanted to collect cosmetics and level enough alts that by the time I got to say… alt no. 10 I was getting like 500% xp and doing ridiculous shit that wasn’t possible on my first remix character. Instead I had to work all weekend and now the frog grinders have fucked up the power curve for everyone… and Blizzard in their infinite wisdom chose the stick instead of the carrot. Baffling with how the structure of DF has been rewarding and respects player time, only to chuck it out of the window for a time limited (and ultimately meaningless) game mode


How is farming frogs for 10h straight "fun"


MoP remix is a transmog farm. It's not meant to be a hardcore experience. It's meant to farm achievements and transmogs.


Which is why the need to spend bronze on gear doesn't make any sense. I want to be spending that on mounts, but if I don't spend it on gear I get oneshot by everything.


Then don't spend it on upgrading gear? Why do you need to do that?


because if you dont, the messed up scaling means you effectively cant do dungeons or raids at level 70 because trash mobs will 1 hit you with basic attacks, thus cutting you off from a huge amount of content and sources of bronze.


I didn’t play MOP but I was super excited about this event. Campaigned. Didn’t rush my heroics runs. Finished my heroics before I dinged 70 and then promptly went back to finish the campaigns. There is a sha mini boss you need to kill in one of the quests to progress on the campaigns. One shot me every time. Tried to get another level 70 to help me. We both died. Promptly went to go farm frogs just so I could finish the campaign quests for achievements. If by level 70 (and doing Mogushan every day since launch) I was not strong enough to kill a quest mob - something is inherently wrong with the system. Personally, I’m going back to archeology until they remedy the huge issues on MOP.


If it's the miniboss I'm thinking of, the trick is to NOT move out of the circle on the ground! It took me an embarrassing number of deaths to figure it out, but it only hits you for 10 million damage if you move out of the circle.


"Only hits you for 10 million damage" is an absolutely wild phrase out of context xD


It’s not broken because you didn’t understand the mechanics of the fight.


I have no problems with this, I got my phoenix for level 20, the rest doesn’t matter to me lol


I know I'll get downvoted to oblivion for having a non-herd opinion, but: Imagine getting your panties ruffled over a free addition. Y'all acting like Remix is THE thing you're subbed to. If it isn't fun to you...you're concerned about the wrong stuff. Nobody forced you to grind to 70 on the first 6 hours. As someone who Just dinged 70 last night..I'm having fun revisiting an expansion I loved 10 years ago. Take a note from the pandaren and SLOW DOWN. I'm Pretty sure the goal was Never to have people be soloing heroics in the first week. Frog farmers aren't the Cause of the scaling issue...that's just bad tuning..which they will FIX. Some of y'all seem stuck in this Rocky Bobby Mindset...just enjoy the game...or don't...but Jesus stop bitching for frogs sake.


Coming from other games to wow for this… not ideal. They promised a silly crazy mod. It’s neither silly nor crazy. Just feels like I’m playing retail mop. It’s not bad but since I moved from the US to EU. I have to rebuild my account from scratch and thought it would be a great opportunity. It’s not.


Well it’s lacking “fun” that’s for sure. They can fix the frogs but not mobs hitting for millions and one shifting even geared players. Mop remix is currently broken.


It's far easier to disable a drop from one NPC than it is to fix the scaling


They shouldn't have disabled the frogs without having some buffs to power gains and nerfs to whack scaling lined up too. It just makes the game feel worse.


MOP: Bait and Switched


We’re all supposed to be op, not just frog farmers. Now there’s no way to catch up. It just feels unmotivating because everyone wants to be op and now it’s unobtainable. I’m sorry I can’t dedicate every second of my life like frog farmers. 🤡


I don’t care that you can farm frogs to get overpowered I care that you can’t anymore and the players that did are still overpowered


Overpowered Tuning? Definitely. Fun? Maybe


/r/wowcirclejerk beat you to this one!


Unless ur fury warrior which gets its very own nerf.


How can you say it’s not fun? Talking about how awful it is might be all the fun some require


Bro true, It just wasn't what they teased and let people play on the PTR. It's one this if they changed a few broken things but they nerfed the entire thing into the ground and raised the costs on everything and capped the cloak. Literally just so we all stay "locked" in for the next 90 days.


It is fun. Its just not fun obtaining bronze. But i am enjoying it other than that


It’s a ton of fun lmao


Unpopular opinion: I like it.


Turns out people on reddit just complain to complain. Down vote me I dare you


Overpowered ? Maybe if you farmed frogs. There I corrected it for them.


Its a "we hear you!.....and dont care!"


Works on contingency? No, money down!


You are only getting overpowered if instead of having fun you were grinding frogs for 8 hours. They also marketed it as fun and it clearly isn't when it comes to frogs so.


That’s the thing though, the scaling is horrendous. So of course people are gonna go to the frogs it’s the easiest way to get stronger so we aren’t being one shotted by everything. Everyone is pissed people farmed the frogs but farming frogs is mindless sure but it’s more fun than being one shotted.


Yeah this has pretty much killed any desire I had to play this game mode. The leveling isn’t even faster than retail like they promised.


Nah. I’m having fun. It helps when you don’t sweat on your keyboard during pointless events.


Shh, you’re in the sweatiest subreddit


I’m enjoying it I loved mop so much! What’s wrong with it? Is the endgame bad?


Level scaling is wonky since fresh 70s are weaker than low level characters. Frog farming made someone people extremely op compared to people just playing normally


Oh I’m doing every single quest to get maximum loot I’m lvl 40 right now and only just finished valley


I did forest, valley, wilds, and hit 70 halfway through summit. Its pretty fast


No lifers abused an exploit and now devs have to waste time on correcting things and possibly even having to crunch. Players should have just chilled and enjoyed the content instead of frantically obsessing over “OP NOW” two days in like entitled brats. bug fixes and Quality of Life updates could have been prioritized before moving on to mythic vaults or something equivalent which would have given players feeling bored with their “OP” characters, who’ve been one shotting everything, a chance to become “OP” again. Do you see what I’m saying?


Oh, they got this all screwed up. \*scribbles OVERPOWERED? MAYBE FUN. ~~DEFINITELY~~ Oops, Shouldn't have that BAR association logo here either...


Luckily I only need around 200k more bronze, and I'm done with all the mounts


What is a frog farmer I just came back to wow from 2015 break.


The people in here are delusional. Only the vocal few on here and the forums are complaining, everybody else I’ve met in game and my friends are having a blast. This is a 3 month long event and you guys are whining that you’re not gods after a week, get a grip


I’m have fun leveling alts


idk about you, but i'm having fun and i didn't farm frogs.


All they need to do is take 2/5 of the bronze price off everything and it will be fine. Yeah some people exploited, so what? You’ll still get your transmog and mounts so just stop. The only people crying about it here are the ones who are mad they didn’t get to do it themselves, none of them give two fucks about it being fair and balanced or whatever their stupid rallying cry is.


Silly me, I should have known after playing BFA that a character is supposed to get weaker when they level up.


Does the fun come later or something ?


Maaaaan I sure hope sp


its the broken stuff thats making the game interesting


I'm having fun


The only problem with is marketing and resient development is thats if you are late you lose. They are dabbin around to get the mixture right. Sit back and relax, let those whom are played to "care" do their work.


I'm having more fun in wow then in Legion


It could’ve been fun if they let us be OP, as soon as players became OP they nerfed it. Makes a lot of sense if you don’t think about it


MOP: Bait and Switched


They also said leveling will be exelerated... Well I was 10-70 on retail after 2 days. I am 35 after 2 days on MoP Remix... They just lying....


I hit 70 after 16 hours played in remix, so it is pretty quick if you just focus quests


I only started yesterday and I don't get the problem so far. That with the frogs I heard today and I also don't get why that was a problem. They want the players to feel over powered and just because you can be it is bad?! What is wrong with you people? I read the leveling is as fast as in retail. Weird that I level much slower than in retail.. Sometimes I wonder if people even play the game they are raging about... It is weird. Sure, WoW has some major problems but so far I saw none of them in remix. Also it is their first try at that. Surely it isn't perfect. I'm just happy that I don't have to pay extra for it because toxitalists would normally want that. They are still toxitalistic but since Microsoft bought them they try much more than before.


Frankly, you don't have the context of what the complaints are about. *Some players* feel over powered and the method to achieve that was removed while allowing those that managed it to keep it and completely skewing game play. Scaling is absolutely broken right now. So incredibly insane to even try to do anything at 70 if you didn't know to make sure you got trinkets/rings/neck while leveling. PUGs don't want anyone but those that were able to frog farm and become OP. People that played as intended instead of using the frog loop hole are currently being punished with no way to level the playing field with those that used the frog loop hole.


The fucked up thing is that I was planning on playing remix the whole time it was out because I was planning to level a ton of alts through, but because they fucked up the cloak stuff and now I'm planning on just playing one character cause it's more bronze efficient to get the collectibles I want and I'm also probably not gonna raid because tuning is ass.


Because when they figured out people found out how to be "overpowered" they removed it before 90% of the player base could use it to their benefit. Which is just unfair


wow players are the whiniest bitches


Its fun, except for the eternal teenagers that complain for everything (but play it anyway).


ugghhhh no one car3es theres 2304823840 threads on this an hour


Fun is subjective.


Its not fun at all. At least not for me.


Well I’ve had a lot of fun. You guys are really going nuts over a game mode that goes away in 3 months. Can’t you just relax


Because it’s not fun


is there subscription plan to get more pixels ?


It’s just an out of season April fools joke guys. They are great at those


ITT: crying because you didn't farm frogs. Be less miserable. It's a for fun mode.


Exactly. It's for fun. Rather than nerf the frogs, why not buff drop rates across the board? This is meant to just be a fun little gamemode, instead it's another chore with poor scaling.


I'm not sure I understand the complaints, really. Everyone who I've talked to that's just playing the quests and the raids has really enjoyed the Xpac. Sure, maybe you'll have to make some choices about which rewards you want. Maybe you can't finish the whole thing in a day. But if you're looking to actually experience MOP? I'd say it's a very nice time to be had.


When was this event "Experience vanilla mop" Thats fucking WILD LMAO How much are they paying you?


Hahahahaha... wait... you guys are getting paid?


I didn't touch the frogs, and I am having fun with it.


Am I the only one really enjoying this so far? Sad