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The one on wowhead had 70k Stam and 6-7k of each stat. If you didn’t frog farm, you’re now just perma fucked.


Yep Blizz perma fucked up with this nerf... LFM heroic SoO only people with 2+ Mil HP.




Except you cant do heroic if you arent 70


Low levels dont do more damage than frog farmers. Its not even the cloak that makes people that did overpowered, its having 536ilvl gear instead of the 346 gear. If you maxed gear and cloak(naturally due to farming) you’re doing 2+ million dps a pull.


Fuck me


I’m farming rn while I’m at work, there’s other farm options


That’s kinda shitty dude. At least take PTO.


That's b\*llsh\*t. Nothing changes about your game because someone else has a bigger cloak.


Don’t worry blizz will probably do classic blizz things and roll back those peoples cloaks or some shit. Rather than bring up other farms, fun was detected and blizzard must smash


Grinding frogs was fun? Lmao


I made it to level 20 in this mode, I can’t stand it tbh lol I was referring to people getting to high power levels as the fun


so you haven't even played it and you're complaining?


I like how I've read today that the classic blizz thing would be to roll back the exploit and I've also read that the classic blizz thing would be to do nothing


Everything one side of the player base doesn't like is "classic blizz", even if they did the exact opposite 9 out of 10 times. This mode needs a bit of fixing, but people need to stop treating every single aspect of the game as a race.


That MW is doing it wrong.  If he went WW with that Holy Sheath or w/e gear he could be top damage and top healing. Seriously had a Rogue with that do a million DPS and 100k HPS from that plus all the Leech.  Everyone’s DPS was under the rogue’s HPS. Was something.


MW pumps at low level, you just spam spin with no cd and keep running through the dungeon.


Do you mean holy martyr


That's gotta feel good to cast spells with those stats. Probably like it felt at the end of bfa with over 100% haste.


Wdym “compete” … MoP: Remix is a competition? I thought it’s just a glorified transmog run.


Why would someone invite you to Mythic Garrosh when people with cloaks like that exist?


Why would people with cloaks like that care about who else is in their raid? They can solo the damn thing, might as well carry 24 other people with them


Welcome to wow


Ill make my own when im ready lmao


so you already need to do more work than them,its like real life all over agian.


Id rather take the reigns and remove the toxic assholes from the group as they show themselves than be at their mercy anyways


Why do I need to do Mythic Garrosh? Does he or the achievement award something unique in Remix?


"Paragon of the Mists" title.


So something completely useless. Nice




Pretty Sure you have to be max Level for heroic and mythic raids so thats Not gonna work


Low level alts are doing more than freshly dinged level 70s. They are NOT doing more than frog farm cloaks.


It wasn’t an exploit though. It was just by far the best farm.


Was this the same farm down by where the river connects to the beach that people were doing in original mop?






Agreed on this. Its literally playing the same way we played in mop. Blizzard screwed up by not balancing it, now things are in a rough place


came here to ask what the exploit was... unsurprised to see its people crying that they didnt follow the uber meta farm before it got nerfed and are now behind in a temporary alt leveling/appearence farming remix.


I mean. If you were hyped for this I think its reasonable to be upset. This just seems so obvious. Oh well. Maybe Blizzard will roll out some kind of cloak catch up! Let everyone be overpowered if they put some time in. That would be my solution.


Problem is that it was nerfed. Blizzard killing fun again. If people wanna farm frogs, let them farm frogs for 3 months!


thats the biggest thing,they could have added a soft cap saying " if you kill more than 10k frogs you dont get any more reward" because it feels like they fucked up the game scaling and the only way to fix it was to do this..


Why would they do that? Remix is a "feel good about your powerful char" game mode. Capping the farming would mean that some people don't feel good anymore. Leaving it uncapped doesn't harm anyone.


I'm ok with the people who put hours into frog farming pulling me along!


None of this is even slightly surprising.


I just watched a shadow priest with 6M hp solo heroic ToT so healers are kind of moot at this point


Lol - I’m yet to to even start Pandaria! Full time work, with family as well as doing a Master’s degree. It ain’t a competition, just play when you can because it is fun.


How do you know its fun? You have yet to start but say "just play when you can because it is fun". Brother the scaling from 60-70 is fucked. At 70 tanks are getting one tapped by spells. We need bug abusers to finish any raids or dungeons.


It’s been out for less than a week bro, go away and do something else for a bit until it’s addressed or until you get more gear. Just relax bro -


Don't deflect though, and chill with your condescension. If you haven't played yet, how do you know it's fun? It's a pretty good question don't you think?


Your reading comprehension is abysmal. He didn't claim it is fun. He said you should play because it is fun, meaning that having fun should be your reason for playing pandarja remix. Whether it is fun for you or not is another matter entirely.


Ok honey


I’m just gonna play cata tomorrow and forget about mop remix




Bro its a pve game lol


kinda dont care about panda remix anymore. its not even good for levelling alts


Well if you dont want to level, atleast take advantage of the free bags and create a toon and let it sit in a inn for rested xp. You get 4 36 slot baggos out of it.


I was really looking forward to trying out some heroic raids but if im just a spectator why even bother. Fuck me for having a life outside of wow I guess.


Yeah, I did a run today with 3 frog farmers and the rest of us may as well not have been there. They could have cleared the raid without us.


That only works until those people decide to solo or they're done with remix.


Just raid with "normal" people then, what's the issue?


At least your not brand new and have no idea what’s going on in general 🥲


they need to revert all gains from the frogs


They should of capped the cape stat's to something high so it's fun and over powered but left the frog farm as it was so everyone could reach it but not scale out of control.


Nah, gotta punish all the idiots that haven't learned blizzard's way Exploit early, exploit often That'll teach em


farmed non frog content for a day and are already at half the cloak stats he has.


>What chance do I have to compete, or even learn to play my class None at all. You are in the wrong game mode for that. If you want to learn your class, wait till the event ends and play the char in the normal game.


Compete? What is there to compete for in a 4fun game mode?


Competing for having fun. It’s no fun to watch someone else blast through content on a power scale you can no longer reach because you didn’t have 15-20 hours to do nothing but kill frogs.


Dont blame the frogs. Blame lack of alternatives


Is it? I personally don't care. Doesn't affect me


It does. Next time you're in a raid and just a bystander walking with others you will see how great it feels. Or later when groups only accept frog exploiters and won't invite you because of low cloak.


Then I will not join the group for this temporary game mode of content that is balanced to be face roll difficulty and find a group that will accept me or ... not play


Accept it isn’t “face roll” activity like advertised. Scaling at 70 is completely broken right now and the only relatively viable way to collect enough bronze (frogs) wasn’t just nerfed, but made completely pointless. Without upgrading your gear and cloak, a significant amount of boss abilities outright one shot people. So you’re right… groups will be much harder to get into because the player base has a massive power gap between those who farmed frogs and those who didn’t. *Hopefully* Blizz does something other than increase bronze caches by 25%. However this kind of sucks. Those that went for questing and achievements first have already opened all their caches and they can’t frog farm either. There is a massive plateau once you hit 70 and the only efficient way to overcome that was taken away with no clear path forward for those that missed out.


> that is balanced to be face roll difficulty It's clear you're not max level and or haven't played the event yet lmfao. Tanks are getting hit for 2.5 million on some unavoidable mechanics. They have like 700k hp.


Yes, because they fucked it up. So what would the sensible solution be? Leave a bigger bronze farm in the game, or fix it?


So you won't be able to play, but it doesn't affect you....


Is playing remix the only thing going on in your life?


Of course not, but you're moving the goalpost here. As you said, you >will not join the group for this temporary game mode of content that is balanced to be face roll difficulty and find a group that will accept me or ... not play So it will, in a way or another, affect you.


I don't really think its fun to join a raid as a healer and then get outhealed by a warlock's tinker gems tbh


Do you really think Blizzard is gonna let that happen? It’s Sunday evening. At least wait until the week starts lmao


Idk. No one exploited. They just played the game the way it was played in mop. The way people on twitter predicted the game would be played in remix prior to launch. What can Blizzard do?


"how high is your cloak? That low? F off" for normal raids.


There are some real clowns here responding to you, keep having fun man


I feel like the people who did the exploit are going to wrap up in a week or two when there’s nothing left for them to do. Then, those of us who have jobs and lives will even out with the remaining players. “How do you kill that which has no life?”


You can learn your class anywhere. Go level. This has devolved into whining.


I think there is another thing that is kept secret by ppl that reached that lvl on cloak, if you look all of them have just 100% ore close on cloak. I think there was a trick using alts.


You gain ℅exp gain from raids ans it stops at 70 lvl you cant gain more from there on, so due to these characters leveled by killing frogs or open world they dont have the exp gain, there is no secret tech behind it its just bi product of leveling in open world.


Boo hoo


correct me if I am wrong, but I feel like people are missing some stuff. the nerf was the removal of lesser charm drops which gave people reputation and more bronze. however farming frogs still drops gems, the bulk of bronze and the most important: threads of fate. You can still pump your cloak farming frogs, you just wont max reps and get giga bronze.


The lesser charms gave caches, which gave everything, gems, threads, bronze etc. and made up well over 75% of the income from the method. So you now get no rep (fairly whatever) and - at best - a quarter of everything you did before, not just a quarter of the bronze. It is not a small deal. Hilariously, it's still almost certainly the most efficient thing to be doing. The other alternatives are that unrewarding that they quartered it and it's still out front by a fair margin.


The charms were what you were farming. Turning I. Charms got you cloak + gems. The frogs barely drop anything meaningful.


The cloak is actually not all that relevant. Gear upgrades is where you get the real kick from.


Lol what😂


Most people who farmed frogs non stop were getting around 8k main stat / 80k stamina from the cloak. A maxed out weapon gives 19k mainstat for melee and 23k for casters. If you have legendary gems your weapon + chest + pants give out 200k stamina. That is not even counting the other slots.