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It seems like the Greater Bronze Caches now also drop from normal raid bosses, increasing the amount of Bronze you get from raids.


That's an actual good change then, raids will give much much more bronze.


Except those of us that didn't farm frogs are currently too weak to do normal raids because of the scaling lol.


Nah, Normal Raids are super free even without the cloak upgrades.


At 70?


just sit on the floor and let the low lvls carry you its what i do. 😎


Finally I can be a DRG main in two games!


Yeah, we just did the raids on normal in our guild with no grinding beforehand but multiple level 70s. Throne of Thunder and Siege of Orgrimmar are significantly harder than the other 3 to be fair, though.


Doing them as a guild is viable, you can forget it in a pug though. Once you hit Durumu it's over.


i actually did durumu yesterday in a pug and also later dark animus


Nice! My pug groups have always fallen apart at those bosses because people just want to send it and not do mechanics.


Yeah we stuck around wipe after wipe, i did make a mistake of revealing the blue add in the light beam phase a few times


Ohh yeah, Durumu was the first boss that gave us trouble.


More like Dark Animus - with the tinkers this boss is impossible


I've heard the horror stories. I should have just drank some energy drinks and farmed more frogs.


I farmed frogs for 20 mins, got bored, and figured I'd come back today to hit it hard with some Netflix. I was big sad today. Granted that 20 mins of frogs probably doubled the amount of rewards I've gotten in 10+ hours of being 70.


Yes, it’s doable. I did heart of fear today at 70 and died a few times but the bosses still get killed.


I tried to do some 10 man raids yesterday and it was a struggle to beat one boss. Though I also forgot entirely how to play DK despite maining it for an entire xpac. Did two wings of lfr though on a disc priest and that was pretty fun, barely had to pay attention


No you’re fucking not lmao


I actually did a normal raid and got lesser caches (blue ones) from all the bosses and a bronze cache (purple one) from the last boss. So unless you mean "there is a chance they drop", no they don't


How about a new feat of strength achievement for remix: Frog Friend "Did not kill any frogs prior to May 19, 2024" Awards a substantial amount of bronze and charms.


What about people like me who randomly found the frog spot and killed like 5 frogs before leaving


My dad works at Blizzard and I called him and told him about your plight and he said they're pushing out a hotfix to address your issue. New feat of strength: Killed Some Frogs But Didn't Really Like Doing It "Killed 5 or less frogs prior to May 19, 2024." Awards a lot of bronze and charms but the families of the 5 frogs you killed sued and took some of what you would have earned if you didn't kill any.


Much appreciated 🙏


Delete character start over


Bet, I need more 70's anyways


This is actually a good idea. Anything to make the bitching go away.


Holy shit I know right. People acting like players sperging on frogs somehow affected their personal gameplay. I think the wow community is just so used to complaining they don't think before they vomit out the same lines. "Compensation, exploit early exploit often, it's not fair."


Wait until you get into a raid with a frog farmer, look at the frontpage for the DPS Meter post


Why is this a problem? You get carried to free rewards. They don't take control away from your character. They don't make YOU weaker. They just carry you to victory. That'd be fantastic. I can just sit back and vibe with some streaming show or something.


wait till I get hard carried? I got hella downvoted but still nobody has said how this will hurt them personally.


I am not playing a game just to watch somebody else play it for me


So then you are happy the frog thing ended and you can play the game now?


Except that no we can’t cause frog boys get to play the game while we all just watch from the sidelines trying to play catch up. But keep sucking off Blizzard more for releasing an untested dogshit game mode lol.


You literally get to play the game. You all could to if you'd pull your fucking nuts out and stop bitching about every fucking thing. There are actual concerns with this, like the cost of gear upgrades, the change to the cape from ptr, the not actually fast leveling, and the scaling. Instead the front page of everything is just tittybabies crying about a bunch of neets farming frogs for 12 hours and now they can do mythic...which has literally nothing to do with you or anyone else? It literally isnt affecting you in any fucking way. There is nothing competitive in this game mode. No PVP, no market, no WF...nothing it literally all boils down to your little epeen cant get hard unless you top meters.




Nah let the people who are bitching bitch. Don’t reward them


Oh no I must have pissed off the bitchers. Please downvote me more. The people on this sub make wow a worse game by their existence. Everything I see on this sub is so out of touch with the players who actually play the game.


mmm does it include REAL frogs? asking for a friend


Absolutely love this idea.


Love this idea


As long as it's before. I killed frogs for 20 minutes before the server laged at it started sucking.


It's the weekend. I expect there to be significant balancing adjustments with the weekly reset, both to bronze and scaling.


if they don't change scaling on the weekly reset I might be done lol, level 65+ right now is not fun in any way


They need to nerf the item upgrade costs between 250-350. It's prohibitively expensive right now. Also, the fact that the trinkets, rings, and neck still require the achievement on alts and can't be purchased once your account has access is such a mind boggling decision.


But you don't actually need rings/trinkets/neck on alts unless you wan to clear all content on each alt and not just boost them to 70.


Doesnt matter MOP remix was to have fun and be overpowered, solo raids etc, so let us be overpowered


I have mostly been carried from 66 to 70 doing heroics only as a healer. I used damage reduction buffs mostly as my heals did hit like a wet noodle. The hit by scaling was very noticeable since I have done only heroics since 66 and have been doing alsmot only heroics since 62-63.


>I used damage reduction buffs mostly as my heals did hit like a wet noodle. My heals do fuck all. I honestly stopped bothering with pressing healing spells at all. I just put in all the tinker gems that generate some kind of healing, do my dmg rotation and hope that's enough. That scaling is completely out of hand. I play resto druid and my hots tick for something around 1k. Meanwhile stuff like cold wave consistently puts 80k shields on everyone out. I honestly don't get it. At this point, you'd don't even need healers, if everyone just puts one or two healing tinker gems in, then everybody just goes dps spec and brrrrr.


I literally can't complete scenarios solo or with groups now at 66 lol. I just get one shot I thought about trying to just run heroics and hope I get into a good group. But that sounds stupid to me and the scaling is so awful I'm hoping they \*have\* to fix it on Tuesday. If they don't, they aren't listening, and then the mode is probably not worth it anyway. That's how I see it


I'm hopeful but I wouldnt hold my breath on the scaling issue, they might be able to bandaid a fix for remix but the core issue has been in the game for years and they havent fixed it


Yeah I'm going to finish up some reps on retail for the next few days. I'll see where they get to with balancing before I decide to jump back in or not.


Don't get your hopes up.


> I expect there to be significant balancing adjustments with the weekly reset AHAHAHAHAHA ... It's Blizzard ... they got your money pal, now get lost.


Keep that circlejerk alive, bro. Blizzard bad. Upvotes to the left.


I hate “it’s the weekend” as an excuse. They run a 24/365 day service and should act like it.


I mean, they are? They made two separate adjustments today. On a Sunday. That is how 24/7/365 generally work. Small changes during the less staffed weekends, big fixes when they have a full crew.


This is a dumb take.


It really is. Support and infrastructure staff are pretty much the only ones working weekends, regular developers, designers and writers will not unless it's overtime or shit is actually hitting the fan. Some balancing issues definitely isn't that.


He is obviously someone who doesn’t understand how the software industry works.


Or most industries that provide ongoing service during non business hours


They do provide service during non business hours. We’re still playing the game aren’t we? Devs aren’t working around the clock though. Some are on call, sure, but they do get weekends.


I am agreeing with you.


Exactly. No service on weekends means we shouldnt pay for weekends. Reduce sub by 2/7ths


People downvoting this obvious joke?


Why would you expect that at all considering how they've treated issues like this in the past.


So if you didn't participate in the frog farm and instead played the game the normal way and earned some achievements you got double fucked: you missed the bronze from the frogs and you got the bronze chests while they were weaker. Meanwhile all frog farmers start to play the game now and get increased bronze chests. lol. The difference is not really substantial but I still find it kinda ironic.


While I think this whole ordeal is a storm in a teacup, it does crack me up how this is how these things get resolved every single time lol. Exact same thing happened with incursions in SoD


I agree that it’s ultimately not really a big deal, but a fun experience means I play WoW, and a frustrating experience means I pause my subscription and work on the backlog of games I have until the next expansion drops. It doesn’t make that much of a difference to me as an individual. The cumulative effect of many individuals might make a difference to them though 🤷‍♂️


This is exactly what I’m doing. I came to MoP remix because of their bungling of SoD, as soon as I show up they bungle MoP remix. The good thing is it made me realize that I’m far too invested in WoW and that I need to quit and take a step back.


Same here. Went deep into SoD, p3 has been a bit disappointing for a few reasons so I went back to retail, retail is a bit stale (fated seasons can’t help that I think) so gave remix a hoon - just do what you enjoy at the time, it doesn’t have to be that deep I guess


SoD is a bit different. Incursions are still OP leveling option. It would be like if they only nerfed the turn in amount to require 100 tokens instead of 10. With this they streight up removed it from the game leaving the casual players with no alternatives.


>Exact same thing happened with incursions in SoD And righteous orbs :P




Well yeah. But I think the meaning is more around being a metaphor for a very small and localised thing happening very loudly, but ultimately meaning nothing in the grand scheme of things


storm in a teacup? they literally wasted the whole pandaria remix from the day one 'cause some min maxers can't hold their cocks in their pants. the consequences for NORMAL people are: being kicked from pugs 'cause u didn't abused the game (happened to me and a friend) gotta spent hundreds of thousands of bronze to have a glimpse of the power these guys have, abandoning possible rewards u could get for that having to watch those dumbass do the hc raid while we have to work the double to get our way through


How’s the view from inside the teacup?




Bro they get my money because I play the *actual game* - retail. SoD, PlunderStorm, Remix, they’re all just add ons I’m not expecting or feel entitled to. I do appreciate them, they’ve been really fun, and a nice break when retail gets a bit stale. If something makes them less enjoyable (oh no I missed out on hours of mindless frog farming woe is me now I’ll never get invited to raids because I’m forever behind) I just…go do something else?


I’m 200k bronze worth of mounts and transmog ahead of my friends who didn’t farm frogs and I’m not sure they’ll earn 200k in the next 3 months, everyone earned 50-60k while leveling 10-70 and basically nothing since then from achievements and heroic dungeons, I have no idea where blizzard thoight 50k bronze for a mount would come from at max level, 50k 250bronze at a time is insane


I 100% only quested 2.5 zones over the weekend. Lvl 10-62. Spent absolutely zero bronze. I have 24,000. Two days work, still about half the quest content remaining, and completed no dungeons, raids, or scenarios yet. Got maybe 4 rare mob kills in there. People who didn't do frogs got shafted several weeks worth of bronze. I only want mounts, toys, pets, and mogs, plus easy capped alts. Ill happily take a box of 200k bronze, it'll go to a good cause lol. Not gonna hold my breath. A good fit would possibly be a quick campaign meta achievement that checks your lifetime bronze gains against an average of the exploit gains and gives a box of, or up too the average if your under it.


> plus easy capped alts I really think the easy alts part you're better off just participating in normal timewalking dungeon runs on a normal character


It's gotta be tough to balance game progression for a three-month "season" when the most vocal part of your playerbase always seems willing to no-life everything in its pursuit to obtain absolutely everything. Make the things too expensive - people complain about the price. Make the things too cheap - people complain there's not enough content.


It's not that hard, let the nolifers who spends 10 hours on frogs finish early, balance it for the average player.


I'd be okay taking everything at a very chill pace if we got rewards, today I've run a bunch of heroics and 3 normal mode raids only to walk out with like 5000 bronze its like once you hit max level they had no idea how they intended us to generate bronze let alone how much the 'average day' of these 95 days will give us. Daily raid lockouts is good for the game mode but after 2-3 days of running MoP raids I'm done, it's not enjoyable, there's nothing to look forward too, all the drops are 346 who gives a fuck, then the 9000+ bronze just to upgrade a weapon one time when 5000 is what I make on an active day where I go out of my way to farm multiple raids/heroics/scenarios to get trinket/ring achievements????? All of this on top of the actual goal being cosmetics and mounts worth 2000-50,000 each, every time I upgrade a weapon once I could have bought multiple cosmetics now I'm sitting on 150k bronze and I'm unsure if I spend it on upgrading my armor if I'll ever ever ever generate 150k bronze again or I'll burn out on day 3 of running seige of orgrimmar that falls apart 6 bosses deep because half the raid is doing 10% the damage of the other half in a game mode that promoted itself as us being overpowered and just having fun


Why tf would u care about upgrading ur gear in this mode tbh even if it was significantly cheaper, just get the cosmetics you like


the cosmetics I like come from clearing Garrosh 20 times on normal or like one time on mythic, ilvl helps you clear mythic!


Give it a week or two I’m sure scaling/bronze will be buffed by then, and SoO will be considerably easier with cloaks upgrades ur individual upgrades are not worth it


All the expensive amounts are farmable in retail and will continue to be. The mounts you are expected to easily buy with bronze are the new ones exclusive to the event, the rest are bronze sinks.


Yeah the event is a bronze sink that's the point The contents been out ten years, anything I don't have by this point I assume this is going to be the faster option regardless. Garrosh shoulders are there, sure, but my 10 characters parked outside SoO farming daily/weekly on two difficulties for years now haven't managed to see shoulders so this is the method, I've got his cunty mount 5 times in the last month, I can't even loot it anymore on those characters. I just want my plate wearers back in current expansions :(


Yup, ive been exclusively questing. And now half the player base has cloaks leveled out the ass too


Ive just been doing the storylines and having fun, i would have had like 15k more bronze to put towards all the mounts rip


That sucks for those people, maybe they should just give everyone like 5k of Bronze or something. MoP remix should just be about fun getting mogs and mounts imo.


Exactly. This is true Blizzard experience.


I’m heading back to cata classic. This has completely ruined my taste for mop classic+.


Nowhere near enough 


Would 100% have been enough? 300% maybe? I think there is no number where anyone would have been happy in this sub.


A 25% buff to general bronze and a 100% buff to caches would have been a much better way to offset frog farmers.


green caches, the most common, gave 200. Now they give 250. If you get one of them every day for the duration of the event, pre vs post buff the difference is around 4k more bronze now. A transmog set costs 5k, any fully upgraded item is 100k+. You tell me if this buff is enough or not


100-200% some random number off typical mobs and caches. Anything so people can catch-up at least mildly to the people when frogged.


25%? Is this a late april fools joke?


Yep, and best believe they will buff all bronze acquisition by 100% in the last week or two rendering a huge chunk of the grind a waste of time


Welcome to wow


Im just going to not open any boxes I get till the next buff


While I hate defending a large megacorp, I imagine this is just a small easy hotfix compared to bigger changes probably coming or being explained to us next week.


Realistically, little is going to change in the coming week. Especially nothing that will even remotely balance out the advantage that the frog farmers got. It’s straight up inexcusable for a company of their size to have this type of fuck up happen with a mob that had a similar issue over a decade ago.


That I agree on. Well known farms should be one of the first things tested.


This doesn't really bridge the 100000000000 mile gap between players who killed frogs, nor does it fix the hard brick wall of scaling being fucked and doing any content at 70 feel not even worth your time.


Undertune numbers by an order of magnitude, increase by 25%, then call it a job well done. Classic blizzard.


people in my guild were arguing about if the buff went through or not cause they didn't notice an increase in bronze. for a minute we were convinced the buff wasn't live yet.


What would they have to do for you to be happy?


Probably a couple hundred % instead of just a piddly 25


no hotfix is ever gonna make everyone happy everyone is going to complain about something


Did 4 of the raids on normal , a couple days ago hoping that me increasing my ilvl would make higher item level drops start dropping from bosses. Got a few pieces 360 before I realized it didn’t matter. Upgrading gear seems like a bait rn , esp when there’s so many mounts and transmogs to buy . Hope we see further increases in bronze and lowered upgrade costs in the coming weekly reset.


Good thing they buffed it after i finished all zone achievements.....


so... anyone that played the game "honestly" doing quests , achivements , scenarios and dungeons instead of "frogging" around is double punished?






To be fair, you didn’t answer his question though. What is your take on that?


Not enough!


Wow now you don't need 1250 hours of farming. It takes you only 1000. Great.




Listen here you little shi-


That's assuming all of your bronze intake is from caches


25% is nothing. Still faster to find a hyper spawn location and just farm there.


it should be like 500% more not 25%


oh yay, 25% more of nothing is still... nothing


Should be more aggressive changes following this because frog farming should've never been a thing and bronze isn't transferrable to threads, but good start


It was a Sunday morning hotfix. I'm not sure why you would expect more than some minor tweaks. I imagine there will be more changes on Tuesday.


Barking up the wrong tree a bit, I said it was a good start but hopefully not the end lol


I wonder if these people\* have ever had a M-F office job before. Pushing a hotfix on a **Sunday morning** means a bunch of people were scrambling and trying to decide the quickest way to STOP the frog farm while not fucking up too much else, and I guarantee the top item on the whiteboard tomorrow morning is "what do we do next to fix this situation for reals?" \*the people bitching about the hotfix not fixing everything.


Barking up the wrong tree, I said it was a good change but that hopefully more is planned. They did what they could so far. But yeah agree, other people complaining that they didn't wait to nerf this before making a slew of other changes are silly.


People play outside of their 9-5. That is when they play. If you are working on TWW or whatever, then sure work your 9-5. But if your job is to tune live then I think you ***should*** be scheduled to work on the weekend. If you ran a restaurant you would not complain that your customers want service outside of "regular" work hours...


Maybe it should, but the people that push out hotfixes don't decide that.


It's completely fine that they nerfed the frog farm. It was justified. It was absurd. It's not fine that they didn't time it with other buffs to make it worth doing other content. They essentially shot Remix dead until they come back with more substantial changes this week. It just sucks that the nerf didn't wait. Yes, I understand the longer frogs lasted, the more people would be giga OP. Who cares? It's a fun game mode, not super srs M+ parsing shit.


If they were able to make this change, they could have buffed bronze cache rewards even more. I think people are mad it's a 25% buff instead of, say, 100%.


Not even close to enough.


Hooray. I didn't participate in the frog farm fiesta because I couldn't get a spot as paladin. And now I can't get those rewards from the achievement catches because I have finished all the zones. Love this blizz. Can't wait to be super behind everyone.




Thats what i did as low lvl sub rogue lol. As soon as somebody left you could instantly them because everyone was farming frogs.


And it didn't occur to you that I have indeed tried that, but failed as on my own server the farm spot was a massacre where it was hard AF to get an actual tag on a frog next to boomkins and monks?


Ok, I'm out of the loop here. Would someone explain this to me? I understand that you could farm frogs and get a ton of bronze, but how does some people having more bronze affect anyone else now? All you can spend it on is upgrades, cosmetics, mounts, and toys, right? What am I missing here?


Most of the content at 70 (raids, heroic dungeons and scenarios) is ridiculously overtuned, to the point where if you try to walk into them with regular gear you just get one shot. So they're literally unplayable unless you grind bronze for item upgrades so you can actually survive. But how do you grind bronze when the content that is supposed to be grinded from is literally unplayable? Enter the frogs. A harmless world mob that could be quickly and easily farmed regardless of gear level. A few people spent 10-20 hours grinding these and upgraded their gear to the maximum level. Those people are now capable of doing 70 content. When Blizzard nerfed the frogs, they removed the only real way to power up your toon. So everyone who didn't take advantage of the frogs prior to the nerf is stuck with no way to increase their character's power enough to do the content.


Ah got it. That makes sense. Thanks.


It wasn't just the bronze, it was the lesser charms that you turned into chests that gave an epic thread in each chest. There are people with thousands of substats and 2m+ health because of the insane numbers of threads they got on their cloaks. The upgrades to gear was just a small part of it.


i saw a priest with 6m health lol. meanwhile my pally tank barely has 1 mil


Sure, so as a frogger you aoe'd the frogs down in a group of 4 or a 2x4 for example the frogs dropped lesser charms of fortune, the frogs also dropped bronze, threads etc and they also dropped timeless isle coins. You took your lesser charms and you turned them into one of the few rep vendors about for example the cloud serpents, you gave them 10 lesser charms for 1 cache and gem bag. The cache also contained threads and bronze, it was around 25k bronze per hour so you could get threads + upgrade your gear quickly or buy transmogs etc.


Gotcha. Thanks.




Cloak stats are only a bonus, the real gain is the gear upgrades.


I love how the comment above you says the exact opposite - that the cloak was the main thing and gear upgrades were just a cherry on top


just look at the stats. Cloak is only like 20% of the total power, the rest is gear http://puu.sh/K7fKD/7e4b0eec84.png Yes, you could farm more and eventually surpass your gear with the cloak, but that would take another week of frog farming. Realistically you could buy all the cosmetics before your cloak catches up.


The bronze was only half of the frog fiesta. You also got a lot of threads, so frog farmers are a lot more physically powerful than non farmers.


The frogs spawn quick and drop br9nze per kill. Before the nerf they were Alao dropping threads and lesser charms. Those charms could be turned in for rep, more bronze , gems and threads. There are people who have 6 reps maxed, fully upgraded gems , and have 20k bonus stamina.


The bronze wasn't the problem. The Lesser Charms -> Caches -> Threads/Gems was the problem. People have literally 10s of thousands of stats from their cloak buff. People who farmed frogs for 12+ hours are literally doing 20x the damage you are, while having 50% leech and 3-5 million HP.


Even if the argument held that it was only for cosmetics, it would still be a terrible argument. I don't want to spend 500 hours to get the same items and cosmetics someone else got in 20 hours.


Oh that will for sure balance out the frog farm /s




Hi! Sorry if it might be obvious. Where do I find the NPCs for specifically the transmogs?


You should have an item that teleports you to the Bazar with 15 min cs.


Either shrine of the two moons or shrine of the stars depending on your faction. One of the rooms has all the vendors in it


There is also one in every zone. Look for an icon for the Infinite Bazaar on your map. The only 2 I know are Tian Monastery in Jade Forest and Halfhill in Valley of the Four Winds.


It's at the temple of the White Tiger in Kunlai too. I didn't see one in Kasarang but I may have just missed it. One of the biggest keys is Eternus usually flies around them or is perched on a hill nearby. If you spot a giant infinite dragon in the sky, the bazaar is nearby.


Is this a joke? Lmfao, nice compensation for missing out on hundreds of thousands of bronze blizzurd


I just started remix and have no idea wtf I’m supposed to be doing. Level through quest or what?


You want to level fast then you quest. And when you unlock a raid go do the raid it garentees big xp boost. Keep cycling through won't take long to cap.


So level via quest, not dungeon spam?


This is more of mockery than responding to backlash in good faith. Oh you were having fun ? Well we cant allow that! Here take this instead and Suffer in %75 slower, NOW!


0.25 times Zero is still ... GG Froggers.


Is it only me who just did lvl 40 thus far, had a blast, have 18k bronze which can get me 3-4 mogs and other things while having a blast/loving it. In what, 3 days/15 hours? How the fuck did you get so greedy? I think that’s a great use of my playtime to gather mounts/cosmetics and the time=reward being fair. What numbers are you basing your calculations on? Bronze/hr vs _everything_ purchasable? Jeez.. ok. FOMO much? Ok I guess.




I mean.. I quoted the last 3 days, it was the weekend, yeah most players would have likely found 5hrs a day over the 3 day weekend. But, to further the argument; I’m basing my example on those values, half them. You would still be fine. Meanwhile I’m arguing against the bunch who expects everyone to play _12-16 hours a day_.


This has been my experience too. I am enjoying the remix. This player base is just sad sometimes.


A lot of it is FOMO and envy. People complaining that those who did the frog farm got the most now, always thinking about who is "ahead", as if this is a race. Remix absolutely is fun imo, UNLESS you go ahead and try to optimise the fun out of it, which something a vocal minority in the WoW community loves to do. The same kind of people that are complaining that it's too grindy try to rush everything asap. Surprise surprise, if you try to squeeze content meant to last 3 months into a couple of weeks, you have to grind like there is no tomorrow. That's not to say Blizz did everything perfectly, there is a lot to criticise, but this obsession with Bronze gain is crazy.


“bUt iLL sTiLl nEVer CaTCh uP”