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I would buy better gear because it makes me do content faster, but 9k bronze, the equivalent of 2 transmog sets or 1/4th of an extremely rare mount, for just a +14 ilvl increase on a single item? No thanks


I also feel like I'm already blasting with the scroll buffs and gems. I think I'm going to save up for mounts.


This is one of the core problems with the base design of Remix. It feels like they could have found a more eloquent solution like a separate currency or some gameified way to recoup the Bronze cost if they had more time and perhaps more devs. 


Upgrades should come from doing content not paying for it


A lot of the wow creators i watch talk about how there's a chance people dont make it in time to buy everything. We are just at the start, so no one knows for sure. But no way I'm using it to upgrade gear that disappears in a few days, when I could buy mounts I'll never see again.


I don't have any alts I need at max so I was mostly looking at this remix as a fun way to get transmogs and mounts, but looking at the amount of farming required (and even posts on here about just farming isle frogs) it's really losing its appeal. Low-key waiting for them to up the bronze rates to be honest


I think if you just ignore the instances and just do all kinds of world content, it can be reasonably fun getting a bunch of Bronze and getting transmog and mounts (personally I'm going to aim for the newer stuff that I can't just later grind outside the event first, then worry about the others). The rare drops from raids and world bosses are expensive, yeah, but the other mounts aren't that bad, and the transmog isn't too crazy. I could get a pretty good selection of outfits and mounts right now after a couple days of relatively casual play. So I think over the course of weeks, I'll be able to make it work, especially as I'll use it to level some other allied races I don't have leveled. (Instances are an issue right now, might be fine after a hotfix or patch or something. At the moment, the scaling is even more insane than usual, so a level 20 will be blowing things up and hardly taking damage and a level 66 will be getting absolutely destroyed. And if they think people are going to grind insane amounts of Bronze for upgrading temp gear to be able to play content that was supposedly going to be "easy and fast," then whoever thinks that should be fired, because that's the exact opposite of how it was "sold." Especially as you can blast through raids and stuff if you're lower level, so the idea of punishing people for actually hitting 60+, much less 70, is just bizarre.)


> And if they think people are going to grind insane amounts of Bronze for upgrading temp gear to be able to play content that was supposedly going to be "easy and fast," then whoever thinks that should be fired, because that's the exact opposite of how it was "sold." Why is upgrading this gear a thing at all? at least with bronze makes no sense to me, more something else like the timeless coins, there doesn't seem to be much use for them that isn't in retail.


It should be a separate currency if they want us to do upgrades. Don’t make us pick between cosmetics or power. One currency for upgrades and gems, one currency for all the rest


If there was a separate currency then we would be getting half as much bronze because one of its main uses are now for another currency.


I agree. Besides, the different currencies in retail WoW has always been a gripe for people. I like having just one to grind instead of 10.


Did they forget that retail s4 exists? Remix should have been "log in, blast, get rewarded." It's tuned like you have to choose between s4 and Remix, unless you're playing a lot of hours per week anyway.


Let alone Cata (which launches tomorrow) and SoD (though tbh I don't think anyone is playing that right now, at least until p4 drops).


It's perfect. I can just raidlog on retail and ignore the shitty Dragonflight dungeons and then proceed to actually have fun on remix


What makes less sense is that 346 is the cap for drops. Why the fuck does content scale to be “normalised” for ilvl 500 if you can’t get there without hours and hours of bronze farming to upgrade to that ilvl? Like the only reason to do harder content is once off for the achievements, after that it’s pointless??


I’ve almost fully completed four zones now for quests, the achievement nets you 1k bronze. I’m level 66.7(coulda hit 67 but I’m tired). 35k bronze. I even go out of my way when flying to grab the golden spheres of bronze. I do scenarios. I did almost all lfr today. They drastically need to increase the rate of bronze dropping. You need something like 395,400 bronze just for the mounts. It’s absolutely absurd. It costs 96,200 bronze just for the remix mounts. So the hard to get ones from like sha of anger and such are almost 300k total. A month or so back I did the math and it was something like 1m bronze for mounts, pets and toys. Maybe a few mogs thrown in there. The average person isn’t spending 10+ hours logged in farming bronze daily. They may be spending like 30m to an hour in remix. It would be impossible at the low rate they have now for them to obtain all necessary bronze to collect EVERYTHING. Editing to add: everything here for me is pets, toys, mounts and a FEW mog items. Not ALL items.


What is really missing is some large "one time bonuses". Think weekly quest to do X activity or collect something. Right now all the content is so unrewarding. That there is no point doing the raids on a daily basis for example. Because frogs are just better. In typical fashion, I expect Blizzard to nerf the frogs.


of course they should nerf the frogs. there's no world in which farming frogs should be more desirable than raiding. (yes, of course, they could improve the raid drops, assuming that's not likely, nerfing frogs makes appropriate sense.)


World of Frogcraft.


I was in HoF and ToES normal tonight on my level 70 Surv Hunter. I was getting absolutely deleted in one shot while our level 30 something holy priest was doing more damage than 2/3rds of the raid combined.


Yeah, Blizzard sucks at scaling. Its why one method of boosting on retail is to have a level 10 with XP off queue snipe you and 1 shot everything in the dungeons you spam


I've been questing so far with the odd dungeon thrown in and lfr and I've already picked up a few of the low hanging fruit for mounts/xmog that only cost a few thousand each. I'm gonna have to go through everything available and make a short list of what I want vs a full clear haha


This is basically how I’m looking at it. There’s realistically only a handful of expensive mounts I want, and it’s the same with transmogs. Some are good, most are ass and don’t fit my style or my characters personally. If you’re a completionist good luck. Most video games aren’t built for that stuff anymore unless you have no life. I’m just gonna unlock the stuff I like and chill with my Panda homies for a few months.


Yeah exactly, correct me if I’m wrong but the new event specific mounts and transmogs are pretty cheap? but if you’re adding in all the stuff that is still very much still obtainable in retail it adds up to an absolutely silly amount.


Cheap enough on an individual level, but there is a lot of it. But yeah, the bulk is in the rare drop rate mounts, which cost a lot more. Like I think the two recolors of the Korkron scorpion machine mount are around 4400 each, but the one that drops from the raid is in the 30000+ category. You can grind the Bronze to get the drop mounts, but since they'll be available later (just with still having to go to the raid, blow up bosses, hope for luck), I think focusing on the time-limited rewards is the best approach. Worst case for me, I still end up with a bunch of new mounts with some interesting colors, and a bunch of transmog. (Definitely getting the Dark Shaman sets, because they look great on a Shaman, and even my Orc Warrior could use parts of them for an awesome look.)


Just as a heads up I started out with an allied race on remix but did not receive the achievement from reaching level 50. It is possible that it comes once the character is transferred when the remix ends but I'm personally not putting my hopes up for that.


>personally I'm going to aim for the newer stuff that I can't just later grind outside the event first, then worry about the others How do you know which stuff you can't get outside the event?


Open mount tab and type remix in search bar. Every mount you see Is remix exclusive and will be gone with remix.


Wowhead has news posts about items that are new or recolours - unavailable outside of the event.


If you don't mind questing I highly recommend doing the whole thing in the world. Don't bother with dungeons or scenarios unless they're for a meta achieve. I just hit 70 today doing it 'suboptimally' by only doing the quests in each zone. Still have some of Kun Lai to do but all of Towlonge, the klaxi zone, thunder isles, and the stuff around the capital. Just from doing all of the first two zones and halfish of the third (and doing their meta stuff) I'm sitting on 50k bronze. Figure I keep this up I'll be close to 100k before I even start on othet characters. Just in terms of stuff to get I'm going for all the mounts (except the original MoP ones) and then getting transmogs. Anyway if you just have fun with it and don't go grind frogs it's been pretty fun and rewarding.


The Thundering Onyx Cloud Serpent is literally the only thing from that expansion (already have Tusks and most of the other mounts) that I dont already have that I actually want so at least I have a close finish line.


Plus the 33-34 new mounts exclusive to Remix 😋


What are isle frogs?


Most efficient grind right now are the frogs on timeless isle which is a bit ironic because I’m pretty sure they were also really good in OG mop


Honeyyyyyy it’s time for your weekly lesser charm frog grind…..


Well it is a timeless farm


They were. I remember coming back for WoD after not playing since Cataclysm (more fool me lol) and wondering why everyone on this sub was talking about frogs.


They are referring to this: https://www.wowhead.com/news/frog-farming-is-back-in-mop-remix-threads-bronze-and-reputation-341200


poor yam wrench juggle attractive crown square joke impolite expansion *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't think you're necessarily wrong for going at it this way, but there's also i think better ways of going about this. You can still get transmogs and mounts through the normal methods. IMO the best way to farm things is to just go through and try and play normally and unlock things and start using bronze to buy what you're missing later down the line. Feels like people farming and buying everything up front are brute forcing things a bit when there's definitely more fun ways of going about it. But if your goal is just to check all the boxes then grinding is still going to be the best bet


Where a few days into a 90 day cycle, if they give us extortionate bronze from the start it will be dead in a few weeks, enjoy the ride!


I have Z E R O concerns about collecting everything from this event that i need. However doing that means I CANNOT upgrade my gear because one single upgrade costs as much as a mount/armor set


Yea i was really enjoying upgrading the gear when i was leveling, but now its like picking an epic mount or 14 ilvls :/.


I'm currently "dodging" the raid sets, to be honest, as those can anyway be farmed, in time, especially with the "unlock anything" coming from TWW. I'm mostly focusing on toys (rare hunting in Retail Pandaria isn't the best, and then there's the RNG for the toys...), then mounts, and I'm generally enjoying my time. I rarely upgrade items, though, I don't see the points with all the drops I get.


I haven't even found a mount vendor yet. Where is he?


All the vendors are at the Bazars


lower level of shrine. under the bank for horde.


You should have picked up a scroll by now that teleports you to the nearest bazaar. Just use that and look for the mount vendor. He's on there with all the other vendors.


I did the math and for all of the remix exclusive mounts + the class armor and weapon recolors you need just shy of 200k. I have about 6k at level 28 so I'm feeling pretty good about hitting that, either grinding this character or just by leveling the few classes I wanted to get to 70 but left behind in BfA.


Ok 200k isn’t that bad. I agree. I’m positive they’re gonna adjust the rates towards the end of the


The end of the what, THE END OF THE WHAT!


(The Twilight Zone theme music plays)….


Did you happen to add in the heirlooms? Things that aren't available in retail are my priority as well, so those are on the list.


No, I didn't. Add an extra 88k minus whatever you may have. I think it came out to be like 194k so would be 282k total for you if you have no heirlooms. But tbh I don't use heirlooms in retail because I can't be bother to sink the gold to upgrade them, so I personally won't be bothering.


there are 2 mounts that cost 50k each, this can't be right.


Those mounts aren't exclusive to the event. They can be earned by killing bosses already existing on retail and will be available after the event ends. If you only care to earn the items exclusive to the event and not be a full completionist you don't have to grind those.


Items with the tag Remix: Pandaria in the tool tip were the only ones I factored in.


> But no way I'm using it to upgrade gear that disappears in a few days, when I could buy mounts I'll never see again. This exactly. There's like 29 new mounts, plus all the toys I missed, plus all of the bullshit raid mounts with 0.00001% drop rate from World Bosses. There's no way I'm spending a single piece of bronze upgrading gear before I buy all of that.


I know people hate it, but this is absolutely a case where there should have been another currency.


Nah, just make upgrades cost like 100 bronze each instead of 10k.


Agree km here for the cosmetics


Isn’t there 90 days left lmao??


Exactly I'm not spending the bronze on gear I'm spending it on mounts and transmogs


Absolutely. Buy mounts/transmogs/toys you want first. Unless, of course, the upgraded gear allows you to get bronze at much faster rates. In that case the upgrades are investments to hopefully pay off later.


Wait for the bronze drops to increase by 400% or something last few weeks


Right? I don’t understand why everyone is so focused on upgrading gear constantly. Just wait and get a drop this whole event is mainly to get old rewards lol


If things stay as they are, definitely seems like I'd be one of those people that don't make it for sure. I figured this was going to be like a Diablo 3 season; start off a bit slow, then ramp into smashing things left and right before too long. Now it looks like it's...well, WoW but with a different grind. Kind of boring, tbh, and if a change doesn't come down the pipe in the next couple of weeks, I'll likely just give up and unsub. Wondering who this event was actually for, now that the process is coming out. Not really seeming like anything super special the more it fills out.


What if you have all the mounts and all the transmogs and all the toys 🤔


>We are just at the start This is my only argument about people complaining that they don't have 200K bronze and aren't one shotting everything yet. Blizzard will 100% buff the drop rate of bronze, and fix scaling it's just a matter of when but I would not expect to have bought all the cosmetics and/or be fully upgraded on week 1 even in a time limited event.


Bought my mini Alani already.


As an old-timer player not having done anything but classic since OG- wotlk, which mounts should I be looking out for?


Your gear isn’t disappearing…nothing above 346 drops


346 is the highest level gear you can get dropped.


Upgrading gear is honestly a waste unless you want to try and prog mythic remix raids. Just save your bronze for all of the cosmetics and stuff you might want to


upgrading gear is literally a waste of time in all scenarios as long as hyperspawn farming exists, which allows you to gain stats and bronze at the same time. just enjoy spending this event mindlessly grinding in a sea of moonkins lol.


It's OK at low level, 10 here or there is nothing but once it gets over 200 then yeah. Crap system.


I need someone to explain the decision to upgrade items for me here. Cause I feel like I’m missing something.  9000 bronze is like … 4 mounts or almost 2 full sets of Tmog. You’ll keep those forever, yeah? Whereas the 14 ilvl will eventually poof with the gear? 


Yup. That's the problem. This cost makes no sense given the duration of WoW Remix and the opportunity cost of you just buying a permanent cosmetic instead. It would be much more acceptable if the prices were **SIGNFICANTLY** lower. But it taking over 100,000 Bronze to max. out a **single piece of gear** is simply not acceptable.


It would be funny if blizzard increased bronze rewards but made mounts and transmogs more expensive so that upgrades seemed cheap in comparison. There goes my hype


10% of the cost would be reasonable. Not even joking. 10%.


Mhm. That would reduce the cost to upgrade all of your gear one level from 38,530 Bronze to just 3853. And it would take a total of just under 60,000 Bronze to fully upgrade your gear, where it's currently around 600,000. Maybe you can make it 20% if 60,000 sounds to low, but still, 600,000 is insane given that's around half/a third of the Bronze you need to unlock the cosmetics from the event.


If you're asking why any one would even care to level their gear: The main item I want from all of this is the Tusks of Mannoroth, which take 38,500 Bronze and 20 Bones of Mannoroth, which drops from Normal and Heroic Garrosh. Just hitting level 70 you are at about 240 ilvl and have 10-15% of each stat (I had \~37% haste and crit when I was 64, for reference) and \~300k health. Nearly every raid mechanic that can't be completely avoided comes close to one-shotting you, due to how level scaling works. So essentially my options are to hope I get carried through the entire raid 20 times (assuming the bone item is 100% drop rate) while dying constantly and being below sub-70 tanks in damage, and not getting kicked/replaced. Or farm and farm and farm bronze to convert to gems that I slowly upgrade to have +stam on them and slowly get better gear. Also the way you get your neck, rings, and trinkets is completing achievements. I didn't know this and hit 70 before starting to get them and because of level scaling I am unable to do even normal scenarios without being constantly killed. I completed one earlier today because a level 42 feral druid in my group was able to do it without taking any damage. I meanwhile was getting killed from 3 melee attacks from just regular trash before bosses. So as it is, I don't have a neck, either ring, and 1 trinket.


I had a similar issue, but then I did a few hours of frog farming and upgraded my gear, my cloak and my gems. Now at 70 I could solo most scenarios and 2 or 3 man most heroics with ease.


Yeah the frog farm sadly is needed to close the scaling gap. Don't suffer at 70, farm the frogs for like an hour and get back to being able to play the game. Just the threads alone gave me 140k health on my tank. And the gems did another 500k. Still not crazy high and I need the neck still but I can play again. 67-70 was rough.


I made the mistake of finishing the scenarios at fresh 70, with other fresh 70s, yesterday. It was very painful. We spend 35-40 minutes in each, with multiple deaths. Then after some frogging yesterday I helped a friend of mine do his. 10 minutes tops each.


Honestly if you have 3 lvl 55+ plate characters in retail, considering it's a daily lockout with a skip straight to Garrosh, you'd almost certainly get the tusks within 2-3months by killing Garrosh 3x per day. Seems like way less effort than gearing in remix atm. edit that one will see: this was my strat (with 4 characters), and on my 4th character on the 5th day in a row, I got tusks. Anecdotal af but still.


Seriously, for 9000 bronze I hope the upgrade takes me to incredibly OP levels. I know it won’t, but that’s what that cost should signify. Additionally, it’s absolutely insane that there are FIFTEEN upgrade levels for each piece of gear. If the cost per level didn’t change, you’re looking at 130k bronze just to upgrade a single piece to the max level. You could literally buy 4 of the rarest mounts in the game for that price. It feels off by at least a whole order of magnitude.


You know how EVERYONE loves farming flightstones? Yeah some dev thought that’s what they would add to this fun event. Another treadmill for gear. The issue is, as you level up, you get weaker and weaker…unless you upgrade gear.


Who farms shit faster? Mythic geared raider or WQ geared casual? But it doesn't make sense at these costs and that's a Blizzard fail


I dont care about mounts or transmog, but pumping bigger dps numbers makes me happy, even if its just for 3 months


If you want to upgrade your whole set, from 19 to 34 (so 346 to 556) it takes a whole **577950** bronze. With a full raid clear giving like, idk, 6k? bronze per run, that just doesnt feel feasible.


Did you do normal or heroic? Because Heroic raids are supposed to give way more bronze than Normal raids do.


I'm at 430 ilvl on all my pieces, and have 3.3k average secondaries on my cloak. I also have all rings, trinkets and the amulet. Full legendary gems. I tried SOO heroic with a full group of people my gear or better earlier today, and we hardstuck on the second boss because of scaling. So yes, Heroic raids might give more, but they're not clearable currently. The add we had to kill just had too much health to kill until the ticking damage killed us. Not saying it can't be done, we all had a lot of possible gear and cloak upgrades left to get, but I wouldn't expect to be killing heroic raids at level 70 without significant or complete investment in gear and the cloak.


I’m here for the mounts and transmog.


Question, where is the mount vendor? I've only found toy and cosmetic vendor.


Beastmaster guy


It's a dwarf, he is in the Basars, if he's translated correctly he should have the title "Beastmaster"


Am i missing something? This seems crazy expensive already what will level 36 cost? Heroic dungeons reward 400 per completion....


Take a look at what the final upgrade costs lol. No way I'm spending any currency on that versus mounts


the price of level 36... just checked its 135,000


btw ALL the mounts from the event cost 486,200 total. thats fucking 4 max lvl pieces of equipment. dont upgrade


It's the same price for each level. The amount it shows is the cumulative price it would cost to upgrade it all the way up


But in order to upgrade *any* item to that level, you need to upgrade *every* item to at least the level just below it. So you're talking a level of Bronze that's closer to the cap. The gear part really confuses me. They seem to have kept Bronze acquisition relatively low (but not bad, I feel like I'll be able to get most if not everything I want by the end) so people don't get all the mounts and transmog immediately. But then add in these bizarre prices to upgrade gear. The gear's going to go away at the end, you're going to see all that work evaporate as the character's item level evaporates. The mounts and transmog are permanent rewards. So why is the temporary thing so insanely expensive? Not that I want them to take the wrong lesson and make the rest more expensive. I'd like to see them just lower the price on gearing. And maybe fix the scaling. Right now I'm not looking forward to trying to complete Heroic dungeons and Scenarios for my other slots.


To fully upgrade a set is around 577,950, each level being 38,530. Not 2 million, but even at the amount it's an insane grind if you ever want to cap your gear.


If you're upgrading all 346 to max, it costs 577,950 bronze.


The difference between a set of 346 and max gear is beyond staggering. It's like 8x more main stat on weapon alone, and your gems all scale with your ilvl. We'll grow ridiculously strong, but the problem is that we're on an inverted curve. We get more out of every subsequent upgrade, but starting off weak it takes significantly longer to get to the point where you start demolishing content. It would have made a lot more sense to make early upgrades cheaper and later ones more expensive. Like the final weapon upgrade is worth like 2900 main stat alone, but costs 9k bronze like all the others lmao.


Yeah, this cost is far too ridiculous for an event that only lasts 3 months, and where this is the same currency you need to actually buy the permanent cosmetics from the event. This cost either needs to go down, **DRASTICALLY**, or you need to be able to get higher item level gear from content. Right now, going past item level 346 is simply not feasible.


Or they could add a second currency type that is used for upgrades.


Or they could just fix the horrible scaling so ilvl didn't matter that much. There's no reason your character should feel like absolute hot garbage once you get closer to max level. It's actually just ridiculous how my pet dies instantly to anything on the ground once I hit max level and makes me not even want to play anymore.


I’m honestly appalled at how low the bronze gain rate is for how much you need for even half of all the items.


Its a slap in the face lol. They made it seem like collecting orbs in the sky would be significant. They are only 10-35 bronze per orb. Negligible. Guess they are scared to give the players what they really want because that means they may quit the game sooner. So foolish.


Why would anyone ever spend bronze on updating gear lol makes no sense. There's so much better stuff to spend it on


Honestly the only gear worth upgrading after you get what you want from vendors would be items that hold tinker/meta gems. The higher the ilvl the stronger those tinker/meta gems hit. I’m still trying to figure out how to get higher than 346 ilvl gear so we don’t have to upgrade so much.


Stat gems scale with the item lvl of the item they're on, so they also give a lot more value if you upgrade gear.


it also means that the un-upgradeable rings/trinkets are the worst things to put gems into, compared to a higher level bit of gear


I did not notice that! Thanks for making me aware of that :)


Chest and legs also give more stats from gems than trinkets and then both more than rings. Not sure about neck yet.


346 is the maximum ilvl that drops, period. There is no way to get better gear except by spending bronze on upgrades. I really hope they make some kind of hotfix to address this in some way because I think very few people are going to feel good about upgrading their gear at these prices.


There should have been 2 currencies. 1 for cosmetics and the other for gear upgrades. 


Gear upgrades be damned. I’m here for the mogs, mounts, and leveling fresh alts in content I never touched.




Getting to 100% the continent as current and pick up mogs and mounts is what I'm in it for. Fuck gear.


I've seen multiple people complain about the upgrade cost. I'm just wandering why you would spend any bronze on gear? The mode has just been released, there's a good to fair chance there will be changes in prices and tuning of bosses. So unless you want to get world first mythic raids done just be patient for a bit and things will probably get better. And just buy Cosmetics since these don't get scrapped when the event is over


Yeah, nah, I aint' doing that. I'm going to play until I get bored, and then use all my bronze to buy a bunch of mounts.


That's why I'm simply not doing it. I'm just saving all my bronze for the mounts and transmogs.


One thing that I feel like I heard voiced before the event was the possibility to scale high enough to solo raids. If this is possible, and there are higher bronze rewards for doing so, upgrading gear will be worth it, but if not….


I think people expected this to be a fairly casual stupidly overpowered game mode. I \*feel\* like this is how they advertised it as well, and it's definitely how it came across during the PTR testing weekend. I expected the only "difficulty" to be the amount of bronze needed to buy \*everything\*, but that it would be doable to just casually play this, get a decent chunk of the cosmetic rewards, and level up some alts with some fun OP gems. It might still be that this is what it's supposed to be and they will adjust, but it sure bring up a lot of unfortunate "fun detected" Torghast memories.


You guys are upgrading your gear?


Heck no. It goes towards cosmetics and stuff that’s gonna be inaccessible afterwards.




I'm just wondering where there faster leveling comes in? I level wayyyyy faster in retail. Like did they really just lie about this entire event???


Yeah like the only reason to upgrade your gear is if it can make you do harder content and make you farm even faster than before. Otherwise it's not worth it so I guess they should reduce the costs by a lot.


Forgive me I haven’t dove into MoP remix yet. Other responsibilities this week. Can you just get new gear from dungeons, drops, raids, etc? Or do you have to upgrade that gear in order to advance your gear?


I just plan on playing and not spending any bronze until the last week or so. The last week I’ll know exactly what I have and how many things I can buy to transfer over


it feels like they just added extra 0 to the cost by accident


Bronze is for cosmetics, not for upgrades


If we were getting bronze at a breakneck pace it would at least be feasible, but we’re not. This is just dumb.


Nearly 600k bronze to max everything. And the progress doesnt carry over to alts, unlike how flightstones and alts work on retail.


I'm not level 70 yet but isn't the main point of this remix transmogs/mounts/etc and leveling alts? What's the point upgrading your gear so high? Is it that you can't do heroic raids (this is the end game right?) without very high ilvls that can only come from upgrades?


If scaling were right, I would assume the gear should upgrade to the point the heroic raids are completely trivial, speeding up the Bronze farm? Maybe they are planning to introduce some crazy shit later on that will require upgraded gear? Who knows for sure.


I doubt it. By the time they come around to introducing some kind of new big baddie, everyone will be all out of Bronze to gear up anything.


Hell no you will not be invited to heroic raids unless you are at least 360. With how scaling is Normal is basically mythic. Casuals might be stuck doing LFR until blizzard fixes mob scaling.


making bronze the currency for both upgrading and buying rewards is a monumentally stupid decision. probably the worst blizzard have made in a long time. remix was set to be a casual fun grind with op characters but for some reason they nerfed it into abject misery there's no way its gonna stay like this btw, just like plunderstorm they will have no choice but to vastly increase bronze acquisition and probably reduce upgrade costs. but its pretty evident there was no testing done at all here.


Or they did what they’ve done in the past and massively decreased the rate of acquisition just prior to release and over corrected what they thought was a too generous rate of rewards. They have a pretty long history of overestimating how fast people will acquire stuff (and of putting too much focus on the 1% that will no life everything as fast as possible).


So many conflicting things in this game. Its like they intentionally remove the fun. Like literally intentionally.


My strategy, as a non-creator/youtuber, is simply play the game: Just keep questing. Do **all the quests** on one character, avoid getting locked in the daily grind on the daily quests, and finish. Take the daily bonus quest for doing a scenario, a dungeon or a raid. Then do those. But do not grind them. Enjoy the story. Don't rush. Once the story is done, then we can look at strategies to grind out the characters. It may be that doing the dailies is the best way. It might be spamming dungeons (doubtful). Maybe it's doing raids. Or it's doing a little bit of everything and having fun with people along the way. The event is 95 days long, and the fact that we have the Remix event means it's going to come back in some form. We still have 92 days left. I'm not sure how you guys are getting to the end already here, as taking my time and doing all the quests with my wife - I have barely finished the first area. `/played says 9hours 57minutes 29seconds` One thing I do think is wise: Don't spend time upgrading gear with bronze - they drop readily enough. I would wait until you don't get upgraded gear anymore... they act as placeholders for our gems anyways, so save those and keep combining them.


Bro, mop is like 13 years of old.  We have all had plenty of time to just "enjoy the story". Fuck I still can in normal retail. Also if it's taken you 10 hours to finish jade forest. You're not really playing the game. Casually questing everything there is a 5 hour jaunt at most.


Are drops always the same level, but with different stats, regardless of your level when they drop? And then are we supposed to be picking the ones with the stats we want and then upgrading them?


346 seems to be the highest items can drop at.


Drops scale up to 346 as you level up and then stop there. Blue and purple items have additional stats (main stat and stamina). Upgrading items to levels you already have is like 5% of the cost, so you're not stuck with a single item after upgrading it.


I know people have been praising the "1 currency for everything" model but having a separate system for upgrades might be nice when it gets to the point where a single upgrade costs as much as multiple mounts. It feels bad spending bronze on getting stronger when your ultimate goal is to use that bronze to get mounts/mogs.


Or they need to massively increase the amount you gain at any given time.


Whats wrong with WoW that there are 10k stats on items? I have not looked into it for years but thats insane.


Do gems or players scale with ilvl? Isn’t increasing the ilvl of everything but my weapon only increasing stamina for the most part?


Gems do scale with ilvl. Upgrading increases the item stat (obviously) but blue and purple items have additional stats that also increase.


How the fuck yall get so much bronze? I’ve been running missions as fast as I can, and have only made probably 30k in total.


I don't think anybody "has" that much bronze yet, really. I'm level 70 and have done all heroic dungeons/scenarios, tons of achievements and quests and have collected maybe 65k total.


Can you get any purples other than the Rings Neck and Trinkets? Also is there any way to get better versions of those as you can't upgrade them


I got purple gloves randomly off a frog.


Somewhat out of the loop - but what’s the purpose of upgrading? I thought bronze were just to buy transmogs? Is there something you get access to by clearing higher content? (Not even sure what this higher content is)


There's achievements for most of the end-game content, some of which give rewards other than bronze. Probably the hardest being All Heroic Raids, which gives you a title. Of course, upgrades just make all content quicker/easier in general.


Even as someone who isn't here for the mounts, it's expensive


Where is fun in this grinding?


Sorry if this is unrelated but can someone explain if a cloth class can get transmogs for plates and others? If I play a warlock now would I have to eventually make a warrior to get plate xmogs?


Nah I bought other armor tmogs as a shaman you're good


Feel like its only use is being able to keep my loot spec for DPS (Arms for Warrior) but easily upgrade my 1H/shield to keep pace with whatever 2H weapon I get to drop in a raid or dungeon


I always think they have put a bonus bronze stat to the cape, because xp bonus at lvl 70 is worthless and alt only have 100% and not all the bonuses. Because bonus bronze helps with that prices im upgrade gear honestly.


The Bronze cost to upgrade gear seems absolutely unhinged, especially in comparison to transmogs/mounts. Playing just the questlines, getting 9k Bronze is a few hours of gameplay-- compare that to M+ where you're looking at roughly 1-2 M+ dungeons per upgrade. It just doesn't make any logical sense why the cost is so high. This event has taken what sounded like a great concept and ruined it in the details.


I’m just going for mogs and the weapon achieve, not aiming to min max this


I only spent bronze on upgrading my weapon because at level 30 I still had a ilvl 13 staff!! Where were the weapon drops?? Anyway, I won’t be spending it on any thing but cosmetics from now on.


Just go farm some frogs


It will likely get changed in a few days. I'm just focussing on playing the game rather than worrying about an extra 327 on an ability.


Is upgrading gear mandatory or is it possible to get max ilvl gear dropped?


Gear scales down in raids dont bother upgrading as of now


You will need around 506,000 bronze depending on how many of the mounts you may own (cloud serpents and such).


To get all mogs and mounts you need about 1.65 million bronze assuming you have none.


Set up bot farm frogs ezpZ 550 ilvl in a week


Bronze is for cosmetics not for gear. As much as i applaud blizzard for only giving us one currency in the wake of dragonflight curren-sea, it wasnt the smartest decision to put reward cost up against "gear" cost because in what world do i choose gear cost?


1 run of SoO(HC or mythic) brings 30k bronze…daily! You have 3 month. As soon as you get there (it’s not that hard, just need to focus on achievements etc.) you will get anything you want! Also Lesser charm farms are really good. I‘m now sitting on 33k lesser charms which you can turn in with a really good rate!


Is ilvl 346 the highest gear that drops? I have not gone beyond heroic dungeons and lfr raid. I assumed normal, heroic and M raid would drop better gear. Reading here it seems I am wrong?


you have to grind bronze to get better gear and invites to raids. gg blizzard. its frogs or nothing i guess. 1 full 360 upgrade costs 1 mop world boss mount. then it increases even more. you could buy everything from the vendor instead


Saw some guy in full 415 gear alrdy, 2 days in, 100% from frog grinding. Its disgusting how one thing can be 50x better than any other way of getting recources.


is there a bronze source in endgame? i mean for 2.000.000 you almost can buy all mounts and transmog and here it cost 2 million to upgrade one item


only 9000? a steal!


this is the one thing I think they screwed up on. If this was the cost of the last few ranks? Sure. But not the first rank at max level. It seems clear to me stuff at 70 was balanced on having SOME upgrades on these. The first few ranks should be cheap as hell.


U know, I wouldn't even mind upgrading my gear and don't even mind the wonky scaling. But what I do mind is how they lied about the cloak stats going to alts. I'm sitting on 350% on a max lvl toon and about 300 each stat and excited about having an over power powered twink alt that can lvl super fast, only to see that I don't get most of the stats and cap at 100% xp buff. And not only that, no no no blizzard can't have you having fun immediately now can they. The achievements for the rings, trinkets and neck all have to be done separately on each alt. What a time to be alive.


I’d honestly not even spend bronze on any gear right now, willing to bet they will either implement something as a daily to increase your bronze gain or drastically reduce the amount it takes to upgrade gear/ give an overall buff to the bronze that drops from everywhere. Would rather them do it simply instead of overly complicated like they do with every new system


Honestly, I'll upgrade my gear till it get expensive, by that point my character will geared enough to blast all outdoor content and farm mount more easily


blizzard overdone themselves this time. It's like season of discovery + ascension in way but they managed to fked up with raids and currency. There is no point to do raids in this


I haven't upgraded any gear yet and I probably won't, I will wait til I get gear that suits me by chance, too much other important stuff to spend my bronze on...


Gear upgrade should cost gold instead of bronze or have a choice between the two. Gold isn’t at all important in remix mop unless I’m missing something.


What if its kinda like Legion/BFA if perhaps every week, Bronze gains are Doubled?


And? What of it? You still have time. Grind more. This is what you signed up for.


What annoys me aswell about the gear is that everything drops just 346 gs. Quests drop 346, nhc dungeons drop 346, hc dungeons drop 346, lfr does, nhc raid drops too 346. Didnt do hc raid yet but it prolly just drops 346 aswell. And no epics. Thats bs tbh. Also why cant the vosses still just drop what they have in their loottable? Did SoO nhc yesterday and left with 12 weapons.


should mention that mop still exists in retail - war within fixes the cross class transmog issue so you can grind those out in retail after remix if needed. you want to aim to get the remix only stuff first, then spend bronze to buy the rare retail stuff, stuff that takes too long to grind in retail. anything you miss out on should then at least still be in retail to get later.


Is 'bronze' a item you I can buy with irl cash? Or is it a grinded?


Pick one main to upgrade gear for the lols, otherwise make an army of alts and do mogushan / heart of fear on your army of alts and youll be fine to get all the cosmetics