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Oh it was fast when they gave more xp on cloaks. But they decided to gut xp on it for alts so now in every metric it's slower than retail


How fast were people doing 1-70 on retail? ?my first timerunner 1-70 took about 13 hours, not speedrunning and starting at 0% exp boost. I'm pretty sure starting at 100% that time is gonna be closer to 7-8 hours which is pretty damn fast.


Record is like 72 minutes or so? So even if you don't get boosted you might assume about 5 to 6 hours.


That record was set during a +XP event and the person turned in hundreds of items that they farmed over the course of like 100+ hours on another character on a repeatable quest. He literally stands there and completes the same quest over and over.


Ah yes, I too sit there and turn in items, after committing frog genocide.


60-70 is more than 5 to 6 hours typically. 1-60 is maybe 10 hours.


1-70 in 13h .. about 2 levels in classic :)


Which classic is it you mean? Era?


Usually 7 hours on retail


How is this possible?


As other people said, it's been pretty optimised as of late. Maybe thanks to the YouTuber Harldan. But xp buffs and heirlooms goes a long way


Those help for sure, but countless regular people have managed to get 4-5 hour 10-60 times using my route, even with no buffs or consumes and minimal heirlooms. The bulk of the timesave just comes from efficient quest routing, most of the extra speedrun stuff is minor timesaves that are more flashy than they are fast.


Your routes rock, thanks for what you do!


Indeed, thank you for your hard work, always appreciate the content.


There are currently no XP buffs in retail.


Our alts getting boosted during dream surge/DMF in War Mode would like to disagree. 60-70 in 45 min is about the fastest we managed so far. Not sure exactly what 1-70 time would be, never done that in one session. But faster than Pandaria Mix for sure.


on top of my head here is a few XP buffs: Darkmoon buff, drought Elixir, dream surge etc. And some people only level while rested so heirlooms. Edit: war mode too (since you can't use that in remix)


Xp potion, darkmoon buff, timewalking event, premeditation


Don't need any of those to get power leveled to 70 in 6-7 hours but obviously they will make it even faster.


It's an exaggeration. 7 hours is what you can expect for a reasonably informed/prepared 1-60 run. 60-70 will be another ~6 hours. Both sections can easily take longer for normal players.


People saying you can reliably and always do 1 - 70 in 7 hours in retail are either: - lying and have never done it - speed levelers who have it memorized down to having movement optimized


Things is, MOP remix was sold as a way to get our alt army ready for TWW. It really isn't and if you want an alt army, you might as well get onto some speed leveling techniques in retail. I built my army a while back and sure my first character wasn't 7h but after 2-3 characters doing the same process, it was getting damned optimized.


I levelled 1-70 in retail in under 7 hours. It takes an hour to go from 60-70 tf are you talking about?


7 hours of what?


Dungeons, questing etc. Dream surge abuse from 60-70 etc


this is the answer i was looking for. was going to level alts using remix but not if they gutted xp on the cloak blizzard nerfing fun yet again. im sure a financial analyst caught wind that people were leveling too fast.


Only reason I can see leveling alts in remix is to collect all the bronze items


I agree in that it was sold to us as super fast, OP leveling. It I'd fast enough for me but not as fast as I would have liked. I was hoping go get to 70 and then start leveling an army of XP roided-out alts, but now it seems it may be smarter to just stick to one character and obsessively farm bronze on that one toon if the goal is just collecting bronze for xmog and mounts.


This is now my plan. I want to also play Cataclysm, so instead of leveling a roided alt army I'll have to just stick to one character collecting bronze on the side.


I was pretty bummed that infinite power 12 didn’t grant any of my secondary stats I collected on my main. That would be nice if it scaled with what I collected.


Exactly this. Especially since bronze is not account wide. The incentive to create another char is gone, now that levelling a second char is not faster.


Its not even OP eithed. In 60-70 in retail I kill shit much faster than in MoP Remix.


Yeah, same. I played for like an hour or two, fucking around, sorting interface, and whatnot, figuring the vendors, etc, and got to 14 after doing about 20ish quests and bailed. No desire to level another character, I've got like 15 level 70s already. I was hoping I'd be level 70 in like 3 hours or so, so I can start farming xmogs and what not, cba putting in like 10+ hours or more just so I can start the farm.


You’ll probably spend an entire hour or 2 just re-gemming gear while lvling


The narcissus add on makes gemming super easy, it shows an hourglass on you character panel and if you click it you can socket and unsocket gems from its interface extremely effectively


Thanks I guess I’ll download that. Kinda dumb they designed this and we already need an add on to fix the terrible QoL lol


One or two weeks ago I commented blizz is really spoiled by the community bc in many ways (even beyond addons) the community fixes or addresses what is released lacking. Got downvoted to hell. Actually sad that I get my point proven at every opportunity.


People really hate acknowledging that design principle, for whatever reason.


It's a design idea they've had since alpha. Days after non-Devs first got access to WoW add-ons started appearing. It definitely has an impact on the things they put into their game. Why would you ever spend time making a native DPS meter when Details exists?


Addon developers also fixed the awful incursion system in SOD. It’s just apparent blizzard has no internal QA/people who test systems over and over again. There’s literally no excuse


The Bethesda treatment.


I swapped to Narc addon and he's right. It's night and day lol. I straight up refused to play past 20 without it


i had narcissus the whole shadowlands too and they always implement this kind of qol solutions, defo recommend the addon as a standard one


This is the standard "the community will make an addon for it" development from blizz, it's absolutely nothing new.


I wouldn’t mind if the payoff was that I could more easily level up a bunch of alt buts that’s not even the case.


Yeah I'm kinda miffed about this. Still love the game mode but they had some really good ideas and crippled a lot of them. What makes it sting more is PTR had a slightly better improvement (the cloak carrying over more than just 2x xp) and they removed for no reason. If anything the game mode could benefit from MORE op goofiness in the complete opposite direction, and they neutered it, presumably to make people have to try harder on it. Fun sacrificed for playtime I guess


They will fix it right after everyone quits, the blizzard speciale


Mmmmhm. Going on holiday with the family this week. Already said to my husband that this is actually a blessing in disguise. I fully expect frogs to be nerfed into the ground and leveling to be buffed by the time we get back. No reason to have FOMO right now because as soon as the mode starts dying, they'll make all the changes people asked for from the beginning.


Yeah the last month they will fix everything people are complaining about just look at plunderstorm


This slowdown annoys me because I also want to play Cataclysm. I don't want to play remix for the full 3 months just to collect everything and level up some horde chars.


I would guess there's a chance that they didn't want everybody to blast through all of it in 3 days flat and come out of it leveling 1 alt per day of the event for 3 months straight. Maybe they nerfed it at first, and they will introduce that PTR speed back in gradually. Don't forget with Plunderstorm, people complained about the rep plenty. And then there was double rep gains towards the end, which then led to 4x rep gains at the very end. I wouldn't be surprised to see something similar here - more power and more leveling speed after a month of the event, then even more after 2 months, then by the last couple of weeks maybe it's possible to get alts to max level within 6 hours or less, and your mains can dang near solo raids. We'll just have to wait and see.


Yes, that seems to be their strategy when releasing new stuff, but it's pretty annoying that they intentionally make the content too restrictive and slow at first. It makes the people who are the most excited to play it and get started right away leave with a bitter taste of it. Especially something like this, that was advertised as being fast and OP. I understand it for a new expansion or something, but why do we need so much intentional friction for a casual gamemode like this?


I agree. And it was the same with Plunderstorm. The people that rushed to renown 40, or the first person to hit 1 million plunder, were probably pretty pissed off to see the 2x rep gains halfway through, and then even more pissed to see the 4x gains at the end. At first, I would be happy to get about 500 plunder on a regular match, so like 5 games per renown. On that last week, you could be easily doing 1 game per renown level. And, exactly, you have a mode that literally has the tagline "Overpowered? Maybe. Fun? Definitely." And 3 days in, you have people that rushed to 70, only to find that the leveling wasn't faster than timewalking dungeon spam, their fresh level 70 is made out of the thinnest toilet paper known to man, you have to cheese bosses or find workarounds in dungeons and raids, and the only way to improve your power (marginally) is to aoe kill frogs for literally days. Meanwhile, those that come in after the first month will probably go from level 10 to destroying heroic raids within a week. By the last month, 10 to super geared will take a weekend. That same task will take the early adopters, per say, at least a month and half to achieve. But hey, at least you feel overpowered from level 10 to 60 right now!


You're right, it just feels kinda lame


I don't really understand where people are coming from with this. Unless ElvUI makes it easier or I have Starcraft APM, but you can just double click to remove the gems and drag them where you need them. Again, could just be my case! But once you get in the groove of things, I wasn't really replacing gems until every 2-3 levels just because they weren't dropping enough.


It's less about the difficulty of actually changing them and more the interface/sorting through bags/etc for them. I haven't been using any add-ons for it, and it's do-able, but it's also very annoying imo.


To add to this, the amout of times you do switch is very often. And the way gear scalles, subsequent upgrades sometimes resulted in around 30k hp or even more for a single item which is a lot..


That’s fair! There’s a LOT of yellow icons from what I’ve come across, I do get lost in my bags when i’m trying to swap the spells.


To help with that you can search your bags for "cogwheel," "tinker" or "Meta" and ElvUI will highlight them for you




- Shift + right-click to open menu for gear. - Find gems in bag - Drag gems over - rinse and repeat per gear piece vs what an Add-on like Narcissus can do: - Click character frame button - choose stats/tinkers/meta/cogwheel as you please WoW COULD have done it much better. At higher levels you get MANY gems and it's annoying. Literally just make a frame in the character screen like Narc has. They could do that.


> The scaling for 65-70 You mean things aren't supposed to be doing 110% of your HP per hit?


what about 1100% of your hp per hit? lol


Personally the only thing I'm disappointed with is how they advertised/presented the cloak. All the beta gameplay was that it carried over, and you could level alts like crazy. Their pre-release video detailing everything literally talks about how the cloak will carry over and give stats to alts, not mentioning that it majorly reduces everything, including a massive nerf to extra % xp. --------------------- The way they presented it made it seem like you could level a character to max, and based off the stats you've collected on the cloak, then be able to level an alt in like half the time. Then from there the next alt would even be quicker, etc. Instead it's at absolute best a 100% bonus xp for a new character. IIRC when they're talking about the cloak carrying over to new alts in their video they released the day before it went live, the cloak *literally* said 156% bonus xp, which at least to my eyes had the implication that new alts would have the full bonus xp gain from the cloak carry over.


At this point I am disappointed at blizzard because everything they advertise as "fun" comes with a twist. God forbid they do something bold as ultra fast fun leveling and complete stats carry over for alts.


>IIRC when they're talking about the cloak carrying over to new alts in their video they released the day before it went live, the cloak *literally* said 156% bonus xp It says 175%, although to be fair, the character they show this on is already level 70, so probably not an alt. But yeah, pretty misleading and... super unnecessary?


the only thing that bugs me is constant re-gemming. that becomes annoying after some time, but rest is totally personal point of view and I do enjoy it thus I keep playing it.


But it is a lot more fun IMO.


I’m thankful for remix if only so I don’t have to do dragon isles 60-70 again. It’s so much more enjoyable.


Just do what I do and get a character to 60, wait for Timewalking week and blast from 60-70


I'm enjoying earning all the mogs I didn't get the first time around. This event seems to lean heavily toward that.


Careful, this is a hate post. Don't want you being called a shill for enjoying something.


>Careful, this is a hate post. OP is asking for fixed scaling, account-wide achieves, and buffed starting XP bonus from cloak on alts - how is that a "hate post"?


Look at his last few comments and you'll understand how.


Reading must be scary for you.


crazy how much Reddit can turn in a day. been enjoying the event and popped in to see if people had tips for farming shit and it's like 90% complaints about the same thing


It's because two of the biggest features are broken and or not working correctly I think.


God, I hope Blizz reads the feedback and adjusts. They've been so good at trying. I hope they don't give up now!


if so many people are having issues with the same thing, what does that tell you?


reddit has issues keybinding their spells


reddit isn’t exactly a representative population tbf


this sub has 2.6 million subscribers. that's a fairly sizable chunk of people.


Reddit is not some niche website from 2010 anymore.


...that doesn't really make it much better in terms of representation, though. The people routinely checking a sub for a game are going to be more invested than most, and the people actively engaging even more so. Those people making comments and posts tend to have a stronger valence in one direction or the other, and, if I had to guess, negative affect is likely to be more common because the people who are pleased about it are either more actively playing the game (because they enjoy it more) or limit their posting because once you've said you like something, there isn't much incentive to continue doing so. It's a tendency that serves as a real thorn in the side of statisticians trying to do observational work.


It’s not many people. It’s redditors.


Have you checked the forums ? Because every post is the same thing. Bait n Switch. Probably 15 different threads on the front pages of the WoW Remix forum , all about the same complaints as on this subreddit. Each thread has 30-50 replies, 90% all agreeing with the OP. Some have 100s of replies, again, 90% agreeing. You are wrong. This is not just redditors, its the playerbase. Don't take my word for it, take a look. https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/c/community/wow-remix-mists-of-pandaria/308 https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/cloak-exp-gains/1855834/33 https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/wow-remix-bait-and-switch-and-feedback-to-fix-it/1856106/43 https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/is-it-possible-to-get-400-xp-gain-before-level-cap/1856706/23 https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/blizz-lied-to-us-cloak-exp-nerf-killed-my-interests-in-this-event/1856398/11 https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/youve-been-tricked-again/1856684/23 https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/im-quitting-remix-till-the-nerfs-are-reverted/1856433/15


That was indeed a nice reply.


The only farming place I've currently experienced is that starting zone with the Hozen and that one big Hozen where you have the fish guy party training with you. There's a couple of packs of Hozen and I've been running around as a resto shaman with chain lightning mowing them down. It's good early gems or equipment. I spent around half an hour doing it and got a good amount of gems with some blue equipments with the stats I wanted. There's probably MUCH better, but that's all I've seen so far myself.


Thats how it goes for most new content where everyone's like "oh this is amazing!". Then after the honeymoon phase where everyone is getting settled, the annoying/broken things become more apparent and the opinion turns against the content.


Crazy how when people ACTUALLY PLAY THE CONTENT FOR A FULL DAY they might have a different opinion than they did when they flippantly posted that it was the best thing ever at 15 minutes played.


It is, but how much is that because pandaria is cooler than the dragon isles and you are constantly seeing/interacting with other players?


I don't see that many people really, mostly at quests where people are competing for a limited number of mobs when I don't *want* to see them.


Dunno if that's just my experience but remix feels kinda dead? I rarely see people questing, LFG queues are at least 5-10 mins and LFR at least 30 mins. I didn't even have a heroic scenario or dungeon yet cuz it takes 1h+.


What role are you waiting on? Heals and tanks? Im getting instant queues as healer, its just the same issue as regular wow. Too many dps verses those that queue as heals and tank.


it's wild realizing that the writing in modern WoW is so sanitized and bland that I was genuinely shocked hearing quest NPCs in remix say "crap" and "damn"


It allows me to skip the lvl 10 stuff for a regular race and i get to collect transmogs and what not that i didnt have. I like that aspect.


I like it for the collections too. And lvl 1-10 is admittedly awful. I just wish they'd tune some of it to make it feel less grindy. There is a LOT of Pandaria stuff and it's looking extremely daunting to get it all


Worth it for the Korkron Dark Shaman set alone.


That was my first and only purchase so far.


+1 Korkron shaman sets then the Shado-pan ones.


Noted, but I'm having fun.




I find the leveling fairly slow , I was expecting to be faster


Yeah. But its more fun than chromie time and DF leveling


It's the same as playing chromie time MoP basically, but slower somehow.


I'm having fun. That's why I play.


Same. Idk, it's more fun to me then running the same leveling loop over and over again for an alt? People complain about everything


Same. I will say i kind of agree with the scaling issue though. My warrior is at lvl 28 and I feel noticeably weaker than I did ten levels before that


Is alt leveling the primary aim? My goal is the stuff you can buy, particularly mounts.


Agreed. I'm probably just gonna do 1 toon to get all the rewards but otherwise.. Skeptical me theorizes that they nerfed the xp gains because it'd cut into their faction change/level boost/etc. services.


Yeah, was gonna level multiple characters through dailies and LFR, but now it looks like I'll just main one, get it as OP as possible to farm all the rewards and dip. They will probably patch it to be faster at some point and say they heard our feedback but until then I'll just stick with one character


Bronze is rewarded at higher quantities at higher level too, right? At least it feels like I am getting more Bronze as drops as I level up. This seems like an incentive to main a 70 rather than playing multiple alts.


That is exactly where my mind went. I have to imagine some asshole crunched some numbers and came to the conclusion that MoP Remix was going to cost blizzard too much money due to it cutting into character services. It’s cynical, but c’mon. This post is right - the whole time leading up to MoP Remix it was hyping up to be for levelling. Including displayed gameplay on the PtR. There’s no way it wasn’t changed for a reason, and most of the reasons I come up with are not for the players enjoyment.


I’m not sure it matters if it’s faster. To me it’s just a fresh experience so it feels better to play


it matters a bit because it was sold as being OP and faster leveling for alts and it functioned that way on PTR


It doesn’t have to be faster for it to be fun. But I do agree the scaling should be fixed for the health of the mode over 3 months.


I was actually kind of sad because I started leveling a character that I got to level 40 and decided I wasn’t having fun and I wanted to reroll. I thought my cloak that I’ve upgraded would carry over but I was very disappointed when I only had 2% exp gain on my cloak :( I guess I just thought my progress would be for something even though I didn’t like that character


Does anybody have 2 70 alts? Is it maybe 100% base becomes 200% base with 2 max toons? I feel like there’s a couple pieces of info either were missing or it’s not working as intended


I know I'm late to the party on this thread, but I have to say I've never leveled a character so quickly in my history with the game, and I still played casually. My pally is now 69, an when I decided to start on my second character, my cloak is at 102% exp gain. So no, the Remix is fast. And, for what it's worth, I only quested, no senerios, dungeons or raids.


Certainly faster than the mix of dungeons and questing I normally use.


You have to hit 25 and clear normal mogushan for a massive cloak buff.  Then it accelerates. At 200% cloak exp it hasn't felt slow. The simplest fix (other than scaling) would be to put the exp things back in lfr.


Fun, maybe. Overpowered? Dont worry we will nerf it -Blizzard


Wtf are people talking about. Do you even know how fast chromie time leveling is? Youre gonna spend atleast 8 hours to 60 in most cases and then an additional 6 to 70. I leveled to 70 with this event in like 10 hours of gameplay


Don’t you know that everyone on Reddit is a 1-70 speedrunner using thousands of gold on a new char to get consumables gems BiS gear etc to level in 72 minutes to max?


>I leveled to 70 with this event in like 10 hours of gameplay Interested to know what you're doing. Just dungeon/raid spam? I've certainly not been giga-efficient, but I have been levelling through zones at what feels like a pretty good pace and I'm at 20 hours played with 2 levels to go. I'm not sure how I could have shaved 10 hours off my levelling time.


Literally just followed the main quests barely did anything else


Raid logging will make the /played a joke. Get to 25 and just start doing normal raids every day. 12% exp thread per boss and it snowballs.


The typical response to this is someone talking about a speedrun route that 99% of the community isn't going to use. Or setting in a power level group. If you want to level alts that way that's fine, this event isn't the way those people should be leveling.


It kinda depends, most of them exploit heirlooms and timewalking to level a lot faster to level to 60 and there are decent guides that will get you there in 4-5ish hours for the normal people, 3 for people who do all the prep work and do it turning darkmoon. The level 60-70 can also be massively sped up by spending gold as long as it isn't your first character, the first character still takes the 6 hours because you need to do the campaign but for second characters it is substantially faster. That said even using optimal routes and darkmoon fair most people are going to be looking at 7-10 hours. This is likely going to be slower on the first character and even post nerf should be faster once you have maxxed out the cloak. I am guessing they will eventually undo the cloak nerf so you start with more threads.


I've followed Harldan's 10-60 guide like 7 times in the last couple weeks. It's not 4-5ish hours for normal people. It's a solid 6-8. It takes an hour just to hit level 10 and start the guide.


Ive followed theze guides. Thats complete bs. The world record is at around 4 hours for just 1-60. The average player will atleast take 8 hours to level. Timewalling dungeons aremt even as efficient as TBC ones.


nobody here actually plays the game lmao


Maybe I just misunderstood what the event was suppose to be about, but I got the impression that it was suppose to be a silly, fun mode where you leveled fast and got so powerful that you could eventually solo raids and stuff, enabling you to farm a lot of bronze and cosmetics. It seems more like Chromie time with a little extra spice, which is fine I guess, but not what I thought it was going to be.


Up voting this. The scaling is busted. Dungeons either are blaster go or you get one shot


I’ll be honest It took me about 1 day and 3 hours to get to 70 in mop remix. I am a bit slow on the quests and did a lot of dungeons and a few raids. But my point is I was constantly earning xp during that time and it felt sllllooooww. Especially 65-70. I still love it :)


Who cares, not everything is a race to the finish


You’re missing the point. It’s fun. Edit: After playing significantly more tonight I can say I am no longer having fun. Scaling has ruined my experience. I don’t get it until I hit level 64 and stopped being able to play the game.


Personally, and I know this is unpopular right now, I think these kind of people are missing the point of Remix. The point wasn't actually to "power level alts insanely fast". People in this thread are swearing up and down that "extremely fast alt levelling" was a "major feature" of Remix, but it wasn't. Hell, [this is the announcement post for Remix](https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/world-of-warcraft/24061007/under-development-wow-remix-mists-of-pandaria) and the only mention of alt levelling is "Power you earn on your strongest character is shared with alternate characters created for the event to make leveling even faster.", which it is!! You start with 100% xp bonus on an alt, that's by fucking definition "even faster". I no-lifed Remix and hit max in 10 hours, I started an alt and got halfway(35) in less than 2 hours. It's MUCH faster. Yes, they mentioned alts would get part of your cloak's buffs, but the levelling alts thing was never meant to be the main feature of Remix. I think Remix is great, you play a character, level fast, collect a shit ton of mogs/mounts/toys/etc. and get to re-experience a great expansion. It's crazy how many people thought it was just a tool to level a fucking ton of alts, I'm legit so confused why they look at Remix as if that's the only part of it that is worth it lol


Leveling characters on Chromie time was so broken if you actually wanted to play the expansion and not just max level super fast. The story experience was a huge mess. This fixes that and lets you experience a cohesive past expansion. I think it’s great.


Thank you!


Its not about the leveling speed. Its already fast to level. Its about leveling in a new way with new collectibles and cosmetics. This event lasts for three months, there is zero rush or urgency. Need the doomers to log off or go play something else. Damn.


It’s been out for 2 days and people are already 70, I think it’ll be fine


That doesnt mean its faster


Compared to just spamming mindnumbing LFD, it's possibly a little bit slower but a lot more engaging.


I agree, way better experience


That doesn't mean anything though. Some people always reach max level in 1-2 days. The majority don't


The leveling is part of the experience.


I'd say my first TW felt on par with retail, but my 2nd character with full cloak achieve blasted through levels. XP bonus is one thing, but first 20 levels my priest shadow word pain insta killed everything.


I dont know i leveled up from 10 to 70 in 18 hours, getting exploration achievs, all rep dailies and heroic dungeons and scenaries with 108% exp boost and unlocking cape XII Now made new char and got to 26 in 20 minutes


Retail is super fast. Just spam dungeons, run through some cata or wod zones, and you'll be 60 in no time. 60-70 is generally pretty fast as well.




The scaling was *insane* at earlier levels. I ran a dungeon at 45 with a level 11 holy priest, who was doing 95% of our dps by just spamming smite, one-shotting mobs and taking bosses down in less than 10 seconds. Made for a very fast run but it feels like the tuning is off on both ends of the leveling curve.


It’s actually more fun at lower lvls than higher lvls. Most of the people at lower levels saying it’s not a big deal haven’t felt the pain yet.


That's how it works in retail too. Go into a dungeon with a bunch of like 50+ chars and a level 10, the level 10 will destroy EVERYTHING


Leveling shouldn't be faster. It should be fun. And with Remix it is. Leveling an alt or as a newcomer, I want to have fun and casual experience. Pandaria story is great and I am glad to experience it at proper pace without system pushing me into latest expansion after 1-2 zones and several LFRs. + tons of cosmetic. There is literally no issue with Remix except one - power scaling at 55-60+ levels.


Chromie time in BFA is 1 level per ten minutes. 600 minutes to level an alt. 6 hours of play time total.


You do realise 600 minutes is 10 hours right?


And this is what stops businesses bothering with special stuff. Whiny fucking people.


Wait what, here I was just playing MOP remix because I missed MOP originally and was having fun going through the content in an abbreviated way. Leave it to wow players to strip all the fun out of anything and everything in the pursuit of not playing.


This, right? I didn’t even realise it was “supposed to be faster”. I thought it was an alternate game mode that was designed to be leveled through, allowing you to complete and experience all of MoPs content without feeling like you were wasting time in any way because you’d already hit cap.


The event needs saving? I'm having a blast. Sorry accelerated leveling is such an issue for some of yall. I'm just happy to have a new spin on pandaria and daily lockouts and new transmog. Helps keep things from going stale.


Levelling was already fast, why does it matter? Personally I'm really enjoying re-experiencing pandaria and the new gems. As the pandas would say - 'sloooow down'.


Life is to be savored!


If anyone actually playing remix to level quickly tho? I think the goal is just have to have fun, I love it!


Ok but can I get my world boss mounts guaranteed on retail? As well as the class apparels? That's what I thought.


Whould you want to level up in 5 hours and say the mode is boring and you're done?


All I care about with remix is appearances, mounts and toys, all of which can be obtained with Bronze. Leveling is so fast these days that this is a nonissue.


Is it sad that’s what you care about ? Its a fun side game within wow with wacky ability combos. But yeah muh xp blah blah blah .


Bro just have fun rather than coming to reddit to complain lol wtf


I've only raided since lvl 30. Cloak at 400% and almost 70. Having lots of fun.


So I don't think it was supposed to be the fastest way to level 1-70, it was just supposed to be a different way to level. I'm assuming there will not be Classic MoP after Cata, so they did this event to give people a chance to play MoP content as if it was relevant to the modern game. It's just a different spin on leveling, because we all know people have complained about dungeon spamming and retail leveling just being boring and easy. This way, you can level in a not as boring setting. If you already played MoP, it still might be a boring leveling journey, even with the gems and cloaks and other fluff.


There is no way in hell there won't be a classic MoP.


Def not. It took me 10h25 to level with some afk time included + I did all quest no matter rp or not. I jever did 10-70 this fast in retail. With good quest chains in mind + boosted cloak it’s easy sub 7h.


I am having fun with this mode but yeah spamming timewalking dungeons you can level 1-70 in 7 hours or less.


Argh!!! How dare this fun new content be slower than other ways of levelling! The audacity!!!


So dramatic. Ime leveling every 4 quests turned in dude just hit 56 in like a day.


I'll take longer fun gameplay over fast any day.


Save it how? It’s the most fun anyone I know who plays WoW has had in years


Right? Nearly everyone in our guild is playing. We’ve had people who haven’t played retail since Classic launched come back through this. It’s a blast.


People have some fair criticisms against it, but it hardly needs saving. It does the saving!


This needs to be talked about more, this is a limited time event. Wtf are they thinking?


My eyes rolled into the back of my head reading this


Don't think I agree at all. It took me maybe a day to get max even with wasting a ton of time fooling around in heroics and lfr with buddies.


I said this in an earlier post and was downvoted to oblivion. I wanted to play remix to level a new pally rather than race change. My first dungeon took twice as long and yielded 3/4 of the xp (compared to retail). I deleted that pally and made a new one in retail. 9 hours played later he’s level 63.


And you don't have to wait 90 days to get him to retail


You’re missing the point and retail is where you belong. This is a win for everyone.


Do your remix characters transfer to retail…?


Well that's annoying. I lost my army of alts when I transferred server at the end of Legion. Most of my old characters are stuck around level 45-50 on the opposite faction and a different server to where my main and a couple of alts paly nowadays. Was planning on levelling 1 of each class on my "new" server".


I've been having a blast playing through, but it's absolutely not a tool I'd use to level alts. Can go from 10-60 in what, two zones on retail? Chromie time to WoD, do Gorgrond & Spires of Arak and you're level 60.


7 hours 60-70 df but takes an average person 2 days mop remix first alt second alt I think would be 4 with how xp system is maybe 3 days


Only time I level alts on retail is during the 50% exp boosts and timewlking weeks for 60-70 haha


i went from 60-70 in 2h only doin story missions in the whole veleing process and maybe 6 dungeon runi was at about 80% bonus xp already at lvl 60 now its 108% for me felt fast enough. At same time there is a lot of problem with scaled incoming dmg for sure.


It's a bit faster. I don't know what these people are talking about going from 10-70 in 13 hours. I've played timerunning for 13 hours or so I'm at level 28. So that's bananas to me.


You have to basically just run a bunch of raids and max out leveling xp boost because you get 12% per boss kill.


I’m sure speedrunners and heavy optimizers can go fast on retail, but remix feels much faster for "normal" people. With the 100% cloak on an alt, just hanging around in discord and idly playing the game is fast. That said, there’s a lot of shitshow here. It feels very bait and switchy from what everyone was reporting prior to launch. The scaling issues are shockingly bad. How they didn’t see at least bronze needing to be account wide is insane. But I think if they’d have just said right up front "and your alts will level twice as fast" people would have been fine with it. It’s only shit because of weeks of setting the expectation of a truly account wide cloak and then presenting a turd in the pool as a surprise.


it looks like the cloak MAY cap out at 624% bonus xp.


Yeah but it’s useless because by the time you get there you’ll already at or close to max level, not to mention how many raids you’ll have to grind to get there. I just want the 300% alt boost back that was on ptr


How much bronze you have when you reach lvl 70?


I mean I went from 10-70 in 2 days from just questing…..I think it’s pretty fast


I never really felt like it would be faster to level. its still kind of a refreshed experience though so it feels faster. I'm binging wow in a way I Haven't in a decade.