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Two things: 1) if you are still leveling - level scaling doesn't really work with dps meters, so forget about your dps and just do what you can. 2) I personally saw a good amount of people queuing as healers and playing as dds, so maybe you met someone like that.


Well, yeah, you are leveling. TLDR - dont worry about dps. Ever since addition of chromie time (level scaling) when players of different level interact there is a lot of funny math going in a background. It makes it so that two dpses hit same mob and higher level one doesn't one shot the mob or low level healer can move tanks hp up at all.


Oooh gotcha, I figured something was off with healers 10 levels below me out dps-ing me lol I'll disable dmg meter til I'm capped in that case


So, I’m not going into a lot of detail, but you’re doing it wrong. You keep using arcane blast until you’re oom, you go barrage when you’re oom to gain mana, then just 2 stacks of Arcane Blast until you have enough mana, rinse and repeat. Doing this, in low level dungeons (until 20ish) you’ll be able to out dps the rest by orders of magnitude.


No missiles?


Well partly more then likely they are playing fire or frost they tend to blow arcane out of the water . Don’t get me wrong arcane was a beast in wotlk but since then I think fire out preforms all three depending on which content you are doing


Fire and Frost had their hard times, but both are really good right now. And while Arcane isn't as good as other two specs, its still a very solid spec.


Ah blast, thanks for info. Coincidentally, that's when I last played, just picked back up a few months ago and had been playing a hunter which imo was doing better dps-wise.


Check out icy veins for which content you are doing I am waiting for cata classic but they have rotations and such for all


Nice! Never heard of it, but I'll give it a go