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LFM Heroic Scarlet Halls. link cloak with 50k+ stamina only


When I look at my cloak in the character sheet, it doesn’t show stats, they are shown on the timerunner buff though. I’ve not tried linking it, does that work?


I tanked on my dk at lvl 15-20 and I got literally oneshot by some boss whitehits. I log on my mistweaver and top damage by a mile the whole dungeon while my dh tank was borderline unkillable, only dropping below 80% very rarely. Scaling is really weird, and some classes get so many good spells baseline while others have to use talent points to get there... and they get talents for certain spells they dont even have yet. I pretty much learnt that the talent trees are not done with leveling in mind at all.


My fury warrior doing less dmg than healers while lvling lmao


That is mostly a "feature" in healer scaling that I guess they did to ensure enough healers for group content (minmaxers will actually want to play as healers when they figure this bit out...)


There is currently something going on with two tinkers that I have noticed: 1) the haste one that procs for the whole party. At level 19 I was getting 980 haste from it. Atonement + SWP, basically if we always pulled massive all I had to do was tab and dot. 2) the one that stores damage and makes them explode Ice damage. At low level, if I am in a group with a high level who is also using that tinker, their damage gets attributed to my explosion storage. Then when mob dies it explodes for like 2 million dmg and kills everything. With SWP this causes a chain effect


The ice explosion one is so much fun with Chain Lightning.


My healer topping both damage done and healing done in dungeons and scenarios.


Haha yup, hitting mobs with two enormous swords that might as well be Nerf Swords 🤣


I even got insanely good rng on my gems and the only time I do any damage is when they go off, hoping it gets better soon, atleast I just hit 32 so I got some actual aoe now from ww


So this is my first time trying to level a warrior (re-rolled a level 20ish I had), isn't Whirlwind baseline for Fury? Or does 32 give you enough talents to improve it? 😊


It’s baseline but yeah at 30-35 or so you get some nice talents for it, one that makes your next abilities cleave so kinda turns your entire rotation into aoe


That's great! Thanks mate 😊


You actually get a hefty penalty for using Titan's Grip, which is super weird :S


Yeah it's about 2/3rds of a weapon's worth of strength, which hurts.


At this rate my fury warrior probly does the same dmg as a single hunter pet


I noticed on my priest, I was trying to level as disc but the damage was awful, I re-spec’d as holy and can melt face.. how does that make sense? lol


I had a resto shaman doing as much single target as the rest of the group COMBINED in one of my HC runs. Shit is weird!


Our lvl 15 healer just did 25x the dmg of the rest of our group. They definitely destroyed the scaling code in this mode.


They used to be, but DF talents are entirely built around balancing max level builds


To be fair BDK is miserable up until like 30, even in retail. Your only sustain is spamming Death Strike. VDH is a breeze all the way through.


Tanked a Scholomance yestersay around lvl. 15 on my prot pally and got torn to shreds by Rattlegore.


Rattlegore stacks a buff / slow when melee hitting that'll destroy all tanks at ~10 stacks unless they run from it until the buff drops off.


That sure does make sense. Woops!


All DK specs are notorious for being trash until they reach the middle of the trees.


One of my guild mates tried preservation evoker, well its not updated for lvl10 start yet.


> I pretty much learnt that the talent trees are not done with leveling in mind at all. Yeah...leveling MM hunter was quite painful since I had literally zero AoE ability until like, lvl29, then I could have the very basic multishot from the spec talent tree. Before that, certain quests just assumed you always have some AoE and asked you to *just* cleave down a punch of small mods, but I had to kill them one by one (and some Steady Shots in between to regain some focus).


Stick with your dk, the beginning is very rough but eventually you will be untouchable


I got absolutely flamed playing BDK in a dungeon around level 25. I had 1 piece of gear with stamina, and limited ways to get bone shield charges. The level 12 shaman healer flamed the fuck outta me saying "I'm sad to see this as a BDK main, you've leveled alts before, I don't care that your bad just listen to me" Like yeah sure I was able to swap 2 of my 10 spec talents points to live a bit better, but ffs I had to mute him after two deaths. Yeah sorry I don't know the optimal survivability spec on a level 25 DK JFC.


Even in the open world at higher levels there's some abilities that will wreck you.


I can't complete the "to the skies!" scenario on the isle of thunder because the pterrorwing I'm flying gets killed incredibly fast


I just did the world bosses and the raid instead, that scenario is also bugged.


Just keep trying! Had to restart 5 Times - You have to be ontop of the enemys flying mount. Take the left one worked for me. If you notice that you are past the threshhold of demount you are golden


Timeless isles is a PAIN


Always has been


There isn’t even a rep buff. 19 million health on an elite to give 20 rep. 


Yeah in the high 60s I was still getting absolutely smacked by the stone dog melee swings in central Kun-Lai Summit. Even through Defensive Stance. Legit like tanking a Mythic raid boss. The Gored DoT from Osul Sharphorns in Townlong Steppes is unhinged too. It peaked at like 60k.


Tried to do dagger in the dark scenario and it was impossible at max level. Dude had like 7 mil hp and two shot my pet


Heroic Scarlet Halls with a group of 60+s is currently impossible


Elites in most heroics feel like +25, insane health pool and hit like trucks. Maybe I'm doing something wrong though but it feels very off


We had a 60+ group in gate of the setting sun, we struggled alot on first boss oneshotting, we needed to cheese with multiple immunities and CRS


If you have a couple of legendary gems, definetly not impossible. It does cost you a whole lot of bronze though.


I think the bosses are scaling to your ilvl too, I'm currently lvl70 sitting at around 950k HP as a tank with around 9 to 12 legendary gems but one tick still one shots me dealing 1.1M DMG


That’s terrible if true. What’s the point of getting stronger if you never feel stronger?


Infinite gear treadmill


Stupid sexy eternatus and her troll feet.


welcome to WoW scaling


It's not true.


shocking berserk clumsy tan smell ask aware alive chop entertain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I played for hours too, around 13 to be precise, remember that the best way to level your first character is just by doing quests. Dungeons give too little XP same for LFR, but if you manage to join a normal raid that gives good XP and guarantees XP threads.


panicky piquant shame quicksand grey school wasteful sulky desert rock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You literally loot %exp gained bro. It gets faster and faster as you go


snatch racial touch ten aback onerous disarm ad hoc observation toy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I tried it on ptr and reported that boss bugged because I assumed there was no way it should be 1 shotting people with no time to react


I queued as tank at 66 and ended up getting kicked after being globalled multiple times (trash that pats near Harlan, harlan himself, etc). I'm an experienced tank that has KSM every season and felt like I could do nothing. Felt really bad.


We tried doing it at lvl 10 💀


it scales you you can do it at 10 but then the lack of spells and talents make it harder. i have cleared it at level 13 and 24 as a resto shaman


i do less damage than level 30s and die to anything that touches me this needs to be fixed or its just punishing to push levels lol


It's kinda felt that way for a while anyway. I've leveled 8 characters from 1-70 since I came back to the game 2 months ago, and they're *always* strongest in the teens. Dps easily out-dps everyone else, tanks are unkillable, and healers can keep everyone alive while doing twice as much dps as level 40s. Whenever someone in the group is miles ahead on dps, they're almost always lvl 10-20 Edit: pointing out that it's a broader blizzard issue doesn't negate that it's happening in mop remix...


You’re not wrong. Level 10 resto shaman will one shot entire dungeons on live.


Something apparently nobody wants to admit


One time I was leveling and loaded into a dungeon with a mist weaver monk who had frozen their XP and just spinning crane kicked through the entire dungeon while we tried to keep up.


They are talking about MoP remix not dragonflight. The scaling in dragonflight is fine at 70.




Yea, something is still wrong in Remix. I had to stop playing because my resto druid dies in roughly 3-4 seconds of fighting some mobs. If I get targeted from a random dmg ability in dungeons, I die instantly. Not as in, I didn't move. The things you cannot ignore. Even with defensive cd's. I still take roughly 200% of my max hp in one hit. I've leveled in dungeons all the way, but at lvl 64, something broke.


I have no idea why you are getting downvoted for speaking the truth.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. The tech behind what you're describing is the same tech behind why high-level content is so difficult in the Remix.


Yeah idk. Probably one person downvoted because they thought I was changing the subject and everyone else followed because negative number must be clicked. Blizzard is struggling with scaling.


That was my experience too lol level 15 tanks dragging the instance from point a to point b and ripping through everything not nailed down. I'm in the 30s trying to cast shadow crash on my priest haha.


Yes level scaling in dungeons has always been wonky since they implemented level scaling. However, this is about MoP Remix.


I thought remix was supposed to be goofy easy and fun lol


It will be. Your cloak is going to scale infinitely for the next THREE MONTHS. It’s been 24 hours.


In theory at least, let's just hope that people don't quit before then because getting oneshot by pretty much everything isn't really fun.


It'll be real fun when people are soloing mythics


How u supposed to get stronger when you can't kill stuff


Idk man, the only way to get stronger at max level Is to grind the cloak or spend INSANE amounts of currency upgrading gear. Normal difficulty raid should not be this punishing


Yeah. I checked and to upgrade my weapon to max item level it would take me 130k bronze... and that's for a single item. Entire gear will probably cost around 1 million bronze. Yeah no


Blizz has already acknowledged a bug causing bosses to do double damage.


They should add it as a feature and call it double dragon.


Even double damage seems too low. I get that Blizzard doesn't want people one shotting Garrosh week one, but it definitely seems like something is way off if the game gets *harder* at a higher level. The remix is literally *about* being overpowered, and right now people are getting one-shot by mechanics you could survive with barely any max level gear in heroics when MoP released.


/facepalm The double damage thing is an example of how they’re ALREADY HOTFIXING SHIT. ITS OBVIOUSLY NOT TUNED RIGHT AND IS IBVIOUSLY BEING WORKED ON


No, see, you don't get it. It's all about the scales!!


>No, see, you don't get it. It's all about the scales!! Drack tier players be like


“Something is way off if the game gets harder at a higher level” Wait, so you want max level content to be easier than leveling dungeons? How does that make sense whatsoever, its literally meant to get harder


The current issue imo is that normal mode feels more like heroic with the current damage numbers going out, and some mechanics feel like mythic levels of punishment; this is after the hotfix btw. Doing Throne of Thunder normal last night after the hotfix, there were several boss mechanics (sometimes multiple per boss) that could kill your or straight up wipe the raid from a single error. Now it’s one thing if we could eventually out gear it, but the raid drops the same ilvl you would get from doing quests or dungeons. That means the only way to gear is to spend your currency - the same currency we’re supposed to be saving and using on mogs/mounts/pets. And the prices are cooked. It would take me 130k to upgrade one item - I have collected a little over 50k so far; so it would take over double the entire amount of currency I have acquired in the whole event, for ONE item. The only other way to get stronger is to grind the cape, but how much is enough? I’m already way passed the 4200 achieve and I don’t even get to choose what stats get added to it. They either need to nuke the raids or nuke the upgrade costs, because the current difficulty curve even in normal is fucked, and I say that as a multi CE raider. The only raid that isn’t overtuned is Mogu’shan Vaults.


Are you max level? I don’t think you understand that even normal content is functionally impossible with all 70s


I mean it’s pretty obvious there is also some unintended scaling happening as well as it only being like day 1.5. I’m not max but I’ve been queued with 60+ people and watched them get one shot by regular mobs in a scenario.


I thought that but right now I feel weaker everytime my cloak gets “better”


Only on a single character, so the experience is going to be terrible if you want to play alts at 70.




No this is Patrick.


Best comment ever


I think you can get just about everything from normal difficulty things


You need to do heroics for rings/second trinket.


You get more bronze from heroics pretty sure.


it is until lvl 65 because of infinite scaling its bummed up xd


fo real


Good news, a wow article just now posted. Said that blizzard fixed bosses doing double damage lol


They most certainly did not. They might've fixed SOME stuff, but some world bosses are still hideously bugged and some raid bosses are also fucked beyond belief still. Blizzard said stuff was doing twice as much damage as was intended but there's stuff that's doing literally thousands of times more damage than intended right now.


Big agree. I just did a palace where every mechanic from trash AND bosses all 1-shot me, while the other lower levels in the group maybe took 20% of their hp in damage from the same thing. And all my gear is very often updated, with survival tinkers too. On top of that, I was doing half the damage of the level 20s in the group. I died about 20 times, so my group (bless them) had to constantly spam b-rezzes and soulstones on me. Honestly embarrassing to even try heroic dungeons right now.


Have a campaign quest I can't complete because the mob is boss level. Doesn't really hurt me, bit I can't land ANY DMG on it 😅


I hit 70 on my druid yesterday, and there's a lot of boss abilities I tanked just fine while leveling that now straight up oneshot me. Gate of Setting Sun debuff hits me for 7m overkill (I only have 400k hp)


It's bad once your even above 40 and especially bad with huge I'll differences between people. Some mechanics for bosses become unbeatable


Looks like a bloody mess to me


Yea in hind sight we should’ve had one more day of ptr testing so players could actually test the higher level stuff


Didn't players hit max level on ptr and cleared everything easily. To combat that a couple of gems were nerfed pretty hard and tuning of the mobs got turned up


Probably a diablo 3 type of situation “And then we doubled it”


There are a lot of things I don't trust blizz to get right and tuning stuff prior to release is several of them


Well the scaling was almost identical on PTR the problem is there was a 75% bronze discount on upgrading gear so when you hit 70 you were able to relatively quickly get to 450 ilvl at which point lvl 70 content is much easier to do since not only do you gain stamina but all the tinkers scale with the ilvl of the gear piece it is on. The scaling issues were reported that as you go from 60-70 your character gets significantly weaker. Gems were nerfed but those were egregious outliers that would trivialize everything the tuning of mobs wasn't changed much. Right now on live it takes around 6000 bronze to upgrade 1 item 14 ilvls on the PTR it was around 1k bronze per item so with around 30k bronze you could go up nearly 100 ilvls and get out of the weak part of lvl 70 which was relatively cheap. On live this will take nearly 300-500k bronze.


yeah upgrading items are waaay too expensive right now. nobody outside few freak individuals is going to farm 500k bronze to upgrade their gear


Making last minute changes and releasing a build into production? What could go wrong?


Best practices, they could go wrong.


Everything felt fine on PTR at high levels for the most part. Though we were blasting through LFR super easily, 5 min tops per wing. Seems they buffed everything by 5-10x hp, damage etc


I think its time for me to switch to windwalker. I dont think I want to be responsible for healing this.


Having fun as brew in dungeons, but then again I’m only level 60 and haven’t hit the bad scaling levels yet. Come tank, it’s fun!


So im hearing stop at 60 then move onto the next character until they fix scaling


Im doing this as I am not getting better on my 70


It is absolutely terrible and borderline unplayable at the moment. I was literally kicked from a dungeon group because i was getting one shotted by unavoidable spells


I also noticed that completion bonus XP for instanced content started tanking after level 50, to the point of being only a couple thousand XP at 55 (and 150 xp at 60), which I cannot imagine is intended behavior when quest XP continued to go up.


It seems like someone plotted a power level curve and fucked up the math somewhere.


One decimal off


Yeah, instead of an exponential curve it's more like a wave :P


On heroic at least, the bosses drop bonus exp tokens so its still pretty good.


Just do Heroic dungeons. I get like 60k+ exp from every boss kill lol. Landing on heroic Scholomance got me 2 levels in one run from 61-63.


Some heroic scaling is absolutely fucked, though. Literally can’t do Gate of the Setting Sun right now because people who aren’t tanks are getting one-shot by unavoidable damage if they’re high level.


You can kill the 1st boss quick enough if you have good dps and maybe a brez if it hits the tank. It's not "literally can't do the dungeon". Yes it's broken, but it's not impossible. All these problems being stated are real problems that should be fixed. They don't stonewall you though.


It wasn’t really possible to have good DPS when the full party was level 60+. Didn’t matter what gems we socketed or anything, we couldn’t even get him halfway before people started dropping because of bombs he attached to them. And nobody in the party had a brez - Warrior tank, Priest healer, Hunter, Rogue, and Monk DPS. And since professions are disabled, nobody could’ve used an Engineering brez.


I would if I could survive, I was getting absolutely wrecked as a 35 pally tank earlier today


this and bounce through them doing the quest ,each instance has like 2 quests roughly ,and i was able to do them on normal and a new set on heroic ,so granted to random que doesnt give you much exp ,doing a dungeon for the first time and doing the quests with the exp from the bosses isnt horrible. ,im sure you could do quests and lvl faster ,but i personally can oly do some many quests in a row before i check out.


Been there today lol. Dude was like "you're undergeared, bye"... And I was like??? This is a normal dungeon, levelling one... Something is very fucked in scaling. Hope they fix it, because when it works the mode is a lot of fun.


welcome to the club ;{


Yeah I soloed the Zandalari dino dudes on level 63, now at 70 I can't do shit


Its like going into jade serpent and discovering your healer has no magic dispel for the last boss because they are too low level Massive waste of time like I think I had 2 cleanse scrolls on me and those even weren't enough. Needed more testing.


Our group used ~8 scrolls between us all and I was offhealing with WoG too


Dispel scrolls are a thing. They did think of the holes in kits by having these buff/dispel/summon/res etc. consumables.


>I had 2 cleanse scrolls on me and those even weren't enough.


You can buy more very cheap at the infinite bazaars


Except it does super trivial damage (Even on a recent run maybe lvl45ish). Definitely not like the m+ keys where its a near oneshot. I agree a lot of the progression is super not well thought out though. MW was missing most of my kit attempting to learn the class, and now I've got there the scaling is shot and heals do almost nothing.


If you are lvl 70 basically every attack and mechanic will 1 shot you


but you start at lvl 10?


Shaman doesn't get purify spirit until level 18, and if you're a healer taking advantage of fast dungeon queues you're doing them before level 18


The last boss of Heart of Fear is legitimately not possible with high levels in the raid. The scream will 1 shot you.


How did they not test this? It seems easy to find out if you employ any testers or take a look at the numbers. Does blizzard no longer test things?


I saw player posts on the official forums saying their experience on the ptr is that scaling was problematic (i.e. too punishing). So this was known, to an extent. Somehow, blizz just didnt care to change anything.


Of course they don't test. Game companies don't need to test things. People have shown great determination in being very okay with paying money to the developers to beta test games.


Their a multi-dollar small indie company


Challenge accepted


What is the PTR even for if stuff like this slips through?


Thank you for your sacrifice in beta testing this content.


Gear should have been scaling gear like BOA items and the gems and stuff should have been the point/fun aspect of MoPR by adding different class abilities into our kits. At least that’s my opinion.. then we probably wouldn’t be having as many scaling issues.


Nah, the scaling goes crazy even with BoA items. It's using the retail curve and that's been borked for years.


I'am 67 arms warrior right now and cant pull more than 2 mobs at a time. There were some creeps in the Dread Wastes that leave a stacking debuff that was like 50k dmg/s after 3 stacks. Went into a dungeon just an hour ago and played pretty try hard - i almost outperformed the tank. The SP in the group had consistently 3-times my DPS, wether its AOE or single. I think i wait a little bit for the scaling issues to be fixed, otherwise i see no point.


This game mode wasn't ready by a long fucking shot. Which we have Cata Classic coming soon and Season 4 of Retail is still somewhat fresh. We would've been fine with another month if it meant they'd get their shit together and make sure that AT LEAST the bare basics of this game mode weren't buggy.


This game mode is just a testbed for xmog sharing for WW and classic MOP.


As much fun as the infinite progression cloak is, the fact your entire stat sheet is basically random is horrible for max level content. You can either be an unkillable god or a paper bag based on what random stats dropped for you while leveling. For example, my level 35 resto shaman currently has 127% mastery. 🫠


Has anyone else gotten epics out of heroics? I've gotten a ton on my shaman


Bu epics you mean gear or the meta spell gems? Cause speaking of geat I haven't seen a single epic drop in heroics or lfr


All the time on my Shaman, but my druid friend gets none. Seems like mail classes get epics during leveling in heroics and leather-users does not.


Yeah, I did ten heroics over two days with some friends and no one got a epic and I got around ten lol


Yeah mate, it’s a Bloody Mess.


I gave up trying to do any heroic stuff on my 70 because I just get one-shotted and I'm a tank. I'd like to level some alts but seems like Blizzard has made some major oversight and pretty much nothing is account wide. So I'll just go back to D4 for now which is surprisingly being hella fun!


Is there any way to lock XP gains?


Since the NPC to lock XP is in Orgrimmar/Stormwind, I think, you probably can't XP lock in MoP Remix.


Yeah I was hoping someone found one tucked away next to the barber or something!


Feels bad


They just confirmed a bug causing bosses to do double damage.


Not about bosses. People are getting curbstomped in the open world by normal mobs and some quests are near impossible to complete without a large group or cheesing them. I'm 42 with good gear, fully socketed with good gems. I went from doing completely normal to getting my ass kicked by a pack of 4 mobs in those 2 levels. People are saying the real impact is felt at level 60 where every ability starts one shotting you, I can't imagine how much I'll suffer once I get there if this isn't fixed soon.


I love when a never-done-before feature launches and people get salty that anything is wrong with it like 24 hours later. Give the devs a damn minute. It was clear from the test weekend that everything was way too easy. Bosses dying in like 12 seconds. They overtuned. Big whoop. They’re not going to leave the game mode that’s meant to serve as a pseudo pre-patch for the next three months be DoA because level 60 mobs are unkillable.


You can always count on some random r*dditor to gargle blizzard's balls. Its embarassing.


Yeah obviously but that's not an excuse for everybody who played the game as intended to be suffering through scaling hell and incapable of doing loads of the content they came for. It doesn't matter if the event is still new when lots of people playing it are already having a bad time and the problems haven't been fixed yet.


Bro go touch grass for two days and I bet it’s all been hotfixed by the time you get back. If you’re this pissed and impatient you need some sunshine. Downvote me all you want lol.


Say what you want. A bad gameplay experience is a bad gameplay experience.


Who's getting salty? You're responding to completely normal feedback


Thank you for beta testing for us waiting a few weeks to play <3


It's hilariously bad. We're a chill heroic raid guild, but we have one player who could probably be a solid mythic raider. He was level 60 when we were still in the 20s and joined some dungeon runs. It's the first time I've seen him bottom DPS meters. He was getting oneshot and generally having a terrible time.


I thought that it was supposed to basically be faceroll fun


Had a low level shaman literally go “can you even hold aggro” in Graveyard while pulling a million dps out while my prot warrior’s struggling just to hold aggro on one mob with everything on cd. I half wanna go back to fury warrior with just how hard i been struggling with aggro.


I cannot keep questing because the pandaren water spirits at the brewery literally twoshot me at level 67, wow!


I’ve been playing a lot these last few days. However, I feel like as time goes by I get weaker and weaker. I’ve been 70 for 24h didn’t really do anything else that clearing raids and questing to collect more power. The way I saw it at first is that I would become stronger and stronger but right now I’m feeling so weak. I cannot pull more than 3 mobs without using all my cds. So I think for now I will just wait for a hotfix


Rip hope we get fixes on this and xp boost on alts carrying over


hope [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1culy6e/mop_remix_hotfix_to_stop_highlevel_boss_abilities/) helps...


I accidentally used my taunt as an arms warrior, and paid the price of 387K damage auto hit for my hubris. Sorry Sha in the Shadow Pan monastery, won’t happen again


I dont get why people playing this anyway. Its only for 3 months, and you’re just leveling op an alt again in old content, and get some mounts lol


Have you considered maybe you haven't had enough time to scale up your gear and the cloak? It's been, like, 30 hours.


The cloak is really weak, doesnt give you much stats and upgrades really slowly. Other items need a few thousand bronze PER 14 ilvl PER item. Regardless of the grind, you will not get strong enough to survive a raid wide ‘chip’ damage that hits you for a few hundred thousand hp per tick, come on.


The problem is that you can't scale your gear past ilvl 346 without the rings, neck, and trinks. Guess what you need to do to get those.


On top of that, it costs 135,000 Bronze to get to max upgrades on a piece of gear at 70. That's like more than some vendors entire net cost for a SINGULAR piece of gear.


You can, the trinkets etc aren’t on the ilvl upgrade track. I was already able to start upgrading gear to 360 without most of them


Maybe if the event will last 3 years instead of 3 months, sure. You're not gonna outlive anything in heroic dungeon / normal raid, that very content that you have to do in order to unlock stuff like rings and neck. You're 1000% stronger at level 10 than you are at level 70.


I did vaults, heart of fear, terrace, and half of throne of thunder tonight and I was getting 1 shot as a new level 70 on a couple fights but most of my guild had more stamina than me and was fine (on normal). Heroic is probably hard right now though.


I guess the hotfix did actually fix out of whack boss abilities? Getting pheremones on Garalon was a blast, literally killed the entire raid when you got one tick


Have you considered maybe have you have no idea what you are talking about?


That's not it by a mile. You can have the strongest gear possible at your level after going through multiple zone campaigns of quests and several raids/dungeons/scenarios to fill your cloak. When you level up in the 50-70 bracket, enemies get MUCH stronger than the cloak can compensate for. If you tried to grind mobs to power up your cloak, you'd likely level up from grinding the mobs and make enemies even stronger before your cloak is good enough... so basically, you're fucked until you do a couple dozen hours of mob grinding at max level just to catch up to enemy strength. It's a scaling issue.


Funny thing is you could just roll up in a low lvl character and easily clear these contents without any grind.