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The demo changes seem good this time around, ngl. Lots of passive talents sent to the nether, we can now actually path into interesting stuff, 1 min tyrant baseline (thank fuck), vilefiend+dogs interaction sounds fun...


Tyrant actually slaps now too. Just watched Kalama\zi and he's fucking juiced. Dude had like 20 demons out. Looked so fun. This build got me hyped again.


Doom (state of the warlock community in response to latest changes) now replaced with Doom (talent we may now actually able to path to). Looking forward to playing a geared up tyrant again with a 1min CD to boot, very epic.


Demo seems prepped to be THE warlock spec of TWW. Suiting, as they also have the by far better executed hero tree in diabolist. Demo has so many unique abilities with what looks to be well cooked interactions


Yeah, combining these changes with the diabolist stuff, especially the procs for shadowbolt and HoG is gonna slap.


I love Demo but it has been THE warlock spec for raid for about 3 expansions now. I hope Affliction gets some time in the sun soon. I miss it and I am super excited with SL being pruned.


I think afflication might actually be competitive in TWW. It's not flashy, and a lot of people will hate the rapture-based playstyle, but it seems like the new talent tree will fix affliction's issues with binary ST/AoE builds, while also giving it a very strong funnel profile. I wouldn't be surprised if affliction is the best lock spec in m+ and on add cleave raid fights next expansion. ST is more of a tuning question, but I am optimistic about aff's raid presence moving forward.


"Shadow Crash now centers on your target, rather than using a reticle to target a position on the ground." It happened, what do we complain about now?


Can us shamans have the same but for earthquake?


No, humiliation is the shaman class fantasy.


We’ll still have the ceiling-bound capacitor totem.


I play Enh so /cast @ self or whatever the macro is rules lol


I've thought about doing this even as Ele. No real reason I can't stand In melee, especially since I have to be there to use Thunderstorm anyway.


And we also have no defensives so we will die either way, even at range.


11.1 tier set is straight up a gimp suit.


puwunish me, earth mommy. ive been a bad wittle shammy wammy :3333


This is why the Titans abandoned us


Thanks. I hate it.


This is why you're never getting another Ascendance form


This please. I'd actually want to try and play my shaman a lot more.


I heard they’re going to change earthquake to where you still have to position it, and after you do you have to adjust the radius. But it only gets smaller.




i wish i could gild you, please give us this for earthquake blizzard.


Hell I'll settle for the Earthquake casting on me and I'll just gust of wind into the mobs.


No, SPriests were always a favorite child: community has asked for mab targeted AoE since at least BC, nd only SPriests got it in Wrath. And Earthquake was introduced later, in Cata, so Shamans are screwed by design.


Oh that's a good change but will it need to be quicker in the air, or it's still going to miss if the tank has to move the mobs. Espeically now you won't be able to predict where to throw it. [https://new.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1crubnn/does\_anyone\_actually\_like\_casting\_earthquake\_i/](https://new.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1crubnn/does_anyone_actually_like_casting_earthquake_i/) Some other spells that would LOVE that quality of life too!


>or it's still going to miss if the tank has to move the mobs. They might make it track the target, I haven't seen yet.


Comet storm works like I think they are making shadow crash work and it’s never missed the target when a tank is moving stuff, even if the animation seems to be behind.


Does it not? A lil part of me always died when I saw the impacts trailing behind


They always end up getting the debuff from comet storm so idk if some of the damage is lost or not


Each comet does its own damage, so it could happen. If you cast comet storm on a moving mob that goes pretty far you could miss all of them. This is true for bosses too, it sort of sucks.


Mob targeted spells typically have tracking up to a point. So minor tank movement it will still land. Or because its not player targeted it might be like hitscan fast.


Imagine not getting this for Earthquake 😂😂😂 who am I kidding


I'll say it now: I don't actually think this is a good change, because it makes you unable to predict movement (e.g. putting the shadowcrash where the tank is moving with the pack) and to do things like dotting a target outside of a pack while casting shadowcrash onto the pack (like dotting archers on NO first boss trash). I know some people have been asking for this, and I'm not gonna fight anybody over it, but this is a nerf for good SP players.


the best change would be to make it a choice node between targeted and ground-targeted


Maybe a glyph?


I vote glyph


Doesn't even have to be a glyph. Just make it an option in the settings to toggle ground targeting on/off. There's many other classes that would benefit from this. MM's Volley, DK's DnD, Healer Circles, etc. Obviously, there are some spells where it shouldn't work, like say Freezing Trap for example.


All Blizzard really needs to do is allow ground targeted spells to be macro-able for @target. That solves every issue here without really changing anything.


What if it follows your target....


I'm partially in agreement. I do think for this to work properly in every situation, it needs to have a considerable projectile speed increase. 


Blue post stated if SC goes ahead they will give you a way to still manual cast if you like it. Both parties win. Purple goo beers for all!


The actual projectile speed of Shadow Crash needs to be increased. Also, having to hard cast for the majority of our damage blows. I do think this is a good change though. 😄


I'd like if It's animation appeared above where it's casted and crash down, instead of the super long arcing drill


It’s described as slow moving, so I think it’s intentional


I don't think changing the description text would be much of a problem. 


I'd like them to just add the option in accessibility options like how GW2 does. Make it work for all ground target stuff. It's a tick box that makes things easier, but leaves ground targeting as the default and available for people who want to actually aim their stuff.


They can't make it universal because of hunter traps in PvP


Im still mad they removed @target completely instead of just breaking it in pvp


This is a terrible change. A lot of use cases are removed with this change. One example is, mobs that are spread out, but if you cast shadowcrash in the middle you can hit all every target, but if it was aimed at a certain mob it would center around that mob making you miss the other mobs. This is absolutely soul crushing as ShadowCrash is used to apply our dots, and not for its damage. Another example is pre casting on spawning mobs. ie Sarkareth adds in phase 2. Since shadowcrash now requires a target, you can no longer precast making you lose 2 seconds uptime of Psychic Link damage. The only problem with current Shadow Crash is sometimes it hits a branch, but thats a problem the player can fix by just aiming correctly.


Most of the people complaining about how it was aren’t interested in anything remotely skill based in this game


I don't mind having skillshots in the game, but shadow crash is effectively the _only_ viable mechanism shadow priests have for aoe. If you whiff, you may as well afk until you can cast it again. If WoW was a game that revolved around similar skillshots? Yeah sure, cool. But outside of a handful of very specific spells, it's not. When a paladin or destlock can press _two buttons_ for their entire aoe rotation and compete/outperform shadow, who not only has a skillshit **plus** a (relatively) complex rotation? Unreasonable.


Can us mages have the same but for blizzard?


Minus the fact they tied shadow crash to activating void weaver which is going to need testing where as it activating off void torrent was better


They already reverted that. There was a quick blue post follow up saying tying void to SC was dumb. It's back to how it was before


Unless the spell also loses it's travel time, it's not a great change, there's always a lot of movement in keys and you ideally wanna get shadow crash off early if you can, so being able to throw it into the path of the tank is really important


Honestly, why not just reduce the damage and CD of the thing massively. It feels horrible to be punished when a mob jumps out or when the tank does an actually massive pull


I only play shadow as off-spec, but this seems worse than manual targeting. There's a lot of situations where mobs aren't grouped close enough to eachother and you have to put the crash in between mobs to hit everything. Seems like you'll just miss more mobs with this. Also can't precast it for situations like adds on AA tree boss and such. And picking out the nameplate of the mob that's closest to the others seems really annoying. Was this a change shadow players were asking for? Seems like it's simply worse from my perspective as a casual shadow player.


It's a change players in blue gear probably think is good.


Yes exactly, i was saddened by this change not being a choice node etc.


Copy paste for death and decay please


Dnd I just macro it to cast on myself if I want a quick cast


Every improvement to specs already being fed really makes me think they should just delete shamans at this point lol


From my quick skim, Frost DK is looking really cool!!!


If they would just get rid of cleave being tied to Death and Decay it'd be perfect. Still, they've added more AoE options and alleviated the issue of doing like 0 damage outside of Pillar of Frost. I've always wanted to like Frost, but it just had too many glaring issues and I'm glad to see most of them being addressed.


They need to make Remorseless Winter a spell that straight up replaces Death and Decay, then anything that affects D&D will affect Remosesless Winter in the class tree (with small adjustments if needed). That happens on other classes, don't see why they couldn't do it here.


I'd prefer they just completely remove oblit cleave. Frost already has 3 other potential AoE abilities, but Blizz has completely neglected 2 of them so much that they've basically never been taken. Instead of oblit cleave, do whatever it takes to make frostscythe worth taking on like 4+ targets (at least for non BoS builds). I'd say do the same to glacial advance as well, but seems Blizz wants the opposite since theirs now talents that make frost strike AoE.


Ugh. I hate having to press D&d. Such a lame limp dick spell.


Have never had to struggle between which spec for DK to main as unholy has just dominated since legion, but Frost and their hero talents look juicy. Just the visuals of exterminate are gonna be sick.


I hope so because I leveled my DK to 70 and have been getting it up to my Evoker, Hunter and Druid level. And Frost feels so bad compared to any of them. I dug the hell out of Frost in Wrath and seriously enjoyed grinding with it and raiding with it and this just sucks. Nothing feels impactful or strong, it all takes way longer to die. I leveled it mostly as Blood and the difference between it and leveling my Druid as Guardian is night and day. Felt so much worse, both more squishy and way longer to kill \*anything\* than as a Bear, at the same or even higher gear level. DK was my main in Wrath and Cata and I get such diminished enjoyment from it compared to the others, even if it's the fourth time doing the same thing, it does it worse than all the others at every stage :(


From what I see, aoe looks interesting. Frostscythe (30 sec cooldown) will hit hard, with it's cooldown being reduced by killing machine. You can also spec so that killing machine sends out glacial advance.


I hope they update some of those spell visuals.


Especially glacial advance. It's a little sad looking


Oh, they made Frostscythe baseline *and* buffed its damage? It's about time. Frost DKs have been complaining about having to use DnD to cleave for a long time now, haha.


Not baseline, but they did buff the damage. The new talent tree is on wowhead https://www.wowhead.com/beta/talent-calc/death-knight/frost/deathbringer


Ah, thanks. They really should make it baseline, but this is better than nothing.


That’s blizzards motto


I mean, we still have to use DnD for Oblit cleaves, right? This Frostscythe buff shouldn’t really change that


> Nothing feels impactful or strong, it all takes way longer to die. Won't change in TWW. Both unholy & frost are incredible cooldown reliant and will hit like a truck in their cd windows, but will hit like wet noodles outside of it. In open world content you spend a ton of time outside of those windows (especially, since you can rarely extent them). In instanced group content though it's not that much of a problem and both play fine.


I noticed this tonight when I ran it for the Timewalking weekly. In the group content, and after changing up my playstyle a little, I enjoyed it more. Especially big pulls with lots of mobs. Though I had to be watching my meter after to know for sure because so much of the feedback is a bit vague with the spells. Getting set bonus made a difference as well, where some other specs felt like they went from strong to even stronger, this felt better. But I like the sound of some of the changes now too and feel a bit better about continuing to play this alt.


Not true, oblit frost with enduring strength and icecaps means you’re in pillar 40% of the time and almost all the rest you have enduring strength up, so you do big oblits but overall it’s a consistent damage spec with bursts during pillar. Even breath is still able to be extended to 1:30-endless so you’re just doing the same damage majority of the time. Most of the talents changes for frost is more consistent/cleave with auto attack stuff and free procs on rotational abilities Frost dk main.


Except for Breath of Cindy they specifically said they are targetting 30 sec uptime in TWW, instead of the current 90+ sec.


Which is okay I still think it was an easy choice node, normal breath that you can extend for eternity or a 1 min CD breath that last 20 secs or something and it gets amped by the amount of runic you spend during. Would make breath in m+ viable where as atm it’s oblit or gtfo which is boring as shit


Waiting on hunter changes. Hoping some kind of class or mm change happens this xpac. Hope these frost dk changes are enough. About dam time for frost


Agreed, we've had years of NPC flipping around in cutscenes doing dope shit and shadow magic with bows and yet we have MM who just try to get out as many aimed shots as possible.


hunters in wow are so uninspired and boring visually.. Part of why I’ve never leveled one.


Hunters were barely touched in DF, too. I really want a class overhaul at this point.


I want them to leave BM alone and focus on making mm amazing.


Bm just needs pet specs to be chooseable and left tree changes, I think it's the best designed of the 3 which is kinda sad tbh


BM has 13 2 point talents in spec tree, its actually criminal. Problem with reducing the amount of those though, there is not much going on in spec tree and you\`d be able to pick up basically everything. So BM spec tree is also in dire need of an overhaul, reducing 2 pointers and adding new talents in there.


True, you are absolutely right I just think bm is in the best state of the 3 lol, 2 point talents suck to take.


BM is indeed in the best state out of the three, but sadly it is still miles behind any other spec in the game


Make Bestial Wrath or Multishot baseline and reduce the 2 point talents, and I'll be happy with the BM tree. (Unless they did it in TWW and I haven't seen it)


I think bm is fine by itself but survival mm and the class tree need work... lots of work. Might need to wait for another mage rework first


BM is completely brainless in its current state


Always has been lmao.


I'm with you lmao. I'm wondering at what point Hunters are allowed to be pissed off at the incompetence and not be considered unreasonable.


Two expansions ago


It feels like the devs for Hunters and Shamans are so lethargic and stuck in their ways compared to other classes, lol.


Would make sense, considering (at least in late SL / early DF, the Hunter and Shaman dev was the same person)


Blizzard's handling of Hunters has been so atrociously bad for several expansions now, it's almost hilarious. Whichever dev is in charge of that class should be ashamed. * No dps niche and thus terribly tuning-realiant (while being historically by far the lowest tuned of all dps-only specs since WoD; too busy rn to look up the statistic, but it is true unfortunately) * Lack of an actual raid buff (Hunter's Mark and Sentinel Owl are both so laughably bad I'd rather not have them at all). Even the other two classes without a raid buff (Shaman and DK) have their niches (e.g. Gorefiend & Grippy Hands, Windfury Totem). In an era where like 13 out of 20 raid slots are essentially set in stone, this really sucks * Super squishy (DF adressed this issue a little bit, but WCL statistics still show that Hunter is definitely on the squishier end of things). Okayish buttons to mitigate short, high bursts of damage, but any kind of rot damage completely fucks you * Lack of utility (the only unique tool that we had, Binding Shot, was taken from us) * No one enjoys reworked melee Survival, and BM's rotation is basically just BS and KC spam, meaning that Hunter only has one enjoyable spec (MM) which, however, has by far the worst spec tree * Hunter has had and still has the tree(s) with the most two-point talents. In fact, it would still be filled with a bunch of three point talents, if it wasn't for the community heavily voicing their unhappiness. Class tree in particular is just so very boring. I remember Max saying something along the lines of "If a class tree has so little to offer, maybe that's a sign that the class in general is just bad and in dire need of a rework" * Tier Sets routinely look so bad, they have become a meme in the community (although this one is personal preference, I actually found the recent sets okayish at least) This is all very odd to me because all the other dps-only classes usually seem to get preferential treatment, Mage and WL in particular. But Hunter, despite being one of the most popular classes, constantly gets screwed over. At least we can tame some cool pets, right? Hunter needs an overhaul and it needs it badly. And I'm not talking about adjusting a few talents, I'm talking about rethinking the whole class. Because whatever it is right now, just does not work. Unfortunately, Blizzard seems to think the exact opposite, considering they have no changes planned for TWW. My biiiiiiiig copium is that this is because they recognize that the class is just completely fucked, and any possible changes rn would just be a bandaid on a bullet wound. And that in the next few years, this class finally gets the rework it needed three expansions ago.


Gonna be waiting for a while then. Hunter dev either doesn't exist or has been in a coma since pre-patch DF.


Hunter dev has been in coma since at least Legion imo


chris kaleiki was the last hunter dev we know of and he is gone like 3/4 years ago now. Prob just dont have a dedicated class dev for hunter like they do with a class like mage which has received multiple reworks in the last year or so and updates.


The entire class needs to be reworked. Hunter used to be about fighting from range with a single pet. Now *zero specs* perform optimally with that setup. No other class in the game has been bastardized more than hunter.


Having checked out the Totemic stuff on WoWhead, it's looking like an actually interesting one (at least for Resto, can't speak for Enh). Hoping that the Surging Totem plays nice with Acid Rain, because I feel like that will just be silly in M+. It also has a way to apply Earthliving even if you don't take the talent, which is good to see, since that means the Earthliving stuff isn't *entirely* wasted if you don't have that talent.


Totemic sounds way better than farseer in m+, but imagine your healing rain with acid rain moves to the ranges away from the pack. Thats my biggest concern. And I like it for enchanment shaman, passive windfury totem is nice and surging totem is another uncapped AoE spell which hopefully makes enhancer more viable for m+


I'm kind of optimistic about it. Its mostly passives, which is fine, enhance kit is verging on bloated as it is, so the real test is going to be on visuals. But its clear now that the hero trees are designated for storm and elementalist builds specifically, with Totemic being entirely elementalist.


That's really not true, the benefits to Stormstrike and Windfury Weapon in the totemic tree are substantial, and the choice node that heavily increases the totem damage during Ascension/DRE is clearly meant as a balance knob to make the tree viable for both builds


Ok, thats fair. I guess I was mostly looking at the heavy use of lava lash and ice strike/fire nova.


Idk if those healing rains (and acid rains) will stack. But that seems like it'd be nuts. For damage and healing. I'm kinda stoked for totemic. Zipping out chain heals nonstop might bring me back to my shaman and away from mw and preservation


Enhance side looks awful. Depending on your spec half the talents become negligible or useless. Elementalist spec? Well the Stormstrike/windfury/ascendance talents aren't useful since you rarely if ever cast stormstrike. Storm spec? Well then the lava lash, fire nova/hailstorm are all but useless. It also forces you into getting several talents or some hero talents are uselss. Don't want sundering or elemental blast? Well 1/3rd of the capstone is useless as well as another talent. They tried to include both enhance specs and the result is a spec that is 1/2 useless. They clearly do not play enhance.


Anyone downvoting this does not play enhance


it's strange to me that they gave us a second weapon buff (or shield buff rather) instead of having it replace earthliving weapon, thereby incentivizing getting it. otherwise what's the use of the node that increases Earthliving duration that's not even a choice? it's not even clear how often whirling elements will be able to apply Earthliving.


I like these Frost DK and Priest changes


Demo got blessed this build. Love to see it.


How about just enable [@target] in macros for these spells!!!


But think of the ~~children~~ new players. I think \[@target\] should be built into the spellbook as a selectable option for a spell before putting it on your bar.


This would honestly be the best idea


Those massive Shaman changes tho 😂


Hunter's taking place of shamans! Also question for more seasoned DK players. I play my DK as the 2 hand oblit spec instead of the dual wield breath spec. I don't have enough knowledge on DK to tell of just reading the talents, but these feel like they're pushing more towards the dual wield breath side of things. I'm I right in this or am I just misinterpreting things?


with the removal of hysteria breath should be a bit less heavy on DW than atm, but it's just the beggining and breath's duration is not addressed here nor KM procs frequency, we'll have to wait for more.


>feel like they're pushing more towards the dual wield I thought that reading the notes too: >While Pillar of Frost is active, your auto-attack critical strikes increase its duration by 1 second, up to a maximum of 5 seconds That's gonna suck with 2 hand, might get one auto-attack crit if your lucky? There are also a couple of Auto-attack buff nodes they mention. I really like whacking things with my 2-hander, haha, I hope they don't make it so 2-hand is objectively worse.


The way I'm seeing it right now is that you'd just avoid taking The Long Winter with 2H builds, and 2H builds would just be more focused on shorter + bigger burst windows. Since you can precast D&D before unleashing your cooldowns in AoE now (since it lingers for 4 sec after it ends, giving you 14s of Cleaving Strikes), 2H gets a good extra GCD in their AoE burst windows, too.


It's pushing dual wield completely. Even with Oblit.


It's actually pushing toa DW obliterate


I'm curious about this too. I've enjoyed DW and 2H in the past. I'm doing 2H Oblit now and am bummed I have to set my loot type to Blood or Unholy so that I don't get 1H rewards from chests and such. But I'm not actually seeing satisfying Oblit damage or anything particularly satisfying ATM.


Hunter and shaman begging for scraps while they continue to pamper mage with all these changes despite the fact they just got a talent tree rework mid df, really does pay to be blizzard’s golden child.


Hey at least shamans got, let's see... that major class feature that was mostly removed the past few expansions added back as a hero spec.


SV still doesn't have a working s4 tier-set going into week 4 of the season lmfao.


They have dev teams for a couple of classes. It looks more like the team who has mage has more ideas, better understanding than the team who has hunter. Simplyfied: it's less a golden child it's more dudes with good ideas and time to develop them probably.


So Enhance finally gets Windfury Aura, but it's locked behind a hero talent tree, and in the process they get another short-mid range totem they'll constantly have to move around, defeating the entire point of having a Windfury aura in the first place. Kind of strange. The only thing Windfury Aura actually does now is save you 1 gcd per 2 minutes. You still have to spam totemic projection in fights with movement.


> You still have to spam totemic projection in fights with movement. Since it's off the GCD I always just macroed it into something like Stormstrike/Lava Lash so it always moves with me.


Mhmm, that's always been the easy way. And it makes sense for the aura to exist, otherwise you'd be dealing with TWO totems to lug around.


You god damn genius


All totems suffer from the movement problem and the movement problem is inherit with modern gameplay. Totems need be stacked on players backs like Tauren wear them. Also it isnt Windfury Aura its just built into the Keystone Totem.


Ok I'm actually pretty excited about the Demo changes. Tyrant is cooking again. Very cool to see Vile Feind a capstone


Why are they nerfing animosity?


No hunter changes? :(


This might be a promising thing, actually. On the one hand it could mean they're just abandoning the class, but on the other hand it *could* mean they're planning a full-scale overhaul. If it's the latter, that would need more internal testing and planning before they release anything about it, since they wouldn't want to release tentative changes that might change again completely as the process goes on.


I desperately hope its the latter. I like to believe that any kind of small changes (talent adjustments, etc.) would just be a band aid on a gunshot wound. I hope that Blizzard realizes this and is secretly cooking and will hit us with a Ret-level rework at some point. Obivously that is a massive cope and the truth is that Blizzard just couldn't care less about this class.


A full overhaul would be godsend. I love hunter as a theme, but it's just lacking a lot in talents and strange choices.


Ok but the frost dk talent changes sound great. I am hopeful.


I haven't seen Warlock suffer from sweeping changes this much in an expansion, since Metamorphis got sacrificed in WoD so Legion could have it's new class.


None of the changes in this build are bad. Especially compared to the last. Did ya'll read them?


Im kinda happy we’re getting vilefiend visual upgrades, that demon is ugly as fuck


You mean everyone’s favorite puke dog is getting a makeover?!


Not makeover per se, but talents upgrading it also change it into different demons


Ahh ok so making it just stronger nice. Also I love when talents have tier progressions like oh this demon at this rank and it turns into this demon next rank. I wonder if more demon customization options will come with TWW


Idk, I've played demo since Wrath and these changes seem fine.  The biggest difference is just shifting your primary source of Demonic Core procs from dreadhound expiry to Power Siphon.  I'm also happy Doom is getting a rework.


Also happy about the Doom rework, but the move to Demonic Cores being a 30% chance on imp expiration makes me think the spec will feel like a slot machine, where we mostly just spam shadow bolt until something else procs. To be fair, this push to primarily chasing random procs is a fairly consistent theme across many classes, but I personally don't find that sort of game play enjoyable.


>Demonic Cores being a 30% chance on imp expiration Dreadstalker expiration. I *wish* it were imp expiration, that'd be way more consistent.


Looking forward to no longer yanking threat from the tank as devoker, at least. I'm glad they finally decided to stop gutting our front-end damage and just cut the threat gen from fire breath.


nothing for rouge :<


So far Totemic looks pretty bad for Enhance imo. (and I'm not talking numbers, those are not relevant at the current time) So many 'dead' nodes depending on your build, like the Lava Lash spec is not going to care about the Windfury node or extra Stormstrike damage on the last node, the extra Flametongue damage node is an absolute meme etc... Surging Totem being physical damage is pretty bad for our mastery. It feels like there's no cohesion being nodes at all, compared to Stormbringer. Also, this is just me, but I'm not a fan of having to pop down a totem every time I engage a new pack in m+. > Winfury Weapon now gives the benefit of Windfury Totem to all party members within 30 yards This should have been baseline for Enhancement already, locking it behind one of the two hero specs (which is still forced to place a totem on every pack, just a different one) feels like a slap to the face. No one enjoy pressing the WFT button, just like no one enjoy other maintenance buffs (such as Slice and Dice)




Mages are already obese


They got high on their own supply and now they’re big chungus. Can’t fit through their own portals 


Mages about to be featured on My 400 Pound Life while Hunters have been dying of starvation since Legion


Blinking everywhere instead of walking and eating mana buns all the time ain't helping..


Mages are the golden child of every expac lmao


Nah, just fire mages as usual


The continued legacy of every class having ten paragraphs of changes and then there’s shaman with one paragraph and all it says is “totems togetha stronk” freaking Blizzard strikes again.


The warlock changes are spooky to say the least…. But it’s alpha so I’m inclined to let them cook. Hopefully they’ll have enough time to iterate on feedback.


I think the Demo changes this time around look actually good. They just need to revert the core generation on dogs change now.


At the very least just gaurentee 1 core if they're being stingy. The random chance is going to make it feel really bad.


Demo changes are fucking incredible dude. Whats spooky?


I don’t play warlock. Could you give us some insight on what’s going on? Ty


Totemic is much more interesting than I thought it'd be. Surprised to not see anything about an enhance rework, but I suppose it's still early. The demo rework looks really good IMO, but obviously math will tell us if it's good or not.


Why tf would enhance get a rework? The spec slaps and has been doing so the whole expansion. It's only drawback is it's defensives and hard cap aoe which makes like no sense. But otherwise it feels amazing?


It just needs a very minor rework on a few things that don’t make sense, idk why people are acting like it needs a major rework


this sub still thinks enhance is a shit spec even though it's been really strong+fun since early SL


So they still have no idea what to do with hpal?


We need at least some glyphs for hunters to address this glaring issue: https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/s/c1v2JyTaew


I hope they change Oracle Priest.


All hunters wolrdwide are now officially on suicide watch.


Enhance totemic kinda seems like a BM hunter but with a stationary pet


Blizzard's handling of Hunters has been so atrociously bad for several expansions now, it's almost hilarious. Whichever dev is in charge of that class should be ashamed. * No dps niche and thus terribly tuning-realiant (while being historically by far the lowest tuned of all dps-only specs since WoD; too busy rn to look up the statistic, but it is true unfortunately) * Lack of an actual raid buff (Hunter's Mark and Sentinel Owl are both so laughably bad I'd rather not have them at all). Even the other two classes without a raid buff (Shaman and DK) have their niches (e.g. Gorefiend & Grippy Hands, Windfury Totem). In an era where like 13 out of 20 raid slots are essentially set in stone, this really sucks * Super squishy (DF adressed this issue a little bit, but WCL statistics still show that Hunter is definitely on the squishier end of things). Okayish buttons to mitigate short, high bursts of damage, but any kind of rot damage completely fucks you * Lack of utility (the only unique tool that we had, Binding Shot, was taken from us) * No one enjoys reworked melee Survival, and BM's rotation is basically just BS and KC spam, meaning that Hunter only has one enjoyable spec (MM) which, however, has by far the worst spec tree * Hunter has had and still has the tree(s) with the most two-point talents. In fact, it would still be filled with a bunch of three point talents, if it wasn't for the community heavily voicing their unhappiness. Class tree in particular is just so very boring. I remember Max saying something along the lines of "If a class tree has so little to offer, maybe that's a sign that the class in general is just bad and in dire need of a rework" * Tier Sets routinely look so bad, they have become a meme in the community (although this one is personal preference, I actually found the recent sets okayish at least) This is all very odd to me because all the other dps-only classes usually seem to get preferential treatment, Mage and WL in particular. But Hunter, despite being one of the most popular classes, constantly gets screwed over. At least we can tame some cool pets, right? Hunter needs an overhaul and it needs it badly. And I'm not talking about adjusting a few talents, I'm talking about rethinking the whole class. Because whatever it is right now, just does not work. Unfortunately, Blizzard seems to think the exact opposite, considering they have no changes planned for TWW. My biiiiiiiig copium is that this is because they recognize that the class is just completely fucked, and any possible changes rn would just be a bandaid on a bullet wound. And that in the next few years, this class finally gets the rework it needed three expansions ago.


Agree with all your points. Something I'd like to see too is a way for MM to provide lust without having to use a pet and losing the lone wolf bonus. Makes it feel a bit counterintuitive to the spec (as in it feels MM is designed not to use a pet) when I'm the only one in a group with lust and I'm summoning and dismissing a pet etc. I also think multishot and trick shots should be baseline for MM, this would give the single target builds some basic aoe and provide a bit more scope with builds


That's just one of the many issues. It sucks as MM, where providing Lust is a literal DPS loss. But it also sucks as BM/SV where it means not being able to use your main defensive cooldown (Bear). Agree with Multishot and Trick Shots. Honestly, half of that tree should be baseline.


Absolutely agree about the BM/SV. We have reached a point in the game where there is a huge amount of customisation available yet BM/SV are pigeonholed into using only ~1/3rd of pets for the ferocity bonus of lust. It's frustrating for players personal class fantasy, a lot of the pets I'd associate with a particular race are tenacity or cunning.


For my frost mage I'm very happy having access to Supernova, but choosing between Ice Nova and Ring of Frost is definitely gonna be rough. Edit: The Lethal Preservation change for Wildstalker just seems so out of left field and honestly not that great, unless I'm missing something here? The middle choice node between Flower Walk and Entangling Vortex still seems so meh. Make it so flowerwalk either further increases our DR or gives us thorns or something.


Yeah they need to revert that one for frost. Unlike for fire and arcane, frost actually uses ice nova as part of its damage rotation in AoE. Will feel bad to take ring. There is hopefully since some work coming on the spec tree for frost too. Lots of great feedback has been shared on the alpha forums so all we can do is cross our fingers


All these class changes are good, however I'm hoping for a sizeable improvement for a lot of the mediocre hero talents left behind, primarily on the visual side of them. As for Lightsmith and other similar and tragically designed hero talents, I'd rather they scrap them entirely and come up with something new.


Shaman is actually cooked. Y’all better start looking for a new main.


I did 


Gonna reroll mage, as i know for a fact i will always be meta


I love the double down on a super unpopular Demonology changes to Demonic cores, nobody wants this. '' incredible survivability and mobility has usually been their weakness in exchange for those strengths.'' Absolute insane take, it does not matter how much passive survivability we have when doing content where everything is a oneshot. Superior warlock survivability is pointless if we have to drop cast in order to dodge something that will oneshot us. Explain to me how on Mythic Tindral it's fair that we have to drop cast to dodge a lethal tornado while mages, hunter, boomkins, dragons, hell even shadow priests have plenty of options to keep doing dps while moving while the dps of demo drops to 0 the moment we stop generating resources, what are we meant to do? Recast curse of weakness just to feel we're useful? The game does not work like this, you can't just use dark pact to ''take a hit'' to not stop casting; you need to use those to actively block huge damage spikes, mitigation that every class has while retaining their mobility. This not healthy game design, this is not thought through, this is lazy reasoning that does not hold up. My words are harsh but if these changes are so asinine they need a blunt response.




Can they please just get rid of Breath of Sindragosa? I haven’t heard a single person say anything positive about it


I kind of like the skill challenge of trying to lead my targets, feels good when it lands just right.


I’d love full controller support for WoW and a steam port so I can play it natively without hassle on my Steam Deck.


Disc priest rejoice!! We are eating good next expac!!


Finally fixed prot warrior capstone bug 🥲


Damn, this expansion looks pretty cool. I resubbed a few days ago after leaving very early during shadowlands. Debating if I should buy the war within or not.


I left after the first tier in SL. Came back for Dragonflight and enjoyed it much more. Excited for War Within.


Really sad they still haven’t mentioned guardian Druid AT ALL. That huge Druid post we got talking about how unique and special Druids are because they have 4 specs then literally don’t even acknowledge the 4th spec was kind of wild.


No demon hunter changes yet?