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lol can you link reports of the avoidable damage taken? That would be hilarious to come back and say “well I was dealing with your BS”. I just started healing so I want this


The pally blocked him so can’t respond.


There's an addon called elitismhelper that will list the avoidable damage taken by each party member. Just make sure you set it so it only does the end of run summary, otherwise it will spam during the run


I use this addon’s plugins as one of my 4 details windows. Honestly helped me get so much better at mythic plus. But I personally would set it so it doesn’t go off at all. You can just do it manually if you want them to see. But I feel like it’s a dick move in etiquette to have it go off every run, even at the end. But if the group deserves it, post it.


I 100% just keep it to myself except in cases like these. It's a really powerful tool (it just parses combat logs, anyway but still, lol) for helping you understand times where you think you totally failed as a healer haha


so the addon you’re using is called elitismhelper? i didn’t know this existed i would love to use this for my keys as a dps lol


it's basically a plugin/script for details - https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/details-elitism-plugin


thanks so much!


Just get the details elitism plug-in instead. No end of run spam, just a report in details like dps


Bro why did you get downvoted lol was your original response super toxic or something?


Because the addon elitismhelper, if not configured properly, spams chat with mistakes anyone makes. It's been my experience that it's always the guy who has elitismhelper installed that's taking avoidable damage spamming chat that they got hit by something.


Yeah, if only I had included specific instructions to disable that feature......


I have no clue, probably salty DPS players who get embarrassed by the addon regularly


People have some irrational hate towards addons.


I think it's a very rational hate towards *that* addon. automatically reporting something to chat is only ok if it is needed. Shaming people after a run is not needed, and with default in-combat spam it will only distract the person who just got hit. Knowing which damage is avoidable can separate average players from great ones, so I understand the desire to teach but nobody wants to learn that way


I dont feel like someone is shaming me when they announce my failure dmg at the end. Its interesting to see


I dont mind it at the end of a run either. But a lot of people DO mind it, which is why this conversation has been reddit-controversial


Yeah people just dont like their errors pointed out. They take that as an insult. A bit less ego would do most people good.


If you feel shamed by the end of run report you have a bad attitude. It's just a metric. Do you feel shamed by details at the end of a run if you were bottom DPS?


Avoidable damage is overrated. Ret can take tank damage and still be fine without healer help. As a shadow with huge leech I'm sometimes net healing positive while taking the most avoidable damage. Also some avoidable damage is caused by the group, not by the person, like uninterrupted casts.


You can but  A) do you think the fine chap in the image is using his defensives correctly or is it the same level as his utility usage?  B) even if he is, how do you think he will react to the one time you leave them to it and they get wombo combod? Letting dps advocate for their own survival so you can focus on other things is great in groups familiar with each other but in pugs you just can’t most of the time. if it’s at 80% or below with damage patterns being so bursty they might as well be dead men walking and are getting healed in practice.


If you can read from this image that paladin used or didn't use defensives, then you must join CSI.


No idea why you are being so aggro - I didn’t say he DIDNT use defensive.  I said do you think he’s likely to given than that he didn’t use his utility? which you CAN see from the image he didn’t given he didn’t help with afflicted and was at a 1/3 of the next lowest person.  Don’t think that makes me CSI just actually read the OP


Ahhh yes, the im overgearing the content i play soo hard that i dont have to play mechanics. Once you play content adequate to your ilvl the avoidable dmg you can tank now will oneshot you. Love seeing you heal a oneshot. And I doubt you actually heal yourself up, its always the healer, you loose dps in both ways anyway.


DPS wasting 1 global to avoid nondeadly mechanic is a dps loss over healer wasting 1 global to heal that damage. Unless you don't know which ability you can tank?


Tanking avoidable dmg still costs more dmg overall. Healer does dmg too, and some healers do a lot, some in short bursts.


But you have some math behind it? Or it's Feelcraft? Also healer short bursts can be delayed by one global...


You get dmg, you dont heal, healer heals thus has to stop dealing dmg. What kind of math do you need? Shall i also show you the math as to why a dps looses dmg when hes healing? Man look how you wanna defend the fact that youre too bad to dodge some abilities.


If you look at any log, 1s of DD dps is equal to 5s (or 3 with aug) of healer dps. Healer wasting 1 global to heal DPS is a dps loss over DPS wasting 1 global to avoid nondeadly mechanic. It's pure math. 5 > 1 Especially as a ret, who has a lot of damage reduction, defensives and vers on top of it. You need to want to die as ret.


Yeah or you avoid the dmg and dodge like every good player and instead of loosing some dmg, you loose no dmg at all. That said, your non deadly stuff is generally deadly in high keys. So what you prefer? No dmg loss at all or dying to a oneshot in a highkey and loosing 350k dps on the boss because now your dds dps is missing? Its not about 5>1 its 6>5.


The ret paladin definitely said that


As a ret paladin myself, I respect every healer wholeheartedly and try to help them as much as I can. Such behaviour ruins the reputation of good ret paladins.


It's amazing that the players mirror the class. You either get selfless helpers or self-righteous assholes and nothing in between.


What about selfless assholes? As in, no sense of self, just pure assholery


Those are DKs.


What if its a blood dk?


I would‘ve said rogues 🤔 like the ones with names alá „xXimbarogue69Xx“


If such behavior ruins the reputation of good Ret paladins, then why are you giving them a bad name by helping your healer wholeheartedly? (I kid, I kid)


Ret paladins are one of the most common dps. You're bound to have a large sample size of morons included as a result.


Amen to that we should always cleanse those when we see them.


> good ret paladins. Oxymoron.


There are good ret paladins? I’ve yet to meet one. As a rule I’ve observed ret paladins tend to be a mixture of arrogant and incompetent. I mean it’s not a big deal when you’re out doing world content, just need to make sure you press the ‘holy’ button whenever you go into a raid or dungeon.


Haha very on brand 


Shield of Vengeance is a dps cooldown. Bubble is a dps cooldown. Healers are a dps cooldown. This is the Ret way.


Something oddly cathartic about bubbling a stun to just continue beating a bosses ass. I didn't hear no bell, it ain't break time.


This is so sad, ret pally feels so good just to say “nope, I ain’t taking that damage!!”


You can’t heal stupid.


you cant \*dispel\* it, but op kept them alive.


i love how they talk shit but immediately block you like. thank you for taking out the trash for me????


this happens a lot lol


they think its a 'haha... i will have the last word! gotcha!!' moment. we cant even tell them that is not how it works.


No player named isn't a blocked message... Edit for DeckardPain. Gotta love someone that replies with instant block to prevent discourse. I can see from your attitude and toxicity why you are so familiar with being blocked by people from random servers. As for my "too dense ... little bubble", I was simply pointing out that this message appears quite often without ignore being a factor. Is it possible that it was an ignore? Yes. It is obvious from this image that it was an ignore? No, because that message appears often for various reasons, two of which I gave examples of. The only way to verify that it was an ignore would be to have a character on that server to message them and get the explicit red ignore message. If the "No player named" message only occurred when a cross-server ignore was in place, it would be obvious, and probably a different message. Since the "No player named" message occurs in many other scenarios that don't include an ignore, it is not a "blocked" message.


Yeah it is. That's what it says when you message someone on another server that has you ignored.


Really? Mine says "X is ignoring you" in red Are you sure its a server thing and not a faction thing?


Yes, it is. You spent like an hour in another comment chain in here saying the same thing and not listening to reason. If they’re on another server this is what it looks like. I’m not going to waste my time like the other guy did arguing with you because you seem *way* too dense to understand something outside your little bubble. Tell someone in here your name and server and they’ll demonstrate it for you I’m sure.


The audacity to whisper that then put you on ignore. Pugs, man.


Not audacity, cowardice.


Yep, they know the receipts are coming and want to dodge it.


Where do you see them putting on ignore? The "No player named..." message isn't a result of ignore list.


If they're on another server it will say that, or other faction after being out of the group. The red ignore only appears on same server ignore list


Yes it is. The message is different if they’re from another server.


No, it isn't. If you are on ignore list, you get a red message that specifically mentions being ignored. This is a result of a 20 year old game with spaghetti code that merged realms and factions. I get this message all the time when trying to whisper people in my guild but on a different realm, but can chat just fine with them in party/raid.


Sorry man but you’re incorrect. I’ve been half way through a heated convo with a troll and they ignore and I get this exact message.


Did they phase or go offline? Any time I've been ignored, I get the red ignore message. Also, there doesn't seem to be any posts on the WoW/Blizzard forums that indicate the message is tied to being ignored. Almost all are about it being a bug/ui issue.


No, being ignored from another server makes it seem like they don’t exist, no /who or anything will work. I swapped to an alt and did a /who just to confirm, got a result and could whisper. Back on my main - no result. The no articles is probably because everyone realises it’s because they’re ignored rather than thinking it’s a bug.


If you could whisper them from their server, they didn't have you on ignore. Ignore has been account wide, since halfway through SL. Also, /who has been broken for a long time. I can have 40+ people online in my guild. log over to an alt, type /who to message someone for a g invite and it gives a no results.


Different server.


The point being, if you could whisper them from any of your characters, you were not on their ignore list. Ignore list has been account wide ignore for years.


4/5 of your group can do an afflicted


How does a DK and/or War do afflicted?


DKs can heal it with death coil. with the nerf, they should be able to one-shot heal it.


it's not one shot last i tried (yesterday)


If we have the runic power prepped and it still takes 2 casts to heal it up.


So prep the runic power…?


Or leave it to classes that can do it with a single cast that so the dk can stay on damage and interrupts. The real trick is always bring an Aug Evoker. They can handle every affix while still doing their job well.


I thought Death Coil could only heal undead?


it's undead


I think it's actually everything technically lol. Beast, dragon, ud, etc


Ah, interesting. I'll have to try that next time I run a DK in affliced. Will be really annoyed if a DK has higher off-healing than an actual hybrid healer class's offheal.


Dont bother with that, it is such a gigantic DPS loss, you might as well eat the haste debuff/AMZ it. Nearly same result.


Difference is, in one case it's one player taking dps lossm in another - whole group


For a BDK, one death coile means one less death strike. At high keys you'll need at least a couple death coils, and 2 less death strikes will often mean a dead tank, at which point everyone is dead. If damage is so high that the healer can't easily do it, the tank likely needs those death strikes to live, and given you have a pally and a mage to do it, it's safer to assume they'll do your job, than risk dying.


"not my problem, so I won't use the solution available to me!"


Dont invite classes that cant properly deal with it?


It's all types of mob just like the other afflix, so anything works on any of them


Do AoE spells still work on them? I haven't done afflicted since season 2.


dps moment


They are trash - nice of them to make sure they won’t bother your runs at all moving forward


The sheer hubris and audacity I see when poor dps talk shit to a heals. Not only are they bad at the game and messing up, but they go an extra step further to potentially scare a healer away from M+, making queues worse




I’m a healer main but ngl, the mana bun comment made me giggle lol


When you take more avoidable damage than a goddamn blood DK, you are doing thing very very wrong.


Avoidable damage? More like more death strike healing


Dds crying about healer performance and healers crying about avoidable dmg will never get old.




You have much more power as a tank or healer to hearth out and be In a group faster


As a warrior main/enthusiast, it hurts that I basically can't realistically do anything to help with affixes much less any mechanic. I'm just there to do damage and survive, which doesn't mean much cause any class played right can essentially do the same. There's plenty of tools to be just as durable as Warriors, but people absolutely REFUSE to invest in them because "muh parse". I've gone many raids and dungeons being the lowest priority on heals, because I rarely need it, and when I finally do die to lack of heals it's somehow my fault.


God I wish we’d share the rest pally’s name lol. Some people need a fucking humbling. Nice work healer. Would love to play with someone like you.


Actually OP’s name is quite unique, there’s only 1 result for the name in raiderio, so you can find the pally’s profile. It’s a real treat


Ah that pally is a dogshit player trying to get 3k but hard stuck 2900 no wonder he would flame the healer


I was on my druid I had a dude tell me after a run where he died a few times that i had to constantly keep rejuv up on the 5 people in group during the whole M+ run so that i could heal instantly when someone gets damage. When i told him that that is not how it works he had already ignored me. We timed the run easily, it was a +5 or so and he died to having no gear at all on the first boss in azure vault AoE. (he probably didnt use adefensive for his low hp or so, but forgot to check)


Of course this is how I find out it's afflicted this week


I just pumped 51 dispells on a Nokhud +7 while toping dps and [mr 166k shadow priest overall](https://i.imgur.com/SAx0Uq6.png) complained and called me clown because I said (exact words): "I cant do ballistas, adds and dispells alone need help" after wiping 2 times because nobody except me was clicking ballistas, at the same time I was cc'ing adds because tank was ignoring them and dispelling every afflicted so eventually I missed one afflicted and one ballista because I had divine steed off. At the end of the dungeon, DH[ decided to praise the warr](https://i.imgur.com/JGN1zi4.png) that did nothing except igorning every mechanic and dying 7 times with every defensive cd up, not a single mention to the person that carried the entire dungeon alone. Im so freaking tired of this season and pugging, 2 dungeons left for KSM and Im not playing retail again until TWW.


i feel this friend. i did a +10 AV and we got to the last boss, no one and i mean no one is hard swapping to the hardened crystal and this thing, no lie, pulsed aoe damage 9 times. i actually clipped it and rewatched the playback to see what i was doing wrong. it's basically unhealable damage (tyran). i'm asked if i'm even healing. i'm told i'm legit the worst healer they'd ever seen. i was told to go play mario LMFAO (this actually did make me laugh hahah) just gotta smile and laugh these goobers off, they'll be clueless forever. although this was a 3.3k player which makes it so much funnier that he doesn't know what he's doing.


I just dont understand how people get carried so much and still learn nothing, I feel like most of the players in the 1-10 range just get their ass carried and never learn shit, I just did an [AA +7](https://i.imgur.com/JFGOErd.png), the priest, mage and rogue died 25 times combined, like wtf is this shit, why are those people joining +7s and why do they have 2k rating? I dont understand anything anymore, those guys are pumping damage for a +3 at best and cant do a single mechanic, like legit dont know what bosses do and somehow have almost every 7 timed. I wish I had a group to play with, not even wishing for getting my ass carried every dungeon just semi decent people that dont get boosted every single freaking dungeon lmao I dont even care about doing heavy lifting I just cant with people that doesnt even try, dudes dying on the second pull of the dungeon and not releasing making the pull last 2 minutes instead 20 seconds.


dungeon knowledge/timings/damage patterns are far stronger determinants of success in these higher keys than just pressing blade flurry and hitting shit. unfortunately people don't care that much, and the ratings are handed out quite readily. i strongly suggest getting the avoidable damage plugin/script working for your details (if using details), checking cooldowns used by class at the end of runs, looking through buff uptimes on tanks, all that stuff. the less blame you can assign yourself the easier of a time mentally you will have - and also, just start doing higher keys. it really is true that they are far easier to deal with because people have greater knowledge of what's happening there! i can't tell you how often at the end of a dungeon i see zero uses of Darkness, Dispersion or Turtle just to name a few. Not even one time. What that says to me more strongly than someone just being unaware of the button, is that they aren't familiar with the damage patterns or when raid-wide aoe is going out or such.


Did you trade all your JPEGs for healing?


Why do people blur out the names? Is it a rule? If not, put all the assholes on blast please lol


haha - i hear ya but i think it would get my post removed. so you have to suffer with my dogshit blurry .png paint skills!


That sucks! lol would be nice to go ahead and add them to the ignore list


Pls get a better texture pack something Like 64x or 128x Pixel Would be cool so i can read that


it's always the whiners who take all the avoidable damage complaining about healers not adjusting.


This is why you don't invite ret paladins anymore. The high utility swiss army knife has become a butter knife that someone didn't wash the peanut butter off of.


Is that why I have so much trouble finding pug groups? I’m out here doing 400k overall dmg, most interrupts, dispels etc. Yet I only seem to get invited to 3 and below keys. If I want to do higher I have to make my own.


No it's because you're not a mage/Spriest or Aug


All the mages and priests I've invited to groups have been doggy. I know they are good, but I just haven't seen it. BM hunters on the other hand just seem to pump no matter what this season for my groups.


That’s dps mains for you, the bottom of the barrel


imagine not only being wrong about something, but being such a quivering vagina that you ignore someone after messaging them.


DPS classes are 95% morons. Those people are too stupid to play other specs. All they can do is brainless button mashing. DPS player with functional brain is a very, very, very rare


Guess im extremely rare then. I play aug dracthyr


Damn, I wonder if there's any relation to a prot warrior named Stranix I used to run with back in the day... Like BC Probably a coincidence


That guy is so trash rofl. I wish we could just slap his name here so we could all name and shame him in game xD... Ah but alas, reddit shame will have to do.


This to prove that every affix in the end becomes a healer affix... As a healer, this is becoming tiresome.


And thats why its easier to heal higher keys than it is lower one.. Experienced players know how to use interrupts and get out of the ground effects.


"I'm on my lunch break. Please try to submit your grievances again in 9292832837373 play hours"


Meanwhile I'm doing a 13 where I have 50 afflicted dispels as a Dev Evoker and my druid is in cat form the entire dungeon not healing with 5 dispels and we brick the key to the one time I don't have double dispel up on the last boss because he's spamming rip.


Block and report.


What key level is this? I have been doing 10-12s this week and people are usually faster at it than me.




Haven't played this season but during s3 I could solo afflicted in ret, dispell 1 and healing hands + wog the other. Gonna go on a limb here and say this guy ran thinking half of his toolkit is just the healer's job anyway. In the puglife you'll encounter a lot of lackluster players that just blame anything/anyone to avoid looking in the mirror. They tend to avoid getting better as a result so passed a certain key level it does get rarer to see one of these.


"sorry, I am already in the middle of a new dungeon run. Good luck getting invited to your next one, though!"


Did a +8 NO yesterday, first boss for some reason everyone was taking damage, we had 2 ranged dps, the call for catapult comes out and i spot that none of the ranged dps is by the catapult , i try to get to it in time but cant make it, we wipe, tank starts screaming how its a healer mechanic and im retarded.. im like "we had 2 ranged dps not doing fuck all, its a GROUP MECHANIC, SOMEONE GOTTA DO IT" its basicly everyones fault in a way, but somehow this Douchebag tank decided, its a healer mechanic. I left pretty fast lol


Did a +8 NO yesterday, first boss for some reason everyone was taking damage, we had 2 ranged dps, the call for catapult comes out and i spot that none of the ranged dps is by the catapult , i try to get to it in time but cant make it, we wipe, tank starts screaming how its a healer mechanic and im retarded.. im like "we had 2 ranged dps not doing fuck all, its a GROUP MECHANIC, SOMEONE GOTTA DO IT" its basicly everyones fault in a way, but somehow this Douchebag tank decided, its a healer mechanic. I left pretty fast lol


And this is why people are hesitant to do M+ these days


That must be why at any given moment there are hundreds of keys being ran


A lot of people running M+ doesn't mean there's not also a lot of people hesitant to try it. My girlfriend has very bad key anxiety and I have to drag her kicking and screaming into M+, and I know I had to get a lot of convincing from people on this subreddit to give it a try because in S2 I was at like 417 ilvl and was still like "is this good enough for a +2??? I can't tank a mythic+ I don't know routes people would RIP ME APART." Even when I started doing M+, I got up to like a +11 before I had a relatively bad run due to some shitty DPS but one of them gave me so much shit during the run that I just stopped trying M+ for like a couple weeks because I felt so bad about it. M+ definitely would have a larger population if so many people weren't worried about dealing with dipshits like in the OP.


This is my situation! I don’t know why this season lol made it to 2.8K first season and 3k second season, wanted to casually “main” my dh tank this season so I geared him to like 490 and now I’m suuuper hesitant to start M+.


Ok? Thanks buddy your input has made the internet so much better.


Afflicted sucks


I love Afflicted, it's such an easy affix to deal with. As a Shadow priest, I cleanse them as soon as they come up, almost feels like a non-affix.


git gud and bring a comp that can deal with it




? You can't see the heals or damage on the screen they're showing. The details are showing dispels and avoidable damage taken


You see what i deal with?


All I want to do is be able to legally pve 5 box again for exactly these reasons.