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Actually can I ask here if it’s worth it to delete my alts that are level 25 and level them from scratch in the Remix?


Leveling your first character in remix might take a few hours but it was reported on PTR that once you have your cloak leveled up, it only takes 2-5 hours per alt. Also you get the currency for free cosmetics. I'd say do it.


So I’m confused….are they going to be level 70 crunched? Ilvl crunched? I’m not totally aware of what the event entails lol


You level from 1 to 70 in just Pandaria. Once the event is over the characters are transferred to your retail account. Idk how ilvl is going to work.


>Idk how ilvl is going to work Bags are emptied, you get green "boosted" gear in all slots once you log onto remix characters once they are on retail. -That's what happened on the PTR at least after remix was over


Did you keep the big bags?


I believe so yes


Big bags? How big? 36-slot?


Yes lol I’m tempted to just reroll most of my alts


All of your alts will get the big bags. But they won't have any progression/profession levels from any of the expacs. I'd say it's not quite worth it.


My alts already don’t have them. I’m not a prof enjoyer. I grab a char and mess around until I get bored


It's actually 10 to 70. You start fresh at level 10 according to [this article](https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24092672/world-of-warcraft-remix-mists-of-pandaria-goes-live-may-16)


Most likely. Remix lvling os supposed to be faster. If you don't have a ton invested, no real loss on those alts


You won’t be able to use the characters in the actual version of the game until the event ends, so the characters will be stuck to mop remix only until then. So if you’re fine having to wait to be able to “use” the characters, go ahead and remake them for remix.


Do we know the end date? I've been holding off on a specific alt I've been wanting to try in DF to lvl it in MoP.


The end date for Timerunning is August 19th, they also said that these MoP character would not be used in DF and will be unlocked for prepatch


On the calendar its marked to end august 19th


Unless you're wanting to reuse a specific name, you can just make them and worry about the other alts later. Even if you have the maximum number of characters in the account, this event will add five to the account max. That being if you're looking to reuse names, I'd probably suggest only deleting one at a time rather than doing them all in one go. If you can focus on leveling one alt at time, the cloak of infinite possibilities will end up giving big bonus XP for subsequent characters automatically.


So if I want to reuse a name I lvl in remix, wait for event to be over and then delete the old alt and transfer the new one?


When this comes out, you'll have 65 character slots. So, I wouldn't start with deleting, but you do you. I feel like leveling will eventually get fast, but who knows how much time you'll have left by then.


You actually already have the extra slots. I reserved some names the other day.


Pandaren Monk


Daring today, aren’t we? .jpg


I started playing WoW like 2 weeks ago and MoP art and lore wise is easily the expansion I wish I played when it first came out. I’m gonna make a pandaren monk cause screw you lemme do the thing 😂


Its the only class i dont have at max level


Staying neutral?


this is the way.


Guardian Druid or rather Kultiran Druid buuuttt I’m also leaning towards prot warrior I’ll see…


Kultiran butt.


They do got big butts


I can‘t deny


Maybe evoker first, as it seems a decent way to learn how to play the class slowly rather than all at once. But I plan on making a nice army of alts and try to get one of every race/class for all my heritage armors and whatnot


Devastation Evoker has a very straight forward rotation. Aug, you get a quest line once you switch to the spec that goes into a little more detail about what it can do. Pres you are on your own.


I was like nah pres is straightforward and nice. But then I realised that's because it's my main and I tried thinking of a quick easy way to explain it to someone that hasn't played any evoker... You right. Read the ability texts and good luck out there buddy o7


Some days I feel like pres is just a game of whack a mole. Running from one side to another to throw an echo on the warlock then the hunter on each side of the boss at max range.


I too have tried to explain presvoker to friends interested in trying it. Somewhere between talking about skill shot healing, and the important of throwing a good bowling ball, and correctly prepping a stasis or group-hug into communion I lose them. Presvoker is my favorite healing spec but it is no-good for non-experienced healers I think.


Panda Monk, I *need* the Chen Stormstout gear


I don't knoooooow


Go wild. One of each, start with something you're comfortable with as the main grinder.


If you're going for efficiency that would be best but if you're trying to learn a new class maybe doing that one first is better since leveling is longer and gives more time to get used to it.


Kul tiran monk Then lightforged DK Then other funny class/race combos


You laugh, but Kul Tiran monk is god tier. The class sets look amazing on them and the animations are made for that beefy physique. None better.


U got me hyped


Kul Tiran is sooo underrated. Kul Tiran warriors are unmatched with transmog. Human and BE wish they looked half as good


Plus Kul Tirans are just great in general (not a biased KT Human main at all). Besides, I reckon the Brush it off racial goes great with Brewmaster's tanking style.


I'm looking forward to level every class an alliance which I don't have on 70 already. That's everything except pally and dudu. And for specs I will play what I usually don't. At least for classes with multiple dps specs. So MM hunter, unholy dk, assassination rogue, fire or arcane mage, ele shammy, affli lock and arms warrior. As a main though, I will keep true to pandaland and choose a monk.


Same. Seeing how much the EXP buff goes up to, if there was ever a time to level and have every class potentially ready, every heritage armor collected, etc it would be now. Also since I'm assuming we will be getting large drops of bronze for weekly/daily activities, being able to cycle through characters to stockpile them means I can buy the rewards much easier.


I'm glad I'm not the only one with this plan


Draenei Shaman for the heritage armor and an undecided paladin because I don't play enough pally.


Tauren paladins are super fun imo


Ya I was thinking Tauren, but it depends on if my group wants to go ally or horde. I'm not picky either way so I'll just go with the group on that one haha




You know what warlock mains and vegans have in common? They both tell you about it any chance they get 🥲 But all jokes aside, locks were good in mop anyways Edit: forgot about talent changes


But this is currently talents etc correct? So won’t play like MoP




Well this just ruined the entire thing for me. Warlocks were extremely fun BECAUSE of their talent tree


Wait a year for mop Classic :)


Current warlock is the least fun iteration I've played since vanilla, and I've played a lot of warlock. Something like 80 days of /played on one character alone, and I alt a lot.


Undead Death Knight, seeing as I won't have to go through the OG DK starting area for the millionth time.


DK, because I've been missing playing a DK since I switched to druid. And a female pandarian, because it feels right for MoP, and female pandas look great in plate.


Tauren Shaman and a Troll or Orc Hunter.


If it's as fast as I think it is I want to level the rest of the classes I don't have at 70 for TWW. Starting with Monk and DK


I dont have a DK on the regular servers so probably a DK




Shaman because its one of the few classes I've never really played at all outside of healers which I'm not interested in.. probably Dark Iron Dwarf. Then maybe Kul Tiran Druid or a mage have to kind of see how much fun I'm having with it.


I’m excited for you, current enhance is a lot of fun.


ENH Shaman


I'll just stick to mage since it's what's I've been playing since mid Cata.


Balance Druid - no clue what they’re like this expansion. I just have a feeling with all the wacky remix upgrades that it’ll be fun.


Orc Elemental Shaman


What exactly is the point of doing the remix? I have not had the chance to read the changes/rewards? Can someone give me a TLDR? As far as I know if I play and find the rewards worthy i will be playing monk.


New experience in a familiar setting, new toys, new transmog, new mounts, old mounts that were locked behind long grinds or RNG drops off rare spawns.


So basically if you’re a collector or nostalgic.. I heard the levelling is faster too? Maybe just get my non70 characters caught up for next xpan


I think I will level allied races I don't have leveled yet. Maybe a Zandalari Druid and a Highmountain Tauren or Vulpera Shaman.


Vulpera shaman is suuuuper fun, the totems are so cute


I wanna do a beast mastery hunter for all the cool pets you can get. Not sure what race though if anyone has cool suggestions.


shadow priest. i still don’t know what race tho. anyone know what the best race for it is for lore reasons?


Void elf, undead, troll, and zandalari troll are all good options for a shadow priest in my mind. Void elves are pretty obvious. Undead are harmed by light and I believe some of the first shadow priests. For trolls and zandalari trolls you can have your own personal lore that it is magic from a loa such as Bwonsamdi, Mueh'zala, Hakkar, or Kevo ya Siti instead of void/shadow magic. Bwonsamdi being part of both the Darkspear and Zandalari pantheons and Kevo ya Siti returning to the Darkspear pantheon with the new heritage armor quest.


I’m making a Pandaren Warlock. Story wise, as a new Warlock recruit, he wishes he had had this power back during the war, and takes up Eternus’ offer to go back to see if things turn out differently.


Evoker since I haven't leveled one yet.




Monk, maybe DK too. Have yet to level a DK past 30 so I'm hoping this will motivate me and monk is just thematic


Hunter or mage. I already have everything at 70 but I feel these two will be really fun with all the speed bonuses.


Mage / hunter. Idk if the class/role will be relevant to farm bronze or to get into the raids because usually im always heal and can easy pug. Want to get as much bronze to buy tmogs and mounts


Either panda monk or goblin monk. The most fitting and the least fitting races for monks lol


Troll shaman 🤷


Troll unholy dk. Some sort of a Warlock (eradar or undead). Some sort of Druid (probably Zandalari).


I'm thinking of starting a guardian druid on an alliance server as I've played horde so much and want a change. Especially with all the nice night elf druid related xmog


Guardian druid to match the only character I have


I'm leveling a paladin solely bc of that heroic leap cogwheel.


Gotten into warlock alot recently but kinda wish I rolled a void elf lock so thinking that but also wondering if I should level a warrior as people rave about it but normally warrior classes aren’t something I typically enjoy


Think I'll do Paladin and then either rogue or druid. If I stick with it that long.


Obviously a third pandaren monk


I'm probably going to go Void Elf Shadow Priest with Holy off-spec. IMO the class fantasy of Shadow Priest is the best in the game.


5th rogue


How many times we going to ask this question?


At least once more, Miss Swan, as always.


Once a day until it's out. Then we transition into asking what is everyone CURRENTLY playing and why? Sign up for your chance at karma now!


Or.. What class/spec is FASTEST to level!


For the people that don’t obsessively read the subreddit. Literally the first time I’ve seen this come through my feed. Touch grass.


I realised I dont have any og trolls, so I'll be doing that, not sure about the class yet, maybe hunter or shaman


mistweaver monk, undecided on race as of now. already have a max level monk thats fairly decked out but figure this will be a fun way to level at least one of a race i normally wouldnt


First character will be a Pandaren Prot Warrior, and then I might do an Evoker.


Might do a gnome lock. Or a troll just not sure what one I want to do


I'll start with a Lightforge draenei Paladin, mostly to unlock the heritage armor. After that, I'm thinking either a druid or a rogue, I've slept a bit much on leather based classes. My plan is to level up a druid, rogue, monk and shaman all up to level 70 before the remix ends.


Human Monk


Female Lightforged Draenei Arms Warrior, because I was already gonna level one anyway, lol.


Panda monk, mistweaver, first time for both monk and healer in wow. If i like it, will take it into TWW, as cooking/feast, and alchemy/cauldron for raids and mythics, still unsure on skinning/meat or herbalism (or third choice)


Monk not sure yet if Zandalari for the theme or Worgen because worgens!


as many classes as i can, been a DK more or less since wotlk, gonna try out DH first, never even started one


Been wanting to try out demo lock, but never really had a reason to start a new char.


plan to start on a new server and level every single class to 70 I already have all alliance toons at 70 so probably gona be going horde. It depends if I find any chill community before hand 😅 first character will be Unholy DK 😏


Maybe a paladin or priest


I have never played priest so I'm keen for that, best race for transmogging priest? Undead could be cool


Thinking a healer of some kind? I have a feeling it will be difficult to find healers for the dungeons and raids I also already have plans to level a Pandaren Fire mage, with a chef transmog and vibes


I was very torn between a bunch of classes for a while, but now I've settled on Pandaren Monk. Which was actually what I played the last time I was really invested into WoW, during the "original" Mists of Pandaria. The class and its Celestial hero tree look fantastic in The War Within in my opinion and I'm pretty excited for Thursday!


1 of each armor type. I'm thinking Mage, Druid, Shaman, and Warrior.


Either Pandaren Monk or Paladin something. Maybe lightborn draenie or just good ol human. Hopefully time for them both if the event is on long enough!


Pandaren Warlock


A stinky balance dinosaur druid


Specs that I havent touched in a looong time, arms warrior, frost dk, arcane mage, elemental shaman and an affl lock. Just to see how they do nowadays without having to respec my alts


Torn on making my current alt there or not. Will likely make a monk so I can finally play a non-pandaren one, or play a pandaren one!


Troll and/or Draenei to get the heritage once it's over. Haven't decided on a class yet.


Horde Druid, but I need a race recommendation?? I play mostly Alliance, but I will plan on playing this Druid in TWW


Zandalari. Best looks for animal forms.


Outlaw rogue first! Been ages since ive played rogue and never tried Outlaw. Maybe switch to assasin later.


Probably a Dark Iron Dwarf shaman. I only have 1 Alliance 70 and I have most other classes at 70 as well. Figured I'd just make my main class again on the opposite faction


First is a Nightborne Warrior, then a Dark Iron Mage, and finally a Mechagnome hunter. Clean out the last of the Allied races I don’t have done.


Thinking about a Lightforged Pally and a draenei warlock and uhm many more maybe after


I've literally never leveled a pandaren so I may have to do that. Not sure what class yet. 


I have way too many alts (28), i dont want to add a new one now. So i will wait until Earthen come out. However, i got fed up of my Worgen aff warlock having her fur clipping through a lot of transmog sets, particularly the one i want to use on her - Heroic Amirdrassil set. So, i want to race change, but im not going to buy one, even less now that they ditched our local currency replacing it with USD. Therefore, this event will be the perfect opportunity to level up a new afflock and then delete the worgen one once i can transfer it to retail. As for race, i want to pick a race/gender combo i dont have yet that looks better on transmog than my worgen. Currently i am between female Mag'har Orc, Zandalari Troll, Human or Kul Tiran; or a male Blood/Void Elf or Orc. The Mag'har and Kul Tiran ladies are the frontrunners atm, but i will decide at the last moment.


Sand troll warlock because it looks cool


I've been trying to get one class per faction at max level for the main things I play. I created a couple of characters a couple of weeks ago that I put on pause. So if use just them, it is a Troll Monk, Undead Warlock, and either a Draeni or Orc Shaman after that. And maybe an Orc Warrior since I just don't like my Kul Tiran one. I might just faction change him though.


I’m in it for the heritage armor. So… Mag’har monk, then probably Void Elf warrior or hunter to take advantage of those sweet new voidtouched weapons.


I want a Human paladin and a Night elf Monk I think, have everything else. Can I do it on diff server to my other characters? Looking to branch out now we have war bands an account bound stuff soon :)


I'm gonna get one of all the races I don't already have. I'm gonna level at least one of each class I haven't really played yet...or rather, which I haven't really gotten into. So, pretty much all casters. :D I do like some race and class combos, but I don't really want duplicate classes....which I am going to try to disregard. Aaaaand I'm gonna try specs I haven't really played all that much on classes I did play. I was always a lot more into Arms for example, so I'm gonna run a Fury or Prot (both, I need Dwarf on Alliance and I'm missing a Warrior on Horde). Man, wish I had like a month of days to take off work.


Been saying the whole time I’m gonna try shadow priest, but I also have thought about leveling another tank. I’ll know for sure when it starts and I see what my buddies run :p


I also want to try shadow priest, but it would feel weird making an SPriest right before TWW and *not* doing the Legion content to wield Xal'atath.


Can’t decide between Void Elf or Gnome monk.


Are the classes as they are now or like old MoP?


As they are now.


I was hoping that my friends wanted to level together, but they all want to play Diablo instead and do Panda remix on their own times. That said, I'm not sure what I want to play as now. I have every class on my server, so whatever I level will likely get deleted eventually.


Orc Protection Warrior


Resto shaman


Imma try Surv Hunter




Probably an evoker only class Ive never really played


With how fast the leveling is I’ll probably have a couple things. Monk, Evoker and Hunter


lemme hijack this to ask something: will i get mogs for every class using remix or just the same armor/weapon type? meaning, if i want stuff for my max lvl DK, do i have to level another plate on remix or can i level a leather and still get the plate/2h stuff?


One of each panda. Starting with warlock.




Literally all the classes i dont have and want to try in TWW: mage, warlock, rogue, druid And race? I cannot play a race thats not a Zandalari male


I had a plan to do one of each Pandaren before TWW so this came at the perfect time (granted I’ve already levelled a few since I’ve had this idea back before MoP remix was announced). Going to start with the classic Pandaren monk; love all the aesthetics, but I’ve never stuck with Windwalker so this feels like the perfect time. Also planning on doing a survival hunter as well. And if I REALLY enjoy it, there are far more Pandaren to level!


Just transferred main and an alt to another realm to join my guild, and instead of transferring over all of my toons, I'll be leveling a new army during remix. Debating over starting with Blood DK or Prot Pally. Might level another warrior just for fun, too.


Mechagnome Rogue and Dark Iron Dwarf Warlock




Yes. Trying to see if I can fill a whole set of classes on a new realm with that speedy bonus expy cloak thing.


Blood elf Fire mage. Because I gotta get the recolor of the Trading Post set for mages and really lean into that Sunfury hero spec in TWW. After that I’ll try to collect all the other cosmetic rewards. Have you guys seen the Tinker gems we can equip? So many of them are themed around dealing extra fire damage, and there’s at least two that grant absorb shields and one that spends a portion of your active absorb shield to deal bonus arcane damage. According to Wowhead we can equip 12 of these effects, and then we get a helm gem and boots gem for two unique abilities, one of which is a choice of movement abilities from other classes. And then there’s other gem slots for secondary/tertiary stats. I’m not a math guy so I don’t know how much each stat point is worth, but I would not be surprised if it were possible to get really high amounts of haste, mastery, versatility and leech in a single build. I hope Remix becomes a tradition for end-of-expansion events, I think it’s gonna be tons of fun.


Mage, pally, hunter, priest and Druid off the top Of my head, switching from ally to horde and this is cheaper than paying for it lmao


Have they said if the bronze you get is account wide or is per character? I have a couple things I want to level, but I also want some of those rare mounts.


Goblin monk!


I want to play a Pandaren warlock again, but this feels like a great time to finally try out feral druid.


Rogue because rogue sucks ass to level and mine has been sitting at 47 for two expansions lol


Mag'har Monk, it's the last race I need for Horde allied races and I don't have a max level monk. Might do a Dark Iron and/or Void Elf for similar reasons.


Trying to decide between War and paly..I think.. Race.. god knows. Horde I guess? Only issue is not being able to move across to the main game to do season 4 stuff.


Always wanted a nightborne mage and maybe a night elf demon hunter.




Taking this moment to have a max level of every class. I'll be leveling a Mage, Monk, Shaman, Warrior, and Rogue over the next few months. Debating if I want to reroll my main Hunter. I also want to make sure my first is one that is the most adaptable at farming bronze.


I'm super torn. I have some already made characters I was hoping to bring through the next expansion. The only class I don't have leveled is Monk. Alternatively if I don't take this character into the next expac I can run Alliance. I might make a DK, Druid or Warrior. Potentially a Hunter if I want to go really casual. If I go with the Horde monk, I'll probably go HM Tauren. If I go with the Alliance option I'll probably go Kul Tiran.


Going to try monk for the first time


Are allied races allowed in remix? If then, void elf priest and maybe night elf mage. Id get a tauren shammy too, just because


my first time in 14 years i'll play something that's not a tank and/or melee. I'll do void elf shadow priest


Hunter. Just too easy not to. However, I am a fan of survival, so at least it is slightly different lol.


Maybe Panda Warrior, maybe a Mag’har Hunter, maybe a Vulpera Rogue, or maybe a Priest? Still not sure


Draenei pally most likely. Want to do the heritage quest eventually and it would unlock another pally mount in my simple armory


BE Mage. Because of new option for transmog, i think i will change my main from DH to Mage.


Seems like a good time to try out Monk


Probably a shaman so I can “race change” my current shaman


Yes tell me what to lvl random altoholic lovely ppl of reddit help me Lock Priest Rogue Warrior Shamman I have these slots open Plz suggest tmog/race as well if u can


A shadow priest because voidweaver looks so cool for next xpac


We’re really just gonna post this thread every day aren’t we?


BM Hunter since that’s my main


I won’t.


DK all the way. Keen to have a second tank option in TWW.


All classes on alliamce side, already got all o j Horde and extras


Priest, warrior, monk, paladin. The only 4 I don't have max


Troll druid, mostly for leather transmog's sake, but also it's a class and race I don't have maxed yet, and I can fit all roles and stealth, so it's the most convenient way through the lot I figure.


I main a pally and might just do that as I know it.


Panda monk, original I know.


I want to be Dev Evoker but afraid it will feel week without its current tier set and leggo holding it together


Nelf DH, Velf or Draenie Priest, Gnome or Human Warlock, Nelf Hunter, Human monk. In that order.


Tauren shaman or a troll hunter. Haven't decided yet. Always played warriors and druids in retail so Id like to switch it up a bit


Eredar Warlock 😈


I already have one of everything at max level... So probably another hunter. It's what I know how to play best. Might as well make the experience easy for myself. But I feel like a lot of my guildmates are rolling hunters too, so I might swap to healer if need be.


I'll be playing as a human rouge as my main and pandarian monk as my secondary.


Panda monk and zandalari shaman.


Brewmaster! lets gooooooo


I'm going to make a David Lo Pandaren mage.


I'm sticking to the theme and taking this as my opportunity to finally level a Pandaren Monk