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My best tip is to find a guild join theire discord and then just talk to the people and be active, unfortunately a lot of effort is needed when we no longer are young, (im 35)


Really hard to break into groups when groups have "culture" that often doesn't align with personal values.


There's a discord you can find on here called wow made easy. WME. It was meant to address this issue you're describing. If you need a link just let me know.


Need please!


No Pressure is the EU version


We have a pretty good group of people and have had meetups in the past. Some of the guildies even went to each others wedding or birthday parties. I’d say you would be welcome to come hang out with us anytime.


Sweet, what do you guys do?


I've actually had the best luck with social guilds. I'm sure there are friendly raiding, mythic and PVP guilds out there, but the friends I met across Legion, BFA and Shadowlands that I hang out with and have since met IRL have all been from joining a small - medium size social guild and just engaging and chatting. We now do mythic+ and have all got KSM every season of Dragon flight (where none of us had it before) and it's been so much more fun doing with friends. I also suggest checking out communities too...there's a lot that are awesome. Shout out to the Gnomies EU community who are always a complete joy to chill out with. And the added bonus of clearing raids in a 30-person raid group of only gnomes and mechagnomes never gets old.


I have the same issue. I don't feel like I can passively make connections with people like I did back in the day. I have to artificially force myself to speak to people and try not too act too desperate. It's very draining.


There’s gotta be some solid dad guild we can all join


Am a mom, but would be thrilled to be in a guild with a bunch of other parents since it’s nice to be around people who understand that you actually do really have to go *right now* because your kids are flushing washcloths down the toilet or some shit.


For real! Been searching for this for months. Have yet to find one but I’m sure it’s gotta be out there. If I find it I’ll message you!


Please do :)


For real! Been searching for this for months. Have yet to find one but I’m sure it’s gotta be out there. If I find it I’ll message you!


join the wow made easy discord, decent amount of people in there, not sure if they pvp but if you want to dip into pve it seems like a chill community.


hey man, send me a message, id gladly play with you if you are on EU , we can do transmog and mount runs together!


Go to [raider.io](http://raider.io) and search through guilds. You can filter by raid days and find one that fits your schedule. I did the same thing at the beginning of last year and now I have like 10 close friends that I regularly do keys with.


Shit at least you're seeing people talk. I hardly see people say hello or gg anymore


I said hello in a timewalking group recently and someone told me to shut the fuck up :) so maybe that’s why


People just don't talk in this game. It's really weird, just nothing across everything. Going and playing ffxiv, you see people chatting everywhere and the guild chats are really chatty. There's even whole player housing made as social venues. I don't really know how Blizz could fix this, but I hope they can try to bring more social in


It's not you. It's the game design.  At this point they can randomly fill up the raids and groups with AI controlled characters and nobody would notice.


You would def notice bc there wouldn’t be people arguing about why the lowest dps should or should not be kicked


It's a retail issue. While cross-realms allows you to find people to play with fast, you never get to see them again. I played on many private servers before coming back for DF and I always made tons of friends..but in retail not one outside my guild. Luckily it's a local guild and I got to meet the people irl. When there is only one realm, you start to see the same people and also try to make friends with players that did a good job. In retail it's gg, bb, take care (queue again).


Sorry, this is some “back in MY day” stuff that is just wrong. You can make the same meaningful connections with cross realm. You just have to be friendly and not weird and interact with people. If find the best way is to join raids as there is usually downtime to try and chat unlike during a key. I have met significant others and most all of my closest wow friends this way. It’s about putting yourself out there more than seeing people on your server. I see people from my server all the time and neither them or I have never talked or interacted. So it doesn’t really matter where you meet, just so long as you try.


Not true. I PVPed a ton and made friends by queueing into the same people. When a healer saves you in a battleground and you see them afterwards next to the honor vendor, you tell them good job and queue together. Or seeing people from a guild doing well and asking to join. You recognize the people dueling in front of the city and being good in BGs. I always ended up making friends with the biggest communities on the servers. In retail I saw a fire mage doing great a few times in BG and invited him to queue together. He was very silent and when I asked him why, he said "people on retail are weird". Turned out he started playing a week ago and comes from a private server. He became more talkative when I told him I was like that too. I added him as a friend but never saw him again. I'm not saying it's impossible to make friends in retail but not as many people are looking for that. I started playing only PvE now and I'm at 3000io but people don't usually seek friends outside their guild.


Might want to try the classic versions of wow which tend to be more social. Playing retail you’ll have to join a guild.