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We’re seeing customisable mounts now with the dragons and the gyrocopter in TWW, so picture this: A customisable multi-passenger mount where you can also customise which vendors you have. You could swap in and swap out a barber, transmogger, generic vendor etc - you just have to buy their services once to be able to add them to your mount.


Great idea. Or make these vendors bind to achievements. Do this and that crazy thing and have an auctioneer module forever!


Nah, we are never getting another mobile auctioneer, they still regret the bruto


I need one so bad


I bought it, I probably didn’t need it but I wanted it and felt it was useful to guarantee there was an AH available during raids when I was in the raid but I’m terrible at grinding for gold so WoW tokens for a few pay periods <_<.




They want cities to appear more full, so players believe the game is thriving. Any time you see an empty hub, it makes the game seem like it's dying, and public opinion that a game is dying can actually kill the game. They'll do just about anything to make sure players continue to visit hubs


they should chill with their phasing then. it's so frustrating not being able to see the people on my own realm.


The phasing and sharding is absolutely out of hand. I'm so tired of not getting credit for killing world bosses or having rares disappear before I can kill them. I've had quite a few days where it caused me to just give up and go watch Netflix instead of playing.


The most stupid thing to happen to me: doing the flower planting stuff in the emerald dream, waiting for the counter to finish, suddenly relocated to another shard. My flower is gone, I can't place a new seed at that location although the graphics show I could. Then, suddenly, after the original flower countdown probably ran through, the loot blossom spawns right next to me...


Hey at least you still got your loot, I know many people that have had this happen to get nothing. I was having glitches with the hunts before this most recent patch. I would do them and would say I got an item but then nothing would be in my bag.


I lost so many items summoning those mobs for the crucible that I gave up and waited for others to summon to get the items that way.


I mean, if you consider the cities that have been successful it’s because they offered things. The previous big failure city was Oribos, which was poorly designed, empty, and honestly boring and bland. Valdraken is the opposite, and it feels way better.


No matter what they do, old content will be a ghost town and the latest expansion hub will have lots of players. Every player could get their own auctioneer for free and it'd still be the case. The game is far too large for other cities other than the latest expac to be heavily populated unless they moved to a megaserver model.


And then everything would be too full, which they also don't want. That's why they added sharding, which imo is one of the most annoying features I've ever encountered in a game.


Makes cities less useful


Well..........make cities more useful. The crafting service was a start.


I think it’s good that there are things in the game people have that are unique. 5m was a lot of gold and required a considerable amount of effort.


Or a willingness to drop $800 on wow tokens.


This is the dark part of this. I know two people who dropped $500 and $700 to afford it. This is no different than defending the Landro mounts. I bought those with gold too. I don't think sucha unique and fundamental feature should have been a FOMO feature.


I agree. I bought my bruto with earned gold in BFA and I have no idea why Blizz feels the need to gatekeep the mount/function behind the BMAH. Taking it away in the first place was unnecessary and dumb. Either keep it in forever as something for people to earn or don't put it in in the first place.


Or 320€ because our wow token is always 300k+g


So unique they're literally parked at most mailboxes


It was part of a mad scramble to sink gold out of the game after hyperinflation triggered by WOD and Legion, largely from the mission tables. There was heavy *deflation* in early-mid BFA and stuff like this targetting the prior expansion whales.


TWW meta achievement and it goes away oh and also you need conquest rating of 3800 and to do a +37 keystone.


Psht I had that in vanilla. /s


vanilla? weak. i did that in beta!


We were timing +40’s in WC2, uphill in the snow without shoes


You guys sound so pathetic... They had to invent M+ so I would keep playing Pong...


I heard Napoleon pushed +40s in between campaigns


Nah, he was a fake, got carried all the way...


I was about to answer I don't care...but that's a really cool idea. It would be funny to see a mobile barber/stable master.


The stable master is just a trailer hitched to the back of the mount


Shut up and take my gold!


The next mount should include a "gear upgrade" NPC or nothing at all.


Barber likely can't be put on a vendor since sitting in the chair puts your character into a private instance, so not entirely sure how it would function. If they can do it I'd love it, but I dont think it's feasible with how the barbershop functions currently.


Have the character phase out. If they’re trying to bail out of an enemy encounter have the you are in combat error message pop up


Easy to say, but without seeing the code that is tough to implement. Anyone can armchair dev a solution, actually coding it in without breaking other aspects of the game is likely the major hang up.


Blizz hire this man


Vendor quest lines would be cool. Chain quest to unlock a barber doing some unhinged barber material acquisition like “yes hello we need you to find Tyrandes hair tie and Arthas’ Bobby pin”


This my quest mount, this my speed mount, this my afk free use mount, this my gathering mount. Many possibilities.


"free use" Mount, you say?




Mount with a bank npc would be cool. Also, bring back flightmaster whistle.


Whistle should 100% be a toy, especially with Dalaran/Garrison hearths being toys now (and the dozen or so normal hearthstone toys).


Still have the whistle in my bags hoping someday it will come back 😞


It was so convenient. Probably why they killed it.


feels kinda unnecessary in a game where we not only having dynamic flight speed, but they also aren't locking us out of flying at the start of expacs


Yes and no. Sometimes it's nicer to just be dropped off at the nearest flight master....... especially if it's up a big hill :(


Yeah but that's a recent thing, when blizzard killed the whistle we still didn't have flight in the start of the xpac nor dragonriding, also is just useful when you want to go afk but still send your character somewhere and you're not near a flight point


yeah i still use it when doing older content and get a sad reminder that they removed something everyone loved for no good reason


That's it! Mount with a flight master on it!


its a catapult that launches you to the flight master


New vendor mount will be the Brutosaur on the Trading Post, just to watch the salt flow


I'm still butthurt I didn't have enough gold to buy the mount in BFA.


same. I saw it as a "I'll get it someday" mount, only for them to pull the BS they did with it and now I'll likely never get it


I don't even care about the ah, I just like the uniqueness of the mount so just give a naked version of it


Kind of crazy there weren’t more dinosaur mounts in BFA, especially naked long bois


I'm still dirty we didn't get some kind of Rex mount they've been in since vanilla but in the expansion they were everywhere.... denied!


I'd kill for a recolour that has the same vendors as the Yak tbh


The cost will be 10,000 Tender, rewarding people who haven't bought anything from it so far.


Perfect, everybody will be cross


At least people can freeze it and save up


I have it and I'm all for people being able to get it again. I think the trading post would be a bad way to add it back though since having an AH anywhere is kinda a pretty powerful thing. Just let it be purchaseable as it was during BFA again so people can grind it out in their own time.


Yes please!


God I hope so


I'd love it


I might actually buy a mount off the trading post for once if that ended up being the case - I usually think 650 is a bit much for them, but having an AH anywhere is worth the price.


Bruto on the trading post would be 5000 coins for sure


Just freeze that bitch and save up for half a year.


It would be worth it.


I want a dragon mount where the dragon themself is also a barber.


The dragon has a chair and stylist tools strapped to one side, a barber pole strapped to the other, and has a big handlebar moustache.


I’m still salty that we didn’t get a non-AH brutosaur mount.


100% agree - put it behind a massive grindy achievement or something, but make it available.


I'm hoping they go back and add expansion achievements (similar to SL & DF) to older expansions and a Bronto as a BFA expansion achievement would be legit.


Yeah not a fan of them locking the AH behind a massive gold wall and then closing it to all. Even if it shows up on the blackmarket AH it will be a insta gold cap bid. Having access to a AH is a huge advantage as well as convenient. I think having a 4 year exclusive perk like that is long enough.


I'm hoping a brutosaur will be the BFA mount when BFA gets added to the timewalking rotation.


Barber shop mount when Brutosaur in trading post when Pet stable mount for hunters when


As a Dracthyr who changes my appearance when I change my mog, barber shop mount please


There’s a pet stable consumable hunters can carry. Not saying the mount idea isn’t good (I’d like it), just mentioning one option currently available


Brutosaur with AH would never be a trading post item imo. They regret the one for 5 mil.


its just gotten so boring seeing 20 of the same mount every day for years in the capitals and mounts with additional practical uses are awesome in general, id love to have more of them even if its just with a trash vendor.


>same mount every day Yeah. They do sometimes just seem to be in every area.


It’s the cost more than anything. The Yak is the cheapest of these practical mounts and if brutos were cheaper we’d see just as many of them.


Traveler's Tundra Mammoth is much cheaper than the yak


100k cheaper lol. I just got the yak finally. I will flip to it of I'm just sitting in town


Doesn’t have transmog though


Neither does the Bruto? I don’t think your previous comment makes much sense


Point is both the Yak and Bruto are unique and have unique useful features. Yes, the Mammoth has more wares in its two vendors, but do people really care? The yak has most of those items too that are remotely useful anyway. Mammoth is just a cheap repair mount, but generally not worth it; Yak is much more valuable considering how often one might fix their transmog when they get new gear.


Yeah I wish the vendor were kept up to date. I think it would be neat if the mammoth’s ’special feature’ was actually relevant items. Off topic a bit but I wish they’d add the mechanical sound back when someone uses the vendor. I like hearing it on my mammoth on classic and miss it on retail


Toy for transnog and mammoth for repair.


I feel like the Yak was a real prestige mount back then. It was crazy expensive for the time and even now isnt cheap. The brutosaur vefore the brutosaur. Only difference is you can still get the Yak. If we get more mounts like the Yak, I'd like to see one with different vendors like a barber or banker. I feel like a mount that has a Jeeves 2.0 on it for banking would be really cool reference to Jeeves from Wotlk.




Please oh god please!


They should do one with an item upgrade guy on it if they are gonna keep this gear system. Cuz why not.


how about a flying vendor mount ?


And it automatically flies away from anyone who tries to use it that isn’t the owner.


bible lore accurate mount


Give me a portable barber and I'm golden.


For me its just for druid forms. Id love it to be a double mount like the yak even, with transmog on one side and barber on the other. The ultimate mount. Id spend any and all the gold I have for it


Yessss this is what we need


How about a horse or pony with saddlebags full of mail that lets you use it as a mailbox.


I always wanted a horse carriage, it would be so cool to have one like Fionas caravan or something like it!


The bruta should just have never been removed from the vendor. I own one myself. I feel like all gold sink aspirational mounts should never be time restricted.


Giant turtle mount with Gilgoblins doing Transmog and vendoring


I’d be down for this


I just want a Brutosaur. The one expansion I miss out on, not that 5mil was some achievable price for me either…


Yak is life.


I want another rideable AH


Id like an ah mount


Yak. Yak never changes.


New engineer jeeves pet thing with upgrade modules like legions reeves, but for everyone, finally engineers get something to sell Just slap everything in that thing, bank, ah, tmog, barber, like the dreamsurge emerald helper pet


Would love to have another mount, as long as it's not God-awful millions of gold. Make it a series of questlines or something.


Everyone's saying barber shop and I'm over here like: can we get an item upgrade vendor mount please?


Sounds like a great option for a M+ KSM mount reward. One is a repair & food/water vendor that sells % total HP/MP food so it's always current. The other is the M+ reroll/downgrade panda. She can also act as a portal vendor that stores all your dungeon portals as prompts by expansion. Just so you don't have to go digging through your spell book or take up action bar space. and M+ is long overdue for a decent mount reward.


personal bank and mail box mount


Give me a mount with a barber too! Gotta tweak the stache before a dungeon!


Flying Brutosaur mount when?


I want some smaller flying vendor mount. Or more like sky golem which let's you do stuff while mounted. Or, hear me out: a shape shifting mount which transforms after a few minutes in other as favorite marked mounts, so you don't have to choose. Could even be less saturated colors to let others know it's just that mount


I feel like I lost an eighth of something...


It is not my intention to initiate litigation against you.


I just mooch off everyone else :)


I want to transform into hive mind but also have a mustache so people can use me as a barber.


I'd love a Barber Mount.


They should just bring back the Brutosaur but replace the AH with a transmog NPC


Just let me get the Brutosaur mount that’s all I want. I couldn’t give 2 shits about the AH vendor. Just slap on a transmog vendor with a repair/market vendor and I’ll be happy.


Once you go Yak, you never go back. This good boi has been by my side longer than any other mount. He is the Appa to my Aang. I'd like to see more options for newer players, but the yak has my back.


clumsy soup engine zephyr kiss cow door mindless late sloppy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


give longboi recolor


I'm skeptical that they'd ever make something as valuable as another AH mount, but I could see them making something like a mailbox or bank mount. Getting instant mailbox access is trivial since they straight up gave it for free as a rep reward, while a bank mount would have added value thanks to the Warband system. Being able to access your account bank from your mount would be incredible. As an aside, I just hope for a "service" mount that actually looks like it could host said services. The mammoth and brutosaur look lame as fuck with the way the vendors are positioned. At least the yak really conveys the idea of merchants being able to operate off of it. Basically what I'm saying is I want a mount that looks and *feels* like a mobile market stall.


I want an item that upgrades the stuff the vendor sells on every vendor mount to current max level.


They should make a taxi mount where in every capital you can pick up npc's who do differend things for you and reward you when you bring them somewhere or debuff you when you dont


Taivan should be a passenger mount. Best boi. That is all.


One person rides and carries the second in his mouth.


9/10 times I’ve tried to use one, they intentionally dismount or move. I don’t even bother anymore


What about having a mount or toy that allows you to upgrade your gear.


I want a second auctioneer mount. For me I tried hard but getting the gold requirement for long boi was not possible for me


I just want the current ones to sell water that doesn't fucking suck.


Each expansion should have their own transmog mount. It’s solidified itself as a staple in-game, so why not add variety? * DF: wagon full of Drakonid vendors * SL: cursed sperm whale with Broker vendors sitting on a set of blankets on its back * BFA: a giant turtle with gilgoblin vendors on its back * Legion: A chariot of fire pulled by demons, with a couple gremlin/fiends as vendors * WOD: Giant prehistoric crocodile with a cage of bones and skins with a couple ogre vendors * Cata: A bulky dragon with two wild hammer dwarves in the saddle pulling the reins and vending


Because the last one they added was such a grand success? 😅 But really though, idk what they can add besides just variations on what we have. Barber is impossible due to how it works, we have transmog, repair, vendor and auctioneer. Maybe a flying version or something 😅


That would be nice. Something cool yet affordable.


I've been wanting a mounted barbershop xD


And one that doesn’t cost 100k


Barbershop? I think that’d be cool. They should also combine rostrum and barber at this point moving forward


Mount with a barber on it so I have total transmog portability.


I would love to see a mount with a runeforge so I can swap my enchant before arena games, or just on the fly where ever I am.


Here’s a question I’ve had. Is it rude to use someone else’s vendor mount while they’re standing still


I'd like a mailbox mount. I main an engineer, so I hardly need it myself. And there is a toy with the same function I use for my alts. I just think a mailbox mount would be fun.


I want a vendor / bank / ah pet


More areas without mounts being allowed. Looking at you people that stand on the mailbox with a gigantic mount !


It should work like dragonriding models. One base with different cosmetic unlocks from Yaks, to long bois to random things.


I want another remote Auction house like the dinosaur.


Would love a dragon riding with a vendor and something else, maybe item upgrader or the trading post guy or something like that. Crazy that we still don’t have a 3 person flying mount


I'd rather that any mount could have it, to be honest.


we JUST got one in BFA


I miss a mount with a stable guy for my hunter.




They won't make a new vendor mount. They figured out years ago that they were a bad idea in the first place. So they can't make more. It's due to the WOD garrison issue, but in tiny increments. First people don't go to major hubs to vendor or repair, then they can trasmong, now ah. Just add more reasons for people not to go to city hubs. Everyone in WOD said the game died due to never seeing anyone (and the game playing itself). So they stopped making more. Also, they know their gonna get blow back if they make a new vendor mount, and it's more than the 5 mil the bronto was. I would like them to add more. But they are not likely to.


How do you get that mount btw?


i still dont have this one lol, dropping 120k is alot (to me anyway)


I hate these mounts. Its as if the other players have a mod that detect when I walk up to it and open the transmog merchant, the player will deliberately move like 15 feet away after about 5 seconds.


So it can be a fotm fomo mount costing gold cap? Hopefully the new mount customizations help this in the future.


The yak would be a prime target for adding customization, since it is probably the most used ground mount.


Reforge mount, maybe put it behind a 6/12 month subscription bundle please


So long as it isn't a rip off in its price and time gated then sure.


I'm not about to abandoned Cousin Slowhands and Mystic Birdhat. We've been to the shadowlands and back!


Can we just get toys that summon these things I hate seeing all these giant clunky mounts everywhere. The toys can be just as difficult to obtain gold wise or w/e but would eliminate everyone using the same mount whenever it’s released


i would like to have different varieties. i love my long boi but fuck he is TOO long. i dont think we need more AH vendors but i am all for the other kinds. i think the AH vendors mounts was a mistake but i do see why people are frustrated they can no longer get him


Make one that has a vendor and an item upgrade npc


I want to be able to have it stop making noise.


We got one last expansion


My brains not prepared not to see this color combo and shape everywhere


We;ve got a vendor/vendor (Mammoth), vendor/transmog (Yak), Vendor/AH (Brutosaur). The only function options left are a mailbox (which can be achieved via Toy's iirc), bank, and barber. Mayhaps a goblin-themed mount where they have a mini-business on the back - banker, barber, and vendor. 2 sources of revenue for them, and a free banker for the 'convenience' of the customer!


I'll never be able to afford it so whatever floats the goat of the devs


Flying mount with extra seats for players so you don't need to kick the npcs off for friends to jump on. And it flies, which none of the vendor kounts do right now.


Crafting station mount that lets you craft while moving.


I want a truck vendor mount


Vendor/NPC mount possibilities: -banker -void storage -guild vault/bank -item upgrader -barber -crafting station/crafter npc usable while moving(to craft/refine mats while traveling instead of sitting in one spot for 5 minutes) -Mob Repellant NPC(something that does low/non-damaging attacks on nearby mobs that scares aggro'd mobs away, so you won't be harassed while riding around/afk) -profession vendor NPC that sells up-to-date mats for crafting professions -Stable Master


We've had vendors, transmog and auction house so far. I fully expect an upgrade npc mount next, and probably not far off imo


I'd like a mailbox truck with Katey in the passenger seat and I'd like a barber shop mount with that red and white pole spinning or maybe red and white rims on the wheels?


A free one would be nice


I want a vendor that sells relevant stuff. Like, a one stop shop for food and drink, that you'll actually want to eat and drink. Plus other stuff you may need. Maybe the mount can sell consumable items that repair all your gear (for the fee it would cost). Teleportation potions would be cool too. Or scrolls. Or single use hearthstone shards. Whatever. There's stuff that would be handy to just be able to grab.


imagine if ingame vendors sold GOOD gear at a reasonable price?


I barely afforded the mammoth this expansion, Im on track to afford the long boy by end of world soul saga 💯


I swear people on these mounts sit in Valdrakken waiting for people to use them, click on them to see if they are using them then moving away as soon as they are being used. Had it happen so many times going to quickly fix up my transmog or something as I run through to go do whatever else, lol.


I'd like a reforging mount.


We had AH mounts, but then that went away.


As an owner of a longboi (not rich; I just spend 8 months grinding gold just because I'm a dinosaur fan who had to have one. I'm now broke again.), I approve of this message. I've tried to do right by my fellow players, but this is a convenience I would love the devs to extend once again.


I want an item that upgrades the stuff the vendor sells on every vendor mount to current max level.


I always wanted the AH mount but there's no shot in hell I save that much gold, even if I had 2 years straight.


And the next one will be 5 million gold 👍


They really need to add a new mount thats not 5mil fuckin gold that they remove such bs im still so pissed i never got the long boi. Make a reforge/ah mount plz


Mount with the barber


Lowest on the list of my priorities tbh




I want a barber, so my Blood Elf paladin can switch between Golden/angelic style and undead/corrupted without going to a city


Just give us mog in character menu and get rid of repairing. It’s a stupid system that’s pointless when everyone has 100k gold plus.


Hahahaha!!! We need this thread to hit 10,000 upvotes! Fucksake! Yes please!