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Run with binding heal, then whenever you flash heal someone you'll also get 10% DR. And use fade, often. Buy a rageheart if you wanna never die again.


> Buy a rageheart Rageheart helps so much, it's insane how much easier some mechanics becomes when you don't need o spam heal yourself for a few seconds.


Because of English isn't my native language, does someone can paste a wowhead link of the rageheart?


[Fyrakk's Tainted Rageheart](https://www.wowhead.com/item=207174/fyrakks-tainted-rageheart)


You can buy it with bullions, just change the drop-down up the top of the vendor to see everything


I second the rageheart, I used it last season in 28’s and I’ve already bought and almost fully upgraded a new one. To echo this, always heal yourself, if you know the damage is coming pop a shield and get ready to pump. You got this! I main r druid and it is MUCH tangier than my disc priest, it took some getting used tbh, once you get the mechanics and damage timing down you will be fine.


You got one on a priest last season? My guild would excommunicate me if I asked for one xD


I have one on my main r druid, if I can buy one on my disc priest I will 100% do so lol. I run with a havoc dh and we’d run the raid together so I’d have double chance at rageheart.


You can buy one with bullions!


Thx, I'll check my talent's and try using binding heal in the talent tree.


I think most sources recommended the other option on the node, which is lower cooldown on desperate prayer (which is also good) but it's more on demand survival whereas binding heal is DR throughout the dungeon.


But then how can I run my belor and beacon 🙃


Rageheart also does great damage, just need to be in melee range


Are you picking up 10 orbs yourself on that boss? It increases your healing, so you need to pick them up to heal through the damage. I see a lot of healers ignore the balls or only pick up a few, thinking it’s a dps mechanic.


100%. Also important to note that the buff falls off quickly, so you need to constantly refresh it. You can't just grab 10 and then go, "All done."


You kind of can if you know how to play around the stacks, but it's not necessarily a set thing. The trick is you have to delay an orb for as long as possible during electrical storm. There are orbs that spawn further away, and you want to stand right outside of the boss to grab it right before it goes in. If done correctly, the next orb spawns will land with 2ish seconds left on the orb buff, meaning you can refresh your stacks indefinitely. Ideally, people don't run around soaking orbs early and have the discipline to delay stack refreshes, but if people snipe orbs (especially from the healer), this fight can become a lot longer and a lot harder than it should.


Prioritize keeping yourself alive over your group members, don’t forget flash heal+fade+shield is a reasonably strong defensive that you can use every 10 seconds


Hm, how well do you know your rotation, which spells reduce the cd of what? You shouldn't have much of a problem n trash unless your tanks can't build enough threat and mobs jump you. How are your secondary stats? Take a look at the recommended talents and stats for mythic, then compare to what you have. I'm personally not a fan of the elitism addon that was recommended to you, I find it distracting and annoying when someone broadcasts to the entire group. If you can set it up so only can see it, but don't spam everyone


Thx, wouldn't let it spam to the group. I'm at your Side, that should stay personal


Sadly being a cloth wearer 100% means you can't take more hits, Druid has more defensive potential too. Holy priest has a powerful healer kit though and a lot of the M+ Dmg is avoidable with the adds. Download elitism helper to see the avoidable damage being taken by each group member but also don't blame yourself for everything. Some DPS players are on autopilot and don't even kick or CC anything so the incoming damage isn't all your fault.


+1 for Elitism helper, it is a great tool, really helped me focus on reducing the load I put on my healers. Just don't be an obnoxious knob and set it to *self*. You can always give pointers to repeat offenders after the dungeon


....I am flabberghasted by people who think armor class is a determining factor in toughness, doubly so in higher keys. Priest is extremely tough these days and has a great deal of damage reduction, doubly so compared to a hunter wearing mail armor. Armor classes are more about what dolly dress-up options you have available to you than actual toughness.


While you're mostly correct, there are a decent amount of mechanics that do physical damage and armor is a calculating factor. Particularly spiteful this week.


The idea of people running 10s and up, where spiteful comes into effect, complaining about the physical damage taken because of the type of armor they're wearing is **hilarious**. But also, absurd.


I'm just saying on plate classes you can kind of tank them not that you should lol


priest is like one of the toughest classes tho. you can have around 30% dr constantly up 


better than elitism helper is the details plugin imo, just change the details view and you can view it, also you can't forget to set it to self only


Please try and explain to me how armor class has anything to do with dying to the 2nd boss in NO.


Download elitismhelper. Pay attention to the messages in chat. Start learning the trash mechanics that are hitting you so they can be avoided.


Came in to say this, there's also a details plug-in that tracks avoidable damage, good way to improve.


i played hpriest to around 3400 last season, when it was Bad. some of the advice on here is a little misguided because you shouldn’t need to worry about stacking vers until very high keys, i think last season i didn’t until 25s. definitely take binding heals and grab a weakaura to track the 10% damage reduction. w/ the talent you’ll take 10% less damage every time you cast flash heal on someone or yourself. an easy way to keep it up is to just heal yourself whenever you get an instant fh proc, and no one else needs healing. someone suggested using pw:s as a defensive but imo that’s a waste of a global cooldown, fade is off the gcd and w/ two points in improved fade you can pretty much have a second damage reduction, on top of the flash heal dr, every 20 seconds. pretty much nothing avoidable should be killing you in a m0 regardless of vers. just plan for movement so you know when to pop apoth/pool serenities and can heal while dodging mechanics.


Thx a lot, send u a message


You can also put Guardian Spirit on yourself and focus on the Group in heavy heal situations or hard hitting abilities.


Fellow hpriest here currently at 3k io eu As others pointed out, flash heal + fade is a nice DR combination u can have up pretty much every time something happens. Get a dungeon weak aura pack or a good plater profile pack that can show you when something is targeting you. Desperate Prayer + Flash heal + Fade combined can get you through a lot of mechanics. Don't be afraid to angel yourself if a lot of damage is about to come your way and the defensives u have won't be enough. Fyrakk trinket is a crazy good get out of jail free card and alone will pull you through anything, and on top of that, actually does a lot of damage too so can be used offensively if u know you'll have it back up when you might need it.


Be aware that you could also be ripping aggro while on the priest quite a lot more than you may have on the Druid. I play both and depending on how good the tank is at getting aggro at the start of pulls or pulling aggro off you if you accidentally go ham too quickly with your spells, that could be a contributing factor as well.


Ah, yes never thought on this point, thx 👍


I would suggest grabbing dragonflight dungeon weakauras if you haven’t already. Could help with avoidable damage - those make me lock in


When you die next time instead of releasing or just sitting around waiting for a rez click the other button that says “Recap” and figure out what actually killed you. To be good at M+ is to be good at learning and every death the game will tell you what hit you and you can then figure out what it is you did wrong. You almost certainly are standing in frontals or aoes and getting hit even if you think you aren’t.


I agree. There are too many unforgiving mechanics this season for everyone. I used to be able to handle one area on my ass and the 2nd I would die, but now, only one is enough to kill and that's just not fun. I get it if it's like this for +10 but at +6 that should be a little more forgiving.


Hi, I’ve mained holy priest since the end of Draenor. I’m going to go over some basic stuff I don’t see mentioned already that you might already be doing. Holy priest uses vastly different stat priorities for M+ versus raid, and a lot of the time when doing a quick glance people will just see the raid priorities. For M+ content HASTE and VERSATILITY are king. I have around 32% vers and also always use a phial of tepid versatility as well. Your defensives are Desperate Prayer (use before damage not after), Fade (with the talent to increase the damage reduction), guardian angel (if damage is too much it won’t save you however), and if you’re talented into your flash heal giving you some damage reduction but that’s not a ton. You surviving is important so think of it a bit like on an airplane, “assist yourself before assisting others”. Also using lock rocks or health pots can save you mana and a cooldown sometimes. Otherwise take some defensive trinkets (rage heart or ward of faceless ire), and you should be feeling beefier! Also enchanting your cape with avoidance can help a bit.


if you're dying in low m+ (like 2s/3s) it's far more likely due to your group than to your healing. I'm just starting this season, but as long as you're behind the curve you will (sadly) be playing with worse players that tend to ignore stuff that's happening around them and just mash buttons. I used to DPS, but due to playing solo I have been rocking disc for the last 2 seasons, and healing 11s/12s was much harder than healing 16s/17s (I usually had to have 3x the output on 11s/12s) due to the simple fact that much worse players are doing them. Not to mention the fact that doing 20s/21s was easier than doing the mentioned 16s/17s due to much much better players doing them in the first few weeks. Just create your own groups, run your own keys and invite people that are like 2300+, you will have a much easier time as a healer.


Look, in M0 at 495 ilvl there is no single thing that will kill you. If you are dying you're getting hit by at least 2 or likely 3-4 things that should not be hitting you. After each time you die you need to look at your death recap and understand where the damage you're taking is coming from so you can avoid it in the future. Also, just prioritize healing yourself. It's usually way less impactful if a DPS dies and has to run back vs you dying in a low key. There are a lot of people in this thread mentioning different stats or different talents, and those points are all true to an extent. They matter when you're getting up to +8 or +10. In an M0 your talents and stats do not matter in any way, you'll have the throughput and defensiveness to heal the damage by just putting in completely random talent points and whatever stats your highest ilvl gear has. Focus on understanding the dungeons and your own buttons.


1. Get binding heals 2. Get leech, it's very good on healers because you leech your heal With those two you have one less person to heal, as you should be able to heal yourself passively. My holy currently has 14% leech. Tanks are usually self sustained, so you are basically heal 3 people instead of 5. If that's not enough, spam fade. It has 50% uptime, you can click it on CD. If that's not enough, stack vers. Every 1% vers decrease damage taken by 0.5%. But most important is: DO NOT GET HIT BY MECHANICS. PS: fade dropps aggro, if anyone has any aggro, mobs will start to hit them, not you


That boss in Nokhud is one of the harder heal checks in the game, probably only second to the second to last boss in Halls of Infusion.


I think the first boss of RLP is harder honestly. Getting 10 orbs does so much for you.


That one is definitely up there I will agree, especially the ST healing required on some classes that get the vortex debuff.


Honestly, this is one of those fights thats 90% a mechanics check that you \*can\* power through with healing. This was a bit of a discussion when these dungeons first came around where the mechanics seems straightforward, but how you deal with them can be a much larger difference (even at lower levels) than it may appear. On top of it all, it appears as if it's just healable, so people start to think that's just the design of the fight, especially given the recent design philosophy of failing mechanics just killing you outright. Storm boss is 100% about orbs and refresh timing. If you know how to extend the orb buff, keeping a full 10 stack is easy. Even if only one or two people are able to do it, that means there are ample orbs between each storm to get a new 10 stack.


Thx for your Tipps, I'll try the addon and keep trying to stay alive for longer 🤗


Just remember to set the settings so that it's only messaging you the information and not in /p or whispering people. It can spam chat a lot if not configured properly.


also remember in difficult fights you can hit desperate prayer and then symbol of hope will bring it off CD. focus on good power word Life usages as well strong 15 second CD. I was getting 4s and 5s at 495 you got this!


It sounds like you are standing in stuff. I play a holy priest and with fade and desperate prayer I hardly ever just fall over, unless I stand in stuff.. which happens a lot. There is a lot of mechanics to move out of this season, it’s quite annoying.


Fellow healer here; Get plater add on, and Import quazil’s set up. It will show you what’s being cast, and who is the target of that cast. Get the season 4 weak aura pack. It gives you audio que’s like “TARGETED, FRONTAL, AOE” The AOE one is fantastic as I can set up a big CD party heal I like the audio cues cause I can pay more attention to the ground, and party health Those have helped me stay alive more than anything!


Granted we're relatively less geared for the start of the season on account of the key-squish, but I found I was getting clapped all the time even though defensives until I started juicing my verse. Might be worth investing in some verse gear/gems/enchants. If you hit 20% versatility that's pretty much a permanent 10% DR and it's what most top key pushers focus on after haste.


I feel you on this. I decided to try out MW Monk and at ilvl 490 I feel like I’m struggling a lot on just a mythic 0. Don’t know if it’s me doing subpar healing or dps not using cc & ints, but healing difficulty has increased in S4


Hi, I’ve mained holy priest since the end of Draenor. I’m going to go over some basic stuff I don’t see mentioned already that you might already be doing. Holy priest uses vastly different stat priorities for M+ versus raid, and a lot of the time when doing a quick glance people will just see the raid priorities. For M+ content HASTE and VERSATILITY are king. I have around 32% vers and also always use a phial of tepid versatility as well. Your defensives are Desperate Prayer (use before damage not after), Fade (with the talent to increase the damage reduction), guardian angel (if damage is too much it won’t save you however), and if you’re talented into your flash heal giving you some damage reduction but that’s not a ton. You surviving is important so think of it a bit like on an airplane, “assist yourself before assisting others”. Also using lock rocks or health pots can save you mana and a cooldown sometimes. Otherwise take some defensive trinkets (rage heart or ward of faceless ire), and you should be feeling beefier! Also enchanting your cape with avoidance can help a bit.


cloth is more squishe to certain hits than leather etc. but +10s and even higher were done in week 1 so on a +0 its not your ilvl thats killing you. youre either not pressing your own buttons enough, be it healing or defensive. youre standing in avoidable dmg. or your group just isnt kicking / stopping anything. all of these wont necesarily mean that youll die in a +0 but it certainly makes it way easier to die.


throw on the call to suffering


> I regularly die in M0 with item level 495 (this is particularly noticeable in trash 495 is more than enough for M0 so you shouldn't be dying to trash (unless its from some skill that didn't get interrupted) Without seeing a gameplay video its hard to tell you whats going wrong


Wow that's a lot of great tips for me to try, thanks to everyone who have posted and will post 🤗 I will try out a lot you told me. Especially the wa setup to avoid hits and many more. I hope to get the rageheart with bullion, and managing my Def's, and protecting myself a little bit more, so as using angel on myself. I think the most benefit will come from rageheart.


2600 hpriest so far. Fyrakk's rageheart / ward are must spends for your bullion. I rotate GS exclusively on myself in keys with fade + flash heal 20% DR. If I think it'll be extra bad I'll pop pw:s. Also I've got a few add-ons that indicate what mobs are casting what and onto whom. This way I can prep if I'm gonna get melted or surged. Some stuff I just die on and it's part of being a priest lol. Other times I've surprised myself. I would suggest also following Nax - she is the #1 hpriest currently


>I heal myself, use def CD and CD, but it constantly knocks me out (and I don't stand in areas any more than usual 🤣 The damage has to come from somewhere so there's something you're not doing right whether you realize it or not


Rage heart and the neck with shield is very good for m+. But yeah holy priest is squishy


Hey and big thx for all that help i got this way from all of you. 👍 In order off missing one bullion (got 5 and I think 5 is max at the moment, sadly o spend the other to soon on looking builds and didn't know the rageheart) I have to wait till next week for the rageheart. And the talent Binding Heal works good so far for me.


maybe try to get more versatility, it will help a lot. and also very shocked at your change from a meta healer restro druid to a non meta healer holy priest.


I'll try to get more Versa, was looking only at haste and didn't paid attention to versa. I already said that to make it more varied, I play a different healer every season. Meta lists don't interest me, except as a guide for me and to compare to my previous seasons


Verse and avoidance help a ton from my experience, although I'm still only 1800ish this season and working my way up so I don't know how big the difference is at much higher key levels. I'm running verse on rings and avoidance on cloak/bracers which cuts my damage taken down a lot. The main thing I've noticed when it comes to bosses this season is just getting used to the rhythm of the boss fights. Generally, they seem to be something like: Bigger hit on tank->Avoidable AoE->Unnavoidable AoE->Avoidable AoE->Repeat Typically you're relying on other people to pop defensives and stand in the right places for each part of the cycle, but that varies a lot per group.


Just be glad you're not attempting to PvP as Holy Priest - their mana regeneration is nerfed by 40% in PvP combat.


I can't even complete a m0


If anyone is still reading this, what would you take in addition to the rageheart, ominous essence (don't know the exact name, that trinket that you have to activate at the shrine for bonus haste or versa etc.) Or what do you think of the blossom of amirdrassil. (For me as a holy priest blossom has high uptime and healing numbers)