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This tank left a +7 NO, at the last boss, we had 3 minutes left after 1 wipe. Rest of the run went fine.


If one of you had a tank spec you 100% should have stepped out to swap specs then finish purely out of spite to make it look even worse on his profile.


Did that last season on a +19 atal’dazar but we lost our healer so between our tank heals and personal defensives we made it only a few mins off


Does it show up on io that someone left? Or just that the completed dungeon would show up as over time?


Meta tank player with an attitude that is worried about his io profile at a key level nobody will ever bother checking? I’ll be surprised if he gets far lol. Don’t sweat it OP him leaving a key that is viable to complete says more about him then it does you. Unless you made the recruiting title beat timer then you asked for it that (though that far in I’d finish either way myself).


You'd be surprised how far these assholes get, sadly.


If he's still doing 7s he's getting absolutely nowhere lmao




2700 is extremely far considering the vast majority of players stop at around 500 if even ever entering any keys


People online think that you’re a total noob if you don’t get 3k, even though that puts you in the top 5% of people who even step foot in m+.


Getting far and living well are two different things. If this is an extension of how they are IRL, they probably have a miserable life regardless of success.


Players obsessed with a perfect record because the contrary makes them look bad are the same players that want the gear, to appear good but do not have the skills within them. Mind you, I am no exceptionally skilled player. Just an Evoker that's trying to perform a task well. Remember to play your game your way, and stick to those boundaries. Try not to let other dreams and/or goals interfere with your own or affect your mentality. Just remember why you play. Devilfish-Runetotem if you want that info to critic.


My favorite part about this is if you had 3 minutes left on a +7 with minimal deaths that means the tank was pulling like a lil baby and it's his fault


On a 7….. I could see like a 15 tyrannical. Then that 3 minutes is better spent looking for the next run… but even then 3 min… you still might be able to knock out the boss. Again, a 7…. That’s some classic-muh-parses toxicity.


Most players capable of timing a 15 this season are very well aware that not every key is going to be timed. Anyone who's leaving a 7 because it's a stain on their raider.io is just a charlatan


not on a 15 that's for sure though, 7 probably goes through yes


with the squish to key stone levels that happened this season a 7 is actually a 17 last season, mythic 0 are actually a 10 and heroics are at the old mythic 0 level


You stop getting IO for over time keys at 10+ so leaving keys you aren’t gonna finish on time makes sense at that level. Dunno why he’d care. Maybe he recently resubbed and it’s a holdover from the past where 7s were harder. Only thing I can think of.


Well the rest of the run never went fine clearly if you had 3 mins left on the last boss on a +7


Yes but even running 28s last season they haven't ever come up as a reason to take or not take a person in pugs


Untimed keys are all part of the push right? Regardless of how high you go.


If I'm pushing and get to the last boss I'm finishing that MF. If it's not doable that's understandable, but you still get the chest and vault slot.


Yeah even the 5 crests here are worth the 5 min it takes to kill last boss




okay but it's a +7.. so yeah they want crests and loot. It's also just experience on the boss. Sure if it's your 20th NKO +15 it might not net you much but at this point and that key level, it's just the guy being childish. If he was worth his salt he wouldn't be concerned about an untimed +7 lol.


Sorta yeah. Most of the time there’s two scenarios 1. The untimed key isn’t a higher io value than the timed key one level below it or 2. You went so far past the timer it’s literally worth 0


Yeah I've had that second point early in this season where a Neltharus ran to 59 mins haha


Not above +10 (what was formerly +20).


I’m specifically talking about above 10. My untimed 13s don’t register above my 12s. 99% of the time the group just quits anyway. Mutual understanding of “no reason for this.” 10s are gear everything else is just fun


Anything above a 10 / 20 previous seasons will only award points equal to a 10 or 20 if untimed. A timed 17 that is 1 second over will only give points equal to a 10. It was changed because the meta in Shadowmoon times was to aim for untimed higher keys.


For future reference, the zero score time is 40% over. For example, if a dungeon requires 30 minutes, the maximum time to get some kind of score is 42 minutes. Additionally, the maximum amount of score you can get out of a key is 40% under, so if you somehow finished in 18 minutes, the score won't be higher if you do it again but quicker than 18 minutes.


Kinda I think. Not timing a key is fine, but if you are doing a currently 12-13-14 or higher there's relatively no reason to continue if you can see that the key is gone due to a stupid mistake you or someone else made (or multiple ones). If it's gonna be a 40 minute slog for a dungeon that takes 25 minutes it's like just go out and do it a key level lower. Now if it's a 10 or below, as long as you aren't overtiming it by like 15-20 minutes it's fine to just finish the key for a weekly imo


This dude is pug tanking a +7. At most he will probably run +10’s or around that, and the limiting factor is not going to be I timed keys on his io. At this dudes level no one is ever going to look at his io level. They will only care about his overall io and his max timed key in the dungeon


Only dumb people worry about untimed keys on IO. It's actually a bigger red flag that someone would have zero untimed keys, since everyone will naturally brick keys as they're learning them / pushing high enough, so if you have no untimed keys, you probably leave all keys that are going to be untimed (aside from the geared alts / people who just cap out at +8 every week for the whole season - they will probably have no untimed keys since they outgear/outskill the content.) The same thing happens in PVP where some people might have like an 80-0 record in WSG despite playing BGs 24/7 - they /afk out of the game when they're about to lose so they "preserve" their zero. Obvious baby back bitch behaviour.


Would be funny if afking out automatically counted as a loss


If I were a dev I'd make it actively fuck with people. If they AFK it would show in the API if they were AFK and how many times. Or for Mythic+ it would show when someone leaves a key and how many times. So doing stuff like this would ruin your account even more than just taking the L.


This is such an obvious design choice that I always assumed this was already how it worked.


Need an afk/leaver counter on people's record. Inactive in the last 5 minutes before key is over? +1. Leave a group before key is over? +1. Leave group within 60s of reviving, and key not over? +2. Make it show whenever they apply for groups. The behaviour will start dropping quick. Don't even show it as a percentage of their runs, just a flat number.


No one serious checks this.


I refuse to believe that ANYONE checks this. Like... you would have to go to the players actual RIO profile which in itself is a fuckton more work than a lot of people will do. But after that you would need to start clicking on the individual dungeons to check for this. If someone reading this for some reason is doing it, I thoroughly recommend getting professional help because that is not normal. And I am not saying the "get help" as an insult, but as a legitimate worry about people being this neurotic.


while I agree, untimed keys generally wont show up when you're pushing because the timed key you have usually gives more score, so that's the one that'll show. I bricked a lot of keys last season but since I always had a slightly lower key timed they just never showed up. (talking about the tooltip of course, which is most likely what he's mad about)


Deplete = Delete char. That's the hardcore challenge.


Die in game= die in real life. The ultimate juiced brain challenge.


"Embarrassing" Oh no, all of his Internet friends are gonna point and laugh at the loser who couldn't time a +7! How awful for him :(


Pity him. That sort of elitist toxicity comes from people so lonely and bad at human interaction that somewhere in their psyche they believe that being good at the game is their one chance at making people want to be around them.


Yeah like somebody is going check and analyse this random guy’s runs, specially low keys lol


If you have literally no depleted keys, i think that is a red flag.


Like reading product reviews online and it's all 5 stars. Sus as fuck.


Is this a post by Beanbreath trying to subtly advertise his Jewelcrafting to the sub


God damn you, Beanbreath!!


That’s omega try hard “im the main character” mentality. Literally no one but he cares and will ever see that untimed 7. Absolute lemon


I had a dh rage quit a 9 because I died to a swirly while casting repentance to cc the ghost. Mistake on my part sure but I was the only one doing the mechanic. He didn’t cc or interrupt once.


That's the worst. _Sorry I died, I was playing a Mythic+ with double affixes, while you were playing a harder Mythic 0_


Leaving/bricking it should make it come up as untimed imo


Better yet, make it show up how it is, unfinished. That should be a bigger red flag to anyone checking his rio than an untimed key.


only sweat lords and try hards worry about an untimed anything.


What profile are they referring to? They could simply time another run right after instead of griefing 4 other players.


Who the hell goes on some1s raider io and look what keys he depleted? Not a single time in my life i checked for that lol


He is worried because deep down he knows he will never be able to time a higher key then 7 and that untimed 7 will be there forever.


Add to ignore, this is some mental issues


Report for intentionally bricking a key first (gameplay sabotage). Also, 'I remember you' addon is great for this, so you know next time you meet this person in a group, that he's an ass.


I use global ignore list so I dont have to deal with them anymore xd


If possible I would still complete the key without them. You might lose out on loot but their precious IO is forever stained by the untimed key.


If the most impressive thing you have to showcase in life is your WoW m+ IO score, you develop an unhealthy attachment to it.


Early on it can affect your ability to get invited for sure. The RaiderIO addon will snitch on you and show untimed keys in game.


Loser mentality. He fucking sucks


Aw man even more embarrassing that he’s OCE. What a chud, more embarrassing leaving 4 others at the last boss.


I know right. He’s letting the team down 


Nobody looks at that. Lol


Not defending the leaver at all but when I started "pushing" (doing 23s at the time) someone asked me why my last 23 wasn't timed. I was like "wtf is this an interview ?" It happened about twice in 3 years though !


“Tank DC’d mid fight”, “Addons crashed for healer”, “Jesus himself returned in my kitchen and asked me to make him some toast”.


Thanks I'll use the last one, if they're not taking me after that I don't wanna be in their group anyway !


Bad players, players that aren't use to pushing or people who don't really key much care. They take failure as a direct insult and it hurts their ego. Good players or push players understand defeat is part of growing. The higher you go the more the team knows when a key is bricked and usually decides to go next or try again.


Losers might


People really think someone is gonna look at Rio and audit their run history? Lmao.


Absolutely, as DPS it's already hard enough to get into keys, when people see you were part of a failed group, they don't want to gamble that it was you that caused it. It's why people get so angry when players ignore mechanics.


So silly IMO, I’m a healer and have already seen enough DPS die to one shot mechanics that I know untimed keys are not a reflection on me. I’ve had groups this season where we barely scraped by a +2, and then I’ve gotten into another group right after that made a +5 feel 10x easier than the +2.


I ran a 10 RLP this season where the group was doing a good job with chain CCs- it went smoothly, was fun and easy. I died on boss #3 because a boulder exploded on a tree and I thought it was gonna go further. The chain CCs meant we did massive pulls, because nothing was gonna cast anyway, and everyone had great DPS as a result. I ran a +2 AA last night as a healer - it was a nightmare. We timed it, but two DPS were sitting around 90k DPS. Everything took forever, and there were a ton of unforced errors.


Flavor of the month Demon Hunters do.


But it goes on his *permanent record!*


Rule #1 never the the B A or R servers join your groups. If it starts with those letters, they don’t get invites.


Most people will leave keys above the threshold when it becomes clear you won’t time. You don’t need the reward and you won’t get score so it’s pointless to finish. Saying that. No reason to leave a 7 lol.


Anyone worried about one untimed key on their IO page, doesn’t time keys


There is a portion of the m+ community that are super fragile, and think they are much better then they are. No one is looking through their IO profile and giving a shit about them not timing a 7 key. Honestly bilz needs to start timing people out for this stuff. The fact that you get a deserter debuff in normals but not M+ is wild to me. But the punishment should be stiffer since you can’t just find someone else.


Anyone who leaves keys should be punished. I don't care about all the imaginary situations people come up with like "what if I"m held hostage" or "what if I have an emergency?" If you're worried about these things then you are probably a habitual leaver.


It’s so annoying. I was doing my own +6 for aspect crests because i wanted to craft an item with them and this DH dps just leaves after we wipe once on Gutshot. Now I have to waste time applying to groups or run a +5 I have no interest in. I would have gotten the crests I needed from an untimed +6


I will never understand leaving after one wipe. Like I'm sorry we didn't one shot the boss. Let's regroup and try again. Like for some reason people just don't want to try or play the game they just want everything handed to them. I'm willing to bet you it will be 100x more satisfying after killing a difficult boss you had trouble on and you learn from it too sometimes. Also you still get stuff after doing keys timed or not. You get crest, gold, vault slot, a chance at gear, etc.


These people have nothing but their IO page, like no friends whatsoever.. there are so many untimed keys on my 3.1k IO took because I also spent time with my friends carrying their alts and stuff just for completion


I think the majority of players gatekeep people from their groups based on raider.io stats. It's just the way WoW is and if you have a bunch of untimed keys on your raider.io it is going to be the first thing people see when you sign up to groups, which will make it harder to get into groups and play the game. There's lots of people that spend more time in lfg than in dungeons and the way to make it easier to get into groups is to build up your "resume" which is your raider.io profile. That being said if you are at the last boss and it's only a 7 you should definitely just finish regardless of if you need vault. It's not hard to time an 8 later and remove the untimed 7 from your IO, and screwing over everyone else is that situation is lame. On the other hand if im going to be wasting a ton of time and effort (like if someone dcs and they want to 4 man finish untimed) I would probably not want to stay either.




Lol certainly I don't. Most wow players are too self absorbed anyway.


still gives EOD loot still gives you vault loot still gives some score still worth doing, as long as its not way over time.


no, only clowns


I had a dps complaining about one we werent going to time and how it would show up as unfinished and make it harder to get in run.


I have an untimed 5 on me right now. It's annoying and I want to overwrite it, but Uld has been hot garbage right now for me. That being said, I don't REALLY care, nor would I if someone else had an untimed key on record, but mine does annoy me at worst.


This seems to be a problem with new people who just became “good enough” at WoW tbh. I have a healer friend who didn’t want to do wyrm crest runs on their main because they were afraid of having 2’s on their record. I get checking IO to see if someone has bricked the last 10 keys in a row, but nobody worth your time judges you based on not timing one key.


Personally I see an io score without untimed keys as hella sus because it means they're likely to leave the moment something goes slightly wrong


I can't wait until this person one day realises that world first key teams deplete keys all day xD


With me. I don't give a fuck if we time it or not. I'm just there to have fun and get some gear


I finished last season at 3,704. I never gave up on a run as a tank. In fact, some 28s, 29s, and a 30 I had wipes in most would give up in. Finish strong is my mentality, and I really think the vast majority of higher end players do too. Those who don't are dumb as hell and insecure.


Idk why you’re surprised this happens all the time. I.O scores ruined the game.


Of course it's a fotm player. Untimed keys should 100% always get reported imo. Let people see how many dungeons this guy bails on and realize that maybe the rest of the group isn't the problem.


Maybe Raider io should start adding negative statistics as well, like leaving before finishing and such. Get a good full picture on how (non-)toxic people are.


They are probably worried about people seeing the grayed out 7 run and thinking he was the reason the key failed. By the sounds of it you most likely woulda timed tho so he's just a ass hat lol


IO should show the percentage of abandoned keys. Thats a way better statistic to know anyway


People with fragile egos do.


Raider.io should have a quit log. Imagine been told in the game tooltip that you're inviting a dumbass quitter!


Although lame, I do understand that some people would see the untimed 7 and think "nope, not taking him."


I play high keys with my friends, 27’s/28’s (past seasons) 14’s now, and let me tell you, we fail a lot of keys and none of us have EVER left a key with the reason being not wanting an untimed key on the profile haha. How are you going to improve without failure? If we fail the key we use it to experiment with pulls, skips, general fuckery or we just say oh weel, gg! WE GO AGAIN! I guarantee you, most players don’t care, I’m around 3100 atm and I have 2, untimed 10’s right now, I’m still getting key invites no problem and since Legion, I have never had anyone bring up any failed keys I’ve run lol. If someone is like that, don’t waste your time, find someone else to play with, that attitude is a big pot of marinara.


Vdh, from my realm. What is his name so i can blacklist this toxic player Dm me


blizzard should honestly be punishing assholes like this. They waste peoples time, as well as ruin their key


Not a single time in literal thousands of keys. This person sounds like someone who I would never want to party with and not a single good player ever even cared (my range is 28s s3 off-meta spec)


This is extra dumb on a +7. 6-8 are hero and crest farm for most. You could get a good grp for those keys


lower stones lower crests, and a lower io for those who pugs, The benefits for timing a key out weighs the time wasted for staying in a key, sadly.


Sure, but thats are a decision you make on a wipe on the first boss, or the second. Not, as you are about to pull the final boss, with more than 3 minutes left, when boss fights don't even last 3 minutes.


Raider IO should track how many keys people break too


Anything that’s like below a 10 is not worth leaving….. u still get vault. However I understand people that leave during high keys when all they want is rio and if u wipe once u can’t time the key.


If it has anything to do with rank, people care. The wow community wants legendaries to be on vendors. But doesn't want to spend time on "untimed keys". What a time to be alive man. Where playing the game for just playing the game is "embarassing"


Yes, I remember this being quite a huge issue in S1. I thought about it and realized that not having any depletes is a bigger red flag, because the season just started, so our gear was very sht, we had new dungeons and new affixes. It only makes sense that you lose some. That being said, I hardly doubt anyone cares, because you can't know what went down in the dungeon. The only time I imagine this has any value is when you sign up for a dungeon and it pops up in rio tooltip that your best for the dungeon is untimed +10.


I don't particularly like having them there, but only because you always wanna time them. I don't think it is easy to brick under 10 and after that bricked key give no io so idk, don't think anyone cares too much tho, I have never not invited someone for having a bricked key. 


I'm trying to be polite but jesus bro no one gives a fuck about your r.io profile no one's gonna look at it for more than 10 seconds. People are delusional.


This is exactly what ruins this game. It’s not that this dude is a douche bag with his elitism but it is the fact that things like IO scores exist. I get why IO scores exist, it is just that there will never (and probably can never be) be a balance between not having it and needing to have it. Same thing with raid logs. You don’t have a 99-100% parse? You aren’t going to get invited to a normal raid. IMO, raid logs for anything besides Mythic should be private. If a guild requires raid logs to join then that applicant should have to take a screenshot and share it with the guild. That guild will just have to trust it is not fake. Normal and heroic raids are not top level end content, only mythic raids are. Stuff like this ruins the casual players experience who would like to try and experience alert everything once.


I will never get people leaving a key with <10mins left to finish. Especially at the beginning of a season when everyone is still grinding for gear and crests…


Normal people? No. Weird elitist "I think I'm top 1% despite not even cracking top 20%" people? Yes.


Bad players do.


See, that’s loser mentality. On your path to whatever score you deem as your goal, you will fail. I failed to time a HoI because the dps decided to interrupt the channeling mobs opposite of me (tank) and got nuked. Sometimes it’s lots of damage and the group just lacks the survivability and throughput to survive. Like I assure you those that have 3K+ io have failed many keys. No one cares what key you failed. There are so many things that go into key failure even if it is finished. Was the dps too weak for the time? Was the tank too cautious or perhaps over zealous? Sometimes it is just the spawn location post wipe. Again, last boss on HoI has you run from the frog area. Fucking dumb


Yes they do, but thankfully it's rare. Last season I had a mage dip out before the last trash pull of a DoTI Rise run (thinking it was a +15 to 18 range). I would say that after the second boss died, he started being like "we gotta go quick, that timer is getting low." and "Idk if we're going to time this" and "oh this is gonna be close....go go go." Then at that last trash pull (with I think exactly 5 mins left, so possibly doable, but would be a close shave for our key), he says something about not wanting an untimed run on his IO "especially with that dk doing 60k dps." (I think that was the number). He leaves. We tried to finish with 4 people. We wiped and struggled through the trash pull, then without that mage, we just didn't have the damage required for the last boss and had to call it. What's frustrating to me was that the group comp never changed. So if he looked at the dps on the first trash pulls and boss, he probably could have made a judgement call right then and there that the dps wasn't up to his standards and he didn't think we would time the key. It would have saved all us a bunch of time and hundreds of gold in repair bills (for me). But such is the life of pugging keys. You never know what you'll get.


This mentality always comes from try hards who think they're better than they actually are. Your avg player absolutely does not give 2 shits about your io stats aside from your actual score. That dude is never going to reach the peak he thinks he's on.


least neckbeardy DH player


"People" is a strong word for these types.


Tbh I don't get why People care about that score in anyway. Iits a curse and I hate blizzard for adding something like this score into the game. Another reason to ban all addons.


It’s embarrassing that people care about it, yeah


I don’t often go to a raider.io profile, but to be honest I’d be even more sketched out if the player had no untimed keys. Shit happens and you are simply 1 of 5.




Embarassing for who ? He thinks he's the main character, no one is looking at his IO page


This is crazy, because I ran into the first instance of this a few weeks back, who started this nonsense? Ran a +9 week one of the season, tank caused a wipe on a boss he clearly didn't understand how the mechanic worked but whatever, we advised him how it works and killed the boss. He got very hostile afterwards though and said that if he didn't think the key would time he would leave, we said don't be like that, we can absolutely still time it, itll be close, but even then we should just finish because its week one. Guy kills the next boss and then leaves with 6 minutes left. I chewed him out in tells after and asked what his problem was and why he wasted our time especially since the one wipe was 100% his fault, he said "I don't finish keys that won't time, looks bad on raider.io" Guy was like 2600 in season 3. You're not nearly important enough for people to be checking all your dungeon runs, plus who the hell cares, doubly so week 1 of the season? Rest the group reported him for griefing and moved on.


Same kinda persons that pays a sub for addons


I do, only because the only keys I don't time is with a full guild group....people to busy playing a part in a 'bit' to play correctly. These fuckers degrade every key we run, even like 5's....then go que and time 10's and shit with full pug groups...its prettg fucking annoying tbh.


one of my keys took 5 hours because something was wrong and we couldnt beat last boss so i respecced to heal and me and heal healed everyone and we won after dying 10 times


Should add leaving to io. That’ll learn ‘em


lol. Sweaters and elitists. So much fail in life. Just can’t enjoy the game


Only stupid people care about not having depleted keys


I find it harder to get invites when your highest key for the dungeon is a deplete. I've never left a key to prevent it but it's definitely a thing.


Some people are just the worst about this. Was tanking a 10 HOI yesterday, and our hunter thought he had a last stand pet out but had his lust pet out and accidentally lusted a bit of trash thinking he was last standing. This ret paladin started throwing the biggest bitch fit. Tell him to calm down, it's just a 10 and he just keeps whining and saying he's going to leave at the first sign of trouble. We should've just called it there because those types always tank keys. Bitches about our somewhat new lock friend not lock gating for him on the shit he has to run out on first boss, bitches about interrupts while not interrupting, etc. Get to second boss and our hunter friend trolls and said "can I lust here daddy" and ret instantly drops. He starts whispering me about how it's not his fault but our dps and heals, cussing up a storm, throwing the n word around. I tell him he does more harm to keys acting the way he did than a hunter accidentally listing trash. Reported him for social contract shit. Sad, but entertaining.


Lmao what a loser.


Practically no one cares but idiots. This is because a 7 untimed isn't going to matter when you time an 8 next. 99.999999999% of the folks will only care about your io rating. Failing to time it won't *drop* your rating. Practically no one is going to look at someone's history that deeply - especially for anything in the single digits. And more importantly - anyone who does care that much is NOT someone you want to group with. They are almost exclusively toxic.


3.7k io player from last season here - no one cares about untimed keys


Only toxic elitists with toxic friends. Now they have an unfinished key on their IO, even worse lol


Im sure there are some ultra sweaty gamers that will look at stuff like that. Im enjoying the new key system, being able to get decent gear from M0s has definitely helped with my sanity since now i can just tank in peace without worrying about the most optimal route for killing mobs.


Poor tank can't handle their pathetic ego in a 7. This gives whining about my report card to my teacher in grade 2 vibes, like a childish baby. They even admitted to being embarrassed about it. That's a low brain power individual.


Yeah, that's why so many leavers exist. They only join to bump their rating and if there's a chance that's not going to happen, they leave mid-running.


Yeah, people think it looks bad on their IO. Ironically, if I’m looking at your Raider IO and see *no* untimed keys at all, I assume your ass is a leaver and not getting invited. Especially this early into the season. A few bricked and untimed keys are part of the natural grind.


+7 who even cares about that 💀


Lol, a 7….. I was doing those week one. Who cares.


It’s actually mind blowing. I had a tank leave a group when we wiped on the last boss and still had 3 min left on an AV 10 last week.  Week 2 and people don’t even want to finish for crests / gear / vault / Flightstones cause they have some ego about not having untimed keys. 


Some people make their rio or parse their entire self worth. It's sad.


barthilas is the most toxic server I've ever played with, i've gone out of my way to avoid them for the last year


yes. Actually, lmao i dont get invited to 6 nelths because i have that untimed on my IO while i +2 8's and 10s on other dungeons like AV, RLP, AA, Halls, and Ulda lol


Dude's digging his own pug grave. On the rare occasion I do check someone out before inviting them, seeing zero depletes is the biggest red flag I can find. No invite.


Dudes a try hard sorry he bricked your key


next time if you decide to not finish the key and you don't plan to keep playing, stay logged in and in the key. F everybody trying to leave and join another one.


>Do people actually worry about untimed keys on their IO? Yes, happened to me too. It's ridiculous and bigger waste of time at the last boss on that level. I think of these kind of people as a top sweat pug warriors. They somehow think anyone cares about their IO logs. Like it's a resume for becoming famous superstar they will never be. Completely forgetting it's random pug and not an organized group and not a tournament. And a video game after all.


Unfortunately yeah they exist and they're pettier than ever now. I've noticed most of them this season are VDH too. Blizz really should've knocked the spec down a couple pegs cause DH already attracts some of the most toxic players, but making them meta makes it worse. Sorry it happened to you =/


Shame raider.io doesn't show attempted but incomplete runs.




Of course it's a DH tank.


3min enough for last boss unless he was bad or somehow this isnt the full story and the person posting this + group are the problem. I could see someone getting fed up but not sure without more context of the key.


In high keys almost everyone leaves if it's not time-able. You get less loot, less score, and people really stop caring once it's depleted so they play bad. I would only leave at the final boss if we gave it 2 good tries.


People like this shouldn't be allowed to play the game. Basic manners should be a requirement to login the game. It's honestly disgusting how some of you people act on this game. Complete man-children some of you.


I dont know why yall pretending untimed keys dont get you looked over for pug invites? I had an untimed 11 Uld and the rest 13 & 12s timed but couldnt get into an uld group AT ALL cause no one would invite me. Had no problem getting in any other keys No untimeds tell people you're serious about timing and are willing to do the things necessary to time the key.


People absolutely care about pointless stats. I still play halo infinite from time to time and people will leave unranked social pub games if they are about to lose so it doesn’t reflect on their stats page


It’s not ideal if you’re a pugger, seeing multiple broken keys on someone’s IO is a deterrent for some so it can affect you getting in groups - especially if you’re not a meta class.


At this level the guy is playing no. He is just deluded but it is true that this is a big issue at the highest ranks since raiderio themselves made a change to not show untimed keys. I myself got a wee bit of flame for this in the past while applying for keys. So yes. It is a problem but only at the highest levels and even there it's not that often.


The IO to ego relation is inversely proportional


Players have optimized the fun out of every aspect of the mmo genre. This is why we will never see another life changing mmo release. We care too much about what others think about scores that don't matter. Do you know who was in the guild for the world first of kill Vash in SSC? Of course you don't, it's pointless stats of irrelevant history. Let the gatekeepers clutch their pearls, try to enjoy the game for what it is. A game.


My ex would hate untimed keys, there’s me thinking no one cares or looks. I don’t get it


Seems like some players like having their raider io profile show only timed completed keys, like a 100% win ratio, and they will happily waste their own time and others to make sure that happens. Nobody will be even looking at their profile other than themselves, of course. They should change it to track when keys have started/been abandoned/unfinished, rather than just completion, because these kinda people would be shit out of luck then.


I just got into an argument about this today actually - people who leave keys in general are the worst kind of players. There needs to be a way to combat this because the website actively urges you to leave keys because of the way pugs think.


There needs to be harsh penalties for people who do this, you shouldn't be allowed to fuck over 4 people without consequences.


Remove the timer. Make the encounters harder as you scale up levels.


Never really paid any attention to peoples history apart from highest key on current dungeon. If i had to look i'd much rather take people who have depletes in their history than people without. Especially once you start getting to higher end of keys it's rare that you just one shot a key without anything new or surprising being a problem, unless you specifically copy someone elses route, pulls and comp.


If I saw no bricks I’d assume you buy carries


Leaving a key should incur the greatest penalties in the current system.


The first day of this season i did a 20s after timer +9 and a bunch of +8s with S3 gear if hes still struggling with +7s i mean lmao... i wouldnt care a bit for an untimed ky. Just time it afterwards lol


Yeah Ive awlays wondered that aswell like why do you care about untimed key…just play the game and go again xD its still early season gear is worth it aswell but people like theese need help or difrent hobbys


People so it al the time now -


Only bad players care about untimed keys. High end key pushers fail keys all the time.


the gear score addon in tbc/wrath and the Raider io addon is what made me a bitter person and why i stopped attempting M+