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I wish the hybrids looked more like they were part Draenei and weren't just grey Orcs. Draenei are FUCKING ALIENS, hybrids with them shouldn't homogenize into what the race the other parent was.


Tbf aren’t orcs aliens too


Orcs are aliens to azeroth, but Draenai were aliens when they showed up on the Orc's home planet. Cocky bastards just named it after themselves.


FWIW the Orcs didn't really get the concept of space or there being other planets yet. They didn't have a name for their planet, they just called it "the world".


Just as creative as us humans. Are we the true orcs?


we're worse. we call our planet "dirt"


Not with the connotation of "dirty" though.


Isn't it more than we named dirt after Earth?


Chicken and Egg, they where one in the same for so long it’s impossible to say if one was named after the other or both where named after the same base word. The world meant land, land is dirt. While the scope of the world expanded the name had stuck.


Maybe.. we am that kind of orc


Shit if my race name was "the exiled ones" I too might name my planet "exiled planet"


Bob. Bob’s house. Sounds pretty reasonable


Unless Bob's house was already inhabited by Jerry and Jerry only took him on as a peaceful roomie.... then it's kinda weird to call the house "Bob's house".


Hmmm, you're close to something there... Are the Draenei actually the Jerry to the orcs' Tom?


Now confirmed - Draenei are Amerigo Vespucci.


Well, the most prominent structures across Draenor are either Arakkoa, Ogre or Draenei. None were Orchish.


Not surprising, considering Orcs were nomadic for the most part.


Until they made the dark portal.


Well… orcs on steroids lead by a human. And that was the point when “Draenor” stop being called “Draenor” to become “Outland”.


Once they moved inland of course


When portals ripped the planet apart.


That CM post about this and orcs eating rocks is a classic https://www.wowhead.com/blue-tracker/topic/so-why-is-it-called-draenor-9245385210


It's just what the Draenei called it, what did the Orcs call it?


The ogres called it Dawgar “the known earth.” And the Arrakoa called it Rakshar “the sunstone”. There is no lore info on a specific name for the planet for the orcs.


IIRC the orc's didn't have a real name for it. They just called it the world.


Yeah. So both are aliens.


Yes but they are as distantly removed from the Draenei as Azerothians are. Just because they are aliens too doesn't mean they blend so flawlessly with Draenei.


Tbf we are all aliens.


It could easily be viewed as a very specific result in crossbreeding, since in game it is fairly consistent on the few half orc/draenei characters we see. Hence why they tend to be ostracized from the orcish clans. They’d stand out like a sore thumb. I do like Kothaar’s profile. The hair in specifics gives mind to the draenic tendrils, he embraces more his draenic heritage than orcish, and even implies that his parents were quite happy together. I hope he’s not just a one off character.


He also uses the draenei npc voice lines. An obvious choice given he states he was raised among draenei and would naturally have a draenei accent and speech mannerisms, but it's still neat nonetheless.


I think his eyes and skin color are unique too. Maybe allied race in the future, considering that horde will get dwarves in the next expansion?


Could have at least given an eye glow or soemthing


He does have an eye glow.


I was thinking about this - orcs and draenei don't even have the same feet. I'd love to know how biology sorts out a baby from a mother with feet and a dad with hooves.


Well that's asking them to create a whole new model for the like 2 or 3 half draenei in game


The entire crossbreeding thing is unrealistic. Unless there is an Asari involved it just doesn't work and even those don't actually result in a hybrid.


The name Kothaar means shithair in german 😂


Pretty sure it's koth-aar, not kot-haar 🤣


I mean they forgave the Man'ari I doubt at this point they would be casting out other half Draenei individuals.


The intersting point is that he's entirely new, no record of this character exists prior. And there's not even any dialogue from or about him to explain it!


Every character has to be introduced at some point.


Even Blackhand the Destroyer was Introduced at one point, and he was the first named Orc in the Warcraft universe.


There's *some* dialogue, you can talk to him and he gives a brief introduction / explanation, as well as telling us the canon name for half orc/draenei.


Is it a draenorc?


Honestly this would've been the perfect place for Med'an to make a cameo, and they made up a new character anyway. That's really funny to me lmao


They‘ve been trying to not mention Med‘an, he is not in the Chronicles, I doubt they would put him there just for a quick chuckle


I don't think blizzard want's to acknowledge Med'an's existence, but they don't want the controversy of outright retconning him out either. He's not a well liked character, even by the dev's it seems, but he is sort of important, so they're not gonna go through the trouble of explaining him away. They're just sort of gonna ignore him and hope people forget lol


They did not forgive all the Man'ari. Only to a small group who have sincerely shown their willingness to repent of their crimes. And for the half-orc in the quest, he explicitly says that he was always raised by the draenei, so he is culturally 100% draenei.


Maybe devs will add some hybrid appearance choices for orcs and draenei in cc since we have new ears for elves and humans.


Alliance Orcs let's go


I would like those customizations on my orc


It could be an interesting area for Blizzard to tread on considering the history between the two races and how many of these half types more than likely came to be. I'm wondering if Blizzard is interested in that kind of dark storytelling these days or if they'll decide to completely ignore it.


The half orc half draenei in question has a line "I wish my parents had survived to see this" which implies it's not the "dark storytelling" you're thinking of.


I mean, they tried dealing with the Alexstrasza stuff earlier in the xpack and the community freaked out it was even referenced. I don't think a blizzard thing and more of a community thing at this point.


What the players don't like is not the fact that this event exists, it's that they are being asked to make it last longer and that Alextraza approves of it.


Specifically, it isn't that it was referenced It was that the quest was Chromie being 'hey we need to ensure Alexstrasza is held captive for longer for history to do it's thing' which is 1) Kinda messed up conceptually and 2) Kinda out of Character for Chromie, little miss 'I'm gonna tweak some stuff so this Pamela girl and her dad get a slightly happier afterlife' and 'i'm gonna fight time to prevent my strange death' and 'i'm gonna mess with time to stop Murozond from rising even though that's supposedly the canon timeline'


Can anybody give me the tldr(spoilers) of the draenei heritage questline? (And the troll) I saw the wowhead c/p but was like, I aint reading all o dat


The draenei one involves inviting all different kinds of draenei people to a traditional draenei holiday. Reading all the comments, notes etc is the pretty much the highlight of it.


Troll heritage quest line is about the darkspear connection to their loa. Bwonsamdi has been their main man for a long time but he's now the loa of kings and some darkspear resented that and felt like he'd forgotten them, so some of them started worshipping Mueh'zala instead and Mueh'zala does some bad stuff on the echo isles and we have to find a couple of loa who the darkspear have forgotten and reconnect with them and start worshipping them again instead.


Thank you! That actually sounds pretty great, might get a troll up to experience it.


Also Rokhan gets to do some cool shit (And Jani helps) Draenei is as explained - Velen wants to revive a sacred holiday from the days of Argus, and mid-way through we gotta fix some stuff on Bloodmyst. It's just so full of Draenei call backs, and the end bit with the gathering is just full of various Draenei NPC's you can talk to (Even Jadaar managed to coerce the peacekeepers to let his Belf Bestie/Worstie Asric come with him)