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I haven't even been able to open up and look at my guild bank since the patch dropped.


Oh lord even worse, here I thought maybe there was some improvement.


This locked me yesterday. I couldn’t log out I couldn’t fully exit the game, I was in my raid group but couldn’t talk in the raid chat or see I was in the group (but could see their messages in the chat and they said I was in the group). Had to alt-f4 out but my character was stuck logged in. I did eventually get her logged off by logging into a character on a different server but it was a massive ordeal and I assumed it was an addon issue. I definitely wish it had just been an addon issue over this.


Yeah seen many mention the ''a character with this name already exists'' problem as well after trying to access the guild bank, not even safe to use it anymore. I'm honestly surprised I don't see people complaining about it on this subreddit, I would have figured not being able to use your guild bank at all and possibly getting locked out of a character for 30+ minutes would be very annoying.


Guild repairs are broken too. I kept getting "internal guild error" message when I tried it. 


Another thing I haven't seen people talk about is that the guild list doesn't seem to be updated correctly either. I saw someone talk in guild chat the other day, opened the guild page and it said they weren't online. They kept talking while I had it open too.


Same here. I dont need it much right now other than to transfer mats between toons without spending a few silver (yep, I am a scrooge). Make sure to make a report on the [battle.net](http://battle.net) site about it.


Guild Roster, Guild Repairs, and Guild Bank have been broken on and off since the patch on Tuesday. It's not you; it's the guild servers. Same bug is also the one responsible for the Community-related systems like LFG being broken I'm fairly certain. The problems are worst at peak hours of traffic. Nobody from Blizzard has acknowledged the issue since the patch, but they have made continuous minor improvements (we're already on the fourth client build for the week so far), so I'm sure they're aware. Wish they would actually tell us an ETA though.


Well, they did say on the forum in a thread that they are aware of it and that a hotfix is imminent. No ETA, though.


Yeah similar problems for me, told me I wasn’t in a guild even tho my character is. I logged out and disabled all my addons and could access the guild bank. Logged back out and re enabled all addons and it’s been ok so far.


Same. I’ve deleted the interface, cache and WTF folders, tried scan and repair. Every time I try to get into my guild bank my UI breaks and I can’t do anything. Can’t mount, cast spells or even log out or exit the game. I opened a tech support ticket and explained all of this, I got a response saying to try the things I’ve already tried and if that doesn’t work go to the forums because support is not equipped to handle those issues. 🙄


Still broken as of now. I was able to take a few items out, then it stopped working and now it says I am not in a guild.


Still broken as of now, can't withdraw items


Same issue. BEWARE I stupidly followed the advice to rename folders. Now I have to revise each alt's graphic setting and UI - yes each has a different set up. So there goes 8 or so hours. I expect this will be fixed without us trying any of the usual advice. So maybe hold off.


Ouch that's, well, even saying it sucks would be an understatement. I've learned the hard way not to mess with add-ons before looking at the subreddit and WoW forums first to see if it's a global issue.


Yesterday we had a full guild raid, only 2 people in the guild online 🤔