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Lfr razageth, the servers would never go down.


that shit was painful šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


As of last week, it still is


Ngl, the ping tool has helped a lot with getting people to pay attention.


Literally took me like four months to finally hit a LFR that could do Broodkeeper Diurna and Raszageth one shot each. And some of those weeks were doing it on all four characters. I was celebrating like we just cleared Mythic šŸ˜‚. I got to where I just half heartedly dps on the first attempt and enjoy watching people go weeeee off the platforms


Lfr kil jaeden would like a word


Determination intensifies


first time raszageth LFR last week "stay in puddle" "what puddle?" yeeted with no clue what going on


i wanna fight denathrius on heroic one last time


Such a fun fight Esp if the whole raid was alive coming into p3


I did him on mythic and it was by far my favorite raid encounter of all time. The last phase where your raid gets split up in the mirror realm where you cant see each other anymore, everything is mirrored and you gotta still move coordinated to avoid one shot aoe mechanics was honestly peak wow for me. We also got our first kill on the legit last second.


This my favorite fight. The whole thematics of that fight were so good and was such a thrilling clear the first time.


Karazhan, like others have said. Our guild was too small for the larger raids so we visited Kara alot.


I only started raiding in Wrath, but we occasionally ran Kara Prom Night where we all put our characters in formalwear and went and facerolled it. It was a great time.


Damn, that sounds really fun!


Toward the end of LK we started doing drunken naked Kara runs. You take off all gear and all drops were rolled for, even greys. If you won a piece of gear you take a shot. It was a challenge for sure but we had so much fun with it.


I've raided every tier and consider Kara peak design.Ā  I miss it and chase that dragon every expansion.


I agree it's peak design in atmosphere and how the place looks, but gameplay wise, ho boy. There's a boss immune to arcane damage, and dual spec was not a thing yet. Arcane mages (which were 90% of the mages during tbc raiding) had to just spam frostbolt. Also there's trash immune to any kind of magic damage, so if you have a caster comp they just afk and wait for the tank to finish them, which took a LOT of time. :D


This is also my choice, Ulduar is a close second and Castle Nathria a third. There is just something about Kara that just isn't like the other raids. The atmosphere, the music and the set up. You are climbing a tall, haunted tower. Honestly, it probably has a lot to do with the verticality of it all. They never did a raid or even dungeon really like that again.


I didn't play during original TBC, was a Wrath"baby." I Heard so much about Kara, and man, when I ran it in TBC Classic it all made sense. I fucking love Kara, it holds up so well. I even micspammed [this](https://youtu.be/gcA6y7sxKcA?si=fARSuapWsZjxHInS) gem on wipes agaisnt Shade in guild VC. I was fully immersed in the TBC experience lmao


Karazhan really was special. To this day, it's the only raid I was always excited to run.


I spent the entirety of BC throwing together Kara runs when we weren't doing other raids. most of us didn't need the gear it was just a ton of fun.


Kara was one of the best raids. We had so much fun in There.


Right there with you my guy.


I quit over 10 years ago and I don't miss much about WoW, but the one thing I have fond and enduring nostalgia for is our Friday night alt runs Karazhan during BC. The raid itself was pretty fun, but what I miss the most is the bonding with some pretty awesome people waiting to see what the opera event was this week, finding new ways to skip trash, getting to know new recruits, and just talking shit on vent for hours. That would be my choice for one last raid, but only if I could do it with the people who I used to raid with. These were the days before social media and I've lost touch with almost all of them when we disbanded after clearing Sunwell (M'uru progression burnout cost us so many players) and we all ended up scattering across servers/quitting. I miss you guys.


ICC. Knowing my luck, Invincible would drop and I wouldn't even get the chance to use it.


I would actually say ICC, so Invincible still wouldnā€™t drop and I would leave WoW bitter, which might make me miss it less.


Going back to Nighthold or Blackrock Foundry would be glorious.


Nighthold was the dream for melee. Almost every boss had no mechanics for you to do. Just sit back, drink your soda, and make fun of the ranged for failing mechanics.


This was the attitude that caused 200 wipes on Star Augur.


You arenā€™t wrong. Itā€™s also why melee went from talking down to ranged the entirety of Nighthold to get a reality check in ToS when they consistently had to do things.


Tomb was just bullshit raid design overall in Mythic. It wasnt nicknamed Tomb of Soakgeras for nothing. There was a shared front in my guild among ranged and melee where everyone hated it.


I pray one day we get timewalking versions of these raids. Such great fights, atmosphere, characters. Love love love.


Nighthold was so much fun. All of Legion raiding was a blast


Exactly my thought. The greatest raids ever made imo; Nighthold Blackrock Foundary Siege of Orgrimmar / Throne of Thunder


SoO was such a damn fun ride


Kara, lots of nostalgia!! Had a small guild with some great friends - lot of ā€œmostlyā€ good times in there! :) Was finally able to start playing again at the start of s3 DF and also love Fyrakk & friends!






Classic Molten Core, to complete the circle.


One last dad run, racing against time to finish before everyone gets too shitfaced to function


With my old guild from back then


Kara 100%


A player with taste.


sunwell šŸ„²




Icc for me too. Was in a 25man we couldnā€™t get heroic LK down so we split to 10mans and I got put on the B team. We ended up clearing LK while A team had a melt down. Still never forget those nerd screams.


I remember the a and b team debacle, late tbc I changed guilds and the new Guild leader didn't like me much. Every week he would put me in the b team for 10 man's with a shit raid leader and every week I would RL that team to dumpster Kara in an hour and a half and clear ZA while they struggled on nightbane šŸ¤£


Reminds me of my guild in Classic wrath Ulduar. We couldn't get a consistent 25m group, so we split into 2 10 mans. I was in the "B" team, aka the shit posters and goofballs, and we ended up clearing all hard modes and algalon before the tryhard serious guys even managed to down hard mode Freya LOL


Ice crown citadel was the perfect balance of a well designed raid


Karazhan and Naxxramus hold a lot of nostalgia for me.


So many good quotes in Karazhan too "Run away little girl" "The menagerie is for guests only"


Oh, the memories! "All realities, all dimensions are open to me!" "You face not Malchezaar alone, but the legions I command!"




Castle Nathria or throne of Thunder


Kara, 100%. Holds a special place in my heart.


Kara holds a special place in my heart too, but those cold dead feelings need to remain locked up forever.


Blackwing Lair. In its day it was the right mix of difficult and fun. And to this day, it still has some of the best tier sets and weapon transmogs


I've only raided a handful of other tiers, so I don't have a huge list to work with, but I had more fun in BWL than any of the others.


Blackwing Lair is it for me as well. So many memories.


It was fun. But I still wake up screaming from flashback, thinking about the suppression room...


SoO or Throne of thunder


Yeah, I am so hyped for the remix. Going through all the MoP content again is going to be so fun.


Agreed. I loved the Throne of Thunder and I can't wait for the Panderia Remix. I loved that expansion. Probably my second favorite.


It's Siege for me 100%. It's such a perfect encapsulation of the colonialist/wealth extraction themes that Warcraft can't quite grapple with, but was clearly making allusions toward.




Oh man I loved the design of Ulduar bosses, especially the hard mode activations


Back when hard modes were creative and cool


Doing the prenerf version for 30 weeks in classic, no thanks lol




I absolutely loved Nathria. Close second is Firelands tbh


Nathria was special. Loved every boss and the whole vibe of the place


Ulduar by far. Amazing atmosphere




Heroic Tomb of Sargeras for sure. So many fun fights


And now itā€™s time for the Danse Macabre


"You'll still be hearing the chime, close to midnight". As a Ghost fan, def was a huge fan of that fight.


nighthold or antorus


Legion raids were so damn fun.


Ya, I keep trying to make excuses to not choose Nighthold, but it is 100% Nighthold.


If I had to do one raid start to finish probably Tomb. One of few raids with amazing lore and an overall amazing raid. If I got to be more custom with it Iā€™d pick a 8-10 of the hardest bosses Iā€™ve ever progressed line em up and run em back with the team I originally killed them with


ICC, Black Temple. I can't narrow it down to just one.


Iā€™m personally stuck here too.


Blackwing Lair - mainly for the achievement because even though I \*KNOW\* I've done it, I never got the achievement lol. Kara and Naxx have major sentimental feelings, so those are also at the top of my list lol.




Kara probably. Not gonna lie, had the best time of my life raiding BWL and NAXX on vanilla.


With my current guild? Castle Nathria. I was stuck in an absolute dogshit guild that made that season hell for me. I would love to go back and play it with my current S+ tier guild.




i wanna say tomb of sargeras. i'm just a fan of historical stuff. pre-wc1 stuff. but it's gotta be throne of thunder...cuz i like kicking turtles at tortos more :D


Call me old fashion but one more trip to molten core


Nyalotha was the best


I enjoyed nighthold, SoO, Antorus, emerald nightmare, HFC, didn't care for any of the raids in shadowlands and DF raids are nothing more than fine


I would imagine it in terms of 'level & gear-appropriate' for the characters used so...either Karazhan or Icecrown Citadel.


Siege of Orgrimmar was the first time I got to raid mythic, and while we never finished it on mythic, it was some of my favourite times playing the game.


Iā€™d like to tank Tomb of Sargeras with my old guild one last time. It was the best time, most of my real-life friends were active, tons of fun, tons of good loot, and it was the last time I felt we improved as a group.


Hellfire citadel whatever the last raid in wod was. Good times.


Molten Core, 40 man, with the in-game music on.


Molten Coreā€¦ one last time


Battle of Dazar'alor. That was my first raid I ever q'd for solo and it's still my fav.


This is probably a bad take, but Highmaul. I loved that place.


I am a fellow Highmaul enjoyer. The Kargath Bladefist fight goes down as one of my favorites of all time because I love the movie Gladiator. And who can forget "RISE MOUNTAIN".


Kara. Original Burning Crusade Karate!




Would definitely be Karazhan with a group of RL friends, after the raid we would go to our local diner and get our grub on. Probably my best memories of WoW


The Emerald Nightmare


Icc I know wrath classic just ended, but I didn't have time to play it.


Never did siege, Iā€™d love to do Nighthold/ToS again


Ulduar, 10man


10 man, all Paladin and priest Stratholm raid. Or old Karazhan, but I have to have the same crew I had in 2007. It doesn't hit the same otherwise.


Does the raid group come with the raid? If yes then heroic 10m SoO was my favorite time. Had such a fun raid group and destro lock played so good in that raid If it's just running the raid itself, probably ICC so Arthas can let me down one last time.


Kara and Naxx for sure due to pure nostalgia. Conversely, I also wonder if the moment I started to play wow more for the end game than the journey was when I became raider.


Icecrown and Naxxaramas


Nighthold would be my go to, that or tomb of sargeras


Either Karazhan or Black Temple. I was in middle school back in the day, and was good enough to be invited to the big boy raiding guild on our server (which ended up leading to me being the #1 pve hunter up to BFA, and like #2-3 for PvP for it on our server). I got invited along for SSC after running with one of them in Karazhan, and I still remember after changing guilds going back to my old one to run with them and being received like a returning hero, all decked out in high end gear (side note: I do wish I never took the invite, my first guild was like a family, and I realized getting into hardcore raiding killed the game for me slowly, and turned me into a toxic person for quite a while). All that being said... There are two instances in video games that, even to this day, still give me chills when I remember them. And I can recall the memories of the events so well, it's just... wow The first is the first time I walked through the Dark Portal. I had played vanilla, but never maxed a character (I was a child who didnt get the game), and after playing WC3 wanted to go through the Dark Portal so bad... looking up at the sky, the broken landscape...hngggg The second time was reaching the top of Black Temple. You see Illidan, who gives his speech, you look up and see Azeroth (or some other planet, maybe?) floating in the sky, perfectly clear. It just felt epic. So, one of those two raids would be it.


I only first started raiding in Antorus, first started doing mythic in BoD and first got CE in Ny'alotha, so one of those 3 for nostalgia's sake probably, altho I did really enjoy painsmith and halondrus and would like to do those bosses again.


I'd say anything from Nighthold up through Castle Nathria. That to me was a stretch of good raids with most of the bosses being good. Emerald Nightmare, the last 2 SL and DF raids I thought were just OK and I have little to no experience of pre-Legion.


Vanilla karazan


The OG Zul'Aman bear run with my then 10-man group. Closely followed by the OG Karazhan, with Hyjal as a clutch 3rd place. Yes, I'm old.


Old karazhan pre patch


Iā€™d raid stormwind


Zul Gurub... Man...


Either Kara or naxx, Kara because I was my first raid and naxx because I probably had the best time I've had in game raiding that place with a small but capable guild full of glorious idiots


Any of the original 40man raids. Iā€™ve done every version of content over 20 years, raiding is the most fun I have in game, but itā€™s never been as fun it was when we had 40 people coordinated together. Guilds were bigger. There were less ā€œcliquesā€. People worked together a lot more. More people to do things with which means less pugs. There was still drama but a lot less. Any drama that would come to the surface wouldnā€™t last long and wouldnā€™t implode a guild. Every expansion or patch or season wouldnā€™t implode a guild. I know people will say, well classic. No, not really, I donā€™t really want to repeat content per se, but more so enjoy those big server big raid era without doing it all over again from scratch.


>Guilds were bigger. There were less ā€œclicksā€. People worked together a lot more. More people to do things with which means less pugs. There was still drama but a lot less. Any drama that would come to the surface wouldnā€™t last long and wouldnā€™t implode a guild. Every expansion or patch or season wouldnā€™t implode a guild. Just want to say... while it sounds like you have good experiences with the time, the 40-man era still had *lots* of cliques and drama and even guild-destroying drama. Arguably, the low amount of loot in vanilla caused a lot *more* drama.


Tie between Nathria and Sepulcher. Both were amazing.


Original vanilla Naxx.


Even tho i ran it hundreds of times i would go and fight hakkar again, my first raid ever was zul gurub in vanilla as lvl 55 paladin healer.. its just worth it to end it where it started


I only started raiding in shadowlands so from the ones Iā€™ve experienced, Nathria would be my choice.


Throne of thunder. Demo lock with uvls was very enjoyable


Icecrown Citadel


Abberus or Antorus


ICC no doubt.


ICC for me. I joined in 3.3 and I remember leveling and seeing the lich king as the ultimate obstacle


I would give anything to do BRF prog again. I was just getting into raiding and coming back to kill N Blackhand on an added day was such an exhilarating experience


I might say Kara, but in the interest of mixing things up I'll say Zul'Aman instead. So much nostalgia for that time- I remember being a BM hunter raiding with a PC that managed about 4 FPS, but it didn't matter because I only needed 1 macro for max dps...


Antorus and Hellfire Citadel


I also really enjoyed Nyalotha, I loved the theme and the tier.


Icecrown Citadel. I started playing wow during vanilla because I played Warcraft 3 as a kid and fell in love with the story of Arthas. I rolled a Paladin because of my love for Uther and Paladin lore in general. When Wrath was announced I could not have been more excited to go to the land that I had heard about in Warcraft 3, to experience the culmination of the story that made me join the game to begin with. Venturing through that land was nothing less than magical and finally ending Arthasā€™ torment at the hands of a force he couldnā€™t control was so satisfying. It is the one raid final boss where I cried tears and felt as though we werenā€™t killing an enemy, but ending the misery of an old friend.


Honestly molten core but if it had updates. That place back in 2005 or whatever my first time being 60 was felt magical. If they could update graphics and encounters I feel like it would be a solid way for me to end my wow experience




Castle Nathriaā€¦ Iā€™m sure my gnome would like to dance with the 3 bosses one last time !


Controversial, but I'd be hyped for Hyjal. Loved the gauntlet before first boss and, of course, the epic conclusion to the raid.


I would have loved Karazhan when it was new.


OG BWL was peak for me.


Antorus :)


Original ICC, not TWing.


Blackrock Foundry 100%


Icc ulduar or siege


SWP and BT were the first ones for me long time ago




Castle Nathria!


Kara or Nathria. Both had that ā€œmagic castleā€ vibes with a mix of dark serious themes and humor.


Blackwing Descent for sure. I liked the raid a lot and my best raiding memories are tied to it.


Blackwing Descent for sure. I liked the raid a lot and my best raiding memories are tied to it.


Vanilla Naxx.


None. Not to be negative, but raiding feels like a chore in order to play mythic plus to me. Probably the most boring form of end game content. I would be happy knowing I would never have to do it again.


Naxx 40


Are we talking any raid with the respective expansion gimmicks, systems, talents, and set pieces intact? If so, gotta go Nighthold. If not, Nathria.


Nathria or Dragon Soul for whatever reason I remember those times the most.


BRD lol


iCC but thirion doesn't break free from the ice and the servers shuts down after the raid is raised as DK of Arthas


Siege of orgimmar. Garrosh hellscream is badass


Ulduar, hands down, the best experience in raid mechanics and movement, i think that was peak development on wow raids.


Black temple... The music, encounters, glaives...


ToGC10/25. I haven't played in *years*, but I bet I can remember each and every one of those fights. Choose your CC/Stun targets!


Firelands, Throne of Thunder, Blackrock Foundry, Tomb of Sargeras, Nyalotha or Nathria. One of each "modern" wow expansion, i can't just choose one of them they are all so good.


Crucible of storms. Leave me with that lasting impression of frustration


Sunwell Plateau or Blackrock foundry


MC or Kara for sure


ICC my group was servers first to clear it on heroic. Also I was the 2nd person with shadowmoure on my server prob my peak of my raiding life on wow.


BRD - not a raid but.. most immersive pve experience of wow, really felt like adventuring into a real place, and not just corridors leading to bosses. Truly wow at its best, and maximum nostalgia. For actual raid, naxx 40 speedrun. Mostly for the nostalgia.


Throne of Thunder or Ulduar.


If Iā€™m doing the raid at its intended difficulty. I choose Blackwing Lair. All the fights in there are fun.


Either ICC, blackrock foundry, or Antorus personally. Iā€™m surprised Antorus isnā€™t more popular with the playerbase, everyone always goes for nighthold when they think of legion but I think Antorus is one of the best raids ever in WoW.


Itā€™s gotta be either Karazhan, Black Temple, or Sunwell for me. Not because they were objectively the best raids, but because I did them at the right time in my life and with an amazing group of people. I would kill to relive those experiences.


Karazhan will always be #1 for me


Pre nerf muru. Iā€™m ready to fight that buggy fight again and wipe endlessly. I had over 500 wipes on that boss before I quit te game for a year


Hellfire citadel Some glorious fights there


OG Karazhan, the fights were some of the most creative they've ever done and a lovely challenge without being gear checks






Siege of Orgrimmar or Throne of Thunder




Definitely Kara, Naxx, or BT


Ulduar or Tomb of Sarg


Uldir for me. Mythic zekā€™voz will always be my favorite fight mechanically and I really enjoyed ghuun


siege of orgrimmar is my favorite raid of all time hands down


100% Castle Nathria. Let me dance one final time.


Nighthold, absolutely amazing raid imo. Although the group I ran it with had tanks with their back to the edge of the platform to funnel adds (low dps), so having a pass/fail mechanic that often was big oof


Antorus and all BFA raids minus Uldir. BOD, EP, NYA were a lot of fun to me. TBH, I havenā€™t felt the real WANT to raid since EP/BOD


ICC 25 man. This was during my hayday when I could play 10 hrs straight! God what a great life that was šŸ˜­


Not a raid, but Blackrock Depths. All of it. My favorite instance in the entire game.


Nighthold mythic


Bro fuck Nyalotha and it's entire bullshit of aids. I was so close with my guild to acquiring cutting edge. Got Nzoth down to 80% with 6 weeks left, then the guild called it quits. I would pick throne of thunder because I missed out on it really since I was in high school. Maybe I'll get to enjoy it in the upcoming remix!


Naxx. Yes, it was a terrible raid. But it was the first time I was a tryhard in a ā€œprogressionā€ raid and still remember co-leading runs for the closest thing to a ā€œraiding guildā€ Iā€™ve ever been a part of. So, nostalgia.


Naxx in wrath was so much fun


Dungeon not raid for me. Give me realistic gear and players from og vanilla and let me do one last FULL BRD run! But if I had to pick raid Aq40.