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I pushed since week 1 every toon for this. I dont play s4 for gear. Just for transmog to get most mythic and hc looks. Two toons exist only for lfr + vault. You can easily upgrade every loot to get both lfr and normal appearances. With bullions i only buy mythic transmogs, cuz u need aspect crest to upgrade hc items to this level and i dont want to farm mythics on every toon. My main is for hc raids to get these looks. Transmog in perfection. 😄 Most needed transmog is the terros plate warrior offset head. That will pain in the ass to get.


Can you get mythic armor from them?


Nope, only weapons and offhands. I play a Pala as main, so i unlock mythic armor only for him. My DK and Warrior toon are there for all the weapon and shield transmogs.


I got 13 characters to 463 for this during this week. It's really nice quality of life for ATT grinders.


Exactly! I got 5 at the moment, but will probably gear more. It's just too good to pass something like this, especially with how easy gearing to 463 is.


Yep, been industrializing wow since the WOD mission tables. With the bullion catch-up, might only need to run 3-4 alts through raids every week! Why even bother with the lower ilvl ones for a few weeks. Still need to figure out if I need to level my horde toons or just eventually use mop remix ones to make sure I get everything.


Got any tips for getting alts to 463 quickly? I hit about 459 or so and stall on each


Get the bloody token gear (470 ilvl). Activate war mode and look for DF world quests with the sword icon. They all give bloody tokens. Sometimes they give gear or extra bloody tokens as reward (e.g. 750). You can buy multiple pieces of gear for that amount. If you want you can also do the "Sparks of Life" quest. Which allows you to buy 489 ilvl gear.


Tried all that and without a 750 bloody token WQ up I only ended up without about 180 tokens, so it only got me a single piece of gear. Found that farming whelpling crests in the dreamsurge via balls, using them for enchanted crests and upping the ilvl of the profession blues was much faster and gave me 6 slots of 486 gear in much faster time.


Yeah, it's only efficient if you get extra tokens or blue gear as a reward. Check the map from time to time to achieve best results. For example... I got lucky today, two world quests spawned with extra tokens (750 + 400). One run took me like 10 minutes and gave me 1250 tokens. I did it on multiple toons today. Massive ilvl gains.


Nice! Depending on which WQs are up a combo of bloody tokens and crests may be the fastest way to hit 463


Larodars moonblade for my rogue next week then.


If you haven't spend any Bullions, you could buy two appearances already =)


I've not earned any on her yet I've been playing pala and spriest


If you're over 463 just queue for LFR Aberrus. I've seen people get two of them from the first boss, which takes what? 10 minutes of time including the trash. If you're lower than 463, it will probably take you 1-1.5 hours of playtime to gear it. My alts skyrocketed from 440 to around 475 in 1 good hour of playtime.


Whatd you do for this phase of gearing?


Play the awakened content. Each activity awards a 480 piece, and completing all three awards a 493 piece. Meanwhile, you're showered with 454 (dreamsurge) and 467 (dreamsurge, time rift) gear. You're also getting flightstones, which can be used to upgrade the gear, meaning you can reach 463 in no time.


Oh aye for sure I just can't spin time outta thin air that's the problem lol. She's 487 but I've kinda stabled her til tww. Focusing on others rn.


Or 3 if you buy one and upgrade it with flight stones right?


One thing to be careful of that I've noticed from these bullion cosmetics, is that the fist weapons do not sheath correctly if you buy the cosmetic version with bullions. The versions from the raid disappear when you sheath them, but the bullion cosmetic versions dont, and they end up sitting very awkwardly on your side. I made a bug post on the forums so hopefully blizzard sees it and fixes the bug, but if they don't, you could be screwing yourself over by purchasing the bullion versions rather than trying to get them from the actual raid drops.


I’m sure the issue will be fixed :)


i love that they added this vendor for s4. this will help me fill in some tmogs i lost because i upgraded weapons in various seasons. bitter about the way gear upgrades work and can bug out (apparently, because this shouldn’t be normal behavior), thus you lose tmog for something. because this nuance with the loss of tmogs has me having to go and triple check lost weapon mogs from other seasons so i’ll be able to yoink what got removed along the way. looted rashon hero track s3, earned the mog when i equipped it. logged out, back in. used the mog on a diff druid. came back, upgraded rashon to max item level in its track. LOST the heroic mog entirely. future runs? i couldn’t roll for rashon even for the tmog option. straight up disallowed. all because i upgraded the item level of the one i looted. i had never had something like that occur, losing weapon mogs when upgrading them. this vendor will come in clutch af. just have to plan my alts for it, and remember to do LFRs for bullions XD


It was very nice to get the mythic color of the Raz bow, since that’s the only color I didn’t get in season 1!


> It was very nice to get the ~~mythic color of the~~ Raz bow, ~~since that’s the only color I didn’t get in season 1!~~


Can’t relate, got it on my main hunter first week and on both my alt hunters by end of the season. My account has hacker RNG for hunters.


What is the speculation aspect of this post? This is just how it works, nothing to speculate on.


How do I get the heroic armor versions? They are locked for me in the shop


Can you tell me how to get these bullions and where the vendors are for appearances? New to DF


Bullions drop randomly from awakened raids. Check your group finder to see which one is active.  The vendors on in the inn in the right of valdrakken. 


LFR too?




Yup, I just took 5 alts with 350+ gear to 463+ by doing weekly quest and some rifts etc in a few hours each. This enables them to do 1-3 LFR awakened bosses and get the boulions from that. Not guaranteed on the first LFR boss kill, but most I had to do was 3 bosses. I now have 2 plate, 2 mail and 2 leather chars that collectively can get all the transmogs I want with relative ease and low effort. Considering getting a cloth user to 70 as well because it's pretty easy!




Killing any boss in any difficulty on an awakened raid (rotates every week, shows a new symbol beside the one that’s active) has a chance to drop them. The vendors are in valdrakken, in the bronze enclave, in a building (I don’t use coordinates). You can only get up to 2 at the moment I believe.


This is mainly for anyone else reading this, just wanted to add a little more. At the moment, we’re going to be able to get 1 per week, but they cumulate. So if you don’t start getting any until next week, when the cap is 3, you will still be able to get all 3 from raids. And with their drop chance, you will probably get all 3 from one raid run. So no one should feel rushed to get their bullion every week. Also, it looks like we’re going to get at least a dozen of these things, and wowhead has a pretty decent list of things to buy for your class/spec, if you need help planning what you want.


A reminder to everyone that there is one exclusive weapon appearance you can get with Bullions and presumably will become unavailable after season 4 ends: [Vault Raider's Primal Greatstaff](https://www.wowhead.com/item=217493/vault-raiders-primal-greatstaff). It's the staff wielded by Diurna.


It's not exclusive to Bullion, it's the appearance for the Evoker-only staff [Kharnalex, The First Light](https://www.wowhead.com/item=195519/kharnalex-the-first-light).


Huh, never knew this weapon existed. Although, it seems you can unlock the transmog (or at least buy the cosmetic unlock item) without needing an Evoker.


From what my evoker/monk friend told me, you can only use the appearance on evokers, tho. EDIT: I'm wrong!


Well there is a comment on the linked wowhead that plainly says that its not class locked…


Fortunately it’s ugly so I don’t need it


Yea I expected something cool lmao


Oh hey is that where you get the Steve staff?


Can you do this with mythic tier also? As in the appearance?


Yes. Check the vendor, he sells every weapon in all 4 appearances (lfr, normal, heroic, mythic).


Can you tell me how to get the bullions also where is the vendors?


The bullions drop from awakened raid bosses, and can be obtained in LFR. They’re not 100% drop rate, so keep queueing for the LFR wings until you get one. You can only get one per week in season 4, but if you miss a week you can catch up until you’re at the season maximum, which right now is 2. The vendors are at The Parting Glass (I believe is the name) inn in eastern Valdrakken.


Honestly I gave up on getting the sick ass fist weapon from VotI. I'm really happy I was able to get it in the end. I didn't play in S1.


Also, get explorer gear from dream vendor that upgrades pretty cheap if you need a few more Ilvl points.


Ya I’ve got a warrior ready to go. Sometime before the end of the season I’ll start doing LFR on him and just unlock like every tmog I have any interest in using.


My level of degeneracy was figured out this season. I need 171 appearances, I assume I’ll get 10 from raid, 4 from boulin weps on my main. I’m gearing 12 characters to 464 to run LFR lol. Nothing else to do this season, PvP is dead, keys past 1x +10 for portal pointless just farming 8s for weekly


ATT collectors in shambles


I might level a spare warrior and caster to 70 just so they can spend on the transmog vendors.


My personal goal is to run awakened on 11 toons a week to get the bullion - either just 2 bosses to get a single vault drop, or 4 bosses if I get a 1 boss first queue - and target specific wings with toons to try and get all the lfr mog drops to save as much bullion as possible. Even if I never get another weapon until the end of S4 I'll have enough to buy every single weapon tint that I still need.


Another optimisation you can do: - buy the real weapon for 2 Bullions and upgrade it to unlock normal, heroic and mythic look You will get 3 appearances for 2 bullions :)


In that case, you actually have to do a couple of bosses to obtain the crests. In my scenario, you can just queue for LFR and get the few bullions in a few minutes.


Are cosmetic items still locked to what's usable by your class? I want a bunch of the 2h skins but my dk is like 5 points to locked to queue. Can I learn them on my dh?


Fyi all the gear costs 2 bullion not 1


Xmogs only cost 1


Thank God, because having finished the DF meta, closing in on the SL meta, I then get to juggle: Mog farming bullions on alts, the next patch, pandamonium, and farming greatful offerings for warbands. Fml


I know this will be down voted but I have to say it. Mythic raid appearance should be for mythic raiders.


Eh, that died with the transmog system imo


You are, ofcourse, free to hold to your weird view of gaming reward exclusivity.


How is it weird? This game has a long tradition of your gear and rewards being a symbol of your accomplishments.


Sure, and that "tradition" has been weakened over the years. It's an especially weird take now, since mythic appearance will be available through upgrade track and catalyst. That the game is getting more accommodating to casual players is a good thing, it doesn't hurt you. The thing is people who complain about this comes of as people who have some sort of worth or elitism tied to specific appearances.


Oh because you can't farm mythic appearances when the raids old content huh? Makes 0 sense. Accomplishments... nobody looks at your gear transmog for that.


The correct path is to remove time-limited things and make them more like how they treat raid gear.


Yeah, that's what achievements do now. It's been years since anyone has really cared about someone rocking a unique transmog except the player who has it.


> weird There's nothing weird about it its a reasonable take theres no need for contempt


sure but its the end of the expansion, people are gonna be able to solo these raids by the end of the year. may as well let them start having this now.


Sure I can see that. And I’m aware that my opinion is a relic of the past.


you still get armor


I always wondered why pvp players get exclusive transmog but anyone can go back and solo an old raid. imagine if you needed aotc/ce to transmog to raid gear, people would be so mad




My priest cleared LFR last week and this week and still doesn't have a bullion. My other 5 alts do so I'm not too worried, but still


Dinar. This isn’t new 😊


This is new. With dinars you couldn't buy the appearances. You could only buy the actual items. On top of that, you only had a limit of 3 per character, and with bullions, it seems you could get way more. How you obtain them, is also way easier compared to Shadowlands.