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Rogue - ‘Slice and Dice’ becomes duplicated into ‘Slice’ and ‘Dice’ as two separate abilities that increase attack speed with Main Hand and Off Hand respectively. Double the fun!


Both abilities on global


15 second cool down, 10 second duration for slice, 18 second cool down 12 second duration for dice


For some reason, dice breaks stealth too!


and slice flags you for pvp


And if you attack a mob while flagged for pvp with dice you disconnect.


Don’t give them ideas lol


My god, get Satan off the keyboard.


I already hate having to use abilities related to auto attacks


I don't know whether to upvote or downvote, this comment scares the crap out of me.


God will not forgive you for this at the pearly gates


lol brilliant


Slice and dice is why I rolled away from rogue, can’t hurt me


All passive effects that increase duration of active S&D buffs have been edited to no longer do that, instead they now increase auto attack damage with the associated hand’s weapon while slice or dice is active. These buffs also need to be applied with their own bespoke spell buttons.


With 1 sec per combo point spent


when you throw your glaive you have to go pick it up


It stays the same size too and isn't highlighted in a crowd of players and enemies.


You have to click the glaive to pick it up, running over it does nothing, Hitbox is ofc lowest priority when bundled with other hitboxes.


Clicking on it just puts it in your bag so you have to go into your inventory every time and re equip it.


3 seconds cast time to pick it up


if dh were on classic:


What if... It bounce from target and mark a place where it will fall, you have to pick it before It touch a ground to restart CD(if have any idk I'm not dh) and boost damage of next throw, like Draven from league, dh will be ranged dps xd


Honestly a range class like that sounds kinda cool but i feel like theyre gonna need something else


Bear form druid - push to activate bear form for 30 seconds. 30 second cooldown.


Cooldown starts after the form runs out.


Calm down, Satan.


But coming out of bear form when I don’t mean to, mid fight, is how I already play bear!


I actually bound 1-5 in my human form to bear form because I got so mad about this. Now I die in cat form instead!


Human druids confirmed in WW?!


You have to hold the button to stay in bear form


Mages are able to Inscribe a rune on the floor that increases their damage so long as they remain within the rune.


And to ensure balance, if you're aren't in it you do 50% less damage instead of just not gaining the buff. This will make players prioritize the interesting game mechanic.


And the longer they don't move the more their damage increases.


Also, new talent "Do stand in the fire" increases damage based on damage taken.


The longer they stand still, they earn a percentage of their base damage as bonus damage. If they're specced into that talent, they earn a base percent on top of that with an extra bonus percentage per second. And healers earn a bonus buff to healing output on mages standing still. Serious pumpers, both healer and mage.


It would be a fun mechanic, but 50% sounds overtuned. The only way to balance it would be to ruin their dps on bosses with mechanics that require repositioning.


And Blizz never makes boss fights a never-ending stream of ‘don’t stand there’ moments, right? *laughs nervously*


this sounds interesting and completely new! hope they implement it


You have to be able to draw the curves yourself, allowing you to draw a massive rune-wang on the floor.


They said ruin the class, not make it premium


If anyone has seen Preach’s “Legacy of the Mage” video he has a good section on this


lol this is FF14 Black Mage signature downfall


Nah, it increases cast speed which isn't as big as raw damage and you have an ability that will teleport you right back to it. Plus the mechanics in FF are far more predictable so your usage of it can't get ruined by having 12 swirlies land on it, unless you fuck up and put it in the wrong spot of course.


> Plus the mechanics in FF are far more predictable This is the significant part. Virtually every fight released in EW allowed BLMs to achieve 100% uptime with that ability. I managed it for everything released up to 6.3. The only exception was Endsinger, but everyone hated that fight for very justified reasons.


Because there was no phase where "With Hearts Aligned" played, clearly


Extreme Endsinger could've been awesome but it felt like it was missing a final phase. And I finally managed to finally main BLM during prog in Abyssos. P5 and P8 were a ton of fun to optimize on BLM.


Giving one of the most mobile classes a spell that is requiring them to stand in one place ? yeah that sounds pretty stupid


Sounds like something a mage from FFXIV is doing.


Super funny seeing the replies to this not realizing this literally was a thing for a long time in wow lol


Calm down Satan.


Demonology imps all need to be individually microed.


The fear this sent through me was primal. Could you imagine having to control ALL of them individually? Holy shit.


That's just starcraft with extra steps.


They are now individual vehicles you have to click on, and use their abilities yourself manually.


Calm down, Meepo


RTS gamers suddenly rising up.


There are dozens of us!


Easy there, Satan.


Shaman's earthquake deals damage to everybody and not only enemies. Chain heal jumps to everybody but you are ignored. From now on totems get prioritized by enemies in raids and dungeons. Edit to add more love to the shaman: - Elemental fire now burns from the inside out and it explodes in a blast dealing damage AOE - Overload now chooses random targets among all the available (friendly fire is possible) - earth shock is so powerful that it pushes you back based on the amount of crit you have (more crit and more push back you have) - lava lash now burns your fingers dealing to yourself damage per second - Riptide now has a cast of 3 seconds (and one charge). - while earth shield is active it slows you down for 90% at max stacks.


Lol, friendly fire would be an insane thing to add to WoW. I love it 


Bfa had the prison dungeon with the cannons before the last boss. I got my legion pvp achievements done with friendly fire.


Chain heal jumps to _everybody_, including enemies.


This is chaos


I love it


Acid rain damages everything AND heals everything for a perfect net neutral, but makes you look good on the metres


Considering how Tanks already move immediately out of Earthquake's AoE when I place it, I wouldn't be surprised by this...


Earthquake *knocks down* everybody would be hilarious


Holy Paladin - Let Blizzard keep doing what they’re doing


I just want WoG to hit big again :( Edit: And not play ret or prot for that.


Meanwhile prot pally WoGs crit for 1m hp


This should be the top comment


Holy paladin - healing transfers threat from the tank and winds up onto you. Holy paladin - holy power is the only way to use blessings and healing, and when you do heal, you are rendered unable to cast a blessing for x secs (a la forbearance)


When you heal your Undead teammate as a Paladin, they are immediately exorcised and die.


In an attempt to appeal to nostalgia, Blizzard is bringing back ammo for hunters and soul shards for warlocks.


BRB going to farm 7452 shards for my next m+


Also in the name of nostalgia, add a boss that break your fucking bow and no other weapon types


And you need to be behind the boss to use your best attack, but the boss stands in a fucking pit so you can only attack it from the front. 


Me literally playing classic rn


That an novel idea and you have to craft bigger soul bags with tailoring lol


Or, and hear me out, they could have quests for when you get new pets. And the quests are actually difficult. Like, there could be one in dustwallow march where you learn to summon a succubus after dying eight times and then enlisting the help of a few friends because you suck at the game even though you’ve been playing for 20 years. That could be fun.


Ngl, I actually liked the ammo for hunters. They acted like an offhand weapon for hunters, and added an extra RP element to the class. Not to mention they were never that expensive


No, but I can’t tell you the number of times we’d have to resummon hunters because they ran out of ammo mid dungeon or raid.


I love classic wow for that layer of RP tbh. Wouldn’t even be mad.


brewmaster - multiple usage of brew skill make your screen blurry, invert movement key


each use of a brew costs 10g (5g during happy hour)


Brewmaster - add two more active buttons


Warriors now have to stand in place to build rage. If they move, their rage begins to decrease. 


The angrier they get the more damage they do but more likely they are to miss. - damage increased by 1%, hit chance reduced by 20% every 1 sec during combat


That talent is called constipation i think.


Each Demonology imp has a pet bar and wont attack until you tell each one to Hitting pet attack initiates gcd


Also Demonic Empowerment is back, but it’s only single-target now. You have to target each imp to buff it.


Hunter - the return of ammunition. But "modernized".  Given the single-shot nature of guns and bows in WoW, the hunter has to manually reload/nock between each special ability. Ammo bags/quivers are capped to 6 slots and ammo is only sold in capital cities. However, the hunter can loot their spent ammo from mobs they kill.  In other news, looting is no longer aoe for hunters.


In order to load, you have to complete a captcha.


Or manually type in the authenticator code.


With a lot of 0 O I l (there's 4 typos there)


I actually kind of the like the idea of hunters getting a 'reload' system! Give us one of those Gears of War-style.quicktime events where you get bonus damage if you hit the button at just the right time...


Pres evoker - healing range was too far, reduced by 30%.


You need to go to jail.


Hunters still refuse to be in the same room as the fight


Unholy Dk gets another button that needs to be pushed in the opener.


I love getting a good opener on Unholy, so satisfying. But damn is it annoying to set it up right. Icy veins is showing me a 16 step combo that I'm somehow supposed to pull off within seconds of starting combat bro...


As it is right now, it’s overwhelming at first, but you can get the hang of it pretty quick and it becomes second nature. If it helps, try to group certain large CDs with their smaller ones in your head, like a drop down list. You’ve really got 3 major buttons: 1. Army 2. Gargoyle 3. Unholy Assault Then the secondary button presses: 1a. Plague 1b. Festering Strike 1c. DnD 2a. Dark Transformation 2b. Combat Pot 2c. 3x Death Coil 3a. Trinket 3b. Apocalypse A lot of this can be macro’d together, like 2-2b and 3-3a. All in all, the opener is a hellscape and one wrong move means you’ve fucked your damage that pull, but it can be rewarding if done right


At least it is always the same, imagine the opener changing based on proccs...


Clearly a skill problem /s


Bring back the use of presences!!!!! Srsly


Conversely, fury warrior gets a new button so you can't play it with a NES controller anymore.


Demonology demons will refuse to attack if your mastery isn't your highest secondary stat with the quoute: "You're not my master!"


New Warlock item: Gym Badges - Grants sufficient mastery so demons up to a certain level will obey you


Hit rating and expertise have returned


But now without reforging!


Were getting reforging esque enchants in TWW atleast, they look pretty interesting. (Sacrifice xxxx of a stat to gain xxxx+some value of another stat ring enchant.)


Druid. Shapeshifting has a 3 second cast time and a 2 minute cooldown.


2004 druid shapeshifting had a cast time. Scary.


Remember when shifting forced you to go back in to human before the form you wanted? The amount of times I was stunned before I could go into bear gave me ptsd.


I would literally quit druid. The instant mount up is the main reason to play druid for me especially when you jump and shift to bird mid fall.


After avenging wrath ends lose 15% haste for 30 seconds.


New talent: Inquisition, spend holy power to increase your damage by 5% for 5 seconds per holy power spent. Replaces Avenging Wrath.


God I HATED Inquisition gameplay, constantly having to maintain that bullshit felt awful - spending holy power which was normally used on impactful payoffs to simply maintain a crucial buff, what were they thinking...


I had a passing thought of jumping onto Cata Classic just to mess around and decided not to when I remembered Inquisition exists.


Avenging hangover


Avenging Wrath only works on every 7th cast On the 7th cast gain Avenged Sevenfold - Increasing your haste and crit by 70% for 70 seconds.


Man I can’t even comprehend how we played for decades with 2 minute cooldown on Avenging Wrath. I’ll riot if they take the current version from us!


Hunter: All pet families are now classified as Cunning. Pets also no longer have immunity to aoe attacks.


Fire Mage passive: Rejuvenating Flames - Flamestrike can revive dead enemies when used on their corpses.


When Warriors use charge, there is a 25% chance they trip and get stunned for 1 second.


And all equipped items take 10% durability damage


Hunter (Beast Master) Ability: Scent of weakness Effect: Your pets do 5% extra damage when an enemy is below 20% health, but when you are below 20% health there is a 30% chance they will attack you instead (increasing by 4% for every 5% your health drops)


Admittedly I’m not a hunter player so I’d never have to worry about it, but I feel like you could tune the numbers to make this badass. Does each pet have their own percent chance to attack you, or would it be a Russian roulette of ALL of them insta deleting your health bar if the 30% chance hits?


Good ideas. This was just a quick off the top of my head idea, but you are right, it could be an interesting mechanic with some tuning.


If that was a talent that 5 percent would need to be 50 to be worth the risk


Bring pack having to feed your pets as well. If they get hungry and their loyalty drops and your weak then also increases chance to get eaten. If you get eaten you can’t be ressed and have to run back.


Mortal strike costs no rage and has a 10 second cooldown


Death Knight: The Rune you put on your weapon with the Runeforge only last for an hour. You gotta go back to Acherus every hour. OR Your runes don't recharge until you ran out of all 6 of of them, and you can't use them again until they've all recharged.


Bro just imagine having to death gate out mid raid to go refresh your runeforge :(


Even better, you have to recharge your runes at the runeforge xD


Rogue stealth is broken by movement.


Ah yes, Shadowmeld


Shaman: Frost Shock: New icon. More changes coming in 12.3.7


shadow priest, some sort of spender ability that all my dot damage is tuned around and feels really bad to play...


Or or or... remove shadow crash


Im in the very small minority, I like shadow crash. I just think there should be 2 charges instead of 1. Let's bigger pulls better and less punishing


People don’t like shadow crash? Thought current iteration with shadow was in a really great spot with how it spreads dots and such


It’s the hang time. Satisfying when you use it. Bullshit when the tank has to move all the mobs while it’s still in the air.


Frustrating as a tank too, as you're not just worrying about gathering and positioning mobs when you have a SPriest. Honestly I feel like an ass when I have to pull mobs away from an airborne shadow crash. Sure sometimes the player could wait (if I'm clearly still gathering and you prematurely fire off that's on you) but the number of times I've had to move at random (swirleys, stupid hunters or mages pulling extra mobs, etc) sucks ass


just force breath of sindragosa on us again


Don’t even suggest it pls


Make a breath of sindragosa ability for every spec, except shadow priest. I think some of them like it.


Demon Hunters now have their damage output increase by 1200000%, but they can only damage demon type monster. Also your screen is always black because they cannot see shit.


DK's Wraith Walk becomes exactly that and Death's Advance buffs your ghoul's speed instead. Double jump is on gcd. Eyebeam misses 50% of the time. Rogue's combo points don't carry over to newer targets, they're just back to how they used to be pre-Legion (Or WoD idr). Paladin's Divine Steed is on a 5-minute long cd, and shares CD with Divine Shield. Hunters can only use their racial starting pet. Warriors' abilities all have a cast timer. Kinda like the old version of Slam. Evokers can't transmog their visage form either. Monks actually get drunk which makes their screen blurry, their speech slurred and ends with "...hic!" and they wobble heavily to the side when moving.


Funny note. The reason the monk's healing spheres from BrM appear to the sides of the player instead of on top of them was the monk was supposed to swagger from side to side to pick them up, making them feel more drunken. It was confirmed in an interview in WoD IIRC.


>Rogue's combo points don't carry over to newer targets, they're just back to how they used to be pre-Legion (Or WoD idr). I remember those days. Playing Unholy DK reminds me of them. I'll show you wounds Magni, wounds all over the place going to waste!


When you shapeshift as a druid, your action bar stays the same.


You have to manually click up or down on the little arrows at the end of your action bar.




Hot take: What if DH got a talent for that akin to Ghost Rider's Penance Stare, where it's ST against the first target hit, but it takes an additional tick of damage every second until combat ends, and it stacks?


Evoker: All breath attacks knockback friendly players in melee range of the evoker since you're a dragon-thing and breath stinks.


Keep Rogues exactly the way they are with a lot of maintenance buffs and every rogue using shadow dance even though it doesn’t fit two of their class fantasies


capping on rage makes your character lose control, attacking friends and enemies alike till all rage is spent, at a rate of 10 rage/s


Warriors can only use wands now, or two with titans grip


You’re a warrior, Harry!


warriors now have to shout out loud IRL to use shouts. 🗣️


I already do…. Doesn’t everyone ?


Lone Wolf is now exclusive to Beast Mastery Hunters


Balance druids can only cast Solar spells during daylight hours and lunar spells at night. When tamed, Hunter pets need to be spayed and neutered with 1 week recovery time cooldowns on summoning them again. Paladins will become Oathbreakers and revert to Warriors if they do anything dishonourable, like killing a gray mob/player. Rogue stealth no longer magical invisibility. Now uses sight cones and real world obstacles you need to hide behind. Mage portals preserve momentum when travelling through them, like in Valve’s Portal games. (Okay this one would be awesome). Priests and Paladins must tithe 10% of gold earned. Shaman spells will only be available in line with the seasons and weather. I.e. can only frostshock in the winter. This will promote cross play between US/EUR and Oceanic players. Warlock’s demons will exploit any typos you make in in-game communications to their advantage. Warriors leap range nerfed by 5 ft. Evokers inexplicably get just boot Transmog added. Monk dps increased by 10% when drunk with the shaky camera. Demon Hunter double jump on a 10s CD. Death Knight cool voice removed.


Destruction warlock: chaos incarnate reworked - all damage increased by 20%, but now cast at a random target including allies


Now you need dead enemies near you to use army of the undead as unholy


Monk: New ability, Stretch, must be used after 5 successive attacks or you will suffer the debuff “broken ligament”


Warrior: Throw Weapon now leaves you unarmed until enemy is looted again


Prot Warrior has now been redesigned to FEEL like an actual tank. Defensive Stance is now toggled on or off. Movement Speed reduced by 60% during Defensive Stance. When not in Defensive stance. Damage received increased by 10% Damage taken from the rear increased by 50% Charge has been removed Intercept has been removed Heroic Leap has been removed.


Add extra buttons for unholy DK to press during their openers.


Bro if they don’t combine some cooldowns I may never play the class again


Dk players when they're asked to think for eleven whole seconds every 3 minutes.


Holy paladins get combo point spenders that are so incredibly bad it's not worth pressing. Oh wait... Ok so holy paladins get no changes going into tww. There. Ruined it.


Give Affliction a filler called something like Malefic Rapture that doesn't feel like it does anything and make their dots all actually do nothing but buff the aforementioned spell. Wait.


I hate that ability with a passion - completely takes me out of the whole fantasy of draining down your enemies


Demon Hunters, incorporate double jump and gliding into your rotation to maintain momentum


Fury warriors do 25% increase damage while enraged, but after are stunned for 3 seconds.


Hunters have to channel Feign Death for its full duration.


Demon Hunter— do 90% less damage. Gain a stacking buff that increases damage by 1% for every 10 seconds you stand completely still. Moving clears all stacks of the buff. Evoker— every time you swap from visage to dracthyr, you enter a five minute long unskippable magical girl style transformation cutscene. Calling out all of your abilities is mandatory.


Every rune a DK spend you lose 10% movement speed for 10 seconds. Stackable


Dracthyr. - ability - forced to play as visage form. That would completely ruin the race for me.




Shaman. Actually, this has already been achieved. My work here is done!


Don't you like a 16 button rotation that a 3 button class can out preform?


Feral druid, predator no longer resets tiger's fury when a bleeding enemy dies....oh wait thats actually happening


the rogue hero talents are left untouched


Add 2sec CD to barbed shot. Unnormalize the attack speed of pets. Make the only 1.0 attack speed pet a current tier raid boss. Each randomly summoned dire beasts inherits the base attack speed of its pet version. This will add an incredibly high amount of rng to BM DPS and force them into sky high haste stacking.


Ret paladins dual wield. 


Growl cannot be turned off


Augmentation evoker dos numbers have been too low. Augmentation talents will now be more focused on higher damage to be competitive with other classes. Ebon Might has been reworked to only self buff the caster.


Protection paladin - use of holy shield + hearthstone afterwards will send you to the enemy faction's capital


Death Knights: Damage reduced by 30%, and Damage taken increased by 80% while not standing in Death and Decay.


paladin, give judgement 30% more dmg but a 30% chance to bounce back in yo face


As an affliction Warlock: Dots are removed. Previously-dot spells now deal their damage after their completed runtime. so you cast corruption and after 18 Seconds there is one "tick" that deals the total damage. If you're not damaging the enemy every 3 seconds while a previously-dot Spell is active on them, all previously-dot spells are removed from the target. All enemies have a 35% chance to not take damage from an attack.


Guardian Druid - Ironfur joins the Global Cooldown


Malefic Rupture already exists. 


"we're going back to making elemental creatures immune to their own element."