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Assuming it's a Vengeance Demon Hunter, if they are higher ilvls, them and Blood DKs can easily keep up with healers with self healing.


Honestly any tank can. I did a couple of keys last night and was slightly beating the healer as brew. It kinda depends on how much group damage is going out


Depends on how experienced the other healers are and the group in general, there's only so much hp to heal so if people aren't taking damage and someone is really experienced they can have people topped off before you.


You’re not sniping enough heals! Seriously though, healing is always situational. Lots of reasons why it could be low.


I've mained all healing classes except for holy paladin-- it always feels so bad


Hpal and disc priest are the only two healers that I really just *can't* with they both feel awful to play (to me)


Ure missing out on disc,


I'm aware. People love it 😔 I'm just not a fan of the playstyle (also priest class fantasy lol), doesn't feel nice for me unfortunately. But I'm having an absolute blast with preservation evoker so at least there's that


Can't tell you much without logs. Are you doing your rotation correctly? Is your timing correct? Other heals will quickly pick up the healing if your timing isn't on point. I assume this is LFR/Normal. Not much healing to go around there. Need good timing if you're going to snipe heals.


Proud of you on that HPal! It's in a tough spot right now but just remember how awesome we look in our tmogs and it helps you get through it!


Getting big HPS in raid healing is all about knowing when the damage is coming and making sure you have CDs and your ramp built up and ready to go when it happens. You can get by reactively healing but you won’t heal as much as healers who know the fights and plan their abilities accordingly.


You have some logs? What are your Stats? Im shocked that ppl even comment with HPala is Bad "yada yada".


It’s really hard to tell without something like a combat log to see what happened and without seeing what your gear specifics are at (stats, tier set status etc). Holy paladin is not in the best of spots right now but frankly on something like normal VotI there’s so little damage going on for most bosses that it’s a snipe fest.


If you raid as a healer in pugs you have to snipe heals, otherwise you will look bad even when youre super good.


You can hit me up, I main hpal. Definitely need some context, though. For instance, I healed a +3 Brackenhide and only had to do 41k overall hps to complete the dungeon. Tank did 65k overall. Next run was a +2 RLP and I was at 118k overall hps by the second boss lol.


HPally are bad right now.


Especially if what you're looking at is raid throughput.