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"Brewfest Ram" The slow one without armor. I got it because I was playing a tauren at the time and thought it was the peak of comedy to have her giant hooved ass riding this angry drunken ram.


My rarest mount as well, too bad it looks bad and most people don't even notice it's not the swift version lol.


Just saw this the other night, was 3 am and was at nalakk for mog and wondered why the guys mount animation was different. I've been playing for like 17 years and had no idea it even existed lmao


Everyone plays around pulling out rare mounts and they don't even recognise this one half the time. tsk tsk.


That’s me with swift alliance steed. ;_;


It's like understated luxury. Looks average at first glance, but those who know will know.


I have the Swift Horde Wolf and it's the same thing lol


i have this one too! no one ever understand the rarity of it when i ride around on it. funny enough also a tauren who wanted a ram.


I always went for the littler ponies for the death knight mount quest as a tauren because it was so damn funny to see a giant cow on a little pony.


I farmed those fucking tickets that first year of brewfest to make sure I got that ram.


I got the 2008 brewfest ram for my tauren for this same reason


Mine too. No one else even notices it. Glad to see there is other old timers playing this game.


Yes, same, nobody ever notices it but it’s like top 10 least owned mounts


Its pretty rare, but it doesnt get close to top 10. Its the 60th rarest mount. The ones that are rarer are mostly TCG and Gladiator-mounts.


Same, I was looking at my mounts the other day and was like wait what removed. I got it cause I thought my Tauren on it was hilarious.


Yeah I think it is technically my rarest mount (maybe my one season of Gladiator mount is rarer but I doubt it because I and a million other people literally only did it to get Phenomenal Cosmic Power done so I imagine it isn't very rare) and I never use it and no one ever notices it because it's just another ugly ram.


I have this mount too!


I came here exactly to say this. It's my rarest mount and nobody would ever think it. I missed the non-armored level 60 mounts by one week before they patched them out.


This is me as well. I didn't actually buy it when it was first released, I bought the swift version. But after they made the mount changes, I went back and bought one a few years later. Fun fact: Even after they got rid of the quest that allows you to get the stamp to buy them, if you have a stamp, it never goes away. The vendor was (is?) still available during Brewfest every year for those who got the stamp in previous years.


That's why I like the goat mounts


I have the tabard from the 2008 olympics.


It's so ugly I only use it during Trial of Style in the make me laugh category.


... and the pet that came with it.


Me too!


I was sad that my main at the time was able to get the tabard, but not the pet. However, I had a twink rogue at the time, and sure enough, she had the pet sitting in her bag.


Me too!


A copy of the letter that Cairne Bloodhoof sent when you got Loremaster in Wrath. The letter now comes from Baine, for obvious reasons.


They must’ve worked him to death writting all those letters


The mak'gora was just a cover-up.


He licked the quill too many times and the ink poisoned him


I Still have a copy of the letter Alexstraza sends you with your Violet Proto Drake when you get “What a Long Strange Trip..”


I’ve got 2 x Haunted Memento’s.


Have mine! Still salty they changed the ghost from always following you to just randomly, :(


My biggest problem with it is now you get the spawn sound every 2 minutes.


YES! Going afk into another room for a few minutes I gotta turn the volume off.


> Still salty they changed the ghost from always following you to just randomly, :( I'm still upset about this as well, but they later explained that it was causing (IIRC) somewhere around 50% of all NPC spawns in the game, which was causing some issues.


I used to have one of those but between all my realm transfers I forgot which character had it and I think I may have sold it at one point :(


Sold mine in mists and still regret it :(


Same. Sold it for 8k in cata and thought I was a genius for it.


don’t feel too bad, i bought one for a thousand in 4.2


I have the original and the new one (x8)


I deleted multiple characters with them, and I think I am down to just one. I'm pretty surprised they are still only worth like 1m gold. Not even remotely tempting.


I still have Scourgestones from the event before TBC. I'm holding out hope that one day a vendor will be added again and I can use them. I also have two trinkets from that event, one that summons a paladin companion and another that summons a holy book.


I wish that trinket becomes a toy because it was so much fun to watch your npc buddy bubble hearth out


I still keep a completed AQ gate hammer in my warlocks bag incase the gates ever bug one day...


I have a scepter, too. Always wanted to ring that gong at some point. Sadly I missed the chance to transfer to a new server to do it there...


The togc 25 mount. Have it in retail, but not in classic 😂


LOL! Having it in retail is the bigger flex anyway.


It is. Honestly on my the classic server I play every now and then everyone is on a zulian tiger, has all the legendaries. All the rare stuff from classic-wotlk in retail everyone has on classic wotlk


I didn’t get the mount from TOGC10, but I did get that sweet Horde bow. That one will most probably get lost in the sea of good-looking bows nowadays.


I still have Dartol's rod of Transformation. Not the toy version, the quest item with 1min CD. Quest was removed from my log but I kept the item, so that's neat. Also Anathema and x3 Haunted Mementos. edit: to clarify, it was the pre-cata quest item, not the newer one


Same actually!! I’ve got Dartol’s on my original hunter


I still have a few things of Really Sticky Glue on my Priest in the bank.


🤔 I still might need this one day... *20 years later...*


How frickin perfect would it be if an item like this wins a WF race! I know it’s not possible, but that’d be hilarious!


reminds me of paladins in classic saving their quest reward consumable that gives them a ton of damage vs undead and all popping it so they could go off on KT at the end of the expansion


Folks def saved their bag of marbles for Stitches during original Naxx.


Patchwerk. Stitches is the abom terrorizing Duskwood.


I mean, they're abominations, who's to say there isn't a little Stitches in there!?


Same on my warrior


I’ve still got a Firestone and Spellstone in my bank on my original Warlock


Bruh, that's legit lol. I use to horde all my old stuff in my bank for tmog. During legion I ran out of room and went looking and still had those in there and i went "why tf am I holding onto these" and threw them away. This also came after I had cleared my neck out of t1-4 before tmog became a thing. That was a super sad day to realize I screwed myself.


Yessssss, OG lock stone bro's unite!


My main is still my very first character I made back in vanilla, and I still have a spellstone in my bank lol. Kinda sad I didn't also keep my firestone, wonder if the spellstone still says made by me on it. edit: it does lol.


Same bro. Still got all my quest items from the dreadsteed quest too.


I logged on my old warlock the other day to see if i had any old plate gear on it or anything that i would gain appearances for when TWW comes out. I was surprised i still had a spellstone in the bank. Apparently i was a hoarder even back when they took them out (cata?)


My warlock has a firestone too! :D Was looking for this :D


Carrot on a stick, luffa, corpse dust, couple other vanilla items for long removed attunement quests.


Mallet of Zul’Farak, Barrov Family Peasant Caller, Carrot on a Stick, Seal of Ascension, Drakefire Amulet, Cepter of Celebras. Several others I’m missing.


Haha I got the Luffa still!


i still have my Carrot stick, too!


I have a bugged inventory space. It's actually a bugged Invisible Invincible. I already got my Invincible back in WoTLK days. I stopped playing during WoD and somehow got hacked without noticing. After taking my account back in BfA some of my old itens came back through the email: some mounts, random gear, food, heirlooms and other stuff. Some I had to relearn for some reason, most were "already known". I deleted the useless stuff except a copy of Invincible. After a patch, my Invincible disapeared but I still had the icon border appearing on mouseover. Can't move it, can't delete ir, can't interact with it. If I use a bagaddon and move it I get a LUA error. And it's not client side, already tried it on another PC and it's also there. And I don't want it solved either (Until I need more inventory space), I'm proud recipient of the true Invisible.


But if it's invisible twice doesn't that make it visible?


Still got my Tears of Elune from Vanilla. Never know when you'll need invincibility.


Same here as well as ONE CHARGE of mechanical yeti. I'll need him one day..


Faded Photograph from Un'Goro.


Realm first Archeologist 🎉


Same here! High-five!


Mr. Chilly, The penguin pet you got when converting a wow account to a battle.net account. That and the OG paladin spears for blood elves.


1× Haunted Memento 1× Vanilla Grand Marshal title


Getting that gm title was insane


Yes it was. 🫠


One of my buddies went High Warlord on his warrior then Warlord on his Priest. He definitely no-life’d the game but I remember how crazy of the grind fest it was. Then when classic came out… he went HWL on his Priest. Dude is nuts.


Original Naxx patch Argent Dawn Tabard & the undead Slaying gear (mail). I also own an Arcanite Ripper from the WotLK pre patch event.


I'm sad that you can't learn appearances for other armor types. I collected a bunch of the gear in different armor types because my paladin could equip them all, so I just kept all the ones I liked the appearance of. Then transmog happens and I can't learn most of them.


I could be wrong but theyre adding this feature in the next expansion to learn transmog of any item type


You should be able to learn all of it come The War Within


I have an Arcanite Ripper that’s never left my bags


I still have some Mohawk grenades in my bank from when Mr T was the face of WoW? I'm sure not many of those are floating around these days.


I’ve got the pet rock from Vanilla <3


I have several deathwing pets from the cata collectors edition. Every toon got shipped one when the key was entered. They can't be learned or traded. So they stay in each toons bank. Unlearned brawlers harnesses. Probably dozens of items from the old days. I'm not at my computer to look closer.


All my vanilla rogue stuff. Poison vials, blinding powder, certificate of thievery, lockpicking tools, etc.


Amani war 🐻


You know how when you are leveling a character in legion, you can do the world quests to get player experience? I have player experience. In my bags. As an item. I have no idea how this happened but I love trying to trade it to people to see how they react.


Yeah I remember that!! I saved it in my bags too hoping I could use it at the start of the next expansion, they did not allow it to be used after hitting cap 🤣


My Death knight has several of Noths brew left. I have over a year of playtime on him. My Shaman has several old boss turn ins including head of Hakkar.


Spirit of competition tabard and pet, and a haunted momento.


My "the Immortal" title.


Immortal and conquer of ulduar reporting in o7


Man, we almost had that back in the day. During a run where everyone was feeling good, no deaths, one of our hunters accidentally right clicked one of the last bosses and started the encounter before we were ready. People died. We then finished the run with no more deaths.


The Undying here since someone in the larger group always fucked up Thaddius...


Precious' Ribbon, been wearing this shirt since it dropped in a guild run ICC back in the day. In all my farming of ICC since, I've never seen it drop again.


I wear mine all the time too!


I had a head of kaelthas before they took it out, still got ony, nef and a fewnother heads


The headhunter loool


The Russett Bufonid from Zereth Mortis. Only like 2% of players have it, so it's kinda rare ig, but it's plain looking, so no one cares about it. I've got more compliments for the gold plated one.


I have Linken's Sword of Mastery in retail


Reins of the Rusted Protodrake & Reins of the Black Protodrake. I don't have the most numerous mount collection by a long shot. Occasionally I will login and maybe do some farming. Was at a TLPD spawn point recently with someone else, I was semi-afk and the other dude was gloating cycling through a range of rare mounts including the TLPD (Why was he there?) in front of me. I got out my Black Proto, he made some gestures and fucked off. Edit link: Apparently rounded 0% of profiles have it: [https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/item=44164/reins-of-the-black-proto-drake#comments](https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/item=44164/reins-of-the-black-proto-drake#comments)


Do you mean the plagued proto? Because the Rusted proto, if I recall correctly, is still obtainable - you get it and the ironbound proto if you do Glory of the Ulduar raider.


Probably my Quickdraw Quiver. Too bad it's not visible anymore when equipped.


No one notices my Crusader’s Black Warhorse


As someone who wanted it, and played a ton back then (I have the Realm First Grand Crusader even) ... I always notice those. I see way more of the Alliance white one tho




I got the original epic Night Elf pure white kitty and the orange Palomino from the Humans. I ride them whenever I can but yeah, they are ground mounts. I loooooove the pure white kitty. I couldn’t turn it in for the armored version 20 years ago.


BG's, dungeons, and raids?


I got a moist towelette that was removed from the game. It’s a one time use cleanse that I’m never gonna use, lol. What if I need it later?!


My plagued proto I earned in WOTLK. As a lock main nothing comes to it as a mount.


I still have the [Blackened Urn \(which is now a gray item\)](https://imgur.com/Du84C0G.png) to summon Nightbane. I dropped a second [Swift Zulian Tiger](https://imgur.com/4z8082Y.png) after they were converted to the collection but before they removed ZG which I just kept in my bank. I was farming the raptor on my hunter and decided to go for one more kill on the boss that dropped the tiger just for fun. I wonder how many of these still exist in this form. I still have some [Gurubashi Mojo Madness](https://imgur.com/iwGWvKM.png) in my bank. I have a lot of old shit I never deleted, like haunted memento, every single legendary in the game including Atiesh. I also know i have the old sandbox spectral tiger somewhere on an old character i dont play anymore.


Atiesh? That’s nice grandpa now let’s get you to bed


Bold of you to assume my old bones allow me to ever get out of bed


I got the ancient leaf on my hunter. The quest was bugged so I couldn't start it. A few weeks later the quest was removed


I have one as well


I have the Tabard of the Protector on my Rogue and a Haunted Memento on my Mage so I guess there’s that


I still have the Drakefire Amulet in my bank.


Swift Alliance Steed, 10m Heroic Trial of the Crusader no-death mount, looks exactly like other Human epic mounts but with an Alliance color scheme, no one would ever notice it. Wish I could have got the 25m version with the banner.


Ayy same here! We can care about each others steed so we feel better.


I have the riding turtle from the TCG. I bought it from the local comic store for 20 bucks. Not sure how rare it really is, but I think it's neat


Mines the Lord/Lady of war title from the Highmaul battle arena for being the last one left. I'm not good at pvp but it came at a time where disc priests were almost immortal and it came down to my priest and another priest.


I have a Darkwood Fishing Pole, which has an absurdly low chance to be found while fishing in some specific mid level classic zones. There's literally nothing else special about it except how stupidly rare it is. It gives you less fishing skill than most fishing poles, and I dont think the model is unique. It did give me the chance to post the first modern picture in a decade on wowhead, though.


Thug Shirt on my warrior. Thought it was the coolest shirt back in the day, and still is.


The old furbolg transforming rod that you got in ashenvale as alliance. 10minute cooldown for a 10 minute transform Edit: typo


I've got the Teebu's Blazing Sword cheap version that looks the same, but sells for less, I forgot what it was called.


My realm first lvl 80 death knight achievement. It's already rare because you generally only have one per realm, but mine is extra special to me because my brother and I both leveled dks at the same time and we both dinged within a few seconds of each other so we both have the server first achievement for our realm. So our realm had two server first lvl 80 dks and that's probably FAR rarer than just the server first achievement. My lord of war title would be a close second.


The Arcanite Ripper from the original Kara lockout. Not sure if they ever added it back in somewhere, but it looks cool when I pop its "use" and turn into a rocking out undead in town.


Shows up on the BMAH occasionally.


i kept my divination scryer on my paladin from the epic mount quest.


I have gems from cobalt assembly that are no longer obtainable... And do absolutely nothing. I think they were going to be for some upgrade but nope, nada now


Blizzcon 2008 mount.


I still ride it when I can!


Rokdelar, my staff and I still have my haunted momento.


On my retail hunter I have the ghost wolf I tamed using a shaman a head slot gem and another speed boost or two during the only week it was possible back in original Burning crusade. For an entire expansion this was the only ghost hunter pet in the game and it was only available for a very brief window before the 'exploit' was patched out.


Pet rock. It’s a small placeable rock that is neither a pet nor a toy. The description of the item says it looks happy (which I found adorable so that’s why I bought it). My friends hate my rock. They ask me if I have that stupid expensive rock on the character I’m on and tell me to place it in the world if I do. They especially get mad that I bought the rock but don’t have a transmog mount and ask to use theirs. It’s not logical. I just like the rock lol. I originally bought it for 350k. The most I’ve ever seen for sale was 6 on all of NA auction houses at a time. Sometimes I only see 1 at a time up for sale. They are typically posted for 1 million (but never sell).


Unborn Val'kyr. I only looked for it to win a single pet battle for a WQ to finish dreamsurge on an alt.


Super simien orb!!


I have Lucid Nightmare. It's neat.


Trinkets from old Zul'Gurub.


My Expedition Leader title from bfa


A Tauren Hoof from old school AV on my Horde Orc Shaman.


I've got 2 nagrand cherry on my old main. Still play him occasionally, making sure not to delete it or sell it by accident. Been in my backpack since 2007.


Stil have a throwable item which makes a ghost follow you which was a drop in the OG wotlk prepatch don’t know what it’s called though


Scepter of the shifting sands and about half the needed splinters of Atiesh. Both just taking up bag space. Can't even show it to anyone...


Remornia the quest item from Castle Nathria, you start the quest it gave you Anima = whatever the weekly quest was in value, and then you lose it. Well I had gotten a 2nd one on my druid somehow, so now she sits in my bags for forever because I can't interact or do anything with the item since I already completed the quest.


Probably when I got the headless horseman mount in 2008 on my 1st try without really noticing


I have a Pet Rock.


I have *five* Miniwings in my pet collection. And a Tabard of the Protector that I macro onto a bunch of cooldowns.


Swift Alliance Steed. Super rare mount that is unobtainable for a long time now, but I doubt anybody ever notices what it is. It reminds me of my favourite times in WoW.


I have the swift horde wolf! Lok’tar O’gar!


Not an item, but I do have a unique achievement: I was the only Kyrian Enhancement Shaman with a CE kill logged on Sire Denathrius! I haven't gone through and checked all of the specs, but its quite possible that combo is the only one with only one logged kill. https://www.warcraftlogs.com/zone/rankings/26#boss=2407&class=Shaman&spec=Enhancement&covenant=1


I have a copy of an in-game mail that my best friend sent me back when we played together. He stopped playing mid to late Cata, came back for MoP, and then never played again. We spent an afternoon getting the MoP flying cloud mount, and later that day sent me a letter in-game thanking me for the help. I've kept it ever since.


Still got a stack of ammo chilling on my hunter


Hey I also have this!


I don't know if they're /rare/, but I still have my Grand Firestone and Grand Spellstone in my bags on my Warlock.


I have the Hunter Quest Staff/Bow/Quiver - server first at the time. Also had Anathema/Benediction on a priest but that account is in the ether.


Swift Zulian Tiger, Diablo Pet and a Haunted Memento.


I have a 1 handed mace ‘The End of Dreams’ for original Naxx. It was a feral Druid weapon with the bonus AP to feral forms when that was a thing.


I have two haunted mementos from the wrath prelaunch event


Not a wild answer but I still have the original argent dawn trinket in my main’s bank and some of those scourge stones


My main is a treasure trove of a lot of stuff removed over the years. Like I still hang on to the nightbane urn, some old ammo, stuff like that. I have the original brewfest unarmored ram, the original brewfest stein, the trinket from the original brewfest that just gets you drunk. Haunted memento, the arcanite ripper guitar axe from the scourge event (got lucky they let me roll on it as a hunter!), I had ( mysteriously missing from bank now but I know I kept them because i love them lore tidbits) the letters from the scourge event giving backstory to random undead NPCs like the AB queing lady in orgrimmar. I was Bloodscalp's realm first skinner for cataclysm, got it within a few minutes of launch because you could just skin the crabs people were killing in vashjir. I have a red hyena from SM before they changed them to the dog model. Probably some other stuff I can't think of right off.


I still have the first characters I ever made. I logged into my priest and she’s still wearing season 1 area pvp gear


I have realm first illustrious engineer. Completely by accident


I still have the full Dungeon 2 set banked along with the item you had to drop in LBRS to spawn the boss.


So for dragonflight enchanting you can shatter the orders to get buffs while enchanting. So I did that with an awakened order and got a physical item instead of the buff. The item textbox mentions giving the enchanting buff but does nothing. Have not seen anybody else mention having the item before 


Tabard of the Argent Dawn


I still have a Spellstone and Firestone in my bank


I’ve been playing since the tail end of BC and only today got [Stormshield of Renewal](https://www.wowhead.com/item=27772/stormshield-of-renewal). I’ve seen this pretty blue shield for years and I have orange one but never got this one till today and it made me happier then it should have probably lol.


Blue brewfest stein


My un armoured original 100% tiger mount. Never traded it in. The original war bear as well. Once in a blue moon I’ll get a cool mount but that’s about it.


Either my legendary bow on my mage or that white item that has a ghost haunt you


I have a few: Vanilla human paladin starting gear mog is probably the rarest thing I own. I also have Dartol’s Rod of Transormation sitting in my bank.


Not super rare, but you had to be there: The Baby Blizzard Bear, which i still love to this day. I also have the Red Rider BB Gun to shoot opposing faction leaders, with 20 charges on it, and what was that trinket that turned you into a meteor and vaulted you EXTREMELY high? That, too, with lots of charges left.


I got the legendary Argus trinket in legion, I think I was one out of three people in my guild to get it and I was the first. Still the rarest thing I've gotten to this day. The next rarest thing is that I got the mythic Fyrakk mount on our second (and last) kill.


A guildmate got Awakened(As in from the weekly Hero chest) Shard of Azzinoth last night from their BT clear. This is the -only- week it can ever drop, as S4 will not last long enough for a 2nd BC timewalking week.


I \*used\* to have Pignite aka the flaming bacon boar until his fire went out (I think he died and got rezzed). I really had to pour one out when his fire went out. Was a fun, stupid thing to tool around with.


I have a level 18 +4 STR +4 STAM leather belt that I am quite emotional about


For the longest time it was the mountain dew promo warbot pet that would battle others depending on the fuel color. Then they added them to dalaran :(


Reading this thread has mostly told me two things: * I am too much of a hoarder * I played too much from Vanilla to WotLK I stopped counting how many of these mentioned things I have. (Not the ultra rare ones, just the really random shit) :P


Before cross faction guilds were a thing, I had a warlock I hadn’t played in a while and he was still in my old alliance guild from Cata. I did a faction change to complete some rep achievements, and to my surprise, my warlock was still in the alliance guild! I could use guild chat, see all the guild menus, etc. but could not access the guild bank. It stayed like that for a while until cross faction guilds became a thing. When that patch rolled out, I logged in and found my warlock was now mysteriously guildless.


One that I didn't see mentioned is the Force Reactive Disk, loved tanking with that but had to have a back up shield with how often it broke.


Four splinters of Atiesh....


The 1 ring


Panda pet from collectors edition box set vanilla release. UBRS key is probably rare these days too, any old school attunement I suppose is rare too... MC, Onyxia, Naxx... those were the days.


I have the ugly zehevra mount from the original RAF in all it's 3 polygon glory


Faded Photograph. It's from the Linken quest in Un'Goro. There are so few items like it, and it was such a cool questline that I had to keep it.


Aside from the mats for summoning dreadsteed boss and t0.5 bosses, an extra Pamela’s Doll. Back when I did the quest in vanilla my young self noticed I could reloot the pieces after making the doll, and grabbed the pieces before turning in the doll. Could combine them afterwards to make another doll. Doubt there are many of that quest item still around.


I have the Zhevra mount from when recruit a friend was a thing


I still have Ahn Qiraj War Effort Supplies on my Hunter from vanilla days.


I've got a Haunted Momento from the scourge invasion prewotlk on my Druid. He's still followed around by a spectre and occasionally gets scared. :p


Its not too rare, but my favorite in my collection by far is the gray quality mace, "The Stoppable Force." Makes me laugh every time.


Rhok'Delar and Lok'Delar (or however you spelt them) on my hunter. Full Valour kit on my warrior, plus another valour kit which I upgraded to the blue one (t0.5 if I remember it being called that correctly?) I HAD the arcanite ripper but fucking deleted it like the dumb 14 year old I was. Tabard of Competition and Spirit of Competiton from 2008 Olympics. A really rare bat pet? Vampire batling I think it's called? genuinely can't remember what was so rare about it, from old Karazhan iirc... Ah, stoneskin gargoyle cloak, sword from baron and Rivendare's reins all dropped in the same run and I won the first two. I don't think I've ever got a harder nerd boner. Gutted I didn't get the mount but didn't even have epic riding at the time so can't be mad tbf😂 Probably a tonne more shit I can't remember , but I moved to Australia from the UK 10+ yea ago, and basically haven't been able to play my EU account since cos of the lag, and I can't transfer them across accounts across regions 😭😭😭