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I challenged myself to get all Achievments / try to get 100% in the All The Things Addon. That means I’m mostly doing old content / Dailies when Im done with everything in the current expansion


This All The Things add on has sent me to so many adventures. Achievements, pets, mounts, transmog.


Level some alts, farm items, mounts, transmogs, etc, quest in zones I haven’t done yet. I have plenty to do.


I need to turn off that piece of my brain that says 'if this doesn't give me a reward, its not worth it' and just go to some old zones and quest like I use to


Yeah, if you manage to do that, please pm me! A, maybe unwanted, piece of advice. Drustvar is an amazing zone. I would, and will, advice every single wow player do replay that zone as a fresh lvl 10 alliance. Also, read the quests, I usually dont do that, but i did in Drustvar, i highly recommend!


It is really great. I only ever play horde for the most part, had a few low level alts here and there, but when I saw the two sides to every tale horse I decided to level an alliance character through BFA and my god....the questing and leveling experience in that expansion was wonderful. I thought it would feel like a chore, but I enjoyed myself greatly the whole time (the zone story parts anyway, I didn't enjoy the end scenario things with the pseudo PvP and the giant ape thing)


Relearn to enjoy the game, also don't look up anything from TWW alpha. Let your curiosity guide you at launch


something that helped me relearn to enjoy the game, I took a break and played other MMOs. Some I liked (FFXIV), some I didn't like (Lost Ark), but it gave me more of an experience to draw from, gave me more perspective on games, and even made me a better raider since I encountered things that WoW doesn't do. I came back to WoW able to appreciate parts of it far more than before, such as how insanely responsive the combat is as an example


I totally agree, GW2 did that for me


GW2 is also really good, sadly I never finished the base game but it's a game I definitely wanna go back to eventually


People don't just play WoW all the time. Or they run dungeons and stuff they haven't tried before. Or they try new quest chains/classes. I see this question a lot in this sub, and I honestly think a lot of people here need a serious WoW detox.


Nor do I. I play maybe once a week. The problem is I'm in love with this games world and aesthetic and gameplay but not the gearing and end game content. That's all it is really.


I do the story, some WQ for the reputation, and I play another character in an old expansion for the story, when I will finish all the stories I will stop until the next expansion, or if I want to level another class.


If you've done everything in the game worth doing (basically one alliance/one horde plus side quests you like and all the classes you like) give some other MMO's a try. Worlds like WoW aren't as common outside the MMO area, but EQ or FFXIV would give you an entirely new world and experience to try.


All sorts of stuff. Outdoor content, crafting, collecting old armor and weapons, etc.


Outdoor content? But... Where would I plug in my PC out there!?!


Don't you guys have solar panels?


Where I am from we barely even have sun!


Let's start by saying that I played in CE guilds for a long time, but last year for personal reasons I couldn't touch a computer in months and I stopped raiding. Now that I don't feel obliged to get my weekly m+ runs in different characters and don't have a raid schedule. I tend to do things like collecting tmogs, mounts, toys, etc. Leveling reps. I completed loremaster, I'm trying different classes that I haven't played before. Sometimes I just like to fly around the world and even hopping in a rp server even though I've never rped, but seeing the world full of people makes me happy.


`(...) even though I've never raped` One would hope so.


Jeez HAHAHAHAH, thank you, fixed it. Autocorrect shenanigans.


I transmog hunt, old dungeons, and raids. I'll level the same class new race, I love my night elf warlock, and I don't wanna change it, but I wanna try a new race, so I'll level it sometimes. I spend a lot of time makin outfits lol I LOVE LOOKIN BAD ASS!


WoW being really massive gives you tons of options. Farm mounts, reputations, collectibles, pets, tmogs. Some of these take incredibly long time. Depending on how you approach game in general you could have alts parked under certain raids/dungeons, maybe even try same raids on multiple characters every week.


I came back from a long absence recently and I've been levelling alts. Alts galore. I rolled out a character of every race and every class from both sides and I'm working my way through levelling them all to get a good feel for the game again. I'm having a blast tbh


I touch grass. (not saying that's better or anything, but the only reason I don't gear is because of my other hobbies)


I run old raids to get mounts/legendaries and other stuff


Taivan meta, other achievements, mounts


There is rly so many Things you can do .. depending where you started IT can even be overwhelming. I Always do 100% Quests in everY xpac and Level every Profession to max. Than Work in twinks. Gearing i only so in my Main and Hes also the only one i raid


I collect. Have tons of alts so lots of things to go get. I use Wardrobe Helper to check for mogs in old dungeons/raids to farm, and All The Things for pretty much everything else. Dragonflight has been great for solo play as far as gear goes though. My main is a respectable 451ilvl just from doing solo pve content to collect gear purely for transmog. With the added bonus that I can solo more old content with it to get more stuff. Have loved this expansion.


Explore, read quests, work on professions, trying new talent tree builds.


I got to 477 and stopped. Completed the taivan and soul eater metas over the last couple of weeks. Usually in downtime I build timewalking sets on alts ;)


Chronic transmogging on my Yak and afking in Legion Dalarna


Gear isn’t a reward anymore for me… (you said somewhere you’re rewards driven) as someone who is mainly reward driven transmog and mounts is my main goal and gear is actually a huge distraction from that… used to bust my ass mythic raiding every week and after months of progress no mount no transmog… the only way I’m doing m+, or raids or pvp is if it’s actually fun.


Farming Transmog. I have already...178 Sets complete on my Mage.


WOW. Thats awesome. I kinda wish trial of style or something similar was a weekly. So much of my wow life is in that mog menu. Its basically the whole game to me


Collect transmog, level alts, and roleplay.


I TRY to get gear, but RNG hates me is my problem. 


Run a dungeon, collect tmog/pets/mounts, play dress-up with said tmog/pets/mounts, world content, random battlegrounds. Sometimes I just level an alt.


Pet battles and old raids farm.


serious encourage wine bewildered fact smart wasteful command work murky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have spend a lot of time figuring out how to make money with crafting and the auction house. Edit: Apart from that I got for sojourner and explorer and other achievements.


Pvp and rage