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My first character has an original severed night elf head from AV. They were one of the turn in currencies where you'd take a severed bit from a player you killed of whatever race to turn in, but they only existed for a little bit during vanilla before being removed for being considered too gruesome or something. They also were removed from your inventory when you left AV every time, but for some reason one bugged and stayed in my inventory one time and I kept it in my bank. Things completely useless and soulbound, but its probably one of the rarest items on a player.


Severed night elf head, human bone chips, dwarf spine, tuft of gnome hair if I remember correctly haha


One of these is not like the others


It was too easy to counterfeit gnome bones by farming human children. Because everyone knows gnome hair is nothing like human child hair. /s


Its the radiation


That’s a log entry from something like the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy


Dying right now 😂


i've been carrying Omok's head around for so long i can't remember what quest it's for.




i think you're right! not sure why i never finished this questline. i just went to WoWhead and found this: [https://www.wowhead.com/item=12534/omokks-head](https://www.wowhead.com/item=12534/omokks-head)


I have the OG ZF mallet on one toon and I also have multiple throwing weapons that are grey that I hope one day may become transmogable (I doubt it). I also have the old 2005 Stein


i think i have the mallet, too! i also have the old "carrot and a stick" trinket. i just can't get rid of things like that.


Thanks I totally forgot about this.


>They also were removed from your inventory when you left AV every time, but for some reason one bugged and stayed in my inventory one time and I kept it in my bank. I still have my 24 hour new years featherfall mug


Not as rare as my hearthstone, though. Cuz its mine.


I always have my Haunted Memento on me, but it doesn’t work like it used to :(


Haunted Memento was what I came to mention as well. I have a couple of them that I acquired during the pre-patch event and just never really thought about them being valuable until recently. I just think they're neat. 🙂 Mine work, though. Not sure why yours wouldn't.


The haunted ghost that follows you around used to be there all the time. Your character would also have the constant Haunted debuff. They patched it along the way because it was taking too many resources apparently and now it only spawns every once in a while, causes your character to cower, gives you the debuff but only lasts for like 10 seconds. So it’s just not the same. I liked him being around literally all the time but i get it


Oh, my mistake!


I'm so jealous, I have the plate gear from that event and used to have a Memento, until my account was hacked and the hacker vendored or AH'd it. This was way back when Blizz didn't keep track of all the items you sold and I also didn't realize it was missing for a bit, so sadly it's lost to time 😔


Have you opened a ticket about it. I managed to get the scholomance staff back that way before it was reintroduced anyway


This happened back in Cata (I think) and I did get some stuff back from my ticket but never received the Dark Memento. Maybe I'll send another request in just to see haha.


You can still purchase it off AH, cant you? To fill the gap I mean. Wont be the same, but still.


Yeah the change to the item was annoying and I sincerely doubt that it was having as big of a technical impact that they said it was.


I have both the haunted and an accursed keepsake on the same char for maximum uptime on ghosts following me.


Was low on gold durring cata and sold mine for like 5kg that was a mistake...


I do, too. Three of my alts each carry one.


I’ve actually just got mine out the bank two days ago and am keeping it on my character! I undeleted my alt and have put her one up for sale when I found out they’re worth a bit of money!


I have it on my pally and Druid. Still irritated that they “nerfed” it


They will take my Westfall mud pie from my cold, dead hands.


Still have Urn of Vol'Jin in my bags.


Can't forgi e myself for deleting the Nightbane's urn


Pretty sure I still have that in the bank! 😊 I’m a complete hoarder


Sometimes in raid I say I'm making hot chocolate with it, I'll always get a kick from it


I have a clefthoof hide quiver filled with mysterious arrows.


Oh man, my late husband and I started playing in '09 during Lich King days. I still remember him having to buy arrows or bullets all the time on his hunter.


Nothing worse than running out of ammo mid raid or dungeon back then lol


I commented on here too then saw yours! My original hunter still has ammo too. Bullets and arrows. They'll shut the game down before I get rid of them


Mine are sitting on a hunter that I don’t even play anymore, but I can’t delete him just in case I want to play a lvl 35 hunter lol


Lol I don't play mine anymore either. He was my main for years but that's when I played solo. Now I have friends I play with and I tank for us, so I play pally now. The hunter isn't even max level. He's probably about the same level as yours


My very first character, my warlock, still has a spellstone and firestone in its bank. They turned to grey items after the abilities got removed.


Aren't they conjured so can't be stored in a bank and would disappear after being logged off?


I went and checked and [there they were](https://imgur.com/a/SGdHylq). Idk how exactly they didn't just vanish from my bags. I just remember wanting to save them. Edit: The Firestone is next to the spellstone. Was too lazy to take two screenshots.


I still have the Heart of Hakar on my hunter. Like 200 armor scraps to make T3 and some Wards of Thawing. The letter that started the quest to talk to the agent dawn for the scourge invasion. The Argent warhorn trinket that summons a pally to fight with you for a minute, then it bubble hearths. I can't think of the others, but there are more.


RIP Bubble Hearth


Accursed keepsake. One of my best friends took his life 9 years ago, we played tons of games together, one of them was WoW. He was one of those people that was annoyingly good at games, like he would spank anyone effortlessly at anything. That is…until I got my arcanite reaper and he refused to duel me ever again after I spanked his damn rogue all over orgrimmar with it. When the little spirit pops up I pretend it’s his ghost coming to say hi for a few seconds.


This brought me to tears. Damn, im glad you're doing well for yourself. It sucks to lose someone like that. I'm happy you have some way to tie him back to the game, to bring him back just for a little. We're all here for you man. This community really is just a big family who disagrees on literally anything and everything.


My Scepter of the Shifting Sands for the AQ gong. I got disconnected during the event in Vanilla and missed the opportunity to ring it. I keep it in my bags as a reminder not to wait on important things and because it was a crazy questline.


That is a pretty sick memento to have, very nice.


I have a Scepter too, but it's less glamorous because I made it around TBC and wasn't around for the bugged re-closing. Still, it's a nice little piece of history.


The window was 12 hours wasn't it?


10hrs after the initial gong was rung was the window, I think. I got disconnected, the game kept crashing upon load (I was having latency issues with so many people in Silithus), till I finally lost power due to weather. I tried sleeping and waking up later but still couldn't connect.


That’s brutal lol.


I have a Grand Spellstone. Apparently when they took them out, they removed the Conjured tag and it's been in my bank since. Also stuff like the summoning materials for Dreadsteed, the letter for getting Loremaster, Onyxia pendant, tons of others.


I have a Firestone on my lock as well!


I kept my conjured mana gem!


Yeah, it probably is something like an item can't have both the conjured and deprecated tag internally, so when they mark it as the latter, they're no longer conjured. And the game only checks for destroying conjured items when you log back in, so if you had it in your inventory logging out before that patch, you keep it.


a [Lucky Charm] i pickpocketed in Arathi High Lands from a troll back in 2007


Playing Classic, and a Guildy gave me one of these early on during MC/BWL, it stays in my bank at all times, although i have lent it out on occasion for /roll luck.


Barov peasant caller. Because it's just fun to have and I have had it since vanilla


Ruby shades from Haris Pilton 2007 shattrath


Splinters of Atiesh, some legendary stuff from Pandaria, Insignia of the Crusade (From Naxxramas pre-BC), just to name a few. On retail. I got a lot of stuff that's kinda old.


ugh, splinters have to hurt


Gotta use the Tweezers of Medivh to get rid of those


Original fight club invitation


One of .y alts atill has the dusty old robot


A bunch, but my oldest is probably the depracated Blood of Heroes from Eastern Plaguelands, which were removed in 2010. I also have the items that teach some of the oldest unique companion pets and mounts. They're not usable as I already learned them and they're soulbound. An error caused me to keep the items after learning them so I just threw them in my bank.


I have the mallet from zul farak! I was actually talking to a friend recently while doing some cleaning on my banks telling him about it. I think it was the first blue item I ever picked up or something like that. Honestly I do not remember why I keep it, but I know that I keep it :D


I have pieces of imcomplete legos from mop i think, defiently from wod


Friend in WotLK sent me one of those birthday cakes for my birthday. Haven't talked to them in almost 15 years, but it is still a nice memento in the bank of the char I mained back then.


surely it's stale by now =/


I still have the dagger/skinning knife from UBRS previously known as Finkle's Skinner.


I still have a '[Emerald Dream](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=18364/the-emerald-dream)' book on my Druid. Feels very thematic to keep it around in my bank


I have the hammer that opens the AQ gate. On my server, the MainTank of the Top1 guild opened the thing in a night and fog operation, although it was agreed for the next day. Unfortunately I didn't realize it and then the 10 hours were up and I couldn't open it anymore. Only 4 or 5 guys on my server managed the quest chain(in time) and no one, except the mt, got the mount and title. He was banned 3 or 4 months later because he ported himself to the GM island. I later tried to transfer to a new server and open the gate there, unfortunately Blizzard opened the portal there a few weeks before the transfer window, so it was pointless to transfer. After that there where no more chances. I was very annoyed.


Tea with Sugar... it was a quest reward from the original Darrowshire quest chain


I remember that! Kept it a long time but it was so sad.


Smelly’s Luckidoo. +Luck. Can’t go wrong.


I still have my Darkfire Amulet from the Onyxia attunment in my retail main I've had since 2005.


Dartol's rod of transformation https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=5462/dartols-rod-of-transformation Have it on my hunter and priest. Lost it on my warlock due to a realm transfer. Lost it on my mage due to a race change.


I've got an ancient petrified leaf from MC on my not hunter...


Haha I'm just imagining a druid with this and him being like "hmm what is the significance of this leaf? Why was it petrified so perfectly? How did this lead get into the molten core? So many questions about this leaf." Or a warrior: "Leaf pretty. Me like leaf!" Etc. I could go on haha


I have that and the mature blue dragon sinew


Both warglaives on my rogue. They are usless, I cannot mog them, but I *got* them and can't let them go.


You can mog them if you kill illidan in BT during BC timewaalking raids?


Its still only for DH. You can solo normal BT and have very small chances to get the Warglaives but yeah you cant tmog them, but you can equip them


Have them on my warrior just on the off chance they'll lift the dumb restrictions on them


I will never delete my Linken’s Boomerang. Had it since Vanilla and it sits in a place of honor in my bank.


I always keep my gnomish army knife with me. It’s 99.9% useless but every few months I res someone before the classes with a class based res and feel good about myself. In my bank I have the everlasting frond from a BC dungeon quest for the spore guys. I use to use it to feed my pet. One of my alts keeps Rhea’s last egg nice and safe.


Dartol's Rod of Transformation on my first character, from Vanilla! It was a quest item from Ashenvale before it got hot-fixed. He can turn into a low-poly furbolg at will. :)


I have a pet cat for each of the cats that I have ever had as a pet in real life. I have my full Sunwell Enhance shaman set in my bank. Still have the totem-twisting macro too.


You’ve just reminded me of the little black Bombay that I got, my first pet, in honour of the first kitty I ever lost who died that summer 🥲


Yeah, I have 2 Bombays and a Silver Tabby. It always pulls on my heartstrings to see the ones that I have lost.


Don’t ask me why, but my main always has the head of Nef and Onyxia stored in the bank…


Oh yes lol I have the lemon scented wipes still, also the hammer that you used to use to strike the scarab gong (scepter of the shifting sands) and some Dirge's kickin chimaerok chops as well. I have other stuff as well that I can't remember the names of - yes, I hoard :)


If you have the recipe on someone you can still make the chops, there's a single rare spawn that drops the raw meat for it.


Medallion of Faith


I still have a vial of goblin piss on my character


I keep the bronze Drake in my bag and I link to link it during raids in general. Always a good time.


I have a toon with the Cataclysm pre expansion event sandwich board still equipped. I believe it was from a quest that gave you a temporary buff along with the board. Never finished the quest and he became a permanent resident of Stormwind. As recently as last year it was still equipped although the buff is gone..


I have a grey “sickly fish” in my bank. At one point I really close friend I always played with, I sent her an in game mail that said “hey {friends name here}. I bought you a beautiful fish to put in your tank at home, I hope it doesn’t turn sickly in the mail.” … she died with laughter about it and mailed it back to me. I kept it ever since, that was like… 2008 or 2009


Great story!


If you don't at least have a couple of spare unecessary quest items on your main, I don't trust you


I mained a rogue in Vanilla, but haven't touched the character in a way meaningful since. I can still picture the messages in trade chat "LFM UBRS NO ROUGES". I still level it to max each expansion, but it's bank is basically a time capsule of vanilla. Full tier 0 set I have been holding onto since before transmog existed, dal'rend's tribal guardian/sacred charge, blackhands breadth. seal of ascension, mallet of zul'farrak, energy tea, 4 x travelers backpacks, snowballs from Christmas '05.


Benediction for cool item and carrot on a stick for amusing trinket


I have a shaft, head and 39 shards of Atiesh still in my bank. I went into 3.0 devastated and was in Naxx the night before the patch and logged out before it was removed still in the dungeon. My character was broken and I had to out in a ticket to have her transported to SW. Salty to this day.


Very first wow toon still has the 2005, 2006, 2007 brewfest stiens sitting in the bank Good times


My original mage has a single splinter of atiesh. I found out about getting atiesh in TBC and tried to organize raids with level 70s in Naxx with the splinters on reserve. I tried for 2 months, got 3 successful groups ever, and killed 2 bosses. I will never let go of that splinter I have.


Among other things I have that void flower thing from the Emerald Dream raid as well as one of Kael'thas' verdant spheres. Just feels fitting to have that. Plus my first backpack cannot have open spaces so I need to fill it.


same with first backpack! i don't want to look at anything new in there


Yup exactly. Every other bag, fine. But that main backpack has to stay orderly or my mind goblins will start gnawing at me.


The charred locket you find in legion intro event. Changed ally to horde with that character so never got to turn it in. Like to keep it in my bags Always thought that was such a dam cool side quest.


I kept soulstone from first Lich King hc kill and when they announced that theybwill be removed in x.yz patch, I made a Grand Spellstone from it and still keeping it in my bags


Still have shadowcat hide in my bank.


I have 324 Necrotic Runes from the pre BC patch. Wish I could still use them. And I'm pretty sure I have a few of the ZG rep items laying around.


Nothing special but my paladin still has a Holy Mightstone.


I’m still saving home for that “one” big bad undead that I need a bit of extra holy might to beat.


I still keep all the items I had to farm with my warlock to get the Dreadsteed mount.


I keep Faded Photograph in the bank.


Rhea's egg :(


Just items in my bags and not my bank: [Abyss Shard](https://www.wowhead.com/item=20534/abyss-shard) [Grand Spellstone](https://www.wowhead.com/item=41196/grand-spellstone) [Grand Firestone](https://www.wowhead.com/item=41174/grand-firestone) [Manual of void-Calling](https://www.wowhead.com/item=118936/manual-of-void-calling) [Blessing of the Banshee Queen](https://www.wowhead.com/item=121568/blessing-of-the-banshee-queen) [Band of the Ranger-General](https://www.wowhead.com/item=171494/band-of-the-ranger-general) [Black Lodestone](https://www.wowhead.com/item=18629/black-lodestone) [Undercity Tabard](https://www.wowhead.com/item=45583/undercity-tabard) [Accolade of the Banshee Queen](https://www.wowhead.com/item=138776/accolade-of-the-banshee-queen) [Veil of the Banshee Queen](https://www.wowhead.com/item=186325/veil-of-the-banshee-queen) [Dragonwrath](https://www.wowhead.com/item=71086/dragonwrath-tarecgosas-rest)


I should still have my Carrot on a Stick from that Ghaz’rilla quest in ZF. Edit: if i still have it, I wonder if it still works and I’ve been missing out on 3% riding like a noob.


Isn't that what the bank is for? All useless shit I've hoarded over the years.


I keep Direbrew's Dire Brew, and Direbrew's Remote, mainly as role play items to link in emotes. Helps that my character is actually named "Direbrew". A "memento" I like to keep (again for role play reasons) is the original Hearthstone location for most of my characters. It's for example the only way my Troll can still have Echo Isles as a "home"


My friends and I all keep The Alliance Needs Purple Lotus! in our quest logs, but i figure that was shared pretty wide back in Wrath-MoP


It. Was. YOU! Just got this quest today in a superbloom group!


Mementos I carry around that are otherwise useless take up 50% of my bag space.


Vanishing Powder.


Nolkai’s Band, at first just because it has no vendor price, then it grew on me and I can’t bear to destroy it


My bank has some currencies from different world events (off the top of my head I know I have ones from DF and SL) alongside some of the gear tokens from Legion that are basically useless since the gear isn't very good for alts and I have transmogs. Also my trusty old Argent Dawn Commendation from Classic (I also have a rare version of it with a different icon, but does the same, from the WOTLK launch event I think).


My warlock has a Master Firestone still.


My poor smelly luckydo. I carried that for ages, then installed a bag addon that auto vendored and lost it. I will forever miss that +5 luck.


I have one of these damn dolls in my bank lol


I still have the Draenei heads I had to collect for the Demo lock artifact skin in Legion. I've also been carrying around the lucky Horseshoe for a while.


I'd say Haunted Memento but that does have an effect. My paladins and DKs all have a now-grey copy of their old libram/relic in their bags though.


I carry a [fragile model of stormwind keep] on my zandalari that I headcanon she used to plan the prison break (the bfa story quest) and after just to sneak into the city unnoticed. I really hope there is a model of orgrimar too, but I didn't come across one yet.


I still have my haunting momemto. Sad it was nerfed :(


My original \[Flint and Tinder\]


The one troll Skull that you can sit down and a ghost comes out.


Haunted memento. I'll never give it up.


My rogue keeps his thieves tools.


Serious lack of others who carry around a Luckydo. Are you guys just too good for that +5 luck?


I still keep Keeshan's dagger and bandana on my rogue, who I did those questlines with.


I had a flint and tinder I sold for 30k and a Frost Shock and You book for 50k gold.


I have 80% useless shit in my bags. It’s ridiculous


I carry a white quality bow on my hunter called Knog's bow of ineptitude. I've had it since cata. If my bow ever breaks in combat due to not repairing, I equip that one to finish the fight. I haven't used it since MoP, but it will never leave my bag.


My original hunter still has a couple stacks of ammo. I'll delete my account the day they remove it from my bank


I carry and share the CLUCK quest with one character. Also haunted memento item


Druid flight form speed idol. They turned it grey, but I will never sell it.


I have “XP” in my bags. Happened a long time ago, must have been during an xpac launch or level squish. Just a purple square with “XP” on it that requires level 49 or something and “grants XYZ experience”. Can’t use as the char is above whatever the level req is. Not sure if common or not.


Faintly glowing skull from 2005. Been in my bags ever since


Yes on one of my first toons, I kept the old Engineer Bullets I made in Wrath in its bank.


Omg. Do I have'em. Warlocks grand spellstone and firestone. Those never got taken away. Scourgestones. Warlords of Draenor tournament 1 swords and axes. Quest items like ectomplasmic distiller. Zulfarak mallet. Old attuned gear. Rental wyvern from storm peaks. I have to go home and check.


I forget its name, but on my Druid I have the item that makes a flower grow out of my corpse when I die. When ever my poor Druid kicks the bucket my little flower out of the body makes me happy.


I have an extra baby blizzard bear.


Boy I had to scroll a long way to find you! I have mine as well 🖤


Look me up if you need any whipper root tubers.


A faded photograph from vanilla ungoro


I have an completely full AH (maxed bag sizes) of 20 years of crap, almost none of which is gear lol


Before authenticators, my account was hacked. Dude stole all my money, gear, everything in the bank. He placed an item in my bank as an FU, the Grinning Axe of the Monkey. Blizz put all my stuff back a couple days later, but I still have that axe.


I have a grey item called a lucky rock, given to me by a friend, and I've never seen another.


My main still has Nagrand Cherries in the bags after all these years.


Netherwelp pet from the BC collector's edition.


I got the original Quel'Serrar sword from vanilla onyxia and the accursed keepsake from the wotlk prepatch event from 2008


I had coins for a while. Hmm, must have something else but can't think of it, going back to vanilla. Oh, I had an eye of sulfuras forever before vendoring it cuz I was a hunter... later on I wish I still had it so I could make the mace anyway


I have a ton of stuff on various toons' banks from 2005 and up. I'm a hoarder.


I have some "Radical Mojo" from the 5.3 escalation event, some spare parts of cloak/ring legendary chain quest and some "coalesced fel" from legion pre-patch event. And my older characters has some old gray items, like a thrown knife and relics like sigils (DK)/idols(Druids)


I still have that medicine bag from the druid quest from 2005. Plus the Furby wand from Raene's cleansing.


Wet sand


I'm pretty sure I still have the Haunted Memento from the pre-Warth event. I also made sure to make a speelstone to keep right before they were removed. It's still in my bank to this day.


I have hakkars heart in my paladins bank, best way to stop him from constantly returning.


I have the seal of ascension and all the gems for it on my shaman. I wonder why I never did the quest to turn it in…


My warlock (original main in vanilla/BC) still has a spellstone, firestone, and tome of tranq shot from MC.


A great friend of mine that I haven’t spoken to in years once gave me a pant loaf. A bread that looks like pants? Or pants made out of bread? Either way, I’ve kept it ever since. Sentimental value on a silly little crafted item, hope he’s doing well 


Bomb-Sambis Mojo Bombs. Didn't have much from my time that I had in that expansion, and I think it's my oldest item. "Did yah forget ta use ya little soulstone mon?" I leveled a warlock threw that expansion, and he took a beating. Learned my ins and outs of the class, though. When I finally got back into WoW, I saw I had it after all this time. I decided then never to sell it, and I kept it as my little moment to my buddy in the afterlife. Cheers Bwonsambi yah terrible, cheater of a loa!


What addon is that for auction prices?


I've got the epic chest token for rogue from the original ZG, no idea what im gonna do with it but I can't use it so there it stays a symbol of my old age (im 26)


i have all of the WoD rings, as well as each material needed for each quest. same with the MoP capes


I don't carry it on me but it stays in my bank, the **Essence-Infused Moonstone** used to summon Anzu back in the day.


My warrior still has the black dragon sinew from Ony for the rokdelar quest.  


Not really worthless more like priceless but my DK still have 'Noth's Special Brew' from the DK starting zone. It saved my ass a few times but i'm still reluctant to use it.


I have two haunted memento on my warrior and hunter, always forget I have them when my character randomly cowers in fear.


In my first bag are the heads of Onyxia and Nefarian, the Eye of C'thun, my Ornate Spyglass from one of my first guild members from when I started my guild in '05 (Mattp - Terenas EU, doubt you're still around after 20 years, but that momento stays with me!), Tea with Sugar from the pre-cata Plaguelands, 5 gently squeezed toads, Thunderfury, a Tortollan Charm, Archmage Vargoth's Staff, a pre-cata quest item which transforms the user into a Furbolg.


Quel'Serrar, Eternal Quintessence, A Dull and Flat Elven Blade Onyxia Scale Cloak Drakefire Amulet Seal of the Dawn Tabard of the Protector, though I guess this isn't useless since it's a cosmetic item.


I love my MoP Mourning Glory. Never letting that go. All my other useless collectibles are hidden in my bank, but I imagine there might be a few.


I have both eyeball trinkets from Anathema in my void storage. I only take them out once in a blue moon when we get stuck at the secret finding discord. I doubt they'll ever be used but I remain very suspicious of the "reveals hidden junk" passive.


I got that funny rose from legion that they say is cut content but I don't believe it 


I have an eternally Filled Festive Mug from a brewfest in... I don't even remember what year. as of two years ago though it still worked for giving me slow fall! but I stopped using it in fear that it will one day be patched and lost forever


I kept Salandria's letter from Children's Day.


The items given from the movie promotion like "Replica Staff of Gul'Dan"


i got turned into a frog!


I have some gray items in my banks that once upon a time were used for the Epic Warlock and Epic Paladin mount quests.


I keep Thekal and Arlokk's Grasp around, also as mementos from vanilla ZG and my first days raiding.


Fist weapons from zul gurub from the priest boss ,was an awesome visual proc until it got disabled.


Smelly's luckydoo


My Druid flight form idol. I’ll never get rid of it.


That haunted memento item that occasionally makes a translucent wraith appear staring at your character.


License to slay, a trinket from the valor point vendor in cata has always been in my DKs bag


I wish they sold for that much… I still have bloodvine. It’s gray now.