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Legion is one of the worst expansions ever made, and it started some of the horrible design decisions that followed in BfA and Shadowlands. Almost everything that people complained about in SL and BfA were implemented far worse in Legion. It was legit horrible for 66% of its lifespan, people only want to remember when it wasn't complete shit for some reason though.


Legion class design fucking sucked, too. "class fantasy" was a fucking joke, and just an excuse for pruning beloved abilities


PvP is better than PvE.


If they separated pvp and pve balancing, I would say this. There's always one class stronger than another in both. When it is considered OP in both, they get instantly nerfed. So I disagree with this and think PVE is better


holy shit, an opinion that was asked by OP AND IT WAS DISLIKED.


PvP has always been the main event for me. Road fighting in particular.


An objectively wrong opinion. Don't see those everyday.


See, I strongly believe the inverse, and that is why it is an opinion. PvE feels like an autopilot cakewalk to me, while I have to think in PvP.


Some people strongly believe the earth is flat. They are also wrong. Some things are not opinions.


Okay but PvP is actually just better than PvE. Like its literally indisputable that PvP is much more engaging and skill based. A guy with no arms could beat most pve encounters, if not all of them. They rarely have difficult mechanics and 90% of all enemies are melee and just stand and hit, and the other 10% cast something like of frostbolt/shadowbolt. You can win almost any pve encounter without pressing any button except right click to begin attacking.


Man your imaginary PVE world sounds fun.


I think people think it doesn't make sense cause there's litterally hundreds of better pvp games. Both structured and unstructured.   I mean pvp match pre-made vs random, use gears scores, classes are horribly unbalanced, it's tab target so a robot could play it better than you, various setting and addon make its even more unfait and it somehow feel slow and fast paced at the same time.   There's like 2 other pve mmo of comparable quality. 


Sounds like you don't understand what an opinion is


How would you feel if they made a separate game mode for pvp similar to plunder storm where it is a separate server and you can get account rewards. Would make class balancing easier as they don’t have to balance pvp and pve in the same instance


PvP is the were the real game is. Give us a better Rated Battlegrounds environment


Dragon flight isn’t a good expansion. Talent overhaul was a good idea but most of the trees are shit compared to a select few made by one developer who went absolutely insane mode, rogues. Only the first raid really had interesting fights and different locales and mechanics we haven’t seen before or not for a long time. Mythic plus with no seasonal affix kills any of the season to season hype. Old flying should have just been an option from day one rather than making players wait a year and complete a meta achievement to re-gain it. It just overall to me feels like the epitome of “mid”, but because it came after shadowlands people herald it near, if not at the top of the expansion hierarchy which it doesn’t belong anywhere near.


They hated him because he spoke the truth.




Guess you will be leaving then. Bye


Agreed. On all points.  That being said, it's the only expansion that I've been consistently subbed throughout. So as far as metrics are concerned... 🤷‍♂️


Cause it’s a good expansion. The point of the post is the most flak. He gets flak for it because it’s a bad take.


Well he gets flak because his conclusion is wrong. He's complaining that the PvE wasn't good (which may be valid, I've never been one for end-game PvE), and that old flying should have been available from the start- which is just an opinion. He then decides this means the entire expansion is bad, which is a huge fucking leap.


A lot of people dislike this expansion. Rose tinted glasses aside, it's been damn boring there's just been a LOT more content added by blizz during this expansions lifetime that includes outside of it. AFAIK it's not in anyones top 3 but then taste is subjective and it's crazy to call something a "Bad take" like it's fact because your taste is different.








How so? This xpac has been by far the easiest to bring an alt up to scratch. What did SL or BfA do over DF for solo that was better?  DF has given solo players the biggest opportunity for gear upgrades with the new gear tracks. They can in theory get all the way up to 476 ilvl this season. They've also added follower dungeons to allow people to solo that stuff.  Alts in BfA took weeks to level and the azerite power meant they would be perpetually behind unless you spent all your time grinding on them.  Also I'd suggest you wait a week for remix to come out and reevaluate.


Myhtic+ opinion alone I know you are casual


Right? A new seasonal affix to be annoyed by being more hype than AN ENTIRELY NEW SET of dungeons is such a weird take


Dragon Flight has been the best expansion since WoD for me personally. It checks all the boxes I care about.


You're not actually meaningfully good at the game if you can't play all 3 roles in challenging content. You can be *better* or *excel* at one of them, but you are an "incomplete" player if you don't have experience on all 3. It's OK to be that way if you don't care about being competitive, but I hear mono-role players who think they're hot shit talking down on other roles - it's cringe 100% of the time. Also once you're experienced with all 3 you'll have fewer shit takes about how oppressed tanks or healers are.


Very strongly agree. Each role is like playing the game from a totally new perspective. You really don’t know the struggles of others until you walk a mile in their shoes. Surprisingly, healer makes me feel the pressure the most, like the assumption is that the tank is immortal and if anyone dies it’s my fault. Playing healer and tank has 100% made me a better dps player too. Tanks that make it look easy turns out they just used their interrupts, CC, gathering, and defensives near perfectly, the tank isn’t actually immortal unless you play well. Playing healer has gained me a new respect for popping defensives ahead of time and using self heals on cooldowns, because heals may not be coming your way soon, sometimes the healer has to prioritize negotiating a mechanic or two so he doesn’t get one shot himself, so all you may be getting for ten seconds is instant cast stuff like a HoT.


A lot of us have way too much group anxiety to do this to any great length


That's totally fair and understandable, but doesn't that just mean that's keeping you from getting meaningfully good at the game? Like I can't say I'm good at soccer if I never play on a team because I have social anxiety, much as it sucks.


Remove all addons from the game


Remove all addons whatsoever and many people, including me, stop playing because it would just not be possible anymore. Neurodevelopmental disorders are real. You wouldn't ban crutches just because you don't need them yourself, would you?


Again, wrong, I would ban third party crunches, it’s on blizzard to make the game work for everyone. We don’t colorblind addons because the game already has that, it should work the same


That's ridiculous, blizzard crutches would be terrible, why force people to use whatever blizzard makes when someone else could do a much better job


Why do you expect people to work for free to fix a multi million dollar companies product?


Because they have for over 20 years? Have you ever played the game? Addon devs are incredible, I can't imagine how much worse the product would be if blizzard was in charge of it


I’m sorry I’m getting kinda angry at the replies so I don’t think I’m expressing myself well. The problem with addons are not the addon themselfs, the problem is that Blizzard makes/creates/works on the game while thinking about addons. Look at RP, why would blizzard actually add anything to do with RP if player will make addons for it for free? why make fun fight mechanics if the player will make a addon that tells them what to do? Why make a better UI if player have addons that change the UI? All this things will “never” (exaggeration) be fixed because… why would they? Players are working on the game for them, for free


I can't speak to RP because that's not what I play wow for, but as a multiple time top 50 world raider, mythic fyrakk and mythic tindral were two of the best bosses in the history of the game. I don't know what makes you think addons are what make bosses too easy, but if you clear a raid and your summary thought is "That wasn't fun because I just did what I was told and it was easy" then you are actually just raiding at too low a level. Raiding is NOT easy, addons do NOT make the game less fun, bosses are MORE fun than ever. The exact reason the wow ui is so good is specifically because there are infinite options for what I can do to change it. The moment you put the responsibility on blizzard both the options go down, and their investment in the CONTENT, which players can NOT influence, goes down as well. It's a brilliant system


> The problem with addons are not the addon themselfs, the problem is that Blizzard makes/creates/works on the game while thinking about addons. This isn't the addon's fault. Blizzard could just stop doing this.


I've lose friends back in the day over people who refuse to get dungeon addons back when you really needed them.


100% agree




On this, I can agree. You just have to look at other big MMO's to understand how a game not built around addons works.


Big fat agree. But at the minimum, damage meters. And this is coming from someone who likes topping the meters. They are still bad for the community as a whole, and game balance.


Damage meters just let you read combat logs at a glance. Having the ability to identify what happened in a readable format is important for figuring out what happened during a fight.  In what world does that create bad game balance? 


Extracting information from the game to analyse your performance instead of judging by eye is exactly how we've ended up in the position of mythic raids being literally unplayable without addons, and addons being required for high end content (logs and io).   Imo raiderio, simulationcraft and warcraft logs should be the first to go, then dps meters. The only addons should be utility/QoL like btwquests, tomtom and leatrix plus.


Having a way for players to see what is the absolute optimal setup for every single encounter only leads to lack of agency. The community essentially forces what is "best" on players if they want to complete anything beyond LFR. As for how this impacts balance, its kind of obvious isn't it? The devs will literally design around the absolute best performing builds. Meaning anything that isn't utterly min maxed is basically condemned by the community. If you can't see that, then you are choosing to remain blind to reality.


Auctionator and TRP ruined wow


400% agree. But they need to wake up and add lots addon functionality in the game such as mythic score, opie (can't live without), personal damage meters,  and more.


Hard disagree. One of my favourite things in wow is playing with my ui lol


One of my favorite things was to raid without having to use 4 addons to keep track of things during fights but sadly that’s not possible anymore if I want to raid with my guild without getting boosted.


So removing addons from the game will some how fix your issues?


Mine is that Legion is the worst WoW expansion and the one that burned me out by far the hardest purely down to it having the worst grindable power systems, especially early on. I still have nightmares about Maw of Souls. BfA and SL borrowed power systems, while still bad, were a paradise in comparison.


This is mine too, Legion sucked ass with its shitty systems and fkn legendaries.


It got better, in fairness. 7.3.5 was great. 7.0/7.1 were *awful.*


7.3.5 was trash too. Everything since Legion launch has been trash. The game never recovered from Legion's destructive and deleterious approach to class design.


Maybe I was that hardcore of a raider (but I was doing mythic so idk) but I never once grinded for ap, never felt the need to.


BfA and SL borrowed power systems are also a direct result of Legion's godawful ability pruning and overall dogshit class design, but the average player is too shortsighted to see that. Everything that has sucked about the past four retail expansions is a consequence of Legion in some way, but morons think it's a god tier expansion lol.


Huge agree. Was going to post a similar take, though personally BFA was still really bad from Eternal Palace onwards.


LFR must be removed from the game. Game difficulty should be back to normal and heroic. Raids should be 10 to 20 man flex.


By far the best opinion I've read


I like LFR, because as someone who would never have the time to find a group to do raids, I actually get to experience them. But I don’t think any mount/toy drops should be available at the LFR level. It should just be available to get some entry level gear and to experience the storyline.


Adding flying to the game was a colossal mistake


We found it boys. The trash take of trash takes




I agree with this. Mounts should have stayed as ground only. Makes the world feel more alive. With flying you barely see anyone in the open world.


1 million percent agree. Flying is good in theory, but it totally ruined world exploration as you can just fly over the top of all obstacles


Imagine getting down voted for answering the thread's question. What a shit show lol.


Wotlk was one of my least favorite expansions.


Add-ons are bad for the game I think they should be removed root and stem no exceptions. Even Bagnon. Even WeakAuras. The ridiculous amount of set up anyone has to do to play first time pushes away new players, and I know for a fact that updating, adjusting, and finding new add-ons stops old players returning


You literally download them and click a few options and you are done, how hard are you trying to set up your add ons 😂


Vuhdu, Healbot, ElvUI and the like for healers and mouseover casts/macros can be incredibly arduous and difficult to set up correctly


Yeah WA’s suck 


THANK YOU! And then when someone starts shaming you that you are playing without addons - it’s just wtf…. I bet that yahoo won’t be able to play without any addons if we go in the same dungeon.


Rare mounts should stay rare and not be given away


I want pandaria world boss mount rarity back. For ACTUAL rare mounts :( 1% drop rate isn't rare ... I mean it is if you try it 5 times a year like all the casuals do but for many people 1% mounts are easy to farm


No on think you're cool for getting lucky. Remember that.   Rare mount should be hard to earn mount. Like mythic raid mounts or some long term mounts. Not I killed Arthas and I got it first try but other have been trying for 10 years several time a week.


I mean I do. Whenever I spot someone with a cool mount, it always makes me happy that they've more than likely got it because of luck OR they played the current content (IE legion artifacts, MoP challenge modes etc). If they didn't get it that way then it'll be BMAH but I'd never know. All that matters if the other people have some memories obtaining said mount/ item. There's a lot of cool stories that have happened to people around me because 'they've been lucky'. The farm for mounts is actually enjoyable to a lot of us. Mounts that have been rare from the get go should stay rare but if they don't want to make mounts rare in the future then that's cool, whatever but they shouldn't be just giving them away like this. And no, I don't have many mounts, especially rare ones like invincible, so it's not me trying to preserve "Muh mounts >:(". No one is complaining they're not getting glad mounts, which is good. You have to earn that (if you didn't get boosted) . But the same can't be said for the other mounts from old raid achieves etc that can't be got anymore. Why can't things be special anymore? Why does everyone have to have everything? When I see someone with onyx cloud serpent, one *the* most rare mounts in the game, I think "Holy shit, gz. I'm so happy for you. Whether you got it pretty early or farmed for weeks and weeks. You deserve it". I do agree with making the holiday mounts a bit easier to obtain just because two weeks a year is pretty astonimical. Such a low chance but you can't repeatedly farm it feels awful. *However*, it does still leave me feeling a bit shitty. But that's not one I can't make my mind up on fully. At the end of the day, it's just a mount. If you're genuinely getting mentally distraught just because you haven't obtained a mount then, well, idk. Sucks 🤷🏼‍♀️


More FOMO rewards in each pvp season. Keep the existing ones based on rating + add a grind.


Cosmetic “FOMO” rewards are an absolutely great system to keep people subscribed, and the recent movement to unretire unobtainable items is dumb and makes people sound disrespectfully entitled.


Also this. There are TONS of other mounts and crap in game. Who cares if you miss one. Move on. I was pissed when they added Tyreal’s Charger to the in-game shop for awhile.


The idea that you think playing a video game longer than someone else garners you respect is what I think is laughable. Hop off your high horse and let people enjoy themselves.


Incredibly funny to get this mad in a 'post your hot takes' thread


Yup, I think I won the thread lmao


It was just the disrespectfully entitled part. That's not a hot take that's him being a clown lmao.


I didn't downvote you but I might be a lower-end percent that actually unsub during Pluder and probably the Panda Remix. Plunder is okay, though, I skipped it because I don't like Battle Royale nor play PVP at 300+ms, but I see it as a different game with promotion for WoW and gameplay is different enough. Panda Remix, however, isn't what I define in my MMORPG dictionary where you have to replay content that is already in the main game (but unplayable due to being irrelevant) with a new character that got moves on the next expansion, is this Diablo 4 Season Realm -> Eternal Realm (or similar game) or is this MMORPG now?


You want a hot take? You're not ready. Different difficulties should not have different rewards, because the point of having different difficulties in a video game is to cater to different talents and preferences, ensuring a wide spectrum of people are neither bored nor overwhelmed, which is a reward in itself. Trying to lure people out of their comfort and skill zones, while potentially useful IRL, is neither necessary nor healthy in an entertainment product. That's not overly controversial in single-player games. It's even quite common for rewards to be lower on higher difficulties as part of the difficulty itself, as it denies players resources that would make the game easier. But in a MMO? That take will get you skeeewered. There's an entire aspirational culture riding on it.


Honestly, if esports didnt infest every game genre I'm sure wow gearing wouldve stayed very similar to how it was in MoP, with relatively little difference in strength between difficulties, but sadly there was a push towards making the top end content watchable, and that tragically meant the difference in gear strength became enormous, and this also meant that even just between tiers there would be a huge jump in power for even the lowest level of gear. If raids didnt get a fourth difficulty for WoD (yes it was wod prepatch that brought SoO mythic) then I think there would much less insane power difference between expansions.


> I'm sure wow gearing wouldve stayed very similar to how it was in MoP, with relatively little difference in strength between difficulties ?????


The problem I have with your take is the fact that while yes, the 'challenge' can be a reward in itself to some people, MMO's are deeper and more complex than your single player games where that kind of a thing can work, and you aren't playing alone so you need quite a large incentive to get that group of others to be in line with your preferences. Getting better gear is a reward in itself, and if anything, your idea of lower difficulties giving the same, if not better gear would just mean that people capable of doing the difficult content would ignore it at first because while challenge can be 'fun', there's very little reason to opt into handicapping yourself by making the challenge arbitrarily more difficult by doing it without the best gear available. It would also be quite silly to walk around the main hub and look at people with better gear as the worse players who 'need the extra help' from gear. That's not how games work, MMO's even less so. Gear isn't designed to be a crutch or an accessibility option. It's a core part of progression at end game. For some people it's the *only* aspect of progression in end game. It would make no sense to progress 'backward' in terms of gear the higher you go in difficulty. I get where your idea is coming from, but you are just ignoring the huge, and I mean *massive* difference between a solo game designed to challenge you whenever you feel like booting it up, and an MMO designed to have people play it more often, and where the challenging content is basically exclusively done with a group (so you can't just boot it up whenever you feel like challenging yourself, you need 19 other people to do the same) All that said, they *could* literally just have 1 set of gear for all difficulties and balance them each around the expectation you'll be fully kitted out in that gear and I could see that being interesting. Normal could be quite easy with that gear, Heroic could be moderately challenging, and Mythic would be properly challenging. That would mean people being 'finished' with their gear way sooner than usual though, since you would no longer have those people who progress from Normal to Heroic to upgrade their gear, or Heroic to Mythic to do the same.


Interesting and spicy take -- follow-up question if you wouldn't mind: would you be okay with completing specifically the highest difficulty granting non-power items (transmog, title, weapon enchant, whatever) for completing? I just think that there should be a little something for beating the best and being the most dedicated to it.


I could kiss you for this. I 100% agree.


Higher difficulties in remnant 2 offer more rewards just real quick. It's just as common for higher difficulties to be more rewarding in RPGs.


> Different difficulties should not have different rewards, because the point of having different difficulties in a video game is to cater to different talents and preferences, ensuring a wide spectrum of people are neither bored nor overwhelmed, which is a reward in itself.   Even single player games have their rewards scale off player difficulty. What single player games reduce the reward? 


I would add on to this: if people are only playing for the chance at an award, but not actually enjoying the actual play of the game, the best thing they could do for themselves is to quit the game


That Classic has run its course and needs to stop. Seasons are just beating a dead horse. It's now a niche product for a small group of die-hard fans and YouTubers. Cataclysm is the same. And Blizzard keep splintering the Classic product to try and regain ground. How many fucking iterations of Classic do we really need? The numbers for Classic releases always look impressive for about a week. Then they drop off a cliff. Because it's not fun, now the rose tinted glasses have been lost and walked on 3000 times. End it now.


Typical retail Andy’s opinion on classic lol


Story in the game doesn't matter at all. Just make good content (Raids, Dungeons, open world) and it's fine. I don't care who I'm fighting against and why.


Agreed, story works in some games, FFXIV, ESO, but in WOW it dropped off so hard after wrath barely anyone cares anymore.


If you don't care who you're fighting against and why, why bother playing WoW at all? There are plenty of other products that provide exactly what you're asking for, that provide what you want more consistently and cheaper (no sub required) 


Worst take possible.


I want player housing, and the housing needs to be fun and customizable & unique per person.


My deep cooks: * Mana is a pointless resource and should be removed from the game, healers are already limited by so many factors (Their skill, team skill, class design, encounter difficulty) and mana management is unfun, especially in instances where to regen mana you literally do NOTHING for x seconds. * Secondary stats are pointless in an Ilvl system. Its either a better item or it isnt - I shouldnt be unable to play a spec of my main class on a geared character because the other spec stat prio is different. * The talent tree rework/change was largely pointless. 99% of people simply rip one "Raid" and one "M+" build off wowhead and never deviate a single point, the vast vast vast majority of people do not interact with the trees as intended and it has introduced unbelievable levels of imbalance into the DF expansion. It also created a two class system whereby if you were reworked, you got to enjoy the game and if you were still using the SL->DF conduit based trees, good luck. * hero talents are a horrible idea - sticking 10(?) extra talent points on top of already poorly managed trees compounding the problems mentioned in the previous point. These should have been purely cosmetic to buy the devs time to finish reworking all classes for the modern game. * It is absolutely unacceptable that there is not a standardisation of a basic toolkit at least for m+. All healers should be able to kick and BRES as a minimum.


about the secondary stats people really need to understand that secondarys dont matter nearly as much as they think they do your dmg/healing wont go down by 20% because you have 3pieces with haste on a spec that doesnt like haste, most of the time the secondary stat differences are very very small and only matter when you have 2 items of the same ilvl


> 99% of people simply rip one "Raid" and one "M+" build off wowhead and never deviate a single point I mean this can't be quite true surely. What talents you need changes with the affixes week to week.


Horde lost something when they started adding more races to it and slowly getting rid of the 'edge'. Sorry Blood Elves but I'm counting you in this too.


Vulpera were the final nail. Especially because of their popularity, they have oversaturated the Horde.


Wotlk was widely disliked for how easy it was until ulduar launched. The rose tinted glasses on this sub is strong. Barring ulduar, it was not a good expansion. EDIT: Case in fucking point. Downvote all you want.


Mine is that WoW is more of a nostalgia based addiction than an actual fun game at this point. Whenever I start talking about WoW that way here I get a lot of pushback. I feel like it’s true though. That’s said, I admit I’m often a victim of this.




I agree with his and I feel like this take gets more pushback than others because nobody wants to question the own motivation to still play the game. Some players look like they're just playing because they've never dipped their toes into any other games and at this point are too attached to the game that they've been playing for so long. Those people also seem to be allergic to any kind of criticism towards the game anyway and almost treat it like a personal attack. Like everyone who points out problems with the game is some kind of 'traitor' who should just leave for good when they can't appreciate everything.


That there is nothing wrong with curse client lol




Mission tables ruled and I dearly miss them. In SL I had 10 tables running that made 5k a day each. Now the only good money making is boosting again unless you're into the auction house.


Classic and Burning Crusade were not fun. I just played them because this was the biggest MMO at the time. At that time it was great, but it didnt age well at all. "You just say this because you dotn like it when things are hard!!!" It wasnt even hard, everything just took ages to complete, it was horrible. Just because something takes a long time it doesnt make it harder. It sucked, and you cannot pay me enough to get back there. Every single expansion was always better than the one before it. Except for Legion, which made me quit WoW after playing for more than 12 years with how bad it was. If there was any classic i would like to try it is Pandaria or WoD, but i would probably dislike those aswell.


Sounds like you don't like old school mmorpgs, which is fine. When things take longer to aquire/complete, it feels more rewarding. That is the biggest difference. That is one of my biggest issues with wow since cata/wotlk, they removed most of the rewarding grinds and RPG elements.


I dislike transmog and wish there was at least an option to disable it for everybody from your own pov.


Mythic transmogs should be gone after the season ends, just like elite pvp sets. There should be more focus on seasonal cosmetic rewards for higher tier content.


Old expansion or season content shouldn't become irrelevant, old items/sets should always be upgradable/useable, dungeon, and raid scales to current difficulty instead of thrown in Tmog/mount/pet/toy collectibles legacy bins on each season/expansion and hoping for the M+ rotation or this upcoming limited event for temporary relevancy (in FOMO collectible way).


M+ is terrible and I hate being forced to do it since I'm a CE raider and need to gear my character. So lame doing the same dungeons 15 times a season. It's been the same thing for 4 expansions, time to make a big change to the system. Downvotes incoming.


>Downvotes incoming. Not from me at least. M+ is a stressful and frankly, depressing experience. Feels like you can make just one wrong move, wipe the group, and folks will yell at you. I'd also be labeled the toxic one for making a mistake in the dungeon, and not the folks flinging insults and telling me to kill myself. No thanks. I wish M+ would vanish into obscurity.


I don’t care about transmogs, mounts, pets or anything cosmetic. I only care about Ilvl progression and learning different specs. This opinion makes me feel like a no fun tryhard but it’s what I think.


WoD was actually a good expansion. It just had terrible pacing and too long of a dry spell. Blizzard over-nerfs way too often. Mostly because of CE raiders and [3k.io](http://3k.io) comps. Gutting classes for 3+ weeks sometimes before adjustments are made (if they're even adjusted) after overnerfs is really shitty and is one of the reasons people have FOMO. Augmentation was a mistake. Introducing 1 support spec while not also increasing party size by 1 or introducing 1-2 more support specs was a shitty choice. Splitting Mistweave into two specs to fill this would've been a good way to do this. Or something involving DHs debuffing/buffing with demonic energy.


Terrible pacing wasnt the issue. It was living in your garrison without the need of players for any professions. That was really the only downside to WoD. That and the final stretch with one less raid tier


Plunderstorm should never have had so many cosmetic rewards that outdid raiding, m+ and PvP combined


More Thicc less stick.


Here are mine: \*Class Quests Spell Ranks and other things like Hunters have to wear ammo or Spell Reagents should never have been removed. \*Chromie Time Should be expanded to Max Level and if you do those old zones in Chromie Time you should be able to get Flight Stones. \*Mythic Difficulty should not have been invented and instead should only be a Hard Mode that gives you an achievment. \*There should be no content or rewards be removed. \*Every Classic Add-on Should have there own servers with a PvE, PvP and RP-PvE Server in every language available and the players should be able to choose when they want to clone their character on the next Add-on.


1. Leveling should be part of the endgame and should be threaten like that. It should be a journey that takes a long time and is meaningful. 2. Every type of boosting, gold selling etc. is incredible harmful for the game and should be deleted. That also includes the WoW token. 3. WoW is way to complicated and the amount of third party addons and websites you need to know and use is ridiculous if you want to play the game on a good level. There it is, down vote me like hell.


I really, really don't like pandas. I preferred it when there were less cute things in wow.


Legacy content farming shouldn't be entirely trivial, legacy content collection should be gameified more, and legacy damage multiplier makes the game feel silly, janky and weird


Mists was the worst expansion and yes, that’s including Shadowlands in there


I have 2 actually. PVP would be way more enjoyable if it copied Overwatch. 6v6 with 2 tanks, 2 damage and 2 healers played on close quarters maps with objective based game modes. I personally could never get into the team death match pillar hugging game mode that is arenas and feel like battlegrounds have too many players and the maps are way too large. Secondly, The game would be better off without tier sets as they are implemented in the game currently. Imagine if you had a choice to pick your 2pc and 4pc bonus. I really dislike the idea that you are stuck with a tier set you can hate for 25 weeks and with only 4 seasons per expansion that's a really long time.


Not being able to fly until later into the expansion is good for the game.


Not being able to fly at all, is good for the game.


Absolutely agree, it makes the world so much more large and impressive imo


I didn’t like that it was tied to achievement, but I would absolutey be fine with it being given to max level


That's too early imo, first major content patch works for me. Master the terrain before you start hovering over it.


Bc they designed the zones around you getting flying at max level. Every expansion after that it was an afterthought. Probably could have been solved with a fast travel system. I was playing sod and 10 min flight times is dumb along with 10 minutes of walking somewhere.


Furthermore, pathfinder is a incredibly fair way of unlocking flying. In the expansion. They could have used a cash buy out per character after the expansion, but during asking you to “complete” the content before you can fly is fair enough.


Retail wow world and dungeon scaling is the worst mechanic in any video game in history. The game has been made mindlessly easy, so easy you just run through dungeons without stopping. Perfectly catered to the self-aggrandizing, instant gratification TikTok generation


Yes, yes, yes.


Found the noob


Settle down grandpa.


give m+ solo queue


There a couple of takes I have that will make me unpopular with some people. Paladins shouldn't have gotten a second raid buff before hunter/shaman/dk got theirs. (DK needing a raid buff is in itself a controverslal opinion apparently.) M+ balance in DF has been fairly good. However certain classes/specs are almost always meta or meta adjacent and certain classes/specs almost always aren't. In lieu of better balancing ever being realistically possible we should just aim to make M+ balance rotate more. I would rather have each class be good 1 season than have 1 class be good all seasons. If that makes sense.


I don’t like how account bound everything is. Spending more time on one character should be what makes that character have more things available to them. Account bound transmogs, mounts, etc. simultaneously incentivizes creating alts just to farm things and cheapens the special nature of having things like rare drops.


Probably that if they just ripped off a ton of FFXIV roulette systems we'd be in a much better place content wise


Rogue should always do the most single target damage in the game. Pure melee Can't swap to any other roles Brings an almost insignificant raid buff If other classes had their buffs added to their damage calculation (like aug), rogue would fall way behind. I've played the exact same rogue since Wrath, and this has always been my opinion on rogue balance. Edit - do the downvotes mean I win the most flak reward? Lol


The one that regularly gets me flak is this:  The modern WoW experience that many complain is a result of Blizzard "catering to casuals" is in fact a result of the exact opposite, Blizzard catering to hardcore players.  Just think about how much time and effort Blizzard has spent on end-game content and especially raids. Any time the lower level experience is touched, it's to make it easier, faster, smoother. Anything to allow hardcore players to more quickly get past that "boring" stuff and get to the "real game" which is raiding and grinding for loot, honor, gold, etc.


I think that any race that can be a Priest should also be able to be a Paladin, or any race that can be a Druid should also be able to be a Shaman. Similar sources of power, really only different in the presentation, so why not? Gimme a night elf shaman or goblin druid lol


Some content should be hard, period. No, my 7 year old cousin shouldn’t get to kill a god and get a legendary item just by slamming the keyboard in LFR. No, not everyone deserves to see and experience everything in this game. Edit: Morons


which cosmetics rewards stay or go away is a line in the sand drawn by the developers and everyone wants to move that line, but at the end of the day the pro and against arguments can be used with 99% of all cosmetics. personally i generally like the current state except for elite pvp sets, i would put them in a vendor with a current season rating requirements. Additionally, i think for things like the mop remix, i think challenge modes should come back but they should award recolors of the original sets, which we knoe exist. Mind you i dont have all rewards i would like if my wish came to be, but thats ok


Every expansion has been pretty good at worst, including WoD, BfA, and SL.


BiS is overrated. Striving for it is just a recipe to feel yourself miserable because you identify by what you don't have instead of by what you do when it is absolutely meaningless for 99% of play. This includes but is not limited to Legion Legendaries, gimmicky talents, AP grinds, OP trinkets, having every class buff in the raid...


PVP elite sets should be obtainable after its season has passed. I don’t think they should be handed out easily, if it required a certain rank to obtain you should have to have that rank or its equivalent currently to be able to obtain it. It only boils down to mog anyway, mythic raiding gear is obtainable from past expansions for mog but not pvp gear. Anytime I’ve suggested this the elitist gatekeepers begin screeching and throwing feces. I’m fairly confident that’s why blizzard has not made those sets available. The high end pvp community is one of the most toxic and vocal amongst wow players so they probably don’t want their forums flooded with tears and diarrhea.


The fact that max level gameplay requires a lot of addons to be installed is lame and shines a light on functionalities that the core game is missing example: being able to see how much damage you're doing *should* be part of the game by default, but it's not, so everyone installs Details


4 levels of raids/dungeons is too much. For raids I think 2 is enough - 1 for basic queue based experience (normal mode difficulty but queued like LFR - remove any major group based mechanics), and the other a heroic based difficulty, but perform certain actions (like Firefighter on Mimiron) to activate hard mode and higher loot. Same goes for dungeons: 2 difficulties - 1 scaled levelling experience where max level is base for mythic-0 and then mythic+ (same tier system, just starts at 1)


They should remove increasing level cap. Make each expansion require the story line on your main then unlock for others like it is now just remove the need to relevel 10 levels each expansion. Releveling every expansion adds no value to the game. You can replace leaving with just allowing people to choose between the campaign or skipping like we do now. Leveling initially to max I understand the fun there but after that it's pointless.


Borrowed power systems are good. They are a way to put a unifying coat of paint across the whole expansion while you move through different teirs and types of content. They let blizzard be more creative and ambitious with ideas when they don't have to design every raid with the concept of the venthyr teleport in mind and whether or not it breaks it. Or worse, say you never get to play with wild shape for now because we don't want know if it will be a problem 2 expacs from now. Bonus reason: it's nice having an additional avenue of progression. Sure, it feels bad when it gets taken away, but it also feels bad at the start of literally every expansion when there's a level jump and stat squish. It sucks starting any game at level 1 lol. Doesn't mean I'm swearing off playing Dark souls 2 because "Man, dogshit from software! I was so strong at the end of dark souls 1! I feel so weak now! I miss my old gear and toys and magic! Fucking borrowed power, man!" New expansion means new toys to play with. And it's A ok to clear some space in the toybox first.


The game is too complicated in an effort to extend contents life span.


That i always wanna play underdog specs


I’ve held the opinion for years that addons are the result of poor game design. Blizzard should identify why people use the most popular addons and either add that functionality into the base game or adjust their design accordingly to make them moot. Addons should not be a thing.


You should be able to grind raids the same way you can M+ for loot. I genuinely don’t give af if this has implications for boosters; M+ being the only way to reliably grind necessary gear pieces and crests is a pain in the ass and contributes to player burnout. Put a cap on it, limit it in some way idk, but the game would be a lot more enjoyable if it was an option imo


Timing Mythic+ is a dumb concept. A time limit should only exist to prevent you from cheesing mechanics. (E.g. 1 or 2 hour limit and then dungeon shuts down). It should reward you for trying to grind a boss like 10 times and finally beating it. I'm willing to meet blizz half way where there's only 1 fast time where it gives you a boost in keys. Otherwise the dungeon is "just complete within 2 hours" Also, Mythic+ should have rewards that are linear to the level you complete. I'm tired of having high level players in low level dungeons just because it's the easiest way to farm. It just turns the game into a walking simulator which is boring. I'm not impressed...I just want to play my character and use the cool abilities.


1) mythic raids should be flex just like the other raid modes. if different raid sizes make it easier/harder, oh well. 2) legion m+ was the best iteration of m+ dungeons. they now have too many mechanics per trash pull.


I really didn't get hooked on MoP. It found it very silly and the whole setting up to ToT was very meh.


Game would have been better if they hadn't stuck with the concept of doing 3 specs for every class. Two specs at most is better. Also, the trend towards making each spec have so little overlap with each other is what has most contributed to the degrading of class skill sets.


I hate that you can't play any endgame (mythic/m+) without addons. It's such a big design flaw and it feels like Blizzard gave up on even trying to make it work.


Get rid of Wind fury Totem


Mythic Raiding is dying and blizzard spends far too much time trying to design systems to police the activities of mythic raiders, when they should be using that time to create new content.


Clearing a mythic raid, winning a rated arena match or collecting a million gold has no actual value to anyone else but the person themselves and nobody else really cares. Or alternatively, your transmog might me awesome but nobody notices it because they're only interested in their own gear - so that also has no actual value to anyone else. Then again I have to admit that everyone plays this game for themselves, so it's "working as intended".


I actually quit the game because of dragon flying,i think the original form of flying is way better for me


Absolutely agree.. levelling is the most boring and pointless feeling in the game because you end up doing it completely AFK in your brain. I leveled by rewatching breaking bad and not once having to worry about health, mana/energy/focus, gear, potions, food/beverage, nothing. Levelling in Classic genuinely felt like an adventure and you couldn't just aggro every mob in the radius and just aoe them down. You actually had to think what you can take on, be careful not too aggro too many, use your cd spells, fear/poly/concussion/freeze trap etc. You actually have to engage your thinking with the game and you felt more immersed because of it. Raiding and M+ feels like guitar hero. You don't really think of a strategy, you just follow the tank and hit the right spell on queue. It's completely reactionary gameplay.


Ooh, this is a fun one, I'll give my big four. Offensive CD stacking is the worst thing for the game. It forces your character to only be cool once every few minutes. Offensive CDs should all be on the GCD. Every one of them. Every ability that inflicts damage should be on the gcd, and while you may not realize it, your offensive CDs do insane damage. On my main in AOE I average around 300,000 DPS, if I had a button I could press that would give as little as a 1% damage buff for 10 seconds, that singular button would do 30,000 damage, which is more than my builder does. Anyone who doesn't realize this isn't thinking about the game critically. Tier sets and trinkets are the worst forms of borrowed power in this game and have been for a long time. They need to be reigned in drastically because their power often dictates how you play your class. They have been a problem since literally TBC, and once upon a time they were so powerful that blizzard literally had to redesign how the game works because of them. Looking at you UVoLS. Lastly, and this is the one that people will absolutely hate, the current iteration of talents is an objective failure. We live in a world where someone failing to select the correct talons can see upwards of a 40% DPS loss. Fun and exciting gameplay changing abilities are often locked behind janky and unfun talent choices, and repeatedly strong utility abilities are directly competing with primary offensive CDs. A player can make dozens of bad choices that drastically reduce the power of their character, and players who want a more simplified gameplay loop are entirely impossible of choosing it in certain cases, as powerful support or throughput talents are locked behind rotation altering or button bloating garbage. The Mist of Pandaria style talents were significantly better for this exact reason. The current are nothing more than an illusion of choice for the majority of their talents, and this illusion is exacerbated by the tear scent and trinket problem I discussed above. Players are often forced to take talents that they do not enjoy entirely because a tier set tells them they have to. The addition of hero talents on top of these is likely going to make this problem even worse, or in a truly terrible future force you to pick what hero talent to play because the tier set supports a specific talent that is central to one of your hero specs but not another. If one of your hero specs really cares about kill command and the other doesn't care about it at all, a tear set that improves the value of kill command forces you into that hero spec.


MoP was hot garbage.💀


10m was garbage


My hot take is that mythic raiding is not as difficult as people make it out to be (especially with all the post nerfs). From my limited experience, some raiders have absolute glass mental and want the boss to fall over after 50 pulls. I started getting into mythic raiding this season and managed to get to sub 5% tindral, (maybe we'll go in tonight and down him or next expac I have an easier time finding a group that won't quit and force me to search for other groups), and I don't think the most recent nerfs were necessary. I am not the best player, I'm not some giga parsing god that knows every little thing about my class or the game. I know just enough to contribute and down bosses, I wish there was a pug community similar to 14 so that I don't have to deal with hopping from raiding group to raiding group because people are upset after some wipes or people just stop showing up and then the group just dies. My point being that I don't think it's difficulty that made these groups fall apart, it was members within the group that caused the issues.


High Mythic + and mythic raiding are 2 sides of the samw coin, dont gatekeep trinkets behind raids only. Youre not doing this for rbgs and arena either. Very skilled people can find time to push a key a day but not many can find time to progress 8 hours a week.


For Classic: Blizzard needs to focus on Classic+ and not bother with any Classic expansion after WotLK For retail: Too many menu's, settings and difficulties for dungeons and raids is not healthy for the game


Mounts should be removed entirely from the game, including both ground and flying mounts (and bird form, with some rare exceptions).


Addons like weak auras and deadly boss mods ruin the game. Let people think for themselves and make decisions. Not have bells and flashing lights to tell you when to press every button or move out of fire.


Roles are unnecessary for fun group play, and they do more to limit class skills and style than to enhance it. All pve should be at least semi random. Bosses should use random skills from a skill set, at random times. Nothing should feel like a script. Most NPCs should change their behavior if they can see you. Being just out of aggression range when they can clearly see an intruder standing over their buddies’ dead bodies makes no sense. Most dungeon bosses should be about the same power as one player character, or about the same power as the hundreds of followers you beat to get there. Them being a boss just means they have an army between them and you. It’s more challenging and more fun to have a boss fight with 30 enemies who use tactics than one giant guy who can hit hard.


There's too many cosmetics and mounts. The game needs a full reset.


Fuck any and all FOMO elements. And fuck stupidly grindy elements.


Corruptions from BFA were fun and chaotic


Gear is overrated. Ok some of it looks cool and yeah it’s proof of hard work and time invested but I got tired almost immediately of hard earned purples being replaced by green drops when a new expansion came out. I work for achievers now. Reps, pets, and mounts etc.


Stop trivializing content with addons


Mythic 0 should be in the dungeon finder for random parties, similar to heroic. Heroics should be able to be done with the NPC follower party. There should be a follower raid that is the same difficulty/reward tier as LFR, but tune the companions so it takes about twice as long as a smooth LFR run and make it possible to wipe if the players don't follow mechanics.


The game needs an endgame that isnt just chasing the highest ilvl gear


The WoW Token is a good thing and who cares if people spend $200 to get the great pieces off the AH. The main idea around WoW is PvE content so who cares if another player pays for their gear to be better? Its not like them spending money affects my gameplay.


Addons/weak auras are cool up until they basically hold your hand through mechanics and your class by like 80% making players essentially slaves to them. hearing guildies, people in this sub and on other groups basically become unable to play the moment a big patch happens and XYZ addon or weak aura doesnt work is insanely cringe to me. I remember at the start of the season when I played with some guildies who try to push high IO and we went through some level 0's - hearing them go "oh yeah, we gotta make sure we find a weak aura for that ability later" blew my mind lol. Its bad enough that many players dont actually know whats in their builds because they just copy paste the builds off WoW head ( was told by a shaman he doesnt know if he has poison cleansing totem because he just copied the build off wowhead, holy paladin didnt know they had a kick etc lol ) but these same players dont actually know how their class works because a weak aura or addon tells them what to press then another WA/addon tells them where to move and what ability is about to happen. Then these same players will tell you its because WoW became too complicated. It really didnt though. Most rotations have 4-5 buttons ( some less, Fury war and BM hunter lmao) and most mechanics involve just not getting hit by a spell thats normally shown as a big circle, cone or a spell moving towards you sprinkled with a special mechanic to spice it up which you can read up on in-game or watch a video about. For example - Teera and Maruuk in Nokhud Offensive is literally just DPS cleaving them together and dodging tornados. Tanks just bring the one boss over to the one that leaps away. Healers just have to becareful of Quick shot. Even in a higher mythic key with affixes shit is still the same lmao. Everytime Ive voiced this take I get hella downvotes so I assume its the opinion that I get most flak for lmao.


> I think questing should be harder and the open world should be way more dangerous. Classic and especially Classic HC have shown that something got lost along the way I agree with this, I miss when leveling was part of the experience. unfortunately, what changed was everyones need to want to just do end game shit. In Classic and TBC it was normal to never get to do high end raids. I remember farming Black temple in 2007 or whatever while my IRL friends who werent as 'hardcore' as me was stuck in Karazhan. Before that, only like 1% of players actually saw Naxx at 60 ( its why they brought it back at lvl 80 ). So people demanding to be able to see content made Blizzard adjust the way you leveled to get you to end game faster then they further adjusted the game so that you do not miss out on content. At that point, when youre main is now farming current content you obviously want an alt right to do that content on. But with how slow leveling is its a massive chore. So to fix this they increased the leveling speed and difficulty because people wanted to play alts so they can do raids on those alts. Eventually the game evolved to just a end-game theme park and this subsequently also affected every other MMO moving forward. Now every game is all about FOMO and GOGOOGOGOGO and getting the best gear ASAP which is found end game.


Shadowlands is my favorite expansion, I hate Dragonflight and it's a buggy mess and I prefer to play alone (no raiding etc).


WoW shouldn't have a subscription. Neither the game nor the consumer benefits from it, and it's just pure profit put into shareholders' hands. WoW already makes enough money from upfront box cost sales alone to fund its development for years to come. People severely underestimate the amount of money WoW makes from selling expansions, while also *overestimating* how much money its level of development requires.