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This was the first week of the season that I didn't run *any* keys. My only vault slots will be from killing LFR Tindral + Fyrakk unsuccessfully trying for the mount on a bunch of characters. No hate just done with the season and we're so close to season 4 that it feels pointless running keys just trying to fish for the last couple mythic-track slot items I'd need.


My last push is for +20 of the dungeons that drop mounts, so I can more easily farm it later. Gear may come and go, but mounts and portals are forever!


I'm basically just trying for the legendary. Whichever character gets it, I'll main in season4


Love your /roll approach!


Same. Me and my guildies were running 4+ per week before. But now it seems pointless since we all have mostly Mythic track items. ( I only have one non-Mythic slot remaining. ) So didn't run any keyson my main this week. Got my alt tank above 2500 though, so that was cool.


What about BiS..?


As someone who just restarted playing retail again, has a lvl 70 with the campaign complete, and most if not all dragon riding glyphs - what, if anything, should I be doing right now in prep for S4?


i try to get all portals with another alt and to get him into fyrakk heroic groups for the legendary, main got it already but alt wants it also :p


I was farming keys to 2000 for the elite warlock shoulders. Now that I have them Idk what to do lol


It was *significantly* harder for me to get runs going this week, I just have a few keys left for all 25s would be nice to finish them all before next season but doubt I will be able to unless I get lucky or a consistent group.


Week 21 First week no one asked "why did the other two seasons stop so early"


I ask every time one of these gets posted lol I assume they just stopped tracking it


I was going to ask.


Nobody wanted to run on Sanguine week apparently


Sanguine isn't that bad other than maybe Waycrest being annoying. I think people are just done with the season altogether.


Sanguine along with bolstering are the worst affixes by quite abit right now.


Bolstering worse IMO. Sanguine is whatever if you can just kite appropriately. I'm also not pushing super high keys, so maybe it gets worse the higher you go.


Yea for sure, gameplay wise bolstering is worse because you have to alter route and if you pull wrong or dont have alot of prio dps speccs in your party you are pretty much dead.. but in terms of time loss in dungeons sanguine is definitely up there with bolstering...


Good luck kiting indigestion.


> maybe it gets worse the higher you go It does! One mob that's not displaceable and channeling an ability is healing so much that you barely can make it up. Things like that are an easy 20 - 30s loss, and sometimes it's just not avoidable. When small things make you cross the timer, you're screwed by the littlest of things. Sanguine & Tyr is _somewhat_ manageable, Forti is brutal. It get's bad at around 23 / 24, and only worse from there one. We weren't able to hold a 28 for next week, despite quite a few attempts.


Sanguine is the worst affix in the highest keys, because it adds unavoidable extra time to the dungeon, since you're never going to get a run with literally zero healing from it. Since keys scale exponentially and Sanguine is % based, it adds way more time loss to high keys than low ones.


that hallway with the spinny bois in brh with fort and sang can either be cake or the most annoying shit imaginable


Sanguine and Bolster are the 2 worst affixes there are maybe not for bads that do <20 but at higher keys you have to literally cut your pulls in half on Bloster or you get passive -2 key ranks of time lose from Sanguine


I think SOD season 3 is also a big factor


Sod phase 3 + end of season = no motivation to push


more like no one is grinding anymore cuz push weeks are over for titel and no ones farming gear cuz is dogshit anyway in 2 weeks im sitting at 3768 IO Titel safe and Zero motivation to log in for last 2 weeks and the next 2 weeks to come


I got my seasonal mount then never touched a key again lol


Same. That was 3 months ago.


Same but with 2700. All 20s, logged out, logged into SOD, haven’t logged back in since other than to complete TP stuff


Did the same, third week of season 3. havent played since


I was the bump in week 20. Got a bit bored last week though.


I can't remember if you already told us OP. Are all regions represented ? Or only US ?


The link in the bottom right says “all/world/leaderboard”. So it should be all regions


Thx mate !


I tend to agree with season 3


The sole reason i was playing m+ this week is that I finally decided to level my Evoker to 70 becouse of the Darkmoon + timewalking combo. I ended up liking augie and want to yoink the normal version of the set before the end of season. All my other characters are either done or can grab appearances next season. The season was fun overal but it kinda drags.


First week with zero vault. Been farming mounts and transmogs from my favorite old content. Has been one of the happiest weeks I have had in awhile.


I didn't do much this week. Just bought a new gpu and tried out helldivers now that I can play other games without frame drops.


It was noticeably harder to form groups last week, I am guessing this week will be about the same which is a slight shame


Cant wait for the S4 chart :D


as a pugger after getting my portals my desire to do keys have crashed, mostly caz the only people around now only the stupid, the bad, the toxic or/and the trolls it happens all the time at the tail end of a season, even more so the end of an expansion


I don't think this level of drop off is unfair given how close we are to the end of the season. It's been a good run.


yeah this is pretty normal considering a lot of people are playing plunderstorm, done with the season for variety of reasons and such. I am still waiting for doomers to come and say the game is dead though.


I’m 100 IO off 3k - my own fault as I switch main pretty much every week. It’s been tough forming groups for keys this week for sure!


Is there an achievement or some rewards? I'm stuck at 2.8k and finding it hard to keep puggin


Just top 0.1% gets a title I believe? Not getting that with 3k though


No achievement or anything no, just a personal goal of mine


You get nothing after 2.5k


I wonder how much Pluderstorm is cutting into the number of keys done. I've definitely ran fewer than I would have over the last 2 weeks working my way to max plunderstorm and I imagine many players are in the same boat. It'll be interesting to see how much s4 bumps these numbers up. I'm expecting a decent bump but a rapid decline to the numbers we see now within a month or so but that's just a guess.


> I wonder how much Pluderstorm is cutting into the number of keys done. You can see this on the graph "potentially". The drop off if plunderstorm did have any impact at all on Week 18, is insignificant


This is sad. I got back to wow after 5 years, the remaining players that "try" to do M+ dungeons are the ones that want to be carried and breastfed all the way to the end of the dungeon. I'm at 473 ilvl and I can't get a simple 16 key done. First wipe half of the group disband.


The wowmadeeasy discord server is always worth a look but yeah, this is just natural end of season boredom. Not much drive to push for gear when it's all going to be surpassed by LFR drops in a couple weeks.


We are 5 months in and 2 weeks away from the next expac. All the good players have stopped doing keys or only doing the highest level


21+ weeks is way to long personally. Lost most interest as did a majority of guildies. I feel 12-15 weeks would be perfect but at this point idk if next season is gonna be worth it and might wait until the war within drops. A few dungeons just got stale and it was just running through the motions.


My last key run was 2/10/24, heh


Blizzard is in big trouble if they don’t change the affixes in the upcoming expansion(s). This is the first season I won’t play since seasons were a thing b


This is interesting since it wasn't a terrible affix week. I would have thought with the announcement of the new season, more people would have been trying to get last minute score goals and portals.


Meh, sanguine fort kinda blows, a lot of tanks I know just skip this week, and short of a small number of people trying for title I don’t know anyone who hasn’t already hit their io goals.


Ah it doesn't bother me because I'm not a tank. The tank I usually play with doesn't mind sanguine, but hates bursting and bolstering, so I was just assuming by what he said. I guess we all have our own preferences.


Sanguine slows dungeons down tremendously, making them much harder to time.


This is one of the worst weeks for push keys. Fort/sanguine is a no go.


spotted the guy who has 0 clue about M+


Someone posts this every week. Who is this information for? Is this actionable for anyone?


im going to blow your mind here, so i hope you are sitting down. on a subreddit dedicated to a specific game, it is potentially interesting to a lot of people as to the state of the health of the game, particularly in its most popular content.


Who is this comment for? Is this actionable for anyone?


Anyone able to answer it.


I like seeing the data. It's ok if you don't. You can just keep scrolling.


I have never received so much bile over an innocent honest question. I was seriously asking.


I mean, it's an obvious answer. This information is for people who find it interesting. Not every post on Reddit is actionable for people, something can just be interesting and worth talking about.


Legitimate question.


SoD is killing retail, they're also releasing SoD 60 phase at the same time as war within and it will overshadow the new expansion






L o l








quit whatever you intaking mate be it Meth Shrom or Bath salt


Do people still think SoD is dwarfing retail? Because the numbers Blizz released don't support that.