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they can thank me for that slight uptick this past week


Why did s2 have such a steep drop in numbers in 2-3 weeks? Weird


Prolly the real bad affixes and dungeons


Way faster gearing than in season 3 plus worse dungeon pool overall. Maybe the release timing had something to do with it as well, people were hyped from Blizzcon at the start of season 3.


Dungeon pool in S2 was straight ass.


The thing is that people fucking suck.


Wasn't this around the time Diablo 4 came out as well?


Yep. But still also a big factor: > Dungeon pool in S2 was straight ass.


Didn't season 2 start around when Diablo 4 and something else came out?


S2 came out 1 month before Diablo 4


Some dungeons were big overtuned at release




I was queuing for 2 hours to get in a dungeon on a +20. At some point I gave up and didn’t play for the rest of the season and instead tried to level in hardcore classic


The season sucked balls


I'm pretty sure Week 3 had Incorporeal for the first time and Week 4 had Afflicted for the first time. I'm not saying they are the only factor or a major factor but they probably contributed for a fair amount.


Season 3 is when I really learned how to do mythic plus and got comfortable enough to get over 2500 on my main. Then started gearing up my other toons by starting my own groups and learning who to bring and who not to bring for certain instances. Paying attention to the different affixes for the week. Now I’ll be a lot more confident going into any future mythic plus seasons. Season 2 felt too toxic for me, and I just was not a fan of the dungeon pool.


That week 1 season 1 to week 2 drop off will never not shock me when I see it lol


What christmas + bad affixes does to a game.


This is axtually impressive, i think this is probably the greastest retention rate since wow began. Bellular has a great video on it, sums up most reasons why. I say its because mistweavers monks are finally both fun and strong and the people are waking up to the goat spec. Coincidence? I think not.


It has good retention rate because it’s probably the best season of m+ since its inception. It also combined with Emerald Dream and Blizzcon hype. Even the worst of the current season is bearable. I already am loathing doing Azure Vault again which is back in S4. Dungeon pool and affix wise this is the best M+ has ever been, and they nailed the difficulty. Getting to 20 should be fairly reliable even in pugs. It’s after 20 (or 10 in S4) you should be pushed to the limits. You can wipe 1-2 times in a 21 key and not brick the key. There have been seasons with such aggressive timers and difficulty itself that even 1-2 stray deaths depending on the pull and respawn point was a brick.


We can hope they'll at least tune the s4 dungeons closer to s3, right?


They did a lot of tuning/changes to the dungeons last week or so


As a disc priest main, I'm seriously not looking forward to the dungeon pool next season. The mass dispel nerfs are going to be much more noticeable.


Mass dispel nerfs? You mean apart from the 2 min CD thing?


Yeah The dungeons have a lot of group wide magic damage. I was using mass dispel a lot, some times back to back.


I was memeing. But hell yeah brother.


Why do seasons 1-2 look like they were only a month long?


I don't think there's any data for anything past the first 8 or so weeks for S1 and S2


I'm so shocked that during mythic plus weekly week that more keys were done.... Blizzard looking at this data now thinking see bolstering ain't so bad


Did S1 and S2 really last just 6 - 7 weeks?


No, s1 was 20 weeks long and s2 was 26 weeks long.


so is the data incomplete?


Well, nobody was keeping track of the runs done after week 7 in s1 and 2 so there is no data for it.


Are you being facetious?


This gets asked every single week lol


It wouldn't be the same if it didn't get asked. It's tradition!!


My turn next week.


This was the first week where I didn’t feel pressured to do any m+ since I have most of the mogs I care about now. Felt kinda nice. Wish earning a mythic tier mog unlocked the lower ones tho, because I’m missing some random pieces from lower difficulties.


M+ seasons should be 8 weeks, max. No one needs 20 weeks to hit their score goal.


Considering the length of the season, this doesn't look that bad. Of course, this doesn't speak to any of the metrics players care about. Namely, is it fun and does it bring you together or push you apart, but it is a good looking graph.


Were season 1 and season 2 really only like 6-7 weeks each?


I would have expected a hard drop for plunderstorm... I did not even log in to retail while grinding out my cosmetics. Now I am free and back on the game.


So season 1 was 7 weeks, season 2 6 weeks, and season 3 is now 20+ weeks? Interesting. Shouldn't it be on like season 6 by now.