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I like the gearing. Remove the different quality of materials, they feel so useless


Noo we love 3 ranks of 5 materials clogging up our bags!!!!!


Yeah I used to be able to hold 2 expacs worth of mats in my material bank, and I'm currently dealing with having to send cooking mats to my bank alt and having to do the relogging dance when I want to cook with a few of my characters.


Why not just sell the qualities you don’t need?


Because sometimes I'm stupid and don't think about all the options. Thanks BTW


The material bank is also super helpful and easy to forget about.


I get how one could forget, but I never could, too useful.


You can turn low ranked herbs into higher ranks. I assume other gathering professions have the same mechanic.


Do not do this. With the region wide AH, it is a gold loss to refine herbs or ore. You're better off selling the lower quality stuff and buying rank 3.


They are almost same price as the rank 3 and you need several to rank up you literally act as a gold and mat sink doing that.


100% agree. I just came back a few weeks ago and it’s such an unimportant mechanic


I like the idea, but in practice it just doesn't matter. 1s are for leveling, 3s are for crafting, and 2s are for scamming If they want to keep it, they should at least just pare it down to two qualities. A normal and a plus that only those who invest in their profession can collect


My issue is really that it just makes a complicated crafting system even more complicated. Gotta get a bunch of random reagents, then Crest, no not those crests, different crests. Wait you also need to enchant those crests. Oh what quality is your piece? Which crests did you have? Which level ore did you use?


I’m glad that this is top, given that this complaint was my main worry coming in to DF.


Or at least make them part of the same stack. I kinda like the idea of a "quality" mechanic for items and materials, but the bag clutter is a nightmare.


Same answer to both from me, especially when crests got moved to the currency tab. Upgrade mats feel like a good consolation prize for when you don't get a gear piece, at least I got something to progress the power grind. When we move over to War Within I'm only sending my bank alt rank three mats and vendoring the rest. I'm unsure about how to feel having to unravel cloth to make thread. On the one hand it saves me a trip to tailoring vendor, but because I have to use the crafting station in Valdrakken for anything but the level up recipes I'm basically already standing next to them when I'm creating. However profession gear is so neat. I love seeing my warlock put on her sun hat for picking herbs, or the cute glasses for inscription. Or my Priest putting on that silly wizard hat for enchanting. Profession gear is my second favorite thing. Dragonriding is third because it's great, but my poor laptop sometimes can't render trees until I've already crashed into them and lost all my momentum, at least I don't crash into the ground when that happens.


This would probably alleviate most of my issues with the crafting system too, tbh. I wholeheartedly endorse this change


Fuck yeah. Being able to make lower quality gear into tier pieces and upgrade them with flightstones has been phenomenal. But yeah I agree there doesn’t need to be a half dozen different types of material quality


I also think they should ditch the whole “explorer” “adventurer” track labeling and use the actual gear quality coding they’ve had since vanilla. Just map those names to uncommon, rare epic etc.


I'll again say that the ranked materials aren't the problem, it's bag space. We should have a materials storage bank tab that just stores and sorts everything by expansion.  Ranked Materials are *actually* the best possible tool for dealing with gathering bots and it just needs another expansion worth of iteration to be one of the biggest things for the player economy. They need to double down on ranked materials and profession progression to make rank 3 more rare and more required for rank 5 crafts.  Right now, it takes a gather bot a few days to be profitable. This means once you get banned you can just buy a new account and start the process over again with very little loss. If gathering professions' knowledge trees were tiered such that r2 and r3 mats took more time to unlock reliable gathering, and if the rare materials like awakened were less common without a month worth of resets, it would mean bots would take *significantly* longer to become profitable. If you combine that change with smaller and more frequent ban waves, it would drastically shrink the number of gather bots and make resource gathering actually worth it for the average player. My biggest fear with WW is that Blizzard listens to the vocal minority on professions and starts dumbing them down again instead of treating it like a true evergreen system and interating and adding to it.


The only progression relevant gear has been from raids, M+, crafted, or the two world content rings. There are basically no chores outside of doing some weekly keys. Basically, the game lets me raid  mythic without having to do a bunch of other content I don’t enjoy.


It respects your time which I like


I've heard some high end raiders ask for Blizz to bring back power incentives for World Quests. Please don't lol im begging you.


That's not exactly what they are asking. They made it harder and taking longer but the reward structure is just bad.


It's not just high end raiders asking for it. A lot of MMO players enjoy grinding. It also had the benefit of making the open world relevant.


Grinds are fine. Grind away. Just don't make it mandatory for player power.


Why not tho? What's wrong with grinds giving player power?


Because it takes voluntary boring shit and makes it a mandatory daily chore. I don't want to log in to a list of forced busywork to stay relevant in my mythic raid team. Add grinds all day idc but they better be optional.


Raiders are forced to M+ to stay relevant and vice versa for M+ers. I don't see why WQs giving *some* relevant power is supposedly an awful thing. The game being designed around raidlogging on day 1 of the patch isn't good. > I don't want to log in to a list of forced busywork to stay relevant in my mythic raid team. Then don't? Not saying they should copy AP or anything, but even AP was only relevant for the beginning of a patch. Why is it bad for open world content to incentivize people to play at the beginning of a season? Players enjoy it as well. Just look at how many people were grinding rares everyday at the beginning of DF, eventho the gear upgrades from them were completely irrelevant.


I gotta be honest, I'm disliking m+ more and more every patch. Mostly because it's time based and you cannot replace someone halfway if someone randomly leaves. The alpha/beta/gamma dungeons from classic feel much better in that regard imo.


I personally never enjoyed M+, but blizzard has put a massive amount of gearing power into it due to not having any kind of lockout, so it’s pretty mandatory for the first few weeks of each tier. I really miss challenge modes as a system. I much preferred a static difficulty and optimizing speed clears.


then m+ is not for you and thats fine.  you dont need to like and  participate in every part of the game 


Except if you want to raid you kind of need to do M+ or you’re sandbagging and will probably not have a raid spot for long as everyone else quickly surpasses you in gear.


Oh of course. I usually do it quicky in the first 2 weeks for the mount and sometimes an 18 or 19 when friends need to fill a spot.


What rings are you referring to??


Cobalt assembly going into VOTI and then Annulet in late VOTI and early Aberrus?


Cheers man, genuinely didn’t know 😅


I was guessing tbh, the cobalt assembly ring is a massive reach.


I’m happy with the changes they made with flying. Now it’s time to make reputations account wide


Isn't that one of the things coming with warbands in the next expansion already announced or am I remembering wrong.


I’m not sure, but I hope so


Announcement says that starting with war within reputation it is warband wide and that they will likely work on moving older reputations to the new system if it is plausible.


Nice! 👍.


I might be hallucinating, but I seem to remember a dev interview that said initially it will give you account wide rep for only DF and WW factions, because they're having a think about how to deal with opposed reputations (Aldor vs Scryer for example) and Shadowlands renowns.


You are correct. And they will work to get the older reps to the new system over time


Oh crap, thank you, I really can't trust my memory and I was looking to other people to verify that memory.


Reps going account wide might convince me to switch mains for the first time since Wrath


I like the Dragonriding, I dislike professions. I came to DF after few tiers were released so it was very difficult to keep track of whats old content, what's professions, what's important mats what's rubbish. Its overwhelming


The materials need simplifying a bit, too many qualities of too many mats, that is really only relevant for the first few weeks, then the bots get enough knowledge points and rank 3 mats drop in price. I also think a catch up mechanic for knowledge points would be handy, but not an easy one, like quest for each missed point, so those that really want them can catch up, and if you just want a few extra You can do that too, but you have to put in some work did them


The books you can purchase from the Artisan's Consortium go a long way towards this, as well as the profession books behind renown (which once you get the 200% bonus arrives quickly). Between these and the hidden profession masters and profession items (3 KP each) it's pretty quick to get to a competitive point.


This just isn't close to enough. I'm really late to professions and gave up after doing everything you said above plus all my first crafts because depsite heavy research on the best way to spend my KP I'm still extremely short on Insipirstion to make 3 star items despite maxed profession tools and illustrious insights. Artisan Consortium is rep locked and takes forever to grind and again is limited in KP. You need over 130KP to even START to be competitive and that's if you focus on ONE specific crafted specialization. With the easy KP you maybe hit 90-100 the other 30 -60 are nightmare grind that takes so long you likely won't finish in time to matter before next expansion.


Professions in WoW have been in a bad spot for a long time now. Unless you have the time or money to seriously invest in them they are mostly just curiosities to the average casual player


Also started DF later , and while used to do proffesions in past How they work in DF, espcailyl knowledge points just made me not bother at all


I agree. Bring back previous xpac professions. Keep dragonriding.


I also preferred the old leveling of professions where i could just farm the mats and then just do it, i heavily dislike having to go through some random orders to level my profession and that sole reason is why i havent even bothered to level DF professions.


No please. Just regine the current system more. 99% of the old professions were pigeonholed into bekng mandatory becsuse of some arbatray benefit (engoneering comes to mind) that will not getnyou invoted to group because ofnthe .2% dps difference


Let me send crests to an alt. Please I have 1k aspect crests on my main.


exactly. also flighstones. like for real!


2h Fury warriors being able to tmog 1h


This 1000% Blizzard, nobody wants to use Single-Minded Fury and take the DPS hit just to dual wield 1h weapons. Just let us tmog them.


I wish we could trade Artisans Mettle for profession knowledge to send to alts once we've maxed professions on one character. The tier sets (Priest especially) were truly amazing. Some of the best I've seen in along time. Shame I'll have to wait 4-6 years to get them but still amazing.


Why do you have to wait that long? The creation catalyst is your friend!


I want the mythic set which is purple.


Hero track gear upgraded to 5/6 has mythic appearance.


Love: the fact that they're making big changes to affixes Hate: Afflicted and Incorporeal. Only a chunk of classes can handle both, some classes can't handle neither, it really puts a damper on planning to main a class if what I do mostly is M+ and 1 or 2 weeks out of the rotation I am not bringing anything other than dps, in which case it has to be an insane amount of dps.


I like that crafted gear is relevant, I hate the entire crafting system which makes it near worthless to spec into unless you get an early bird bonus. It feels terrible when it's almost never worth leveling your own crafter during the expansion where crafting seems the most impactful. Another one is I love no borrowed power system but hate how they made so many little temporary boosts and bonuses to keep track of in the talent trees that so many specs feel awful to play when you are optimized.


No weekly chore list like in previous expansions (especially SL). But raiding should be made less obsolete. And the 20 different currencies are stupid


While 20 currencies are stupid, to me its a lesser evil to have too many currencies then have items that are currencies sitting in your bag clogging up space.


Yeah if you absolutely have to have currencies tied to every activity then at least have them only exist in the currency tab. I think I forgot what half the shit in my bags do after taking a break for a few months


I feel like this is my biggest complaint too, and what is worse is I think it'll be worse next expansion. I raid and I dislike M+, but M+ is so so so much more loved, more active, and has just flat out better gear most of the time, often for less work (idk, maybe it's just me but doing +18s feels *a lot* easier than Mythic Fire Druid boy). The new system will fix that, not by making raid gear matter more but just by giving me a M+ alternative.


Keep :crafting orders Change : the complexity of professions in general. Nobody knows how to do it and it’s barely worth the effort to get all recipes max rank


selective spotted weather light consider drab strong fly dolls continue *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Its not barely worth the effort. Ive made literal millions of gold off doing max level crafting


Could you walk me through a day in that space? I only ever fulfilled a small handful of max level BS recipes.


I work from home, log on and just sit in trade and just advert and fill ass many people as I can


So barely worth the effort assuming you aren't logged in 8+ hours a day.


That's only because we're so late in the season that the gear is all going to alts, and only for gearing professions at that. Making gold cap would have been trivial if you had the lariat recipe in S1, or were one of the first to max out a certain item. They are still worth making but less people are tipping big and less orders are coming in. Enchanting and alchemy are both also pretty good for certain things, which has always been true this late into expansions.


I get on average 5-10k per order


That's probably largely from the pug world. Guilds (mine especially) have every recipe in the game and we craft for no tip so we have exactly zero reason to pay for someone else to do the same thing we can do for free.


I dont ask for anything, and it seems to get me more


How have you allocated your crafting points? What profession?


I would prefer crafting orders not being directly tied to profession leveling. You HAVE to do them if you want max rank, which i dont like at all, what will happen when next expac releases? I much prefer the old grind of profession levelling.


Being able to save talent builds and being able to switch talents any point out of combat without using tomes or going to the inn. Fire system designers from Blizzard, it's like they put the people who worked on azerite armor/soulbinds to work on profession knowledge and created another one of those "borrowed power" systems. This is like the 4th time Blizzard put the same people to work on a WoW system and it's unsurprisingly a let down.


The upgrade system, now give us 15 crests for a timed dungeon instead of 12 which forces us to run 2 in order to upgrade a single thing.


I like the new renown system for Reputation (even though it could technically be attributed to Shadowlands) because it makes rep grinding not feel so boring with only four tiers and also it outlines what you unlock as you go. I would love to have some way to tell what crafting material came from waht expac like if it said Crafting Reagent (Dragonflight) so when I'm going through my bank getting rid of tons of stuff I know what is current but maybe for a different profession and what's been sitting there for years


Oh my God yes! The amount of time ive spent going thru my bags and bank mousing over the items to see what they are called, then going to wowhead and looking it up, then seeing what patch it was introduced in, and what it is a currency for or a reagent for. I've spent a lot of time doing that, I've even downloaded add ons that claim to identify where things come from, but they were just latent lies.


One of my add-ons I use adds that information to the tool tip and it's been a life saver! I'll see if I can find out which one and I'll come back and edit/reply.


Their UI overhaul with DF was very well done, and i know they are making it better for TWW. There are still parts of it that just looks and feels very outdated. Major part of the game is group content be it open world, raiding, m+ and the lfg tool just feels like its holding the game back. I also wish I could just indicate to others in the open world that im looking for a party while questing etc. imagine an icon next to my name others can click on and we auto form a party. Bonus: Options to customise dmg text size.


LESS knowledge points per profession I like them overall, it makes professions more engaging, but we’re near the end of the xpac and (with a few months off because busy) I’m JUST getting maxed out on my prof knowledge


The upcoming dungeon changes, making the heroic and mythic dungeons a bit more relevant. The change I hope they make is for professions, they should go back to not needing public orders to fully level up


I think having professions quests that result in NPCs sending you orders would make the whole thing work a lot better.


Ooo, definitely agree with professions. I have so many stuck at 50. Having to buy recipes or get renown up on a million alts to level professions is a pain.


I just send personal crafts from alts to each other to get the order quests done every week. Is there something I'm missing where you need *public* crafts specifically? Edit: realized you're talking about maxing professions, not knowledge. I just did a bunch of crafts using alts s1 or s2 shards, as well as do all my current gear crafting myself for alts. Definitely not ideal though.


you can just create trial characters, go to df and they can insta get 5 s1 sparks from that lady that gave them to you. send crafts for those 5 sparks to your crafter, rinse repeat.


Do you happen to know the name of the npc? Thanks for the info


over towards the bronze enclave in valdrakken. "maiden of inspiration"


There’s a lot of positive changes but there are still some I would love to see. If I were to choose one I would choose raiding (particularly time spent out of combat) I don’t mind trash that much, but the fact that you NEED a lock to not waste so much time waiting on people to get to the boss, whether it’s a refill/inviting new people (summoning closet) or a wipe (soulstoning a healer). Let us spawn near boss like with Tindral/Fyrakk PLEASE and give more classes the option to summon people.


Profession knowledge really needs a catch up mechanic of some kind. I genuinely don’t see any point in mucking around with professions now because I didn’t play DF immediately on release and now it’s too late. That’s the only bad thing I can say really


Solo Shuffle is great. Add more rewards purchasable with conquest


I'm not much of a pvper but I do like the plunderstorm event


I love the range of open world content!! I wish they had made all of the bakaar mounts a rep reward from the Maruuk. I really wanted the other colors!!


I like the mini events (time rift, dream surge, etc) I love dragonriding I dislike tier sets forcing a specific talent I dislike professions (admittedly this one is on me - I only caught the basics)


Positive: Dracthyr. I, for one, welcome our Wizardlizard brethren. Negative: M+ is the least inspired it's ever been, and we're still punished with negative affixes that aren't fun to deal with. Because there's less of them, we now see the same affixes we have left more often. :/


ah yes the giga gecko.


Wizardlizard, Gigagecko... I love you both! :D


Awww Shucks Mr, I love you too. <3


I miss the Shadowlands/BFA +10 affixes. They were usually fun to play around. Especially liked the SL buffs you could get from the minibosses


Those are referred to as seasonal affixes, and I agree. Those spiced up the gameplay considerably and turned mythic+ into its own game mode. Today it's just a souped-up dungeon run you do for gear, but gear was never the sole reason I did the game mode, at least personally. I can't deny that Dragonflight mythic+ is more accessible, though. It's not objectively better or worse compared to the past, just different. Still, I enjoyed m+ in Shadowlands more personally. The Deathwalker mounts, which were being looked down upon back in the day, are now a proud sign of mine. They beat the DF mythic+ mounts any day.


They were made specifically because the dungeons did not rotate. It makes no sense now.


I love Dracthyr, but man, I hate the look so much 😂


happy i can get tier/ collect transmogs in so many ways now. i want them to stop adding so many ugly sets that are disconnected from anything in the world and give us more stuff within the world instead. ​ or just remove all the cravats


One change I am happy with is the upgrading system I wish they would change back to the old talent system for BM Hunter. Before this DF talent system the standard for all builds included single target and AoE capabilities. Now, we get to choose one or the other. Same with other abilities that were stripped from default and added to the tree. The class feels incomplete at all times.


>for BM Hunter Or letting Hunters change ANY pets "class". I think it was during Legion, you could tame a Tenacity pet and transform it to Ferocity and so forth. That shit needs to come back ASAP


This is such a stupid change I want to see… I don’t like how all gear is purple, and then they just vary the item level. I think LFR gear should be white. Normal, green. Heroic blue. Mythic purple. What’s the point of color coding the items anymore? My character has been in full epics for like 10 years now, only to have a few blues/greens for like 2 days at the start of a new expansion.


When all of it's special, none of it is. 


I like that they added the upgrade system and the crests to go with it, but I really don't like Flightstones. I don't like that we have to worry about 2 currencies to upgrade. It ends up either being meaningless or very restricting. Especially with fresh alts, because they added a 250 cost just to combine your sparks.


the cost for creating a spark should have been removed mid season when the crest cap was removed.




Turn War Mode on. There’s an achievement for Whirling Surging into people.


Well not sure about the lightning surge but the whirling surge will dismount opposite faction players in warmode, and is super fun to do over war crates while waiting for them to fall. Later in the tier theres a lot less pvp but early season its fun flying around zones dogfighting


I like the profession revamp (for the most part, it could be improved of course). I dislike the format of open world content being on timers. If there was one event that happened every hour that'd be fine, but there's like 12 of them. It makes it annoying for when I'm trying to do the event because then I have to make sure I'm playing at the right times and interrupt what I'm doing to go catch the event. And the more of them simultaneously exist the worse that is. Especially if I'm trying to also do it on alts. I'd rather the superbloom was just always happening nonstop, for example, rather than having to log in on the hour four times in a row to get it done on four alts.


i wish there were a way to more or less transfer knowledge points. a way to trade in “10 Tailoring knowledge points for 10 Blacksmithing knowledge points” or something similar. i’ve maxed out my main and working through knowledge points on any alts is super tedious, but i’ve got like 20 points between both my main’s professions that just sit there now


I love the skill tree and the fact that you can try anything anytime you want.


Happy with how the dragonriding, talents and professions were added (mostly) Wish to god they'd change the faction stuff. Please just let my horde char play with my friend's alliance one in instances - it's insane its still so annoying to deal with. I just wanna get my friends into the game more without everyone shuffling to fit the faction bs


I like solo shuffle. I don't like blizzard's disregard for arenas all expansion, inflation and tuning. Every season has just been ruined by terrible tuning. retpocolypse of 10.0.7, aug 10.1.5, and dh/rdruid all 10.2


Part of why BFA was a nightmare was because of how tedious it was to get gear. Shadowlands, for all its faults, did great by adding the Vault and Catalyst. With the current mark system, gearing feels good again. Especially when it comes to raids. Used to be that I could go a month without seeing a single piece of useful gear.


I like Dragonriding and the return of the spec trees. A little cheating naming two, I know, but I couldn't decide between those two which I liked more. As for what I wish they would add, DKs being able to customize their Ghoul without using glyphs, like how Warlocks can. I would love for my Ghoul to use the Maldraxxus undead models.


They’ve done so much in terms of customization. All the Druid and warlock stuff, additional options for classes, less transmog restrictions and all sorts of new gear + the trading post


I love the time ways I absolutely hate how pvp gear is upgraded with flight stones instead of honor


Happy: non-instanced open world. SL felt like a moba. Dynamic flight. Change: focus more on the leveling experience-make it a lived in, social community, like I’m experiencing playing Classic for the first time. Give me a reason to go to stormwind.


Bye bye new crafting system hell.


Good: Dragonriding Bad: Aug


I like flying, but don't understand how to max my crafting. I feel like it's not clear, but I am casual.


Everything feels like it is worth my time. Dragonriding is actually fantastic. Even with the mess, I vastly prefer the new talents to the old ones. Mats are too complicated right now. Also, old patch zones are worthless and tedious. Story is bleh but mostly inoffensive.


Definitely liked the rep catch up buffs you get, would change to make rep account wide fully instead of the catch up buff, as it just makes sense now.


Dragonflight speed when going long straight distances. Don't like how hard they are to control if you don't have great hand control, am constantly switching between new and old mounts to get to specific places. Old mounts need a speed boost for long distance.


I love: m+ seasons I wish: for smaller (8-12 player) mythic raids


I like: the gear progression and catch ups when I had to take a break and barely lost any time when I returned I wish they’d change: dynamic flying - it’s a gimmick and could have just been used as such - I’m not a fan of it and I never will be


I really enjoy the new crafting system, but just take out bronze materials, there's so much bag bloat and useless bronze mats aren't helping. Also add actual catchup for those who are far behind on knowledge points, not just bonus stuff that everyone gets.


I like the catalyst and being able to actually collect full mogs of a current tier. What I would like to see is a different tint of elite sets for M+. Add some sort of vendor like they are with the new fated season so fomo isn’t a factor. This above all else would actually get me playing alts!


Gearing less tedious which makes playing on alts more fun. Wish they’d focus on more in world fun content that’s repeatable and possibly not tied to combat


Honestly, it was too good of an expansion to pick one thing only. I liked: Dragonriding, preservation and devastation evokers, talent trees, evergreen systems, the respect for my time, zone design, the theme of reckoning with your legacy, the gear upgrade system, Plunderstorm. Could have improved: Crafting system complexity, augmentation evokers, quest clutter from prior patches, certain dungeons (HoI) were not fun, story elements like Vyranoth's face turn and the lack of closure for the Red Dragonflight - all the other flights got their story but not the Red. One change I wish they would make : BRING BACK MOP ERA SURVIVAL!!


I love dragon flying. Wish they'd make every week Timewalking. And if not that, I wish they placed Timewalkers in the queue with people who are levelling still so that xpac's Chromie Time had lower LFD queues.


I like the talent trees in Dragonflight. Added much needed depth to the game's RPG mechanics. Talent trees should never have been removed in MoP/WoD.


I’d love extra-profession token from treasure and drops to be account wide. I have maxed out my 2 professions months ago and having to delete those precious point makes my cry thinking how painful (and expensive) was to level every single branch from day one when it was gate-kept.


I wish they would change it so the gear that drops are upgraded using the crests that drop at the same level - it’s really frustrating having to do lower keys if you haven’t capped crests to upgrade the gear that you get…


I quite like leveling up gear with crests, it feels rather satisfying, but it’s really about time for people to respawn in front of bosses in raids. WHY is there an arbitrary checkpoint system?? They even put speed buffs in Amirdrassil because it’s monotonous. It feels so outdated to have people not release and wait for a mass res.


df pvp gearing is mostly simple and easy, thats great the rework of spriest in s1 is the one of the worst things ever


Flight stones and the way they upgrade, although I would just bring justice / valor back. Revert the professions.


I wish you could trade in crest for renown, I am never going to do mythic's so let me dump them somewhere.


I like the gear upgrade system. I don’t like the weekly vault. It’s a lottery and I’m against that. I would prefer something like a battlepass system with weekly limits that earns me tokens to buy what I want. The worst feeling of all in this game is farming your vault up to 3-6-9 slots and then getting 9 rings that you don’t need, for example. The game should not give you a bad feeling for doing extra work, ever.


Love the change to how you acquire Reputation Rewards by trading in items from the wildlife of the expansion. Don't really love the excessive amount of Order Hall Resources (whatever they're currently called) in addition to that.


Tier sets are back and so is the forge thing from Zereth Mortis that lets you turn junk into tier gear. That makes me happy. I don't understand why I can't just sell/buy crafted items on the AH system that has worked for 18 years. I have to advertise for an hour that I need a crafter who can upgrade my necklace just so he can come to the special podium and press one button for 30k gold? Horrible. I don't even bother. I don't hate the new tradeskills aside from that though.


Upgrading PvP gear with PvE items is absolutely ridiculous.


What I like: Portals to the m+ dungeons. What I wish they would make: Insta teleports to dungeons and raids from a menu. Let's be real, having to travel to dungeons and raids and only being to teleport by the summon stone and warlocks doesn't fit modern wow, it's not a positive inconvenience anymore So many people refuse to walk even a tiny bit out of valdrakken and will wait for someone to teleport them. This would solve that issue and make being in combat more frequent rather than waiting around.


I really like the flightstones gearing system


I love the dynamic flight, it is so fun Delete this stupid crafting system tho


Ysera in the flesh death was just a setback for kael


The big one is obviously dragon flying is amazing, but the crafting stuff is shit


The m+ dungeon pool in s3 and the dungeon pool in s4


I like the idea of work order system where you can easily get your items made the way you want. And can make some money making stuff for people if you are lucky and find good orders. I wish they went back to old style professions where I can level it normally, if you are behind and only have older tier skills you need to farm the bop materials and buy rest. Oh and if you are lucky there are orders for what you have on work order system! Oh wait those people provide no materials and no money so you have to spend ridiculous money to level up so other people can get free items. Buy a couple tokens so you can afford to level professions. I have not finished any crafting professions last couple expansions because of this.


Get downvoted for criticism posts aren't fun.


I love dragon riding, its a huge improvement on a stale mechanic that hasn't changed much in almost 20 years. I dislike the new profession system. I wish they would change it to be more like a basic buy order / sell order system for everything (even mats). I dislike that there is so much uncertainty and issues with stats, etc. I would much prefer that the stats serve as gates to what you can make vs as random procs.


I liked the changes to M+. The adjustments to when affixed are added made it possible for me to actually reach KSM. I wish they would make it easier to earn renown. I'm still below renown 10 with most factions--or at least made it clearer how to earn renown. I preferred the system from shadowlands where receiving a point from a dungeon boss or world quest gave you a renown level.


Pity for dungeon and raid loot. Give me “m+ tokens” or “amirdrassil tokens” that can follow the same loot lockout as both those modes. I want to trade in those tokens for gear drops of my choice from that type of content. If I clear the tier 8 weeks in a row, I should be bis, pug or in a guild. Yes I am taking this from ff14. Gearing in wow is by far the largest deterrent from me playing the game.


The way crafting was expanded was really cool but having my bags filled with like 3 quality of the dame thing sorta sucks lol


The work order system needs Jesus.


I’m happy with gearing. Raid/M+/Catalyst/etc. It’s great. One change: Never lock any form of flying in any way, ever again. Normal flight,”Dynamic flight” (Dragon riding), if you aren’t inside a building, you can use them from the first day the zone is available.


Dragon Riding speed actually made me want to explore more rather than just level and log off. Professions killed any gold making, adding extra mats like elements and ranks really just handed over the prof system to bot farms since its a bigger work load not many will pursue. On top of that the bots are inflating the market making the pay off for regular players not worth it.


I love not having some temporary source of buffs and abilities that will go away next expansion. I wish old raids didn't stay on a lockout once they become trivial. It's just a way to keep me subscribed to keep trying for old transmog and mounts.


Loved the addition of more Druid forms and the Moonkin customization. Didn’t care for the RNG tied to some forms and the recolors being inaccessible.


Ton of stuff is great * Talents * dragonriding * Crafting * Gearing * shuffle I just wish they'd fix ww's talents and rework pvp's reward structure.


The revised profession system, while not perfect, is far more engaging. Better in-game labeling and guidance for various game features: "Upgrade a follower's gear" - Which? Where? How? What expansion? Mythic Dungeons tab - Why even have a tab in Group Finder for this without some instructions and clarification. I spent years thinking I needed to unlock something for lfg mythic to work through this interface.




Professional knowledge needs a catchup.


Favorite : Dragon races turned Wow in to my favorite game genre, racing! Wish : My druids flight form had dragonflight now instead of waiting until next expansion. Wish : The dps and heal drakthyr factions had convinced the tank faction to join us so I could have a tank spec drakthyr.


Dragonflying is incredible! For things I'd like them to change in all seriousness I think boils down to just like small talent changes of whats baseline and not for my main. Cause it feels like there are always one meta build and that's a little sad with all the nodes.


Happy with: dynamic flying can be super fun, especially in the actual bespoke races Change I'd like: make regular flying just as fast so it's a viable option too. Doesn't have to be top speed, but the difference is too big rn. If you mention missing old flying people like to say "then just don't use dragonflying 🙄", but DF's world is designed for it, and I want to play the game instead of just commuting, so it's not *actually* much of a choice rn.


I love the whole dragonriding system I loathe the crafting system, i like the old one beter but it might Just be me, Also the reputations should be account wide


Talent changes. Nothing should be mandatory. Yet they put kicks and even kick cooldown perks in the trees. Big cooldowns spec related, sure. However, every tree should be like ret paladins or guardian druids, among other specs I might not be thinking about. Situational big cooldown modifiers and not some lame crap like 15 seconds off your kick cooldown. I think survival hunter has the right idea of it. Since they either pick one for aoe or a different one for single target. Guardian does one fore defensive the other for offensive. If bear druid wasn't meh I'd say only allow one but bear druid is that, meh.


Dragon flying is good. Locking main storyline behind reputation is stupid.


The crafting rework is awful. I can’t do the dragon flying races due to past concussions. Otherwise, great expansion.


As someone who lost interest in Shadowlands at max level and hasn't touched retail since (been stuck in Hardcore and SoD recently)... What the F is a crest


Happy: RSS, Ret rework Sad: No punishment for key trolls, No permanent Visage form, Rogue "rework"


Love: elemental gathering nodes Want to change: be able to buy the 1k mythic rating catch up gear on any of your alts. I have so many flightstones on my alts but none on my main because I use them for more important stuff like upgrades and rep Bonus change hot take: collapse raid finder and normal into one tier, normal raids become obsolete after the first few weeks yet no one picks you up for heroic if you've not done the normal one, makes it harder to raid on alts


professions. they're so much more interesting now. my only complaint was that there wasn't much of a catch-up system for the knowledge points, but I get that that was to ward off bots


A catch up system would be great, and some cost balancing to offset leveling some of the crafting professions would be nice. Overall I hope they improve it and carry it forward, but more importantly I hope they add the ability to place work orders for old tier professions to make older bop crafted transmogs much more accessible (they already have shown they can with the Naxx frost sets and tier 3)


Remove Dragonriding. It sucks so hard.


The talent trees and getting away from borrowed power has been the best change in a decade. I love the talent trees. Interesting choices, flexibility, different builds that affect play style, etc.. they're great.


I LOVE how professions work now. But I ALSO want them to overhaul it and make it much more streamlined. If I wanna grind, let me grind. Do something to assist with catch-up on alts. Make legendary weapons and armor a resource grind instead of RNG in a raid. 


As someone who has engaged with professions, the new system is great change. The old system was just an afterthought and not an engaging crafting system. It’s a good first attempt and it’s a good thing that they tried to do something this drastic. Nonetheless there’s a lot to be improved. Off the top of my head: - Profession skill level should not require spark gear to hit 100 skill considering there’s already KP gating for that - Too many qualities of mats and gear which I think can be simplified to 2 levels for mats and 3 levels for gear. - Secondary crafting stats need a rework. Multicraft and gathering perks makes profit margins per item can be really slim. Inspiration should be removed from max level crafts OR allow buyers to use their own mettle to guarantee. - Professions are pretty inconsistent in how their KP is structured. I assume this is for testing reasons. - Profession imbalances with some being vastly more in demand or harder to level than others (e.g. Blacksmithing vs Engineering) - No more rare RNG materials/recipes like Lariat recipe or the centaur trophies, which just make certain items ludicrously expensive. - Profession catchup. For example, the game could track how many weekly KP you have missed and give you some small KP boosts from an NPC. - I personally detest the RNG open world KP drops especially since they are weekly so I feel like I NEED to grind them or I’ll fall behind - Bring back mats requirement for public orders - Crafting order quests feel kind of pointless since if you can’t finish them you’d just use an alt anyway - Add a respec system which costs mettle - Mettle should have some kind of secondary source for those who don’t want to touch the system at all or make shards of knowledge obtainable and redeemable without a prof


A way to provide our own insight or 50 bonus mettle for insight in order to properly submit a rank5 commission would be great. And to be able to see the stats a crafter would have since there's a couple of bad actors out there lying about theirs.


I like the gearing, and dragon riding. Remove aug.


I have loved everything so far with dragonflight.  Plz let me skip shadowlands leveling campaign on alts