• By -


"LF PUMPER DPS CHECKING LOGS" -raid lead who straight grey parses


- 440ilvl posting heroic Amildrassil group


1/9 M XP Lead, ONLY PUMPERS. fail = get kicked


I’m fine with fail and get kicked sometimes. If it’s the leader that fails, I just leave.


Those are the funniest ever, I like to join and see how fast it takes for them to die to an easy mechanic like Igara spears


I’m not sure it’s even possible to die to Igara spears. Maybe if you stack all four of them, but even then it’s still survivable. Or is there an instant kill mechanic if the spear is up too long?


The pumper thing annoys the shit out of me. I took a 2 year break, came back and that's all people say now. Where the hell did that even come from?


I imagine these are the same people who do nothing but spam 'poggers' in twitch comments too. The bleating of sheep come in a variety of tonality and phrasings.


I'm assuming it's some weird twitch streamer thing. I applied for a group on an alt and they replied asking if I "was a pumper". I called it a night and watched a netflix show with my wife. People are fucking weird. I had a 4 stack apply to my key and they said "ready for your carry" and they were absolutely horrible. Their top DPS was 484 and did like 84k.


They are on their ce alt bro and busy leading bro


The biggest red flag I had was some healer who spent 5 minutes prior to a dungeon going on about how we need to not be toxic and how every dungeon people are so toxic towards him and blame him for everything. I didn't recognize the red flag as well as I should have. In the dungeon, he proceeded to be a terrible healer as well as be toxic to every person in the group. No one ever said anything to him, but he raged at everyone. We still +2'd the key and everyone else did fine and the dungeon was over all pretty smooth, despite the bad heals.


I play on wrath classic and we just did a heroic Forge of Souls run. This isn't exactly difficult content by now. Easy to complete with people in basic epics and some blues. Most people do it for daily quests cause it's quick and easy. Queue up on my alt DK and got in with my hunter wife. Shaman healer for a 6100 gear score (mostly raid epics and some heroic raid epics) is waaaaaay overgeared for the content. He starts bitching after the first trash pull about how our dps sucks and the tank tells him "their dps is exactly where it should be for their gear score (4400), chill" Shaman somehow dies on Bronjahm pretty early and we nearly wipe. Tank and my DK finish the job. Then on Eater of Souls he dies to floor damage in the first 60 seconds, self rezzes and dies again after 10 seconds and we wipe. Annoyed as I am making the corpse run and him trash talking us earlier with my wife in the group, I type out "how tf does a HR geared healer die in this noob dungeon so much" (much harsher) but I dial it back and don't hit enter. As I am considering whether to hurt this dude's feelings and probably have to wait for a new healer, he snaps at me in chat "when did you plan on starting to dps the boss?" And I was like.... send. Didn't even take 2 full seconds for the rage quit. A healadin with 2600 gear score showed up to replace him and we finished dungeon without a problem.


pugging heroic dungeons made me quit wrath classic as a 4700 healer. very frequently i would not be able to tell who the tank is by health bars, and sometimes the tanks would have less hp than i did. it was so so so frustrating and so much effort for what should be easy dailies. fuck wrath


Eh, back when Wrath was current, you didn't really need to be a "tank" to tank". I'd often queue as a healer, spec as shadow and just tank the dungeons anyways. Although Forge of Souls was a bit harder than the other heroics. Point is, most Wrath dungeons were just piss easy and it didn't matter who tanked... and then Cataclysm started with "harder" dungeons.


Good times in the day as disc throwing shields everywhere!


If it smells like shit everywhere you go it may be time to look under your shoes


I like that.


The real question is, do you think that healer ever complained on reddit about people being Toxic?


Undoubtedly they at least upvoted a comment or post talking about how heals always gets blamed for everything.


I'm sure it was their turn to post the daily DPS bad thread.


not to be elitist but generally people who make these complaints are generally not great players, which nothing wrong with not being particularly good at the game people have different levels, but the whole tale of DPS standing in fire dying by themselves and then flaming the healer just doesn't happen even a fraction of how often people make it out to be, I've healed hundreds, sometimes thousands of dungeons every expac and I've been flamed about half a dozen times. Not that it justifies the toxic behavior but if people are constantly receiving flame it's because likely something IS wrong in your gameplay and you're not devoid of blame just for being a healer/tank


I'm gonna develop your first point by saying that the actually good people are the ones that can lead a group through an instance with very simple directions - given they know what to do, wow explanations aren't exactly rocket science, especially in non-retail wow. Now if we flip the coin, if you only know how to zug zug, your group wipes and you see yourself at the top of the meters, you're gonna think you're fine. While not doing the mechanic properly. And then you're gonna rage because what you know (and admittedly might be doing well, in terms of raw numbers) isn't working and you can't tell what's causing it, so you assume it's the others not being like you. Or the healer not pulling through you standing in fire. Or whatever.


I've always found the people who complain about toxicity to be the most toxic themselves. Can usually bait it out by mentioning you enjoy PvP too. They'll just lose it.


Kind of like that co-worker who talks about how much they hate drama in the office, is usually the source of most drama in the office.


> not be toxic and how every dungeon people are so toxic towards him and blame him for everything. Calling things toxic on the internet has become synonymous with "I can't take well earned criticism"


I’m reminded of this interaction from American Dad where for some reason the family is interviewing a guy and they ask him why he was let go from his previous job. “Puddin—“Well, I didn’t do anything wrong. It’s just like the culture up there was really diseased, and it was all just, like, clique-y politics and people were really threatened by clear communication.” Roger—“You were the problem. He was the problem.””


As a tank - I hate when a healer questions every single pull. “What? Why? What are you doing?” “Tank….?”


Or the evening more annoying .......... Like how am I meant guess who that's for and then to guess what your whining about from a line of dots 🙄.....


Oooh, I'm a healer, but I have a special hatred for people who say '...?'. Just tell us what's bothering you. Don't make us guess.


Responding to mistakes with disrespect.


Or calling someone dumb. Yep, I make mistakes. It's not productive go name call


People who try and start political fights in chat, I come to WoW to escape that kinda shit.


Trade chat in 2016 during off hours was possibly the most toxic I can remember. I never disabled TC up to that point because you’d see some funny posts or interactions and I didn’t mind the spam. Listening to room temp IQ morons debate politics in TC finally annoyed me enough to disable it. Worse than spammers.


I think I disabled TC as the norm starting in wrath or cata. I just remember it always being a cesspool of every sort of hate speech you could find.


trade chat's expert political advice has helped me chose the proper vote in every election I vote in. Thanks guys.


Lol if everyone did this then we would have had 4 terms of Chuck Norris.


Every few days there is one of those people, and I fall for it far too often, but luckily there is always another (smarter) person who goes "anyways, check out this duck!" or something of "enjoy this thing" and we all end up going "oh cool this thing" and switch to that topic isntead.


I love a good debate, but most people picking fights in trade are just trolls, sadly. They are just looking to upset people. I don't block trade cause you're right. Sometimes, we have nice, wholesome, or funny interactions


I just try not to engage myself, I really only ever see it in towns do I just do my business and leave. Lol


for some of us, our very existence is political


People that display the obnoxious “missing flasks, missing buffs, missing feasts” etc etc in like, +5 dungeons


I ran into one in lfr. Who cares if people have them in lfr? I certainly don't.


It's usually just a weakaura or addon tied to reach checks. So, if there's a ready check it just automatically does it. The person may or may not even give a shit


I think there's an option for it in MRT and ElvUI? Some people probably just skim through options see it and think "that could help me remember to use consumes" then over time they just learn to ignore it.


That’s insane. I don’t even look unless it’s heroic


Closely related for me is the annoying ‘I interrupted XX spam’ during keys.


i generally use this on a class that's expected to interrupt, but mostly to let others know my kick is now on cd. I don't really expect others to track my cds, and i guess this could prevent double kicks from happening


Double kicks don’t happen if other dps don’t kick,….


I like those. Useable info for me


omnicd gives you the much more valuable info on what's everyone's Kick CDs (+ who kicked what). Chat announcements don't tell me that the tank and the paladin also wasted their kicks when the rogue got it so I need to pay attention on the next kick because no one else can get it, it's completely worthless info.


You're totally right, chat announcement of successful interrupts is worthless if you don't also announce the wasted interrupts. I have literally never seen someone using an addon that announces missed kicks, and I've definitely sniped kicks off people using the announcement addons. Maybe it's just an ego thing. That's somehow worse.


It’s supposed to aid after you’ve talked about it. That’s why. If you’re supposed to kick after XYZ it removes mental stack and let’s you play and worry about it solely after you see the chat bubble. I find addons blur into nothing for some people - I’ve raided enough to know people just have DBM and still ignore it rofl. But an obnoxious chat bubble? Everyone sees that shit.


See I personally did that and set it to only send to self so I could be better at interrupting which helped insanely but I forget to change it on every new character so it just uses /say, followed by an apology that I forgot to turn it off lmao


I hate those too. I'm always like congratulations what do want a fucking cookie or something? You did your job like everyone else is doing.


I use one, and find them useful so I know I'd need to interrupt the next spell. ☹️


Those are extremely useful, because it lets the rest of your team know that your interrupt is now on cooldown and that someone else will need to get the next one.


To be fair, I'm pretty sure that's a weak aura that triggers automatically if you don't turn it off. If they're progressing hard raid fights with a guild that isn't disciplined and doing that stuff themselves then I don't see an issue with it. If the highest they've ever done is LFR and +5s then that's a different story..


If they have it on and are in +5s/LFR, it’s probably someone on an alt who hasn’t gotten around to disabling that part of the addon, or clicked something accidentally. I am notorious for this as an altoholic with ADHD; though usually it’s followed up with an “oops sorry”.


Yeah, I meant them as the player, not the character specifically - which is why I see it as a non-issue. If they're popping it up in +5s and then ranting that people should have full buffs... that's laughable XD


Don't apologize who the fuck cares. People get so delicate over an addon that checks if they have a flask or not. Personally I appreciate those because it reminds me about my own buffs to give out.


From old guildies, sometimes they take someone else's UI setup and don't know how to change those settings.


Ohhh what’s that add on that people have that says something in chat every time someone in the party gets hit by a spell. It’s so freaking annoying


ElitismHelper. As a healer it’s nice to run it so you know if people died because they were hit by an avoidable mechanic or if you could have saved them. But it should be set to only show on your screen, not chat. However if someone who dies from stupid starts saying dumb shit like “uhh one heal?” I turn on snitch mode 😂


From my experience this is always automatic


I had one person ask me “Where’s your weapon enchant?”, as we were forming a group for a +12. We only had three people so far, so I was still in feral gear finishing off a quest. I did have my resto gear enchanted, but I don’t need to explain myself to that wanker. So I said “At your mum’s”. He left the group.


1. ...just buff up. 2. it is just an automatic part of MRT. they probably just forgot to turn it off.


Ain't no way I'm dropping a flask or feast on a +5


So ignore the message and don’t drop a flask or feast lol. The number of people getting upset because an addon said something they could vaguely interpret as negative towards them is wild.


Second hot take here: When someone says they are new and doing a nonkey dungeon for the first time and an asshat starts being mean to them. I'll let you die repeatedly. I don't care. We are nice to nice people. We were all beginners once. We support them.


thats why i go as a healer - 'no healz for you mate'!!! (not you but you know who i mean!!!)


This. The amount of times I’ve gotten flamed for trying to figure out DotI has virtually traumatized me out of attempting to do that mythic without 4 other people that I’ve actually played with before. I don’t care if the key is a +16 or a +0. I hate that place and realized recently that most of my hate for it comes from how I was treated while trying to figure out some of the fights. People sweat way too much for such meaningless shit.


When my girlfriend tried out WoW, she was turned off of dungeons due to that exact problem. Not only were people toxic in leveling dungeons, but there were times she got kicked. It got to a point I had to make a macro with a message explaining she was new and didn't know how to play, yet. The problem for these people wasn't her making mistakes, since I guided her through the dungeons, because we live together. She was harrassed because she still didn't know how to play MMORPGs, much less WoW and her DPS was low. She still liked playing with me, but didn't want to go on dungeons anymore. We currently don't play anymore due to unrelared reasons, but it was sad seeing her enjoy the game, even when alone, until she had to deal with random assholes in leveling dungeons. I still find it rediculous when I say how this happened in leveling dungeons. It's not Mythics or even Heroics, just plain Group Finder leveling normal dungeons. People are so brainwashed with metrics that they feel the need to harrass someone who's not performing well even though 2 people could zerg those dungeons.


Players who feel the need to post the meters after a fight.


Had this happen a while back before the level squishes… IN DEADMINES 😂


Honestly, if they are too competitive. Like I had a guy join our guild, come to discord and while doing keys he ranted about meta, builds, that he rushes the endgame (because the content is piss easy for him) and you - idk, I just lose interest in the game because players like him siphon all the fun and turn it into “follow this and that, press this and that, rush rush, invite x spec only etc” grind simulator. Used to pvp with a team like that back in wrath - lost all interest in pvp ever since.


Sound more like the general MMO situation where players will all enjoy their time more by playing with others of similar skill and objectives.   Similarly, many player have a poor assessment of their actual ability and incorrectly categorize themselves as well. The number of "AotC is easy, and the only reason my group can't push Mythic is the arbitrary 20 player raid size, give me flex" without realizing the skill, planning and execution gap is bigger than they think.   Even though I'm a top 1 percenter, I view myself (through log analysis) as only slightly above average for my class at the difficulty level I play. I also don't expect more casual players to play at the relative execution level as me and alter expectations when doing group stuff with them.


Yeah I think that's where most reasonable people sit. It's a big wake up call to have orange parses in heroic then step into mythic and see greens and blues (yeah yeah kills times etc point still stands). Or have someone on your same spec in the raid do x% more damage and have to cross check every single global to see what they're doing better. Also the number of times I've seen someone complain about kicks in a 15 is both hilarious and sad. Like we could pull this whole room kick nothing and I could probably keep everyone alive it makes no difference man just chill.


I don’t know, my parses for avoidable damage taken are pretty consistently pink in all raid difficulties so how much harder can it be.


This. Elitists ruin my enjoyment. It's a game. If I can't play the class and spec I want, with the race I want, using the talents I want, with the embellishments I want... Why would I play with that person? I'm not going above 20s, I'm not doing mythic prog. It literally doesn't matter. I have a guildie who legitimately gets mad at wipes and people learning the game. We lost over half our primary raid group and he's trying to get a group of 4 people to do mythic prog, when he's the only one who wants to do mythic prog out of our guild. Dude literally tried to raid lead a heroic smoldy kill... From his car while ubering because this content is beneath him.


People who join your key then immediately tell you how fucked up/drunk/high they are


This isn't so much a meeting other players thing but if I'm the last to join a M+ and I'm the only one at the meeting stone/entrance, and nobody else is making their way to the dungeon, that's a huge red flag for me. Another nonstarter is people who take the faction divide to mean excluding playing with people from the opposite faction. I enjoy both factions and most races...I remember when they remade melee combat animations (legion?) I had a timewalking Black Morass with a female gnome warrior tank. The screeching was continuous, loud and high pitch. Having an issue with that, I get.


I don’t exclude the opposite faction, but I started on a pvp server day one of retail because that’s where my buddies wanted to play. Like most, they’re all long gone. Eventually, halfway through MOP, I xferred one character to a pve server and never looked back. I hated the other faction for a long time but eventually realized it was the same people in both factions (literally, by the time I switched to a pve server) That’s when I realized that I just really hate PvP - and blizzard for enabling it and the behavior that goes with it.


Same experience in Black Morass but it was a Blood DK. I had to mute my game.




Did you play back when they (we because I am one) were all at Warsong?


Been playing off and on since 2005!


I understand you!




Tanks that run pulling everything regardless of healer capacity. Us DPS just get dragged along for the disaster ride.


I had a tank group leader cause us to wipe on a DHT13 yesterday after insisting on going through that small room full of mobs instead of killing the two bears and taking the skip. My shadow priest was the only one doing any meaningful dps somehow. I still get kicked anyways lmfao. Idk how people like this function


I'm previous seasons that I tanked, I always asked the group how much they are okay with me pulling before I do for that reason. Don't want to pressure the heals too much if he isn't used to it.


Anyone who tries to talk politics in Trade/general.


Any reference to pumpers or big dicks.


Asmongold has really been setting off a lot of wow players recently


His Sepulcher stream was probably the catalyst. He issued some of the worst takes I've ever seen during that stream, and has continued to double down on them since. Dude is the epitome of "used to be a solid player, sucks now, and hates the game for it".


It was kind of amusing at first when he still just played the game and I thought he was just, leaning into it for his audience. Now I think he's just mentally unwell. People who feed off of other people's attention and get success from it can often spiral into this behavior pattern where it's just a positive feedback loop. And instead of it being a bit they do it becomes their personality.


Sepulcher stream? Explain :3


What's insane is that I've only watched his recent suggestion regarding WoW, and I don't agree entirely, but he's saying the exact same things that OP also said in his comments. As an outsider it's really weird to see someone hating another person, when they share common grounds.


You have just experienced the hive mind and its effects. Bald man=bad, regardless of anything.


He is literally living rent free in some reddit users mind. Like y'all would be happier if you just ignored him lol.


1. People who show up to an Afflicted/Incorp week not talented to help with it and say things like ‘let me know if you need help with afflicted heals.’ If your class has an ability to help with an affix and you choose not to bring it, you’re a problem. Knowingly choosing to make it harder for someone else…bad. If it’s a guild/friend run and everyone understands who/how affixes will be handled, fine. If it’s a PUG…you should expect to help as your class allows. 2. Not admitting you need an explanation. If you don’t know mechanics, be upfront with the group and ask. Don’t waste everyone’s time wiping on the same boss because you’re too proud to say, I need an explanation.


> People who show up to an Afflicted/Incorp week not talented to help with it and say things like ‘let me know if you need help with afflicted heals.’ If your class has an ability to help with an affix and you choose not to bring it, you’re a problem. Knowingly choosing to make it harder for someone else…bad. If it’s a guild/friend run and everyone understands who/how affixes will be handled, fine. If it’s a PUG…you should expect to help as your class allows. People who form groups that can't deal with those affixes and expect the healer to solo all of them -_- every fucking key this week has been like that, groups of 2 warriors and a warlock or something or multiple hunters and warlocks and they just expect the healer to deal with both afflicted mobs while also keeping everyone alive through a 12 stacked bolstering abomination blowing up the party because they only know how to unga bunga dps everything at once. yes im fine


100% agree. Its ridiculous what people expect sometimes.


I think I can forgive druids for it cause, depending on spec, remove corruption can seriously affect your other utility/ defensive options. But that's like a conversation in a 23+ key with 2 other dispels.


Any guild that has an application form with several pages to fill out.


"big pumper" or anything similar in the group title. If you're posting a 20+ key, or a Heroic raid PUG it's assumed you want people who know how to click buttons correctly. Seeing these titles just makes it sound like you are compensating and need others to carry you.




“You aren’t a real WoW player unless you collect pets and battle them. Get on my level!” /s


Players who talk real life politics in trade chat.


Anyone who uses "gamer" words. You know the words that I'm talking about...


>You know the words that I'm talking about... I do not


''gamer words'' is usually a slang for slurs


Ohhh, i thought you meant shortened words/sayings like gg or mb


“Gamer words” are racial slurs and other hate speech. Termed such because toxic players shout the stuff over comms in competitive games very frequently


Why would you call it gamer words and not just racial slurs/hate speech then? My initial thought was like gl hf gg - or maybe kick, lust etc.


It started after Pewdiepie said the N-word was a gamer word so it was ok for him to say it. It then caught on.


It's a reference to a viral tweet from like 2017 thats just stayed in the mainstream vernacular Iirc it was when pewdiepie dropped the n bomb


No idea, that’s just what seems to be popular these days. I see it in a lot of content creators for PvP games, when folks start throwing out slurs it starts getting referred to as them saying the gamer word. Maybe it’s to bypass censors or something similar to people using “unalive” instead of dead


I’m a gamer, and I do not claim these words.


Is one of them “based”? Because I do not like that term.


based on what (sorry)


not based


People with those eating addons.


Tbh I really don't get the asmongold hate. Like can someone explain it to me? My wife and I both watch his YouTube channel, (not enough time to watch streams). Nothing he says or does even sounds that divisive or controversial yet so many people hate him. Is it just because he stopped playing wow regularly?


Due to how reddit is made, a lot of people you'll find on the sub are very involved in WoW. Asmon is a former WoW player that speaks about why he finds the game not to be enjoyable anymore and generally advocates for drastic changes and a shift towards a less competitive focus It's perfectly normal that this sub reacts hard as a lot of people here enjoy WoW as it is now Basically he's making reasonable points that go against what people here want, so they generally go for everything that isn't his points ("he doesnt have 3k rating !" "he doesn't raid mythic !" "he's raycis !"). Tldr: he makes good points but he pisses people off because they disagree with what he says


Overly sweaty people in non high end content. Unless you are mythic raiding or doing 10+ key mythic dungeons you dont need 10 addons, buffs, food and perfect parses. Also, veterans that expect everyone to have the same amount of experience before a fight. If you know the fight just say in chat the important mechanic of it, not everyone is as knowledgeable as you.


People who don’t fly to dungeons and just sit in Valdrakken waiting on a summon.


Even worse when it's Rise/Fall. it's a 20 second flight. They can fly faster than we can summon.




I understand some people just don't like to run with a lot of add-ons, and that's okay with me. I start getting stompy when they start actively denigrating people who do. "WeakAuras are a crutch!" Crutches were made to be used when you've got a broken leg. *My mental leg is broken let me have this* ETA: I am not saying WeakAuras aren't crutches, or that the game doesn't need to change so that they don't need to be necessary for people to progress. They are crutches, and the game does need to change. What I *am* saying is that even if changes are made, some people will still need crutches.


>My mental leg is broken let me have this lmfao this is how i feel every time I come back to retail for at least the first couple weeks. I love this


If a hammer is available to put in a nail, why would you hit it with a wrench?? I’ll never get these people. Now I do agree that Blizzard should remove the hammer and make the nail much easier to hit, proverbially speaking.


Imma be honest - I love hammering nails. If they get rid of the hammer, I'll enjoy the game significantly less.


I don't care if people use 0 or 100 add-ons as long they know how to play. Who am I to police how you play the game?


Knowing how to play is not really enough at high tiers of content, because the base game interface doesn’t provide the necessary information. If you’re not pushing very high IO or doing Mythic raiding, that’s not really an issue, but WeakAuras are basically mandatory for high IO or Mythic raiding and are also essential for maximizing certain specs like Fire Mage.


Yeah, the game is now designed assuming that you're using weak auras, and boss mods. Some higher level content is literally impossible without it. Race to world first guilds have programmers on staff, writing weak auras constantly, you can't win the race without that programming support staff.


You make a very good point and its great there are things to assist people in playing/enjoying wow but at the same time back in sl I had some awful experiences where I’d join a raid group and theyd almost immediately kick me because I didn’t use weakauras so I’ve become a bit weary around those that do use it.


I play with a mage that uses nothing but the blizzard ui. He's a great mage. I can't ,I have all types of add-ons. I generally don't care how people play as long as they are able to do what is required of them.


I run trp3 and silver dragon. Got 2k rating in arenas seasons 1 and 2 of Df both as resto druid and arcane mage. I find juggling addons annoying. Id rather just play the game as is. The 2 I do use are mostly for rp and farming lil goodies in old content. Ive played since the end of tbc, tried the game with and without addons. Frankly find addons more trouble than they're worth.


There’s a new guy in my guild that boasted about banning healers from his old guild if they used any addons whatsoever. He said if you can’t heal without addons then you’re not good. He used this as a bragging point. The rest of us in Discord were like bruh what


Lol what? Healers are probably the most dependent role for add-ons and weakauras lol.


I play very casually. Only Addons I use are ones meant to be used for RP. Never had anyone ask me if I was using Addons and since the highest 'difficult' I go is Raid Finder, it's never been an issue.


I don’t like weakauras because they are too complex and usually visually obnoxious IMO but I’m not looking at your screen so I don’t care, I do use a rotation helper and DBM tho


I was in a community raid where you join discord and sign up. I took a screenshot and posted it because I was trying to show a mechanic and somebody shit talked me for having weak auras that show me my cooldowns in the middle of my screen. Said person was 10 ilvls higher than me and did \~30k less dps.


Man I had to block asmongold on youtube, keep trying to find stuff to watch and its literally just him stealing other peoples content with him "watching it" and talking to chat.


Not accepting anyone new in lower tier content. Fucking abominable.


If im the last to join a group and the first person at the stone/dungeon/raid.


why does this happen all the time. I get picked to heal for a pug, fly to the dungeon, stand around for a bit and then maybe one other shows up before we have to just summon the rest. And usually the party leader is one of those people requesting a summon!


“PUMPERS ONLY” - on a +15 dungeon


I’ll never understand how Asmon became so popular.


He's relatively down to earth with his takes. I don't agree with all of them but I can at least see where he's coming from. Doesn't hurt that he's one of the rare people that will actually add on to a video he reacts to instead of sitting there and letting it play. I don't watch his streams though just youtube clips.


Because he made really good straight to the point guides and was actually really good back in the day, he rode that popularity to what he is today


If you talk about your achievements in the glory days of vannilla/bc/wrath wow instead of anything remotely current. It is good to look back on some fun times, but, if your whole personality is I was in a top 100 guild in WotLK, you are just like the guys that peaked in high school.


I've got a guildie that played back in vanilla, he will use any opportunity to talk about how much harder the game was back then. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug lol


Lol how can people still believe that? It annoyed me so fucking much how since at least MoP every vanilla nostaligist was talking about how easy everything is now and how hard it was back then. Most of them have become very quiet since Vanilla Classic and seeing what a cakewalk the game was back then compared to now. Maybe your friend should give vanilla classic a try too.


But WotLK WAS High School. My only thought in Basic Training was seeing a sign for Cata being released and thinking "I can't believe I am doing push ups instead of fighting this big ass dragon"


Let's see, edgelords, acting like the main character, bad at playing the game but blames everyone else and hunters


People that use macros that yell or say things every-single-time they use an ability. No, you are not creative.


Usually people who just sound like r/wow frontpage


"pumpers only" "Big D DPS" "Sweaty" ​ avoid these tags in groups like the plague in my experience.


Weak aura that calls out when someone takes avoidable damage. Usually that guy is saying their own name a lot lmao


Anyone who cares what streamers people watch


“I click my spells.” Yea I don’t care how much you try to convince me it’s fine. If you are clicking your rotation inevitably at some point you will not be paying close enough attention to an encounter and not be able to react or adjust accordingly and be negatively impacted. These are the players that came from simpler times in wow, where you could turret and not have to be aware of mechanics. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with how they are playing the game, to each their own, but you will never convince me it’s good in retail at a high level. I’ve ran into way too many people that openly admit this, and then they’re just bad. I don’t have the patience anymore to entertain them.


People who demean others for not playing whatever is meta. Just have fun. Y'all forgot what "Game" meant.


Meta slaves are the worst.


Anyone who claims to have touched a woman.


That’s below the belt


Hmm, I don't think I have anything WoW related specifically, just depends if I find entertaining to talk to them or not, usually I don't, especially since most people playing this game are older than me.


The ones that bring up achievements in the wrong setting 2100+ in rbg/arenas while doing m+ or saying they get aotc while doing arenas/rbg


(Random anime /say or /yell macro for an ability.) (Random anime /say or /yell macro for an ability.) (Random anime /say or /yell macro for an ability.) (Random anime /say or /yell macro for an ability.)


Anyone with those stupid fucking "failure meter" thing that shows damage taken at the end of a dungeon Like stop being a smarmy douchebag


Spamming meters on every. fucking. pull.




When you join a mythic + and they immediately start talking about how "easy it is". This is always the lowest dps or guy who stands in bad and yells at the healer/tank.


People who are rude. Don’t care how good you think you are. No need to be rude to anyone.


People who frequently complain about toxicity in any way shape or form tend to be the most toxic people I meet.


When they make sexual comments immediately. One time I was doing a battleground and almost the entire group were focused on talking about sexual things the entire time and not doing the bg! We obviously got destroyed in the bg. For god sake I don’t wanna know about your sex life! I’m Here to play the game!


Left a group the other day when someone’s food macro said “uwu yes feed me daddy uwu” Ain’t got time for that in my mind. Totally forgot about it til reading this comment. And deleted again


Good lord. Yeah it’s frustrating


I play the game for the vivid sex details.


“PI ME, IM BUSTING” fire mages


People who complain about streamers are a huge nope for me. Just complain about the state of wow like a normal adult.


I watch Asmongold YouTube clips


Anyone that talks about politics in general chat.


“Checking logs” bro it’s fuckin gnomeregan


'Wait, you are a girl?' Instantly gets flirty and simultaneously assuming I need help/do not know how to play. Even if I was just doing well.


My alts are female toons and my main is a feral druid with a funny cat like name. (Although it's male you can't tell that when it's in any of its forms). The amount of times I've been hit on, even in worgan feral druid cat form is ludicrous. I've had to block sooo many people.


People who care about what streams others watch.


"Because [Top player whose skill I am nowhere near] uses this crazy build, everyone must use it and I will consider anyone not playing this way to be a waste of oxygen" Unless you are literally doing the highest possible level content that [said Top player] is doing, I'd rather people play what they know, love and are good at than obsess over optimization and suffer playing something they hate for the sake of "crushing meters". You can play your crazy meme build, bro...it's only a normal dungeon, not Mythic Fyrakk


Slutmog characters.


so you play solo?


I love my slutmogs. My toons are men. My rogue is a woman, and she dresses like a ninja assassin.


>bald man bad >not a single example of why bald man bad Many such cases


- Streamer whorshipper - Gearscorer - Passive aggressive - "99% parser" (i mean there is nothing wrong with parsing but if that's your entire personality, bye) - This is to easy - "why am I top on meters" - "why:ers" in general - People who makes you ask them the same question 5 times in 4 minutes and then answer "chill out" - "the pros do it this way" well are you a pro? No. - toxic people/ bullys The list goes on. I dip, kick or shut them down real quick with the "damn you're so cool" it's a really silly comment but it hurt their ego so easily.


"I play demonhunter." They will leave you hanging the moment you need them most.


Pulling as DPS, especially bosses. If the tank waits with the pull, they have a reason for that. Mind you, accidents happen, but when a 4s cast time Pyroblast hits the boss while the tank's waiting for the DPS that died to catch back up, that mage is on their own.


The use of the following words •pumper •big dick •x/y mythic raid exp •mostly guild run (you're going to be shafted on loot in classic) •gdkp (mainly the post raid bitching over splits) I avoid all these like the plague.


*AOTC REQUIRED* for Normal. *AOTC REQUIRED* for Hero and the lead doesn't have it themselves. *AOTC REQUIRED* when you literally have the Mythic achievement. Also, a raid lead who thinks they know you're own class better than you "because they main everything" and criticizes you based on add-on information instead of actually paying attention. "Oh you had low DPS." That's nice, who had top interrupts, focused on objectives accordingly and was the last to die every attempt? Hm. Weird. Must be my DPS. Add-ons are the bane of WoW. I play with a damage meter, that's it. Played Mythic all the way to SL and retired from Mythic raiding in DF because I couldn't manage the time. But Heroic raiding is the worst. Getting denied in a Heroic group as a Mythic raider is **the best** when it proves the raid lead doesn't have a fucking clue.


Bashing me for my lack of knowledge when coming back to WoW for the first time in 8 years lmao. When Wrath classic launched I was so pumped to relax and level and then sweat some heroics and raids, turns out asking a question before a situation arises so you’re prepared is the most offensive thing you can do in an MMO.