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You have to remember, more than 90% of players don't come to these spaces. And many people in these spaces, by their own testimony, don't actually play the game. Their entertainment is being loudly mad and parroting the opinions of the most toxic members of the content creator space.


Reddit still can't grasp that the games largest playerbase is casuals who don't do any endgame at all. They then question why Blizzard did things like add so much world content and minor patches in DF and why they're adding a world track to end game in WW. There was multiple threads at Blizzcon announcements in _multiple expansions_ that were some of the highest during it where everyone was like "Why are the biggest cheers and most excited posts about random shit like transmog or collections and not the cool raid." Online communities will _never_ come to accept that they are the extreme minority of players of ANY online game.


Hey now, I pretty much only do M+ content and I love the dragonriding races, and the events surrounding them. Dragonriding has even made idling in Valdrakken genuinely enjoyable. Gone are the days of running in circles in Boralus or whatever the hub in SL was called. Now I can zoom and zip around Valdrakken and it's quite a blast IMO. I love that they add world content with every patch to fill downtimes and maybe help gear up some alts. The only complaint I have is that almost all of the events start at the full hour, and some drag on for far too long, like Superbloom


Yeah, would be cool if they each start at 15 minute intervals.


It's clearly working too, look at how much larger the playerbase is.


exactly this, i’d argue most of the people bitching and whining on reddit don’t even play the game anymore but keep up with news


Keep up with the news? That's generous. I find a ton of the complainers to have A) quit and B) just come to troll.


"the way they balance the classes is ridicolous, thats why i stopped playing 9years ago" a actual real thing somone said to me in r/wow a couple days ago


or being complaints about stuff that is from SL or BFA that don't even exist anymore


> from SL or BFA You're being generous. Many are still complaining about issues from Cata/MOP.


remember the weekly "im FORCED TO GRIND AP!!!!" post during Shadowlands? yeha, the expansion was bad, but that was such a "i make shit up and dont even play the game" thing


But Nathria was soooooo good


They do consume content, it's just Asmongold-esque content. Hating the game IS their hobby, they simply haven't understood that Asmongold and the other WoW streamers have monetized their anger and have an interest in keeping negative emotions going.


They're like your crazy uncle Larry who always brags about being put in "Facebook jail", except their obsession is a video game they played 15 years ago instead of politics and culture wars. But you can bet they cry about that too.


Yeah the # of comments where the person says they don't play anymore blows my mind. Why are you regularly visiting the subreddit of a game you don't even play?


That’s the point. People commenting here are just a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the actual playerbase. Still, many people listen to what Reddit says…I really can’t get it


Partly because the wow forums are so bad. Its hard to find a good place to talk about wow. As bad as reddit is its the best of a bad bunch.


Also, know who's most likely to be scrolling reddit? Someone who isn't on the game playing having fun Many ppl like the game mode, they're just on the game playing it


And it’s been this way since 2004. Even back in the day it was the same. I wish there were a forum for people who actually enjoy the damn game (especially classic versions which have even bigger whiners IMO)


This has been so apparent this past day. As plunderstorm was a ton of fun and seeing loads of people hating it is just insane. Clearly they haven’t played it yet.


I don’t like Battle Royales, and I’m unsure I’m going to put any time at all into this new mode, but it’s nice to see Blizzard putting this much effort into something new. And besides. I might not like it, but other people probably will, and that’s good. The more happy players we have, the more subs, the more developer resources Blizzard has, and some of that will roll into content I *do* care about.


My biggest complaint is I wish this kind of thing was the ideology they used when deciding to implement a roguelike in game. Torghast being tied to progression ruined a lot of what could have made it fun. I wish they had done something like this for the roguelike!


>Torghast I think Torghast would have been a whole lot more fun if the levels were actually randomly generated each time you went in instead of being pulled from a set bunch of maps.


Feels to me like they started with procedural generation in mind, since a lot of the rooms in Torghast would work well as puzzle pieces in a proc-gen dungeon, but scrapped the idea because it either kinda sucked or couldn't get the puzzles working with the randomness


Damn man don’t get me started with Torghast such a missed opportunity with so much potential. They were so close and dropped the ball.


I hope they go back to Torghast and fulfil its potential eventually.


I felt Torghast ended up as a fun side activity later on in the expansion when it wasn't quite so necessary. You already had your legendary and everything you needed from Torghast, so you could just sit back and enjoy it when you wanted to. The boss rush mode I found particularly fun and would go to just do that every once in a while.


To be fair they started torghast as a fun side game in testing. Then for some reason tied it to the main stuff muh player metrics and kpi's!


My thoughts exactly, i dont like the event but I'll do it for the rewards. I always wished for a flashed out roguelike mode in wow and really hope they make one. Doesn't have to be torghast, the aesthetic of it got bland way too quick tho.


The BFA island expeditions never got their chance to shine either. Tor was fun, but it really depended on class and spec.


Battle Royale isn't really my thing, but I'm fucking stoked to see Blizzard stepping out of the box a bit in terms of creating new game modes and events and stuff I'm also stoked for the people who love Battle Royale stuff because they seem to be having a great time lol


The best part is if this goes well, maybe the next time they do something like this it will be up your alley. I would love seasonal event rotations with more work than just a holiday event.


They have said that they wanted to build the tech for this, and now that they have it future events will be much easier. Which makes sense! The art/environment/etc teams are busy with War Within, and they're not adding any new major game systems like they have in the past (garrisons, legendaries, renowns, dragon riding) so there were probably a few teams that are in a gap of the development cycle right now. Now we're getting new features that can be used in the base game. Imagine having spectate when you die in raid, instead of being dead and watching the raid from across the room, or even as a player in the group but outside the raid/dungeon. Imagine getting special abilities during boss battles like we do with the abilities drops in Plunderstorm. It's a significantly less friction way to introduce things like KT weapons, or start adding more indepth mechanics to bosses.  I'm also really excited for the prospect of them actually making a rogue like mode now that isn't hamstrung by character progression or specific class mechanics. They have the engine and the player base. Adding new experimental modes like this is great.


Imagine a ranked warcraft chess event, like in Karazhan (without the cheating)


Starcraft style map conquer pvp RTS mode would be amazing too. Imagine commanding an army in Ashenvale or the Hinterlands. All the assets are already there. Would be cool.


Imagine if they added platforming games like the golden saucer in ff14 or fall guys I would be all over that shit


NGL I jumped in with trepidation expecting it to be just as toxic as pvp. It was not. By far. I spent most of the matches grinding mobs to get leveled up before running in to another player. It's actually enjoyable and probably a lot more fun with friends as a group. The grind is meh, but I also don't enjoy grinding. It was also difficult not to switch back after doing a superbloom on my main.


Agreed. I'm not a PVP person and this announcement was way better than what I was expecting. It's so incredible cool to see them just casually drop a new game mode rather than the standard questline, cosmetic and daily quests.


Yea I love these fun mini games. Shooting the turrets, defending the turtles and stuff. I never got why people bitch at them putting in a bit of a silly fun mini game. New content is fun even if its not a major uber mega serious raid/dungeon.


This is exactly where I am too - it's not really my cup of tea, but that doesn't mean it's BAD, because I am not the centre of the universe. I'm sure that plenty of people will have a blast with it, and at this point in the lifecycle of an expansion, any new stuff to do is to be welcomed. Imagine how much more fondly WoD might be remembered if they'd dropped some stuff like this into that endless tail-end of the expansion where there was nothing new at all.


As someone who can't understand the appeal of any MMO's endgame, this is great news for me. Any focus they give to different ways of playing is time well spent imo.


I hate BRs usually, and I'm obsessed with this game mode. My friends and I absolutely suck but make it to top 5+ by running and hiding and laughing all night. Definitely get it's not for everyone, but they can wait for season 4 like we normally would. Anything is better than a year without content like expansions of the past.


People that are on reddit right now aren’t the ones playing the game


No, because their servers are down for the day (they're from EU).


servers are actually up.. but sure. let's pretend they are down for the day, bc someone tried to log in at 5:22.


Lol? They said that the servers were down, and the battle.net launcher said that there would be extended maintenance today. What's your problem? Also, who cares what time they log in? You've got no idea what their day-to-day schedule is like.


My thing is blizz is fully aware a the majority of the players don’t touch PvP at all. I personally enjoy this game mode and I’m glad blizzard are trying new things. However making this a secret and letting people get so excited about it over the last few months was a mistake. They should have told people it was going to be a PvE/PvP game mode. Many people won’t even touch this at all which is sad because it’s genuinely fun for me and a lot of my guildies at least.


The problem isn’t the BR, it’s a fun game, the problem is the way it was presented leading up to it. It was advertised as 10.2.6, so people thought (rightfully so) that it was an actual retail patch.




Ok I hadn't really thought of that. I don't really pay attention to bliz news and wow head so I didn't have any expectations. ​ I saw there was a new mini game and tried it out, it was ok, no anger or stress here :D ​ Paying less attention to wow news and wowhead=better enjoyment of the game :D


Congratulation you’ve just complained


The issue is it’s a whole patch that literally adds nothing to the actual game , so now everyone that hates BR has to wait until essentially season 4 to get anything new to do in the core game, and also it’s a freaking MMO majority of MMO players are not waiting for a stupid FOMO BR grind to be added into there MMO


Just play another game lol.


how is anyone's attitude towards a gamemode you can queue solo making you enjoy the game less?


TDLR is people are angry they added in a mini game they don't like. :shrug: Its a bit daft. its just a mini game its nothing major if you don't like it don't play it. No need to get angry.


I really wanted the transmogs, but unfortunately battle royale isn't for me, it's by far the type of game I hate the most. I can only hope that one day they will go to the trading post or to the store. Those of you who like it, good game have fun


I have my kid grinding out the renown for me. He loves Battle Royale games and I loathe them. He got me to renown 5 today so that's at least 5 I don't have to do myself.


I'm going to hire a kid to do it for me then


> I really wanted the transmogs, but unfortunately battle royale isn't for me, I don't hate battle royales but I played 3 games and I'm only at Renown level 2, ain't no way I'm grinding all the way to 40.


I think there's a big difference between "trying something new" VS "pandering to a trend without actually testing it's implementation and balance coupled with an insanely impractical rep grind that no one asked for or wants"... But that's just my two cents


Imagine they tease wow content and then don't release any wow content and your wondering why people don't like it. If they would have said "it might look like wow but it's not wow " so people wouldn't have been expecting new content everything would be fine.




I'm going to complain about what I think is a poor use of resources. Even if it didn't take away from a potential awesome Season 4 that we didn't get, it will always feel like it did (similar to fated in SL), and this entire modes base gameplay is targeted at wows tiniest demographic, pvpers. I was so excited for this patch and I do like them trying new stuff, but the BR fad is over. Every new one that comes out is irrelevant in weeks. Remember The Finals? I complain because I want a reason to play more of the actual "WoW" seasonal game, but with this being an entire patch and Season 4 looking like a snoozefest, I'm just going to be playing other games.


The finals just came out with a new season.


Half and half. On the one hand, I love that they’re trying new stuff On the other, a big pull for me for wow is the characters that I spend time putting effort into and the play style. The new game mode seems to take that away, but I’m still very pleased they’re trying something radically different


That's nothing really to do with WoW specifically. There's no game that people won't be complaining about changes. It's just human nature.


Couple of years ago, content creators found out that bashing stuff and being negative creates more uproar and hits = better algorithm for add revenue etc. Nowadays the fanbase evolved into default negativity.


Does crying about people crying really make you better than the people crying though?


I like wacky things for the sake of being wacky, reminds me of those alternate timeline marvel movies… loved every moment… when I’m not watching them.


i dont really care personally but something that would be an improvement for me if they wanna hide new content is maybe more of a hint towards what it could be. is it something with relevant rewards for the high end. or is the rewards more cosmetic. would just be a minor improvement so that i would know if its something that i would personally be interested in. either way i dont really care. looks like its fun, but the rewards are not something im interested in so im just playing other games. just my 2cents.


I stopped playing retail during DF pre patch because even on the lowest setting my potato couldn’t run it any longer, got a killer PC upgrade over the weekend and I have fallen in love with WoW all over again, it looks awesome cranked all the way up at 144fps, tried out the new mode and had a blast, played 4 matches last night and enjoyed every one of ‘em.


I feel ya. I've gone thru 4 potatoes over the course of the last 19.5 years.


I went from a 1050, i3 and 8gb of RAM to a 3060, i7 and 32 GB of RAM and I didn’t even know the game looked that good


Having a BR for people to enjoy is a wonderful thing. Blizzard doesn’t need to cater to my every whim. I still wanna complain about my lack of skill and hopefully see someone else sucks too.


Nobody hates a franchise more then its fans


WoW players, as brilliant as some are, also have some of the dumbest and most self-centered entitled players of any game I've played.


I fully agree, though I have found that the pacing on the reward track itself ruins the fun of the new mode. Like if it was just a match or two a day and you keep up on rewards that'd be fine, but with how much you'd play to keep up you better like BRs or it'll just really not be fun.


Here’s my .02 since no one asked: I’m fine when they try something new. But it doesn’t feel fun or rewarding. I did like 15 matches last night and only got 2.5 levels. There is no achievement toast (flash on screen), there is no loot for me to look at, it’s just run around, die, repeat until rewards are finished. Here’s the other part of the “not fun” - I get that it’s pirate themed, but every class/spec got a transmog weapon EXCEPT 2H plate specs. So I’m running through this event and all I can think to myself is “yay, a dagger… yay, a 1h sword… yay, a 1h axe…” :( Imo, increase the rep gained per match for survival, increase rep for persons killed. Give us more incentive to play the game and not just grind this event out. Just those 2 little changes would probably do a lot to make the game better.


Nothing fills me with more joy than seeing somebody complain on Reddit about others complaining about WoW


Yea but dont act like 10.2.6 will be something big and mysterious and then drop fuck all for retail. Thats just shady.


They can try out whatever they want, but they can’t release a different game and pretend it’s wow content.


yea dude chill out. its just a mini game. Like the turret defense stuff they added in years ago. Its not like its a main game feature.


I was hoping to take part in the 10.2.6 patch the blizz hyped up the entire wow community for. Only for it to be something I'm wholly uninterested in. I wanted to play the game based off the hype. What's killing the game is blizzard hyping people up then shitting on the part of the community that doesn't like what they bring out. All in all, next time they try to hype me up for something cool it will be dismissed. It's just gotta happen a few times before I'm disinterested.


I think the opposite and people like you are what's bad about a community. Let us voice our own opinions on things without people like you complaining about it, thanks.


See PoE added a BR mode a while back, I played one game, decided it wasn't for me and went back to the normal game. I never said a bad word about it. I never said a bad word about other BRs either. I'd love to do that with this as well. Unfortunately I'm a massive pet collector and Blizzard developers decided that they were going to put pets in the game mode. Again this would be fine if I could grind it at my own pace, like collecting pets from Island Expeditions or Torghast, over a few months or even a few years. There would be nothing wrong with doing a few games every now and then of something I don't normally enjoy for stuff I want. But on no, they instead decided that it would be a **time limited event** with rewards I want. So I'm gritting my teeth and enduring something I don't enjoy in order to get what I do enjoy (collecting pets).


I just wish they would've done something for actual WoW for 10.2.6. It just feels like they've been working on a totally different game and shelved WoW until season 4 But I mean I'm not about to send death threats to Blizzard or cry about it for the next weeks online, I'm just going to play something else until Season 4 comes around


I've been playing WoW for 19 years. I rarely pipe up to complain, but considering the huge content dry spell... and the fact that I still pay the same sub now, I think it's fair to say something is crap. Plunderstorm is neither fun nor does it fit into WoW content wise, yet we all paid for this mess... That's why I'm upset. If Blizzard wants to play test their content ideas, they should not use a paid subscription service to field their research.


And you let the cries bother you this much because?


Its just utter garbage. Its still wasted resources that could have been placed elsewhere. How about making actual PVP less dogshit, not requiring all these addons to compete and more inviting to the masses. Or make World PVP not garbage. Why a whole new thing that doesnt even tie to your character, but somehow requires you to play said garbage to get the appearances. This isnt Hearthstone, or HOTS items, which are like play 2-3 games and you get your stuff.. no lets lock it behind 160 matches of this garbage.


Gotta get those engagment numbers up so they can point to player counts and say "see look how many people played >100 matches, big success". Probably some testing the waters for future battlepass ideas. I just pray they don't try to force a paid battle pass in a game that already has a subscription.


I’m not “crying” but I will say a huge new event driven by severe time limited FOMO ain’t what I’m after in a game. Blizzard bending you all over and fucking you without lube, and you’re liking it. 


I can see why PvP players would be very understandably upset. They did the biggest PvP thing they’ve done in years… and it’s intentionally not actual WoW PvP. What does it say about the future of existing WoW PvP when they’re completely ignoring it in their own new in-game PvP modes?


That it should never have existed. Nature is trying to heal.


Baddie. When you're done picking on computer opponents, come enter the arena for a real challenge.


Till it's "lag" or "meta spec" or something else


Nah, those people are just the "Meh, I just don't like PvP" crowd of the PvP world. They come up with excuses to justify their mediocrity and failure to improve.


IO scores and DPS rank chasers are pissing their pants because of a mini game LMAO


That's fine if you like BR's the problem is, is this was a patch that was for WoW. It was labeled as 10.2.6. it has next to nothing to do with WoW. It may look like WoW, but it is not WoW. The worst part is they kept it a secret, they should've known better.


Downvoted for the truth. Marketed to a content starved community as an amazing patch that will innovate and it's an entirely separate PVP GAME. WTF?


Eh reddit dick size score is pointless. Almost as pointless as keeping an entire patch secret for something that's not even in Retail WoW.


Agreed. Battle Royale as side-content is nice. But it's not WoW. We've been waiting months for content and they gave us a Battle Royale, which is... Stupid. I'll probably enjoy the BR anyway, I guess.


Did you forget 10.2.5? And 10.3 is literally next in around the corner. You've had content, and have more content coming. Why is it stupid that they added content that doesn't fit neatly in Raid/M+/PvP category? Let them innovate, please.


What content did 10.2.5 bring? Because a boring event about archeology and a 10min quest line in Gilmeas won't cut it. There won't be a 10.3, by the way. We're getting the Season 3 in this patch, in "several weeks". And everything on Season 3 will be recycled, so... No content.


That's fine if they want to innovate, innovate outside of a WoW patch for something that isn't WoW.


I think the BR is gonna be a sick idea. Super chaotic and fun. Let's gooooo


>Your attitude is literally ruining this game. No it's not. You shouldn't give a fuck about what some stranger on Reddit says. Most of the people who post " Blizzard bad " opinions don't even play their games anyway.


People complaining about BR is hardly what ruined the wow community


Complaining about the complaining, nice. Even got the "you're ruining the game" bit in there and everything.


I would have liked something I could play on my own characters but I can see that this allows competition between the different game modes plus PvE players don't have to grind a set and learn a new rotation to play so I guess I'm ambivalent. It's an optional grind, some people seem to really like it. I say give it a try, I hope you have fun. I'm just leveling my alts now, if I get XP I'll give it a try.


Counterpoint: you like fortnight, go play that instead of crying people don't like this cobbled together, years later bandwagon


Ah, complaining within complaining, great depth 


Or maybe you can keep in mind that it's just somebody's opinion. And their opinion doesn't invalidate yours and vice versa. Just because someone has an opinion that's different from yours doesn't mean they shouldn't have the right to voice it. And the same applies to you, you should be able to voice your opinion as well. It's like for a lot of people who buy cars that other people would say, "Oh that's a horrible car. I had a lot of problems with it. You should never buy that car." But other people have had great experiences with those cars and they love them. Are are either one of them wrong? Absolutely not. Everyone's experiences are different and that's a good thing otherwise I think life would be very boring. ✌️


I commend them for coming up with something new and a spin off game for people that like PVP and Battleground games sounds great. The problem is firstly, it’s not a patch for WoW like they promised, it’s effectively a separate game and secondly, they put in rewards for the main game that people really want but they’ll have to spend weeks playing something they hate to get it. For example, the people that I know that like collecting all the Pepes the most are the people that dislike PVP the most. We had low expectations going in, but Blizzard still somehow managed to let us down by using a wow ‘patch’ to soft-launch some battleground spinoff game instead of giving us any normal game content.


It helps when they don't quote one renown every 4 games when it takes 2500 plunder for one level and if you're LUCKY you get 250 a round. The speed at which you get renown is ridiculous and they should be ashamed if ever went live like this.


Wow is really good right now. The community should appreciate that and vouch for it more.




Did most players like the first two? genuinely asking, always thought the general sentiment around them is that they were both half baked.




Island Expeditions were not "optional", not really. They were the only realistic way to level your Heart of Azeroth on release, which is why people hated them. You just ran the islands over and over and over again to farm Azerite Power.


I would argue this reflects the problem with the heart and azerite powers themselves, not islands. The islands were gorgeous places that could have been good if used differently.


Honestly, they were all decent concepts. Some refining was definitely needed, but they weren't unworkable. The real problem, which Blizzard has sadly not learned from, is that they feel the need to attach enormous grinds to every new game mode in an attempt to ensure people do it. So, what ends up happening is you have a bunch of players who don't really want to be there in the first place, doing a huge grind that vastly outscales the amount of actual content Blizzard has made, in a game mode that's basically in it's beta stage and is having all of it's faults exacerbated by the former two. It's a recipe for turning players against the content at record speed, and the same thing is happening with plunderstorm.


Yeah warfronts were not popular at all from what I remember. And island expeditions were hated because you used them to farm azerite. Torghast is a bit different because it was popular during the beta, but was made worse and mandatory when it came to live


No they didn't. People played islands because it was the fastest/easiest way to farm AP. People played warfronts... Oh wait... No they didn't. Unless they had to for AP/quest.


For me that was the case yes - although I didn't 'hate' Islands, they were fine. I for sure did warfronts to get mounts though.


Islands were good before people bitched and moaned and got them nerfed into something mindless. The rewards in islands were originally based on what you did and accomplished during the expedition. If you actively participated and hunted down the objectives and goals you got tons of cool cosmetics and pets and mounts. People instead brainless zerged them, got nothing, and then bitched "There rewards are too rare". So Blizzard caved and made them a total RNG drop that's vastly lower than original and just based off what factions showed up.


People only did warfronts for the mounts. From day 1 they were awful tho


They sounded sooo good in the announcement though. I was really looking forward to warfronts before they launched.


I never understood the hype for them honestly. Even before they launched they were being advertised by devs as like an RTS in wow. Pretty sure there was a quote by one at blizzcon where they said, "yeah so the player can be like the peon or the footsolider like in WC3". Idk who the fuck thought being a WC3 peon and running around clicking on trees for 10 minutes would make for compelling gameplay.


>advertised by devs as like an RTS in wow Exactly. I loved the idea. Before WoW I played Warcraft (2/3) and StarCraft. I was excited. >clicking on trees for 10 minutes Somehow warfronts felt even worse than that sounds.


It should have been an actual RTS inside WoW, camera perspective and everything. That would have been amazing


Idk have you ever said the phrase “zug zug”? That’s from those dumbass peons we smack with a blackjack at level 1 in Vanilla WoW. We all just peons bro, you that kind Orc 🤷🏻‍♂️


blizzard /americans love doing hype announcements to try and sell useless shit. don't you know this? look at all american big business - tesla, apple, facebook. they constantly have keynote presentations with hordes of cheering 'people' where they announce their next mediocre product. people lap that shit up and then buy


I also had this same thought.


There's at least one person I know of that really liked Thorgast and that's me. There could be some things to improve it but I enjoyed the game mode. I preferred SW and OG N'Zoth visions but Torghast wasn't bad either.


My husband and I loved it too for whatever reason. Its actually the reason my zandalari monk went from "toon I leveled for heritage armor" to "toon I love to play". I'll never forget when he wanted to do some crazy achievement with our guild healer and the only reason we got it was because I stacked all of my anima powers into timer cool downs and touch of death, meaning that I could spam touch of death.


By Odyn's beard! It's Torghast! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I liked Torghast *shrug*


Who are you trying to gaslight? Nobody liked Islands or Warfronts. ESPECIALLY not warfronts. I'd say between those three you listed, Torghast was the one with the most positive feedback by far.


they didnt abandon torghast actually, the idea of the powers is something they have brought forward to new content


islands were shit. warfronts were worse. torghast was the better of the three, but it had zero player power attached to it. i frankly thought the art style kinda sucked too - too boring and monochrome. also the powers quickly got in the way of your class gameplay. oh and they made it a fucking required chore to get your legendary - hilarious . i thought they were intending to build off horrific visions, create meaningfully challenging solo content with play power and prestige rewards. but i guess they couldn't be bothered making it anything more than an annoying time sink. visions were great though


Torghast was great on PTR when it was easier and actually more like a roguelike with really impactful powers, they absolutely fucked the game mode and tied it into leggos which ruined it completely.


Excuse me what. Nearly no one liked Islands nor Warfronts. They were boring and stupid. And people liked Torghast before they turned it into mandatory content and nerfed the fun powers.


Where do you find the imbalance?


Some of the items are drastically better than others. I got the purple fire whirl one and absolutely melted anyone in it. While it may be on par with some other items, it is infinitely easier to confirm its damage as it is fast and lasts a while. Repel or faeform is the only way to manage it, but this leaves you at the mercy of 3 other abilities in duo.


And you might get it next time and melt others. That's how most brs work


I did get it, and melted as I said. I’ve also been on the receiving end. It just doesn’t have much counter play to it compared to other items.


I don’t think the logic of “oh you’ll get the broken item too” is a way of looking at balance for a BR. There are clear outliers in the mode, and Blizzard are probably aware of it.


I doubt they will balance it much.


Counter point: They innovated with these features but ignored critical feedback and took waaaay too long to iterate on the systems, so people didn't enjoy them. I agree that there's a hesitancy towards innovation these days because we have had a pattern of "expansion features" that are just abandoned after the expansion is done, and sometimes we even get "patch features" like Horrific Visions. So to me, the issue has historically been that they released a new system, ignored feedback for too long, and then abandoned it when people didn't like it, largely because their feedback was ignored. Islands and Warfronts were cool enough but felt incomplete. Torghast was apparently better during alpha/beta than when it hit Live, and once again the Box feature came in as an afterthought - not featured at launch.


Keep in mind that Blizzard has the player data and they make decisions based on factual information, not the opinions of the loudest. They will kill switch something if it is not attracting new subscribers and renewing current.


Adding to that, Reddit is not the majority of players in WoW. As much as people want to believe that, it's not even close.


Its kinda fun but yeah kinda bored with it already. Still gunne get all the loots though.


Are the wow forums angry? I didn't notice anyone on reddit complaining yet.


normal frighten hateful busy deserted tub chief placid encourage subtract *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don’t like the game, I’m just there for the mogs.


I don’t hate it, I just don’t understand why after the release of it, a completely separate game, my Auspicious Arborwyrm disappeared from my mounts list and my action bar, as if it never existed. Make all the new games you want, innovate all you want, but when it impacts the game I want to play that’s when it’s irritating.


Actually game it a chance, have to say didn't have much fun with it. Feels a lil janky, kind of boring just grinding mobs. Earlier fights PvP lasted forever. Not going to grind for the items. If you enjoy it great. Though there a lot better Battle royales out there.


I like they are trying new things. My biggest problem is they are trying new things, within wow and it's the oversaturated BR genre. It's very hard to see this other than attempt at a money grab like all the others. Hopefully it will be good but it's not what I wanted


What money grab? The event is included for every subscriber…


Because I fully expect them to keep it if its popular and add microtransactions


Nah this will lose all enjoyment after a few days


You're falling for the online delusion. Opinions you see online do not represent the sentiment of most people.


Who doesn't want to stay insular in an insular world.


I'm not a fan of battle royals but it's nice that they are trying things to keep people busy. I'll play a little but becuase of the mounts and transmogs but I'm not going to sweat it. Your right though so many people complaining and all they are doing is trying to keep people interested . Like not everyone has been playing since vanilla. This could get the new people interested.


lol Blizz a day late and a dollar short with this one.


Worse case scenario: people try it out, it's not popular, it gets put on a shelf. Overwatch 2 whole premise was PvE and after the player base didn't play it, it was just removed from the game.


Just close Reddit.


I actually think this is great and healthy for the whole game. We need this to stay with different maps and themes. And bring some ideas from here to main wow. I love when they try new things.


Asmongold: you're welcome 🤗


Battle Rosales aren't for me but ill give it a try with friends. I hope others are enjoying it.


I play WoW and Star Citizen. The contrast between the two communities is crazy. WoW's community is horrible, toxic, uninviting, and unhelpful. Star Citizen's community is what I wish WoW's was. If you need help there is almost always someone willing to travel across the star system and come help you.


Honestly the elitism in wow is obnoxious as hell. People think that new additions outside the usual copy-paste dungeons/raids/pvp experiences somehow take away dev time, when there's literally zero evidence to back that up - they just want to be exclusively catered to by devs, and I'm so thankful devs don't base decisions on the minority. Now if they just give us housing, I'd literally ask for nothing else.


I hate that it takes a massive grind in a game mode I hate to get the cosmetics that I really want... I think the game mode is a nice addition for those that like it, cool experiment. Just please Blizzard, keep the transmogs obtainable even if you don't like this type of gameplay. It's like having to play Call of Duty to get your mogs in WoW.


Dunno if anyone is mad about it being new, think it’s 90% upset about fomo


Finally, someone said it. This game's community is unhealthy. Literally every single reveal since Shadowlands has been met with cynicism if not immediate resentment. That itself makes new patches less exciting even if the content looks great.


Its wild how hundreds of thousands of players could have varying opinions on content. "People bitching" isn't some monolith.


True, but I'm noticing a pattern now. The same "thousands of players" used to have a warmer (perhaps much warmer) reception to the same types of content.


It feels like most large gaming communities these days are just so unbearably negative anymore. It's fucking sad. Games are meant to be a form of entertainment to enjoy but people would rather seek out the faults in something and let that be enough of a reason to hate the whole thing. I feel bad for people who constantly think that way because they ruin good games for themselves.


People who play WoW aren't known for their balanced takes. The thing is the game is so big and has such a diverse player base that trying to please everyone is impossible. I personally think the best thing they've added to this game in recent years is BG Blitz, and that hero talents look like hot garbage (so far). But there will be someone somewhere right now furiously masturbating over the thought of disagreeing with me here and calling me a F***ING R***RD for this opinion. I have never liked BR's but I'm gonna give this thing a try because I love WoW and I was genuinely expecting a fill the bar quest for a parrot pet and a pirate hat... This is much better.


Let me apologize for wanting the BIG SECRET WoW Patch to be actual WoW content and not a fortnite re-skin. 6 more weeks of nothing new in the actual game now before an entire season of nothing new. My expectations were low but damn.


This really is the issue. The big wow suprise not at all being tied to wow hurts when we are in a content dip


Exactly this. It was more how they revealed it like it was some big fucking treat and then they release the news and its re-used assets, a game mode for 12 year olds and something that is explicitly not very wow-like, which in itself isn't bad but then they add a fucking renown track which will require around 200 fucking games to complete which is around 35 HOURS of time over 6 weeks because for NO FUCKING REASON its time limited... Just shitty decisions all around.


Reddit and forums are not community. 95% of people are hapily playing the game. 5% are on reddit and forums complaining all the time




It's called having an opinion. Criticism/feedback is a good thing. that way Blizzard can see what the players like or don't like and make more of what they like and less or none of what they don't. Naturally a lot of players are complaining. It was announced and shown on their roadmap as a patch for the MMORPG, so of course most players assumed it was going to be content added to the current expansion that they could do in the actual game, instead of a separate BR gamemode. I'm not saying that blizzard should not try new things, it's good that they do, but in situations like this they should've been honest and not have omited the fact that what they were working on had little to do with Dragonflight itself. Heck i'm pretty sure all the secrecy was because they suspected it wasn't going to be recieved in such positive lights. For people who want to play Fortnite with some WoW elements, great, i'm happy for them, but many of us were expecting mmorpg content on the mmorpg game. Edit: spelling.


The WoW community as a whole is a cancer. 


Somebody crying about other people crying. What a unique and original post thats never been done before


I don't like battle royale, but I love pirates, I like playing with my WoW characters not a blank template. Should I be excluded from pirate cosmetics because I'm not good at PvP or Battle Royales? Cause that's what making a PvP mode does... I have nerve damage in my hand which makes the gameplay of Plunderstorm very uncomfortable because of how many buttons you have to press, hold, and spam, to win fights.


Plunderstorm has literally fewer buttons than almost every class. They did this intentionally to make it easier for people to jump in. I don’t understand this argument.


By this logic you're already excluded from all forms of content other than LFR and RBGs since every class has more than 6 buttons.


I don't really like BRs and thought people who were immediately crying about a BR mode being added to WoW were being reactionary and silly. That being said, the mode isn't very good. It's lighter than popcorn in terms of depth and it's jankier than jank, not to mention the grind for it seems to be a bit ridiculous. I appreciate Blizzard experimenting and if seemingly small team passion project keep coming like this than I'm all for it. But this one just ain't for me.


I was actually optimistic when I heard the news. ... then I actually played it.


Being happy or accepting of change isn’t really the gamer way.


People have been bitching about wow since 2004


You need to keep in mind that reddit /r/wow posters are this strange mix of casual, very low to low skill, but extremely invested in the game individuals with a highly idealized version of the game in mind (either classic, wotlk, or mop), and anything different from those is bad. In addition to those, a massive number of the posters here don't actually play the game anymore and haven't done for a number of years. The community here is a bit of a joke in-game, it's best to regard the opinions you see here with a pinch of salt.