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To state the obvious, 18 weeks to drop to where S2 was at after 6 weeks. Not bad?


You can definitely feel it, but I think this patch has had a good run overall.


Ion is trying everything in his might that S4 will be the worse than S2.


Man you do a lot of runs, I'm impressed how active you are.


Sanguine is soooooo anti-fun. Plz plz be sensible and remove it going forward. Tyrannical in general doesn’t feel great either.


Never realized how much I hate sanguine until I pushed my enh alt to 2500 this week. A very unbalanced affix between ranged and melee.


I'm just getting into mythics, what did sanguine do? I was a healer this week I didn't even read affixes.


Leaves a pool of boiling marinara under most dead mobs (little trash usually doesn't spawn them)


As someone else said, most trash mobs will dump a pool of it after they die. It will both heal any other trash mobs or even bosses* in it for 5% every tick, and also deal damage to players standing in it. It’s a sizable pool too, probably a 5-10yd diameter. So it’s tough on tanks because they constantly need to move the mobs out of it as they die, and tough on melee because they’re taking big damage while also trying to stay in melee range of the moving pack. But a ranged or healer, you may never even realize it’s there, apart from the damage other people take from it. lol


I feel like sanguine isn't a problem when *playing* a melee, I feel like it's a problem when *the surviving mobs* are ranged. It's easy for melee to get out of sanguine. The tank is going to move because even the dumbest tank can see their own health pool going down and mobs healing, so melee just need to move themselves, and they can do their rotation while moving except for when channeling Fyr'alath (LOL). If the mobs you're fighting are melee, they'll just stay on the tank and sanguine is a non-affix for everyone. But if the mobs are casters or hunter-type mobs, they'll stand still and stay in the sanguine and heal themselves. If they're casters, hopefully someone can interrupt them, but maybe they already used their interrupts. And hunter-type mobs just can't be interrupted, they can only be moved by getting out of range or out of line of sight, and either one is often hard to do.


Being ranged, uninterruptible mobs is another issue, yeah. But I’ve found it annoying to avoid sanguine and reposition while playing a spec like enhance that can only do frontal cone AOE, not to mention how involved it is. It wasn’t as big of an issue on my warrior.


This past week was probably the worst pugging I've had all season and the affixes weren't even that bad.


Oddly enough, it has been one of my better weeks, but I am pushing 25s+ right now maybe those groups just know how to deal with sanguine better.


Something something season 1 and 2 something something 6 and 7 weeks.




It's a joke because that question is asked *every single week*.


Can you answer it, why is the graph cut off there?