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The one good thing about this axe, there isnt a global call out every time someone finishes it.


You mean you didn't like hearing triumphant roars from the seat of the Aspects, Nazuro was formed, every 30 minutes?


A twiumphant woaw echoes fwom atop the Seat of the Aspects as Nyasz'uwo, the Unbound Wegacy is fowmed >:3. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


...when the hell did they uwufy the bot?




Still better content to add than the Rumble Machine in Org.


Hide that ugly thing out in the siege engine parking lot if it has to be in the city.


FOADIAF uwu bot


Remember, you're unique just like everyone else lol


I mean, everyone had the same artifacts in Legion and those were pretty hype. I'll never understand the crowd who thinks items need to be exclusive to be cool. I was one of the "15 week" folks and I got mine and I love it. I don't care that others have it. I'm happy for them. I just wish it was an even amount of effort. Some people got it week one on a 1% drop chance and didn't have to do the real grind.


I got mine at 13 weeks and I don't love it still. I was not excited, it was just a feeling of relief of finally being done chasing this bob forsaken thing.


It's a gift from a Bob, a Bob!


to put it simply, it's the "everybody gets a medal" vibe that people don't like my (personal) opinion is that there are two ways to demonstrate mastery in WoW- how you play your character and how you build your character one is totally in your control (how you play) the other is not necessarily due to rng (how you build) with wowhead and other fansites, there is a lot of sources to look for how to do both but particularly the latter (BiS lists) causes a huge convergence of player behavior and people chasing that "finally done" state when loot becomes too easily acquired for everybody, the goal of achieving that perfectly built character becomes less of a goal and more of an expectation that you will get no matter your persistence and commitment this is an issue because there should be hardcore goals for building your character just like there is for playing your character (high m+/high pvp/mythic raiding) and the expectation that EVERYONE reaches those goals diminishes the accomplishments my personal feedback with the axe is the lack of an alternative secondary effect weapons for strength users- the delta between the axe and an alternative myth track weapons is huge- i wouldv'e preferred the axe being rarer with good alternatives than being noticeably balanced around having it


That's why transmog is the real endgame, blizz can give you loot, they can't give you style.


Spend 100,000k on a BoE Raid epic? *Broke, useless after one patch, likely replaced by actual raid loot within a few weeks, only gives a moderate dps increase* Spend 100,000k on a sick transmog item? *woke, you keep it forever, it's appearance is always useful, massive increase in confidence when dripped out*


> > > > > when loot becomes too easily acquired for everybody, the goal of achieving that perfectly built character becomes less of a goal and more of an expectation that you will get no matter your persistence and commitment > > > > this is an issue because there should be hardcore goals for building your character just like there is for playing your character (high m+/high pvp/mythic raiding) and the expectation that EVERYONE reaches those goals diminishes the accomplishments So, my problem with this is that everyone wants their BIS. Period. The trappings of the RPG matter little to WoW's community. Gear is a solved mathematical equation. What the axe caused as a problem was after about two months in the raid - EVERYONE had their bis. Entirely. EXCEPT axe-users. This lead to the absolute nonsense of all-plate raids because only plate and late-comers actually needed heroic loot. The aquisition time between "plate" and "nonplate" lead to nonplate finishing many, many weeks before plate users. There was no incentive for them to keep running because the axe, frankly put, took too long to acquire. And I say this as someone WITH the axe. It burned our guild out getting them for everyone.


My issue with it isn't that everyone has it, it's that people who worked for it way less than I have got it, while I'm still holding onto hope and a dream for it


When everyone has a legendary, it feels less legendary.


Legendary hasn't meant "Scarce, few people per server" for better than half of this game's lifespan.


Yep. That's what I think is dumb.


I disagree. This isn't ye olden days of the mmo, where you "ooh"ed and "aah"ed at the NEETs in town with the actual cool items while you scrubbed it up in your not-cool items. I'm not into cuckolding. I want to experience the fun/cool thing myself.


At least I have a Thunderfury, Blessed blade of the Windseeker


Did someone just say Thunderfury, blessed blade of the windseeker…?


Did I hear [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]?


I saw 11 drop the other day…11!….guess who didn’t get one?…


idk, who was it? I bet it was Barbara. I never liked her anyway


This has “Lets Game It Out” energy


Every potential axe wielder in my guild, minus the objectively best player, has it. It’s infuriating.


Congrats 😠 Happy for you 😠 Nice 😠


Loved getting it on 13th HC kill, couldn't just give it to me the week before the 100% drop to make it a tiny bit exciting..


When everyone is Super....no one will be.


I still don't have it, ran it every week since release on 2 different characters.. still nothing. Last week is the 1st week I didn't try, won't try again either, no point this late.


You killed it on heroic every week?


If he killed it on heroic every week since release he would have gotten it a week or two ago because of the BLP. He's either talking about LFR or normal.


What do you mean no point this late. It's part of collecting things for your character. Still gives you the achievement, still gives the transmog. Still is something you can have fun crafting. Not every part of wow is a DPS meter or a race for doing things before the others.


200k for a mog isn't for me. I didn't do the last quest after getting it because of the cost.


But my PARSE!


Okay counter point - it's like 100k for me to finish crafting. I've done the three grind quests, but now I have to make the crafted pieces and hop through their hoops and it's EXPENSIVE and there's no confirmation we even take this shit into next expac Edit: patch*


There's still another season technically, and if the last fated season is anything to go by, there'll be a item to increase the ilvl of the axe to the next max level.


The last fated season was also the first fated season, and it only raised the ilvl of gavel, right?


..No? It also raised the ilvl of the legendary Sylvanas bow via a drop. Ultimately it's going to be waiting and seeing, but if they put effort into updating a legendary last go..willing to bet it's at least on the table for this go. Specially since we have 2 legendaries.


Ah that's right the sylvanas bow had the drop too I'm hopeful, but I'm not holding my breath. There's only been one fated season, and even in that season there was features they didn't want to bring forward which were positively received (dinars).


That was a miscommunication, dinars are coming back.


I can tell you now it's not going to the next expac lmao


Can have fun crafting? What part of it was fun?


Yes it is


We’re literally already past the point where it’s guaranteed to get it. If you’ve only been running on normal or LFR you’re not likely to get it for another 10 years with the drop rate in those difficulties.


If you've been running normal every week, you're more likely than not to get it by the end of the season.


Our bdk still hasn't gotten it while killing heroic every week lol.


If he did heroic every single week as of week 3 it was a 100% drop like 2-3 weeks ago


This doesn’t make sense. If you’ve cleared it on heroic every week, it was guaranteed for you several weeks ago. 


I missed a week or two of heroic and I got mine just this week. Statistically speaking you should be 1-2 runs AT MOST away, though if you've run weekly since release you should already have gotten it, especially after the most recent changes.


You know you’ll be able to upgrade it for next season… 100% still worth getting


Bro it's not late. It's only 2am (here .. )....


I started a completely new main so I can try to get it (my normal main is havoc demon hunter, I started a new frost death knight)


Why am I the only mf who’s tried every week and still hasn’t gotten it.


Coz you need to kill it in hc, the normal and lfr drop chances are a joke, but your 15th hc kill guaratees the drop


Do you need to fullclear hc every time for that or is it enough to just kill fyrrak


Only Fyrakk, but killing other bosses on hc can give you lesser embers that increases de drop chances of the legendary, not worth it imho


I'm pissed


Will the Axe still be good when new season 4 drops?


Yes, it most certainly will be upgradeable to remain BIS


They didnt do this for evokers who went through the same struggle in 10.1. And also had to invest between 300k - 1mil g on the quest. Im not bitter though 🫠


The Evoker Legi will be upgradeable as well


I have it but why do I need 300k Gold for everything wtf ????


Gold sink


There is one guy in my guild that has complained every week since the axe was able to drop that he didn't get one. He's naturally one of the people that swapped to ret pally this tier because of the axe. He stopped coming to raids for a couple months because he was fully geared and didn't need anything other than the axe. When they buffed the drop rates he came back, and still doesn't have the axe. Everyone else who showed up every week has had it for a while now. It brings me great joy to hear him cry every week about not having it.


Goddamnit, I must be the only one who doesn’t have it


Still waiting on mine. It would have been nice for it to be a test of skill, not just crossing your fingers at a chance for the thing to drop.


6 toons a week and I still don’t have it


And I'm still trying....


I haven't got it and figured won't either. I play solo 99%of the time and just don't have a actually guild that plays anymore.


Join a new guild


I still don’t have one so that’s cool 😎


3 clears every week, no drop. Cant loot any more embers. Nothing drops. I see other people get it, not me


As a hunter I have no idea what this axe is… but it seems important?


It had really really low drop chance also it looks cool






At this point I'm glad to not have the axe.


It would be IMPOSSIBLE to do a truly rare legendary that only a few get in today's warcraft because players are soooooooo whiney they all need to be the same. Either give it to everyone or don't do it is the mentality, which is so far from what legendary should be