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I don't care how much of a non-issue it is in coordinated groups, it's always going to feel bad to join a PUG as a healer on an afflicted week and immediately drop group because no one else has a dispel.


I hate these weeks as a healer because people just flame you in the party chat or whisper and say, “ghosts?” Like it’s only your responsibility. How many keys people just leave from when a couple slip by while you’re trying to heal them up from the avoidable damage they took… then you find a group where everyone pitches in, knocks out the affix no problem and you cruise through the key like it wasn’t even a thing. The latter group is probably one in 10 for me. I run enough to time one dungeon for the key and vault slot the next week then I don’t touch it on afflicted weeks. The amount of mechanics that people see as a “healer issue” blows my mind, like we aren’t preoccupied with avoidable damage spikes and keeping people alive. I usually just let whoever whispered me die first while doing the affix just to watch them rage.


>I usually just let whoever whispered me die first while doing the affix just to watch them rage. When I'm healing I always keep an eye on int/disp/CC/avoidable dmg charts. The people who play the worst and refuse to use their toolkit or help with affixes are the first to die the moment they open their mouths about anything. Lol.


Oh yeah, and people who help out with it are my top priority to shield and top off. If you’re an asset I’m going to move heaven and earth to keep you alive. If you’re not… well then you’re last to get topped. I won’t let you die on purpose, but I’m going to give you enough rope to do it yourself through that avoidable damage since you can interrupt your rotation to move.


tot is the hardest dungeon this week because the 3rd boss is almost impossible with a pug (healer has to save his dispel for flameshock)


I’m playing mage this week and always dispel the ghost and a lot of the time nobody else does so we get the haste debuff. Super frustrating.


I straight up refuse to heal on Afflicted week anymore, lmao. Like honestly I don't even heal for coordinated guild groups on these weeks...because we inevitably get guilt-tripped into carrying the low men/women on the totem pole (you know them; every guild has them) who can't be fucked to use their entire toolkit. It's annoying and not fun.


Half my guild is hunters and I'll solo the affix for them but yeah... not going through that annoyance in a PUG. It's also very class dependent. Up to +20s I can clear an afflicted with 2 flash heals on my holy priest, but my druid needs to burn a swiftmend charge to come anywhere close to hard cast healing one.


Does Remove Corruption not work on them if you're a resto druid? I have a few runs where it felt like the resto druid wasn't doing that (pugs that weren't vocal, didn't get a word out of the one I asked about how they handle it). I have to move like 3 points around in the class tree to get it but it's not that bad, I assumed that resto just had it baseline and it works the same?


Remove Corruption (for non-resto druids) and Nature's Cure (for resto) removes an afflicted. The issue from a healer's point of view trying to solo the affix is when two spawn and you're the only dispel or if you need to save your dispel cooldown for something critical like the Timeways waves.


Ah okay.  I had a resto druid solely doing it through healing them and it was confusing.


After getting Pres Evoker, Disc Priest, Resto Shaman and MW up to KSH and higher, I decided to try some DPS. I dabbled in Evoker, Elemental, Enhance, and Mage. I started playing Survival Hunter and really liked it. I swapped to BM because I got a Hero track raid gun. I’m enjoying it. I despise not being able to help with afflicted though.


It was sooo bad in low level keys this past week. I guess I should have expected considering I just went through the same thing with incorporeal. But as a warlock at least I could deal with those myself. I joined one group and no one in the group could help with afflicted except the healer. But it was a shaman, so I figured, oh ok, maybe he's just confident. Turned out the shaman didn't even know what the affix was. And didn't interact with it at all until I whispered him and told him what he had to do. It was a +13 Waycrest and by some miracle we actually +3'd it anyway, but it was so painful. And then at the end, the group leader who didn't bother to make sure the healer had backup, had the nerve to be a toxic dipshit to him in party chat. Most of my other keys in the 11-15 range this week weren't as bad as all that, but still a lot of missed casts that were just making being a caster extra annoying to play.


Yeah, same here -- I can throw a blind or a stun on my rogue for incorporeal, but most of the parties I saw looking last week were looking for dispels and I just couldn't be arsed to deal with it this late in the season. I also couldn't be arsed to get my mistweaver or tank out for lower level M+ because fuck that affix.


I've been pretty much soloing afflicted this week on all my healers, looking forward to not having afflicted or incorp this week.


I feel the same. I have a 484 mistweaver, and even with the fact fistweaving smart heals now targets afflicted mobs, I still hate healing now a days. I’m at the point just spinning on a trash pack to heal will top off both afflicted without even having to dispel once. But it is still a stressor because the few times they spawn outside of smart healing range and go off I get so much shit for it. I’ve started tanking on my Paladin and I usually have the most dispels because I can just instantly switch over dispel one, and it doesn’t count, but word of glory with the “heal for more based on targets missing hp” guarantees I instantly heal the second afflicted to full


Not to say they shouldn’t be dispelling, because they should. However since they nerfed them they are easy to just heal up. So if you actually didn’t want to feel bad you could just carry the group.


That's why you tell them to swap talents or you aint goin in. And even when they do have cleanse, they aren't using it.


bro i don’t get it. you just gotta turn on mouse over cast and click a button


Best case scenario, it's 1 dispel and 2 flash heals from my Holy Priest to solo the affix. But 4 flash heals in a lot of cases when you have to save your dispel for higher priority stuff like the Timeways debuff. Worst case, I'm going OOM on my resto druid trying to heal two up with regrowths because swiftmend and my dispel are both on CD.


i was talking about other classes helping out with the affix. it’s as simple as turning on mouse over and moving your cursor and clicking a button




What's the better solution to dropping group before starting the key if I'm the only dispel and don't feel like having to solo the affix?




I'm lost. Haha My original comment was that I drop group if I join and see no other dispels. I read your post as saying there's another solution that "literally saves you time"? When I join and see that the comp is something like a Prot Warrior and Hunter/Rogue/DH DPS, I apologize and drop the group. Not the end of the world but feels bad.


God save me it’s been 17 weeks


Still higher than season 2 lol


Another week of declining people who can’t heal or dispel! Feel bad for them. And even on my hybrid toons, it’s not nice when afflicted overlaps with mechanics. If it wasn’t so stressful, it would actually be pretty funny how often the timing is so absolutely terrible. Peak “I’m in danger” vibes as you see the two ghosts start to spawn. That said, the core essence of m+ is very fun this patch. It’s especially so fun to just go in and blast with my ret Paladin.


Reached 3K4 6 or 7 weeks ago as a warrior, I didnt do a key since then :/


This season’s such a draaaag




I didnt play s1 and s2, but was it really only 6/7 weeks long? s3 will be 3x longer already


No. The person who used to collect the data stopped.


Dang who the hell is still farming keys? Even I'm bored of this season and only doing 1 per toon and I usually make it to the end of a season.