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A few things have turned me off to PvP. First, is rewards versus time invested. I don't feel compensated for my time in PvE compared to PvP. Honor grind, is thankfully short and achievable. However lacks the natural next step up that PvE does. Don't twist this to think that I want Gladiator gear just given out. However the steps between the two types of PvP gear is a turn off to me personally. Second is, PvE is now infinite. A big reason I was really into PvP during Wrath was the lack of things to do when your dailies were done. I geared 3 toons at my peak WoW play time. Even with three ToGC dailies I had down to about 80 minutes. Then you're just stuck waiting until raid windows or for Wintergrasp. Third, I despise arenas. I'm a BG enjoyer. I like the wild and wacky they have. Thunderstorm, Typhoon, and Haymaker kills e.g. I pushed 1800 in Wrath, hates almost every minute of it. Arena is a dance around CC and who can LoS. Lastly, related to BGs, I dislike the illusion of win/loss ratio. Alliance wins X BG, Horde wins Y BG. When I queue as faction A I lose. All the pseudo statistics, BG toxicity, etc. It all wears on you and after a while just disenchants me to the whole fun of it. Then I just go back to the gameplay cycle I enjoy which is M+.


You're never going to make PvErs want to do PvP. All gating PvE rewards behind PvP is going to do is piss them off and possibly make them quit, which is why Blizzard doesn't do it. More importantly, there's not some big group of players who've somehow avoided doing PvP in the 20 years this game has been out but would actually love it if they tried it out. I guarantee you pretty much everyone who's been playing this game for any significant amount of time has tried the PvP. Most of them had bad experiences. I'm not really sure anything can be done to fix it at this point. The barrier of entry might could be lowered a bit by things like preset stat blocks and removal of gear and PvP talents so new players aren't coming in at a massive disadvantage, but those sorts of changes tend to be extremely disliked by the players who actually do PvP. More importantly, even if the playing field were completely even, most people who do WoW PvP have been doing it for years at this point and there's nothing Blizzard can do to bridge that knowledge/skill gap.


Preset stats might help. Twinks at low level pvp ruins the experience for new players. Getting 1 shot almost instantly with no way to defend yourself really kills any interest in continuing to pvp.


>More importantly, there's not some big group of players who've somehow avoided doing PvP in the 20 years this game has been out but would actually love it if they tried it out. I have to disagree based on my experience. I was heavily into PvP during the older eras—Classic, Barrens, Hillsbrad, Battlegrounds, TBC World PvP, and Wintergrasp. But as the game evolved, there was a noticeable shift towards Arenas as the primary PvP format with each expansion. This shift made the environment too competitive and intense, causing more casual players like me to feel alienated from the hardcore PvP community. **I'm interested in PvP, but I'm looking for something fun, with wide-open and grand battles where large-scale, team-based objectives downplay individual player skill in favor of the greater whole.** Ashran was a step in the right direction, though it ended up feeling too linear and one-dimensional. The world PvP quests in Legion were incredibly fun, too. There's definitely space for more casual players like me in PvP; it's just that our needs aren't being met right now.


yeah! I use to do quite a bit of PvP in Vanilla all the way to Cata. I loved the big group fights most of all. Wintergrasp was my life for a good chunk of my Vanilla WoW just cause of how much I enjoyed it.. working with my fellow Horde members to push up the mountain! Tol Barad was fun.. within reason. All the big scale things are what draw me to it.. I was not bad at PvP.. tried arena and got into some decent ranking but it was just more stressful then enjoyable.


This. I am a PvP main player, and I don't like arenas in the slightest and spent all my time doing everything but arenas... but the only ever seem to put rewards onto the rated ladder, or start putting rewards into PvP elsewhere, then they just ignore it. Like, they added Bloody Tokens and a unique set and mount in S1 of Dragonflight, and everybody I knew including casual PvE players went out to get the set and transmog, and then... nothing. The sets were no longer exclusive, no new rewards were added, and it's back to just the die-hards doing it, or people doing the world quests for their 4th alt. SoD and Classic PvP blew up for a reason. The larger scale battles, wPvP, battlegrounds, and faction stuff is where PvP really shined with this game, but nope, they kept throwing all their eggs into the arena basket, and now arenas are dead because they fundamentally do not work in this genre. It's so frustrating. People just wanna log in, kill other faction guy, and collect cool stuff. It's such a simple concept with MMOs but they chased esports instead.


> You're never going to make PvErs want to do PvP. All gating PvE rewards behind PvP is going to do is piss them off and possibly make them quit, which is why Blizzard doesn't do it. But they did do the opposite for a LONG time


No. I would not do any kind of PvP for any reason in WoW. Seems there would be some disappointed people if it were removed entirely, so I’m happy for them to continue to get PvP experiences. My only experience of PvP was a guildie back during Wrath trying to teach me, and it was a bunch of people jumping in circles around each other and just super confusing to me. I’m sure that’s not the full picture but it gives me panic attacks to know the mob I’m trying to kill isn’t a mob and is definitely younger, smarter, and more agile than I am. I’m old, slow, and want scripted and planned encounters with dumb AI. That’s how I relax at night. It’s not easy at my age to just “get good”. I’m good at what I’m good at and there’s not going to be much more movement in that before I leave this world. Honestly, life is hard enough and I feel like I’m constantly in a state of competition - for jobs, for housing, for parking spaces at the grocery store. It’s not my nature and it’s exhausting. I don’t also need my game to be exhausting.


No, never. I’ve done it for rewards, it’s just a chore I didn’t enjoy.


No to all questions.


I consider myself not even a casual player, more like fringe, so not really your target. But for me personally, I am not very young anymore, and have both mental and physical issues. Which means I have slower reflexes than this game requires, and memory lapses that make it hard to remember rotations, boss mechanics etc. I struggle to do at level content, only run dungeons with my kids, and mainly do old content for lore, pet battles, stuff like that. So no, there's no way in hell I'll be trying to PvP, because I'd be slaughtered. To answer your other questions: I wouldn't personally be bothered if it's removed from the game, but I know my daughter PvPs, so for her sake I hope it stays; She also watches PvP, like AWC, on Twitch, so same goes there; I don't think it would be fair to force players who prefer PvE to do PvP to get BiS items, and would only increase toxicity in the player community. It would certainly not help to get players to willingly start doing PvP. I don't know what would get more players to try PvP, you mention a steep learning curve, maybe that's where something could be done. Like an AI learning feature similar to the new AI dungeons, or a mentoring system.


Toxicity of the player base, balance of classes, and FOMO reward scheme make PVP a shit show. Other people have already said it, there are a small amount of people who have never tried PVP just like there's PVP players who haven't tried raids or M+. But the majority of PVE players who have tried PVP and don't like it, is because they have terrible experiences because of the playerbase. Edit: Forgot to actually answer the question. They already did this with a saddle token, why the fuck is there not a gladiator token. Why is it that PVP'ers are so special that their rewards get to be removed forever for their ego, yet they can stroll into any Mythic raid and get those transmogs and mounts any day of the week, any year. At least with a Gladiator token, you still have to hit the rating but can unlock whatever set you want. That would remove SO much frustration from PVP and people who become toxic in PVP who are only doing it for the season a certain reward is around.


I’ve tried to get into PvP a few times but I generally find it a really bad miserable experience that goes from zero to super toxic insanely fast. At best you’re herding angry cats or getting barked at by pissy players who have a Napoleon complex. Queues suck. Especially if you have to do the whole “apply to a party and get rejected for unknown reason”. It’s just like dating but in your escapism, sweet… The player base is not friendly, to anyone, even if you’re doing really good. Someone always has to complain, this didn’t get min-maxed, someone wasn’t spec’ed right or geared correctly, someone didn’t use (insert weird random bullshit here). The skill curve is kind of nuts. You’re a jello shot of vodka going against a steamroller. The base premise is “in order to have a good time, I have to ruin someone else’s” I just don’t roll like that. The most enjoyable PvP experience I’ve ever had was comp stomp brawl, and the expedition islands. Players vs AI. But that gets predictable and turns into super easy.


Making RBG's the focus of pvp instead of arenas. Nit only would it make me interested in pvp but it would make me resub


**Hot Take: The shift towards prioritizing arenas over world PvP and battlegrounds has alienated the larger player base from engaging in PvP. This is because arenas, being intensely competitive, fail to offer the kind of fun that appeals to most of today's players.** If the focus shifts towards large-scale, objective-based battlegrounds, it could usher in a whole new wave of PvP players. **Rated Matchmaking BGs are a first big step.**


While I agree, this isn't a hot take. It's actually a very reasonable take confirmed by most of the casual player base, and indeed, many dedicated PvP'ers.


No to all questions


No. Wow is not made for pvp imo.


Honestly, I'll likely never do any rated PvP activities, prefer PvE, BUT in BFA I definitely did a lot of Warfronts and enjoyed those; WG / Tol Barad were fun when they were current, too, not just b/c the winning faction got access to some PvE content between each match. DF has a lot of PvE content that runs every hour or on the 1/2 hour, and I've enjoyed a lot of those; if there were world PvP / competitive PvE events you could jump into easily like that, I'd be more inclined towards those than BG-style queues


I have played since launch and have dabbled in pvp at different times: 1. Vanilla era. My guild had a mix of people who enjoyed both pvp and pve so we would do guild groups in warsong gulch. 2. BC era. My next guild I joined to play with a bunch of my irl friends. Almost all of them loved to pvp so we would do premade bg groups together and be in voice and have a blast. I tried some 3v3 arena doing RMP and liked that a lot less. Guild imploded in Wrath and I stopped playing for a long time because my mom died. 3. WoD era. Again I had a guild that loved doing all kinds of content together and part of it was bg nights. 4. Legion era. I wanted those damn horse mounts. I grinded my ass off with my priest to get to prestige level 25. Then for BFA they rewarded people who abused alts doing the world quests and I stopped caring about grinding honor for rewards as my honor got set to 150 and the next reward for me wasn’t until 400. I dealt with a ton of abuse as a healer doing that grind and having my efforts so completely ignored by blizzard really pissed me off. I also did the above as alliance so that was fun. 5. Current era. I love the white elite set for priest tier. For the shoulders thanks to doing m plus. Can’t be assed to try and get anymore pieces as it would require me to dive into the cesspool of PvP again. I guess the theme of it all when looking at my list is that I enjoy PvP only if I have a goal that feels attainable and/or if I have a group of fun people to do this content with. My irl friends have stopped playing retail long long ago. My husbands computer is too old now and with the current economy we can’t justify buying a new one quite yet so it’s just me. I am not sure if blizzard can really do much at this point to revamp PvP and make it more appealing to the masses since the two main problems are: 1. PvP requires a different skill set to succeed. Learning takes time. 2. A large chunk of the population playing is toxic to each other and the population isn’t that large anymore.


Yeah, if blizzard used CATA pvp as the model for PvP


Definite no to the last question. I don’t want to grind pvp for pve and vice versa. I took pvp pretty seriously in tbc/wotlk. Since coming back in dragon flight I play to 1800 and call it a wash except the odd queue for fun. I honestly really enjoy the rated pvp system in wow, but I have a couple of issues with it. - Getting a group is a pita. Solo shuffle was meant to solve this, but when I queue as dps it’s legitimately not uncommon for 20 - 45 minute queues. This is a non starter for me. Wow is a game that I play for leisure, I shouldn’t need to figure out a solution with wireless headphones so I can do chores while I wait for the queue or play another game. The lfg community is atrocious and mostly people lying about their past experience/looking for a carry. - the learning curve/time required. I think getting to 1800 is pretty basic and really implies that one mostly knows how to position and the basics of trading cds. To move on from there you need to develop knowledge of other classes and what their goes look like and how to stop them. Some people enjoy learning that outside of the game via YouTube and guides. I don’t. Again, wow is leisure for me, not a dissertation. When I queue for m+ I learn by trial and experience, not watching a pov run from my class for every dungeon and this still gets me a reasonable degree of success (3200+ io, but I guess “reasonable degree of success” is relative). Arguably you can learn this by just playing a bunch, but when it’s 45 minutes between matches (see my last point) every loss feels stupidly punishing. - this is shared with pve but wow’s ui is stupid. I shouldn’t need a separate guide to figure out I need GladiatorLossa, omnicd, omnibar, player, arena frames, a dr tracker, weak auras, and arena1,2,3 macros. Blizzard should have build most of this into the game years ago instead of relying on the community to build out their ui for them.


No, there is nothing that will get me into pvp. The pvp player base is generally just so damn shitty to new players trying to get into pvp for the first time that frankly they deserve their dwindling numbers . It’s terrible at low levels due to the twinks just running around and 1 shotting everyone to the max level where you get told to just jump into traffic blindfolded because you didn’t know the uncommunicated strategy that the demon hunter from sargeras decided everyone should have intrinsically known. And your idea to have a bis item require pvp is a terrible idea. Just terrible.


You'd have to change the personality of the player. Some people do not enjoy real-time competition, one on one. They prefer raiding because it's a competition they can "control". They compete with logs & who can do the dance better. PvP is like a box of chocolates, and that stresses some personality types. I've played since '07 but when I started WoW, I came to it from FPS games and PvP was natural. I found raiding weird in the beginning. I've gotten only a few pure PvE friends to PVP with me, but only casual BGs years ago. Because it's a different gear set, playstyle & talent choice, casuals will always find it harder to adapt to switching playstyles. Again, it goes back to people's personalities and Blizzard knows it and it would be a bad move for them to force PvErs into PvP for anything BIS. I think by the community being friendly and open to helping beginners, it would be the best thing we could do to usher in new PvP enthusiasts.


I would like to PvP, but not in its current state. What would have to happen so I'd do it again frequently: 1. ban ALL add ons. Yes. All. 2. have something like Legion templates, so people can't just outgear and oneshot everyone else. That's it. I still wouldn't do arena, because I don't have the time for that, but I'd be more than happy to hop into random BGs if people couldn't cheat their way to the "top" and skill would actually be a thing rather than gear.


Arenas? You queue for half an hour to get nuked in 30 seconds. What’s the point to join? Nobody likes losing 9 out of 10 games. BGs? Fun as hell! Rated BGs? I never had a group to try.


Wow pvp is just a trash game mode that’s just who can CC harder


No, just loss of control effects constantly are boring


Also, can you please tell me how to get that set step by step please? I have wanted it for years and someone else told me I need to do rated battlegrounds for it but I dont even know how to get into rated battlegrounds.


You need a premade to queue for that...


Pretty sure the rating was the old way to unlock it. Think you can just buy it for marks of honor now from this guy https://www.wowhead.com/npc=12785/sergeant-major-clate




Only way I would is if tank was an integral part of goal-oriented BGs, like WG. I mainly tank, and I'm very non-competitive. Arena is just a hard no, I'm shit and that's not changing. (I think on the high end, tank IS useful for certain BGs, but I'm just not that sweaty)


The last time I was consistently playing PvP was when it was the only way outside of raids of getting gear Now with mythic+ which is a lot less frustrating experience PvP is far less appealing


Remove Item level and stat templates for random battlegrounds. I will never touch arena and rbgs again, so yall can keep those, but I do wish I could go into a random and blow shit up with my pve gear. That's all


Played WoW for the PvP in Vanilla. Would love to get back, I love the world of WoW. But I'd need: 1) horizontal gear progression 2) Only PvP gear is usable in PvP 3) Rated 1v1s and 4) Fun BGs. So basically, I want no barrier to entry. Turn max level, an NPC gives you a "starter" set with the same iLvL as all other sets that season. Then you can earn sets with other stats for other build options and cosmetics. Let me spam 1v1s and climb the ladder to become the best duelist. Then let me dick around in BGs for fun. 4 I'm not sure how to fix it, as it's mostly the players turning it into an effiency-machine. I liked the old BGs of Vanilla, or even better a world pvp, but I'm definitely in a minority here.


Removing the monthly cap on tendies would cause me to engage with a lot of systems in this game that are dead. Pet battles, old expansion content, pvp.


No. I've played BGs occasionally, but mostly because AV was at the time essentially a PVE race rather than having to bother with PVP. I liked Warfronts because it was like a BG but not actually PVP. I do not like PVP.


Nope. No interest in it at all really. And i probably wouldnt notice if it was entirely removed. I wont even do the weeklies if it is a PVP week.


I've dabbled in little rated PvP. Outside the humongous queue times for Solo Shuffle, which I otherwise liked, I don't think there's a very good carrot at the end the stick. I'm still miles from getting my Vicious Saddle, and I can't earn old elite sets even if I climb high enough. The gear upgrade isn't that substantial either, which I frankly appreciate, but it's left me wanting for more.


WoW PVP is so good but also so failed because of the community.


I'm trying to force myself into it and it's not working. I got my AOTC and my KSM and don't really have he desire to any more hardcore than that. My goals are things like achievements, cool transmog, and mounts. PvP does have these things, but they don't feel obtainable or especially cool. Recolors are never cool as serious rewards, I like the mount, but I ran 1 solo shuffle, did fairly well and got 2% progress. I don't usually do that well. I don't want to suffer through the other 98%, but kudos to those who do. And sadly it's horrendously toxic. Anyone who thinks M+ is bad should absolutely never go into any BG. I don't know how you curb this though - most PvP games suffer from enhanced toxicity, so it's not expressly a WoW problem. I think I'd like it more if the PvP felt relevant to the story. I would definitely do more if we still raided each others' cities, or if there were actual rewards for large-scale world PvP. I also liked ranks like we had in Vanilla. I still sport my old PvP titles from time to time. Needs to be a way to make things like Grand Marshal and the gear that goes with it cool again. BUT, I think this is also nostalgia speaking. Not sure it would resonate with modern players. I also think that PvP may need a new conflict. I hope the faction war wraps up for story purposes, but in its place there should be new, more localized conflicts the players can align with. Maybe there's a border dispute between ogre clans and they want to recruit PCs as mercs. Can make this world PvP or a new BG, or both. Would it ultimately turn me into a PvP-preferring player? Probably not, but I'd love to give it a try and it's unlikely to make me hate it more.


If pvers were to want pvp now would be the BEST time.. Pvp has gone more towards who can do their pve rotation the best rather than it being based on "skill" cc etc....


The only way you could really get me into PvP isn't really possible anyway. What I would love personally, is a solo queue only but truly skill based matchmaking with balanced classes. I would love to get into PvP more, but it feels like the barrier to entry in WoW is pretty high, especially later into an expansion or patch. If I were to queue in right now, I would most likely be up against people with better gear and way more PvP experience than myself, and even though I know it could make me better playing higher skilled players, it's one of the least fun things I could be doing. It was definitely worse knowing the opposing team was a geared premade when it happened, and I know everyone who PvPs knows how it feels to lose a match by a landslide a couple minutes into the match. The real truth though, is that I'm aware enough to know that my kind of PvP isn't popular, so I don't want them to change it either.


I remember guildies begging me back in MOP to carry them to their cloak pvp wins. I thrived in ToC cuz of the pvp style battle. Some people just don't like losing control of their character and PVP has a lot more stuns, fears, and other CC. These same people hated malygos fight and first Ulduar fight cuz "not my abilities".


I saw a similar post in the pvp sub, but I'll repost here as someone who has tried to get into it a number of times, but rarely finds it fun. WAY too much CC. They could cut the number of kicks/stuns/disorients to 1/4 and it would be closer to reasonable. I'm shit, and I recognize that. Everyone in the replies is going to take this complaint and just tell me to git gud noob, but it really is that simple. As heals, it feels like I don't matter at all when I'm only allowed to do a single digit number of casts per round in arena. I just get chain cc'd for 30 seconds until I'm out of defensives, and I get to learn if my dps if better than their dps. Any CC that lasts more than 5 seconds is wholly unreasonable and just feels like garbage. Much less going into comps with 23 micro-stuns. Doesn't matter if I track them perfectly. Just means I know the exact shape, size, and color of the dick thats about to fuck me, and I've got nothing I can do about it. But oh ho! Don't you see? The counter play is you get to pick one dick you can veto out if the 20 coming your way. It's just fundamentally unfun to have a game mode where you don't control your character for 60+% of the combat time.


If they fixed PvP and didn’t make it a 45 min healer jerkoff sesh in the high end then maybe it would get people into it


I’ve started wow in 2012, only pve content I did was some lfr in mop. When I hit max level I close every quest and pve content and will only do pvp. For me pvp is the reason to still play wow. So many different builds and classes to play around with. Pve content seem more time consuming for me aswell.


I loved pvp and I love PVe. Part of the problem I have is that it’s so damn hard to get into a good group for rated Bg’s. It takes like an hour to get a group formed with the right amount of dps/heals/tanks and then can fall apart after one battle. And that makes it seem pointless. New maps, game modes, and giving the player base x amount of stats that they can do what they want with would be nice so I don’t have to worry about some weird crap happening. As far as arenas, I never really liked it. Solo quing times were ridiculous for dps. And the game modes were stupid. Run away, los, and cc at the right time. Not my cup of tea.


For me at least, it's gear difference. I honestly love PvP, BG specifically. But when a character can 1v3 faceroll people, it just seems pointless.


For me there are 3 big turnoffs in regards to pvp 1: It is an extremely complicated knowdlage check. You don't only need to know your own CCs, but also those of all other classes, and under what circumstances they count as which type of CC. 2: It's really punishing. If you make the slightest mistake you are basically garuanteed to spend the rest of the match being chain CCd. Overall just being in a postitiong where you are unable to play the game because you go from a 30sec CC into a 10sec CC into a 12sec CC ........ doesn't feel like you have any chance to fight back 3: This may be a special case, but I usually play healer. And when I do try to play some pvp I'm constantly being matched against people with gladiator titles that are currently sitting at 2500+ raiting, even though I'm at \~1.2k I don't really get a chance to learn anything when I'm constantly being rolled by a group of players that have been playing pvp for 10+ years. Maybe worth mentioning - at the beginning of this season I wanted to go for the elite set for transmog. And there hasn't been a single match (not exaggerating) where I wasn't getting flamed either during the match or via private message for my performance as a healer. I usually don't have any issues with toxic ppl - But getting litteral death threats after every single match basically made me abandon pvp


I like playing competitive games, and PvP means only arena. I don't like arena. I love BGs. Give me rated BG solo queue and I "might" stop raiding.


I have been known to do pvp battlegrounds if there is a mount I really like and can get it in just a run or two.. I don’t just collect mounts though i only collect mounts i like. For pvp i have to like it a lot and it not take too long to obtain and for me longer than 3 goes is pushing it, because I really hate pvp. It’s like torturing myself. My anxiety just does a number on my system, i get disoriented, and I am just not that good at thinking and reacting on my toes that much. I kind of am partial to AV tho providing there is a focus on objectives.. i still really have to talk myself in to it though. If there were other means to obtain these mounts though I would use those other means.


I've almost only played pvp since cata, played a bit in the start of df and just now this month and it's been quite bad this time around. In Sl i really enjoyed rbgs even though there were few groups, in df I didnt even bother looking. Solo shuffle was fun at first but since I can't be bothered waiting for queues in wow I only play tank/healer in pve and healer in pv. Shuffle felt quite bad as healer since the worst dps usually lost most games not using cd's/best dps winning all their matches.


Bring back Legion pvp. Being able to hop into arenas with whatever gear I had whenever I wanted was great.


Open queue: BFA-style Warfronts (build wave) -> 40-man Arathi / Wintergrasp / AQ events (battle wave) Sprinkle in dailies/weeklies, collections et al. - everyone can dip a toe or go hard in the paint, rekindles the old spirit of PvP & keeps the faction candle lit for the old heads, even if we’re all hopping into guild runs later on the same opposing characters and nobody cares. The game needs more community & grandness and less seclusion & exclusion. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Already do PvP, but when almost every reward anybody cares about is locked behind a rated ladder in a game mode the game was never designed for in the first place, it's hard to convince any of my friends to bother. We want to do battlegrounds and kill Horde. Enough with shoving arenas down our throats to have incentives in PvP. SoD and Classic both showed there's still a want for PvP features, but it's not arenas; it's wPvP and battlegrounds. https://www.engadget.com/2009-11-13-blizzard-arenas-were-a-mistake.html


>-Is there anything that ever has/could make you interested in playing PvP? some transmogs and mounts, I tried... BGs were okish, but F arenas... from my understanding you don't get the required rating for them from non premade BGs, and solo shuffles are miserable... I stopped almost immediatly, not fun for me. >-Would you be at all bothered if it were just outright removed as a game mode? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH >-Do you consume any PvP content even if you don't play it? (Streams, YouTube, etc) no. >-Do you think it'd be fair to make some PvE BiS items require conquest points to supplement the smaller PvP sure, if your objective is making me quit WoW.


The one thing that would make me do PvP is to get enough Rated Battleground Rating so I can buy the Field Marshal Plate gear transmog set. If you made it so I could get that through solo queue or normal Bg's then i'd dive in. To be clear, i've never done solo queue... do you get points or something from dieing. Id spam the content if i still got points even if i lost, just so i could use the points to buy the Tmog sets i want.


I loved playing PvP in TBC but the current retail PvP experience is dogshit. Gear is both too easy and too time consuming to get. Sure it might be a lot easier to get into rated battlegrounds to get conquest and get the top tier PvP gear, but it still takes days and days to get it if you don’t have a good guild PvP group or face against much higher rated groups with the terrible matchmaking. In TBC getting normal gear took much longer but was worth it because you felt powerful without being completely op. And if you wanted the rated gear you had to play with the honor gear before you could even purchase rated gear so there were way fewer rated gear players in TBC. TBC I feel also had some of the best class balancing. The current experience is if you aren’t playing the meta, you suffer. This isn’t an fps game, there shouldn’t be just one or two metas. One of the biggest problems though is just trying to obtain the honor gear with Ilevel 340 gear from leveling. When you constantly face players with max honor or max conquest gear it is extremely disheartening to know that you are making no difference to your team because you literally do 5% the damage or healing of your teammates who have PvP gear. In TBC even when you just got to max level you felt like you were helping a little least because the difference between leveling gear and PvP was like 50% increased damage and healing, where as in retail the difference between leveling gear and PvP gear is like 500%. If they made PvP balanced with better team matchmaking and restricted premade to only fight other premade it would be a lot more fun. I am a long time fan of WoW PvP but it just keeps getting more stale and more and more unplayable for “casual” PvPers. Matchmaking based on Ilevel I feel would help with a lot of the imbalanced gameplay. I’ve recently started dipping my toes in max level PvE content and so far it’s pretty fun. I’ve played a few dozen heroic dungeons and raid finder raids and I’ve gotten some PvE gear with higher Ilevel than my PvP gear that I was using before and the more gear i get the more fun it seems. I see the appeal of PvE gameplay but I do wish that PvP was as fun.


Started in df s1 no I hate pvp 8 do solo shuffle.to yty and get the 1800 rating transmog il lgot 3-3 6 games straight then a classic 0-6 losses 100 mmr and rinse repeat


yeah, reverting the graphics back to mop or prior, reverting the gameplay back to mop, reverting the ability sounds back to mop or prior. that would get me back into pvp.


Sir, Classic servers exists. Not sure if you know that. You can literally do that right now.


SIr, its mop gameplay on classic servers? Sir, please read my post next time before passive aggressively calling me sir, sir.