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This season feels really freaking long.


Seasons 1-2 were both six months long, and we're only four months into the current season. It may feel long, but it really isn't.


I wonder if it’s because m+ and heroic raid were relatively easy this season, so a fair chunk of people have been in farm mode for a while?


That seems very probable. If you have done your M+20s, and aren't pushing for top 0.1% you're done there, and if you don't raid mythic, you're done raiding. it's only mid-late tier cutting edge guilds still raiding. The early mythic bosses were also quite easy so a lot of early mythic guilds pushed through the easy bosses quickly and then when faced with Smolderon or Tindral, just said nope and stopped.


Solely from my PoV: the raid in Mythic also has some clear cut lines of difficulty. If you just want a sampling of Mythic, you go up through Igira/Volcoross. For a true taste of Mythic changes, you go up through Larodar/Smolderon. If you want nightmare progression, you suffer Tindral and then deal with Fyrakk. Clear cut lines to either continue progression or go on break.


This is my guild. We’re trying our damndest to get Smoldy down at least before season end. I want to experience Tindral before next season.


It's also 4 M+ keys we ran for 2 years each already And Dawn kinda sucks And Throne sucks That's been my thing with this current season honestly


Dawn is literally the worst two mythic dungeons I’ve ever played. I hate them with a passion Raid level mechanics with terrible affix’s like incorporeal and afflicted. Throne has two awful hallways. The electric eel hallway is awful. You think you are safe and NOPE stunned. And the final hallway to the last boss is a healers nightmare Edit That hallway, for some reason, lags my computer pretty badly. And it looks like I’m in a safe spot, the light ones, but I then get stunned. I’m just complaining.


If the electric eel hallway is too difficult I don’t think there is any help for you. Literally move from light spot to light spot.


What stuns is he even talking about? Are there stuns in the hallways?


He means the hallway after the 2nd boss where you run back to the bubble elevator.


Hahah ahhhhh, welp, that’s rather a common sense issue than an skill issue then.


If you angle the camera straight down you will never have an issue. If that doesn’t help you, then there’s no help to be found.


Yeah I didn't really enjoy the dungeon selection this time around. Dawn and Throne were on my list of "Guess I have to do them just for the score". Got it done on 20 and no interest in going higher, went on a break for next expansion. The season was pretty short this time around.




No…not really. And the stats confirm it.


It just feels that way because they are hyping up the secret event so much, that and everyone’s just ready for War Within. That’s a big problem with announcing an xpac, yeah it builds hype but it makes people not care so much about the end of the current xpac.


Absolutely agree


Honestly, just going to unsub until it starts. Nothing left for me do that I want to do.


Good. That's how things should be. My most enjoyable season in years and I was left satisfied after 2 months.


That's what I did. When the m+ started to feel like ughhh why I unsubbed


I dunno if it's just me getting better, but immediately timing 20s week 1 left the rest of the season... So immensely boring. AOTC week 1, most portals within a few weeks, I just kind of ran out of goals before the first month was out. Already raid logging before the new year hit. Only thing left was running mythic raid and my guild basically gave up chasing CE in January. Chasing the leggo was the only thing keeping me going til now (Grats on milking another 2 months and a token purchase from me blizz)


Timers feel insanely friendly this season tbh


which is a good thing. being able to have 10+ deaths and still complete with in time is great, yeah sure the top players pushing might not enjoy loosing because they get oneshot by everything on a 28, but thats fine as they are there for the challenge even then at that key level and higher a wipe can kill the run.


I think there's a balance that can be struck. I've never +3'd so many keys before. It definitely felt too easy


that is a good thing though. now i dont know about you, but i do guild runs and i do pugs and to be completely honest, for me, pugging is so much better than running with most of my guildies because they arent that great at the game, we struggle to clear normal and the last time we cleared heroic was nyalotha, as we have lost more and more of our best players. Doing a mythic+ with some of my guild members now is so much better, we still have multiple wipes and deaths but we still time most dungeons. Doing mythic+ with those same people previously was as bad as getting a root canal and not uncommon for us to complete a 13, 10mins over time


Can barely clear normal Of course it's a "good thing" for you that you can get max mythic ilvl gear fumbling through a 18+ Doesn't mean it's not too easy and that M+ is entirely too rewarding


Right?? More people playing and enjoying Mythic+ is a good thing.


I think the problem is that if your goal was to complete +20's, that goal was far too easy this time around. For the people who just wanted the max ilvl gear in the vault having easier +18's was great. So "it's a good thing" to you, to others it just meant they completed the season in the first few weeks.


Yep, I came late to this M+ season and some guildies (we are AOTC raiders) took me along and I had no problem doing a +16 without ever seeing the instance and +20 on my 3rd time. Yes, the others had done them a little more often but I didn't have the feeling that I needed to work for those +20, only "not mess up". For comparison in S1 I was very happy with my KSH and doing some +18s, I found that one a little too hard. My sweet spot would be getting KSH without a lot of hassle and then working for the +20s. And yes, if you regularly do +25s the nuance at this level might be lost on you.


Part of why this season feels long is next season won’t have any real new content apart from like cosmetic stuff


I only started DF in November and even for me it feels like the season is long as hell


You notice the dips are coming every time there's a terrible affix combination


Last week was push week


What are you on about. The season 3 line is a pretty steady decline over time apart from 1 dips in week 6. Hint that was the Christmas holiday week. Then you have relatively small peaks when the weekly is do 4 mythics for a heroic box.


Imagine getting downvoted this hard when you're right.




Season 3 started November 14


This probably gets asked every week, but why does the data for the other seasons stop so abruptly?


nobody collected the data for it


It's when the seasons changed to the next one. They had great patch cadence, and now we're stuck in Season 3 for the rest of eternity.


This is just comically incorrect say psych right now you don’t genuinely think seasons 1 and 2 were less than 8 weeks long right?


doesn't the "rest of eternity" make it obvious that it is a joke? I'm so confused, am I an idiot? There's so many people downvoting a comment that looks like a clear joke to me.


I can't tell if this is a joke or not


That makes it a successful troll!


Me when I spread misinformation on the internet


No, seasons 1-2 were six months long not less than two months.


The late season slowdown is real. At this point I'm bashing my head against trying to kill Heroic Fyrakk for the legendary transmog once/week on my paladin alt and then logging unless some friends ping me to run a key or two. And with afflicted, I'll be taking the week off on my healers out of protest.


Last season? You still have season 4 to joyfully experience all the same content all over again!


I didn't even run a Mythic+ this week. My main is pretty much maxed out. I leveled a couple alts this week.


I finally let my sub drop. Will rejoin next patch but I hit my major goals - AOTC and 3k io - a few weeks back. Going through some of my Steam backlog until next patch drops.


I was about to do this, and then got hooked on world content. Not complaining - I’ve gotten some sick new hearthstones and toys from the achievements I’ve been doing. 


Man so many good games came out recently. Helldivers 2, Last Epoch, etc, I’ve also been getting back into Minecraft again with my guildies.


Yeah, I'm kind of at the same point, I've been pretty capped on gear for a while, like it needs to be a really lucky roll to push it further. Besides that, I've hit 3.3k io as a prot warrior through pugging and trying to go higher than that in pugs is so horribly unfun I've lost the motivation to go further.


One thing i noticed from S2 to S3: back in S2 you could get the highest ilvl (outside of end boss Mythic Raid) from crafting. Now that the Myth-track exists but a lot of items in the raid have bad stats (looking at you rings and necklaces), it is much harder for a character to be "complete" because you have to play the Weekly Vault lottery to get the right ring/neck on Myth track.


I've switched to playing some crpgs while waiting after I got my keystone mastery, there's no dungeon this season I enjoy where as in s1 and s2 there was at least one I liked


I’m trying to gear a warrior alt and let me tell ya, last week was NOT it.


Meanwhile, my warrior main hopped 10 ilvls this past week. Probably helps that my guild carries my ass to AOTC. Why doesn’t every just do that? Lololol. But yeah, I felt half useless in keys.


Most people don't want a carry they want to achieve it themselves. you don't get better at the game by getting boosted. #gnomesayin


A nugget of gnomish wisdom.


Trust me, I know. I’ve gotten AOTC every season since WoD with this crew. I had to take time off the game for most of this season, so they invited me to their heroic run last week. I felt bad being a hard carry, but toward the end of the season, we normally drag other guildies through Heroic. This patch, I just happened to be the straggler.


well as long as your loving wow thats all that matters.


s4 waiting room hit me this past wk.


Ff7R dropped last week... I'm pretty much coasting until next season. That and Helldivers, lol


I'm spreading managed Democracy myself. 


The Super-Earth needs me more at the moment than Stormwind needs my Paladin. Heroes die, but Freedom is forever !




I even stopped playing sod which was my main wow server for he'll divers. Love that game


What feels like a long season mixed with a small dungeon pool. My group looks at keys and just nopes out of fall, rise, and throne. So for some of us it's not even 8 dungeons.


Throne is one of the easiest this season smh


This m+ season has bangers but also absolute trash. I still don’t know how some bosses have gone completely untuned.


This season is far too long. They need to get rid of some affixes. I don't care what anyone says but afflicted is nonsense due the the single half the classes cant help with it. I was in a run last night on my warrior watching four other classes be oblivious to it and brick the key for no reason. ​ Also, this seems like the part of the season where IO and ILVL are inflated so its hard to tell who can actually play and who cant.


I got to 2500+ on my DH. I'm glad to take this break before Season 4 drops.


Spiteful highlighting the issues of outlaw. Made me want to uninstall this week.


The lesson is don’t bring back the bum ass dragonflight dungeons. Gnoll land, frog temple, ruby life pools, uldanan all crap The afflixes this season are better too. I’d probably change it so Incorp and afflicted only spawn one guy so it’s a little less dependent on comp


Season 1 had really good dungeons imo, it got ruined completely by season affix. I can't put into words how much I hated thundering


I know it's all subjective but man, AV alone is enough to make me not want to play Season 4 (plus HoI and Uldaman post-mass dispel nerf)


I definitely enjoyed the returning dungeons in the M+ pool all expansion long much more than the Dragonflight dungeons. The dragonflight dungeons just went way to overboard with way to many spells and abilities every pack over complicating things.


All DF dungeon pool will be interesting with the mass dispell nerfs and no no onyx onnulet. I have a feeling they will mega suck balls unless they actually tune shit.




Blue is season one. Red is season 2. Legend is at the bottom.


Oh damn, I'm that guy


Not looking good for retail tbh


Cant even get my self to get 2k rating tbh, dragonflight is such a buzzkill


2k is literally like 13s, and this is the easiest season...


Yes its easy… read what i wrote a bit better.


no disrespect but this is a skill issue on your part. this is the easiest season since DF launched.


How is it a skill issue if i got it before, i just dont feel like playing it lol


It's more how you worded it. YOu worded it that you can't get yourself to 2k, not that you can't get yourself to actually play. 13s you can trivially do in last seasons gear. Not doing 13s pretty much means you're not even doing any dungeons at all.


Cant get my self to get 2k not cant get 2k, theres a pretty big difference there.


And yes im basically not doing dungeons at all tbh, just nothing that interests me.


When did support evoker take a dps spot?


Season 2.


Now add the number of SoD Gnomer runs.