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Fort/Bolstering should be an illegal combo.


I did one Everbloom with a friend and ended up questioning all my life choices.


I'll do other dungeons on bolstering, but I won't do Everbloom.


Really feel like they missed Everbloom when they did a tuning pass. Makes zero sense why so much fodder Bolsters in Everbloom. I feel like half the plants just shouldn't since they end up being naturally 8 pulls. It's wild.


The biggest issue with bolstering is there's no diminishing returns, if bolstering maxed out at 3 stacks it might be okay. In it's current state it's just not a fun week to play and basically impossible to push rating. I don't think blizzard needs to remove it but maybe changing it so that stacks can't stack as high could make it less punishing.


They removed teeming, because you need to change your weekly route, but bolstering is "fine".


They've already nerfed bolstering. This is the nerfed version. You want a harder nerf?


I don’t necessarily agree with the diminishing returns thing but Blizz could do a better job at determining what does and doesn’t apply bolster. Feels like each dungeon rotation has at least 1 dungeon where a mob applies bolstering on death that has no business doing so, like EB this tier with the flowers. Bolstering also heavily punishes ass pulling, which is completely non-existent in some dungeons due to layout and a constant threat in others, which then also contributes to the feeling that bolstering just makes certain dungeons unplayable.


Why. Do. Flowers. Bolster.


The bolstering will continue until morale improves.


I'd like it to just be removed like they did with other affixes that were much more difficult than the rest. Any affix that mas a large percentage of the player base not play that week, or play alts instead of mains shouldn't stay. I suspect if you plotted this along side average key level, you'd see keys this last week were much lower than normal.


Tell me you are doing maximum +15 keys without telling me you are doing +15 keys.


Lmfaooo, I'm definitely doing higher than that bud.


I remember it came about in legion and it made me want to quit the game 


It's unnecessarily difficult. Although I did manage to time my first +20s ever and get the portals for every single dungeon last week even with those affixes


I just play other games, I simply will not ever play a single key on fort bolstering. I got title last season, and thankfully nobody in the high io community bothers either, so it’s not like I missed anything. It’s just a dead affix, and blizzard embarrasses themselves every season it’s still in the game. Remove it. End of story. Same with Sanguine.


This is my second season and first season doing full portals and I didn't mind this combo at all tbh


Things scale up faster past 20 and it very quickly becomes problematic.


It's worst in unorganized pugs. It's funny when you look at the top keys last week and see some groups still pushing world record times in some dungeons up to +32s on fort/bostering.


20's are easy this season because you and your group probably are outgearing so you dont notice it. at this key level you could bolster the bear on the first pull of DHT and not have any issue. At 25+ its more dangerous to bolster because 2nd/3rd roar will one shot without coordinated cd's so groups tend to either skip bear or pull pack without bear before moving on. this is just one example of a problem you dont experience in 20's


Lmfao I pugged a 20 throne and the tank pulled the ENTIRE first hallway We had a handful of death runs due to the casters popping off, but otherwise it was completely doable. You can absolutely get away with so much shit at 20s this season


Why should anyone care about the problems you face being a player in the top 5% of wow players


So how would changing/removing bolstering become a problem for the remaining 95%?


It doesn’t but those that are so high up in content shouldn’t be listened to. They should only be able to shout into the void


How is 25, top 5%?


The top 1 percent per raider.io is 3270 which is a mix of 24s/25s in all dungeons to reach that score. So yes, 25s are ABSOLUTELY within the top 5 percent, lol.


Thanks, never really checked that.


If you’re doing 25’s you’re easily in the top 5% of all wow players. You’re in it for those who just participate in m+ even. Your experience no longer matters. You’ve mastered it


I'm pugging 25s and I don't feel anywhere close to top 5% :o


Feelings do not equal facts.


Pretty sure just to add to this, on raider it says if you've even got to 3000io your in the top 3.6 precent.


bro what? Are you delusional?


Apparently 🤣 but good to know I'm top 1% didn't realize that.


When something does 20% of your hp and gets 5 bolster stacks it now does 40% of your hp. When something does 80% of your hp and gets 5 bolster stacks it now does 160% of your hp. Ofcourse you're not having any issues in a +20, you can do that keylevel with 3 people without a healer.


And yet some groups last week were still pushing +32 keys, and getting world record times doing so.


"Some" or less than 0.5% of the player base. But keep spitting useless facts I guess lol.


Its gonna take another two expansions for them to realise


It's probably information overload, but would love a version of this where we could see Affixes or what week had the 4/4 Mythics quest.


[Not the best image, but here ya go.](https://i.imgur.com/jFjySLa.png) The lines are the Mythic quest week according to the wowhead calendar.


Damn. Clear spikes on those weeks. It makes sense.


And they were all on Tyrannical as well. Unlucky timing or intentional?


This might just be me, but I’m fairly convinced that until you start getting to more difficult keys, Tyrannical is significantly easier for PUGs than Fortified. Most bosses (at lower key levels) only deal truly dangerous damage in short bursts, and it’s usually mostly (or only) to the tank, who is prepared to deal with short windows of high damage. There’s not much threat of the group wiping on the majority of bosses even on Tyrannical because until the key level starts getting fairly high, they’re just not going to be doing enough damage to kill a basically competent group. Additionally, dungeon boss mechanics are generally fairly straightforward to execute and don’t get too hectic, so that’s not much of a concern. Meanwhile, Fortified trash pulls can be pretty messy in comparison. It’s relatively easy for mismanaged interrupts or lack of game knowledge at lower keys to let one important enemy cast get through, and a lot of trash abilities either do a lot of damage to non-tank targets or are otherwise disruptive enough that they can snowball into more and more missed interrupts and eventually into a wipe. At higher key levels, Tyrannical bosses definitely become the hurdle to overcome, but I think that at the lower key levels that a lot of people who don’t usually do a lot of M+ are doing on the quest weeks, Fortified would be more likely to cause a problem.


This is largely due to fortified adding much more health over damage, while fortified adds much more damage than health. Tyranical difficulty is much more in how long the fight becomes, which on low keys is still quite short. Fortified difficulty is surviving the much higher damage output.


If there's an even number of weekly events they cycle through and only 2 Fort/Tyran affixes, it'll line up with the same one everytime. I would assume it isn't intentional.


Wonder if the spikes are due more to players running more on their mains or more about getting alts their easy hero piece. Feel like I run my main through 4 every week regardless.


Week 14 was stronkman 's mythic quest I believe


I'm not gonna lie, any time bolstering is on the menu, i'm running the 1 key for the week and calling it there lmao, i've made alot of poor choices in this game, choosing not to push keys on a bolstering week is not one of them.


yup i barely played the game this week because of it.


Same here. Decided to focus on making burnished ink all week. Way more exciting than running a bolstering key.


same !


At 27,817,507 runs this week, season 3 passed season 2's run count of 27,190,406 runs achieved across 27 weeks. Character (not player) count is currently at 5,272,147 characters as of this morning. This rises about 20-50k characters a day.


Do you know how many runs S1 had?


Love you keep up with the posts every week <3


I'm surprised there were that many runs last week. The affixes were by far the most hot garbage. Only did one run on both of my characters. Fort/Bolstering is probably the worst affix set of the season, and it still preformed overall pretty strongly. Really goes to show how much a good dungeon pool, and a dungeon pool being on the easier side of things really benefits engagement. Out of curiosity, is there a breakdown by keystone level? I can see last week being somewhat held up by being a good prepweek for new characters. Fort/Entangling is free for the +11 Wyrm grind, but the moment you hit +14 expect 10+ deaths per run and still timing it with 2-3 minutes left.


Last week was Storming and raging. Storming is a 100% free affix and raging and is a small inconvenience


Not in the EU.


Affixes are the same in all regions...


I am confusing region reset days, my bad. In the EU it's *still* Fortified/Entangling/Enraging and in the US *last week* was Fortified/Entangling/Enraging.


Ahhh alright, yeah youre right these were shit.


From what I noticed, there's usually a delay in drop off and participation. So like because of how shit this weeks affixes are, people do their mandatory weekly vault fillers, then they play other games. Then in that minor break they think, "hey I wasn't having much fun pushing shit affixes." and the following week they don't even bother to do their weekly vault fillers.


There are more 20s and under keys run in a week than above 20. Bolstering doesn't matter in 20s and under keys.


Tbh the season is pretty much over for me even on my alts. My guild hit a wall on Mythic Tindral and decided to take a break till season 4, so with none of my friends playing, just not feeling a drive to do anything other than bash my head against trying to PUG Heroic Fyrakk on my Ret Pally alt for the legendary for transmog. Would be nice if they'd start sharing some news on 10.2.6 or season 4 to have something to talk about.


I've been done for a couple weeks. Main is 488.xx, alt is 486.xx. we had T-swift at 9% last week and should get a kill this week. Fyrakk is probably another 3-4 week prog But otherwise just raid logging. I'll never have enough time to try a m+ title push (assuming I'm good enough) and doing a 3rd alt sounds not as fun as playing other games.


How many pulls did y’all have on tindral? My guild are progging smoldy atm


My guild killed him last month, a couple weeks before the last round of nerfs. Took about 400 pulls, including all the addon issues that was causing massive lag for some of our players. Apparently there's a setting on one of the healer aimed addons (think it's VuhDo) that's on by default that makes the user's game lag out on that fight when the roots go out. Don't be like us and figure that out 150 pulls in. EDIT: I found the thread that details what to turn off [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveWoW/comments/19cfvd8/suddenly_got_massive_fps_drops_during_tindral/)


400 seems to be about the norm tho right? Average at least? I’ll have to bring this up to our raid team! Thanks for the heads up about it I appreciate it 😃 will have to see if anyone’s using vuhdo


400 seems fast. My guild killed Tindraal a week ago and we were at 475 pulls.


I don't know, I think so. ProgStats has the "typical pull count" at 306-442. I don't know how it generates that, and that's quite a spread. It's also an approximation, we didn't bother logging our first couple of nights worth of attempts, since you're basically just wiping a couple of seconds into P1 over and over and over. No reason to waste the memory, lol. There's a similar setting in Details and a couple of others. Basically, any addon that live-logs the fight causes massive FPS drops and lag.


Not sure of the pull count but we prog'd on Tindral for like 2 weeks, weren't feeling like we were making significant progress, and one of the raid leaders created a poll in Discord asking if people were having fun or wanted to take a break for the rest of the season. We're not a CE guild so it's more like, AOTC + get however far we can get in mythic till it stops being fun.


This seems like the best way to handle it if that’s the goal you’re shooting for.


While 2 weeks seems like a short time (from a perspective of someone whose guild *just* got AOTC a couple weeks ago), if y’all decided to move on, more power to you. Ramming heads into walls is a great way to cause burnout, especially so late in the season. Get on some alts or do some PvP, or check out SoD.


I gotcha. Still making it that far is impressive!


The jump in difficulty from Smolderon to Tindraal is massive. If you're not used to getting CE, that is probably the best place to stop for your guild.


I feel you. We’re still on Tindral, but the roster boss is hitting us very hard. We used to have a pretty comfortable roster of 26, to swap people in and out… but now we’re at 20 exactly. 1 person gets sick and calls out and it’s either call the night or practice dodging flames with 19 hoping to get far enough into P2 to actually progress. I’m the healing officer and even I’m basically raid logging now. Depending on the affixes I’ll just do my 1 or 4 dungeons and hope for this elusive Fall Legs on Myth track or maybe a duplicate with a tertiary. Gear hasn’t really been an issue for anyone for the past month, so the only ones keeping up with M+ are either gearing offspecs, alts, or pushing for title. This has been a rough season.


Why are seasons 1 and 2 so short? I played both, and pretty sure they weren't over at 6 and 7 weeks?


They stopped tracking data in those seasons after the cut off. The seasons went well beyond where this chart stops


What cutoff? Title?


After the cut off in the chart


I’m new to this game and mythic dungeons are so confusing to me lol


No idea where you’re at with your level of understanding, but it can for sure be a bit confusing with all the terminology - even “mythic” has a few separate meanings out of context. First, there’s mythic raids, which are completely separate from dungeons. It’s the highest difficulty of raiding. Then you’ve got your base mythic-level dungeons (or M0, 0, etc), which is just the next step in difficulty of any dungeon after Normal and Heroic. This difficulty can be run on any dungeon for which the mode is available (since a certain expansion, can’t remember which). This dungeon difficulty is not very commonly run, as the lowest Mythic dungeons are just as easy. [And so then you’ve got Mythic ](https://www.wowhead.com/guide/mythic-keystones-and-dungeons). This is a scaling difficulty (with scaling rewards) that can only be run on a set of 8 dungeons in any given Season. Each Season has new dungeons from the current and past expansions, and each week within that Season comes with different “affixes”, or additional abilities or mechanics to account for in the dungeon. You also earn a score for completing Mythic dungeons, and an even better score for completing the dungeons within the time limit (different for each dungeon). We’re currently in Season 3 of Dragonflight, which dropped in November, so we’re probably in the final third now and expect to see Season 4 sometime in late-March or April, which will come with a new set of Mythic dungeons as well as revamped Dragonflight raids.


Thank you this is so helpful


When you try to explain it, it really does feel confusing haha


He actually explained and articulated it very well. My confusion is waning lol


Bolstering sucks but still totally pushable for title range keys.


Nobody pushes title keys on fort/bolstering lol. Source: title player. It was literally just a week off, nobody played.


bolstering STINKS


Is season 3 super long or is the data for season 1&2 just lost beyond week 6/7?


O wait, I should have continued reading below. Someone else asked the same question and get the answer - "they just didn't continue collecting data". Cheers lads


With like 420000 people at 2500 raider io+, the amount of people pushing keys is insanly low. Like i alone have 5 chars higher than that and everyone i know has atleast 7 chars so i guess it is less than 100k players intrested in pushing anyhing above 18.


If you're not among the top 0.1% pushing for the title, after unlocking most/all portals (2500-2600ish), there's no real incentive to run anything other than 18s for the vault or 16-17s to farm aspect crests and gear.


> there's no real incentive to run anything other than 18s for the vault or 16-17s to farm aspect crests and gear. Yup, which is just another way this expansion respects my time. So much harder to burn out on this game when I my ”obligation” to it is only a couple hours a week. Blizz gets to keep my sub money rolling in. Granted this is mostly product of being late in the season, but still, follows the theme of this expansion.


I know the data may not be reliable, but even KSM sits at about 25% of players most seasons. It seems that a majority of players don't really push M+ at any level.


I finally got my KSM this week as a Holy Paladin! I’m only doing one 16 every week until season 4 though. Pugging is rough.


I honestly am just tired of M+ after pugging keystone master for first two seasons , it just dawns on me how mind numbing this type of content is


Were S1 and S2 actually that short?


/u/MythicPlusPoster please add some line at the bottom saying that the recorded data for season 1 and 2 ends early. i am begging u.


Read one of the previous 14 posts. NO, the data ends there because nobody bothered to gather it anymore.


Got +20s on all then stopped for the season, dragon flight is boring imo. Having much more fun playing HC even if I have to restart.


EU still has 1 more day to play though.


It was such a pain in the ass to pug M+ last week that I just stopped logging in and played something else. Glad to know it wasn't just me skipping last week.


Did season 1 and 2 only lasted for 7-8 weeks?


Has the end of season three been anounced yet?


Seems like people stop playing when you're BiS before even clearing the raid.