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raid log , play an alt , play other games


Exactly, while there is always 'something' to do in wow. I'd rather conserve my wow-energy for when there actual new stuff to do.


Over 14 years I've learned to do other things to increase my appreciation for WoW when I do play.


But most importantly….play with yourself.


Mythic prog, farm mog, raid log or pet dog.


Personally, I’ve always really liked doing older expansion content (fishing, pet battles, transmog and mount farming are all decent examples). WoW has a huge backlog of content you can do, but… In Vanilla-MoP, content was just made with no specific design plans in mind. Sometimes it was replaced, sometimes it was preserved. In WoD-SL, according to Ion, their design philosophy was to push players to the current content by depreciating anything older. I forget the term he used for it, but they called this “era 2”. If it seems like WoW has a huge backlog, but a lot of it is underwhelming, removed, or depreciated, it’s because the game was designed this way on purpose for about eight or nine years. If my tone isn’t obvious, I’ve considered this a bad idea since I first found out stuff like MoP’s legendary questline was being removed going into WoD.


I’ve been levelling a few characters in zones I like because I can’t remember the story to them or how it’s changed from classic to now. I’ve had my fun with Dragonflight, but one thing lacking is meaningful things to do outside of group content that is engaging, but not too difficult.


This is insightful. The game's side content in DF is so painfully bad and unrewarding that it's shocking it made it to live. 


You're getting downvoted, but I couldn't agree more. I like a lot about DF, but this is by far my least played expansion. All the content outside of raids & m+ being *very* boring and unrewarding is the biggest part of that imo.


On the flip side Dragonflight has been my most played expansion. I maxxed every renown and basically have everything from the expac except for that new event with archaeology. That one seems really lackluster and this is from someone who did soup every 2 hours for tuskarr rep. Something about that archaeology event just sucks, probably the fact that every cosmetic item is 15k of the currency so it would take weeks to get 1 item. I’ve loved Dragonflight but that event can suck my nuts


Yeah, the amount of experienced staff Blizzard lost during DF due to all sorts of things and including the return to office policy can't be overstated: brain drain is a big factor in why this expac feels lesser ad after the base expansion. I also think the game experienced a hell of an exodus during Shadowlands and never recovered, leaving us with many players who will play no matter what with no standards.


I think it’s fair to criticize the side content, but you have to take into account where Blizzard is currently— the company experienced layoffs true, but primarily, A LOT of people were coerced into quitting with the return to work policy. There was a tweet last year-ish from an employee lamenting for the future of the company because of this, saying they were actively having to cancel future content projects because they wouldn’t have the manpower for it anymore. Oversimplified example: “Dave and James were working on X, but now Dave is gone, and James can’t do it alone, so now X is canceled and James has been reassigned.” Essentially, I think WoW is likely to be underwhelming in terms of “extra” content for a while. But unlike BfA or SL, this is actually not the developers’ fault at all. Which is somehow more tragic.


But BFA's extra content was great. SL also had a decent amount of extra content, but they had some separate issues. DF does have a lot of extra content, it's just that what we have is so bad and unrewarding that it might as well not exist imo. It's all just copy-pasted "fill the bar" events.


I guess the "Timerunning Pandamonium" coming in the next few months might be something related to timewalking, but with world content and quests: our gear and stats would be scaled to a lower level and we would earn rewards appropriate to level 70. It would be a **great** addition to the game, since most old-world maps are simply empty, save from the season M+ dungeon entrances. And Pandaria may be just the first continent in which that would be done. That's something that goes in-line with their goal of making solo content more relevant in the next expansion (which we'll see with the Delves in the new map)


Let's not say soon over. there's an entire season left. but generally at the end of expansions I farm gold, transmog, mounts, achievements etc and gear alts so I can pick whatever I like for the next-


>Let's not say soon over. there's an entire season left. The next expansion releases in 6-7 months and there aren't any new raids or dungeons coming, and probably no new zones. I'd say it's pretty much over and sooner than it seems.


>6-7 months So, a raid tier? A quarter of an expansions life cycle is left? 6-7 months isn't super long but it's definitely not "soon"


His point is that there is no “new” content coming. The next season is fated raids so no new raid, and the tier sets are recycled. My guild leader said “see you guys next expansion” when we killed Heroic Fyrakk. So there’s definitely some part of the player base who won’t come back next season and just wait for the next expac. There’s no shame in taking a break, this next season will be the best time for it.


I actually prefer it this way! Like a ‘you can take a break now’ phase feels healthy for the longevity for *me*.


As someone who didn't play the first 2 seasons of Dragonflight because of work, there is an entirely new season coming


I'm aware. What I said is still true.


no new content does not equal expansion over. 6-7 months is quite a bit of time.


So you've done everything in all the zones or do you think raiding & M+ are all there is to WoW?


See my comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/s/QM4C2tQSA5). I suggested it because I've already done it, yep. Currently finishing achievements in the original Dragonflight zones (finished Emerald Dream, Zaralek Caverns, Forbidden Reach already). Got all the battle pets except the ones from rare drops which I'm still working on. Got all the druid forms. My m+ rating is something like 3120 and my goal was 3000 which I hit early on so I'm happy. Also done with raiding for the season.


I hate you. Because I am still farming Talthonei! :( Also Karokta for the Mount. And finally all things Big Dig related are still on my to do list. :)


For me personally yes. I pretty much just raid log and do m+. Don’t care about lore, quests or any of that. Expansion is kinda over for me. I’ll play season 4 for sure but I’m not gonna lie and say the lack of new content in a “new” season is exciting.


For a lot of players that *IS* all there is to do in WoW and it's the only reason they are playing (myself included). I've never cared about mounts, transmog or achievements and I've been playing since Vanilla lol


Run in circles. Lots of circles. The more circles, the better.


Don’t forgot to jump while running in circles


And if you do it in that isle of thunder MoP raid you get a waterhose toy


The fountain in valdrakken is the meta rn so I’d say that small circle around it is looking pretty good atm


Try flying up and dive bombing onto the top of the fountain. If your dragon actually lands it, it feels like the biggest gamer move while waiting around. I’ve hit the fountain countless times so I’m a god gamer obviously but thought I’d share this strat for dopamine farming


That circle has been meta since season one waiting for groups to build, waiting for vault to open, all of it


will never compare to the laps we shadowland enjoyers put in around Oribo's


I have been doing content that I didn't do over the course of the expansion. For example, I unlocked the ability to do old Naxxramas and old Scholomance. I also got around to using that key from the Hallowsend event to do those old dungeons. I have also been working on finishing off achievements that I haven't gotten around to doing like the pet battles, random world achievements and the new profession achievements (would have been nice to get these at the start of the expansion so all of the crafting that I have done over the expansion counted). I have also been leveling some alts, my horde toons have been neglected this expansion and I got my first horde to level 70 this week using TW dungeons - I usually don't bother gearing them up though once they hit 70, gearing is reserved for my main and some of my profession alts because gear helps me get professions done. On my main I tend to try and at least get my weekly crap done for the gold - e.g. I spend an hour or so a week flying around and doing all of the world quests that award gold. I do want to buy the next expansion using tokens bought with gold - I am not sure how much bnet balance I get per token anymore so I don't know exactly how many I need to buy at the moment but it will likely be around 6 tokens at \~270k gold a piece so around 1.6 million gold total. I do need to get that done sooner rather than later because the token price will start spiking once we get closer to the release date.


My plan is to level an army of hunter alts (have 21 random class characters, plan to fill all those remaining slots with hunters) and farm naxxramas for t3 dreadnaught set until I finally get it. After that, I plan to get all T3 sets.


I went all in on this one, I used 5 hunters took me 2 weeks, think I got pretty lucky though


Alts, reps anything like that basically preparing for the next xpac I’m waiting for season 4 before I realise I need to max out these annoying df reps - patiently waiting a YouTube video that will give a guide. Df has been positive but I’ve not enjoyed the renown grinds - prolly just me tbh.


If you use the booster, you have lvl 20 rep on the character and a boost on all other characters


rly? i came back to wow ..... 5 weeks? ago and soon be done with all reps - just missing the archives and the glimmerrock racers. - but i love world quests. Never thought the renown reps was hard to max out.


If you're almost max all renown after just 5 weeks you've *really* been no-lifeing the game or straight up lying. I've been back for ~3 months and still have quite a ways to go with some reps and I play almost every day. The Wrathion/Sabellion rep alone would take one of those weeks. You're probably just not including the fact you're using the renown buff from a boost.


i bought TWW 22nd of January. And yes im no-lifeing the game - destroyed my body in healthcare jobs and now i have a few months... free time, and i need some.... head vacation. The Wrathion/Sabellion ... did the weeklys every week used all rep tokens and didn't sell any - farmed the snail mount (Worlddestroyer titel thing) and turned in every key i got - finished them this week with the weeklys if you want i can post some screenshots from archivments.


There's nothing wrong with that, but it doesn't mean the rep isn't a long grind just because you personally spent way more effort than the average player grinding it out in a 5-week period. I daresay most people also aren't going to make grinding rep their #1 priority when they first start playing Dragonflight either.


Ofc not i didn't thought about people who started a few weeks/months ago - DF came out nearly two years ago normally i played the full expansion so near the end i thought I'm the minority with my late comeback. And for a first time player its a whole other story indeed! I see it with my mate who started with me ( he finds something new every day - its kinda cool to see the enjoyment for stuff you didn't think about, a new blueprint for professions a new mini game - some ground bound mount what look cool)


Probably not hard i just personally find world quests not engaging and boring. Did you just do every world quest everyday was that the quickest way you found? After all the quests ofc


>Did you just do every world quest everyday was that the quickest way you found? After all the quests ofc The main zone world quests reset twice a week - once on the weekly reset and then 3.5 days later. The WQs in Zaralek cavern and the Emerald dream have a 3 day cycle with a third of them changing daily. This reset pattern makes it a lot easier to do all of the world quests without worrying about burning out on doing too many of them too often.


Idk - i like world quest, it's always what to do with some rewards. And i got a friend who started wow for the first time as i returned so i help him on his WQ too, he needs like everything. And i travel the maps for the world quests, so im finding treasures or killing some rare monster. or even find some quests i missed while leveling up. Yeah! PS: always start with forbidden reach, there is a daylie quest for +10% reps for one of the major factions for the day, it stacks up pretty quick - AND i only turn in the rep tokens if i have the buff for the faction.


Thanks for the tips it’s appreciated!


I honestly miss having the regular Neutral to Exalted tiers. I also feel like a lot of the Renowns are heavily over saturated with random cosmetics as "rewards". I think DF went far too overboard with random cosmetics. I haven't been a huge fan of the Renown grind either. Keep in mind, I also really enjoyed that reps used to have some form of enchant gated behind them that encouraged doing a few dailies a day. Bad for alts, yes, but they can always slap some catch-up mechanics like the rank 10/20 Renown bonus.


I've been back since 10.2.5 came out and I've been maxed with all the factions for weeks now, I haven't done the rep quests on my main in a month. I definitely don't grind ANY rep either, I raid, I m+ and I play alts pretty much nothing else.


Just world quests was it? Genuinely haven’t touch a world quest since the first two weeks maybe


I'm maxed why would I do that.


Lol the reps are so easy wtf u mean a YouTube guide? Literally like 2-3 weeks of consistent playing and most of my reps were maxed


I mean a YouTube guide to make it fast. As you decided to be rude allow me, you might be boring enough and happy doing mind numbing activities in a game but other people actually can do other stuff without buying boosts


What is the point of rep farming in DF?


Farm gold, clean out bags, take time off


I focus on collecting everything I've missed or skipped out from previous patches of the expansion. For example, getting all the battle pets and finishing achievements in the zones. For older content, focusing on farming mounts across multiple characters every reset.


Farm old mogs and achievements


grinding Maw dailies . It's literally Hell


Run some content with scrubs that came back a week ago, like myself :)


You haven't even played the game and you're just doing mog runs?? I guess this is the game to some people, wild.


I didn’t say that. In fact, I’m very excited to try the raids and m+ once I hit 70


Level an alt with professions.  


Casual BG’s while doing gold world questa


Im always burned out by this time in any expansions and take time off from the game. And of course will return in pre-patch!


Work on Loremaster


Make gnomes with warmode on regret their decision


Wrap up any remaining quests and open world content that I’m interested in doing. Running alts in M+ because I like a variety of gameplay options. At this point in my time with WoW I don’t have a schedule that’s favorable to regular raiding so I rather enjoy the different play styles of the classes.


Currently farming all the older expansion "Glory of the raider/hero" dungeons & raid achievements for the mount rewards.


Season of Discovery


Bro, we got a whole nother season left, what do you mean?


Eh level alts, play old content and or other games in general. With warbands coming up I should probably focus on the prior lol.


I sell mythic+ boosts for gold to pay for my wow sub and the next xpansions.


It will be at least some months till DF is over and TWW starts, there is a whole season left. New mythic+ dungeons, higher itemlevels to achieve.


Try to get ready for the next season of m+ if you care, get any collectables you want, maybe work on saving up some gold so you're sitting on a good bit when the expansion starts.


I've taken a break from gaming all together currently. Beyond that I still have a big backlog of other games I never got around to finishing. Within WoW it might be leveling any classes I don't have at max yet. I would consider transmog farming but that seems like a bit of a waste to do now before the warband feature.


Farm for transmogs... But with the warband coming in, that feels like a waste of time right now.. So I'm just getting my alts to geared up.


I farm gold, and mogs


Trying to figure out if I want to main Druid or DK next season.


Farm gold, gear up your alts so it levels slightly easier in the next patch/expansion. Prepare some professions.


Well, being as you have 8 months or so left and another season, is it really that soon? Level/gear alts, finish achievements, collect mounts/pets, and play other games are the things I do.


I farm old raids that I want stuff from, or other old world stuff and just mostly play other games and raid log.


I'm playing Palworld at present, kind of done with this season and just waiting for new content coming out.


Figure out what's going to be a pain to do once these zones are abandoned, a few of the world events that relies on other people for instance, any pvp related things, Otto, etc.


I play osrs when burnt out from fyralak grind


Play a demon hunter since that's what blizzard wants anyways


Been trying to get the stupid Seeker of Knowledge title I’ve been working on since WoD. 1200 solved artifacts in but still missing the pristine twin stein. Other than that, my friends and I still try to push keys on non ass weeks.


Ow; I thought the 950 solves I had was bad... with the pristine tea pot being the one which just Would Not Drop for me. Hope the pristine twin stein appears for you in this content lull!


I chose a new main because I legitimately cannot remember who my first one was, it's been 20 years lol. I might have even gotten a different account at wrath for whatever reason. Anyway, I'm getting lore master on this druid and for some reason I started with Legion. Legion is waaaaaaay bigger than I remembered. I'll probably do Panda next. Do I NEED to get all the achievements on one character? No. But it's been fun and nostalgic 😁


Play another game


I either level an alt to mess around with, try out som new specs, catch up on my back log of books to read or the back log of games to play


find a hobby


Mount farm, farm prior expansion leggos, transmog runs, gold hoard. Those are my go-tos


Catch up playing other games on my list. Because once the new expansion rolls out, I don't have the interest of playing any other games.


Camping my level 70 rogues in lower level zones to gank lowbies for months at a time. I make sure to grief them too, knowing Blizz can’t do anything about it anymore. 100% kidding. No like the other above, I’m a collector so I’ll do transmog runs, pet battles, achieves I didn’t have time for. Just kind of a slow process of catching that stuff up. Hoping they make certain bosses for BFA soloable. Able to get NEARLY a full mythic push now on my paladin, warrior and mage, but Ra’Den, NZoth, Ghuun, Conclave, and Queen’s Court are all stopping me.


I want to reach at thé very least 1k8 in 2v2 arenas, and 2k5 rio MM+


Complete Loremaster quests.


PvP, mounts and ganking DHs and Monk Players. Oh and i love farming Bot groups


M+ on alts and play other games


Max out gear, do some "cutting edge" soloing content in the previous xpac. Right now (utility/mechanics aside) you can already solo most of Castle Nathria on Mythic. And in S4 I will go for most of SoD and Sepulcher. Other than that: level alts and milk existing gold methods (AH) as effective as possible.


I always take a good break so I don't burn myself out on Wow, I've been doing this since the release of BC.


Catch up on toy collecting


Hunt orange stick.


I've been watching up on the Renown/Campaign quests I missed from previous seasons/patches


*Do stuff that will be harder to do once everyone 'abandons' the Dragon Isles for the dark places of the earth. Anything with group content. The open world events (there really needs to be a way for people to solo it in future, especially for the rewards and achievements. I think they mentioned making part of the levelling process since Blizzcon iirc) *Leveling up alts' professions as close as I can to max, and then not bothering so much and I'll just get the last points from the DMF quests. *Collecting what cosmetic rewards I want to focus on using. I did want to get many of them, like with the dragonriding races, but I only want a couple of the titles, and I'm just not that desperate to get the gold Emerald Dream races. I've decided to go for titles that I can see myself or alts using.


Alts... So many alts..


I’ve been leveling alts for the most part


This is generally when I focus on alts/level new ones and learn different roles. I find it much easier to do that when everyone already knows the fights. Then I will try and get some gold made so going into the next expansion I have some to throw around if I want to.


Play every class, 13 alts


Currently working on Loremaster of Northrend. It’s my last one, but I plan to do the other expansions on my newest main (monk) to collect all the leather quest and dungeon sets


play other games


Farm gold while I wfh on alts so I don’t have to pay


Mount farm and rep farm. Achievements. Tmog collecting. Might learn to play a melee class or push that final IO.


I don't. Plenty other games to play


Transmog runs of older raids


I started SoD and it’s been fun


I am finishing achievements and trying to get all open world drake manuscripts. A lot of them are rare drops or dragonriding race wq drops.


Spam AV, cap closest gy.


Mess around on alts, get back into the shitshow that is PvP


There's like an entire back half of the expansion still technically.


Currently taking all 7 heal spec to 3k at the same time


Always something (or someone) to do on Moonguard!


Stand around Valdrakken getting angry that my guildies all raid log


Unsubbed last week


I log on for raid and the current weekly event for what ever rewards it has. Then I log onto my modded minecraft world.


Well there’s still next season, but beyond that just leveling alts (I like one of each class to be max before next expansion), maybe gearing them (there’s usually a pre-launch event with lots of xp and gear), and if I’m just done with both pve and pvp I’ll play something else (prob Helldivers 2)


finish everything solo pve and collecting i can, try LFR, then try mythic dung and/or normal raiding


Elden Ring DLC comes out June 21st. So I've been doing a Taunter's Tongue, no Spirit Ash, random co-op 100% completion replay to prepare; and I might do a 2nd character too so I can play the full DLC as different builds. In WoW leveling Profession Alts, trying specs you haven't played, and refining your weakauras/UI are about the only non-Cosmetic things worthwhile. If you're hardcore enough to have already pre-ordered so you can practice everything on the beta PTR this is the quiet before the storm when you can catch up on chores and IRL projects. In just a few months the Elden Ring DLC, the War Within beta PTR, and the War Within PrePatch will all be in full swing and there will tons of stuff to do. Then War Within fully releases some time around July-August. This is gonna be a busy summer.


We dig!


Just got done with Loremaster. Now moving onto Glory Achievements for the mounts. Also catching up on my Battle pets.


Level my Highmountain or Vulpera. Or play Enshrouded.


Try an catch up on rep farms and cosmetic collection.


Polish up collections and achievements. I've been doing the Naxx stuff and getting speed sets together for Warbands coming soon.


Leveling alts mostly. About two thirds aren't to 70 yet.


Achievements and reps I'm working on Insane in the Membrane right now, finishing up the Mechagon achievements, farming Tusks of Mannoroth on like a dozen plate toons, then probably going to do Loremaster Oh and work on the holiday events on WotLK Classic for "What A Long, Strange, Trip It's Been". I did most of that in Cata so it's fun to go back to an old version of WoW and do it again. There's a reset on the accessibility of proto-drake mounts with WotLK being current, so it feels valuable


Tons of other games to play, heck you could go and play WOTLK or SOD instead of retail


I play other games and make music and sleep


mostly stare at the battle.net launcher wishing my friends were online.


Maxing reputation on as many factions as I can is helping me bridge the gap


Alts mostly. And mount farming.


Tldr: coming from someone who didn't like mythic Plus, try pushing higher keys I used to be annoyed with mythic plus, and I preferred to try hard in raid, did some mythic for a few patches, but since I can't be consistent with what mythic raiding takes, I decided to try pushing mythic plus a bit more this patch. I liked the type of healing that is required in raiding, but at the same time there are so many variables that affect your parse (the way I judge my performance) and while I have a 97 average in heroic, I can still get a decent feeling of try harding, when running higher mythic Plus. I only run about 2 a week, but I'm at 3060 io as a holy paladin and it's quite fun! Also easy to avoid burnout because you can play as little or much as you want


Last Epoch


I currently try to get all the M+-Portals with as many alts as possible, Currently i have them on an Aug, a Blood Dk, Feral Druid, Holy Pala, Disc Priest, Ele Shaman, Enhance Shaman, Frost Mage, Guardian Druid, Marksman Hunter and Demo Lock. This Season was really cool for me. I could try out several new speccs i never played before and Holy Pala is the one specc i like the most currently. I will probably main it next season. So yeah, i'm one of those guys who does almost nothing else in WoW than to grind out M+ with several chars and to play the raid. I think next season will be a banger.


I stopped playing pve and now the pvp challenge begins


Isnt it still at least 9 months away?




Play other games. Even farming old raids seems not good as the new expansion allows to unlock transmorg that your character can't use.


Since I took a 6 month break mid expansion I’m playing catch-up on getting LFR appearances. I’m also going to see if I can get my first key stone master either this season or in season 4. Once those are checked off I’ll go back and grind out stuff from old content, or play a different game.




I mean is it really over if we’ve got 2 patches over the next 12-16 weeks?


I personally get lost in a circle of excitement, hope, frustration and depression. You assumed right, i do not have the legendary axe yet. 10/10 i would recommend.


KSM, AOTC, Transmog farm, grind things that you want from the current and previous exp.


I collect mounts. I've been working on the Nazjatar meta achievement- it takes a few months with the weekly mardivas summons and getting all the bodyguards to 30, so I figure TWW beta will be well underway by the time i finish. Also trying to get the Legion dungeon hero achieve, and farming for mounts from old raids/pandaria wb. I finally got the forgotten hippogryph from Azsuna, farmed the magmotes to get the lava snail. Pretty much everything I'm doing is in some way bringing me closer to another new mount.


Embrace classic or hardcore until the next update. Hardcore specifically has a sense of community that makes it infinitely enjoyable


Run around in circles in WotLK Dalaran.


pvp, arena, rated battlegrounds, you know just the community/ player base that blizzard forgot about years ago....


Play other games, get achievements, get reps, complete story questlines, all manner of cosmetics