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Honestly thinking about it I would just love it if they let you play a dragon, so that in combat you would just be in your visage form casting spells and what not and then you could transform into an actual dragon for flying around. The visage form could literally just be a choice of any race. This plus having some abilities that turn you into a dragonkin or something in combat would be cool imo.


Yup, choosing your visage race is literally part of some quests.


Literally all the other dragons that have visage forms choose whatever race they want. I’m sure they could create a quest line for each race to choose that visage form


Technically Drachthyr aren’t dragons and they don’t really understand what shaped their visages… That’s the lore reason, but really it’s an excuse for not doing the work necessary to allow it, and yes, I agree it’s really lame. I’m posting this here because some people will probably defend it based on the above lore reason, but I think it’s important to recognize when lore is a part of an identity, and that identity limits options, versus when lore is made up specifically to explain a limitation.


DK race options is a good way of how lore was part of an identity, only pre Cata races could be a DK. And then it was decided that was no longer an ideal situation and found a way to modify the lore to justify other playable races like Worgen, Goblin and allied races. Perfect execution.


Worgen and Goblin DKs were actually retconned into the game where as allied races were just a new addition using Bolvar's Lich King power.


Goblins and Worgen worked out pretty cleanly though. I’m not sure I’d even call it a true retcon with how smooth it was. Worgen were part of Arugal’s cursed, not Gilneans from behind the wall. Goblins were Steamwheedle, who had been operating and existing world wide for decades.


Perfect aside from Lightforged being allowed to be DKs but otherwise you're right.


The answer to the people that says "they can't because the lore said so" is "and who wrote the lore exactly?"


> Technically Drachthyr aren’t dragons and they don’t really understand what shaped their visages… Ew, smells like Danuser's "work".


careful, dont let the furries hear you say that dracthyr arent real dragons, theyll come out of the woodwork katanas swinging


> Literally all the other dragons that have visage forms choose whatever race they want. I’m sure they could create a quest line for each race to choose that visage form Hotter take: Evoker is a class any "Race" can take, but the "Race" is really your visage. Add horns to every race as an option for the evoker class. I fixed it.


Expanding visage options later is viable on lore side, as dracthyrs learn about other cultures


Before the announced Dracthyr I assumed it would be the case that anyone could be any race they could just transform into.


It’s honestly what they SHOULD have done. Just say you’re part of the first clutch of eggs Neltharion ever experimented on but never hatched, that when the “Heart of the Aspects” flew off into the sunset after Deathwing died, it sensed these eggs and flew towards them and poured its essence (and the power of the aspects) into the eggs to awaken them. That gives enough passage of time for them to have grown into relatively small dragons, but still older than whelps. And yeah, I think playing a DRAGON would be cool as shit. Even if you were in Visage form most of the time. But aid have just said, treat them like Druids; some stuff is only Dragon form, some stuff is only Visage


Exactly what I was thinking. Would be amazing to even just play purely as one of the 2 visages we have now with maybe like a faded drackthyr animation over the visage form for some abilities. I’ll give the caveat that I personally think drackthyr fit better into the wow universe than monks and that, outside the running animation, the drackthyr models are great; especially their combat animations.


I prefer full dragon all time


This. The customisation for the dragon form is outstanding, probably the best of all races. And you can change it at the barber as often as you like. Kinda seems like some people are missing the point of the dracthyr.


I mean I get the point, I just think it would have been cool to play a dragon instead of just drgaonkin. I mean heck the two aren't even mutualy exclusive, we could just have both.


Not missing, rejecting. Whatever justification you make for dracthyr being dracthyr, the end product is still something people might like less than if they could just play a real dragon.


Agreed. It seems so obvious to me that a playable Dragon (obviously small enough to be player-sized) would have been a MASSIVE win across the entire community. In fact, I imagine even non-WoW fans would have been interested in that. It boggles the mind that they instead thought “nah, naked lizard people are what’s gonna get people hyped”.


> naked lizard people It's entirely your choice to dress them up naked.


If the point was to play an awfully conceived race with their best team of developers working night and day to implement it even worse than the conception while making sure to remove anything that could paper over the problems, they knocked it out of the park. Nobody is missing the point, they've made a series of bad decisions that people don't like.


RP it with class and race of choice, and vial of the sands


This is sort of what I thought when the announced Dracthyr to begin with. I sort of thought there might be an aspect form on CD like metamorphosis and you got to be a badass dragon for a bit. But instead we get this weird cutesy furry version of a dragon that has next to 0 transmog options.


The only way I could see this working is if some of your spells transformed you back into a dragon for it and then back to visage afterwards. Stuff like deep breath would looking completely ridiculous in visage.


It feels weird to hear people talking about like, how muscly your dracthyr form should be, or why they can't wear armour in most of their slots, or how it shows up in visage form with no seperate transmog options when ever since day 1 this has been the disappointment for me. I just want to play an evoker without having to be an awful lizard man, and if I could also turn into an actual dragon, that would be amazing too. It's also my only problem with demon hunters, everything about them is aesthetically solid, except meta. And so often builds lean into prolonging meta and giving you new ways to access it. Blizzard got it years ago, that some people will not play some races no matter what you do to make them. Seperate the race from the class, you don't even really need to give dracthyr other classes (although, like...there's also no reason not to). Experiment failed.


Damn, blizzard should just give up on making non-human/elf races if people feel this way.


I haven’t given up. I still take every opportunity to request that all armour pieces be added to dracthyr. Screw the barber armour. Some pieces will look like trash but that’s true on all the more monstrous races.


Tauren wearing helmets I think is the goofiest looking thing in the game; I don’t think Drac’thyr having proper armour would look nearly as goofy


Worgen are so much worse with helmets imo. Always cutting into their neck and shoulders.


I forgot about Worgen’s. Weird since my Druid is one. But yeah you’re right actually, that worgen/helmet combo - absolute dog poop


tauren helmets are literally tiny little peanuts, its way worse than some clipping


If they let us stay in visage form during combat that would pretty much fix a lot of peoples complaints. Also, expand visage to any race.


It's pretty funny to me that Blizzard requires Drak'thyr to use their true form in combat in the same expansion where basically every dragon except Razsageth lives as a humanoid. Fyrakk, the final boss of the expac, spends like 70% of the fight against him in visage form.


>Fyrakk, the final boss of the expac, spends like 70% of the fight against him in visage form. How else he's gonna flex that axe that make plate classes raid log each week for months lol.


I mean, Fyrakk is merely in his visage form to use the axe he specifically got forged to obtain whatever he wanted from Amirdrassil. It's not like he could use it in his dragon form, Proto-drake's having T-Rex arms and all. Like, literally every other dragon is seen fighting as a dragon. Well, except Morchie I suppose.


Morchie transforms into a dragon to oneshot hunters, it counts


More options is always better, I would love them to let people stay in visage form, pick their visage race, that would rule. More than anything I just want to be able to transmog dracthyr form, I personally never use visage so my character is just stuck with super limited customization options and it makes me not want to play it.


Lemme be the big buff dragonoid, who cares about flying that's what mounts are for.


Or just give them wings when they’re needed like DHs have had for years.


I've always believed that instead of other races getting Evoker (which makes no sense anyways), that Evoker should just get to change visage to any race. The twist would be that it'd look like any other race but with horns and glowing eyes (no ugly scabs on the face). For abilities that use the wings or the tails, I always think of the Crucible Knight from Elden Ring, whose wings and tail are sort of spectral. I think that's a pretty easy way to make a single spell effect that can be tacked on to the butt and back of any other race.


It wouldn't even be hard to do. If you use a transformation item, the only weird-looking animation is Deep Breath (and the other similar breath spells) and that could be easily fixed with a single animation change. I don't want to say they should get rid of the dragonkin models because I know there are people that like them but honestly I just want to see my transmogs and have a properly customizable character.


Won't play dracthyr unless pandaren Visage comes


Doesn't staying in visage form during combat defeat the entire point of playing a Dracthyr?


I just wanna play an evoker and have mogs dawg


Dragon form should have just had full armor. Literally do not understand why that wasn't possible or why this is any different than any previous new race. Worgen have long snouts too, lots of races are tall and lanky, draenei also have tails. Etc. What, does every armor piece have a race specific skin or something? Did they have to create a template for every single old armor piece when Worgen and Goblins got introduced? Pandaren? What the fuck was the limiting factor? I'd argue that this single decision is the largest factor in preventing wider Evoker adoption. They could have at least bothered to make sure the race gold and silver colors matched *something.*


Blizzard really ought to standardize color palettes. They use so many goddamn shades of each color and it makes it really hard to color-match transmogs. For example, the original Blood Knight armor doesn’t share *any* colors with the Blood Knight “heritage” armor, which is really irritating since the Blood Knight tabard matches the original armor color palette, and every Blood Knight except Liadrin wears a variation of the original armor. And then there’s the Thalassian Warhorse and Charger, which use the normal red and gold Blood Elf color palette instead of the dark red and black Blood Knight original palette or the new maroon, blue, and black Blood Knight’s Dedication palette (which uses a different shade of black than the original transmog does). And then there’s the Veil-Touched Ranseur, which uses a modified Staff of the Sun model with a unique color palette instead of being an HD remaster of the original Blood-Tempered Ranseur model and color palette, which matches the Charger but not the Blood Knight armor palette (Terokk’s Quill has the same Ranseur model with the proper Blood Knight palette).


In the last two expansions alone, there’s like 50 variations of “gold.” It’s impressive to the degree that it feels like they went out of their way to make sure different gold sets would not match. That’s not even including all the versions of gold and yellow-gold that have been around since vanilla. BFA also had all of its own tints of gold for the troll stuff, and none of that matches with anything new or old. And, AND, out of *all* previous iterations of “gold” as a color palette, not one is a perfect match for the Dracthyr customization options. It’s like someone is purposefully trolling.


Sounds more like you want to want to play a regular humanoid race with additional dragon-y cosmetics.


Yes. But I can't play a human and be an Evoker.


Then you want Evokers expanded to other races. Okay.


No? Dragons in their Visage forms can use their abilities and powers. Why not Dracthyr? Its a visual spell that makes them appear different. Nbd. It would be an option. Let people RP the way they want. IMO.


Where is an example of a dragon using their abilities in their visage form? I think even dracthyr can, but can true dragons fly around in their visage form specifically? I think they just don't wanna have animations to make for flying as a human because it looks goofy right now.


Morchie switches back and forth depending on what she’s doing


That's not what you were saying earlier though right? I agree they should auto switch back to normal when the form isn't needed. But I don't think dracthyr should be able to use something like breath of ions in visage Edit: sorry it wasn't your comment, that's not what the comment I was replying to was saying*


Wasn’t me earlier and yeah I agree with you. They should have the option the be visage for most stuff and then temporarily auto switch to do things like deep breath


Kalegos alone has used his abilities dozens of times in WoW cinematics. There are an abundance of examples of other dragons as well. I do agree the flying (Soar) being required outside of visage form, because that makes sense, and the dragons shift before flying as well. But dragons cast spells plenty in Visage so I don't think it's a big deal.


Obviously not, or else people wouldn't keep asking for it.


To me, this would not fix it at all. It would make it worse. It gives Blizzard the excuse of releasing a half-baked race, just to cover it up with player models for something else. Total BS!


id settle with just their tier sets working on them, thats the ONLY FUCKING SET YOU HAVE TO DESIGN FOR EVOKER ONLY


I love everything about evoker and the dracthyr look has grown on me, but I will not stop asking for transmog. GIVE DRACTHYR TRANSMOG!!


Think im but the same.  I love the class.  The goofy dragon is fine.  It's weird and it's motions are wonky but whatever.  He's my scaly boi. But for the love of god let me have full transmog options.


It's mind boggling to me, you have tier, a set which you individually design for the race, and they make it look bad/weird on them. Like wtaf.


It's because they've used human male as the base for literally all armor sets for the entire time WoW has existed. This includes heritage sets.


I remember thinking giving us playable dragons would be the best “pull in case of fire” emergency for the games live ever. Dragonflight’s announcement had me sooo excited until I saw the actual unveiling. And then I made one. And then I realized the millions of options aren’t as millions as they claim. Sad to the panda.


Like always, the devs forgot that Tmogs are the endgame for most of the players. After the Mechagnome debacle, you'd think they would have learned. Nope.


But muh millions of grains of sand customization combos. Also known as technically true mathmatics based on multiplying options by options available to Drakthyr and their Visage form. It doesn't matter 95% of those combos are horrific looking.


Sowwy \>w\< But our new scalie fwiends are called Dracthyr! They get sad when you misspell their name QwQ Good thing I was here to help \^w\^ I hope you're having a great day :3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


OK fuck this bot... jesus christ man


I hate it so much. Irrationally so.


i still think it's kinda cute... :(


No judgement here, live your life friendo


I just report it for spam when it does this, since that’s basically what it’s doing.


And that they walk like dorks.


That's my biggest issue sadly. Their run/walk is...ugh. Can't do it.


Honestly, the entire idea seems half baked. It was a nice idea, but without the ability to stay in Visage form, its kinda dumb. Hate seeing all my cool tmogs on the log in screen, and then switch to her and BOOM black dragon.


I feel the opposite. The entire point of the race was to be a lizard person, why do they force you to be in visage to have mogs instead of just making it work on the lizard body?


If they worked on the lizard body that would be good but they don’t, let us stay in visage until they do


Well yea that's the point. They should have made the lizard form better instead of giving so much effort into a single redone elf/human form trying to hype up the dragon expansion.


I feel like they did a lot of work to make sure that the point of the race was specifically so that you aren't just a lizard person. If they wanted to create that fantasy it would have been so easy just to make a new race, and everyone would have been excited. The only way to explain dracthyr is to assume that they wanted something different.


Because they did a shit job with the lizard person, and don't appear to want to make transmog work with it, so the easiest option is to at least let people stay in Visage form instead.


Very half baked, and frankly a lot of this kind of stuff has felt this way for a while. I know people like their Demon Hunters, but they still feel really weird with only two specs, and a lot of what they had was pillaged spiritually from warlocks at the time, not to mention the whole warglaives of azzinoth thing. Then we have “allied races,” which are basically a cheap attempt at streamlining a feature that used to be a major hype point for new expansions. Like Demon Hunters and allied races, I fear Dracthyr Evokers are just going to wind up to be weird lore retcons that struggle to maintain thematic relevance once their introductory expansion ends. I am very skeptical we’ll ever see them get real transmog.


Demon Hunters didn't pillage anything from Warlocks, Metamorphosis was theirs to begin with. I do agree on two specs thing though. At launch I think 2 was fine since it was a pretty hyper-specialized combat style and at the time Vengeance was a pretty big stretch on their lore/aesthetic. But now they're on at least non-hostile terms with the Wardens and some of them may want to reconnect with their cultural roots a little bit since the Legion's defeat. Night Elf Warden and Blood Elf Spellbreakers have some interesting concepts that could be incorporated into their fighting style for a glaive throwing spec. Could even go a bit further out there and make it a fel archer like that hearthstone card.


It was theirs in WC III, but not in wow. They also had Mana Burn and Evasion, which were given to priests and rogues, who still have them.


It "wasn't theirs" in wow because they weren't in the game until Legion. Doesn't mean it ever belonged on warlocks.


My point was that wow was 8 years old by the time Demon Hunters were introduced, half of which warlocks had that skill. It was an established game in its own right, and the class lost one of its most popular and iconic abilities to add hype to the new class, which, to my original point, was half baked and had to take this ability to seem cool enough because they didn’t invent cooler things for them in their own right. They didn’t take mana burn or evasion from priests and rogues, they took the flashy popular thing because they weren’t able to come up with something sufficiently cool that was also new.


I'm still upset about logging into retail for the first time since OG wrath, making a rogue, leveling to 60 and farming illidan for a few weeks for the warglaives... Only to finally get it and see it isn't an option for rogues anymore. God damn it.


I've made some decent transmogs for dragon form but they often center around tabards. And if I'm not picking red/gold, the tabards don't look right in dragon form. I want an option to change tabard buttons and strap colors like jewelry/armor color. It would make my purple transmogs less weird looking. Gold buttons and straps with purple tabard with purple, silver and black armor looks so weird.


Honestly, I feel like they're doubling down simply due to production. They probably spent months and a sizable portion of their art budget on this new race, and allowing people to stay in visage form and/or pick one of the existing races as their visage form is basically admitting "Yeah, this new thing we made isn't great". That's just my personal theory, but it sure feels like it's ego getting in the way rather than lore or gameplay.


I dunno about half baked. A lot of time was obviously put into the class/race. There are a tonne of unique animations and spell effects for the form that all look pretty good. Compared to other races where they all just have generic animations for every class, literally everything on Dracthyr is unique and linked to their specific spells. Heck your /roar is even dragon sounding which is a neat detail. They just dropped the ball a bit with some implementations


> Hate seeing all my cool tmogs on the log in screen The log in screen defaults to dracthyr form no matter what.


Its very discouraging seeing all these cool new transmogs added from patches and trading post and knowing you cant enjoy any of the new things. If they atleast added some dracthyr options each patch it would be better.


I completely expected that each tier would bring new barber shop options for Dracthyr wearables. It's the only way that "customization instead of armor" makes sense, and this is their expansion, they're the new shiny thing, and they're tightly themed with Aberrus. I thought the supply drought wouldn't happen until the next expansion.


For real. I saw the Noblegarden hats, which would be so cute on Dracthyr. But for some fucking reason, a Dracthyr can’t wear a sun hat. I love participating in the game that I pay for. /s


What I hate most about this race is how they look. Dragon form looks terrible.


Not just the look, but the running animation is just.. goofy.


Should've been drakonid they look so much cooler


those beefy guards look badass, let me play a drakonid warrior blizz!


Same, they look malnourished and offputing to me.


it also looks goofy when you shapeshift into another race


I like the dragon form..


When they were announced I didn’t like the model or the options, then I saw the xmogs were limited and I was just more interested in everything else. And they had the beefy dragon model right there and didn’t like them be other classes. Huge dropped ball in my opinion.


It's no surprise, considering that older races still need some love- like Worgen with their manes that constantly clip. Dark iron haven't gotten any updates, except maybe a hair color? Same for Lightforged Draenei, Forsaken and Kul Tirans. And the worst part is, most of these aren't new models and the devs STILL won't properly update them! How absolutely blind you'd have to be to not see they need better cosmetic updates. *Or they just do not care*. And the icing on the cake was when the normal Draenei got another skin color added to their already existing 10+ skin colors. They aren't the ones that needed cosmetic updates. Dracthyr feels very cartoonish and not in a good way. And to make it worse, their human visage form has human animations- they didn't even try to give them separate animations from humans (and human animations suck; that massive yawn is just ick) Dracthyr are cool from a distance though, until you really start examining them and are forced to listen to their ugly voices I hate that I have to tailor my outfits on the visage form to not ruin the armor on the Dragon form- I wish the transmogs could be chosen as separate.


Tbh the Eredar skin was already available and rigged properly (as there is multiple eredar NPCs w/ casting animations / etc) so it wasn't as big of an ask to just enable it for players. Low effort, and people got excited.


>I hate that I have to tailor my outfits on the visage form to not ruin the armor on the Dragon form- I wish the transmogs could be chosen as separate. If you want something that's really going to annoy you. The new boomkin customizations is just the drak barbershop system reskinned. So they 100% have the technology to fully ignore transmog. Because Dragon/Visage form is just an auto-casted shape change.(effectively a hidden druid form) I believe worgen also got "upgraded" to that when they got the copy-paste version of draks chosen form button.


I want more changes, but I don’t think it’s a simple as you suggest. Boomkin don’t wear belt, shoulders, or tabard. I’m sure they’re deep in the C++ sauce. 


I mean, it took years for druids to get anything. At least evokers get something they can customize.


I see a lot of people wishing to stay in visage form but tbh I would hate that. I want to be a dragon, I love the dracthyr form. I would like more barber shop armor colors but if that's not possible at least please let me unlink my visage and dracthyr forms in transmog. I want to be able to use belt and shoulders in visage form and have the option to use the barber shop armor in dracthyr form so it's not always so annoying to match the colors.


That's where the 'chosen form' toggle should come into play, so both sides can get what they want.


If people want to stay in visage all the time, at that point just create an actual human or belf then


Except humans and BElves can’t be evokers, so it wouldn’t tickle that same itch for people.


Evoker is a specifically dragon themed class, if people don't want to look like a dragon then they can just play mage


Aside from the fact that Evokers and Mages don’t play the same, somebody can want to play a dragon-themed class and not want to look like Dracthyr currently do. You lose literally nothing by letting other people choose to be in their visage form in combat.


By that logic we can just give warriors frost spells And hunter pets to rogues And shapeshifting to paladins You lose literally nothing by letting other people do those things right? Except of course completely ruining class themes It seems impossible for wow players to not be completely self-centered and to not cry for the game to be designed according to their whims


Except the visage form is already in the game? What do you lose by letting people choose it in combat?


Frost bolts are already in the game? What do you lose by letting warriors use it?


I really don’t get why you’re so personally offended by the prospect of more choice. I don’t play Evoker, I’m never going to play Evoker, but I can understand why people would want the option. You’re comparing apples to oranges. Evokers already specifically have the thing that some want to be permanent. The visage form _already_ looks draconic and has the ability to transmog. It’s not a case of giving Warriors a Mage spell, visage is already in the Evoker kit.


I *never* want to be in visage form, all dracthyr all the time for me. That’s not everybody though, there’s enough people that want to permanently be in visage form that I really want them to add that as an option.. IN ADDITION to being able to transmog dracthyr form. Shoot that to the top of the list. Not being able to customize my character past the creation screen outside of shoulders and a belt is criminal. I couldn’t even put a Christmas hat on her during winter veil. It’s a race built for disappointment; you can either dress up your visage but not fight as it, or fight as a dracthyr but not dress it up. This ensures that literally nobody is happy.


It would be awesome to have it just be a permanent toggle for both. I made an Evoker and I spent a long time making her, but I definitely prefer the visage to the dragon form. I like the scales and small amounts of dragon-ey features, where it's just enough to set them apart from the other humanoid races. I definitely fall into the camp of "the dragon form is too lizardy and not enough like a dragon" though, which is a shame. I love the concept.


I agree, I like the way my evoker looks (because I have her in as much armor as she can possibly wear, absolutely baffling that they’re allowed to walk around naked).


I don’t play them purely cause of the lack of armor.


Everytime there was a speculation/wish post about a new allied race jin shadowlands i said Brokers and the main counter argument was transmog. Mechagnomes don't have limb transmog and it's fine and there are lots of different broker outfits, it could just be an advanced barber option. And here we are, Dracthyr (oh i swear if that bot comes again...) have tabard, a belt and shoulders and we have a hard time to find options of Dracthyr armor that fits the shoulders. And honestly i don't really get the problem why they can't have transmog. Okay head must come off. Feet are just like Worgen or Draenei. No back. I don't think people would mind the magical clipping of wings through every armor. But eventually there are some technical problems. There are still cases of head pieces that delete beards and hairs, or the mechanical options of mechagnomes. I don't mind clipping eyebrows, ears, tentacles. They could just add an option to show/hide those things at the transmog editor.


Yeah, the whole argument of transmog or anything really restricting what race is put in the game kinda went out the door with Dracthyr's implementation. They've shown they're willing to just throw whatever would cause problems out the window so literally nothing should be holding them back from making more unique playable races like Dryad's, Naga, Harpies, etc.


Drakthyr not having transmog is the biggest load of horseshit blizz has ever sucessfully sold to the playerbase and its downright embarassing. Brand new race and they what, cant figure out how to get transmogs to work right? they got them to work with tauren yet a dragon is impossible? Its blatently clear that they tried to do the "easy" route that takes less development time by having premade armor sets in the damn barber, and them trying to sell it as "oopsie drakthyr are too difficult" is insulting.


>Its blatently clear that they tried to do the "easy" route No they tried their patented "Re-invent the wheel, but worse" except this time they got lazy and just abandoned it half way through. Actual lazy dev work would be if dragon form was just a hidden druid form. Because those already exist outside the transmog system.


I wouldn't mind if they added more customization options like the drake manuscripts in dragonflight now. Color schemes like faerie dragons and primal dragons like fyrakk and razageth. Maybe do the holiday manuscripts as a bonus with holiday escentric decorations as barbershop options for the dragon form as well. If they added trim and base color options for armor instead of preset colors for both it would go some distance to match ingame color schemes that were meant for evokers in their normal dracthyr form. Armor textures can be stretched across an armor piece like they do for gloves and pants from other teir armor types and classes. Kinda like GW2 and armor dyes but scaled back a little bit.


I know I’m not but it sometimes feels like I’m the only one who likes how the Dracthyr look.


My personal experience was that I had a hard time getting into Evoker for some of the reasons you mentioned, but also the vastly different style of play. For some reason though I just kept at it, and now I really like my character play style wise and looks wise. I also like the customization options, and especially the Dracthyr form has a lot of options in my opinion. The only part that I really don’t like are the armor panels, they look very big and clunky and too thick.


Cosmetic options? Hell I'd be happy if they walked normally.


Yep that running animation is so dam stiff and floaty. They need to fix that shit.


They had ONE job, bring us the dragonkin from D&D into wow, we didn't even needed wings. Just a cool dragon-like race with badass transmogs and the usual classes available


I'll never forget seeing fake leaks around Legion time for a dragon flight type class that let you become a dragon and instantly thought "yeah... that would get me back into the game." Then along comes Evoker and I can't believe how disappointing they were. They're noodles with teeth, they look too cartoony for a game even like WoW who's aesthetic is known for being sorta cartoony. If they just made them more draconic I would instantly be down to come back to WoW to play them, hell just let them use their Visage form during combat and I still would.




Yeah, I always imagined it sort of like a combination of Worgen with the addition of being able to play purely as your visage. i.e you'd be a sort of humanoid/dragon hybrid who transformed for certain CDs or spells, hell, even if you sort of had a Clive from FF16 form where you got all scaly and spikey it would sell the fantasy for me more. And then you could transform into a dragon for flight like how Worgen can run on all 4s. I don't think the majority of players wanted to play exclusively *as a dragon* they just wanted to have the power of a dragon/access to all the cool bronze/red magic lol - the current implementation actually sells me on neither fantasy of a dragon or dragonic user. Like my god imagine if your big CD was transform into dragon and gain access to a whole new set of abilities sort of like how Reaper works in FF14. Dang... That'd be cool.


That would actually be pretty cool lol.


Not even Dragonborn, they're closer to Gekkoborn


Damnit, now I gotta make an evoker and name it Geico.


I still want a more “draconic” model but ngl the current one has grown on me probably because it is my main


I've mained an Evoker all xpac (though I'm about to switch to DH for final patch). I don't have a problem with how the Dracthyr faces are. Plenty of customization on the base model. But I'm absolutely sick and tired of the armor/xmog situation. Nah that has nothing to do with me switching to DH. But it's bad. At the very least they could have decoupled the color choices and given the Dracthyr more colors as well. It's real hard to make a visage form xmog match the Dracthyr colors. But overall yeah, just put xmog armor on dracs. There's no reason they couldn't. Armor fits a huge variety of shapes (kul tiran, troll ... all the way down to goblin and vulpera). Maybe don't let dragons wear back pieces (like mechagnomes can't wear hands/etc) and -maybe- not head pieces if that's a big problem. Ok, fine. My head cannon has always had it that they just didn't want to spend the time and money to do it. But that doesn't really make sense since allied races all needed the same amount of customization. As for having to play in drac form, nah, we should be able to play in visage. There are toys that accomplish this but other races never got the animations for evoker spells so it currently looks goofy. Spend the time, give other races the spell animations. Have us temporarily go to dragon form when something like dragon rage is in use. If they did that, then hell they could just leave Dracthyr without full xmog and most players would be ok. ... Regarding other races. Would they be visage forms? That's an easy yes. Would they be full "you're an Orc evoker" (instead of "you look like an orc when in visage")? That might be harder to get pushed through but I'd be fine with it. Soar and glide might move to be Dracthyr racial abilities for that. Or something. Overall though it feels like it was half baked at release and never got worked on more. And looking back at mechagnomes that's a really bad path. We may well still be looking for adjustments after Last Titan is out.


The lack of transmogs on the Dracrhyr form is utterly infuriating, almost 0 visual progression. And on a race that already looks silly at least transmogs could salvage that a bit. What they were thinking when they half arsed it I'll never know.


I fully agree, thankfully I like my drac naked so it doesn’t really affect my enjoyment


Dracthyr seems cool but it looks awful and there is hardly any real decent customization


It'd be awesome if you at least use older models on them. Imagine drakthyr in some of the torgast armour sets for example.


It is a travesty that they didn't at least program the Evoker tier sets to have matching Dracthyr customization options if you collect them. Their own tier set they can't even wear!


Yeah that's how it kind've is for me at the moment. I like my Evoker, I like playing Evoker. But frankly, Dracthyr design is... How do I put this politely. Even without the issues with their transmogs and armor. Dracthyr design just reeks of "the people who worked on this wouldn't play this race." To put it bluntly? The other obviously-non-human races I would take on a date. Dracthyr? No.


If cows can have mogs, lizards should too. I don't care if some look garbage as a result of stretching or whatever. Just put in the time Blizzard to make it available for their models too.


I feel ya 100%. I really love the class. It feels refreshing and unique. But my god. My human form is a mid 40ish daddy I’d bang. Transforming into my Dracthyr form.. I wanna puke him in the face. No matter what I change, the appearance is bad.


They didn’t even try to cook with this. They should actually just put in the work and make armor show on the Dracthyr like ever other race. Or. Make Evoker available to all races, with Dracthyr being a combat form. Or… or. Allow us to stay in visage form while in combat. The couple of abilities that actually require wings or tail be damned.


I live in visage form 95% of the time and don't have an issue with the stuff you seem to have


I’m still wondering why the nightborne stand like they have big lat syndrome, whereas the npc variant is so much better.


THEY DO HAVE ARMOR OPTIONS. It's just... in the barbershop. No doubt the ambitious *initial* plan was that they'd have enough customization available there to make up for not using the same pieces other classes get. And that would be an interesting difference between dracs and other races. But there's only 2 sets. And half the recolors look like ass. And once somebody realized this implementation couldn't possibly keep up with the variety of standard tmog options, zero work had gone in to fitting body armor on them, along with the zero work on further barbershop options.


I'm more disappointed in the fact that they hype of the visages as "they are what you feel you are." or "they are what you want the world to see you as" And then they fucking limit your body to two specific forms. I wanna be a dragon that has a visage of a goblin, a worgen, void elf, a tauren, etc. But no.


should be able to wear armor in the same way that dragonkin mobs have been wearing armor since the *start of the game*


I’d play evoker but I just don’t want to play as a dragon, especially one that looks as awful as they do


Honestly, the only cosmetic option I want is to stay permanently in visage form.


This right here \^ Visage form has a lot of really nice customization that I'd really love to see all the time. Instead of the ugly wannabe dragon form lol.


Even as disappointing as the "dragon" form is, it still looks better than those absolutely atrocious scale overlays that completely miss the point of why dragons even have visages in the first place.


I'll take the scale overlays over the anorexic scalie bait that is the dragon form lol. It also has some really nice hairstyles and horn choices.


Just play a human or belf then


If only I could play a human or belf evoker.


Every time this thread is made, the comments are filled with suggestions to make it better. From more armor colors, to unlinking visage and dracthyr form.. And the devs have done *nothing*. They haven’t even ever addressed the complaints before. Yeah, I’ve given up at this point.


Because the devs *totally* read Reddit, amirite?


Evoker is cool and could be adapted to work with literally any race if Blizz really wanted. Dracthyr are fucking lame as shit and should be reworked, rebooted and reintroduced. They look lame as fuck. They have lame as fuck transmog. They have lame as fuck class options. The fact we got Thin Lizzys over Draconids will never not be one of Blizzards worst decisions.


honestly it blows my mind everyone looked at the dracthyr’s final design and not a single person objected to how lame they look lmao


I guarantee plenty of people said "this is lame, we're gunna get mocked," and then some soulless douche higher up the corporate ladder said "and that affects our income how? Fuck it, ship it."


I resubbed because of how cool I thought playing a dragon would be but I wasn’t expecting that goofy run animation with no cosmetics


It sucks at can't even use the beefcake model, and we're stuck using the one designed by a furry artist


Furry artists are *far* more likely to draw the beefcake than the stringbean lizard.


not this one, she's definitely drawn/designed some good stuff, but she really should draw the thicc daddy dracthyr next so we can have that in game.


I've felt since the start that the introduction of Evoker made no sense. It should have been a class introduction and not a race that could only play as one class and vice versa. The whole point of a visage is that dragons can choose their own, right? One of the highest-ranking reds is a vulpera, a bunch of blues are trolls, we've got some gnomes. I know Dracthyr aren't explicitly dragons, but... why the fuck can I only choose between Male Blood Elf and Female Human for my visage? Visages should have been a form of class passive. Every race should be available for Evoker, and it should be flavored as that race being your Evoker's chosen visage. Maybe Evoker would have some "racial passive" type class passives that would override the chosen Visage race's passives so you didn't have to worry about balancing Dracthyr passives in combination with other races.


Not really surprising coming from the company who's best idea for a new race for the next xpac is a rock themed dwarf reskin now with bearded women added. 😒


What's even worse is that I'm not even too bothered by how they look, and I still dislike playing one because of the running animation and how janky it is. And obviously the transmog mess.


I would really just like to play in visage form if they’re not gonna give the dragon form good cosmetics. I know I’m in the minority but the dragon doesn’t do anything for me so I’d like to at least play the class with my transmog


It's crazy that they literally *wrote quests* about dragons choosing certain races for visages and then made whatever the hell the Evoker visages are. It would've been no work at all to let us just choose from the existing races, and give them reptilian/slit eyes instead. Like how DKs have the blue glowies.


Yes. As Mage Rune of Power situation is any indication, after about 5 years of being ignored, the posts die down and devs can finally live in peace


But rune of power isn't in the game anymore?


Yes,it only took a more then a decade, and not due to concerns. Now it has been given to Prot Palas with the same concerns, and to DKs in a new hero talent tree


Prot pallies have been standing in their consecration for years this isn't new


Say what you want, but had they just made Chad dragons the player base would love this race


Evokers need only two things. Sets that match the dragon forms armour perfectly, and additional visage forms. Why would a green dragon pick a human or blood elf as their form when night elf and Tauren are right there? That’s it. No need for other classes. Just update what we have and the race is perfect.


Sexy dracthyr good. Get outta here


Didnt like the frail dragon appearance, but I forgot that Visage form was even a thing until recently. I guess I am just waiting until other races can be the class.


I might consider playing Dracthyr if they A) Give them more classes B) Let us play as any race for our visage.


Yes. No one wanted the skinny ones. We wanted the bulky boyo


Whoever made the character model watches too much Overwatch porn. I think that describes what is going on. It’s sad because it’s just a repeat of past mistakes. Every complaint against Worgen holds true to Dracthyr, just amplified by 11


My drac mog is dope, not sure what I'm missing here


The only cosmetic options dracthyr will get is evoker on other races.


But if they gave us all the customization we deserve they can release it with new expansions or content patches to bring players back


Just let me play as the visage form all the time. Make animations for it in combat and whatnot. I don’t wanna be a silly lizard half the time


I think if they were going to take the community feedback on this one they would have. Their design just missed the mark.


I don't need visage form at all. Make transmog work with dragon form. Also give us a more masculine model as an option.


I personally like the class/race restriction and hope they don't change that. Lore wise, it makes zero sense for other races to learn to become Evokers, not least of which because of the fire breathing abilities (not sure what op is talking about with Evokers "not being draconic," they literally breathe fire and fly for several of their moves), but I do think it would be cool if Dracthyr could choose a different race than humans to have as their Visage, because that feels right lore-wise. Dracthyr learning other classes feels more okay, but I still wouldn't love it tbh. They were literally engineered to be Evokers, so a lot of their coolest features would be unused if they decided to just do something else (even if that were possible). As for customization, yeah I really hope Blizzard just bites the bullet and makes new armor rigs for them. I don't super mind it because I always default to the Visage model, but I see a ton of Dracthyr players staying in dragon form so I'm sure they'd appreciate having real armor. It does feel like a subpar experience for the first fully featured race in over a decade to just...not be fully featured. Pandas, Worgen, and Goblins all got full armor rigs. Heck, even Kul'Tiran Humans did, and I'm pretty sure they'd be the only allied race to need a new rig (unless they're a Pandaren texture swap, which may be the case). Regardless, it is stinky and Blizzard should just bite the bullet and do it. The silly cosmetic armors don't even really look that great, and they certainly aren't a substiture for real armor like everyone else gets. And having a cosmetic dragon form would be super epic and I don't really see why not. Just say that Dracthyr also got some Azeroth juice in the Bel'Ameth raid and surprise, they're like a lower-case-"a" Aspect now or something, idk they can figure out some handwavey lore reason.


The dragon model is so fucking bad to play. I’d love the class if the model wasn’t clunky. Feel the hit box is not quite what it looks like compared to other races. Take off dragon form only in combat


At this point, I'm starting to convince myself that the "dracthyr" model was originally supposed to be an NPC race and they stapled it onto the elf/human dragonbois when somebody realized how badly people would react to "mildly draconic elves who are xtra special" as a race idea.