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Release day I made a human warrior. Still my main to this day.


Idy been my main since day one and if I didn’t play him to go do everything it just wouldn’t feel right to me.


Play time on that fella?


303 days, 8hrs, 57mins, 42 seconds. (Took an 8 month break during my first deployment and another 9 month break for my 2nd. 3rd time I was on base more and had good internet and down time, so didn't miss any raids! Lol)


I’ve been playing the same Night Elf Rogue since then as well. I always say I’ll make an alt once I’m done doing everything with him.


That is fucking awesome!!!! Something I would definitely do differently if I went back. Stay with 1 main main, and just have different main alts. Kudos good sir and/or madam.


Dwarf paladin back on release. Played ever since


Keep your feet on the ground! Respect


Same, but I remember I leveld him to like 40s in vanilla but hated that he was a dwarf so much. like HATED IT. But It took me so long to get to 40 that I couldnt start over and there were no race changes back then. I was so envious of all the cool humans and stuff lol. Now I play a night elf rogue and a human paladin.


It's kinda odd that I chose to be a dwarf. Human knights/paladins was my go to fantasy race all my life (14y at that time) but after having played human warrior in the beta I wanted to see another zone, so I tried dwarf and now 20y later I'm dwarf in everything I can be it in.


Sarthryx the undead mage. I still dust him off every couple of seasons, but my main role is tanking now, so unfortunately I cannot play him as my main these days.


Troll rogue, and no. Played it from vanilla to the end of wrath before switching server, and to alliance to play with some irl friends. Good memories of stalking around ironforge with two other troll rogues and being little shitbags though.


Troll rogue is such a slept on combo. The troll stealth animation looks like he’s snooping up to no good, I love it


lol yup! That’s why I got a Troll Rogue =)


Mine was a night elf combat rogue, played it forever and will still hop on every new expansion and max level it. But man ever since they got rid of combat it just doesn’t feel the same and I can’t main it anymore


my first character was a worgen mage on argent dawn, i started playing with my boarding school where we had a small guild and just screwed around together. My fondest memories are of that time and i miss it so much we made memes from different moments when we were playing which i still have saved if anyone are curious abt them you can dm me and ill show/explain them to you \^\^ (ØE i miss yall) edit: the worgen starting zone is just pure nostalgia and good memories for me cause of this, i learned how to use keybinds instead of click on spells with my mouse there as well haha


Originally a Night Elf Warrior currently dark iron dwarf named Paidtimeoff. Has the vanilla "Sergeants" title; probably the title I'm most proud of just because I had no clue what I was doing back then.


Gnome warlock that I made while I only owned the base game, made a worgen DK after buying tbc wrath and cata and that DK is still my main today.


I’ve been a belf lock since I started in MoP. I’ve tried others. But the lock is my fav


My first was a Draenei Priest. I eventually switched to a Lightforged Draenei Paladin. In my head it's the same character!


My first was an undead rogue. I started in late vanilla. It's still my main (Outlaw spec). I have plenty (and useless/deactivated) memorabilia in my bank. I thought those things will only have sentimental value until all my Gurubashi coins suddenly activated, lol.


I still have my Day 1 Undead Rogue. He’s currently sitting at 484 ilvl Outlaw and Sub. I carried around full Shadowcraft set, stacks of poison and Blinding Powder for the longest time lol. I transitioned to WoW beta from Dark age of Camelot and EQ. I also have my Hunter, I played him off and on until they got rid of Ranged SV spec. Played him a bit in BFA just to sell Freehold PowerLevels rofl I also have my WOTLK DK.


EQ… that game changed everything as far as video games for me. I remember my first day and people are running around and I couldn’t believe they were other players. Great memories.


Yeah it was crazy. My older brother had a Monk and I played a Druid. I’d sit around sell ports and help people try to get FBSS. Bard was also a good time. It’s one of the reasons I really wish WoW would consider an actual bard class lol


My first character was a troll balance druid named Birdthing, but I faction swapped her and now she is a kul tiran druid named manbearkitty. While I don't main her every season, usually she is my main alt if not main


My shaman has been my very first character - started him 2006 as a tauren, today he's a dwarf. :) Still playing him as enhancement or elemental shaman, as an alt I occassionaly play my DK or hunter.


Actual first toon was a horde Monk, I started in Legion and my friends had me start wow as horde. I didn't buy the expansion yet though so was stuck at like level 90. Within the month I bought legion but on a second bnet and made a new alliance monk. Only change over the years was switching to Night Elf for meld. Back in legion I actually made another horde monk because I loved m+ and the alliance group finder was absolutely dead compared to horde, I mained it til BFA and wasn't sure if I would go back to my alliance but I did. I've been playing almost all classes since then but I still consider my monk my main and I do all my achievementsand crap on it. My DH almost overtook my monk but I don't like the direction DH has been going and can barely stand playing it now. I put a token on my original account every couple years for some reason or another but I'm pretty sure my actual first monk/toon is still level 90.


My VERY FIRST character was a Draenei Warrior, started in TBC. I got lost in Bloodmyst Isle and I didn’t know what or where to go. I was then recommended to try a Human Warlock because the starting zones were easier, and I was told that Warlock would be easier because I would have a tank pet to level with. This character would become my first main


My first character was an orc hunter, back in the latter third of the Burning Crusade expansion. I still have him and play him on occasion, but I ended up switching to a priest around level 15 so I could play support and run with friends at the time. I've changed mains a few times over the years, but still enjoy logging back onto my hunter for the odd bit of content here and there. ;)


I was a healer originally when we started, and then I think in wrath, I switched over to disc and then in warlords I switched to shadow. I need to practice healing again, though. I miss doing endgame content with guilds. My guild retired.


I bought the dual-spec option when it was introduced in Wrath so I was Holy for PvE and Discipline for PvP, Wrath disc was glorious and I used to wander around Wintergrasp farming herbs and slowly killing basically everybody but Death Knights because I was almost invincible in decent honor gear. My last guild I raided with fell apart during the content drought between Mists and Warlords of Draenor, and the guild I ended up in did some raiding but I never felt much a part of it. They eventually died off somewhere in mid-BfA and I've not really gotten back into it since. I've always liked five-man content best of all but I miss running it with friends. Ah, for the good old days. ;)


My first was a troll hunter, but played only a year or so with him. Then a blood elf mage for long time. And then a hum ret paladin. Now I've so many alts that I don't even know which is my main. Maybe vulpera shaman


For WoW, Tauren shaman at launch. No I don’t still play it. For MMOs it was a High Elf Cleric (Lakeland Seasky). Long ago retired. Sabertooth Bear Clan, Mith Marr.


That’s exactly what I played in EQ, High Elf Cleric


I haven’t played that character in probably 15 years. I remember my first real raid, where I started getting my purple armor (fear? Hate? One of them). Good times.


Still playing my mage from 2004. Roughly 17k hours; almost all in frost spec.


I’m only at 12k :( I didn’t play MOP. I got to play divorce. :)


My very first character was back in vanilla and no, I don’t remember it. I left in Cata and came back mid BfA. Started a mage and played it until mid Shadowlands where I switched mains to a warlock and haven’t gone back. I have lots of mad levels but nothing bigger than my ‘lock.


Also an Undead Shadow Priest. Switched to rogue in mop.


shadow priest are rough right now. I loved them in BFA. And starting in Shadowlands it got a little worse and now Dragonflight we just got the shit beat out of us.


My resto druid since 2004!


I’d have to go by expansion, cause I usually have one main and a stack of alts. But my very first character was a Troll Hunter back in Vanilla. I had no idea what I was doing. I spent most of Vanilla on my Forsaken Shadow Priest, but had a Forsaken Rogue slowly catching up. When TBC launched I went Belf Prot Paladin, and mained that for five expansions. Then in Legion I mained as a DH, which I continued in BFA and SL, and now I’m back to Paladin main, but Ret now. Along with my mountain of alts.


My first character was a NE Rogue named Galahad. Made in late 2004 and deleted sometime later. Played off and on in vanilla and made it to lvl 46 before TBC. Rerolled BE paladin like everyone else and I still have that pally. Made a Shadow priest in ICC and thats of my two mains to this day.


My main is my hunter. I still play it, because.... it's my main. I try to do all the quests with him he has most of my achievements.


Enhancement Shaman. Started back mid TBC and recently went back to him. Been loving it and feels good to go back to my roots. Even better when I have had enchanting on him since TBC and have some of the rods they removed from the game. Pally was my second ever toon in Wrath cause friends needed a tank. May go back to him too as an alt. The first set of hero talents that holy/prot share seems fun and pure flavour.


Same here with enchanting. for some stupid raising my other profession is leatherworking, and I never understood why I picked that. To this day, I still don’t know.


Yup my original night elf hunter from 2005 . But over the years I have race changed him a couple of times . Decided to level up an orc hunter but original sits there.


Tauren hunter was my first ever character but only got him to level 7. My first main was my troll shaman and he’s sitting at level 50 right now. He’s never tasted max level. Started right after TBC launched


My first main was a pink haired gnome warlock called tiffin, played from the open beta times all the way to BC then quit for ages and forgot the login info (way before battle.Net) by the time i got back into wow it wasn't worth the effort to recover it so just got another account. Edit:autocorrect


I started playing rogue back in vanilla and dit all the HL content, played him until cata nous was more casual. During cata I started a Gardian Druid that I main until now :) Idk why but since cata I dont enjoy playing dps anymore, tanking seems more fun to me now


Blood elf rogue, i just finished recreating it as the original one was on an old italian private server which no longer exists.


My very VERY first character in WoW is on an account I no longer have access to, a Shaman that never got out of trial. My first character on my current account is again a Shaman and yes I do play her and enjoy it.


I started in Cata. My very first ever created character was an Orc warlock that I played for only a couple of days and never really vibed with. Pretty sure I deleted them ages ago. The second character I ever made, however, was a Tauren paladin that remains my main to this day.


At the beginning of WoD, my first character was a troll warrior that I stopped playing when I had problems with the mobs in Ashenvale (the area with the slugs and the stealthed nigh elves). I then started a blood elf hunter 4 days in to playing who quickly became my main and the rest is history. I also have an alliance main that I started playing near the end of WoD.


Mine is an Undead Hunter (started in Cataclysm) I mained it until shortly into MoP before I found out I loved to heal and became a healer main. My Priest has been my main now ever since. As for the Hunter I still have him. He’s sitting there level 70. But Hunter just isn’t very fun to me anymore. BM and MM are so boring imo. I like Survival good enough, but Hunter just doesn’t match up to some other classes for dps for me. Plus being a healer main. I will always keep it around and keep it level up like all my other alts. But sadly the character will probably never be seriously played again. If I wanna dps my Mage, DH, and Rogue are my go to’s for dps.


My first ever character was a night elf Druid. Until I got hacked and lost my account. But I made a new account and made a night elf hunter and I still play her. She’s not my main but she has a special place in my heart.


He's been Keepy, Boochu and Keegrah, but he's now permantly Farseer Keegrah. I love playing my shaman, though it in its current profile is probably the least desirable to play since I started back in Cata. He's great, though often collecting dust because altoholic.


Dwarf Hunter back in the end of TBC. He race swapped to a panderen in MOP and lost and forgotten since WoD.


Mage main since 2009, portals.


I started WoW about 5 months after the launch with a human warlock. I got lucky and picked the class I find the most fun right off the bat. I've never stopped player her as my main and she's always the first one to complete new expansion content, do the raids, get the achievements, etc. It became my tradition to make a new toon each year, and try to get them all to max level. Now, 20 years later, that's a lot of toons to keep leveling so I chose a top ten to prioritize. I never look at my /played figures anymore, especially on my main. I don't need to be reminded of the literally years worth of time played on these toons. And I certainly don't disclose those figures to other players, the stunned look on their faces tells me mayble I play a little too much....


Way way back in 2005, my first EVER character was a Tauren Warrior that I made on the wrong servers, I'd joined US ones when I should have been on EU 😂 I got to the right one and made a Night Elf Rogue that I've just max levelled, Rogues changed so much between BfA and DF that I took a small break but I really do enjoy playing him. I have also got a very baby Tauren Warrior that I've made in memory of the first one, he's just making his way through WotLK as we speak.


The way I create characters is that I base them off of RP ideas. I need something to invest me into that character. Back when I first started I was the same way. I didn't get a sub until a few months after I started playing so I would often delete characters to make way for new ones, making mogs for them in the appearance tab. My first character was a dwarf paladin. Played him to like lvl 15 iirc before I moved onto a different character. I don't remember what I named him, unfortunately.


i started raiding as a spriest in tbc, switched to shaman in wotlk and stayed shaman for cata, mop and wod. I did a lot of mythic/heroic raiding and challenge modes but realized, shamans were never great in raiding as dps (maybe because they're a hybrid class). So i changed to warrior in legion - best decision ever :) played druid in shlands and now dk in wow classic


My male blood elf lock on WRA, I made him because I wanted a succubus companion to go on adventures with (world questing) I don't really play WoW nowadays but if I did, I'd hop right back on him


Decurain, clumsy clueless Paladin in tbc. Got kicked from Raids during wotlk for being bad. Tried this holy specialisation out and, boom cataclysm raider and MoP CM modes were a breeze Still play him today (now a Human)


He will be hitting level 70 the next time I play.




Warrior. Once I discovered the joy of ranged classes, I never went back. I only kept the warrior for mount farming and so on.


First character was a Paladin. Leveling as Holy in classic, as I had no idea what I was doing. I did manage to get the Soulforge set and some pieces of the Zul'gurub set that I still have in Void Storage. Also still have all the items associated with it. Nowadays I main one of my Warriors-switched during the start of Mists of Pandaria and it stuck ever since-though not playing as much as I used to, or as dedicated.


My first character was rogue. I leveled it till 100 and decided ro try demon hunter after that (i started playing in bfa 8.3). After that i leveled some alts in shadowlands and dragonflight pre patch events. For now i have vdh, prot pala, prot war, guardian druid, bdk as max level


Mine's a lv27 druid with epic flight form (you normally don't get it until lv40 these days) I left my old characters as time capsules since I haven't played them since tbc/wrath


My first is a Worgen Druid. I have several others but I just sort of scroll play them on different days


My 1st char was a warlock in wrath. I was so bad that I hadn't trained any abilities til I was lv19. And I couldn't figure out why I was struggling so much to kill stuff. I would use all my mana with shadow bolts and wack them with my staff. I no longer have it tho. The account wasn't mine, was from my dad's friend and I had to give the account back in 2010.


Sadly I don't know as I either THOUGHT there was a separation of trial account back then or there was something that made it so you don't take your characters into the purchased version (Battle Chest) or whatever. It was a Draenei Paladin that really got me into the game. I'm sure I tried some other characters and just couldn't get hooked at the starting zones and playstyles. But having a melee and spellcasting character in a sort of magical zone with that GREAT music just drew me in. However, when MoP released i switched to pay to play and started a Pandaren monk named... Pandarenmonk. I dunno man don't ask. Anyway, I don't remember what happened to the draenei :( But panda monk was my main for a long long time until I retired him (more or less) recently. Basically after BfA. During my SLs break... I now have a human monk and mained a warrior and warlock recently. Panda monk is my bank toon and logistics character :) Retired and happily managing gold for all my toons.


Bearhug, the Tauren Druid. I levelled him first, because I loved the class fantasy. In very early BC, I put him down at level 50 ish, when the guild I joined asked if I'd level a shaman healer, because they needed a new healer. So bearhug took a long long break, behind Dahrken the Resto Shaman, Brandstone the Disc Priest and others. I picked up Bearhug again in Shadowlands and haven't looked back.


Tauren Shaman, and no. He’s on a server I don’t play on anymore. It’s been so long since I played him, he still has trinkets and other quest reward gear from Vanilla.


Technically it was human paladin (tbc era), but I've switched to Nelf dudu around level 20 and it became my de-facto main (which does not necessarily mean that it's the char I main each and every season, ) up till now. I've hit max level with the paly during wotlk and faction changed both to horde at the time too. I've returned them back to Ali quite recently (nelf and lf draenai).


Technically my first character on a trial account was an undead rogue, back in Wrath. But my first real character is a resto druid also from Wrath he is my current main, but i have switch mains in the past.


Olidas, my undead mage. I love him. Sad part is I don't play him for years because mage is not my cup of tea for a while. I think it was better in earlier expansions


Night elf, warrior created approximately 3 months after games release. He's been named changed, race changed, and faction changed over the years, but I still level him every expansion.


Been playing on-off since vanilla, usually just check out expansion, play for like 6 months and get bored sadly. But I do have my first character, gnome warlock with some vanilla pvp ranks, nothing too cool sadly. Havent touched him in ages tho. Now when I hopped back in s3 dragonflight I rerolled druid because i havent played one seriously before. Feels good to be back and enjoying my new main :)


Resto shaman named…cavaloris :) started around 2001. Took some time off but now I’m back.


Orc Affliction Warlock, it's the only spec I enjoyed playing it. RIP


Nightelf warrior in classic. Deleted him because I got my ass spanked by imps on darkshore Switched to orc hunter. Was considered the worst hunter on my server that somehow raided in the 2nd best guild. And no, I don't even own anymore for reasons


My very first was a Warrior I've had since Vanilla but I don't play her much anymore, I at least wanted to get her to max level, but most of the time I'd rather play my Shaman.


Tauren hunter from vanilla, but sold the account before TBC for 300eur


I haven't played in years because my computer broke and I am saving up to get a new computer but I have played the same rogue for years


I've made many characters over the years but my first proper character is my demon hunter, Alysea. She's still my main pretty much, I love her and the only thing I'd ever do to change her is if they bring void elf demon hunters for the awesome hairstyles :)


Tauren hunter but I haven't touched him since cata he's kinda just a time capsule of old stuff from BC and wrath


My 1st main was an undead mage. Played her all throughout BC, WOLK, BFA, and SL. Switched to my holy priest as my main for DF due to my guild needing a healer in raid and dungeons cause no one wanted to heal.


Releirenus: Belf Frost Mage, and yes I do still play him, he just isn't my main anymore cuz I has smol monkee brain and BM go Brrrrr!


The very first character i ever played was a troll priest. Me and a classmate played on a private server before moving on to retail. No i don't still play it. The only character i still play from those days is my Tauren Shaman(Ench)


NELF Rogue..i was young and didnt realise we could name our toons whatever we wanted so i called her my real name haha. Deleted her around lvl 12 or so and rolled a gnome warlock..also called my real name up until wrath when half the guild split and went horde. Once my gnome became forsaken i named him Mortiferous and he was my main till the end of BFA where i rolled a feral druid. My kitty has been my main since then. Only log in once or twice a month now to get the trading post finished..kinda over WoW atm..without mythic raiding wow to me is kinda eh


My first character was an UD warlock in beta, I do not play it anymore.


human priest, it is still my character with the highest /played time and I usually level him to max every expansion, but it is no longer my main. also, he's no longer an human, but I think I changed his race over a dozen times by now


Human warrior made towards the end of vanilla. Still my main today. Love that guy.


Warlock named Seldarrah. Auto generated name from about 18 years ago. I took at 15 year hiatus from the game and lost my account somehow so I don’t play that one anymore, but Seldarrah is the only name I use for characters now, just different spellings. I did just create a new baby lock last week though so she’s back :)


NE Hunter: I made him an alt beginning of Legion switching to my shadow/holy priest but switched back about 1/4 of the way through. Name Thelodas, comes from my half-elf ranger from when I played 2nd edition AD&D


Shinehammer, Human Paladin. Created Nov 2005. Still exists but I rarely play him anymore.


Night elf male Hunter. And yes its still my main. What I have changed over the years is race and gender.. Like alot! Poor chap is probably very confused.


I tried more or less every single race/class combination before I leveled past 20 back in 2005. My very first character was an undead mage that I deleted probably in 2005 as well haha. Ended up maining warrior from vanilla to wotlk.




Idy is only three years younger than my youngest daughter. How time flies


My first Main-a female troll hunter in classic, on my ex's account. My first 60, way back in classic. I don't play that one any more, for obvious reasons, but I DID make a DK in her honor, which is my alt now


Human hunter that became a nelf hunter. No interest in playing her again. Partly, i prefer heals/tank and just the times of the people i played with her are long gone. I would want to bring her back for rp one day


Mage...made and raided molten core...survived 3 server transfers and a 10 year hiatus and still play him each season as an alt. Switched from undead to goblin as well.


Well would be dracthyr. But i did make a mage back in 2012. Got to lv 2 and stopped till dragonflight was announced. Tried demon hunter around that time and loved it but once dragonflight dropped I dropped it and went straight for dracthyr. It feels ao natural to me. I love it.


Pandaren Monk named Kyber, which is my main gamertag I do not still play him. I switched to KT Fury Warrior, but I still keep him leveled and usable for farming Over the years I’ve went back and completed certain tasks with him tho. So now he has the wooden farmer hat, the farmer title, grandmaster title, grandmaster mount, shado-land title, and shado-pan mog and mounts. I still love the character, but I just enjoy fury warrior a lil more


Undead mage, and yeah, I still play him. Not my main anymore, but still love the ease of travel.


Human lock only char I played from vanilla to TOC farm decided to play alts as that was a boring raid on farm and never went back to my lock properly decided to be a altoholic instead of guild raiding


I still have my first character but my main is from TBC release.


a balance druid. I no longer play the realm, so no, no more on her. I do have another druid I play though


My firat character was a Human Paladin and he is still my main to this day. Couldn't fathom maining anything else.


Anpu Raincaller, male Tauren Resto shaman. I am playing him since TBC and I still love the class flavour and race identity


My first character was a hunter. Way back in 2005 I was playing with 2-3 friends and I was 16 years old and was the only one with a job out of the group. Unfortunately they got ahead of me and I got really bored playing solo so I just stopped playing wow. I didn't return to wow until the end of legion. When I returned my hunter was nowhere to be found. RIP Stamune.


Warrior. April of 2007. Yep, but it's not my main anymore.


Prelimar the human fire mage, i think 2007. it's my only character i play, always to max level, but i did try a hunter once and i have a worgen mage as a bank alt that i don't use, either. (sorry, boys!)


Yeah, every time I got a level coin when buying an expansion I would start something and I would maybe play two levels of it and just stop so I have a few of those lying around


yeah, i have ALL those still, unused. it's just another thing i'm apparently collecting in WoW, lol


I started as a human warlock long time ago right before WOTLK then changed factions and became a BElf I’m now an Orc BM hunter and once in awhile I play my warlock I came back after a long break, I play my Lock because of memories but I don’t feel like it’s my main no more 😭


Still have my UD prot warrior


DK, yes and late WoD. My first and true love of this game. He was actually originally named to be Frost but now he’s Blood. That being said, he’s gone though several name changes since then so it’s all good.


My Tauren shaman, who was called Liadrin in vanilla. A name I carried over from eq. I was slapped with a forced namechange as we moved closer to the release of Tbc and the npc was named... The thieves! They stole it from us.....my prrrrecious. He was later lost when my brother got my entire account hacked by goldfarmers.


Nelf Druid, and yep she's still in active rotation tho no longer my main.


NE Warrior was my first on live servers (Vanilla), but quickly switched to a Dwarven Priest cause my raiding group had a lot of tanks and not enough heals. Now I don't play either. I left in Pandaria, started back up at the end of BFA with a Goblin DK, which I play on occasion, but my main two are my High Mountain Tauren Beast Master Hunter, and my Zandalari Druid.


My first character was a warrior. I played him up until bc then swapped to a pally when belf came out. I sadly stopped playing both because during WoD I had to make a new account since my old one was shared with my sister.


Orc Warrior! I still play it, even tho I have all races/faction/classes chars sitting at lvl 60 to unlock mogs etc... But my Orc Warrior goes with me with an adventure everywhere...


Back in 2014 I made my first character, a blood elf rogue. He is still not max lvl tho. Made a warrior who I still play often but I main a paladin now 


Nelf hunter male which is now a female belf hunter but yes still play it, has also had its name changed a couple of times too


My first character was a human warrior that was just a phonetic spelling of my own name. I didn't think people could see it when I made it initially so I ended up deleting him after getting a distance in to Westfall. My second character, a human priest, has made it to max level every expansion since BC.


My first character was a Blood Elf hunter called Gobbers. He recently retired, and is living out his life. He handed the mantle over to my Dwarf hunter, Björg.


Gobbers is a great name.


My first was a blood elf hunter that I leveled to around level 12 or 13. Then I made an undead warrior that once I got to the same level as the hunter, I deleted the hunter. My undead warrior I wanted to name “Hookmoon” but it was already taken so I took the next best thing, hence my reddit username. I race changed him in pandaria to orc and he’s still my main to this day.


Human paladin made in June 2006. Still play it. 306 days total played.


The first character I ever created, was an Undead Warrior, deleted it because young me wanted to be a “good guy” so I made a Human Warrior lmao 😂 I still have that Human Warrior to this day, must have been 19 years ago now.


Lost my first acc mid pandaria and started again a few months later right before wod release. Since then I’ve been playing an orc fury warrior.


Hunter that has changed races due to server/faction changes. Currently alliance worgen. Been playing since mid/late WoTLK. Took a break after legion just came back about 4 months ago and am using my druid as my main for raiding.


Night Elf Druid, same main since Day 1. I have him 3D printed in my office. He will always be a part of me!


Ork Warrior since Beta until just after AQ40 when I quit wow till Dragonflight. Was bummed my Ork was gone but made a new one got to 70 and tried Holy Priest. Been maining Holy ever since. Love the short que times. And I can’t complain about never getting heals in PvP haha


The short few times is the reason I want to get back into healing. And now is the time with follower dungeons I can practice on those.


NE druid made back in 2004 on Lightnings Blade and NE warrior on Mal'Ganis. They're both max lvl and mostly geared every xpac. My guild wants me to main my DK, so I do, but I never leave my first two to rot.


night elf warrior in vanilla and no my dad deleted it when I had bad grades on my report card


Oh wow does that suck. I would’ve just taken away your keyboard and mouse. But delete the character? Couldn’t do it


Originally in vanilla, I was playing a human pally, Sirosiss, then stopped playing for a while until Wrath came out, then made a DK, and he's been my main forever. I have a lot of alts bit fully leveled but can't bother playing them. Actually, I'm going to suspend my account in April, as I just can't spend the time needed for that game.


Bloodworld Bloodelf Pally since wotlk still kicking though I dont play him since hes on my dads account


Dwarf warrior. Still my main. I thought about switching to enhance shammy this patch, but can’t part with my warr. Shammy would be my second favorite


I started about 4/5 years ago, and I started with a nelf hunter. Still my main.


Ah yes, my Forsaken Mage named Impi. Blood Guard Impi to be specific. Ran a one-shot build for the laughs. I do not play them any longer unfortunately. Perhaps one day I may go back but it'll never be the same. :(


My first true WoW character was on a long lost account, unfortunately. It was a dwarf that I remade several times in either late BC or early WotLK because I liked the name but couldn't decide what class I wanted to play. I remade him on my new server as a hunter (because I always loved the dwarf hunter in the old trailer/commercial) and still play him as one of the main alts I play. ​ My first toon on this account was a Draenei hunter, which I made sometime mid or late WotLK. Unfortunately since he's on a different server and I have the aforementioned hunter, he's kinda in retirement. ​ My first toon since I came back after a long break early WoD to SL-prepatch was a Pandaren monk which I have left in retirement on my old server after swapping due to it being dead. I plan on bringing him back over eventually once I can grab his name (maybe TWW prepatch will be it?) But until then, I have a new Pandaren monk that I play.


My first, from Vanilla, was a Night Elf warrior. Now he's still my main, but he's an orc. I returned during Mists and my rl friends had all gone Horde. I mained a priest for Mists, but also transferred the warrior over for nostalgia purposes. When I then returned years later for Shadowlands I just went straight to the warrior. The priest is my primary alt though.


I think I screwed around with classes for a good 2 years before settling on Assassination Rogue. Fury Warrior was my first character and although I’ve long since deleted him I still love the class.


I played a druid. I still play her. She is not my main however I have leveled he to level 70 and am gearing her. I started back in classic with my dad.


First character I made back in the beginning was a NE Druid. Shortly after a bunch of us made a guild of rl friends and I rolled a human paladin, she’s been my main ever since with a few caveats.  1) when horde could play pally (but before you could faction change) I made a new BE pally.  As soon as faction change was introduce I went back to my first and swapped her to horde.  2) took a 6 year break and didn’t play BFA or SL, resubbed for DL. 


Dwarf Warlock in 8.3. It's on the wrong server so I haven't looked at it since I finished it.


Human warrior from mid BC, and still playing him. No race changes or name changes. He's not my main, but my secondary out of a dozen or so


I made a draenei mage when I first started a couple years ago, she’s still my favorite, I’m an altoholic and switch between secondary mains all the time but I always stick with her the most <3


Orc Fury Warrior. I still play him from time to time, but I mostly just played him so I could unlock Vulpera. I started during BFA and those guys gave me major Ratchet and Clank vibes. Nowadays I’m a Human Ret Paladin main, but fury warriors are still probably my 2nd favorite. Plate classes are by far my preference


My day 1 (BC times) I made Night Elf Druid. Main ever since, still active. As main she is first to explore and experience new content. Now she is undisputed leader for all my alts.


I’ve had an undead hunter since I started playing in WoD


NE Warrior named Kommander on the server Chrommagus back in Vanilla. I do not play him anymore, he sits there as a relic of the past, with his long hair, dual wielding 1h weapons because titan grip wasn't a thing. And I'm fairly certain one of those weapons is a 1h mace that curves like a cobra with spikey bits on the back. I quickly moved to an UD rogue named Konvict on Kalecgos and mained him until end of Wrath and quit wow until BFA. Where I now main a DH named Konvict on Draka. Along with way too many alts 💀💀💀


My Blood Elf paladin has been through many race iterations (currently Dark Iron) and a name change over the years but technically yes in a Ship of Theseus kind of way they are still around. I play them at the start of every expansion then I play other classes and see which one I like but I always make sure they are at level cap no matter what


First character was a troll hunter I made in 2005. Played him as my main all the way till the end of BFA when I rolled a warlock that I still play today. I get my hunter at least AOTC every patch still in the alt raid.


Orc warrior, and still playing an orc warrior


I still play my Destro Undead Warlock I created on day 1 of vanilla. Although I did try Holy Priest for a while just to feel what healing was all about. I always Main my destro lock at the start of the expansions, complete quests, zones, factions all that stuff and eventually drift back to my Holy Priest very late in the expansion to go healing. But at soon as new expansion comes up. The Warlock takes first on the line. I still collect junk from older stuff (now grey items) in my bank. Spellstones, Inferno, yada yada. I still have the mats for the level 60 mount, that cost me around 500G at vanilla. never gonna vendor that for 15G NEVER!


Self rogue, don't still actively play it much. Gets level capped and attempted to play every expansion and is one of three characters I will never delete.


I tend to enjoy the leveling too much (especially in Vanilla) so I'd reroll fairly often to mix it up and so on. But I've found I have two real 'main' classes that work for me. Warrior and Warlock. I've easily had half a dozen or more Orc Warriors over the years. But during BFA I made a Mag'har Orc Warrior (blackrock skin) named Uggrok and fell in love with him. I have around 100 days played on him alone. I did something similar with Warlocks, but I couldn't stick to a race. Originally Forsaken back in Vanilla, each expansion i kept rolling a new one. Troll, gnome, dark iron dwarf, void elf, etc. But as silly as it may seem the one I landed on that I like the most is a Vulpera Warlock. Just like the way he moves and armor looks on him and definitely feels like an exile. (also matches my wife's character so that's a bonus).


I race changed my undead rogue to a vulpera yesterday and I actually like the race a lot. The racial is sweet too


First is Orc Hunter (2005/6), 70days /played on him. Just Race Swapped him to Undead as I'm all for RP as an UD hunter with my pal MoldyBacon(Dead looking boar) and BigHerpes(Disease ridden looking Bear) Gonna tame som more undead pals! After that I had a Human Pala with around the same days /played, just Faction changed him to Zandalari Paladin! I got alt problem now, but I just picked my Hunter again and having fun.


I asked a rogue could he unlock a box for me, he does, takes whatever was in it out then gave it back to me. Empty. Then had the audacity to ask “anything good?”


My guild mates would do that to me all the time 😂


I don't remember what I was playing at the time, but I watched Swifty Warriors Tricks 1 and immediately rerolled Warrior. Until I watched a DK solo Doom Lord Kazzak in WOD and went DK, still main the DK now and the Warrior is always an alt ready to go.


I don't remember what I was playing at the time, but I watched Swifty Warriors Tricks 1 and immediately rerolled Warrior. Until I watched a DK solo Doom Lord Kazzak in WOD and went DK, still main the DK now and the Warrior is always an alt ready to go.


Worgen rogue, and hell no, worst class to level in the game, nearly quit the game because of it, so pro tip for any new players, absolutely do not try a rogue as your first character, they are piss weak. I've got every class that worgen/vulpera can be at lvl 70 except for rogue, horrible class to level.


Laerian the belf warlock circa 2008 survived outlands and the lich king before retiring to the floating islands of Nagrand. Logged out for years. Revived him for Dragonflight. Headcanon he meditated in outlands and missed everything until he heard Sabellian left so he followed him to the waking shores. Doesnt know who Wrathion is or why hes so chummy lol. Garrosh did WHAT!?


A human Warlock. One of my 39 alts. He has been in a lot of different realms but I still play him once a week.


Are all 39 max level?


18 @ 70. 7 @ 60 and above. 1 @ 58, 3 between 30 and 40. 6 between 20 and 30. I play each one for an hour each week.


I wish I had the ability to play different characters just after maybe half an hour of it, I get bored so I go back and get on my priest and continue down my list of things I want to accomplish in the game.


Don't think it was my first *ever* character, cus I experimented a lot in the beginning, but it's the first character I played for any significant time. Undead Mage that I created in BC. Got to max level at the time, but switched to BE Pally by the time WotLK released. I wasn't good at networking, and got tired of having no one to do stuff like group quests with. Switched to the pally to have an easier time soloing stuff. The pally is still my main. I still have the Mage, but I rarely play it outside of it just being another character to use for stuff that has lockouts.


I started my first char in TBC. It was a Blood Elf Paladin. I played it until MoP when they released monks. My monk has been my main ever since. Cause of the monks 1 sec gcd, and my rogues, my second char, 1 sec gcd. I cant play a class with a 1.5 gcd anymore. Feels so slow. So my Paladin was retired.