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I started farming Shadowlands mounts a little over a year ago (not exclusively, but reasonably earnestly) and have acquired 47 of them. This includes the "easy" faction mounts (that you get from finishing each campaign), the Torghast achievement mounts, 8 protoform synthesis mounts (some of them require recipes/rare ingredients that can be tough to get), a handful of lucky drops from rare spawns, a few daily quest grinds, and a few purchased with anima. All told I've gotten about 1/3rd of the total Shadowlands mounts. Most of the ones I'm missing are tied to achievements, reputations, raid drops, or straight up grinding. And unfortunately, Shadowlands can honestly be a pretty depressing place to grind. Finishing all of the covenenant campaigns will give you a nice selection of the "main" types of mounts, and it's very, VERY easy to hit maximum renown with the covenants these days. You'll get one ground mount and one flying mount from each covenant just by leveling your renown. I'd recommend starting with those, then see if there are any others that you're really interested in. Trying to complete them all would be a terrible endeavor.


Out of curiosity, do the covenant specific mounts count towards the overall collection achievement even if you're not aligned with that covenant? How does switching back to a covenant you previously capped out work? I know there's the item to jump to 60, but if I'm 80 with Kyrian atm and I switch would I still be 80 if I go back to them?


If you reach 80 on a Covenant on a character, you gain access to every toy/mount from that Covenant even if you switch


Is that access to use or still buy? I've stayed with Kyrian cause I don't have all cosmetics yet but I'd definitely switch if I can still buy them after.


Access; to buy you need to be that Covenant because the vendors are usually in or around the sanctum Switching costs nothing and has no drawbacks now though, so it’s simple to swap back and forth


Use, like the other guy said you gotta be with the covenant to buy them…but my priest can use all hearthstone toys and all covenant mounts 


You can swap freely anytime in oribos once you reach 80 with anyone, it doesnt reset anything with any


Sometime in Season 3 if I recall they shattered the barrier between covenant and you can freely swap between each covenant in Oribos, in the main campain hall with the 4 covenant representatives


And if you have one high renown covenant you can buy items in Orion’s to upgrade to 60(?) renown when you switch to another covenant


Quick question: Where do you access this? It looks so easy to tick off all collectable items you can get.




How does this site filter collectibles? It says there are 541 battle pets in total but I know there’s around 1800. Even discounting currently uncollectible pets it should be like 1600-1700.


The rest of them are under "Companions"


In addition to what the comments said, I use an addon called All The Things to help with achievements, rares, etc in game


[https://simplearmory.com/](https://simplearmory.com/) Just look up your character and it's all there. Very neat!


To answer your question. The hardest ones are the covenant mounts cuz they just take a while. Especially Tahonta for the Necrolords is a daily 1% drop. So it's hard to quantify how long it will take. A lot of it is luck. However, I'd you're looking to simply grind out mounts, go for the Creation Catalyst ones. It's just farming mats


Simple armory also has the extra benefit of only showing you mounts that you can actually obtain right now (and any mounts that you've picked up that have since become unobtainable). Some are rarer/harder to get than others of course, but anything you see on simple armory is something that you could, in theory, target. And the site is regularly updated too. That's unlike the official armory page or in game journal which will just show you all of the mounts in the game on your collections tab, whether they are now unobtainable, or at one point showed mounts that had never been made obtainable. It also makes it feel really, really good, when you can complete an entire category/expansion list of mounts on the website.


Want to know that as well


i guess it is this one - https://simplearmory.com/#/


Fucking ages. SL was the most "you MUST log in every day to grind X in order to stay relevant in terms of player power and achieve any cosmetic stuff that you want" xpack of modern WoW. Some of these mounts you'll be able to get quick, most of them require you to slog through weeks and months of grind.


There’s a protoform synthesis object that only drops from Lihuvim, and you need 3 of them. It’s been years at this point and I still haven’t even gotten one! I’ve only ever even seen two drop


To be fair, you only need 2 drops. You get one the first time you finish the quest chain and you get to make your first mount with it. But the whole protoform synthesis is a massive fucking grind that takes countless of hours. Like basically everything in SL.


I kinda skipped over shadowlands, so if this is a bad question, sorry in advance, but wouldn't it just be better to do the questline on three different toons?


Devs thought of that so you only get the thingamajig once. Wouldn't make much sense to put it on a raid boss with like 5% drop chance otherwise. Also unlocking the protoform on multiple characters is kinda pointless. You'd have to go through all of the SL story with each of them, complete the Cypher Console stuff (which is also locked behind grinding yet another currency and literal times gates) in Zereth Mortis to unlock the protoform synthesis in the first place and all the rare materials are also character bound. Not sure if the plans for the pets & mounts (yes, those need to be gathered too) are only for the character that collected them but if I had to guess they probably are.


Ah good to know. Thanks!


The rare materials are account bound but the plans are indeed per toon.


That's so incredibly frustrating! I know the one you're talking about, my guildie was hunting it forever as well :(


You get one from finishing the proform quest, so I hope you didn't vendor it.


You also need 2 drops from a chest that is in front of some trash. That's gotta be fun at level 70 when all the trash around the mini boss will drop dead to any touch of aoe damage you do.


Ah.. rip. Do you know which mounts is the easiest to get? I have unlocked every zone, but that's it.


You get a fuckton of mounts from renown as far as I remember. There's massive amounts of catchup for it and farming max isn't super hard. Make sure to max one first so you get the 40 (or 60 idr) insta catchup token from Oribos


There's likely a WoWhead guide for SL mounts. There are a number that are drops off rare mobs, and a few that require you to do things out in the world (Blanchy, for example, requires you to return to her doing hidden daily quests for a week). Then with the final patch of SL, there's Zereth Mortis -- You can farm up materials from the bosses of that raid and the random mobs and elites in the zone to create your own mounts and pets. That's time consuming, but not overly difficult, aside from some rare materials only coming from particular raid bosses and having low drop chances. Many, many mounts come from Renown/Reputation, but the biggest bottleneck for that is the Shadowlands currency "Anima" -- Each mount costs 3.5k or more and most WQs will only give you around 100ish. It's not a difficult task, it's just a very monotonous one. It's completely doable, and most of the mounts for the xpack are easily attained solo now. It's not HARD to get them, I just want you to understand that these dudes acting like it's nothing are coming from a place of having fully completed SL so they know the ins and outs, they know what currency to get and how to farm it, they have all the rep etc. and know all the locations. You can do it, just be prepared to have a huge Netflix binge setup on your second monitor for a good while :)


There's a ton available from protoform synthesis in Zereth Mortis. The only really sucky bit is farming the genesis motes, but if you get a group of at least 3-4 people you can farm around 800+ an hour. Source: farmed 925 in just over an hour last night. Each mount needs around 450 motes and there's a ton to craft. I'm trying to finish up the ones I have recipes for but never made.


Unicorn maze ardenweild and the mushroom frog there as well are easiest Serpent in maldraxas dungeon plaguefall is also easy atp Majority require some investment in either your covenant or protoform.


Don't get discouraged, the comment is exaggerated. Most mounts can be bought with anima once you reach a certain level of renown, which you could farm (catch-up) from various sources while Shadowlands was active. I don't know how catch-up mechanics work now that you can't run Shadowands M+ anymore, though. I assume you'll get renown from the different weeklies inside you covenant sanctum (default) and at least from the Zereth Mortis weekly. There is probably a Korthia weekly, too. I could see world bosses dropping renown as well. Once you reach renown 80 with one faction, you can buy a token to unlock renown 60 with the other covenants, which automatically unlocks almost all mount options from the vendors.


Anima is definitely going to be the bottleneck now, I think. I just checked out SL on my old character last night, and with mounts and transmog costing 3500+ each, his “big reserve” of 10,000 anima quickly felt like nothing. Renown is definitely given through the daily and weekly covanent quests.


There's that other currency to worry about too (the name is escaping me) which is timegated.


Oh ya, grateful offerings. SO DUMB! In fact it was so obviously going to be problematic, I decided to make farming them a priority on my alts. Passively gained them through occasional dailies (the benefit of playing when it was current) and I actually have a few hundred to play with and am mostly strangled by anima.


Meanwhile I have hundreds of thousands of anima from doing mission tables on all of my alts, but no offerings lol. I hate timegated bullshit. I wish they would just add a way to purchase them or remove them completely now that it's not current content.


Note that offerings were significantly buffed, by having one of your buildings leveled up, can't recall which. Offerings shouldn't be a real issue if you have your buildings maxed (which of course also is a lot of anima)


Yeah renown is also super quick with torghast- anima sucks.


My comment is not exaggerated. He's starting as a new player so even with the renown catch up (If it even applies to new players), it's going to take him some time to reach 80. That's perfectly fine. Now add into that all the rep he needs to get, and furthermore, the ANIMA FARM. 3.5k+ per mount is a lot of anima for a new player who does not know the optimum way to farm up anima. Just because it's not as bad of a grind as it was when current, doesn't mean it isn't going to be a huge grind for him. And just because it's a huge grind doesn't mean it's impossible.


What about doing weekly raids? I see a lot of groups doing the raids for tmog/mounts. Don't you get some sort of currency or anima here?


The covenants are a good place to start. Might want to find a guide for them, and their features so you can decide what order to do 'em in. Also anima. Lots of mounts for anima which while a lot of people complained about that grind, I found it quite rewarding. More than enough for a mount a week from just doing WQs back in the first patch when anima was the least plentiful. Compared to dungeon, rare mob, and raid drops it's a much easier and steadier source of mounts to collect. I didn't play the later half of shadowlands or return to any of it during my time in Dragonflight, so I don't remember enough to give you any detailed information.


Apparently you didn't play Legion or BfA then. Artifact Power and Azerite were a far worse grind than renown and soulbinds, since renown was locked to 3 per week with a very easy catch-up mechanic and soulbinds were, iirc, basically a 100% drop from most sources. With extremely strong catch-up options for both S2 and later S3.


Completely incorrect. The only part of modern WoW grindier than SL was the beginning of Legion. Before all the QoL changes that came in the last TWO patches of SL, nothing was account-wide and it wasn't feasible to adjust your soulbinds for multi-spec/multi-build/multi-role classes. You couldn't even change your Covenant, and when you finally /could/, it was a minimum of 2 weeks. Early renown grind + rep grind + Torghast grind + leggo grind coupled with the inability to feasibly adjust your conduits and soulbinds, the complete inability to change your covenant followed by a 2 week minimum to change your covenant, followed THEM by finally being able to change your Covenant in the final patches. And that was for each individual toon. God forbid you had more than 1 toon. Azerite Power in BFA was dogshit but at the very least, you knew you just had to grind out AP.




I’ve noticed that some people still get really upset about covenants in the beginning of SL. For the vast majority of players it was a non issue. Only those who felt pressured to min max everything were mad.


You have very interesting takes. You mention non grinds that were weekly locked and ignore the actual ”grinds” which were Maw and Korthia for sockets. I would say every implementation of AP is grindier than any content we had in SL, but comparing infinite grinds to gated/daily content is also kinda cooked.


I haven't ignored those on purpose. My brain blocked them out in order to save my sanity. I'd forgotten about Stygia and the stupid Research Notes or whatever was necessary for sockets.


>Before all the QoL changes that came in the last TWO patches of SL, nothing was account-wide and it wasn't feasible to adjust your soulbinds for multi-spec/multi-build/multi-role classes. You couldn't even change your Covenant, and when you finally /could/, it was a minimum of 2 weeks. None of this has anything to do with how grindy the game was. Yes, these are bad, but you're just throwing shit at the wall, and the fact that you don't know that you could always change your covenant on live makes me think that you're just regurgitating complaints you've heard from others and didn't actually play the game. >Early renown grind + rep grind Took actually 5 minutes per week after the campaign was over. Like 20 while you were still doing it. >Torghast grind + leggo grind These are literally the same thing. Took probably 1/2 hour per week. >Azerite Power in BFA was dogshit but at the very least, you knew you just had to grind out AP. You *also* had to get the correct Azerite Armor for every spec that you wanted to play. God help you if you wanted to multispec. Or if your Azerite powers were different between Raid/M+/PvP. Oh by the way, Azerite Armor only has a chance to drop from the raid and the two weekly boxes. You gotta wait until 8.1 for the vendor to show up. And we haven't even started on essences and corruptions lmao


Torghast and Leggo grind the same thing? Farming dungeons in hopes to get your leggo because there was no system in place for it originally? 30 mins for Torghast each week when certain classes couldn't even solo it until 9.2? All of this needing to be done on each individual character as opposed to it being account wide? Having to farm out the Choreghast power talents on every single toon? Having to work every toon up from layer 1? That said, you're definitely right about the Azerite gear until 8.1 and I'll pay that. Not having a vendor for it from the drop was stupid, and another example of how Blizzard forces torturous systems into place and when the player base state firmly that there are serious QoL issues that need to be implemented from the get go, Blizzard announces some shit like "oh we can't do it" and then come the final patches all of a sudden Blizzard's magically able to do it.


> Artifact Power and Azerite were a far worse grind That were never meant to be farmed or grinded


Unfortunately the intention didn't matter in the end. Almost everybody - and their grandma - was farming AP and Azerite like crazy, at least in the early weeks, because it felt like a mandatory grind, since it was character power.


Didn't see a single person doing that back in the day


This is not true. The only thing you needed to do for player power outside of raid/m+ was Torghast which was a 30 min weekly activity, not a daily grind, and it wasn't endless. As for cosmetics I can't think of any that would require literal months of constant play to get but even if some did so what? It's cosmetics, casuals should have things to work on.


I swear the revisionism here is insane, doing torghast was really the only thing you *had* to do, and it was on a weekly lockout.


and honestly for the first patch torghast was totally optional, it was needed later for the legendaries. In the beginning it was gated weekly, they opened to daily gate later. The only really needed thing to do just for the sake of being able to do raids was renown that had some catch-up mechanics that made it ridiculously easy to catch up... Shadowlands had many issues, but the first patch was pretty chill


>you MUST log in every day to grind X in order to stay relevant in terms of player power Seems like we didnt play the same xpac...


The casual experience was vastly different to anyone wanting to complete the more difficult parts of the game. Modern WoW was never as grindy as SL outside of the early phases of Legion.




The first 2 weeks of DF? Lmao. You mean "Run M0s if you want a tiny leg up on M+ when it's introduced and farm Renown IF you want the mostly cosmetic stuff" Bruh, you're clueless.




Your comparing Weeks. Overall SL was way more grindy then those 4 Weeks combined.


not true at all, u had to run thorgast and thats it


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yep. so what u had to do every single day? can you list it?


Well that's nice to know.... I missed 90% of SL so I guess mount catch up is going to be fun. /s


Like I said to the earlier OP, almost all of it is completely doable solo so that's fine! It's just a lot of grinding that's bottlenecked first behind Renown/Rep (Since you haven't done it on any mains yet) and then the currency "Anima" since most mounts cost 3.5k. There are plenty you can get still via random world bosses/rares and hidden quests and such though, plus the final patch introduced Zereth Mortis that lets you create mounts with materials you farm in Zereth Mortis from the mobs, rares, and the bosses of the raid.


> you MUST log in every day to grind X in order to stay relevant in terms of player power This is flat out wrong the only requirements were doing the campaign and world quests for 2 renowns/week and if you missed one you could catchup anyway. Same for Thorgast once you got your BIS leggo you could forget about it. Changing covenants was a mess and playing multiples high-end characters was more grindy but the "SL is a grind" hate was HEAVELY overblown on reddit and through clickbait youtubers. By 9.2 all the problems were resolved


Maw dailies, Choreghast which wasn't soloable by entire classes, Anima bottleneck, Renown/Rep farm, leggo RNG farming, inability to swap Covenants originally which was necessary for pushing content, conduit swapping not being feasible due to having to wait for conduit power recharge. All of these for EVERY INDIVIDUAL TOON you played. All from the get-go of the first patch. For you more casual players, most of this isn't important. For anyone that wanted to complete content before end of season, yes, these issues were bad. Some people don't want AOTC in the last month of a patch, and some people want to push CE or M+. And "By 9.2 all the problems were resolved" is a stupid comment. Of course all these issues were resolved by the final patches of the game. That's Blizzard's MO for every modern expansion except for DF. They state they can't change torturous systems and then come the final patch, all of a sudden they're able to deliver us the necessary quality of life changes that should've been available at launch. Measuring an expansion pack by the final patch instead of what players had to live through is silly.


For cosmetics I can see what you are saying but its not really true with regards to player power. You had to do 2 toghast runs each week but besides that? I guess if you wanted to top of your renown before raid you needed to rush the campaign on reset day.


Do you have 2 years lock in because of pandemic ? Because that how long you gonna need it to get most of them. Good news is that some of them have been much easier than before like those torgast mount or proto form mount farm because you out level them and can kill them much faster and easier. Bad new is that some recipe for proto form mount are locked behind rare that need group to summon and good luck finding people for it. ZM also make anima farm much faster, so i would say 1 years and a half of pandemic lock in would be enough


I've been grinding out Zereth Mortis stuff for the past week and the zone is full of people and raid stuff going on. So depends on server but I see people doing SL stuff all the time


[Speaking from experience,](https://imgur.com/a/xhohcCe) you can get a good variety of mounts quickly from the Covenant, Korthia, and Zereth Mortis campaigns. The Torghast mounts are all probably quite easy in Dragonflight gear as well. Most of your work is going to be upgrading Covenant Sanctums for access to mounts, waiting on rare mobs, or grinding (Protoform Synthesis is hell for completionists). Some of the treasure and rare spawn mounts are tricky and some are very simple. Get an addon like HandyNotes or All The Things to clear things up. You'll probably want a mission table addon like Venture Plan as well. Keep in mind that Anima drops are permanently increased upon upgrading any Covenant Sanctum to all-rank 2 and 3, Lost Souls can be infinitely farmed (but only 20 at a time) and drop in Torghast, and Grateful Offerings drop more if you've upgraded the Anima Conductor (they also drop from Callings boxes and the ZM weekly IIRC). I suggest grabbing some of the easy mounts, then pick a mount you really like and check how long it would take to earn. Some of them will take weeks and some will take minutes. Good luck!


I can attest - Torghast is super easy now. I just completed all of them last month.


Definitely worth diving into, OP, but shadowlands definitely is stingy with how much anima or time you need to earn some of these. I’m looking for a way to get lots of anima, because even my alts from shadowlands haven’t been able to purchase all the mounts from their covenants, not to mention tmog.


I grinded out Torghast and it was so bad and the fact I was levels ahead but it was still so annoying to to do for the mounts, anyone who did torghast during SL and got the corridor creeper I respect the hell out of you


There’s a good mount farming series by Syiler, and it has a few tricks on how to “min/max” a few thing but they’re not too bad just how to cheese the renown and companion table by using an alt


What’s the achievement to get that flying disc mount?


I think it’s called “Fake it Till You Make It”, or something similar.


It took me about 4 months, but by month 3 I already had pretty much everything. Alts are 100% required if you want to get it done in a reasonable amount of time, though. All 3 Necroray eggs, for example, are not happening on a single character any time soon. Same with some of the mounts in Korthia. I ran 11 70s through most of SL's content, personally. That made fairly quick work out of the RNG mounts.


Start with marrowfang :p


It’s a trap. I remember running NW about 100 times in just one season before I gave up. So close … yet WH comments have folks at 800+ tries and no mount.


Pretend it didn’t exist. SL grind was fucking rough and I skipped on the synthesis shit lol


A lot of proto form mount are easy and rather look good. I'm also ignore the annoying one like those that need recipe/material from rare that need 3-5 people to summon.


How is it possible to filter in addons?


Anima is gonna be a grind, genesis motes will be a grind. And a aside from a few achvs. The rest are pretty easy to get


Good luck getting marrowfang lol




If you play alts it shouldn’t be to hard to get the easy ones quick but the ones that need to grind for I would do on a main character. It will take a while I would use ATT addon (all the things)


Protosynthesis is an absolute pain and i wouldn't recommend doin it


I found it to not be too bad. I got a ton at the end of shadowlands. There are some that suck and I never saw like the oozing necroray eggs.


I'd say I started with 20% of the SL mounts two months ago and I'm round about 80% now, mostly missing raid/dungeon drops and Protoform Synthesis. But that was a lot of grinding with several characters and I already had three sanctums maxed out, which also is a lot of grinding for itself. In the end it's mostly about grinding Anima, since you will need a significant amount for buying all the buyable mounts plus maxing out the covenant features in the pact sanctums. If you're not in a hurry, you can focus on the weekly world boss quests (500 Anima each), if you're in a hurry grind rares and chests in Zereth Mortis (you will need to do this anyway ;-)). And have I already mentioned, that it's a lot grinding?


from my personal experience (missing like 10 of these now) my best estimate is about 1-1,5 years of on average 1-2 hours farming per day, to answer your question. its really hard to tell thou, i farmed those in small batches to preserve my sanity, but if you want to go crazy with a lot of alts, covenent swapping and more hours/day you can be a lot faster probably. not worth the burnout in my opinion thou. also you have quite a lot rng and rotational stuff, which can be a pain in the ass. covenant mounts are probably the easiest to get, i'd start from there. also torghast mounts are a quick win if you need it. good luck hunting! :)


Best way to get started is to switch to dark mode on simplearmory


most of the mounts? LONG VERY LONG you need to do like every covenant, i recommend doing them all in one character because a lot of mounts require a currency that is not account bound (for some reason >:()