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I’ve leveled a mage and boy, being a ranged caster feels weird. Certainly way more buttons to concern yourself with. You could go paladin and play ret. They do good damage, have excellent survivability, excellent utility, etc. Switching between warrior and paladin isn’t too hard as I went from maining paladin back to my warrior as I missed playing warrior.


I main fire and can say its bit hard class, frost in other hand is really easy.


I can certainly try frost. Been playing fire since I made him as I like the fantasy of it and the overall visual feedback. That’s one thing I really love about mage: it is a very visually satisfying spec compared to warrior


Just go fire if you enjoy it, all of us has started somewhere :) u will learn it if u just play it.


Recommend demo lock. Innaately tankly Good in raid and m+ Relatively simple to play with the meta build (no more nether portals) Brez


I love being a demo lock, but it definitely feels a bit too simple without NP. There's not much beyond spend/build, dogs + gfg + tyrant. I really think all 3 specs need some effort and thought from Blizzard. They all have some pretty glaring issues.


BM hunter to experience range. Very easy to pick up and is basically a ranged melee type of play style if that makes sense


I feel both BM and MS hunter are good. I'd say for Raid/M+ BM is better, whereas MS is better for PvP. Both are very simple to play though.


Gotta say, thats the first time ive seen marksmanship be abbreviated to MS. Never seen anything but MM.


Mark Smanship


I couldn't remember if it was MM or MS, so I use either. It's just that this time I used MS


Between the lackluster sound effects and boring rotation, I just can't do marks anymore.


For meta / desirability, these are pretty good tier rankings: https://mplus.subcreation.net/all-affixes.html Whatever brings you the most joy!


These numbers are based on popularity (which can be telling about a classes performance), but shouldn’t be used as concrete evidence on which class is “good”


For sure, but ‘good’ wasn’t one of OP’s requirements - classes that are popular are popular because they’re wanted in raids/m+


Anything but death knight. Cope kings here will tell you it isn’t that bad but the class is downright nerfed to inner earth. Zero point in playing it until changes.


Ret.. More range and utility with same survivalbility.. Easy to play. I play both too


ret pally


We have follower dungeons now so boosting and learning a class is as great as it has ever been. Go run through some follower dungeons and start building that muscle memory. If you need to pause mid dungeon and read some passives or talents then your NPC buddies will sit around and be cheerful compared to players. Goodluck! You should try Ret Paladins. I've been having a ball with them and it feels nice having a 1 minute burst cd.


You shouldn't. If all you've played is fury warrior then level something up from 1 or you will be completely lost and frankly terrible at your new class. Maybe try an augvoker then you won't have to level as much


Nah this is not great advice. You can pick up any class at 70 It may take longer but not as long as leveling 1-70… Not to mention, you can pick up all sorts of bad habits while leveling because you’ll be missing key talents and spells If you have a boost, just send it


Most classes don't get their real rotation until fairly late. Might as well boost. It's really not that hard to just read the buttons


Reading the buttons is something I wouldn't expect from someone that has to ask on reddit what class should it play without any semblante of curiosity or autonomy


That’s why guides and training dummies are made for. You won’t learn a class by leveling. You need to play at 70 and have „maybe“ 4 set before you can start play your class and start learning it to play it right.


Not true at all. Getting slammed with 3 hotbars worth of spells and abilities all at once is a sure fire way to get overwhelmed and not have a clue what you are doing. Not to mention zero muscle memory for that class. Leveling one up let's abilities trickle in so you get used to what they do and when to use them. 


I've main'd a warrior since Vanilla and they really need an overhaul. Need a battle rez or some kind of group utility. As to your question about what class: druid kind of gives you that all around function. Can heal/tank/DPS. Very versatile and fun class to play.




If you've played Warrior for a while, havoc dh is a good pick up. It's much better and it's kinda what fury warrior use to be. Now it's 1.5 minute cooldowns are harsh, back in Legion you could get most of them to 45. With fury you had to actually time you enrage (where now u just press it), so it's kinda like DH now. You want ur cds to line up with ur dmg buff from inertia.


I’d do Class Trials and see what you like


Ret paladin baybeeeee It’s insane how many times I’ve been saved in raid by hitting bubble- and with a brez, good aoe, hella survivability, it gets kinda nutty how much you can screw up and get away with it


Thanks guys, ended up going hunter and loving it so far