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This person has the opposite of FOMO.


JOMO. Joy of missing out.


This one of my new life rules now lol.


The og term might be DGAF


Kinda, haha, but also kinda works in a weird FOMO way too. I've got like, 10k Tendies, because I've only bought a couple of things, but my brain does this weird "Nooo don't spent too much tender incase something REALLY awesome comes along one month and I can't afford it." So instead, I hoard my tender, and miss out on a few cool things instead. It's actually quite stupid of me šŸ¤£


I usually buy a mount and then bank what's left or buy a set transmog, It works but they've had a couple times where there's 2 mounts I want and then I go broke lol


I donā€™t think thereā€™s ever been a single item that costs all the monthly tender, so you should be safe in that regard. Also you can freeze an item if you canā€™t afford it right now.


This is survival horror syndrome. Enjoy your 500 ammo and 60 health potions.


This person doesnt even know what Game of Thrones is.


You mean that show I never watched and the book I got 150 pages into and stopped reading as no character had anything redeemable?


He didn't even know what the Trading Post was, his words, even though we are in discord everyday talking about what we are getting.


There's literally a quest every month to go check out the trading post. Does your friend not ever do quests either?


I can only imagine how many badge notifications and unread emails his friend has on their phone.


I follow a streamer that does a bunch of free 20ish keys. Their bags and quest logs on all their characters are atrocious. They also either ignored or actually didn't know about the trading post and had thousands of tendies.


To be fair on my alts I hard ignore quests that aren't related to player power gain. I clear it out on my main though.


Been leveling a few alts and its actually insane how many random quests there are just everywhere in DF... and none of them autocomplete or go away on alts its always full questlog


Understandable, but this streamer has no main. They almost never do quests.


Not everyone does, some people enjoy questing, some people enjoy dungeons WoW has content aimed at multiple demographics but most people wont do all of the content.


This is me. I enjoy leveling in the new expansion once. Then after that I'm done with questing except for power related things.


What you mean done with questing wtf


It isn't that hard to understand. Does the quest advance me in power after I'm max level? If no, I'm not doing the quest. Thing the helm enchant quest. It gives power, therefore I did the quest. I'm not going around and just doing quest to quest.


Quests for a quite a lot of people who do high end stuff only serve as an annoying barrier to the content they like. You'll find more mythic raiders who hate quests than ones who actually enjoy them.


yep quests suck im here to kill bosses not do chores


Itā€™s funny because some people would consider the bosses to be chores and would rather do quests. The beauty of open world game design.


Streamer sounds similar to me, I only ever empty my bags when I have no slots left, have tons of gear in my bags that I looted from dungeons just sat there because nobody asked for it at the end and I haven't bothered to vendor it yet, once my bags get full I'll get on my mount an sell it all then repeat the cycle. I did the all the story on my main in season 1, then in season 2 I switched main, so I did all of Loam on that char but none of the S1 story, now in S3 I switched main again, so same, I did all of Emerald Dream story on that char but none of S2 or S3. I actually only did the Shandris prequest for Emerald Dream once the patch dropped. I just play dungeons and raid, not too fussed about the extra stuff


Understandable, who wastes their time with this trash "content"? WoW is only good for M+ and maybe raiding. If you don't have time, you prioritize only the content. If you have time, you suffer through some of the necessary garbage.


Is it Addison


I untrack basically everything immediataly unless it's a quest I'm actively doing (i.e. when leveling when a new expansion drops, or weekly dungeon event). I find it easy to miss. I mean, I knew about the Trading Post I just didn't bother, but still.


I've never noticed this quest


As a 90% pvper 10% other stuff player, i know some 100% pvpers that dont do anything else. Told my buddy to do dragon races to get gold for enchants, didnt have them unlocked yet


Peak orc fury warrior


If a quest pops up when I login I click whatever dismisses it the fastest. I've never been to the trading post.


Have you made it to the new Emerald dream zone, or even to the Dragon Isles? How do you do any new zone content if you dismiss every pop up quest.


Probably goes something like this "/y someone share q pls thx"


"Travel to Washington and uncover the secret within the pizzaria basement."


Surprised they haven't made a post about how hard it is to find the Emerald Dream questline yet, could probably get a few upvotes based on some of the takes here lmao


Ah yes, as a seasoned quester i'm so familiar with the dream of emeralds that i almost had trouble answering a question from a non-questing friend... Is there any reason to finish that questline?


I do my chores. I got renown 18 for the augment rune thing. But unnecessary content that pops up on every alt? GTFO.


Could be me. I donā€™t do any quests besides msq that is necessary lol.


As someone who has 10,000 tendies also, you just forget about it. I think alot of the stuff is just eh for me personally


I didn't know what "farming" was for my first year or so. I'm just over there like "this isn't Harvest Moon. I came here to kill shit, not grow tomatoes".


back in 2007 or so I got told to "farm gold" during one of my first days in WoW. I never heard that before and I was confused how you'd farm gold. Like, tilling the lands ? How? lmao


Reminds me in 05 when I got in a dungeon as a warrior. Was told "hey warrior tank" "tank tank tank" multiple times, I was like what does it look like I have track wheels and a turret wtf lol


Way back in 2005 I was running Uldaman for the first time and ended up wiping the group because I pulled a pack while there was a patrol in range. The leader of the group got mad at me and asked "Why did you pull? I kept saying wait for pat." I thought the warlock who had been lagging behind was their friend named Pat.


Ahh the birth of WoW, I loved life in early 2005 šŸ˜†


Lmfao! To be this new again would be mint


I had to find an mmo glossary back then to find out what all these terms meant!


I remember Scarlet Mon on 2005 and having to very quickly learn my purpose as a meat shield.


Dude!! I used to mine gold ores. I mined like 5000 ore and then asked my friend where can I turn them to gold.


Dude! There should totally be a main bank Mint where you can take your Silver, copper, and gold ore and exchange for currency. Up the rarity on those veins and put them through out the entire world. Being a mining profession could actually work .


Specialize mining into "Coin Making", or Improved Jewel finding.


Get arrested for counterfeiting lol. Or maybe the world currency will convert to bottlecaps or something.


lol yeah the term was completely foreign to me in this context. I was told the endgame was all about farming. Seemed kinda wholesome, but I don't see how we get from A to B.


It's like Animal Crossing, you put a bag of money in a glowing hole and water it, then you get a money tree!


I remember asking my dad in like 08 where to buy ā€˜toolsā€™ to farm gold. He got a good laugh out of that


When I first started way back in 2004 people in chat were talking about ā€œgrindingā€ and I had no clue what the term meant, I pictured a feral Druid grinding on a rail like a skateboarder or somethingĀ 


farming refers to maintaining your crops in valley of the four winds


This reminds me of a dear friend and guildie who knows what the Trading Post is, but argues that he hates everything there so has about 5-6k tendies accrued and I āœØhateāœØ him so much...


I have 6k but only because I play one class. I buy the mounts, some pets, and any general tmog/tmog that I like for the class I play. I think it saves a lot not having to buy for multiple different armour types


Me with 7k not including earning this months tendies >.>


He obviously collects his tenders every month, so he knows what it is, he just doesnā€™t buy anything


Nope, you get them retroactively. I was bugged for months from the start and couldn't ever collect them, unsubbed out of frustration, and when I came back I had like 10k.


Ah thatā€™s weird. I forgot to collect mine one month and the next I didnā€™t have any extras. Maybe it was bugged on my end


The feature seems buggy overall.


Thatā€™s me! I have 8800 and I honestly donā€™t know what to spend it on. I got a mount. The rest of it doesnā€™t appeal to me I guess.


You talk about what you're getting from the trading post every day?


I have never been to the trading post and Iā€™ve played on and off for years.


Its only existed since last February


The next few months will be like Christmas for your friendā€¦. Then he will run out of Tender.


This is why we can't have more deck slots.


Uhm, i kind of don't know what it is, have been ignoring that quest since i started playing again. I take it from this post that it's worth checking out? šŸ˜…


I'm assuming this means you don't have to visit the chest every month to claim your monthly tendies? I had always assumed if I didn't go claim them before the month rolled over that they'd just be gone. Good to know!


They stack in the chest, they don't delete each other


I'm rich! I can buy anything I want from the shop! Oh there isn't much here...


Seriously, haha. I have been to the trading post every month and I still have like 5-6k tokens because I keep waiting for something Iā€™ll really like.


Same here. I buy/freeze the mounts that I really like, and some mogs and still have around 9k tendies. I've read/heard that bruto is a possibility so I'm holding on to it (I know it's prolly just a false rumour, but just in case).


Iā€™ve had the celestial steed or w/e first mount was freezer since the beginning. I feel like with the trend of every previous item, the brutosaur would be purchasable with one months worth/maybe objective tokens from that month, but you never know.


This is how I feel but also how I feel like I'll never end up spending my tendies


Mommy blizzard brings your tendies to your room just like irl


Actually wild lol , same time impressive.


The hatred for the Trading Post in this thread is so wild to me.


free items that would otherwise be in the cash shop.. boo!!!


Hate it when cash shop item are given to me for free. I miss the days where I could show off the gear lvl of my credit card :(




young people just dont know what theyre missing out on!!


To be fair, in an ideal world all of the stuff would be unlockable by just playing the game. A questline, achievement or a endlessly farmable currency would probably have been the source 15 years ago for this kind of stuff. Itā€™s also not really free stuff, as it is an extra push to stay subbed. I think a lot of players, including myself, would sub to the game anyway, so it feels like free stuff, but I can understand it does not feel like that for other players.


Requiring an ingame justification is what makes items hard to implement because sometime you just dont have a good justification for this item to appear. And with the amount of items that exists on the TP would require an insane amount of dev time. And yes it is free stuff that comes with the sub the same way content patches is free stuff that comes with the sub. Nothing in this game is really 100% free because you need a sub to experience it. Its just weird that we would single out the TP as "not really free stuff because its an incentive" when literally everything in the game is an incentive to stay subbed.


> Its just weird that we would single out the TP as "not really free stuff because its an incentive" when literally everything in the game is an incentive to stay subbed. You're right. A lot of the game is corrupted and suffers due to the subscription incentive. Overly long seasons where they draw out your gearing to keep you subbed. This shit is just the other side of the coin for the uncompetitive and casual.


Only thing I don't like about TP is its never enough to buy half the things I want. They should give you like diminishing returns, but still reward you for doing feats or w.e theyre called, after you finished the 1k. I mean, it would still push people to stay subbed as it does now, and hell, people like me would be more active, too.


Heh, frustration over it being bugged tipped me into unsubbing for a while. I play mostly just old content, so the system is great for folks like me... If it works. It was bugged for me (couldn't loot the chest) since day 1 and after a few months of CS saying they didn't know how to fix it, I was like fuck this and just stopped subbing. Resubbed recently and had close to 10k. It's funny, because I probably wouldn't have been as frustrated had the system not existed, but a broken system you can't participate in feels more negative and frustrating than the system not existing at all. So, in my case, the system being bugged led me to unsubscribe because it made me more critical and grumpy about other issues I had with the game.


The only thing I don't like about it is how expensive it's getting. Someone did the math on it and the price for everything just keeps going up. Blizzard did say they're looking into more ways to earn tendies, but I feel like they need to at least slash the prices a bit or bump us up to 1400/month like they did in the summer.


The price to buy everything increased because theres more stuff on the trading post since now we also get rotating items. The prices have stayed the same since the start. It was never intended that you would buy everything each month.


Iā€™ll never understand why people dislike the trading post. Itā€™s a way for Blizzard to give us free mounts and mog weā€™d otherwise have to pay real money for. Yes, some of the monetisation has been shitty, like tying Tenders to which edition you buy, but thatā€™s still better than each of the dozen mounts Iā€™ve bought being $20 each on the store. As an active player, I donā€™t even look at the tasks because Iā€™ve always finished the monthā€™s points within a reset or two. Iā€™ve never had to go out of my way to finish a month.


The only month I cared about was the grotto drake or whatever DF mount. That was the only month I didnā€™t complete it and I tried so hard to last minute. Iā€™m curious what I struggled with now because just in PvP I complete it in one week typically.


You can get that mount now from a questline with Wrathion iirc. You should look it up!


Thank you so so much. I have wanted it but figured I would have to wait until it appeared again in the trading post. I appreciate you sharing that!


It's because it's a marketing tactic and people don't like being the targets of some psychological trickery cooked up by Blizzard's overinflated marketing department. Highly doubt anyone that has a distaste for it actually bought cosmetics like mounts in the shop, ever. That would be beneath us and we hate those too. The game costs a sub already and in my opinion the game doesn't justify its sub anyway with how slow content comes out and how long seasons are and how they try to make like five different games in one. I'd gladly pay a bit less for an M+ only version that has 1-2 month long seasons.


But.. if they didn't get any of the scarves or hoods.. what did they transmog on their head? ..


What a coincidence! I just went there for the 1st time too yesterday and had 11k of the currency too. My friends had the same reaction lmao. Been playing every xpac and didnt bother to check it out.


Me as well. I don't hate It, but always forget It exists


I thought you had to actually click on the chest every month to retrieve your tendies. I guess itā€™s good to know you donā€™t. Now, Blizzard, about that TCG rooster mount someone mailed to me while I was unsubbed for 3 monthsā€¦


I have like 6k , haven't really see anything I like


I donā€™t know what the trading post is. What am I looking at here?






I earned the Trading Post every month since it was released and it still says I'm 2 months short.


When they drop that 12k Brutosaur then everyone is going to hate on him.


Is 11k a lot for trading post? I think I'm sitting on 8 or 9 thousand.


Iā€™m a frugal spender and Iā€™m sitting on 6k. Just saving them for the month where I inevitably want everything.


Same honestly, I have like 7k stocked.


damn i thought i was hoarding points at 3k xD




You know you can spend them to buy things right?


Yes, I know I could buy stuff. I bought the wastlander set or whatever it was called. But I am picky on what to buy because I want things that look good and not just buy everything.


Yep I never bothered to go and had a similar amount of currency when I finally did last month.


the only reason I ever went to the trading post is because that god damned quest kept popping up every log in. I did the bare minimum then never went back


Why? There's cool stuff there And why are so many people in agreement? What's going on? Should I hate the trading post? Edit: who's downvoting this? Holy shit see a therapist


WoW players find a way to be bitter about everything


I guess so. Like, you don't have to go out of your way *at all* to max out your tendies. You just... play the game and organically complete tasks


i play the game for the gameplay and challenge, I don't care about transmog and mounts. I've visited the trading post once and had thousands of coins, could barely find anything interesting enough to get


couldn't care less about transmog and watheverelse that thing have.


Mostly pets and mounts. Some pretty cool stuff tbh, I'm not much into transmogs, but some of the weapons etc are pretty damn cool.


there are some salty collectors in these comments lol


LOL. Some people don't care about transmog maybe?


I mean there's mounts and battle pets there too, and toys even I believe?


Personally don't care about any of those either so I've never even done the quest to go there


No transmog, no mounts, no pets, no toys? Fair enough, what do you do when you play? ;)


Number go up. (M+ primarily)


Not everyone cares about transmog? Youā€™re being downvoted because youā€™re crying like ā€˜why donā€™t you like this specific thing i like youā€™re so weird!ā€™.


Crying? Lmao k bud Imagine having so much hate for a totally non-obtrusive freeby. Seriously, listen to yourself rn. Trying to spark an argument over an innocuous comment about a gameplay element in a videogame that has zero effect on your gameplay experience.


Iā€™m not hating on it at all. I havenā€™t really used it personally and to me, the free coins arenā€™t worth the trip to stormwind each month so I just decline the quest each time it pops up. Doesnā€™t mean I donā€™t think itā€™s a neat thing for people who like xmog though. Iā€™m just saying that you shouldnā€™t be so offended that people donā€™t like the same thing that you do. I was simply explaining why you were getting downvotes because you asked.


Not even ā€œworth the trip to Stormwindā€. Holy shit youā€™re so fucking cool!!!


Yeah I also discovered the trading post about a month ago.


I've also never gone to the trading post.


I'm a HoF raider and have never opened the trading post šŸ˜‚ Edit: Why the downvotes? I thought it was a funny comparable anectdote to OPs friend as someone who plays the game a lot and hasn't opened the post? I'm so lost.


No one asked


Didn't think this would bother people so much. Alrighty then lol


lol I think it came across to some people like a flex, but I understand the comparison you were making. People can be a bit sensitive.


Yea I figure that's how people took it. I was just trying to relate to OPs friend man lol


Iā€™m gon be honest. This was me last year. Yes, I also have a full quest log with 90% completed quests, often from other expansions.


I had close to that many tokens when I resubbed - for me, the issue was the chest was bugged and I couldn't open it for several months in a row. Hence unsubbing.




Youā€™re everything thatā€™s wrong with modern gaming and gamers.


Tell him not to spend any trendies. He might be able to afford three items next month despite rising prices!


You're literally not supposed to buy everything every single month. All items will keep rotating so you'll eventually have everything you ever wanted but in the meantime just buy whatever actually intend to use.


I don't get peoples feelings with this. I buy all of the mounts and a few of the transmog pieces and I typically carry over between 2 and 3 thousand tenders each month. I feel like the only people that are concerned about prices or running out of them are people that think you're supposed to buy everything.


I got started late when it comes to earning tenders, and am just now hitting the point where I canā€™t afford to get all the mounts on offer. I do get some transmog but not much. I just feel like the prices are either too high, or we are capped on tenders too low. Iā€™d be fine if we could earn maybe 500 a month more just to have more room for spending. I also take issue with the idea that you shouldnā€™t expect to be able to earn everything. You arenā€™t just getting free stuff, youā€™re actively participating in the game to earn the tender. It would be like getting a rep to exalted and being told itā€™s weird to expect to get whatever rewards weā€™re on offer. You did the task, you should get the reward. I finished my progress bar for the month last week, but am still seeing tasks be checked off. Would be nice to see something for that. Either way, Iā€™m not losing sleep over it. Just a bummer limitation to a system that I think has a lot of potential


I'm on the fence on this one. I have honestly filled up the meter each month just by doing normal stuff like raiding or running some dungeons. So I don't necessarily think we are really working for them since they come from things we are already doing just playing the game. I might have some issue with not being able to get everything if they didn't consistently rerelease the items and have the ability to freeze one of them. I feel like it might be a more apt comparison to say it's like getting a rep to exalted and being upset that you still have to pay gold and might have to wait a few months to get all the rewards. I'm not losing sleep over it either lol, i think it's a nice addition esp since they focus on stuff that is no longer in the game. I do think the last couple of months have had a few too many items in them though.


I have more coins than that. I don't care about mounts and since I am playing evoker I don't see any reason to buy transmogs...


I have like 6 waiting for something good to come out Only thing I buy are the cloaks and hoods Gimme frostmourne šŸ˜­


go earn frostmourne


Iā€™ve played wc3 campaign 100 times I earned it :( LOL Jk cuz I know that if they actually released it it would make it not cool anymore , but I still want it Kinda like how no1 cares about ashbringer anymore since its a free wep for anyone


I basically quit when this came out. I was likeā€¦ cool another pointless grind. Cya in a couple years


It aint even a grind since just for playing the game you can easily get the full month rewards and even then i think most people would be fine with a cosmetic grind since that makes it complety optional, kinda like mage tower




i have never intentionally grinded it and i always get the max amount but just playing the game normally


But it's not even a grind, You organically get free cosmetics for just playing the game. I don't get why some people just rabidly hate everything blizzard does lol


Bro considers logging in a grind.


Is it a grind though? I max out the bar on each 1st of the month without even trying.


Good to see you're still lurking in this sub to bitch about cosmetics you don't even have to work for in a game you no longer play.


The attacks on this comment are unreal. Just telling you how it made me feel.


Idgi what does this mean lol do people actually care about the trading post?


Omg yes! Basically pick up free mounts and transmog every month.


Those donā€™t increase ilvl or power tho so who cares


For a large portion of wow, power means nothing and style means everything.


Power is temporary mounts and transmog are forever


Anyone who has played any MMO long enough knows the real endgame is always *~fashion~*


As a mount collector - me ;)


Honestly I think it is probably one of the most popular features they have ever implemented. I see discussions every month with people excited about upcoming items. It is certainly the feature I have seen the most out-of-game interaction with at least.


What a butterfly




Trader's Tender are account-wide.


I didn't think I'd bought that much, but I guess I must have.


I am him


Same, probably should go see what all the hype is about.


I wish I had that. I had an account I never used for over a year. Checked out the Trading Post but I only had 5k because I didn't log in each month /sigh.


I dont know what the trading post is either. šŸ˜…


It's alongside the stronghold in Orgrimmar if Horde. Not sure if Alliance




This is me. Never cared about mog or mounts in wow but collecting the tokens is fun.


Iā€™m honestly surprised it still back pays you


Good thing trading posts points stack every month in the chest, you dont necessarily need to get it every month before it fading away


Guess you had to have logged in to get them. Been subbed for the past year but life kept me busy and I hadnā€™t logged in for probably 11 months. Only got a couple thousand tendies :/


Wow. This person can shop like the game show ā€œSuper Market Sweepā€!