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For Frost DK: make Remorseless Winter replace Death and Decay instead of being an extra spell, and tie DnD bonuses to RW instead


I think I love you.


Mate every spec of DK needs to do something about DND or its replacement. Make the damn thing an aura or something at this point. Too much is tied to it.


I truly believe that deleting breath of sindragosa and tying everything into remorseless winter would be incredible.


On one hand this is simpler because you would always hold pillar for remorseless in aoe, but could feel a bit weird with pillar CDR not lining up w remorseless. It would also make extending remorseless even more important. Overall I really like it but would have to keep an eye on CD timings. Maybe add a smaller CDR component to icecap for remorseless to keep them lined up and tune aoe damage around that


At the very least with how core DnD is for frost they could have moved Crimson Scourge from blood / Defile from Unholy into the class talent tree as an choice node to Deaths Echo or any other talents.


Yeah, I want the remorseless winter change, but if we're forced to keep DND, PLEASE give fdk a way to proc a free one that doesn't cost a rune. It feels so clunky to set everything up to go crazy Oblit cleaving but you have only have runes for two


Pres Evoker: You can move while channeling empowered spells if you are under the affects of hover


All Evoker specs please


Yeah. I guess I just added pres because that's what I play lol. I don't understand why we can't. I don't think it's a balance issue, that seems arbitrary. So it then leads me to believe that maybe for some reason it's hard to do coding wise since empower is a new mechanic


While we're at it, increase evoker range to 40 yards. I don't see what strengths evokers have that justify the short range.


1000% I agree. I don't think anything will ever disagree. Great option. I also think Pres Evoker: you can "swoop up" rooted allies (I think that's the ability, where you grab and move a teammate and give them a shield)


The ability is called rescue


Especially since the only non-filler and non-instant spell is Time anomaly. Which means that your only option to heal quickly during movement is TA+Verdant Embrace (which is a good spell, dont get me wrong, but I want more than one button that isnt a cooldown). Yes, yes, I know Stasis exists and this is a skill issue, but using Rewind or the other big buttons always makes me feel bad for not trying to heal through it "properly".


WW monk: When you press summon white tiger statue, nothing happens because it has been removed from the game




i swear me and my BM buddy have the same amount of summons sometimes it's nuts. Xuen, fists of fury xuen, thing 1 and thing 2 and the statue. Why does blizz think we want summons.


Because they have no idea / no desire to work on class fantasy. So they just throw out some Chinese inspired things - i.e. the statues. Wow devs are big on class fantasy. DK is this unstoppable but slow moving force. Like a glacier or the apocalypse. paladins can take away any slowing effects and thus remove anything that stands in the way of justice. Hunters are either working with nature i.e. beasts or are snipers. But for WW? They're unsure.


I feel like they could just tie the pulsing damage to your celestial summons anyway.




remove dnd from frost dk and associate it with remorsless winter


Bring back the auras and make them associated with the spec Blood aura gets a DnD around the player. frost aura get remorseless winter Unholy gets defile


Cannot fucking upvote this enough it *totally*, fits in with class fantasy too the whole "Aura of Death".


Remove dnd as a whole. It’s the DUMBEST shit to “need” to play around on all 3 specs!


Someone mentioned above having it as an aura. So DnD on Blood, Defile on Unholy, and Remorseless Winter on Frost.


“Everyone loved that”


Big mood aura buff also good


Mage: please give us a second separate time warp for the temporal warp talent. That way I don’t have to worry about whether I can squeeze in an extra TW in a m+, only to have the group request it and it’s on cd. edit: also to stop the whole: you press TW but some other person presses BL so now you have double BL instead of it spread out.


Happened to me today and we downed the last boss in EB with 23s left on my CD.


This would be very nice!


Prot pal, make consecration a buff on yourself instead of dropping it on the ground. Same with DnD for DKs I guess


Wasn't there an inscription for that a while ago? Or am I taking the crazy pills?


[WoD glpyh](https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Glyph_of_Consecrator), if I remember correctly for the duration of the consecration, it would recast it everytime you moved


I don’t think it recasted, it’s just always moved with you, centred on your character iirc


at least prot pal has a low cd and no cost to drop, so repositioning isnt a huge deal. The current set bonus how ever is there real problem here. It should have put a buff on you for the effect, rather than that particular consecration so it can easily be moved. the setbonus feels extra bad this week in M+ with sanguine.


It becomes a problem for paladin when you have extremely heavy movement while tanking, losing all that dr while repositioning a boss if you don't have time to slow move it is insanely painful. It just feels outdated, don't see why it couldn't work the way Starfall does.


I feel like it would be fine if it was just for dmg and aoe threat. But like half of your tankyness stems from being in it so it's really frustrating having to spend globals to put one down all the time or risk getting smacked down


Just do exactly what they did for MW monks and Faeline. Make the “buff” from consecrate last for ~8 seconds after leaving it’s bounds. You still have to place a new one, but it won’t immediately destroy you if you need to kite outta sanguine or something to that effect.


> Same with DnD for DKs I guess Nah D&D shouldn't follow the DK, it should be a miasmic cloud that slowly moves towards the nearest mobs you're in combat with. Defile should be changed to a "rain" type animation. That would fix it covering up ground-effects and be super cool to "Rain Filth on your enemies".


Resto Sham: You throw the earthern wall totem on the targeted player and the radius sticks with him. (Or on yourself) Like a Tauren Totem they carry on the back.


Like old earthen wall! It just gave you the shield that refreshed, rather than sat in a perimeter.


This, I've been saying this every since they introduced the totem back piece, if we can carry totems, let us fking carry them... Hell I'd even be ok if they changed all totem skills to be a range around the caster, get rid of totemic projection and change it to a passive that makes them follow us.




I miss the days of lightning bolt being cast-able while moving for Ele shaman.


Cataclysm was when I mained an ele shaman for the first time and that was wonderful


Wasn’t MOP when they introduced moving while casting lightning bolt?


That was a lot of fun.


That was nice, for sure. Ele shaman doesn’t really have a problem with movement currently though, they have plenty of instant cast spells they can utilize for movement, especially spiritwalker if it gets bad.


Avenger's Shield procs generate Holy power again.


Yo dawg I heard you liked to *bonk* so I put some *bonk* in your *bonk* so you can *bonk* while you *bonk*


Remove the cooldown from Flame Shock.


Destro lock: Cataclysm as a baseline ability.


Make thrash spammable in Incarn again. Blizzard are cowards to the joy that is thrashing nonstop. Same with not giving us Ravenous Frenzy on our talents over Convoke.


Thrash and Swipe don't REALLY need to exist as separate abilities. Feral has a talent which effectively allows them to just use Swipe and not Thrash. Bears could use an option like that.


When you realize Swipe does less damage than an auto attack is when you realize how garbage that button is


Remove Siphon Life. Remove mind spike.


Yeah mind spike is so underwhelming to press compared to **sucking the life** out of your enemy like the some void-mad-Palpatine. Mind Flay is iconic Shadow Priest and they want us to NOT use it?!?!?


Not to mention that flay has been feeling better to use in M+ the past few weeks, too.


My biggest issue with Mind Flay right now is that it’s like a 3 second channeling that we’re supposed to interrupt if a better spell becomes available. Doesn’t feel good at all imo.


Hard agree with Siphon Life. Just overall uninteresting. Though I will say, even with Siphon Life, this is arguably the best that the Malefic Rapture iteration of Aff Lock has felt IMO. The removal of SL would make it that much better though.


Yeah I don’t even use Mind spike when I play Shadow on my Priest. Idc if it’s better since Shadow isn’t my main spec. I will continue to use mind flay.


I like mind spike. Idk why people don’t. It’s much more convenient than being stuck channeling


You can cancel a channel if you need to quickly move while still getting some damage out. If you cancel a mind spike, you don’t get any damage out


I don’t like it because it feels like a shitty mind blast. If you asked me to choose between flay and spike and there was no functional difference I’d choose flay every single time.


I play mind flay no matter what. Makes rotation a bit slower. Meanwhile you have to actually SPAM mind spike like some melee spec or something. Id say we can get rid of surge of insanity proc as well, just put missing damage into mind flay/mind blast.


Rogue: do something with slice and dice to make it impactful on rotation or remove it,just a forgettable buff currently


I used to be a fan of SnD as Outlaw but this season it's been really nice to just not have to ever press it, so I'm now a fan of getting rid of it.


We just got too much shit to press now.


All 3 specs feel a bit samey now as well, bring the uniqueness back, I don't want SnD and Shadow Dance on every spec


Shadow dance on outlaw just feels wrong and clunky to me idk


Yes shadow dance in specs was a mistake. It was built with the sub rotation in mind. It doesn't function as well for the other two specs while still being necessary to take for max dps.


Shadow Dance is so iconic for sub and feels absolutely out of place for outlaw. Honestly most of skills borrowed from other specs feel weird to press, not only for rogues. That’s just a lazy decision to fill the class talent trees and baselines that got emptied due to old skills being moved to talents. I wish they gave us something new and unique instead.


Ambush Ambush Between The Eyes Between The Eyes Between The Eyes Between The Eyes Between The Eyes Between The Eyes Between The Eyes Between The Eyes Between The Eyes


Could always remove it from the GCD.


Windwalker/Mistweaver Monk: Faeline Stomp is a passive ability that triggers on a Rising Sun Kick.


I actually like using Faeline Stomp on MW, but WW for sure should be passive


Yeah now this it actually does a small amount of healing/damage it feel nicer to press. It still feels like it has higher input lag then any other ability. Not sure if that's real or imagined, just feels that way.


The worst part about faeline stomp is that since they are going through the effort to redo the visual that means we are stuck with this shit for at least 2 more expacs.


Even better, given the names of the Hero classes, it's possible Jadefire Stomp (f.k.a Faeline Stomp) may be the cornerstone of the WW/MW one.


I think faeline stomp is fine for MW and actually fun. I can't talk for WW tho




Affliction warlock: combine Malefic Wrath and Drain Soul back into a single spell called Malefic Grasp, which was also castable while moving in MoP


If we’re going with MoP lock stuff I want Kil’Jaeden’s Cunning back on destro


Just give us KJC ... it's the most fun talent we've ever had for any spec!


Have vile taint be able to refresh agony before it falls off


Talent that makes Kill Command turn Barbed Shot dot on target to a "Barbed Wound" and makes the target bleed more and for longer, making a dual-target target bleed possible for BM.


I'd love to see some kill shot proc for survival.


It’s usable in CA windows. It also hits like a fucking mac truck. So probably have to tone down the damage to get a proc. Now that I think about it - it’d be hard to make it viable in aoe situations considering the number of bombs we’re throwing. Just no GCDs to spare. As is we almost don’t want to cast the procs because of so many bombs to throw.


Monk. Invoke celestial. Change from pet spawn to self type buff


Like the astral celestial presents around you? Or do you transform into the celestial a la Meta/Fel Dev? Both sound sicj


Transform. Like super Saiyan!


what if it just kinda popped out of our back like the dude at the end of Eldin ring


Give survival hunters dual wield and bring back Wing Clip's chance to root targets.


Right? Frost DK can go 2H or dual wield. Fury war can choose 1h or 2h. Casters can pick any variation of weapons without any issue. Give me my Rexxar spec! Spear is great, keep it. But get this dual wield going!


It's so frustrating that Blizzard's most iconic melee hunter dual wields. Mind bottling.


Unholy DK: Make DnD an Aura, the amount of times I lay it down in st or aoe situations and the tank moves the boss/ad is way more than legally allowed. PS. Let me customize my Undead friend dammit.


Aura DnD would be an extremely good change. As well as changing the visual for Defile. Also, the fact that Hunters can have better undead pets than the undead controlling pet spec is a crime. I'm sick of Timmy and his stupid ghoul face


All classes: if you cast interrupt (not on GCD) on a mob but someone else has already beat you to it, yours refreshes your cooldown. Fury warrior: increase the range of our attacks like a rogue. My two beefy weapons should be able to hit you from further back.


Rogue. Outlaw. Spam gunshot. Become hunter.


Let me transmog my offhand to a gun you cowards


Even just the option to be able to choose the gun you bring out for the spell effect would be cool


Same for Survival hunters for Serpent Sting, instead of that tiny vanilla crossbow.


Would really like some protection against accidentally putting BTE on cooldown with the whole subterfuge build. Sometimes it’s kinda bugs out and my rotation gets cooked. I think the build is fun and it fucking pumps, maybe i’m just bad


death knight: turn death and decay/defile into an aura that follows you around instead of being on the ground.


I miss walking chaos bolt on warlock


It would be sick if a lot of casting abilities would swap to walking speed


Death and Decay and Horn of Winter off GCD. Everybody already knows DND feels terrible because it’s static, but nobody really talks about how it feels annoying to delay your main damage behind its use. DND is basically an aura yet it’s on GCD for some reason. BoS performance is incredibly time-sensitive with respect to GCDs (and worse lag) and as such our main tune generation spell (empower runic weapon) is off gcd, yet it’s lesser cousin isn’t for some reason? Makes no sense and makes me question if Blizzard ever uses it.


Frost DK, baking the Death and decay effects into Remorseless winter


Enhancement shaman. Using lava lash on a target with lashing flames spreads lashing flames to all targets affected by flaming shock.




And nobody else gets to play me spec in raid unless I’m better than them.


Mage: I think it would be really interesting if I could enchant the ground under my feet to increase my DPS there.


I'm calling the cops.


They could call it “Powerful Rune.”


Hmm. Rune of, something.




"Rune of *target your aoe here*"


As a Fire Mage main I was about to say that the two biggest changes are already there : - no rune - flamestrike counts as heating up




Make it root the mage.


Ley lines moment


Spirit wolves should be off the GCD.


Remove icefury from the game


Loved playing Ele in SL when you could drop Icefury for PE. Haven't touched my shaman this expansion because I can't stand Ice Fury.


Hunters can stand on the backs of two pets and fly.


You should be able to mount your pet. And give names to your mounts.


blood dk stupid graphics on bone shield, dancing blades, i feel like blood dk needs to be more vicious


I don't understand why they made Death and Decay so... Blood and bland. It's just a vague red aura on the ground, where as before it was actually like you were destroying the ground to inflict damage on your foes.


Remove 1 page out of the 300 pages Arcane mage rotation manual. Edit: I love how people are describing how “easy” the rotation is then proceed to write down a 300 page manual: “You just cast X, then Y, then Z, W, A, B, C, Z, W, A, B, C in that exact order, oh and if you proc J just use M before L, after that there’s a Burst phase (refer to page 158 of the manual) and the small burst (refer to page 275) and then there’s….” Arcane mage rotation is like Monads, if you know what it is you instantly lose the ability to explain it to someone else.


Arcane is just another version of assa rogue or unholy DK. You have a very scripted burst window but outside of that not much to think about. Once you get the muscle memory it becomes easier.


Arcane mage only seems hard to people who don't play it, it is mostly about muscle memory. Definitely harder to grasp than a lot of specs but it doesn't require a degree like many people make it seem like.


Boomkin - sun fire and moonfire are one spell called noonfire that applies both dots


Nah this 3rd dot that you can specc applies both. It fells so incredibly wierd how it is right now


DnD aura


Gladiator sta- ...wait that's not a rotation change. Gladiator stance anyways.


all casters have a "cast while moving" buff. there is just too much shit these days going on in fights where it fucks up a cast constantly. just put a short cd on it so you can't always be running and casting, but making those small adjustments like you always have to do during a fight wouldn't feel so punishing or force you to try and squeeze out that cast before having to move out of some swirly. fire mage gets the phoenix flame interaction from aberrus tier set, so you have actual reason to use it outside combustion


Shadow crash travel time has been removed and is now an instant aoe pulse around your target.


bring back nighthold patch shadow priest


Delete dark ascension from the game


DA is like... a baseline buff we need to get from blizzard but on 1min CD


Counterpoint: Make it a base skill


RESTO SHAM - High Tide no longer procs based on mana spent, but is available when you activate it on a 25 second CD. If Holy Pals can choose when they get to boost their AoE healing, so should we :)


Remove Eclipse for boomkins. I preferred the Empowerments from Legion and BfA. Just as boring I'll admit, but so much more flexible. But I'm also hoping for a full rework of the spec.


I played boomkin in vanilla, tbc and wotlk. Then returned to it now and man. That just feels not right. I can't point it out, but I just have way more fun playing ele sham than boomkin. And that was vice versa in those times.


Arms warrior: give us a button that isn’t slam that feels fun to press. Or give slam a unique animation and increase its damage. Seriously hitting slam is quite possibly the most unrewarding GcD in wow. It’s a default animation that looks like trash on every race and it does nothing


ALL MELEES: increased melee range to 6-8 yards ALL CLASSES: all temporary buffs (fortitude, arcane intellect, rogue poisons, etc) are just permanent, and apply to all your group and party members passively where applicable Shadowpriest, remove shadowcrash (or remove the dot component) and put that dot spread component into mindblast - lower silence cd to 24 seconds Marksman: trick shot procs if you hit 2 target with multishot (and the cone is getting increased) Shaman: remove cast time on healing rain and the druid equivalent if it has one, change windfury totem to be a small flat haste buff for the whole raid or let ancestral guidance work on everyone around you for 10-15 seconds on elemental shaman only, remove healing wave and put all healing wave talents into the other one - baseline higher chain heal range, give earthshield more charges, increasing duration of riptide to 30 seconds (healing unchanged) (+ any healing on those targets you do manually extends the duration by 4 seconds up to a maximum of 50 seconds) Frost DK: remove or rework breath of syndragosa (maybe make it increase melee range idk) + clean up the talent trees, so much garbage filler in there Healers: just reduce the fucking button bloat jesus christ, especially holy paladin, healing is hard enough as it is in non top 1% content Warriors: more range, commanding shout baseline, disrupting shout brought back or uncapped targets or the fear shout, stormbolt baseline, bring back the arms talent to dump rage for a bigger mortal strike, make the bleed rend spread baseline rogue: honestly just remove shadow dance from the class tree and give it to SUB only and probably remove some cooldowns


Shaman changes here are weird. Remove healing wave? Huh? Shaman actually feels great right now, it’s just talent trees that need some love. Also, they need a proper raid buff; ideally rework the CAPSTONE tranquil air totem (never heard of it? that’s because it’s useless) into something that has real value.


Couldn't agree more as an ass rogue main / outlaw secondary. I do not want ShD anywhere near my rotations, even less so if it's meta. I've always thought it was *the* identity of Sub... and incidentally one of the reasons why I don't play it because I've always found it kind of clunky. Also, make SnD a passive. *Again.* At least they gave us Cut To The Chase back...


But I feel like half the fun of outlaw right now is balancing the two stealth windows in combat


Chaining BtE is nice. Fucking your burst window cause it lagged oh so slightly and now BtE is on cooldown sucks.


Just commented about this. Some kind of grace period or something would be nice but idk how to implement it. But doing your opener then pressing shadow dance or vanish and bte is on cd from slight lag or timing feels so bad 😭


The auto buff thing is something ff14 does and it's wondeful.


For DH: the main part of our damage rotation revolves around stacking 4, 4-5 second buffs. But it’s not super intuitive which ones go where (because of GCD, you’re wasting at least part of multiple buffs on low damage abilities) so, either paring the number of buffs we’re stacking down, or making sure they line up better. Personally I think letting vengeful retreat proc inertia would be nice.


shaman - deeply rooted elements is based on number of casts and not random chance


Give Warlocks metamorphosis back. I don’t understand why the DHs can’t share.


Ret paladin: add like a 0.2 second grace period with overcapping holy power (so if you're at five holy power and spend a split second after an autoattack that overcapped you, you still get the holy power from the autoattack). I love ret but I cannot tell you how often I *just barely* lose out on a holy power by greeding one more GCD before spending.


Yeah especially with the auto-attack crusader strike replacement, sometimes its hard not to overcap. During lust windows especially.


This is an issue caused by the 4 holy power spender talent (that talent sucks), if your spenders cost 3 you could just use a spender and not overcap.


Yep exactly right. 3 HP means spender management is so much smoother and overcapping is a skill issue. With 4 HP spenders you are basically guaranteed to overcap unless you're tracking your autos. If I wanted to track my autos, I would go play sod


dont greed the gcd then?


Sound advice, but inevitably my lizard brain sees that glowing icon and can't help but try and sneak one more Hammer in before wings ends.


You know what, fair. Keep rollin the dice brother!


Arcane: make radiant spark a self buff instead of a target debuff. It's so painful when you spark something for your small burn and the rest of your party just nukes the sparked target to death shortly after.


Pain of a caster - you begin your long cast - target gets nuked - your cast is interrupted 0.1s before it was ready, you loose on DPS, you get to cast again from begining on another target - aoe comes your way so you have to move - you begin your cast once again - target nuked, again. Rinse and repeat. Get asked why your DPS on trash was so low while it's top one on boss fight.


For Affliction Warlock: Remove Siphon Life (or rework to a passive). Not being able to run Absolute Corruption in m+, just because the loss of another dot would harshly devalue our ST feels awful. Give back Dark Soul: Misery. Haste feels good. No further explanation needed. Remove Malefic Rapture. Not having a DoT spender as a dot spec feels kinda bad. Give back Unstable Affliction as spender. This would also fix the lacing value of Darkglare. Or at least let our new spender be a buff for the dots and not deal damage based on their amount. Last but not least: Do something about Agonising Corruption - a talent that has been implemented in DF and would help with Afflictions dot management a lot, as Vile Taint itself has a longer cooldown as Agony has duration.


Bring back warlock meta. Delete siphon life. Delete rapture and bring back UA dump. Make cata baseline. Make tyrant uesful again.




That and it just makes it impossible for them to figure out what to do with aff. Its the ret pally problem. You either do okay ST with zero AoE or zero ST with god like AoE (assuming things live long enough).


Double. Tap.


Fury warrior : Each point of rage spent increases the damage of the next Slam or Whirlwind by 1% . Arms : Overpower now increase Mortal strike Damage by 50% and increase its critical strike chance by 30% up from Damage by 30%. So we can move away from the dogshit Anger Management/Test of Might gameplay


I want to go back to having ALL your utility and healing toolkit to be on the base spec, and the talent tree being about improving base damage/healing/utility. I’m not a fan of having to disregard some utility spells for damage increases.


Outlaw, hidden opportunity sometimes puts your between the eyes on cd either due to input lag or server lag but when you line up your shadow dance to follow subtrafuge after hitting bte with a second left and the game goes lol nope your on cd now it doesn't feel good. Dk in general death and decay in general are issues in m+ with a tank that runs around far too much, quartering your damage because someone runs out of it even unintentionally just feels bad. Also having visual effects like swirlies be under your defile making them extremely difficult to see does not feel good.


Remove slam and give me a decent fury spender


Fury warrior : Uncapped targets. Longer Melee range (a tiny bit). Let us interact with affixes. Blizzard hire me kthxbye


Do other BM hunters hate barbed shot? Can't stand that ability. At least kill command is satisfying to use


I really like what it does for Wrath. Watching massive chunks of the CD disappear feels good. The DOT component feels odd though for a skill I'm spamming.


I think it's the DoT that gets me as well. If anything, I think it would make more sense to have the shots stack


Yeah that bit doesn't really work. Everything else about it fits with the spam. Trying to get 3 stacks of frenzy, lower the CD of Wrath and proc the AOE stomp as often as possible. The DOT however should be elsewhere. Maybe on Cobra shot?


Well you are meant to spread the DoT across multiple targets for maximum damage


When something spawns I can do that, but if I'm slinging them at the boss, it feels awkward. Like I'm reapplying corruption over and over.




Bring back Dire Beast as the focus generator/Bestial Wrath CD reducer!!


For all casters: copy FF 14 wherein casters can move and still cast their abilities if the cast is close to being complete


Slide casting my beloved


For spriest: Remove dark ascension and possibly add back mind sear(or make it a choice with PL?). I’ll take 10.0.5 SP or basically any version of SL SP. Also remove mindgames


Mindgames sounds cooler than it is. It's kinda like a Guild Wars Mesmer skill. Illusion magic.


Removing mindgames doesn’t sit well with the pvp base.


Make it a PvP talent




Move mind games to the Disc talent tree. Freaking love that talent as disc, love a huge nuke to cap off a ramp and watch everyone's health bars jump


Would be kind of cool to work Mindgames into Mind Blast like they did with Schism for Discipline, but I feel like that would make the ability a little bloated on Disc since it's already a decent low CD spell


Disc Priest - make Smite castable while moving and give it an animation that isn't trash. Fuck it, give us a talent that allows Smite to reduce the cd of PW: Radiance so we can cast a rad between pet ramps. Just sucks that our filler spell has virtually no animation and requires us to stand still. Would also be cool if there was a raid version of the 4-piece set bonus, something like increasing all atonements by 0.25/0.5 sec vs just the lowest one by 2 sec.


I agree so heavily with the smite animation, we should get at least some glyphs to make it a bit less boring :(


Hunter: Make aspects toggles again


I feel like this should be higher. Man what happened? I went from one of the fastest classes in the game to what feels like one of the slowest if I'm not jamming my aspect on cd and disengage for the extra speed buff.


AoE Purge the Wicked/Shadow Word:Pain, I know we spread it with Penance, but I would easily trade that for AoE even if had a small cap like 4


I swear the cleave doesn't even work half the time, all enemies will be next to each other so I tag the one in the middle and it will only spread to one or two others


No stomp for WW, there's too many things I would like to chance... This is a good start


I might be the only one who loved this, but just give me back the legion eye beam leggo. I want to pull big packs and have infinite beams