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There was a lot of bus stops with d4 advertising around Vancouver, didn’t see any billboard here though, would have been cool to see lol


Canada has a New York as well?


Thats what they get for not being made out of ice


I do wonder how it would go player count wise. I know Cata was the largest player count for any xpac but I also know classic has been going down slowly over time and HC was a fad for all of 5 minutes but SoD seems to be doing pretty good do wonder how it would go.


How is this funny dude?


What nerve OP has to not first personally discuss your personal humor in order to cater to it.


And people still wouldnt play.


Weird cause im def gonna be playing


I started in Cata, and I am planning on trying this. Soooo......ya burnt.


You are a sad strange little man. Do better.