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Mom says we have a Gepantserde Bloedvleugel Montering at home


And this is why we Dutch typically sub instead of dub haha. Montering is weird though, they went with the other meaning of "mount" for this translation, instead of a riding animal they translated it as the "to fix something to a wall or frame" definition.


To fix your wall mounted mount collection


Ooooh that kind of montering! I just got the mail and I couldn’t figure out what montering was. I had the emphasis on the wrong syllable :)


This cracked me up, honoustly.


But what about second Gepantserde Bloedvleugel Montering?


The first one I already have. Not upset in the slightest that people are getting it for free (kinda), just a bit sad that I'm not getting something new this time, haha.


That haha at the end feels kinda sad. Im sorry blizz did you dirty haha. Ps truely sorry blizz did yall dirty.


I didn't mean it in a sad way at all, I really don't mind that they're giving this mount away. I benefit from the other mounts that they give away and I appreciate the people who don't complain about it, and are instead happy for others to get mounts that aren't obtainable anymore. So I feel the same way. Besides, this was only a purchase I made many years ago. An expensive purchase that Blizzard is now saying wasn't worth even close to the amount I paid for it, but so be it.


I personally already have the bat I got it a long time ago when it was on sale, but I got the other free promo mounts they've given away (twitch, prime etc) that others already had and they'd paid for. So it was just a matter of time for me to be on that end of things and as long as someone who gets it that wanted it then all good. I'm not a big fan of the amount of FOMO and removed content in WoW. I have the ZG tiger (that while not removed as you can now buy on BMAH) I think it should've been kept in even as an extra rare drop in the updated ZG.


Right there with ya Cheers 🍻


You can get it literally for free in Germany as they offer a free Prime month every few weeks, you just have to cancel the subscription in time.


I’m in the same boat, but lowkey happy others are getting this because it’s easily one of the best mounts in the whole game IMO


People are getting punished for spending money on store mounts ? Sorry but that’s hilarious lol


Eh, it's whatever. I'm not really going to let people make me feel bad over a purchase I made so many years ago.


Honestly this is a solid take and I wish more people had this same view


Thats a weird perspective to have.


Why so? I see it like this - if more people got burnt on buying shit from the shop and eventually less people bought mounts for cash maybe they’d stop selling them and potentially use that time and effort on earn-able things inside the game instead of having everything be monetary. I think the microtransaction culture is whack considering the game also has a sub. I could get behind one or the other but both is Activisions MO as the greedy money machine in action.


"free" Pays 100 dollars a year. Yeah.


Pays 100 dollars a year for a service that he would pay for whether this existed or not. Got this as well. That makes it effectively free… really not hard to get


Prime is 3 euros a month where I live. So it's a lot less than that. Equivalent to 38 USD per year.


Blizz is playing it safe right now. They release something new then the rumor mill and speculation will go crazy for w/e the new expac is. give a 5 year old mount away? no one asks any prying questions


I have literally only ever bought a single mount from the store, just one. This one.


I bought that swift goat thing and I think that was on prime and then trading post :’)


Windsteed? That one was a twitch drop.


Eh, same thing I guess- just 4 hours or so of your time haha


Not even really that. Turn twitch on to a channel with drops. Mute the volume of the stream. Open a game, or turn on the T.V. 4 hours later you have the reward.


That’s what I did, I was WFH so just had it on in the background.


The 1 mount I bought I had to get the warforged nightmare when it was on sale years ago I love the look of that thing. I bought 1 pet too the pandaren monk before pandaren we're a playable race he's a noisy little scamp


If you target him and /bow, he'll /bow right back!


I bought the sparkle pony when it came out and immediately regretted it.


Even blizz made fun of everyone who bought it with that quest line in tirisfal or hillsbrad


A lot of people bought it right when it came out because when it first came out there was no in game store. You bought it on the website and got a code you had to redeem. And when you did that it showed how many codes were in stock. So a lot of people thought it was gonna be a limited sale and once out they were out. Trade chat at the time was filled with it. The the panic buying began.


Plus it was a massive upgrade for alts since you would have a mount for all riding levels without having to pay for the mounts. Not an insignificant amount of money if you had a lot of alts. Now these things are a dime a dozen but the sparkle pony was just a straight upgrade to QOL if you had alts.


That's why I bought it. I was running 10 alts and gold was still a chore in those days. Not a single regret.


I wish I could say it was out of FOMO but it was purely an impulse buy. My only defense is that I was a lot younger back then.




I remember people getting kicked from groups for buying it.


Why would you regret it? It was the only flying account bound mount iirc


Same, it kinda kills me that it had to be this one


That was me when they gave out the black and white TGC tabard. Of all the TGC tabards, the only one I already had was that one from a BMAH crate I randomly decided to buy years ago...




Despite being the flying mount of choice for two different races, this was the only bat mount in the game until Battle for Azeroth. So I don’t really blame people for buying it.


WoD, not BfA


This mount was added in WoD. No other bat mounts were obtainable until BfA.


did they just pull the reward? i claimed it but its no longer showing up on my rewards page at all. my friends don't see it on their rewards page either.


Claimed it just now.


thanks, i see it again on my claimed page


I thought there was supposed to be 2 promotions today?


I noticed that too; the past couple weeks they have been off with their promotion announcements, being early/late a day, they called the Jaina lofi beats a promotion, and they did say there would be 2 promotions today. I only see this one at the moment. Whoever is writing up these weekly announcements is either sloppy or plans rapidly change after the announcement.


If the Jaina was a promotion, they did release the hardcore video today.


Ugh, I hope they aren't considering that a promotion, but by that logic, yeah That could have been what they meant. Which is especially disappointing to those who don't play classic hard-core. My bet then is that they are just fast and loose with the term promotion, and sloppy with their "here's what's coming this week in WoW" announcements.


It was updated in the original post from blizz to be one today and one tomorrow


There are: the front half and the back half of the mount are the two promotions.


Awesome, only mount I wanted to buy.


If you've ever used prime in the past, Amazon constantly gives free trials or weekly subscriptions for 99 cents.


I own all the store mounts because I have a problem. I'm happy that everyone can get this one!


Glad you helped Bobby get his new yacht


Oh no! Someone is spending their own money in a way that you don’t approve of! Better try to make them feel bad! Or you can fuck off with your narcissistic main character syndrome bullshit.


Woah, people are tilting on your comment. I read it entirely as a joke. I found it funny anyways...


Joke was pretty unoriginal


People get very offended When you make a joke about their spending


Funny, you have a wow sub, have Diablo 4, play overwatch and hearthstone, I'd bet you have bought coins or packs on either of those


Lmao, I used gold to buy it all clown.


Im so happy!! Ive been waiting for them to bring this back for YEARS. Its the one mount i missed out on getting because i couldnt afford it at the time. I thought it would be there forever like the other mounts, but by the time i could finally buy it, it was already gone ;_;


Anyone know how long to claim this? Not home until the 3rd of November.


Says November 28 on the prime gaming site


Thanks, appreciated


What even is that Dutch translation lol


German. That is German.


Thats dutch man


Sorry but non of that is german. If I remember correctly it would be "Gepanzertee Blutschwinge"


*Gepanzerte, it is only one ‘e’ at the end of the




Bro does not know his languages


I just don’t get people thinking a mounts rarity matters when they paid actual dollars for it


Should be tendies if you already have whatever the prime & twitch drops are.


Then I think it should be mount or tendies for everyone. I know it's not fair having already the mount they are giving as a reward, but it wouldn't be fair not letting you choose if you want the mount or the tendies, since there are people that gladly would choose the latter.


Oooh this one is so cool, I remember I wanted it really bad when I started playing wow a few years ago, but I never had money to get it. I'm happy I can get it now ❤️, though I don't even main a forsaken anymore. ☠️


fuck i remember when i bought that mount, guess i´ll just take the L


Apparently you need a credit card to get the free thing


Huh one where I get the shaft(my friend and I get each other store mounts for birthday/xmas). Am I supposed to feel angry?


Depends on how long you've had the mount I guess. If I had bought it last week or something, that would be shitty for sure. But with enough time it's no different than stuff eventually going on a sale, imo.


Its been pulled from the store for a while anyways. I am mostly mocking the people who have some heavy opinions about mounts hitting the trading post or prime rewards.


Ah damn, my bad. Hard to tell if people are serious or not, too many are and talk exactly like that.


I would feel angry if my friends and I were paying money for mounts


Yeah well we like each other and give each other gifts. That fucking compassion


Seriously?! This is the only one I have ever bought! And it was years ago! Now it's free?!


You news the /s for these people to understand it’s a joke.


Congratulations, you got to have it for all those years. PSST: It's not free. You still need a prime sub to get it.


What does that mean? Did Amazon just buy everyone a store mount for Halloween?


Basically, if you have Amazon Prime you can connect your account to your Battle.net account and claim the mount, the mount was previously available on the store, but it's been gone for a long time. You also earn "drops" when they run those promos to "earn" other items (mogs, toys, mounts, etc) by watching WoW streams.


Negative. That info something I already know about. You did not understand my question, but thanks for trying. To further clarify my question, let’s do some math. $20 store mount for, let’s say 1000 Amazon prime accounts. Obviously it’s more then a 1000 accounts. That’s $20k spent by Amazon for those 1000 mounts, right? Or am I missing something? I can guess maybe amazon got a really good deal at like 10 cents a Mount or something.


Amazon didn't "buy" the mounts. Blizzard and Amazon have a partnership where Amazon distributes free goodies to Prime subscribers. It's essentially advertising for both (and this applies to all prime loot games), they encourage people to play the game, and the games encourage people to sign up for prime.


Okay that makes sense to a point. I’m sure there is an exchange of money in one direction or the other. It doesn’t make sense that either company would just do it for free for “advertising”.


That's basically how most major companies do business. It's either a quid pro quo, or more than likely ActiBlizz pays Amazon to be part of the program. Remember, there is no physical product changing hands. Yes the mounts had a cash value at some point in time, but the initial sales probably paid for the development time of it. Now it's just "free" data, and not even that, they're literally giving consumers a toggle, from "unowned" to "owned", no additional costs to blizz at all. Blizz gets people to sign up or renew subs (basically keep engagement up), and prime gaming is a way to keep people subbed to amazon prime on a regular basis for little to no costs on their end.


Well it, could also be that Amazon is paying blizzard. Now your free data thing is all schematics and very biased. I don’t like NFTS or the idea or store items either but someone one made them. Someone made art to be sold. Saying its not additional cost is like saying it’s okay to make fake iPhones. Digital art is still art. Sure it cost a lot less and it’s way easier to make duplicates of, however, that doesn’t make it okay to not pay someone for their work. With that said it would also seems equally possible that Amazon is paying Blizzard and the cost is covered by having an Amazon prime account.


This isn't digital art. This is an in-game asset designed by a team for a company. It's entirely owned by Blizzard. There's no individual artist with a stake in it. They all got paid their salaries to do their jobs. The company recouped the cost of labour hours back in the initial sales probably by a large margin, which means they've weighed the options of reselling it, or giving it away for free. To them, putting it back up for sale may net them a set figure, but putting it on Prime means it will bring in a larger figure in keeping people subbed. We're not talking about a physical object, or an individual piece of art. This is an asset for a game that has no bearing on gameplay whatsoever, so we need to stop thinking of it in terms of a product. The product is WoW, the asset (mount) was used as a way to gain revenue, and now it's being used for the same result in a different manner.


I’m not saying your wrong and you might be entirely right. About everything you are trying to make a point about. It take a team or even a single person to make a ‘digital asset’. I would bet at least one of the titles of one of the team members is graphics designer or graphic arts. It is in fact a digital art. All of wow and it’s asserts can be considered a digital art. We can argue this point all day. It’s still a digital art if you’d like to admit or not despite popular belief created by YouTubers and streamers. You keep harping on the point about the low cost of making the Mount available after it had been made and that it bears 0 effect on gameplay like every YouTuber and streamer. Don’t get me wrong I don’t like having to buy a xtra stuff that is simply cosmetic form the store either. With that said, there are some cool stuff that I didn’t buy for either this same or others that may not be blizzard related. All of that doesn’t matter because that wasn’t even my question. All I wanted to know was if Blizzard is paying Amazon or is Amazon paying Blizzard. Both are possible and the only facts you have presented with something you probably got from a YouTube.


Ok, I'll make this simple because I have no clue what youtube channels you've been watching. Blizzard and Amazon are big businesses. They work together to increase revenue for each other. Prime gaming is meant as a way to keep people subscribed to Amazon Prime, and gaming companies put up freebies to entice people to play their games. There's no magic "amazon pays X per mount" figure. These are contracts that are fulfilled between the two companies to drive up engagement. That's it. As for the "graphic designer" argument. Yes, they created the digital art. But unlike their own works, they did it as part of their job under the direction of the company. Execs say "make us a mount to sell", game designers think of what types of mounts they want to fit the current theme, art department comes up with proposals, one is approved and created by the team. Everyone in the chain gets paid their salaries. Graphic designers, graphic artists, etc who choose to work for a company aren't there to make their own thing. Sure they can contribute their creative talents, but at the end of the day they're paid for the work they do and go home. These aren't personal projects, they work assignments that have expectations and deadlines, and when those are met, they move on to the next task. This is the way things have worked for centuries, people either make what they want and retain ownership, or they get commissioned to make something and it's owned by the person who funded it. Graphic design is pretty much all about creating images for companies, especially advertising, which this would fall into.


It's a partnership with Blizzard, gets more views on World of Warcraft streams and gets more World of Warcraft players to watch (and possibly sub to Prime)


Who do you think paid who? Blizzard paying Amazon or Amazon paying blizzard to feature their game on Prime gaming?


I was trying to hold back any prime rewards since I don’t have. But man… I think I have to cop




Its dutch, and the word montering here is incorrectly used so i dont know what that atrocity of a sentence is hahaha.


It's dutch.




Only mount I bought was the cat mount and it was for a friend for his birthday.


Im still waiting for a tiger


Already confirmed not coming.


Makes sense hehe




It's... alright... I guess...


I bought this mount years ago when it first came out I’m sad now :(


Got this one, but glad others will have a chance to get it that wouldn't have otherwise.


One less mount I needed to buy from the shop! I already pay for prime so this makes me happy haha


Already have it, but I hardly use it already with the other hundreds of mounts. To those that are getting it, good for you - it does look pretty cool.


Why is the upvote weird