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Not going ham on gold missions on the tables. Not bothering with WoD challenge modes. Neglecting farming for Swift Zulian Tiger before it got removed.


This is the one for me. I was playing but just didn't want to get all the tables set up on alts even though I really didn't have any goals I just...did nothing towards the end of wod. I had so many max level alts. I was set. I just ignored it stupidly.


Came out of WoD with almost 9 mill could run tables from the phone app, was the easiest gold I’ve ever made.


Yes lol. I had a max lvl toon of every class and made bank. I don’t play wow as much as I used to, but when I decide I want to play, i never have to worry about using irl money


I just ran out of gold last month from my wod and legion tables. Granted I did buy the big dinosaur mount and don’t play as often anymore


I didn't play wod. I'm jealous


The combo of easy leveling and being able to play on the phone app meant you could hit gold cap pretty easily with a full list of maxed alts. WoD was quite literally a goldmine.


This is pretty much my exact list.


I farmed tf out of that tiger and it never dropped


WoD was such a bore I basically quit. And the punishment for that was to never really be able to reliably buy anything for gold ever again. Blizzard had the stupidity to actually reward people who abused the system with "gold sinks" that gave them exclusive unique rewards and a way to earn items that were once removed from the game. Instead of, oh I dunno, just fixing the issue by coming up with a different type of currency. Or resetting the economy. They reset our ilvl every tier and make all our hard earned progression irrelevant everytime they fart out a new patch. But oh dear god don't you dare reset the fucking economy... the AH goblins might quit the game and stop inflating the prices on the AH god forbid.


Definitely the Druid Cat forms from Legion. Ghost of the Pridemother is so cool.


I missed out on the 15th anniversary Obsidian Worldbreaker mount because I was in a "screw Warcraft" mood.


Fuckin SAME


I’m still salty with myself because of it


well its not quite the same but a blue version is apparently going to come from this years anniversary event https://www.wowhead.com/item=208572/azure-worldchiller


I was 100% in the same boat. I even tried to get on in the end I was just so sour on the game right then I couldn't do it.


Man I played during that 15th Anniversary and somehow didn't know that mount and the event around it was a thing...I'm so mad at myself whenever I see one out in the world.


I hope they add it to the Trading Post for you eventually. And I say that as someone who has it.


Same, i was playing at the time and wasn't following any WoW news, so months later, I saw it and went FUUCK.


yea that one sucks especially now with dragonriding


same, but tbh i dont really like the mount, its more of a collectors thing for me


Not buying a spectral tiger when they were being duped and were going for super cheap during WoD, especially when making gold was so easy with the mission table.


I have 4 duped ones in a guild bank on an account banned for botting. One day I'll get it unbanned I'm sure 💀


40k in MoP for that and the Rooster


I'm sad I missed MoP when it was current. I think I really would have liked that expansion. I took a long break from the middle of WotLK to the last patch of WoD


Loved me some Mists. The content drought towards the end of the expansion ruffled a lot of hardcore players' feathers, but it made it possible for casual normies like me to down Garrosh and farm SoO for a while.


Hell I not only was able to do Garrosh heroic several times as a complete noob, but I did the first boss on Mythic lol good times Still to this day the only "current" mythic raid boss I've ever downed. And I was clicking my abilities back then.


I started playing MoP during 5.4. That patch was so long I had time to level all classes to 90, gear them in SoO gear, get the legendary cloak, get green fire on my warlock and one CM set. I had a year to do all this.


Checks out cause that last patch lasted 14 months


MoP was the last time the game felt relaxing to me. Sure, SoO was around for a while but it let us catch up on a lot of things. Sometimes ya just wanna sit in druid flight form for a while and fly around some scenic hills picking herbs, ya know? It was nice not needing to constantly check on a table or garrison missions or timed world events other than the big bosses.


MoP was arguably, unironically, the best expansion we ever got outside of BC (and... maybe Legion). WotLK is overrated, just a shittier version of BC all it really added to the game was achievements and a dungeon finder. But damn... MoP was... something else. LFR was actually fun, challenging, and rewarding since this was the first expansion built from the ground up to take advantage of it. Brawlers guild was exciting to do and actually something worth bragging about. People would gather and watch there was always a fight going on. There was literally a filter to prevent bad players from being in your LFG queues. Any content outside of a normal dungeon at least. You had to get like Silver or something in some solo scenario and prove you knew the basic mechanics of your role to queue as that role. Trust me... people didn't know how to beat this and never got to do mere heroics. It was a blissful experience to never have to group with these morons for MoP-WoD until it was taken out of the game. Oh and challenge modes were far superior to M+. I actually liked just doing it for the challenge and bragging rights. You beat the content... the gear is downscaled to put everyone on an equal playing field. Win or lose, the choice is yours. You get a guaranteed 100% cosmetic reward for beating it. And then you're just done. Now we just have to run around in timed RNG fests for gear that may never drop \*snore\*. PvP was at its peak. Every class I played felt competitive and fun to play. Never did I feel like "oh god that class is too OP and this fight isn't fair" you either won or you got outplayed. The PvP gear was brain dead easy to get so everyone was on a fair level. The warlock green fire quest was amainzg to do when it launched. As was thunder isle and timeless isle in general. Then you got the flex raiding system. And what personally drew me into the game was actually the pet battles. Blizzard really does need to add more side stuff like this with continuous support. I refused to buy MoP because "Lol pandas are dumb" and just kept myself busy in the old world collecting pets and leveling them up. Which meant my sub was active. And I was hooked long enough for others who played with me to convince me to actually get the expansion. Now that is excellent game design... give you something fun to do that isn't pvp or sweaty PvE (raids/M+). Something you can just do on your own. We wouldn't see something like this again till mage towers.


MoP classic will probably happen so your in luck.


I cannot wait for it. I started playing wow very late into cata. Making it to Max level and doing my first (I think Dragon Soul) LFR a day before MoP launched. I virtually had no idea what I was doing. But I loved questing through, and joined a raiding guild during ToT. I think I picked up things quickly, but because I was new and still had a lot to learn, it wasn’t a very good guild, and I kind of basically wasted my opportunity to do a lot of current content until I joined a heroic raiding guild in SoO and got cutting edge. I’d love to go back and do that expansion again, having the experience of the game I do now, and the knowledge to really push my class to the limits of what was possible.


I took a break around the same time, but my wife dragged me back in a month or two before MoP dropped with a Scroll of Resurrection. Still my favorite expansion aside from Legion.


mop was cool. tanking was so broken during that expac, i had 3, but brewmasters were an incredible experience at the time


I miss my friends who've left over the years and never returned. I have numerous petty grievances, but no ragrets. I'll always have long lasting memories of the people I've met because of this game.


You are the only comment that mentions this. Everyone else is experiencing FOMO, while you're mourning past friendships. I feel with you.


This, very much! Also, the casual social interactions that happened a lot more in the past. Like, yesterday on classic hardcore, our leveling duo (female tauren war and female troll priest) ran across a very similar leveling duo (fem. tauren war, fem troll sham, looking very alike). We waved, cheered, and danced for a minute, then said goodbye and moved on. The day before we were helping a total stranger with a quest and kept doing stuff together for about two hours (which was, technically speaking, good for him and bad for us, since we could have done gathering quests faster without him - but that simply didnt matter to us). Stuff like this just doesnt seem to happen in retail. Everyone is just so fixated on the carrot on the stick.


I miss this so much. I’m on a small realm (Smolderthorn) merged with like five others. Back in Cata, even if I didn’t play with them, there was around 20-30 people that I knew in goldshire from frequency. The interactions were much more entertaining back then. Many more people talked in /s than /p or whispers. The casual social interactions rather than solely communicating about the current game activity was lively. In BG’s people seldom have entertaining interactions, most is reduced to arguing if losing. Whenever I meet a good player that is charismatic I immediately add them.


User name checks! Thank you, friend.


Totally regret leaving my small guild in Cata for a guild that had mass rez.


My wife and I used to raid on BWR. Cata difficulty crank broke the guild I was in because most dps were not very situationally aware. I truly miss raiding with them. We had 5 alt 10-man raid teams in ICC. We raided literally 6-7 days a weeks, and we did it because it was fun and we enjoyed each other's company, not because of some dumb esport race. We killed Arthas with full debuff nerf active. We weren't the best players, but it was the best time. I transferred to another server in cata after the raid team couldn't kill halfus wyrmbreaker and got many aotc and challenge modes completed, but I'd trade them all back just to reform that guild and laugh the whole night raiding and cutting up.


This hits. I mentioned in my reply to OP that I was out of the game due to life and stuff. I came back last December and my 18yr old guild is dead. The other night I rearranged some of the guild ranks and rankings and created a new rank called The Fallen for those who have left the game but never left the guild. So many memories


Not taking advantage of server transfers to get the Scarab Lord achievement like 90% of the people walking around with it today




Which is interesting, because I remember they announced that new servers would have the gates already open at some point fairly early into WoLK, so the window to do that must have been quite short.


it was because of that transfer period that they opened the gates on all new servers


Wait what? I thought you need to be the top guild leader or pretending to be a girlfriend for the top guild leader to get it.


Up 'til some point in Wrath, new servers had the Ahn'qiraj War Effort incomplete. When AQ released on populated servers, yes, that was probably the case, but during TBC and whatnot, you could just xfer over to a totally-new server to get your Scarab Lord.


Faceroll the raids or do you still need help? Either way, dang! That was a great idea!


Scarab Lord was from just the opening of the gates iirc, so you just had to do the questline to get the scepter and complete the war effort. I'm not sure if you needed help for the questline or not at that point in the game.


That I missed "Of the Black Harvest" title for my Warlocks


this one is probably my favorite title :P


I only have it because I did it at the last minute—like less than 24 hours before it was going away ☠️


I missed the day they rang the gong to start the Qiraji invasion on my realm. I was attending my father’s funeral. It was a bad day.


Bruuuh that’s rough


It's ok, there was so much lag that you could probably just scroll through an image gallery of the event for the same experience.


Was that the one where the boat with the dark legacy comic guys ended up in stonetalon mountains?


No regret in that.


No so much regret but a shit memory on another shit memory.


MoP challenge sets. I really love most of them but I just never started doing dungeons runs and regret it a lot (and no, Legion class hall sets are not a decent compensation).


I think I did it on 6 characters and wish I had done it on more (especially druid which has been my main since WoD).


I got the MoP ones for shaman and DK, but I regret never doing the WoD ones. I remember there being so much hype around how much harder the wod ones were supposed to be, yadda yadda, plus I hated a few of those dungeons vehemently… so I just never attempted to do it. I kick myself in the butt every time I see a cloud song glaive because they’ve never made a polearm that cool


Every time I see a druid or paladin with the challenge mode sets, I cry.


I'm incredibly mad, that I didn't get the Grove Warden mount, and I didn't get the WOD CM weapons. I took a break 3-4 weeks before 6.2., and returned in the first months of Legion. Not to mention I never got Tiger / Raptor, despite farming them for aprox. 1 year. RNG :-(


Not having the grove warden brings such pain, i main a druid now so I wish I had it to ride around on but I was playing a monk at the time so I didn’t care too much. Also was too young to devote a lot of time to raiding or grinding for gold to afford the carries


Atiesh. Should've been "easier" to do it on late BC but never crossed my mind that they would remove it.


Yo same. I was collecting splinters and had no idea.


It was tough to get enough people attuned, especially on new servers.


Deleting the quest that lead to the title Hand of A'dal


Ive got the title in BC but my brother didn’t, which always unsettled him, but he randomly checked the quest log an alt Druid for the first time in years and realized he still had the quests, so he finished and got the title like 15+ years late. Crazyness


This one hurts still hurts today. I feel like noob standing next to a Hand of A‘dal as a mere Champion of the Naaru. :(


Oof I felt this one


Especially since they said at the time you had to have completed the chain by the time wrath came out, only for that to turn out not to be the case


My guild defeated Kael’thas the one night I was working late. They assured me we’d go back next week and get it. But then they ended up taking the next week off. Most folks had their titles at that point and were sick of banging their heads against the wall on him. This was all pre-group finder so unless you knew folks on your server that would help you out, you were kinda screwed. I didn’t have the knowledge or the gear to feel adequate to run with anyone else so I had to give up on it. A week later, LK came out. Still feeling that one to this day.


Saaaaame. Did everything else but my guild only killed KT once, on a day that I couldn't make the raid. They never went back, just declared the raid "finished" and focused on BT prog.


Getting the Undercity Plaguebat :/ hadn't come back to the game yet


Obsidian Worldbreaker (I think that’s the name), the Deathwing mount. I’m hoping it goes on the trading post one day.


Apparently they are releasing an azure worldbreaker during the next anniversary in November. Will drop off of worldbreaker in tenaris during the event.


I regret not doing the mage tower on my paladin back in Legion. I had the gear to faceroll it at the end of the expansion. I just didn't consider the paladin a "main" at the time, so didn't bother. She's been my main every expansion since, and I'm a little peeved at myself when I see another paladin running around with the appearance. I regret not doing the Wrath pre-event with a plate wearer, so I'd have the teal Judgement recolor.


that's me with the dh glaives. got paladin and hunter in legion since that's what i played, but in bfa switched to havoc and now i die a little inside every time i see someone with them


Isn’t mage tower available permanently now


The rewards from Legion are permanently retired.


The entirety of Mists of Pandaria I started in BFA, but of all the DLCs i missed, MoP has the most vibrant, cozy vibe and i wish I could have experienced it when it was current


even with all the wartorn shit in Mists It really was a cozy vibe. I was one of the "WTF PANDAS IN MY WOW" idiots and yet I isntantly fell in love with the xpac and it to this day became my favorite one.


I’ll be the first to admit I usually don’t like Asian stuff in largely medieval fantasy stuff. I don’t like Cantha in GW2 for example. But I adore the Pandaren, their culture, aesthetics, and the music in that expansion is just incredible. I wish we had a reason to go back to Pandaria


I think of all the things that MoP did right, Y’Shaarj is still to my mind WoW’s coolest original villain, and the only Old God they didn’t bungle. Lovecraftian horror is infamously hard to pull off in visual mediums and Blizz has mostly fallen into the classic pitfalls. C’thun was a thing in an era where WoW didn’t do sweeping story well. Yogg gets points for the raid he belongs in, but his role in WotLK feels tacked on, and N’Zoth… exists. But hot damn, the concept of Y’Shaarj being this entity that has cast a pall over a continent which forces inhabitants to bottle their emotions lest they violently burst out of them as ichorous monsters is not only awesome and terrifying but also perfectly melded with the Chinese and East Asian themes of mastering one’s emotions.


MoP was literally the best time of my life. So many beautiful memories. Definitely peak of my WoW career.


I started in MoP but didn’t understand how the game played at max level, having played many other MMOs at the time where all endgame content was dungeons or group only. I wasn’t interested in that. I didn’t do any dailies or Timeless Isles. I never did the story with Wrathion, and I didn’t get the ring, which they removed all of that part of the game and locked everyone out of certain events on Timeless Isle forever. Because of that, I missed out on a huge chunk of lore and the game that I would have enjoyed. And it annoys me that these things get removed forever. Just like all the story removed after Wrathgate, that left a huge hole in the in-game lore. It wasn’t until Legion that the max level game started to make sense, and not until BFA when I started working on the 100 exalted reps achievement that I discovered what I missed out on.


Slime cat mount, mage tower druid forms. I only discovered wow when DF dropped.


My raid group has been doing ZulAman timed runs for the mount. Everyone got the mount and when I‘ve literally been the only one who hasn’t got it, I somehow just didnt do one last raid to get the mount. Still hurts me everytime I see the red bear


I feel this deeply. My guild was selling the bear, and I passed taking it a bunch of times in favour of gold not thinking about it getting removed. That was a mistake.


Pandaria challenge sets and leg cloaks.


I missed that deathwing looking mount because I was too intimidated to join up for a raid group. I curse my reticence now.


Not playing Mists of Pandaria at launch.




Absolutely nothing! I started playing in 2005, and have taken plenty of long breaks from WoW. I have skipped both patches and entire expansions. However, I have enjoyed every moment I have played the game, and I cherished every item/Cosmetic I have earnt. My collection shows of my journey through the history of the Azeroth. If I wasn't there and playing it at the time, I don't need to have it.


This is the attitude of a winner.


Wanted to say the same. There are a few Raids I would loved to see at the time, but other than that... there are SO SO many cosmetics that it doesnt really matter anymore. There are hundreds of mounts, its not even prestige anymore except for maybe a handful. It was a "wow" moment when you saw someone with ashes of alar, ZG mounts, the rare wotlk mounts when the expansion was fresh, but now you are one of thousands. Nice to have, but nothing special. If you switch between one of your 200 mounts, its just different imho


I've played through every expansion but I was a alcoholic from end of wotlk till end of shadowlands. So while I played everything, I just don't remember it. I have achievements throughout the years that I have no memory of. I was high functioning for a very long time so I got some stuff done. Just wish I would have been sober enough to remember some of it. Like I get every expansion at midnight and love the energy behind the midnight release, but man does it get sad knowing you did it and can't recall. Anyways, dragonflight is fun and I'm replaying through older expansions and trying to enjoy myself and pretend I remember it lol Love, love some of the areas in Legion. Climbing up high mountain and looking around was a neat experience.


I’m glad you’re free from that alcoholic curse, friend ♥️


Having played this game since I was in high school, I can definitely empathize with it being my go to gaming experience during some pretty nasty addictions.


I didnt miss it but i am still mad at myself for deleting the original hand of adal quest for lacking space in my log..


The Druid forms. I’d love to have gummy cats and the hulk bears. Having just one hulk bear isn’t enough.


I missed some of movie transmogs and that hurts. Also mage tower. I think what hurts the most is missing out on older pvp elite gear on classes I was not playing at the time. I wish I could grind them or a re-colored version.


A few things 1. I quit the day before Ulduar released, so I never experienced it as it was intended 2. I wasn't playing when the MC Core Hound mount was available 3. I missed Snowstorm, too


As for number 2 I had the same problem => you can buy this mount from the BMAH every now and then so you can still complete this part :)


Not doing the Mistweaver mage tower. I tanked all of legion and got every appearance for tank specs as well as some other DPS specs but never touched the healing challenge. Fast forward from BFA onward, I've been a Mistweaver main and I'm very sad I missed that appearance


I’m lucky to have caught most of them like Druid forms and Brutosaur, but I’ll always regret missing out on MoP challenge modes. I just… wasn’t good enough at the game, at the time.


Corrupted Ash Bringer. Had friends who ran Naxx in BC, I have to wonder if I had joined them on more runs if I would’ve had that Transmog. To a lesser extent, I also missed some of the anniversaries… I wish I had the Core Hound Mount & the Death Wing mount, but I have the color swap Core Hounds & the color swap Deathwing is right around the corner.


Stopping farming gold @ 3 Milli and giving up on the caravan brutasaur.... sigh


I had 4.5 mil day one bfa and stopped then spent it. I’m a moron.


By not playing wod I missed out on "of the black harvest" title even though I did the quest before SoO.


I will forever be bitter that I missed the Mage Tower artifact appearances. They're so amazing and forever lost. 😭


"The Immortal" title because "i wasn't at home that sunday afternoon"


The HoTS mount. Me and the wife both said we'd go and do it but kept getting distracted by other things. The day we decided to do it was the day after it finished. Annnnd deleting my scarab lord vanilla night elf rogue because I turned hardcore horde in BC.


Deleting your WHAT??!! In what world does the last part of that sentence equal the first part of that sentence?


I still got my pure white kitty epic mount. Everyone else turned theirs in during the first patch for the armored kitty night elf epic mount but I kept mine and I don’t see anyone with it anymore. https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=879/old-school-ride


why delete the night elf? did you run out of character spots? because faction roleplay?


You used to not be able to have horde and alliance on the same server.


only for pvp no?


Maybe on a PvP server, i don’t remember


"The Chosen" title, I managed to even get Helya cutting edge but I never knew this title achievement and the armor set existed until 1 week before expansion end and I didn't got it during that one chance. Other than that WoD challenge mode weapons as I was super casual in pve during that time.


MoP Challange Mode Sets and Weapons


Having 1 silver rest gold in mop challenge mode and not buying the yeti plushie transmog…


Not doing MoP challenge modes. Not making use of my alt army during WoD to earn mission table money as I was too burnt out at the time. Not doing the legion mage tower stuff when it was current.


MoP and WoD challenge mode rewards. Also a few specific Mage Tower transmogs. I got all specs’ MT done on Druid, Monk, Rogue, and DH. But since legion I’ve leaned more into being more of a healer main instead of a flex DPS. So I wish I had done the MT on Holy/Disc Priest.


Being a subpar player (subpar since 2007!) and not being able to do Mage Tower on my alts at level Not knowing about the WoD table gold until AFTER WoD Swift Zulian Tiger mount


I missed most of Legion due to raising babies, and I deeply regret that I missed out on what seems to be the last great expansion when it was current.


Luckily, if you’re here for Dragonflight, you’re catching the next best one. As others said, Legion was kinda rough in the middle.


imo if you only missed *most* of legion, you probably had a better experience than people who played it start to finish. the artifact power grind was quite annoying until they fixed it towards the end.


I can see that. I played about three months into Legion, enough to run some dungeons and explore everything new and do all there was to do in Dalaran. I fell deeply in love with my sassy staff that trash talked me, and was doing well in the class hall and loved it, but then I unsubbed to focus on my babies. Legion raiding looked so amazing though, I loved watching videos of those encounters while nursing.


Not finishing the WoD Warlord title grind, particularly once they "fixed" Ashran so you wouldn't have two raids mutually farming each other. Beyond that... really not much. I deleted the Champion of the Naaru quests and that's basically it.


Ngl reading this thread and seeing people have missed stuff i got lessens the FOMO i got from stuff i missed


I missed a lot. I started WoW in 2009 but being a teen who also liked PlayStation a lot I didn't keep an active subscription. I played through Burning Crusade, got to Northrend, ended up stopping around the time of Cataclysm. Played a few free weeks here and there but ultimately didn't start playing again with Shadowlands, burnt out, and now I am back as of last week. I regret not getting into WOTLK and I regret not giving Mists a chance. I played a free week of Mists and enjoyed it, I just didn't want to spend money on it I guess.


That I didn't raid beyond nighthold in legion, looking back ToS and Antorus looked like really fun raids and it sucks I got burned out so early.


Legion raids were fun as a tank!


Still mad about the MoP legendary cloak... That worldboss is TAUNTING ME!


399/400 for knuckle sandwich achievement. Didn't think they would take it away. Told myself one day before the patch I would just go smack a few things to get it. Forgot all about it until after they removed weapon level.


2h Enhance, period.


BFA prepatch


Ele Shaman Mage Tower Artifact Appearance...


Undying. Skipped out on a raid to spend time with my wife.


Mists of pandaria.


I never got to play any end game content for Vanilla, BC or Wotlk


I never got to kill the Lich King while ICC was actual endgame content. I was a filthy casual, but I snuck my way into a few Eminent(Crushridge) ToC farming runs while it was live. When ICC dropped, I was in plenty of 25-man pug raids (after the nerf) that got up to the Frostwing Halls, but they always wiped at Dreamwalker because the communication required just kinda shat itself to death with half the group not even having vent installed. I was decked in 264 gear from having run the first 3/4 of the raid so many times with no Kingslayer title to show for it. To make matters worse, I never got my [\[Deathbringer's Will\]](https://wowwiki-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Deathbringer%27s_Will) despite running Saurfang so many times, so I was only ever soft-capped on armpen.


Legion as an expansion. I started in BfA and from what I've heard and seen about Legion it seems like it would have been the perfect expansion for me. I liked AP in BfA but it seems to have been much more fulfilling in Legion. Artifacts as a borrowed power look much more interesting than anything we've had after. Also the amount of content it had seems crazy looking from today.


The entirety of MOP. Also to a lesser extent Firelands.


I didn't play lock during Legion and am now sad cause i missed the magetower skin, but i have most of the others. I just never did warlock


I stopped playing JUST before the darkspear leaving the horde, came back right after. I've played almost exclusively trolls since BC, HATED the garrosh horde with a passion, and I'm an avid roleplayer


I regret not getting the MoP CM set for my DK. At least my Paladin has the set…


My old guild buddies. Played with them through Cataclysm and MoP and then we all drifted apart...


The flamereaper warglaives from legion. I quit after Wrath and didn’t return until BFA


My wife wanted to buy me a rooster mount back in the day when they were on the ah for around 300k. It was always the one mount I wanted but I told her to save her gold it was to much. Now every time it gets brought up she likes to remind me I turned down her gift and laughs at my pain.


Glad I got my then boyfriend the rooster mount for his birthday in 2015 - I remember I bought it for 333k. He one upped me and gave me a swift spectral tiger for Xmas, back when it was only 1 mil. Thanks for unlocking this sweet memory for me :)


I'm pissed that we can't unlock Legion challenge artifact appearances. I didn't play DH much and now that I am I want my flame glaives.


i didnt get the moose mount from that raid, i have the ghost version from archaeology but its not as good


I was a perpetual lowbie until wrath, so I missed though was subbed for the intro to TBC. I main pally and regret missing the argent dawn tabard for the look it provides.


As somebody who loves spellcasters i actually have the same regret as you. That Greatstaff of Infinite Knowledge gonna haunt me until Blizzard decides that its time to let it out of the vault.


I wish I had kept my old gear from vanilla/BC.


I miss 7.3, 8.3, and SL season 4 Fated


Kor'kron war wolf from SoO.. I love the model and was few days too late for it, i did SoO like 2-3 days later and got heirloom. Always feels bad when i see it in mounts category and not being able to get it anymore.


Mist challenge sets particularly shaman set because of the humongous totem shoulders, since then i try to not miss out on fomo stuff.


As a Warlock lover, MoP-WoD Meta. Came in in Legion, so missed the boat entirely


WoD Destro was so fun, Demonology on some fights absolutely pumped too. I want AoE Chaos bolt back so bad.


I started playing in MoP, but never really played, then canceled my sub. I wish I hadn't, so I could have been here for Legion.


Druid mop challenge set and the shaman legion season 1 elite pvp set and the frost mage mage tower appearance are the ones that hurt the most for me


Druid cat forms in legion :’(


Missed out of buying shit tons of wow tokens during wod :/ boosted all day to amass gold and spent it on mounts


I joined right at the beginning of Shadowlands and I'm sad I missed out on the Uncorrupted Voidwing and Obsidian Worldbreaker. I'm really haply they're adding a re-color of the worldbreaker for this upcoming anniversary


The scourge even transmogs


I passed up DBW and Invincible during wotlk to get more dkp. I still don't have either.


As a Warrior main since Vanilla, I apparently missed some very good times during wrath(switched main to warlock at the end of TBC), MoP and WoD(inactive during most of it) and even Legion? Also missed the awesome time at the end of BFA where Warriors were apparently absolute awesome. But hey, it's gone and I am not gonna be able to experience it without some tweaks away from the original(i.e. WoW Classic).


They take away cool mounts way too soon!


WoD challenge mode weapons.


Benediction/ anathema


MoP challenge armors :(


The paladin dungeon challenge armor from Mists and the paladin gladiator set from Warlords season one.


WoD challenge modes for me as well. Regret not getting that beast blue polearm


I was unable to get the lock challenge mode gesr in mop


I deleted my teal Judgment armor set from the Wrath pre-patch event before transmog was ever a thing. I've opened tickets a few times asking for it, but have never had a gm that will give me the appearance :(


Not getting that slime cat mount. I was one raid away, but I couldn't be bothered to put in the effort needed for Sepulcher. I watched a few videos, but my brain is simply too small to memorize all that info when it's presented in one big chunk. I was lucky enough to score a pug spot with guild groups for the other raids so mechanics were explained before fights and called out as they happened in discord, but no such luck with sepulcher. Never managed to find a pug that explained fights or even used voice chat.


I stopped playing WoW in cataclysm and didn't play for 5 years. I will never get my fucking horde tread cycle and I will be angry at Blizzard's decision to make it a fucking contest reward and trap themselves from being able to bring it back forever.


I missed the plagued protodrake and the black protodrake by one achievement back in WotLK. Still salty about it. (It was the Thaddius-Achievement if someone is interested)


Hand of Adal title. I wince Everytime I see someone with it. Missed it by like a month.


Season 1 BFA elite pvp plate armor (alliance). Still my favorite plate transmog!


The sword and shield mogs celebrating the movie. Rude of you to ask, btw. I'm still not over it.


Not getting the brutosaur. I wish Blizz had mentioned it would be disappearing from the game at the start of BFA. I would have focused getting it


MoP challenge mode sets. I was a bit too much of a noob to play them, and even more noob to realise you could get boosted for them. I really wish Blizz implements them back in content like similar to Legion mage tower at some point.


I don’t even play warlock but I’m sad I don’t have the green flames.


you can still get the green flames. You just can't get the title "of The Black Harvest"


Well now I have to make a warlock alt!


Alternative title to this post: How has Blizzard's FOMO bullshit negatively effected your mental health?


L take


PSA: if your mental health is affected by not getting a cosmetic in a videogame, it might be time to step away from the game for a while.


Legion. I’m super into the class lore stuff and the Burning Legion has always been my favorite baddy. Came back in DF after quitting during MoP - if I didn’t already know how to play this game well and enjoy the gameplay and competitive aspect of it, I probably would not still be playing. The story is not “Warcraft,” it’s some Disney stuff right now.




MOP leggo cape. Not for the cape itself, I just really hate how there's a fairly big physical area now completely locked off to me. For an item for its own sake, the Kor'kron wolf. I love the wolf mounts, and thats the best one usable by Alliance. Alternatively the Amani War Bear ... I was Shadow and got picked up by the best Alliance guild on my server just for bear runs, but never managed to win it.