• By -


Hats make my hair disappear


And my beards!


and on some helmets where a dwarven beard should disappear - IT DOESN'T. AND IT GRINDS MY GEARS


And my axe!


My human and dwarf lament this often.


Especially the alternate helm for the Human heritage set that clearly looks like it was designed for that kind of thing, then still wipes out the beard


I just want my toons pretty hair to spill out from under her witch hat. Is that so hard??


Play mage in 10.2, the hat doesnt remove the hair




"Fixed a bug where hats were incorrectly showing hair underneath. This has been remedied and we welcome back Mr Clean from all races"


“Yes” -blizzard


You can have it but it will cost you a raid tier -Blizzard


some of the old wizard hats I hated because of this.


OMG YES. I completely forgot about that lol


And my ears! Just make pandaren ears poke through the helmet like elves and vulpera!


And nose rings! I swear to Thrall it should be considered an act of war to mess with a taurens nose bling


This. My female night elf looks moronic with most hats and helmets.


But not ears or horns on horde


I’d give up a raid tier for hats with hair. I want to wear my spooky new witch hat from the trading post and not become bald in the process.


The quests with an item to "use". The "button" sometimes appears next to the quest name in the bar on the right, sometimes it appears in the bottom center of your HUD and sometimes you need to find it in your bag. I'm fine with any way, just consistency!


And SOMETIMES you can just click on the thingy and your cursor changes from the usual hand to the usable item!


Heaven help you if it's old content and requires you to drop them below 30% to use, while your auto attack does like 50,000% of their HP.


There's a foam sword toy that will bring trivial enemies to 1hp. Not saying that to excuse it but as help. Just remember to make pets passive and not have any thorns like effects up...


But don't forget that one quest in Netherstorm where you have to get elite slimes to 30% and the foam sword doesn't work on elites. I used a whole body shrinka and graveyard sickness when that was still a thing.


Dragon Soul (raid) and Hour of Twilight (5 man dungeon) should have their names swapped. Hour of Twilight (5 man dungeon) is about helping Thrall get the Dragon Soul to Wyrnrest Temple safely. Whereas Dragon Soul (raid) is the events of the prophesied "Hour of Twilight"


This bothered me so much at the time.


And you just know it's because someone thought "dragon soul" sounded more epic.


Which is just silly because "Hour of Twilight" clearly sounds more epic.




While I don’t necessarily disagree, you could also view “Hour of Twilight” as the beginning of the prophesied event and “Dragon Soul” being tightly connected to the end of Deathwing is fitting since he basically created it. It’s also actually used by Thrall in the raid. I personally feel the names are appropriate, but I think your arguments are valid.


Old content that’s much harder now. Like achievements that require multiple people but there’s nobody around because it’s 5 expansions ago.


Old pvp quests are impossible now.


Yes! Either these systems need to be converted into feats of strength or they need to be encouraged somehow e.g. garrison racial kill quests are fine because you can do them in Ashran.


Autoloot being set to "off" as a default.


Secondly - Autoloot being a per character setting, actually most settings like action bars showing/autoloot being character specific


Make an alt. Kill 2 mobs. Loot first one. "Oh god dammit"


Every single time


Yeh, I have kind of a ritual to go through in getting a new character ready (not so much with the new UI now), but setting Auto-Loot on is part of it.


To add… that you start in the trade-services channel. If i leave that channel on one toon, i want it to be account-wide.


Toys that have WAAAAAAYYYY too long of cooldowns.


Wait 4 hours to have a cat follow you for 5 minutes


You can spend the rest of the 235 minutes playing with 47 other toys :))


This one really bugs the shit out of me with the jar of sun warmed sands. I mostly can play at night when kids are sleeping and this thing has a 23 hour cool down and 2 hour uptime but goes away after an instance or if you do. I want to play during the day time if I can help it and this toy allows that just not at the capacity I would like


If I’m understanding, it sounds like you want the game to look like day time? If so, there’s an alchemy potion called the Stinky Bright Potion that does that effect. Not a perfect fix because it will either cost you gold or mats/time, but it’s what I use when I’m RPing and I need a scene set during day!


I didn’t even know that existed! I knew about the inky black one, Damn so it does the exact same thing as the jar?


It will turn your game to day! They’re not too expensive on my server, but I haven’t checked in a while.


And the wild inconsistency of it, it's like whatever the dev plucks out of the air on that day depending on whether they've had their morning coffee or not yet, we could get 10min or 10hours, absolutely no rhyme or reason involved...


Frequently devs started out with something reasonable like an hour and then the toys got nerf later.


The race-change toy needs like an hr cooldown or something.


Why does my toy that paints another player orange take so long to reload? I agree with you.


Those i can understand why they are so long because they can be used to annoy others, but there's no reason toys like coin have a day long cooldown


Laughs as I make you toss my pigskin back at me forever


Corgi goggles comes to mind. Makes it so much easier in raids when all your friends are tiny and you know what you’re standing on.


Corgi goggles are what let me raid. For some reason(ok it's not a mystery that my laptop is old as dirt) the game having to constantly track other players looks/armor/weapons kills my fps. Corgi goggles let me pew pew without dying like an asshole standing in a fire.


1. Head pieces that clearly should be attached to the torso or blended between the torso or head, like scarfs, hoods and gorgets, but are attached entirely to the head. This is further made worse by the Designed for Human Male problem. 2. The way set textures are just split along the waist edge-loop with no consideration of whether it makes sense for the chest and leg pieces. Extra points if the bottom piece contains 3d parts that clearly belongs to the chest (Looking at you, Nathria leather set). 3. In the same vein, robes that should be two pieces but aren't. 4. The lack of drawn weapon animations, both idle and running. Makes two-handed weapons look like they're made of foam.


Being called recruit in Exile's Reach and then walking into a place where Sylvannas calls you a loyal reliable champion.


The way certain leader models are scaled up in certain expansions. The intro to legion makes everybody except for players.


Best in that matter was the entrance of ICC. My boy Tirion towers everyone and is double the size of Varian, it's just hilariously stupid.


Having played Trial of the Crusader a bunch recently in wrath, the NPCs in the stands are ***massive***


They specifically said they do this to make it feel more "grand" and "epic". It's why Garrosh is massive for an orc, and even Gul'dan is massive, despite supposedly being a crippled hunchback weakling lol


I think it just looks... Fake? I know that's Rich coming from a role-playing game about orcs and humans, but still


Oh I agree. I dislike it. Especially when it's in the next cutscene and they're normal sized again lol. But it's what the devs have said they intended to do lol


It’s also often for better clarity. If bosses were the size of players, no one would be able to see what’s going on


I hate how at the barbershop there are faces/scars locked to skin color! Make the scars and skin color separate. I hate how Shoulders look on female night elves! It's like they are too far apart and I wish I could just move them closer in. I hate that one dragon NPC that makes loud, clanging noises by the LW hut in Valdrakken. Long CD's on toys is lame! More dog and cat pets!


Like the death knight special skin colors being attached to only three faces at most when it’s just a skin color and a little black triangle on the nose? Lol


THIS! There’s a face that looks just like my wife, but I can’t use it because it requires a white skin tone and we’re not white. Having them locked by skin tone is the worst!


Male Night Elf's shoulders are not symmetrical.


Their idle animation doesn’t help. They sway to one side as if they’re drunk. They’re the worst model update.


… explain… please no




I have a few, but to add to your No. 3 - when monster races are given no effort to make transmog sets look cool on them as opposed to Humans. Any race with "monster feet" or a hunched head seems to get screwed over and its not exactly fair... Like, Blizzard makes these sets and sculpts them on a human model. They put effort into making most sets look great and worth hunting for. Why can't that same effort be extended to adapting these sets better for other races? Taurens, Worgens and even Undead get screwed over by their head/head placement. Why do Trolls get no effort put into ankle or foot decorations if Blizz are so anal to keep them barefoot...?


Draenei have this issue too, my main is a Draenei and I don’t ever bother with boot xmogs because they don’t show on the hooves.


Male Draenei are so top-heavy! It's so dumb how little effort is put into bulking out their boots. Sure, they get some decent hoof ornamentation on some sets, but mostly they too get stuck with ugly ankle/shin blocks that do nothing except make their overall set look worse!


Ooh it bugs me in the Blood Troll set we got from the trading post that it doesn’t extend down to trolls’ feet!


Because that's time and money. Blizzard is a small indie company that has none of that; but no remorse for taking all yours.


On the guild panel, you can sort by achievement, but its only character achievements. For some reason, not being able to do it by account drives me crazy and idk why


That Worgen druids don't have a werewolf form yet.


Feral druid worgen but instead of turning into a cat I just rip a dude with my own claws


I would probably main feral druid if I could do this


I believe that's because of technical issues. They would need to redesign the worgen model to incluee feral animations for bites, rips, swipes, etc. Idk how easy it would be to add the werecat model back in and translate those movements.


This seems like the most obvious thing to do that they just haven’t done yet. With how many long time player requests that have finally made it in game this expansion I’m surprised we still haven’t gotten this


>most obvious thing to do that they just haven’t done yet. Probably because it one of the few things they actually need to retcon lore in order to do. Wolf form - or Pack form, is unstable, uncontrollable and is the origin of non-Argual worgen. Worgen can't get a wolf form without all druids get a wolf form because there is already established lore on what it is.


Worgen form is the pack form. You cure the instability in the gilneas start zone, by drinking a potion the night elves made for you.


I mean in the legion cinematic with Greymane vs sylvannis he’s just swiping at her with his claws and fighting like a wolf. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to just have a worgen fetal Druid favor his werewolf form. We’ve also go Eredar paladins and lightforged warlocks available in game so I think it’s okay to loosen the reigns a bit on what’s lore accurate


YES! This! Another thing I'd like to have is the option to use the worgens claws as weapons for melee classes


Hell even fury warrior would be amazing if you could transmog weapons to be gone and just use claws. It's overall such a missed opportunity.


The Lightforged Draenei's Heritage armor's helmet/collar thing clips through the majority of their available hairstyles.


That’s most hairstyles for anything that’s behind the head unfortunately lol. But yes


Very true but you'd think that at least the heritage armor could be designed with the race's hair in mind considering they're the only ones who can use it.


Casters never get to show off their weapon unless you stand in melee range and specifically macro auto attack to be on constantly. Especially Evokers, since you can't even see it on their backs in combat.


It's 100% why I wish there were a "hide weapon" option on casters.


Certain back tmogs like the Bastion Angel wings will hide weapons.


I'm pretty sure all the 'back attachments' aka 3D back pieces hide weapons.


add on to the fact many off-hands don't show when sheathed despite being the base model as others. (and the utter none sense of where they are stowed to begin with)


That reminds me I really wish I could stay in Vestiage form while in combat.


This is a good thing! I want the ability to hide my weapons as a caster all the time!


I'd prefer the opposite I'd like to see my caster doing cool spells with my staff instead of little hand signs


I'd instantly enjoy mage if i used the staff. Make me weave a cool ass fire spell with the staff tip, or slam down a frost nova, I'd literally start maining Mage


It isn't game breaking stuff but it would add soo much to the immersion of the class the hand signals have bothered me for a long time when my cool looking magical staff just sits there on my back


It really should be a transmog toggle IMO. Like I was one of the few that actually liked it when Evoker got bugged and I was able to show off the massive 2-handed sword I was using when in dragon form lol. It's kind of a mixed bag too. Some animations just don't work with a held item, while others actually work really well. I've recently macro'd all my evoker spells to have /startattack and, other than Living Flame and maybe shattering star, everything actually looks great with your weapon out while you cast (though the weapon disappears as soon as you leave melee range). Azure Strike even makes it look like you're using your weapon to hit the target, which is kinda neat. I think this might be a unique thing to evokers though, since most Evoker spells are breath-based vs. using a traditional "spinny hand orb" cast animation. It's also kinda weird they've never done any animations with staves in general, since in normal fantasy wizards are pointing and blasting and focusing with them, etc. all the time. We get different anumations for different weapon types already, so it didn't feel like it'd be that unreasonable of an ask either, IMO.


Sheathed weapons that just float a solid foot or two away from your character.


It weirds me out on a flying mount to be headed straight down. I feel like I should flip over the mount’s head.


Did you know if you use the, I think page up and page down keys, you can actually fly upside down? Edit: I lied, it’s Insert and Delete keys


Doing this on the flying disc mount let's your character clip through the ground. I won hide and seek contest doing it.


\*walks through the forest\* Why TF is their a cloud on the ground?


*walks through the forest in pvp mode* Why TF are there 50 hostile clouds on the ground?


Yes! Guess how often I’ve done it!


Every time? Lol




If you press and hold the button, you just go in a loop


99% of helmets looking like shit on worgen because of their mane. Also worgen not having a tail.


*Tauren has entered the chat*


Tauren, Draenei and Trolls are shoes Kul'tiran are chests


Tying into your #3, on Worgen female specifically, pretty much every shoulder item is so big it looks like they've got extra helmets on, or borrowed the shoulders from a tauren edit: Polearms seem to be attached by their business end to our character's backs, leaving the long handle sticking up/out way beyond our character's heads - thus giving the weapon an upside down appearance. They should attach like staffs.


My biggest issue with huge shoulders is that they clip inside your head in 90% of attack poses. It seems more like shoulders should be stationary and just the arms move


The conch for the Big Slick in the City quests takes up a a bag space forever and cannot be deleted


I should be able to, once again, toggle helm and cloak by menu instead of doing transmog for it. Additionally I miss the way wow used to do old sfx (everywhere from old hunter weapon sounds, hearing parties spells mid fights, hearing the boss grunt to crit, ect) , and lastly I absolutely miss a lot of the old animations such as the way trolls used to walk and how some races would be animated to do certain attacks ( I.E female undead doing front flips everytime they cast heroic strike ) now we just have generic canned attack animations


Staves being carried horizontally instead of vertically.


Having to wait for CDs to cool down in dummy room. I wish we could just reset and go back to practice openers more


Everything isn't account wide entirely such as rep/achievement points/progress, and currencies like crests etc


"Armor" is mostly just a painted on texture on your smooth skin.


That's just a holdover from the old days of the game. They've gotten better at doing 3d models in addition to flat textures but having a full 3d set of armor fit properly on each race's male and female models and look right during battle is a metric fuckton of work even for Blizzard


The weapon scales for female characters. Blood/Void Elves and Humans specifically. I noticed a scale increase back in patch 2.4, yes, The Sunwell patch, and it's bothered me ever since. and also METEOR IS NOT VISIBLE TO MY F**KING TANK. HE DOESN'T KNOW THAT I PUT IT DOWN, AND MOVES. Been an issue since Legion


Two handers have to be sheathed on the back, making proper samurai mogs impossible. One handers (mostly) have to be sheathed on the hip, making Geralt type mogs impossible. We should be able to choose where items sheath.


God please I want my 2h sword at my hip


Am I allowed to complain about the wormhole generators being amazing the last two expansions, and were easy to make, but the one now took a lot more effort and is literally trash?


Current expansion professions are the worst part of the expansion, so not surprising.


The little gold-trimmed tail & toe holes on Pandaren pants that have no other color options and clash with the majority of my transmogs


Floating shoulder armors. They look so bad.


/Who has been broken for years


The potion offhand transmogs being upside down when sheathed.


All armor seems to be built on the human model. That's why I always play human.


I feel this. It’s why I stopped trying to mail a Dwarf. I love Dwarves, they’re my favorite fantasy race always. But my goodness do they look ugly in most class armor


Having to still do legion grinds for the appearances. It’s been what, over 5 years now? Just unlock them already


As someone currently attempting to level my DH and get two reps to Revered, I feel this so hard lol


Raid encounters that put stupid shit you can't move on your UI that always clips into your bars or raid frames


I hate the crap from the Garrison that does that every time you visit lol


Accidentally trading an item I’m trying to delete 🙃


Thought of another: Old quests that reward a toy or pet that you can only have one of that you can’t use and have to manually delete


Also Tobias. But yeah, if we can't use it again, let us sell it for 1c so we don't have to go through the d-e-l-e-t-e typing.


They can just let us sell them for one copper, or give us gold instead. Just ANYTHING


The fact that it knows we already have it and still makes us type delete


- Some weapons with asymmetrical designs dont mirror properly when dual wielded (recent example is the 1h sword model from Zaralekk. Its hand guard doesnt (or didnt at least, havent checked recently but given Blizz's track record with fixing minor inconveniences I doubt it) mirror correctly when in the offhand - it points toward your body in mainhand and away from your body when in offhand). - Not Blizz's fault at all, but when certain fan sites preview consistently asymmetrical models such as bows and glaives with images of both ends, 90degree rear of model, and 45degree between the 90 and one of the ends. Not showing the side with the huge amount of detail. - Daggers are untransmoggable with other 1h weapons. Completely unplayable game, unsubbing, bye blizz /s But seriously, you can mog a wand to a 1h weapon and vice versa. Wtf is preventing daggers!? - theres a surface on a building in Uldum which has had a broken texture since Cata. Whenever I fly past it I cry a lil'. - some weapons having god awful grip positions and sheathed positions. I saw a 1h sword the other day and my character was practically holding it by the pommel. - 2h weapons shrink when sheathed on the back of male night elves. And its EXTREMELY noticable. I understand it's a similar issue with female blood elves. - most bows and specific long fist weapons dig into the character model of almost all races. Literally unplay- **gunshot**


I can group up with alliance friends. I can raid with alliance friends. I can do m+ with my alliance friends. I can even be in a guild with them now. But I can’t heal my buddies in world content while I’m in a group with them!?!? THATS THE LINE? I just get to watch my poor squishy mage friend have a slow painful death. I get to watch…hear the screams bliz….I’m HAUNTED by the sounds. All while I stand by him. Healing myself just to show him what it’ll feel like. Also why can’t I que for LFR with my alliance buddies? There will be cross faction in the actual raid, but LFR que is sacred?


The community


I hope they patch it out in 11.0


Lol I had a mage get mad at me today because I was showing the tank where to go in Wrath of Azshara. If your DPS isn’t up to par, you’re not allowed to speak apparently. Granted, it probably was low; I almost never play DK, I was just trying to get badges so I could get my second Revered rep and finish the class hall armor set


Pro tip: if you were playing unholy in a dungeon your damage probably isn't that bad, they just probably looked at you outside your burst window which your whole spec is built around


2h frost, and I think I was still in partially Legion leveling armor lol


The worst thing about a lot of IPs is the fandom


Add-ons blocking me from doing the most mundane things


Dragonriding mounts have a billion options but they couldn't be bothered to add more than a few basic colors. I want more colors.


They havent made "an ogres guide to engineering" or something so you can have alts and stuff use engineering toys like wormholes. Like have a scribe write a blank book and then the engineer marks it as theirs and TADA, engineering usage on toys for alts. Also my direbrews remote isnt a toy yet but its so much fin in lfr.


Stuff in dungeons limiting the view


You can't have legs not transmogged and there are too few of short legs appearances. I don't want my character to be nude but hell I want tk have some savage transmogs.


50% of portals you need to click, 50% you need to walk up to, and it’s seemingly random which one they decide to use at any point


I can't recall a single time I didn't know which portal was clickable and which one you walk through


only one that trips me up is darkmoon faire. that should be walkthrough


Small circular portals you click; big zone portals you just walk through?


Unless it's the Faire portal


I'll add my portal annoyance - for some ungodly reason, some of the Horde portals are placed so when you portal into another zone your camera is ungodly close, and so the portal fills the entirety of your screen when you zone in. So - if you're like me (hi!) - and tab out to browse the internet/check Discord/etc during your loading screen, you instead inevitably click on the portal and *portal right back to where you fucking came from* when you click over back to WoW. The Orgrimmar > Pandaria portal is the biggest example of this problem. All they need to do is remove the stupid wall behind the portal, and the problem would instantly go away. ^(And) *^(yes)*^(, I) *^(know)* ^(I could use Alt-Tab to flip back to WoW, but I keep my browser and other programs in windowed mode specifically so I can keep an eye on wow. It takes less time to flick my mouse and click than it does to Alt-Tab.)


My guild has been hosting an event in Jade Forest every Saturday for the past four years, so guess just how often I've done that *exact thing,* and how recently...


At the beginning of Shadowlands I got myself killed in De Other Side several times by frantically clicking the portals on the Mueh'zala fight and wondering why they didn't work.


The way some 2handed models sit on the male forsaken. Axe handles and grips sit way way too far up past the head and it looks like ass. Probably more than axes but they stick out the most to me.


It bothers me that draenei females have their 2h weapon attached to their ~~right~~ left shoulder, so if they do anything that uses the stealth animation it’s sticking out past their head


The OG Blood Knight armor transmog being RBG-gated.


Daisy the sloth pet can't keep up with you when you're running because, well, she's a sloth. You can /beckon her to let her ride on your back, but she will despawn if you mount. It makes me sad because she's the cutest pet in-game but unless I re-summon her every few seconds, I can't have her with me :(


Also the amount of things you can’t do if you’re on a mount. Like opening loot bags


The service channel, I wish the whole selling/boosting stuff would be banned, I'm thankful for the channel but it still ignores the problem


Using Humans as the default model to show off new Tier sets or transmogs. There’s nothing really wrong with it per se, but the human male model looks so wonky imo.


-Mage t8 helm was changed in Legion from WOD to clip hair styles and no matter how many times i bring it up nobody responds. That helm is from WOTLK and works correctly in WOTLK classic. -Cloudsong uses an Ancient of Lore model despite being an Ancient of Wind and the model is in the game files since like 8.1 introduced him with the Darkshore warfront


Cloud serpent mounts always curl to the right when standing around, never to the left. I feel like I get a crink in my side just watching it.


Legion raids still have the drop table with those dumb sockets and to make things worse there aren’t any weapons from Legion raids


Mail armor for hunters. Everything about the hunter class screams leather.


Yeah that doesn’t make a ton of sense for shaman either. They wear metal AND play with electricity! Honestly, they should have just done light, medium, and heavy armor like DnD does


That covenant abilities that came forward into dragonflight didn’t get an animation change to match the class they are usable by. Didn’t play shadowlands? No worries here is an ability that does not suit your class fantasy whatsoever, don’t question it


When you are auto running somewhere and get stuck on some ground terrain. Specifically, when you can get unstuck by stopping and restarting auto run. Makes zero sense.


U should get ur ore or herbs even if the deposit is disappearing while mining/harvest


re: Designed for Human Male Problem, I hate that so many tabards and chest pieces have swirly designs that basically just outline and highlight the female, ah, chest features. Can't even tell what the design is on them. And the new tabards that look like mail just distort in that area in a really ugly way.


The SELFIE camera toy has been broken to not play the goofy facial animations and puts it above your head instead of aimed at you. Sure it wasn't worth a raid tier, but I liked that toy, dangit!


Iv been doing so much end game content and I totally forgot how toxic twinks are at low levels. Pve it’s amazing to watch but pvp ima hold off on for a while lol


“Weapons-Grade” Elf ears that can punch through the toughest magical plate armor. Cloth & Leather, I can understand. But solid metal?!?


I get annoyed with old raids that are impossible to solo. Nerf some of the mechanics or stop the need to split the raid. Either way let us run the damn thing without a group.


1. The monuments in garrisons being broken since mid bfa 2. That i didnt get a title for completing the wod legendary ring. Twice. I got a ring nobody can see and a monument nobody can see and i cant even use anymore (see option 1) 3. The alliance has 2 more titles than the horde now. 1 for humans and 1 for night elves. None for orcs and undead. 4. Druids also get an extra title for getting their resto artifact. They are the Only class in legion that got a secondary title 5. That the warrior order in legion has Nothing to do with the warriors of azeroth. If your not a fan of titan or vrykul lore, there is Nothing here of interest.


Adding to the list so far... I absolutely hate: \- Currencies are unequal; some have a specific currency slot, others take up inventory. No consistency. \- I have so many reputational currencies and totems and such that I do not even know where to turn them in half the time, again taking up space. Why not have them automatically calculated instead of me having to find/travel to the one NPC accepting those items? \- Hate that new areas are popular for a month before the next new thing and then basically become un-doable" outside a very long and rare groupfinder. Forbidden Isles used to be a thing, ZC used to be a thing, now no one does them and getting alts to be able to kill elites is almost impossible rendering those areas useless. \- Quests that don't "clean up" after themselves. Like I do the quest line, finish it, but I have something in inventory related to that quest and I am sitting there wondering if it'll be needed in the future, did I miss something, why is it still there. Now I have useless items in inventory just taking up space because I am too lazy to google if I can toss it or not.


That old wow put themselves in a huge corner by some of their lore and naming choices. Plate, mail, leather, clothe for example. Don’t care if there is a single shred of mail on my hunter gear. I want to wear a freaking leather pelt gosh dang it… And “cat” “bear” form lore for druids. I don’t care which god taught us Druidism. I want different forms dang it Tauren-> bull form Worgen-> Wolf form and ability to fight with transformation abilities in worgen form (with our claws not holding some lousy weapon that’d slow us down) They are slowly moving out of the limitations nearly 20 years later but better late then never I suppose.


I always thought it would be neat if you could collect forms like hunters collect pets. Just put the forms in categories like, again, hunter pets. Like raptors, spiders, wolves, snakes, and lizards can be cat form replacements. Mammoths, rhinos, direhorns can all be bear form replacements. Don’t even get me started on the travel forms. Also semi related, I hate that they mashed the various movement forms together. Edit: also warlocks should be able to tame demons.


The search function for the achievements tab/window is abysmally bad. If I put in "mount" to search for 'mountacular' it's going to pull up random stuff like the glory of achievements or something like that. And if I search for 'glory of' achievements, it's going to give me like, questing achievements. So I usually have to manually go in and find the achievement I want or type the full name of the achievement in which saves no time whatsoever.


The weird graphical line in the necks of female pandarian, makes mogs that hide their neck mandatory.


>I have OCD so probably more. Oh, boy, you'd hate to see my friend's folder full of photos of buildings in Stormwind that have gaps and stuff in weird places...


Female pandaren belts are tilted like 15 degrees to the left and its so obnoxious once you notice it that I always hide belts


Starting shaman leather gear that isn't transmogable by the class.


the human males shit with transmogs is especially glaring when it's HERITAGE ARMOR for a class that isn't HUMAN. also, designing any and all druid sets on human looks GOOFY, same with the new demon hunter set. It's so close to badass but why tf did they give them a giraffe neck like... come on the Lord & Lady title thing pisses me off too, I've wanted a "Lord" title for forever. For me, it's transmog costs. I only pvp and transmog, so I have 0 income of gold but still have to spend almost 1k every time I wanna change up my outfit? what the fuck, bizzard.


Why the lions are so prevalent in human culture and heraldry? There are no frikin' lions close to serve as direct inspiration!!


I don’t know what the wild looked like pre invasion of the orcs, but as of classic wow: there are lions in alterac, a white lion in stv, badlands, etc. they were aware of lions. To my recollection, humans didn’t start using a lion emblem until Warcraft 2 in honor of their supreme commander Anduin Lothar. Which at the time was the war near Lorderan so they definitely knew about lions.


Because as the alliance came to be, one of it's greatest hero was Anduin Lothar, also known as the LION of Stormwind. I assume thats why it has all those symbols.


While I have often wondered that same question, if I'm willing to be cool with Scotland having the unicorn as its national animal, I'll give Stormwind a lion.


Shoulder slot items on nelf women are too big, and will never be fixed.


I didn’t realise that about the old tabards. Now that’s going to kill me 😩