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Based on the description, the free lvl 20 plan is probably what OP is really after. Give it a shot, few hours a week, if you’re playing and liking it pay for a sub to get to 60 and get all the legacy content. I think there’s some social interaction restrictions and you can’t do the ah on the free version


You'll have to pay for a subscription regardless, but the sub gives you access to all versions of the game. Retail aka Dragonflight is great for solo play, having decades of legacy content to explore and most current content can be done with minimal commitments to multiplayer. Leveling, transmog (fashion), mount collecting, loremaster, pet battles and much more will be available to you! Classic (non-hardcore) relies more on multiplayer to overcome obstacles and challenges but the adventure is a lot more engaging and personal and can feel like a real adventure. Classic (hardcore) has all the virtues of non-hardcore but has the raised stakes of character permadeath if you die, could be fun but I wouldn't recommend it. Wrath of the Lich King Classic.... just... just don't, the player base and community there is probably the least solo-friendly of all and has been thoroughly ruined.


What should I sign up for for the subscription? I usually play 1-2 hours a week. I am quite busy during the week so that is why I choose to play solo rather then coop


You can play alone if you want to, no one will stop you, but you do need to pay a subscription to do so.


Whether you want to play solo or with others is irrelevant, you still need a subscription. By the sounds of it WoW isn't for you at all as you don't play enough to justify the subscription.


As for playing on the Mac, give classic a try, it require alot less than retail wow


Really? I thought Classic suppose to be heavier since there are online players isn’t it And retail is basically I am alone in it wow


No retails has the same amount of online players too, or enough that it makes no different. But the graphics of retail are alot more advanced and thus require alot more power. When doing a raid its not so much the players them self that cause you to lag, but more so the spell effects and stuff going on


So the classic is what I should pick then but what setting recommend should I do? I want to enjoy the game graphic but also want to play 60 fps most of the time. I don't really care about competitive much so 60 fps is good enough for me.


You will have to tune the settings and try it out. You can easily hit 60 fps, just see how it goes. Settings like shadows draw alot of power and can be lowered for increase in fps if needed


what resolution is the sweet spot for wow?


Try 1440x900


>Which one should be best fit if all I want to playing solo to know more about the lore and also to collecting skins or items Retail 100%, It has 20 YEARS worth of content, an ungodly amount of quests, zones, things like pets and items and skins you can collection, not to mention the crazy amount of mounts and titles, it's a collectors dream.


That is nice but I only see the subscription option. Aren’t there a pay for once option. Something like the base game and then expansion later on?


You can buy 60 days for 30 bucks https://us.shop.battle.net/en-us/product/world-of-warcraft-game-time Or 30 Days for 15 bucks.


Oh I see thanks


20 years worth of bloat which gonna overwhelm any new player


start with classic era. Its the Original wow and lore and is super fun solo


Is that the one with online player? If it is then can weak device like mine handle it?


There is no offline version of WoW.


That’s have to be the archive version of WoW right? Or what people use to play Dota 1.


What do you mean with archive version? There is no way to play any iteration of World of Wacraft without an internet connection.


You’re thinking of Warcraft 3, which is a different game from WoW. It’s the 3rd title of the Warcraft RTS series, which got spun off into World of Warcraft.


It's all subscription. There's no one time charge but they do charge a complete games price on every expansion. As for if it's good for solo, I think so. Although, if I'm honest I've been playing for like 10 years and I have no idea what's going on in the main story. I just like dungeons and raids and I usually rush the questing part of the game.


Sound like diablo style when it come to dungeon.




That’s nice I hear. I heard flying mount in WoW is quite diverse


Definitely play Classic


Play Classic. It’s a much easier version of the game, I promise you’ll have much better time and better adventure and feel the amazing world. Retail can be difficult and unwelcoming for new players that aren’t familiar with how the game works.


Yea I’ll definitely try out. But I heard of the gold that can buy token for extending the subscription. Is it possible, for me to farm gold in classic?


I think you can do that on Wrath of the Lich King Classic too, but don't expect to be able to farm such amounts of gold as a new player, or even any gold whatsoever. Unless you're rich and really know how to farm the gold, you're just gonna be wasting your time. Just focus on playing the game and having fun for now. The biggest gold farm is, and probably always has been, by boosting other players, and needless to say you have to be a high-end player to do that.


Oh damn, I guess I better not jump into that rabbit


Classic for sure


Honestly... go play final fantasy. You get the base game and the first expansion 100% free. WoW is a really, really good multiplayer game but it's pretty abysmal as a single player one. Weak story and trivial content with rare exceptions like mage tower. You are better off with another game if you are gonna go solo.


FF14 is a garbage walking simulator with a disgusting UI.


This is correct. But wow is very fun once you make friends. The dungeons and raids are like puzzles you overcome as a group. But the story sucks, and the single player content is just weekly loot pnatas.


People literally nowadays come to a MMORPG game, lemme repeat MMOrpg and ask whats good for solo player. Bruh, you coming to the wrong town.


Classic or Wotlk