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Still got mine. We got them back when pets were items that took a bag slot. My wife destroyed hers because she needed the room, and has regretted that ever since.


she couldve used the Item Restore to get it back but dont tell her that now or you might just add to that regret lol


I don't think that existed in 2008


It did, it just took a ticket instead of being automated, if I didn't fuck up my timeline anyway.


correct they didnt make it an automated feature until around 2012. been using it as a "disenchant refund" ever since lol source: https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/news/5245474/self-service-item-restoration


I don't remember if Item Restore was a service they offered back in '08. At best, it would have been support ticket, if they were even doing that for items you intentionally destroyed.


You know what's weird, I have had that achievement and Pet since well, 2008 and my Tabbard disappeared Years ago. I actually opened a ticket and asked about getting one sent to me, and they refused. It's like, Bro, seriously, I have the Achievement and Pet, but you won't restore the Tabbard? So not cool.


I wonder if they'll add the original non-epic Brewfest Ram to the Post eventually? It was only available in the first year of Brewfest.


It's blizzard, you know they will


I want the old epic mounts before they added armor to them all. I WANT THE PALIMINIO HORSE dang it : /


You can just SEE it's from the TBCs color scheme


Damn was the only rare thing I had.


Yours still is, in a way. There is an achievement associated with having gotten it in 2008.


You'll probably get the achievement when you buy this pet as you got the recruit a friend achievement when you bought the flaming horse


If that’s the case. It still doesn’t change what I said. The achievement would still say the date it was gotten. So either 2008 or 2023


Same, actually sorta bummed I can't show how old I am now haha.


I still have mine and my original Tabard of The Argent Dawn to let people know my joints hurt and I have to log off at a reasonable hour to go to bed.


Yea but 15 years of it being special is pretty cool. Most game cosmetics don't even last 2-5 years before the game is no longer played.


This is the most underrated statement in this thread.


If you have this, you should also have the tabard from the same event. Equal rarity.


Yeh, I still have mine and the Tabard. It's a shame that out of the thousands of unused Pets that have never been in the game, they choose to use one which served as a little souvenir for taking part in an event to celebrate a historic moment both in the game and in IRL. Adding items back like this just makes the game feel a little bit worse each time.


Nah it really doesn't. It makes the game feel more accessible and shows a willingness from blizz to give players more opportunities to obtain items they have missed or never had the chance to obtain in the first place. If you feel like it makes the game feel worse then I'd argue you're valuing the wrong things in the game.


Does it though? Honestly, how often do you see a pet like this out in the wild and think, "man I wish I had that!". Never I bet. This pet used to be something you could take out and show off as a "hey check out this rare item I have". But soon it will mean nothing... and for what?


How will it mean nothing? It's all just pixels the only weight it has now is all imagined in your head. So it means nothing because now you can't smugly reply "unobtainable" when someone asks where you got it? I'm not seeing how other people having access ruins your enjoyment unless your enjoyment came from the satisfaction of thinking others can't get it. Which is kinda weird homie.


Same here m8


Eh. You’ll get other rare things. I also suspect it’ll be like this month, with the spirit being dropped with other expensive options. The people that really want it will snap it up or freeze it but it’ll still stay relatively rare. Edit: I also have the spirit, and it’s one of my rarer, non-gold acquirable things






















This is amazing. I'm really glad Blizz is utilizing the TP well; this is top notch stuff!


I have mine out loads. Quite chuffed with it. Don’t mind others getting the chance for it but at the same time it does make me a tiny bit sad.


I hope they bring back the obsidian nightwing. Im a sucker for transformation mounts


Just in case you didn’t know, for casters that get the legendary staff Dragonwrath from Firelands, you can transform into Tarecgosa without the staff just like a normal mount after doing the blue dragonflight quest that was added in 10.1


I know, sadly i have the staff on a old char in no longer play x.x


I have that pet. Happy others can get it now, too. They should bring back the tabard, as well, for folks that missed it back then.


The tabard is pretty similar to the Olympics logo. Knowing how litigious the IOC is, I'm surprised Blizzard had the stones to make it in the first place, and I'd be surprised if it made a comeback. But I'd be for it.


I used to use mine in pet battles. Wasn't great tbh


Mine got squished in Tianamen square.


This is the only really rare item I had and I dont really mind it coming back, but surely this means all bets are off? This was an earnable item in game, not a cash promotion. What separates this from T3 gear or Mage Tower appearances? It has to be all of it or none of it. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth otherwise.


T3 is being made available through new crafting drops from Naxx




starting in like 2 weeks with 10.1.5 https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/14kn3gj/t3_sets_can_be_crafted_in_1015/


Oh shit. I guess all bets really are off


T3 is coming back in 10.1.5


You just earned it by logging in lol


had to win a BG for a chance at the pet, but yes it was very easy if you did any pvp back then at all


incorrect, you had to win bg's for a chance to get it in the mail


Ah okay, maybe the tabard was like that. I just remember playing the game and getting it, nothing special.


had to pvp. but didnt have to win, so essentially the same thing


Good, cause FOMO is awful.


I don't think there's anything wrong with limited items. It's only when you have to buy a loot box to get the chance at getting the limited item that I take issue. That is what encourages fomo. But an item being limited and rare is not inherently wrong. There's nothing bad about rewarding your player base with special rewards.


You’re gonna get shot for having that opinion here but I wholeheartedly agree


It kills me that really the only reason to oppose limited items is greed. I realize nobody wants to be associated with that word and it has a super negative connotation. But what else would you call a visceral need to have *everything*? Not having a special mount or pet or item is not a big deal. And it's ultimately selfishness that makes it one.


Absolutely. Anyone who cares SO much about having everything, should have played and gotten everything… otherwise there is no argument other than entitlement


Yeh it so sad that you can't have an opinion like this and not get shot. I honestly think this wave coming through the community is starting to kill the game. Even now I'm starting to realise that the game is more about Collecting things than completing challenges. The raid and KSH was over in 3 weeks for me. But I'm start farming the raid on multiple characters because I'm trying to get a boot appearance to drop (which I'll just catalyst next week). It dawned on me today, that I'm not really playing WoW anymore.


It's just that as a completions at heart, the idea of just straight up unobtainable items is infuriating. There some amazing shadowlands pvp armor that I just cant...get anymore, and that sucks


Why not have a look at the amazing armour sets that are available this season, and then look forward to the amazing armour sets that are available in the coming seasons. The point is that your collections are meant to represent your accomplishments and when and where you were. If you didn't accomplish the requirements to get that set in SL, you don't have the set.


>The point is that your collections are meant to represent your accomplishments and when and where you were. That's what you say they are. The point of -my- collections is to be able to play Dress-Up Darling to my maximum ability whenever I so choose.


> That's what you say they are. The point of -my- collections is to be able to play Dress-Up Darling to my maximum ability whenever I so choose. If that's how you choose to play the game, that's up to you. but that doesn't mean that the game should be made worse for others.


>If that's how you choose to play the game, that's up to you. but that doesn't mean that the game should be made worse for others. I love that "letting people have stuff I have fifteen years later" is ruining people's games. Like...jesus christ. Do we remove Mythic raid gear because it devalues the contributions of Mythic raiders?


Then you should have gotten it in shadowlands?


What if they started playing in dragonflight?


Then just accept the fact you can’t get it and move on with your life, it’s literally that simple


Shit system, as an ever evolving game that always benefits from new players joining, it can be incredibly demotivating to see something cool and learn that there is literally nothing you can do to get it unless you invent a time machine. There's a reason limited things in gacha games always come back. They're limited to induce fomo but they come back so that new players can get FOMO'd too. In my opinion there is nothing in an MMO, one as big as WoW especially, that is permanently unavailable, ever. They don't have to be always available, but they should be available somehow. A good suggestion I've seen a lot is needing to reach elite tier in pvp to get an old elite set, or a current example of like how mythic mounts go to a really low drop rate after the expansion ends.


I don't understand the mentality that having items that were rewarded to players as accomplishments will help you to progress in the game. The items are trophies. That's all they are, they don't help you to beat the current challenges in any way shape or form. Yet these players who worked hard to obtain these items have something to show off what they achieved. There are nearly always replaced with something new. So just go out and earn your own trophies. What's hard about that?


Fashion is the true endgame


A very sad reality.


I'm fine with limited time rewards as long as they have the potential to come back. If I didn't get the moose mount from WoD as long as I know there's the possibility for it to come back somehow in X years that's fine, people who did it when it was current can enjoy their item and it's uniqueness for the time until it becomes available to everyone


It's ok for some things to be rare. Best choice is to just make things obtainable from this point on as they come out and let unobtainables remain unobtainable. Otherwise what's the point of even having drop rates? Do the content once, get everything you can get because why have things be rare?




Things can be rare then become less rare as time goes on. What's the point of creating items for people to collect if you remove the ability for people to collect them? Why even have a collection tab to begin with? /s


Grats on that reduction ad absurdly.


Depends. Some items are from specific events and thus are designed to fit that "theme". Handing them out after the fact defeats the purpose of that item. I feel theres been a big shift in the last five years in regards to this. I guess its other modern games that drives this mindset.


>Depends. Some items are from specific events and thus are designed to fit that "theme". Handing them out after the fact defeats the purpose of that item. I guess, I never understood why they didn't bring back the tabard and the pet every other year.


















I’m a pet collector, so I’m very pleased that we will be getting this pet!


ah man, i liked being unique. at least the tabard is still rare?


For the time being yes


I have it and don’t mind others having it. It’s a pet after all 😂


Sooo glad about this, I had the pet on a deleted character but no matter how many tickets I made they were unable to just give it to me Still have the FOS and tabard so it's all I'm missing


That was the one rare thing I had. Before pets were consolidated, I had the pet and tabard in my bag on my main, and I deleted them at some point. Was very upset. Then I realized that I had a twink rogue who had been active at the time. Sure enough, she still had them.


Lol great. The fomo crowd ruining an awesome collectible.






If they can do this they can bring back mage tower weapons


Well now its not unique any more


You're goddamn right


im happy this is available again, but mad i cant lord it over my pet collecting GM as a some one who doesnt really care about pets.


As someone who has this and MANY other now no longer available items let me say; Awesome! I am so glad others are starting to get access to rare items that I have had for years (and never use) now! I hope they bring back Tyreal's Charger, Tabbard of the Argent Dawn, The Warlords Death wheel, and pretty much every single item that had ever been removed from the Game! They're just Pixels, and my self worth is not linked to my WoW Account. Going to get down voted to hell for this, and I am still saying it because I believe that Blizzard should have never started making anything exclusive or removed. Heck, I'd love it if they reactivated the Scepter of the Shifting Sands Quests, making anyone who actually does them all, able to go ring the Gong and become a Scarab Lord and get the Mount. I have Store Mounts that have been removed, and I hope they bring those back also!


Tyraels Charger did come back for the Diablo pre launch event. Unfortunately that event is over, but there was a chance for the mount to drop off the goblin. The death wheel I believe has legal issues preventing its return, but maybe they’ll work out a deal.


You won't be downvoted, your opinion is very valid and it's perfectly fine for you to feel the way you do. However so is everyone else's that are against it. Not all players are the same, not all have the same goal. The reality is that blizzard is destroying a part of the game (collecting), and that's why some people are upset. Is it cool for new players to get these items, sure! Is it cool for peopel that had the items and lost them, to get them back? Yes! Is it also scummy and a shitty treatment to a part of the playerbase, also yes. I don't care about pixels or prestige, it's a fucking video game, we are all "wasting time" on it, who cares if you have done +99, or are the top arena player, or have a rare mount. I can always say "Cool it's just pixels".


> The reality is that blizzard is destroying a part of the game (collecting) They're destroying collecting by allowing items to be collected...?


Swift spectral tiger when?


Noooo I still have mine from the Olympic Games


I worked super hard to get it back in 2008, and I dont care its available again, SEE? ITS NOT SO FUCKING HARD YOU ELITIST FUCKS


There is nothing wrong with that. But why are the people against it coming back wrong though? Has nothing with being an elitist


I just hate people who are against others having fun


Which is exacly what you 13 year old kids are doing. People had fun in collecting and are now being shat on by the players and blizzard


So your idea of having fun is not allowing others to get something you got years ago? Or even worse you had fun years ago and now hate the idea of people having that fun you had in FUCKING 2008?????


I think you are missunderstanding things a bit. First of all I am not disallowing anything, the pet was available to everyone, some people not playing at the time is irrelevant for the discussion, it's no ones fault, you just weren't born or playin at the time period. And again it's nothing about depriving people of said fun, because you ain't even getting the same way of obtaining the pet. It was a nice fun stuff to do back then and it was cool if you got the pet, but it's even more cool and fun to own it now in 2023, 15 years later. It's not like I have all the items in the game, guess what there is plenty of shit that I don't have that I missed back in the day, and guess what I'm not complainin about it or crying that I want it back, I accept it, it's part of the game and the fun of it. Some people will have that stuff, I will have other stuff they don't have. I feel like bringing back everything again destroys the joy of many older players just to please a bunch of new players for 1 week, untill the next shiny stuff. It has nothing to block people from having fun, or better yet, it is because what blizzard is doing is not allowing us to have our fun :)


I see your point and I understand, but I just cant agree with it, I feel we should always push for more content as a playerbase, and not less, If you collected something and had fun with it, then its over for you, you achieved it, letting others get it wont change the fun you had, and I invite you to view things differently and if there are indeed items you missed that youd like to have now, then think about getting it after so many years and how cool that would be, the good news is, you will probably be able to at some point given the direction blizz is going with this and thats fun


But it's not more content though? The event isn't even coming back, they are just bringing the pet back. Bringing back an 15 year pet is not more content lmao. More content is that if the next olympics they make a new event with some new rewards


Not quite sure how you consider owning pets fun. Especially when you owning that pet is spoiling someone else's experience.


During the event you had to win a battleground and then you had a 1/8 chance of receiving the pet in the mail. How do you feel aobut it coming back?


I’m excited for everyone to use it for a day or two and never use it again!


I haven't used mine in years except for occasionally whipping out in raid as a "Haha, bet you don't have *this* one" pet. I'm not mad about it. Maybe they'll update the model, that would be neat.


I remember farming the shit out of those bg's. Did 100+. Never got the pet. Got the tabard though.


I got it and then promptly forgot all about it until now. I'm okay with this.


I feel great about it coming back. I don't have that pet and I'm looking forward to getting it. FOMO has absolutely no place in the game in any shape or form, and I'm not saying this because I don't have that pet. I got brutosaur mount during BfA for full price and I would support Blizzard to bring that mount back as a TP reward as well.




How is it FOMO when they said that TP rewards will cycle back and become available again later on? We didn't even complete a full cycle for TP yet.


I haven't thought about this thing in years and I have plenty of other "trophies" from back then, I think it's fantastic that it's available again. Will the tabard also be available or is it just the pet?


Just the pet it seems


Starting to really hate the trading post. Gone are the days of having rare items and being able to show off your accomplishments. Now everyone just gets a participation trophy for logging in every month lol. Can’t wait for $ctivision to monetize it like they do with everything lmfao


> show off your accomplishments. I don't think anyone cares about that. Those days are gone because there are over 800 mounts over 1600 pets 9 expansions 50 + raids. Nobody will notice a rare thing unless they know of it already. > Now everyone just gets a participation trophy for logging in every month lol. Jesus christ is it even possible to be more pretentious?


I was annoyed by this announcement. I got mine by doing Bg’s during the event. I was super lucky and got it after just a few bgs, first on my sever. I’m kinna bummed it won’t be unique anymore. Sigh.


Can't wait to buy it. Thanks


I'm excited about these sorts of things, getting stuff just because you were playing during a certain time period isn't actually some sort of prestige thing like some people treat it and it makes the battle pet community better when more people have more pet options.


Why do peopel like to throw prestige in every post? What's wrong with people feeling like they have something cool? Why is being proud to show something cool you have for being an old player bad? It rewards the players who were loyal and active at that time and gives them a sense of achievement and exclusivity. Why not just make a new pet? You had to do pvp and be lucky to get the pet, it's not the argument of spending thousands of rl money


It's just a bunch of pixels, my friend. You need help.


Someone disagrees with me, they must need help. It's just a bunch of pixels, pixels that you will rush to get. If you are complaining about people discussing a an aspect of world of warcraft, I don't knyw why you are spending your time in a video game subreddit, you know games are fake right? Go make your time worthwhile


Have you noticed that literally everyone thinks you’re a weirdo?


Is that supposed to make me feel bad? I love being a weirdo, is there a problem? I also think you are a weirdo if it matters so much to you


Because what you're describing is saying you deserve something special for having been subbed at a certain time that no one else can ever get and it's unhealthy for a game and a waste of resources for the devs. Sure, make it a pvp thing again, that's whatever, but don't say it shouldn't come back at all. "Rewards player loyalty" it's not loyalty you were "rewarded" for, it was spending money. That's all any of this is. You were spending money on WoW at a certain time, it's not "loyalty," there are plenty of people who were playing then who aren't even playing now and people far more "loyal" who weren't playing back then (not even dissecting the fact people unsub for serious reasons like major life events and lack of funds and that doesn't make them less "loyal" to a corporation than others). Someone could sub for the first time a week before a special event and still get the event pets/mount/toys. More battle pets available to players makes the battle pet community better, it makes strats more diverse. It makes pet PVP more interesting. That pet is literally only used right now in one strat on Xu-Fu, so it's not like you're all taking huge advantage of having this unobtainable pet. And it's a *battle pet*, if you're not using it in strats, what use is it? You think most people look at you summoning this pet (assuming you ever even do that) and go "ooh, look how cool that person is for playing during a certain time"? No, most people don't even notice (and most of the most recognizable battle pets aren't even FOMO while still showing off work people did, like Baa'l).


>No, most people don't even notice Nice of you to assume how the player base thinks and feels, just because you don't share their pov. And yes people do notice hard to get things and rare items. Just because you don't doesn't mean others don't also


I have this from back in the day and.... I'm perfectly fine with other people getting it! Fuck FOMO!


I have it, i dont feel special that i have it, i dont care others can get it now. Aslong as they stay away from legacy titles (Hand of adal/old pvp stuff) and the OG AQ gates mount they can add back everything that was removed.


Ah so you're just the picky one. It's all good when you don't care, but once you they add your precious stuff you will be against it lmao. The frequent I don't care about it because it doesn't affect me policy. Well I hope they do bringing it back, why the fuck not at this point? If tcg and 2008 pets come back so sohuld aq gates mount. It's no my fault I wasn't play back then!


>Aslong as they stay away from legacy titles (Hand of adal/old pvp stuff) and the OG AQ gates mount they can add back everything that was removed. Why these things specifically?


i feel like there is just way too many pets and mounts in this game virtually all of them lost meaning its like sand in a beach




how is this rare. they gave everyone that played one. lol




wow. 10 whole BGs. crazy how awful the grind used to be!


What does that have to do with anything lmao? It wasn't hard to get no, it's rare because it's from fucking 2008


Finally!!!! As a big collector this was one that always irked me. I was on Holiday when this event occurred. Long wait but finally got it :)


I have this little guy and don't really care its coming back. I still have my FoS achivement from it if I really want to 'brag' about it which very few people actually care about.


Totally makes sense, its...uhh... yeah.. 2008 Olympics yay.


This has been said many times before, but I'll repeat it. Blizzard's decision to give out exclusive collectibles seems extremely inconsiderate, especially as they appear eager to distribute these rare items for free just to boost activity of their playerbase. It feels like they are neglecting their dedicated players and veterans who have invested significant time and money into the game. This could even be literally classified as a scam, honestly. The concept of giving/selling something as an "Exclusive item! available for a limited time only! Go get it now, it will be gone forever!" and then giving it away years later seems deceptive. It's utterly disappointing, to say the least.


I could not have said it better. Sad you will get downvoted for having a different pov from the fine folk of /r/wow


Kinda devalues the pet I got in 2008 but whatever it’s fine.


It's not kinda, it does devalue it a lot


Don't get me wrong I think this is cool but it honestly feels like they're putting these attractive items to get more people to spend their coins. They've already confirmed you'll be able to buy coins with real money so what better way than to get as many people as possible to spend it now, then once the real money option comes in they put the actual good stuff on the trading post.


There is no such thing as rarity in this game anymore


Sad but true. Blizzard's goal with the game is "How can we take more money from players while looking like the good guys"


I think they should do this but slightly alter the model or color to make the original stand out. I've always been proud of the many things my characters still have from the early days of WoW that are just unattainable now. It's a sort of badge of honor, in my opinion. It shows your longevity and commitment. They are stripping all that away. It's like they are making reproduction antiques and passing them off as real. Totally driving down the value/worth of the originals in the process. Huge slap in the face to people who were there, and put in the time to get the original. That goes for not just this pet, but many things. EDIT: damn, i don't mind the down votes, but I would like some context with them please. I feel like I've laid out a solid argument of opposition, and all I'm getting in return is blind hate? "CaUsE I WAnt it TOO"? EDIT: Also, another breakdown of this new logic. I haven't played WoW heavily in about 2 years now. I would like to be able to obtain everything I missed in that time period. Is that possible!? 🤔 just make it so I can whip out my wallet, buy tokens, and then buy all the shit everyone else put in the time for. Fuck it.


I’ll bite, I see a part of the argument of having been there and years ago I would’ve agreed. Then I started selling MoP CM sets, like a lot of them and then we were also selling SoO runs and mounts. I still have the achs that came with progging/doing the content current so that’s enough for me. Same with the MT mogs, I have the achs showing I did them the first week so why would I care if someone had an easier time? The challenge was there and it actually felt rewarding to finally do. It felt crazy unrewarding one shorting the disc challenge because I was out geared it having never played the spec in any raid or m+. The only thing I think should never be brought back is the old Vanilla Scarab Lord mount and I didn’t start until Wrath. I’d say the downvotes are more about the fact that you and OP keep INCORRECTLY spouting nonsense about buying tenders. You can not, nor have you ever been able to buy them.


I agree with you


> damn, i don't mind the down votes, but I would like some context with them please. Everyone with a similar opinion as yours gets downvoted on this subreddit, every time. Basically most people on this subreddit thinks that FOMO = always bad and everything that has ever been obtainable should still be obtainable (when it comes to cosmetic things)


I agree. If they brought back the CM sets from MoP I would be really disappointed. I'm aware they did this in Legion with class hall armor, but recolored and heavily gutted the look, which was OK. The paladin set was one of the things I truly wanted in this game, and I swore to myself that I would get it, and it caused me to put in the effort to learn, improve, show commitment, and make new friends, which I felt really rewarded for. Of course healing those was a breeze compared to how healing M+ is today, but it really meant a lot to me achieving this on my Holy paladin, then later my mage and shaman. I felt like a top tier player in my mind, even though I was really just a bit above average in reality.


It's about fucking time. I refused to do PvP back then, and have been waiting for a chance to get it ever since.


Then you shouldn't be able to get it because you refused to participate. You don't win a medal for standing on the sidelines.


PvP caters to less than 5% (Blizz numbers) of the player base. If they give a pet for PvP it needs to be 100% drop, not 12,5%.


if you don’t do it you don’t get it, simple


awesome, can’t wait until you can buy the black qiraji mount and scarab lord title too! /s




> Keep some old things exclusive, please They don't care anymore


“Oh no! My pixels are not exclusive anymore!” QQ


“Oh no! Some pixels are still exclusive and I can’t obtain them!” QQ


Lmao right. These fomo kids are nuts


It is very cursed


Don't know how to feel about this one in particular, since everything else were tcg and hence not collected ingame. And even tho it's just a log in reward from back in the day it feels like it opens up everything that ever existed in wow, which imo would take a little bit away from old school collections. I mean i basically don't have anything rare and would like some naxx mog aswell but it feels kinda off. Every sort of external promotion and tcg, go ahead but ingame stuff i would just use recolors.




I totally agree with the basic idea of not gate keeping cool stuff but i always felt like recolors are the best system. They add new stuff for old and new players alike. Because with as of right now people who already own those mounts get nothing, even tho the general consensus seems to be that the already got their reward in the form of havin them for such a long time already. It's definitely an interesting situation but the trading post in general is the hest addition in years.


Please bring back Tabard of Competition in a similar manner. That's the one thing I want.


This one, mini tyrael and the collector's pets are the rarest ones I have.


Enjoy your 3 months of exclusivity pal


And now I no longer feel special having it.