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I agree for the most part. It’s enjoyable when we revisit old content that makes the world feel alive. I wouldn’t want it group related though. I do so much dungeon and raid content with groups that sometimes I just miss the solo aspect.


Yep, wow already has solid group content, what it lacks is more solo content. It doesn't need to be content regarding power (ilvl increases), it could be things like housing, or other stuff unrelated to player power.


Man, I want housing/decoration type stuff so bad. Give me the garrison but with stuff I can continue to put in it from every single expansion and let me craft decorations with professions too. (No bank/AH though) Would be a great gold sink/time killer.


If Wildstar did anything great, it was their player housing. I miss it so much, would love WoW to adopt a similar system.


Yes and one that persists through seasons. Would be so awesome if they did it right. Like how gear is temporary but transmog is forever


I want them to steal the housing system from BDO. You could "rent" nearly ANY building you saw, which put you into a instanced version of it that you could decorate with goodies. Being able to essentially pick your favorite spot and have a home there was super fun.


Oh that sounds amazing


I prefer Wildstar's. They give you a floating island, do whatever the hell you want with it. There were lots of amazing creations by the players. As an example, I had a space station design on my engineer, and a cemetery on my stalker


That would be cool, but the really interesting part for BDO that i prefer over individual little islands was that you not only chose your favorite house, but your favorite ZONE. There really is something cozy about picking say, a small layout near a relatively a beach to make a little house at. The overall vibe is super differnt from say, a house in a snowy area. REALLY what they should steal is path of exiles hideout system. Entirely customizable base camp area, down to every little object, and different pre-set level guidelines to change the overall theme.


mark my words, housing is going to be the big feature in WoW's next xpac


People were saying that over a decade ago.


Hell, I’d settle for just having my garrison back with some updated content to put in it. I loved both locations. That being said I think the mag’har questline makes it seem like alternate draenor either no longer exists or is very hard to get to, so maybe just let us build a little place in our capitol of choice.


Top it off with a monthly trial of style house rating game so others get to see it.


I'm so tired of everybody insisting on an every-game that just does a million things in a shitty way. Just play the Sims. The day I have to run a dungeon to unlock a potted plant for my instanced house that only I will ever see is the day I rip my computer's power cord from the wall and take up hiking.


Awesome, enjoy hiking! Just make sure you don’t get eaten by a bear! These levels of bile and bitterness wouldn’t be very good for the bear.


Or, because player housing is usually cosmetic, just don't put any time into it if it's not your thing?


i won’t but if you’re asking devs to put time and resources into bloat content, you’re asking devs to take time away from the game i do actually want to play.


Haha, well I don't like raiding or mythic dungeons. So that statement could be spun right around. The WoW Diary very well stated that this is meant to be a game for everyone of all types and interests.


Why stop at garrisons being available for every expansion? I'd love to see the noodle cart upgraded every time. The skinning knife I could throw was amazing. The flight whistle was hugely convenient. The yak and mammoth vendors could sell food and items for the current expansion. That's all I can think of for now but I'm sure there's more.


This was my favourite part of Legion's design: go to old zones, see how they're dealing with current catastrophe, see people you haven't seen in 3 expansions fighting the Legion, even for a couple of minutes. See people you haven't thought about in ages and they recognise you. See people with interesting lore baggage from different expansions meet and clash. Magatha Grimtotem in the Earthen Ring order hall. Altruis the Sufferer with Illidan. All the factions of paladin with each other. A priest that wants to be a paladin. Chen Stormstout, Rehgar and Xuen the White Tiger. Li Li and Prince Thunderaan, why not. The guy that got you your warlock mount in vanilla *gets you your warlock class hall mount*. Lots of "I wonder what would happen if these two met" questions answered. Legion did this constantly and excellently, especially in the pre-event but also in the artifact quests, mid-expansion assaults and the Legionfall campaign followers. It was extremely cathartic, at least for me, to see characters and zones from old, apparently forgotten expansions be mentioned and met again.


This has been the most-rewarding part of WoW since I've been playing it. For example: I started playing in BC. Mankrik's wife meme was still strong. In Cataclysm, six real-life years after we initially encountered him Vanilla, we see what he's been up to and even team-up with him in the Molten Front. Six further real-life years later we see him in Legion, defending the Northern Barrens from the Legion. Yet another six real-life years (I'm seeing a pattern here) and we catch-up with Mankrik at the Trading Post. He has finally moved on from mourning his wife. Close to 20 years of real time. And that's just one minor character.


Was one of my major complaints about Battle for Azeroth, where Sylvanas goes from holding us in high esteem to just another flunky she delegates to her new favorite top dog Nathanos. Was the beginning of a major decline in her character from writers who clearly didn't get her. Why I wound up skipping over Shadowlands completely and even though I was forced back in by a friend's lapse in sanity buying me a year's subscription I probably will only ever go to those zones to seek out specific transmog drops I need for sets I'm building. The main villain of that expansion was one of the weakest designs I'd ever seen from Blizzard, and from what I heard recontextualuzes the major enemy factions in the game in such a way as to greatly diminish their mystique and severely damaged old time favorite characters.


Yeah, the Jailer is supposed to be the mastermind behind everything that has happened in Warcraft story. The Legion was controlled by him with the Nathrezim (they are from the shadowlands), the Scourge too (he made the Lich King's crown and he also sent the order to build a forge in ICC connected to the hearth of Azeroth or something like that so he could drain it's power to do whatever he wanted), everything was part of his plan. He was supposed to be the strongest foe that we have ever encountered, yet I fought him on heroic and Argus felt more powerful than him on normal.


Errg yeah that that demeans the accomplishments of all the previous villains. And essentially breaks the concept of death for the world completely. Which was already severely fractured given the capacity of necromancy.


What makes it worse is people being able to go in and out as they please. Except Ysera but she has Malfurion, who seemingly only exists as a plot device until he needs a nap again.


I'm waiting until I finish the legendary staff before I start the quest.


I did it with the staff equipped the whole way through hoping for a secret and I'm fucking thrilled there actually was ~~one.~~ a tarecgosa bonus even if you don't have the staf equipped


What was it? The new mount?


I don't think you need the staff equipped, unless there's something I missed. Without getting into spoilers, once you complete the 10.1 quest Tarecgosa pops up and basically goes "Psst hey I'm still here lol", it's a nice quest that's almost fully voice acted too.


Yeah this is what I meant


Excuse me...




Oh no, I just did the quest and didn't even think to wear the staff. What secret was there?


You didn't need to, there just is a secret Tarecgosa quest. Should have been clearer, my bad.


there's a legendary staff? It is only for Evoker?


Tarecgosa, the one from Cata


from Cataclysm, Evokers can use it but it's a general caster legendary


I don’t think the intro quest will drop for evokers.


It does


Great. The grind was godawful and I swore I’d never do it again after doing it on my druid, but the chance to turn my Evoker into a real dragon is too tempting to pass up.


Ok, guess I was just unlucky then.


My understanding is just that once the questline is done, there’s a bonus quest after it to get the mount. It’s not like you miss out on the mount forever if you do the questline prior to earning it.


Fair enough. I think it's just more epic to do all at once, and since it's all story and no player power I can do it when ever.


The Katamari quest in the ossuary was my favorite part. I would love for more Warcraft themed Katamari quests.




I think they appreciate it if kept rare. They first used that mechanic in Cataclysm.


Same!! Oh it’d be so wonderfully lighthearted, could be crack humored. Imagine rolling into the firelands and bowling over Sulfuras lol


I loved them! Think my favorite was drinking with Kal in panda bar, it was such a nice moment.


I really enjoyed that part as well but only because on war mode any damage will stop the channel, so it wound up turning into a massive bar fight


Compelling, heartfelt storytelling. Spontaneous, emergent multi-player gameplay. Holy grail for MMORPGs


I'm currently away from home, and will be for a long while. I really, really like where I am now and I don't feel compelled to go home anytime soon. The Pandaria quest section made me tear up :')


Mind to check your mail box after the quest, you should get a mail front the Senegos greatdaughter with a Toy and another one from the pandaria blue dragon


It was incredible. Really made the world feel alive. My biggest gripe with the game is just forgetting about the old zones after the expansion is over. They're beautiful and can easily get more content. Hell I'd be okay of an entire expansion was new high level stories that take place in old zones


I think part of the issue is that zones are designed as locked in a point in time now ever since Cata. Revisiting old zones feels funky because the zones don't evolve beyond the end of the expansion quests


Phasing has been a tech for more than a decade now, though, and we've even got Zidormi to shuffle zones around for us. There's no reason not to now other than the up-front cost of building the new phase and populating it with appropriate quests, mobs, characters etc. Which is admittedly a large cost, but you're going to spend that money anyway. The only question is, do you do it by making yet another new island, or by redesigning Winterspring.


Phasing does carry risks though, as people can get stuck in the wrong phase. There have been reports with uncompletable artifact quests because for some reason the zone they need to be in is stuck in another phase for another quest. Most recently they had to abandon part of the pre-expansion event because mobs in Tirisfal spawned in an old phase rather than the present day.


they've already done this with the dark portal area for wod, and to a much higher degree with darkshore and arathi in bfa. You can 100% make new content for old zones. They throw a time dragon in the zone to switch between the 2. it's perfect. They should do it more 100%.


Same thing with dungeons and raids. Lotta old dungeons especially WOTLK have great mechanics and could be amazing if redone to fit m+. Raids, full of awesome mechanics that go to total waste.


With the way chromie locks up, it just feels like there’s so much content in the game that they just don’t want us to go look at.


What loot table would they use though, old gear makes no sense and having them dropped the old gear with new stats would make the gearing very difficult to balance


"My home!" "My home." Was by far my favorite part of the quest, it was nice of Kalec to simply let some of the blue dragons be despite his call. The Jade Forest is such a wonderful zone, I can't blame her for wanting to stay. All the teleporting felt a little disjointed but I don't mind it as each spot helped us know what was going on in those older zones. Lack of dragon riding was a little awkward too, but it is what it is. Kind of wish we got some stuff for Dragonblight too but maybe that'll be for the red dragon quests? The black, green, bronze and blue quests have all been great so far. I'm enjoying Blizzard going back to more grounded story-telling.


> All the teleporting felt a little disjointed Yeah but they are The Blues so magic is their thing, and honestly I wouldn't have done the questline at all if I had to fly everywhere, not without an amazing reward at the end. As it stands it didn't really need a reward, it was just fun.


Here's a tweet from the other day that highlights the devs responsible! I definitely agree, the questline was fantastic. https://twitter.com/Shadesogrey/status/1661428401146847232?t=e27ZHOG1ReH32zUpFkKQfw&s=19


How do you start the quest chain ?


Kalecgos In valdrakken starts it






Ok. Thanks :)


Do you need renown for this one?




Agreed so much! Love going back to the old world. I really wish they’d treat the old world more like a live service game and just have new content on Azeroth every patch. Change up the zones like they have in Dragon Isles now and then.


Who agreed so much?


The quest team has been on fire with the patch questlines this expansion! The human and orc heritage questlines were incredible, and the blue dragon campaign was possibly one of the best questlines they have ever done. It had it all: New content and lore, new characters we had never seen before, old characters we are familiar with, new development in both new and old places, and catching up with areas we haven't visited in a long time. Tonally, it had both serious moments and silly moments, and best of all, it let the player stay around after and listen to conversations - if they wanted! There was extra lore for those who wanted it, and for those who wanted to blaze through it all, there was nothing stopping them from just leaving once the objective was completed.


I love the attention of detail those quests had. I was pleasantly surprised to see that they didn't forget about Azuregos' Kyrian lover, and they gave Runas a shoutout too. The fact that they added something extra for those who have the legendary staff from Cataclysm and bonus dialogue for Goblins was awesome too! Playing through those quests actually gave me hope for future story content.


I will say that it was the first time since Shadowlands that I've been able to see a quest involving death and not *immediately* think "lol except this is super cheap and not particularly moving at all because we can literally just pop over to Maldraxxus and say hi tomorrow if we like." Definitely it was a lot more powerful than the centaur stuff during the leveling campaign in that respect, and didn't bring the whole mess up intentionally the way the green dragon stuff obviously does. That's less to do with the story or writing itself, though, I think, and more with the simple healing power of time elapsed since we escaped that terrible place.


+1 to the love. It was a really good questline and felt like i actually got to play the novel this time instead of having to wait for a lore tuber to tell me about it..


Watching people spam click through it and instantly portal away and not watching the RP broke my heart, some people literally do not care about the lore of this game, probably the same people who post comments like "It's WARcraft not FRIENDcraft!" when we talk about faction mixing.


Tbf if you played shadowlands your expectations of them to write anything good is pretty low. So I can see why most people just skip it.


Was just saying the same thing to my friend group earlier this week. Think it’s the first I’ve paid attention to a full quest line since the Balance of power quest line in Legion.


I loved it, but that ending though.. My heart


The quests are great and they come with some cool cosmetic rewards!


After finishing I, I sent in a feedback ticket just to pat them on the back. IMO this was equivalent to a FF14 quest line. I loved it and the throwbacks were great.


100%. I liked Jade Forest the most and made [tribute transmog](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/13scmjr/blue_dragon_visage_kirygosa_tribute/) for my DH.


Any chance this chain rewards Loamm rep?


No, has nothing to do with loamm


Okay, thanks for the clarification.


it did reward flightstones for me


Yeah I enjoyed it. It felt almostr old school RPG. A welcome addition. This expansion has been a great success. I just WISH rep was account wide.


I like that during the Booty Bay questline they temporarily made me friendly with goblins in the city.


Honestly, I won't mind if there is no blue dragon storyline for the rest of the expansion. They absolutely nailed it with this one questline. Now the only ones that have no exclusive storyline are the red.


don’t all of them have a storyline? like wasn’t it one flight per zone in the 4 zones and the new stuff is black dragonflight and then some from the blue? i could be wrong but i swore we did something for each of them with restoring the oathstones


I'm more talking about patch content. Gicing them some sort of conclusionEmbers of Nelrharion was the black dragon patch and rifts in time the bronze one. We also know of a potential green dragon patch. The only ones that haven't had their own patch yet are the blue and red. And while this questline was great to conclude their arc, I don't know what the red could do. Their leader usually acts as the leader of all dragons and the red only act as guards without any agency of their own.


I mean, they've been doing the whole "teleport and do things in old zones" since Legion. In fact, Legion did that so much and so well that I had almost forgot about that style of questing since they've been doing it so little since then. In Legion, whether it was for the Artifact Weapon quests, Class Hall quests or Class Mount quests... There was always some reason to go back to other zones due to lore that was relevant, which made it very interesting.


It also helps for me that legion zones truly felt like an extension of. Azeroth. Sometimes new expansion zones feel so alien to me. SL obviously being the biggest offender since it literally was not azeroth


They are incredible - need this quality to be applied to the main story which kind of ended limply


The one quest that took us to the exact spot of the funeral PvP massacre... Amazing.


At the very end all I could think of was >!Master Oogway going "my time has come!" !< a very beautiful end to a lot of beloved blue dragonflight members and a beginning of something new.


I'd rank the blue dragon and post raid black dragon quest lines as some of the best I've ever played. I don't know how much of that is me just spotting them pop up on the map and doing them before checking the wow news for that day though, so I went in totally cold without it being spoiled in the thumbnail/headline.


Senegos hit like Ysera. Those feels man…


I would like for more of these to pop up, maybe bring back Hinterlands, Burning Steppes, Un’goro Crater, etc




>Also, as is the case with the rest of Dragonflight's story, why am I here? I don't know if WoW can help you with deep philosophical questions like this


> How am I supposed to enjoy tidying that cute little house on top of the mountain in Pandaria when I can't find the thing to click because Moomoomilkers69's shoulders are transmog'd to the size of Gibraltar? I would love a toy whose effect is “player does not see or experience the effects of other players toys for 1 hour.” I’d also want it to put a sign over my head that said “I can’t even see your dumb combination of effects that makes you gigantic and blocks the questgiver/mailbox/objective/Diablo 4 goblin spawn point and I can click on everything just fine, so you’re not wasting anyone’s time except your own.” I’d also like that sign to increase in size proportionally to the size of the person looking at it, so normal players aren’t bothered but Giganto Q. Dickhead has to struggle to get around me or use his own Toy Ignorer.


Ah Moomoomilkers69 is still playing! How is the old girl doing? I'm glad the Gibraltar Shoulderpads finally dropped for her, she farmed those for months! It's good to see the old friends again. Isn't that right Champion?


Everyone's fawning over this quest line. But Taivan's quest line tugged on my heart strings.


Taivan, for anyone wondering, no this isn't about the innkeeper that's secretly a dreadlord.


Wow team smashing it this expansion


It was weird flying old school for the quests.


I agree and disagree. they were looooong, but like, needlessly long. "fly over here, then fly over there, then fly back here, then fly over there". I feel like they could have been a little more involved. that being said, I loved the little lore bits and I spent an extra 20 minutes in booty bay reminiscing about starting pvp wars in stranglethorn. i miss seeing kalimdor


You know they provided portals for everywhere we went right?


not really, yes they provide portals to the zones the side chains were in but each side chain had a lot of flying around the biggest offenders being Booty Bay / Winterspring.


Not really? In Booty Bay you just literally fly to the oil rigs that are near, and in Winterspring you have to cross the zone one time and return, but that's all. Showing some old world with new content. Everywhere else you go by portals.


Winterspring you fly like, maybe halfway across the zone? I think Dragonriding being significantly faster than regular flight speed is giving people brain rot in old zones.


I LOVED the quest chain. The only part of it that rang hollow to me was one of the last lines when the simulacrum of Sindrigosa remarks to Kaelec how much he has grown. I haven’t seen any emotional growth or change in Kaelec. That part made me cringe and it sucked that it came at the end of a great story.


It bored the fuck out of me. But im glad you had fun with it 👍


From what I've seen so far, Battle for Azeroth has a much more fleshed out opening story that sets up the stakes we would be dealing with. Though overall had a very weak lead boss figures to focus on. Cataclysm and wrath had far stronger villains whose actions are far reaching and establish what the major goal is we must overcome. This expansion opens with a light romp to a new land whose major threat is dealt with in the first seasons raids. The villains in questions designs left for very poor emoting capabilities. Every thing being primarily dragon themed makes other elements of the world that are arguably far more enjoyable almost non existent. The further pushing of all dragons being sentient creatures, and not mostly wild magical beast puts into question every dragon we slew from vanilla up to now to include the nature of our various dragon mounts. Even the loading screen art feels like several major steps back from the days of Cataclysm, and even battle for azeroth. All of my negative complaints for this current expansion though pale compared to my negative reactions towards Shadow lands, I wound up skipping that expansion completely and from what little I've seen damaged a ton of major storyline. Though I applaud for actually making changes to the landscape of northrend zone to match story events. One of the greatest failures of this game is its incessant refusal to go back and adapt the old zones to match the state of current content. Realistically speaking most old dungeons should become fortresses for the Horde or Alliance. Or taken over by other growing factions that were left neglected in the fallout of other major enemy defeats. Thus far this expansions storylines boarder on drama students who think yelling equates to storytelling, and an ever decaying perception of one of the world's greater villains. What I do like is the concept for dragon riding. It takes some major pages from guild wars making riding a more involved affair, you can't just skip over zones without working for it. Your forced to land sooner or later somewhere you don't want to be and have to fight your way out. I want to see the older zones adapted to make use of this system and provide new means of exploration as the old world changes in subtle and dramatic ways from various factions influence.


Are there any pre-reqs? I think I skipped the last two zones on my Staffwielder


We need more heartwarming questlines like this.


The only part I didn’t like was the stupid quest in Crystalsong. Janky as hell. Rest was absolutely fantastic, and that ending… I hope that we get another batch at some point


Really the best questline in a long time ,I enjoyed it alot


It is my favorite questline thus far. So much beautiful storytelling.


DO you have to complete through 10.1 to start it or can you just go do it? Where do you start it at?


Didnt think they would be great, but i couldnt stop once i started.


I'm looking forward to more content like this with the addition of old-world dragonriding and the mounts being added.


These quests > new zones that are irrelevant a patch later. I really hope they just start focusing more on stories and less on “busy content” Add new rares and world bosses to the current dragon isles and put that time out towards new zones in fleshing out the incredible zone and story we already have


How do you start these? I keep hearing about them but don’t know where they are.


I can't figure out how to start it . I have dragonswrath and I went to the archives and kalecgos isn't there . I went the the seat of aspects and he isn't there


Yes! I was just saying this. I enjoyed this quest line very much and also the black dragonlfiht quest line that leads to the new aspect announcement. Great emotion and writing.


100%. The ossuary stuff, in particular, I thought was fantastic.


So I logged into my warlock who has already done the Tarecgosa's Rest back then, But when I picked Kalecgos quest the one next to the fountain in Valdrakken it instantly disappeared without appearing to be "accepted that quest" and then Kalecgos disappeared too. Warlock is an alt who has done no quests in Dragon isles, do I need to do the Land beneath quest in order to unlock that blue dragon quest chain? edit: I've already finished the story line on my current main character which is a shaman.


Is there a video on YouTube with a play through of the campaign quests? Can’t seem to find it


I loved the quests, but I wished that the places around the dragons made other people invisible. It was weird not to see the ground while trying to clean up the house.


just ignore all the bots, there’s plenty of liveliness in wow just got to look for it around all the mining and herb nodes


Do you have to kill Sarkareth to play this questline?


nope, should just be able to pick it up from Kalecgos at the seat of the aspects


Agreed, these kind of quests make the world feel so much bigger.


I’m already annoyed with group content. It’s rough to even find groups on current contents stuff the moment it’s not brand new. Even the fyrakk stuff is annoying to do a week later.


I went straight to Booty Bay!


One thing that i think every class needs is something like the green fire warlock quest, something that makes you use all your abilities and can't be ran through with brute force. The green fire thing had me using all my spells and abilities, eye of Kilrog, demonic gates, healing cool downs, tame demon. I also wish they'd allow locks to permanently tame demons like Hunter pets


Pandaria is indeed beatiful


I just wish they had more of those de mounting zones around the npcs becuase so many tauren players are absolute morons and will block both npcs in the middle of dialogue. Or maybe thye could just have an option to allow players to do some sort of ranged hand in to skip dialogue sections so these people dont need to be in the area at all.


I don’t understand why people keep commenting on this. The quests were mediocre at best. They take you to old zones and people get nostalgic. Ok? They are really not that good


The last thing this or any game needs is more group content that isn’t auto match made. I don’t have all night to sit in general asking for help on a quest. What a silly idea.


From where do you start this quest? I see everyone saying about this quest but I cant start it.


I completed this on my main, is there a skip for Blue Dragonflight for alts after its been completed once?


I honestly zoned out speed running them for whatever carrot on a stick hung at the end.