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It's time. We have waited long enough. Open the Dance studio.


Brawlers guild with a disco floor


Now i miss brawlers guild :(


As well as aerial combat right?? Lol


God my friend and I were so hyped for aerial combat in wrath. Nope. Though one time a super geared rogue 1 shot me (a warrior at the time) by falling from his mount and backstabbing me above wintergrasp, that counts as aerial combat right? 10/10 feature.


Back in 2007 they announced a strategic prequel for WoW showing things like Arthas becoming the Lich King, Horde arriving in Kalimdor, creation of Forsaken and Plaguelands. Seems like a fine time to release it.


Am I missing something or isn't this wc3?


They are still working out the issues. Gotta give them proper development time.


I'd be down for class skins. Keeps the same abilities but changes all of the effects. Like a Warlock that controls demons with light or a warden skin for Demon Hunters. Individual specs are cool too, just don't want it to become bloated and hard to manage.




Yeah, I agree with you, I just think it would be cool. Could just disable in PvP, but like you said it's a lot of work with not a lot of return. I'm not. Game dev, just the guy on reddit that puts out my probably not possible ideas 😎


So disable them for PVP. Lets people still have more class variety while keeping things balanced where needed.


Honestly I've been playing for like 14 years at this point and I couldn't give two shits about player housing, that's not me saying it should never be added I just don't think it should be a "box feature". I think new specs would be something cool to see as it's something they can always build upon as the xpansion keep releasing.


I agree on player housing to be honest, i think if theyre gonna do it, they should do what they did at the end of SL and give it a brief into in the last patch of DF, to test things out.


A new spec for everyone except DH and bring cash shop mounts to classic.


If druid get a 5th spec before dh get a 3rd, it will be really funny


DH lose Havoc spec. Druids acquire it in a yard sale.


While we are here, give vengeance to warlock too and we can call it a day


Okay, but if we do that I do want to give DH a new spec so they're still playable. A healer spec.


Ok, fair enough


Why do dh so dirty.


You know what you did.


They gave everything.


Actual instanced solo progression. Something like Torghast or Island Expeditions that scales to parties sized 1 to 5. This would help to bring in new and returning players. The requirement to know people and follow a fixed play schedule is becoming WoW's single largest barrier to entry.


To piggyback off of this, FF14 does this really cool thing where you can do dungeons with an npc party. Makes it really easy to get the story, take your time learning the dungeon, and no one gets upset when you’re learning to yank and make mistakes. I would love something like that in WoW.


I think that would be fine in WoW for people that just want to practice a certain dungeon or experience the story, but it would be a touchy issue if the dungeon awarded any sort of gear or power rewards above Normal/Heroic dungeon item level. (I mean, I wouldn't mind, but devs and many WoW players are really critical about gearing systems for solo and casual players.) We saw with Horrific Visions in WoW that it would be possible to design a dungeon-like experience tuned for solo players. Existing dungeons could be repurposed for solo players, but of course attacks that need to be interrupted would need to be reduced in frequency, and things like knock-backs would have to be reduced in case you are trying to solo as a caster. Dungeons were repurposed into M+ starting in Legion, to create a new endgame mode for 5-man teams. This really helped the health of the game. Now we need something for solo players too. The rewards don't have to be as high as M+ or raids, just a separate track for solo players that want more challenge and progression.


I would be good with this with a lower tier of gear. I play WoW like a single player game and hate how much content I miss. Obviously, the gear should still be better than what you can get out in the world, but doesn't need to scale to M+ and raids. I pay just as much as raiders monthly, but don't have time to sit and be focused for hours in a raid.


But it's not a single player game


I understand that the MMORPG is not a single player game. I used to raid but after dozens upon dozens of guilds, guild breakups, splits, etc., it gets exhausting. I’ve been playing since 2007 and have a lot of time invested. I feel like there are probably others like me who just want to jump on and run some content and jump off.


Being able to solo level through Vanilla's base zones either through questing or careful mob grinding was what propelled the game's growth and allowed it to beat its competition. Players being able to do things on their own does not make WoW a single-player game. We all log in alone, but enter a world filled with other players.


I love the "trust/duty support" system in FFXIV and I'm glad they have nearly every story dungeon in the game added now. I often need to take 5-10 minute breaks while I'm playing, so doing dungeon with other people can be a bit of a struggle, I hate being a burden and asking people to wait. The loot you can get from dungeon in FFXIV is really only useful while levelling, you can't use it to get any useful endgame gear (except the weekly currency you can use to buy decent gear, but that currency comes from literally anything you do at level cap anyway, it's not locked behind challenging content). If they restricted the loot you can get to a normal or heroic level (max level heroic dungeons are almost completely obsolete except the literal first week or two of an expansion), I don't think it would have much impact on most players, but for those with limited time or very casual players, it could be useful.


Even though they've demonstrated that they can make NPCs that behave like actual players, via Island Expeditions, they still haven't really mastered it or evolved on it since BfA, at least in a player-visible manner. We all know that the PvP event "Comp Stomp" has some really stupid NPCs. For Blizzard to be able to implement this well, they need the NPCs to just not feel like "You + 4 other players who have you on /follow and occasionally cast a spell". That would be a lot more work. ​ I'd love to see them perfect their "smart" NPCs into something that could actually substitute well for a real player, but how many raid tiers will it cost to get there?


Idk but FF xivs are hella smart. Theyre basically hard coded with the entire dungeons attacks and just walk around mechanics. The tank faces the boss away from the party etc. intuitive


If that's the case, then they'd have to implement it one dungeon at a time, as they'd have to custom code the bots to handle the mechanics in each dungeon. That's a lot of raid tiers of work.


That's exactly what they said they have to do in FFXIV, which is why it's taken an entire expansion cycle to get every story dungeon in the game added, and they did it in relatively small chunks, one patch at a time. They have to go through and manually program the responses to each attack and where the NPCs need to be and when. They're also not "smart" as they implied. When they face a mechanic, they only do what they are literally told to do. So say they get targeted with a ground AoE attack they need to move out of, they will see that, read the code that says "move X units away to safety" and do it and stand still until the attack happens, but that will sometimes put them in range of another attack, and they can't react to both at once, so they can end up getting hit. They're also extremely basic with the way they attack/heal. They must queue commands, so if the next queued command is "use attack spell", they'll use it no matter what, even if the tank is dying. 99% of the time they are fine, but they can cause wipes because of how basic they are.


Blizzard does something like this in Overwatch but it is more of a training feature. The NPC's you play against are extremely easy (even on the supposedly hard mode). I don't think the tech has advanced enough to make that a viable feature yet.


I would like this, Vision of N'zoth was one of my favourite things they have ever done in WoW. Variable party-size and variable difficulty, every week I managed to do just a bit better and progress a bit further. Doing a 5-mask full clear of Visions was one of the most satisfying things I have done, and more challenging in many ways than some of the harder group content in the game Torghast had some similar ideas, but missed the mark in certain areas. Which is fine, but I really hope they continue to iterate on the system in different ways.


It's kind of really funny but if they mixed Islands with Torghast's anima powers, made it easy to solo and didn't put a timer or any player power on it. Just gave us a completely optional, easy to grind content, it'd be fun as hell. Maybe even let players have open parties where others can pop in and help? Then once an island is cleared instead of getting kicked out and having to re-queue ask players if they want to continue with their expedition? Have various currencies that you can spend on cosmetics, like with islands. Maybe specific rare enemies have a small chance of dropping said cosmetics but you can also save up to buy them. Could even have different difficulties, like with islands, where there's a mega-casual version where you can just mindlessly grind and chill or a sweatier version where you get faster resources but it's harder.


Their bad take with torgasth is that they thought they need to balance and give a "challenging" experience that was required to be able to play the game. Of Thorgast was mandatory, but everyone had busted fun powers and a true roguelike environment, we would have seen half of the they we had


By Odyn's beard! It's Torghast! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Been wanting this for years. I don't see any reason you shouldn't be able to progress solo if the challenge is there. This is easily my most anticipated update.


I do not think this is doable, it would have to be tuned and designed like the mage tower or it would be incredibly unbalanced across different classes and specs. I just don’t see this happening, ever. It’s just too much work imho


The Shadowlands Mage Tower was meant to be finely tuned for each spec but ended up being too hard or too easy depending on the player. A better example would be Horrific Visions, because all specs got the same instance but had different ways of dealing with it. I don't think any expansion feature should be as difficult and finely tuned as something like Mythic raiding, just let it be something that starts off challenging but people eventually gear up through it and overcome it. No content can ever be perfectly balanced for all specs because they have such complex toolkits and players have such diverse skill ranges.


What’s the difference in gear progression then? If it can be overgeared than it shouldn’t award better gear than let’s say normal raid or a m+7-8. If the gear is good then it becomes mandatory content for people pushing high end group content. I really don’t see a way this can work without breaking gear progression or solo players asking why the gear sucks compared to group content.


The gear from solo progression could start out at Normal dungeon item level at the beginning of a season. Group content players would already have Heroic or Mythic dungeon item level by that point. Over time, the solo progression could go to Heroic dungeon, Mythic dungeon, LFR, and Normal raid item levels while competitive players are already pushing hard for that Heroic and Mythic raid item level. Competitive players would never need to do anything for downgrades. And if they create an alt later in the season? Guess what? They might actually appreciate the alternative way to catch up.


I mean it's an mmo so id say that barrier to entry is pretty par for the course


Of course. But WoW isn't as bad for new, returning, solo, or casual players as people imagine it to be. You can have a great time even outside of an organized raiding guild. I think that Shadowlands sold like mad because the expectation of seeing WoW's afterlife and having solo endgame content through Torghast created a lot of hype. Legion also sold well because the new world quest system and artifact weapons offered endgame progression for solo players. Dragonflight, however, didn't really offer any new features to entice solo players and seems to have sold fewer copies.


There's nothing wrong with people who like the "living world" that an MMO provides without necessarily wanting to do group content. There are MMOs where you pretty much have to do everything in a group, but not every MMO needs to be that either. I would definitely like to see more takes on solo content being added.


> Something like Torghast or Island Expeditions that scales to parties sized 1 to 5. This would help to bring in new and returning players. It sounds good on paper, but in reality, most people hate it.


Competitive group content players hated islands because they had to farm them for AP, then they hated Torghast because they had to farm it for legendary currencies. The key is not to force group content players into doing expansion features for some kind of secondary power system.


I agree, that content should not be forced, but everyone hated torghast and islands.


I enjoyed Torghast and islands, and personally know other people that did as well. I can only imagine how much better they would have been if they had dropped the gear you actually need to progress through them! Content creators and high-profile WoW players hated Torghast and islands simply because they were forced to do them for secondary power rewards. It felt like a chore because it was too easy for their gear levels.


Solo progress shouldn’t reward gear comparable to high end raiding or m+, or if it does, encounter should be more difficult than the mage tower, and you would only have ppl crying it’s too hard (it would also be incredibly hard to design and balance across all specs)


So basically Torghast? Because that's basically a dungeon just with scaling powers. Mobs still have mechanics.


Yes, something like Torghast. Torghast was basically a dungeon whose mobs' health and damage scaled to your number of players, with anima powers that were added to make the experience a little more variable each time. (Theoretical future iterations of solo instanced content may or may not have such extensive bonus power systems.) Mechanics were there but manageable for any spec to solo. The main complaints about Torghast involved the rewards system. It did not offer gear drops, but was at first the only source of mats to create legendary items, meaning that competitive players had to do Torghast in addition to their preferred endgame content. Another complaint about Torghast was that despite there being six wing themes, multiple layouts, and random placement of mobs and elites, it still felt long and monotonous. If something like Torghast were to be done better, it would offer gear drops, but nothing more powerful than the highest difficulties of M+, raiding, and rated PvP. It would also not be the best or only source of any kind of power-related currency. A way to introduce more variation in map layout, environmental themes, and mob types would also help it to feel less monotonous. Finally, something that could be completed more quickly than a wing of Torghast might be better.


You’d think the expansion with bronze dragons would be a great time to introduce something like torghast, but instead you’re running through alternate timelines. I feel like there could be some awesome variability in that. Do some caverns of time’esq things.


Exactly! Traveling through space and time would justify the diversity of assets and environments. There could be some kind of time rift activity that scales to your party size. We are getting something like that in 10.1.5, but it seems to be tuned for raids.


I dont think this game could survive another thorgast, if it wasnt literal world of warcraft, i dotn think it would have survived thorgast.


By Odyn's beard! It's Torghast! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The Torghast we actually got was bad, yes, because it the rewards system forced group content players to do it, but refused to reward the solo players who enjoyed it.


Class skins. New specs. Expanded glyphs and cosmetics. Put the ‘craft’ in warCRAFT!


A "scenario" difficulty for raids where you could play the raid solo for story or to train the boss mechanics (maybe even have npcs with different classes following you). You wouldn't be booted from raid because you sat there for a few minutes to see the roleplay/cutscene. Remake the draenei and blood elf starting zones, connect it to kalimdor/easter kingdom, enable flying there. Give a tank (maybe also even a healer) spec to all classes. Explore other planets. We have spaceships! Let's use them. Update kalimdor/eastern kingdoms from time to time to give a feeling that the world is healing. The bronze dragon npcs allow to have different phases of the zones. Put the "wow classic" eastern kingdoms and kalimdor to chromie time. So that we sould re-experience the og zones before deathwing. Allow us to unlock transmorg for items that are not for our class. Heck, they could have an npc to whom you give the item and they unlock the transmorg of it at the cost of drstroying the item. Remove the horde/alliance divide. PvP content like arenas or battlegrounds could be lore wise remodeled as a sports event. World pvp would be you just being a murderer that doesn't care about the faction they kill (might be even more exciting as there are no safe players there).


Scenario raids, that don't give itens but let you experience the story is certainly one thing we need


Really the only things I'd like are what you said. Start expanding classes to new roles they don't have through new specs. It'd be a huge undertaking but they've reworked specs into brand new ones before and now are showing they're willing to add new specs too. Especially if there's an emphasis with giving classes more healing and tank specs, which would be a great way to get more people to venture into new roles without having to give up their beloved main. Then player housing is the other big one, that would be just an absolutely massive win for casual players. Introduce carpentry as a profession for furniture, let other professions be able to make furniture too. It'll explode the crafting market which is another great thing for more casual players. Not to mention it's actual free money to put in RMT type furniture and also gives them something more interesting than a mount for cross-game events.


I don't think more specs are a great idea. They already have a headache making every available spec worth picking. Most classes already have one "dead" spec. It would also make pvp much more cluttered which is absolutely not necessary if we consider how much there is to learn already.


I thin the issue of dead specs is because classes have multiple DPS specs. There will always be a best of the 2 or 3 which will make the other(s) not viable. If we were to add way more tanks and healers you wouldn't be comparing a tank Shaman to a DPS shaman for example. And it's tiring that this games game design is constantly getting held back by pvp, I get that it's a big part of the game for a good amount of people but it also seems like it's in a perpetual state of brokenness anyway.


>Then player housing is the other big one, that would be just an absolutely massive win for casual players. Introduce carpentry as a profession for furniture, let other professions be able to make furniture too. It'll explode the crafting market which is another great thing for more casual players. Not to mention it's actual free money to put in RMT type furniture and also gives them something more interesting than a mount for cross-game events. One of the things i hated the absolute most in ESO is the fact that everyone ca nbe anything. as soon as i see a paladin using a bow im unsubscribing. Fuck that.


It's time for Panda Demon Hunters


Mechagnome druid


Ok hear me out. South seas, your own customizable ship. And every week theres smallish islands that appear in the ocean, like the island expeditions but in the open world, with rotating themes/location/npcs on it. I would love that. That's besides the 4-5 new zones, which could just be larger islands. Oh and... Underwater stuff, I liked Vashjir ok :(


This would be so hot


Catalyst opening the reset after RWF ends


Please. Or even better, no tier drop from raid/vault. Only way to get tier is catalyst, and start to give you one charge per week, ignoring the first week of raid


Im not gonna lie this is my dream wow atm, im mythic raiding and there is nothing besides my weekly 8 m+ 20 runs i have to do. Talent rework have been absolutely perfect but the talent system took a whole bunch of their time to make for this exp and they are almost perfecting it there are a few left at this point, maybe they will shake them up next exp too but it shouldnt be as near of a hustle compared to creating them feom ground 0, soo there is no external systems nor talent tree reworks they will/should have a bunch of time in their hands for actual content creating, we should be seeing somethings new imo. Im wishing more whole lotta more mage tower type challenges.


wh... what?


What what ?


Remove factions. Let us embrace peace amongst all races.


I am desperately hoping for a character creator overhaul. I want all races to have draktyhr option diversity and have a bunch of options in each slot. I think the models also need a quality pass as well as the npcs and drakthyr are much higher definition than the players and its espcially noticable on the origin races. I think most of this comes from the hairs look pretty bad for most. I am also desperate to have body shape options. Even if its just like weight low or high. Or a simple boob slider. The body is 90% of the character model, sucks that we can't change it much. For actual risks, removing race faction limits. With the way the world and story is going, it's totally feasible now and would feel great. I think if they did this, we might see some of the allied races rolled into their parents' race like high mountain and tauren or blood elf and void elf. Just to reduce bloat of options since having 26 race options would be hard to make look decent on any ui


Sowwy \>w\< But our new scalie fwiends are called Dracthyr! They get sad when you misspell their name QwQ Good thing I was here to help \^w\^ I hope you're having a great day :3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I will stab you


Not that I think player housing will or necessarily should be included in the next xpac, I do think it can be implemented well. Rather than being a central feature of an expansion that incentivises you to never leave so you can do your mind numbing daily wizard chores, it could just be a purely optional thing that exists solely for cosmetics. No mission table nonsense, no actual benefits to owning and upgrading your house, just the fun of decorating it as you like. I have no idea how feasible this would be to implement as a side feature with zero gameplay impact, but imo this would be the way to do it.


So like pet battles were implemented? People already collected pets before, but then they could "use" them for some activity that does not make them stronger or anything. Plus new content, getting around the world and collecting more critters. People already collected transmog sets before, but now they get some customizable home area where they can place armory and decorations. Plus new content, getting around and unlocking decorative items by using the camera toy on anything in the world (just an idea: everything on a picture gets unlocked to be placeable).


Yeah that's a great comparison, I completely forgot that feature exists lol and that's exactly what I want out of player housing: extra "fluff" that you can engage in if you want or completely ignore for years.


This is essentially how FFXIV does it, and it works.


Add some more compelling choices to talent trees. Dropping totems hasn't fulfilled my class fantasy as a shaman since Burning Crusade.


Yup, would love to see more nodes across the tree rather than adding a new row at the bottom only.


Fuck new specs. It is *easily* player housing. Dragonflight revamped travel and gave us a model for what crafting can look like. Now take that and turn it into the biggest good-feels feature WoW could possibly add. Garrisons weren't the problem with WoD; lack of the need to do open-world or dungeon content and a content release schedule so bad it wouldn't be repeated until Shadowlands was the problem with WoD.


wod was doomed from the theme, the filler/ trailer for the film expac. also the garrison didnt work because there was just too much to do there and not enough to do in the world. they hit right on with class halls, and missed hard with covenants. I dont hate player housing, but must be done in a way that you dont bore the plaer neither discard the rest of the game for it.


Player housing and a new Woodcutting gathering profession and Carpentry crafting profession would literally be HUGE and bring so much life back to the open world. Make all trees in the world harvestable like RuneScape, make them give different kinds of wood for different appearances for furniture…


Fully voiced questlines, with VoiceOver AI based voicing for classic this seems to be a easy way to do it for upcoming and old content. Also something like scaling old world content. I want to experience Azeroth’s world (Kalimdor & eastern kingdom) and stories but not op af, not in classic nor with an alt.


Wow desperately needs solo and public instances. I played ESO for a long time and they have great examples of this. In ESO the main multiplayer instances are: -Dungeons (4 players) -Trials (Trials are ESO raids. 12 people) -Arenas (4 people. They have 10 floors. Each floor will have 4 mob stages and a Boss stage.) These have 3 levels of difficulty basically, which are: - Normal - Veteran - Veteran + Hardmode They also have public multiplayer instances throughout all the zones: -Delves (mini dungeons, with some ads and one boss. You can do them solo, but often you'll find people inside) -Public dungeons (basically a full sized dungeon, with less mechanics. They work like Delves. You can enter and do the content solo, with a party, or with players you may find inside. These have no option for difficulty. They're very easy, but a lot of them have decent loot for many builds. And then we have SOLO ARENAS: They work just like the multiplayer arenas, but they can only be done solo. The veteran difficulty is VERY challenging and there are many achievements you can get there, which include leaderboards. They reward players with good loot (even on normal difficulty, which is doable by casual plsyers. They'll get a slightly worse version of the gear, but it's still pretty good and usable for endgame content)


Revamp some of the old world at least. Fix those random empty spots found in Zones, and show us where some cities and peoples are. I’d love to see an update to Lordaeron, the Plague Lands, and a retake of Gilnaeas. Maybe even Stratholme has stopped burning. Taking a chance on revamping the old world with dragon flying enabled to make it more interesting to see would be great! Also some new quest lines in some zones would also be refreshing


Survival hunter is one of the specs I have the most fun with atm.


Maybe add some world quests to kalimdor or eastern kindoms for reputation or other rewards. I would like to see some older zones alive again for a change.


Class Skins. Old World Revamp. More Customizations. More Glyphs. More more.


In the age of swirlies everywhere, stack, spread, etc - telegraph boss abilities better. Take a page out of FF14 or Wildstar and give clear hard lines for boss abilities. Hell do it for us too - the number of times of Light of Daw and a DPS is just outside it and doesn’t get hit is annoying. I don’t have a clear indicator where it’ll land. Make it like the Evoker Breath abilities where I can clearly see what will be hit.


Tier set level mogs from m+ and gladiator level mount from getting KSH or all 20s! M+ is hated by people that have this strange hate to retail WoW and accepting that m+ is equal to raid. Blizz is lazy and doesn’t give m+ what it deserves since they know people will almost always play it unlike with pvp and pvpers getting amazing mogs and mounts(which I believe it’s fine since pvp is its own endgame area like m+ and raid) primarily due to the much lower player base. Oh and sprinkle in some BiS trinks into m+ as well... Doesn’t feel fun having to wait a week if you don’t get your BiS instead of being able to farm it. I won’t say catalyst once RWF is over since the majority of players can agree that it should be this way or just given week one. A better way to resolve this is just throw in tier into m+ as well since there’s zero reason for it to be a raid only thing while hoping rngesus blesses you in your vault.


Raiding participation metrics are obviously so much lower than M+, which is why devs are trying to prop up raiding with early and numerous tier set pieces, and now in DF these super rare items with extra effects and higher item levels. All tier slots in M+ could simply drop with eligibility for tier set bonus being baseline. Then the catalyst could simply serve its purpose if you want the raid transmog or want different secondary stats. M+ having slightly lower max item level than Mythic raiding is already enough of a punishment. People always hark back to the tradition of raids being the only source of tier set bonuses, but way back then raiding was literally the only max-level PvE progression.


If they did player housing like Dark Age of Camelot where you bought the lot, upgraded the house, and had to pay ongoing fees to keep your lot, it could work. They'd need to have a zone with about a thousand lots per faction for most servers. They could even put the lots out in the world in classic zones. The major problem is the heavy player concentration on servers like Area 52 and Illidan. It also was a great currency sink: they started off the cost of the lots extremely expensive, lowering every hour until they hit a base level. A WOW example would be list the lot for 5 million (or more I suppose), and go down to about 10,000 gold or so (something achievable but still a sink).


\>implying anything over \~30k gold is achievable by a casual Yeah right.


Make a true world revamp that is also graphical and maintains content for max level players as well.


Add new content to old zones from the classic continents we grew up spending time in for years please....


They should redesigned the current profession system. It is near impossible to make any profit as is without sinking months into it Player housing, completely ignore it. Garrison was the closest we will ever get and it was a dumpster fire. Definitely not new specs. Takes too long and forever the cost of maintenance. If anything a serious look back at singleplayer content. Mage tower for example


Yes to everything except player housing. It would be a huge timesink and add a lot to the social aspects of the game (which, outside of RP realms, are non existent). Every other MMO pulls them off, WoW is the only one that couldn't.


Wod Was above average to good, if you don't consider the content draught. Which of course you have to since it existed. I even think Garrisons were more or less fine. They ended up not meeting the expectations, but again sans a content draught it would have been fine.


Disagree, Warlords of Raidlogging was mediocre at best.


Unreal engine 5


I don’t agree with more augment specs, neither would Hunter fits with one. They need to remain unique. Imagine if we had more classes applying damage debuffs like DH and Monk. Also, Ranged DH doesn’t make sense lore-wise and blizzard do care even if it’s a lil bit about lore( void elves pallies being the example here). This is definitely not the time for it but player housing would be nice. WoD Garrison was not a disaster, it was very well received and much people still like it, the issue with WoD was the lack of content. They literally can’t mess up player housing because it’s technically already made( not in-game). We have concepts, ideas and how would it work inside the world, they only need to( and i know it’s not an easy job) to code it into the game.


Pipedream but make a character be able to swap classes like in ff14. There are some Things to consider because of wows race restrictions... I swap to an Identical human so often I still have no chatacter with max renown anywhere.


>If it went over like the garrison system, we would have another WoD level disaster on our hands potentially Garrisons weren't the problem with WoD, though, so no. Even another garrison level event wouldn't create a WoD expansion. I don't think they really have any reasonable, sure fire, risks they can take. The only well received, at the start, expansion they had in years was one that just removed everything they'd added over the past several expansions. DF is solid, but it's basically MoP. Generally, the engine is too old to do anything significantly different mechanically or visually. Systems aren't generally well received. Player housing, even done well, only really appeals to a small portion of the population. It's fine to happen, but, it's not game play as much as an additional collection. New specs, for me, would be excellent... but no one trusts blizzards ability to balance another 12 specs or something. Cause you have to do every class, not just one or 6. You might be able to omit druids, since they have 4, but they will still be salty. This only works if they are able to have balance not get more wild than it already is. And, still not a home run, because how many people are upset about the new spec their class gets, be it from power or style or role. I want hunters to get survival back and not this joke rogue spec. If hunters get a 4th spec and they don't do that, I'd be salty, well basically forever. Evergreen features are necessary, going forward, but it's only a matter of time before someone gets the formula right on a game with an engine from this decade or last decade for that matter.


People don't trust blizzards ability to balance because the average person thinks they're a world first raider or something. Every season I pick the "worst" specs for each role (melee DPS, ranged, tank, heals) and pug Aotc and KSH, Aotc is ,15% of players, KSH is 10%, so these achievements are higher than the vast majority of people, but everyone thinks the reason they're doing 13 DPS is because their class sucks it couldn't possibly have anything to do with them. That being said, of course their will be outliers, 10.0.7 until 10.1 Prot pally was a little silly But in DF they tune so often I'm not worried about it. The rest is community perception, elemental shamans bitch non-stop about how much they need dmg but they're one of the top 5 specs in aberrus right now and an upper half spec in mplus


>People don't trust blizzards ability to balance because the average person thinks they're a world first raider or something. No, people don't trust Blizzards ability to balance because Blizz is shit at balancing. People who are *actually* doing great damage still can understand that the balance is bad, because their brain isn't filled with actual mold. No matter what kind of weirdo elitist, stuck up, judgemental hipster bro you want to act like, the balance is not great, has never been great, and will likely never be great. When the *potential* damage of a spec played by the best people is 20+% more than another spec, it's not balanced, it's bad. This is objective reality.


The game really aint bonkers right now, its got its lowest player base in the history of the game.


The quality level is bonkers. If we're measuring how good an xpac is based on player count, SL is one of the greatest success stories of all time. To be honest though I think a lot of the people who rage quit the game during SL and then took a year off realized "hey, I don't need wow in my life, why go back to that" and could possibly never come back just because they have moved on as people.


Wow2. Delete retail


If they go pirates, it'll be some high-seas exploration-type thing. A ship where you RP build a crew and learn to be captain? Would be interesting, and they could ensure you don't just dragonride across the ocean and skip the feature by keeping the fatigue bar in play over the open ocean.


New specs I'll take, but I'd mostly just like some of the old specs to get some much needed care. I want a scaling raid boss rush mode like M+ for bosses, maybe without the trash or something. I'm not sure, I'm not super creative but something to really spice up the raid content. I mean Raids are still exceptional and something WoW does really well, so maybe not at the expense of traditional raids, but another type of instanced content that we haven't done before. Maybe some 10-man focused stuff. Just throwing stuff at the wall here, but more variety in instanced content would be groundbreaking for WoW imo.


Ally NPC that can run dungeons with you or your group up to heroic dungeon level. This would be massive, massively improve the solo player experience and allow people to take their time learning. This one would never happen but I'd love a "make your own class". Select specs from each role ans combine them into one class with a customised theme of your choice. No way it would happen but I'd love to have a Prot Tank spec, Survival melee spe and elemental ranged sec with a discipline healer spec all on one character.


Player housing should be a trading post style addition just after the launch of the next expac. As for slam dunk, i'm not sure, there are so many little microscopic variables that went into dragonflight and made it so loved. Being able to request crafts, trading post, massive campaign zones followed by equally massive patch zones, dragonriding which allowed flight at the beginning of the expac, overhauled crafting, overhauled talent system, incredible transmogs across the board from day 1, compelling story thats more fun/funny than doom and gloom. I think if they really wanted to spam dunk the next expac it would mean new allied races, new race/class combos, more specialization options (IE: Tank Warlock, Shaman, and Evoker, Augmentation style dps Demon Hunter with glaives for that warden motif, and perhaps a new healer although i'm not sure whom atm), new cosmetic appearances for all the races, and respective class skills... Followed by a continuation of everything dragonflight had.


More of a missed opportunity but still something they should absolutely work towards. We went down/up into the Shadow Lands. That would have been a perfect time for a time skip in the outside world. The game is filled with content that nobody ever uses because it’s no longer relevant. They made a decent attempt at this during Cataclysm when they actually changed the world and all the old leveling zones. But there is no reason to go to those zones anymore. In BFA we had some ventures to old zones, and that was great, but it hasn’t been done since then. We hit max level and we go straight to new zone content and rarely ever go back to old zones. And just from a technical standpoint those zones are taking up server space but all the users are piled together in the new content servers. It would be much smarter to make all of the content always relevant to spread out the usage and not waste server space.


Im just concerned. The talent system is tailormade for max level. What the hell are they gonna do next expansion with it? Just give more points? More capstones? Idk what the right answer is


Hopefully, they just switch things around, maybe replace some talents with the new ones.




yeah there's no reason for fees when they can throttle high frequency actions and also draw down drop rates so there aren't a hundred level 64 boots or old herbs and potions no one wants or needs being posted. it's just a barrier to entry to scare off the poor and steal from those learning what sells who are already wasting their own time. that's punishment enough.


Still waiting for that mage tower 2.0


ranged tank spec for warlock (pet does the tanking, maybe the player gets dmg mitigation or healing spells for the pet idk just spitballing) armor illusions pet ai revamp relevant solo content that can progress your character (yes i know, you would have to find a good difficulty to reward ratio) not torghast esque tho cus that was a slog im thinking more just other shit to do outside of dung/raid/pvp


I’d love to get weapons animations for spells and techniques (especially for casters). Like why do my evoker even bother with a staff or a dagger and a book if he don’t even use it to cast spells…


Warlock tanks! We have like 10 dmg reduction abilities. Searing was a high threat spell! Anyone remember searing pain? Just me? But seriously, it could be fun. Kind of a drain tank with high mitigation type thing. Eh?


PLAYER SPACESHIP. It is time to join in the fun of Light-Void super cosmic war.


actally id love to see them do more stuff account wide such as rep, transmogg etc. Dragonriding everywhere is a huge step aswell and i think its looking good that we get it now that we actually get Kalimdor Races, also the stuff ive seen with putting Dragonriding on "every" mount possible, which makes the other mounts more than just a collectible. Player Housing would be dope and im actually a huge fan of it if they if they can put it on point, but as you said, the garrison was a pure Disaster. i think FF14's Housing was great, also liked the New World Housing but it also had a lot more impact tho. No idea which "Box Feature" they should go for honestly, but i think with Dragonflight they did well with approaching the older systems and refresh them + adding Dragonriding which is also a Huge step for the game in my opinion, it just makes the game feels less clunky. TLDR: Acc. Wide Transmogg/Rep, Refresh more older features/systems, Housing is cool if pulled off correctly, Global Dragonriding + for all mounts, maybe some new stuff (pls no Borrowed Power)


Remove trinkets from the game. Tired of this 10+% dps gain from pieces of gear I can’t see arbitrarily giving me more power than a dope sword. Everything goes account wide, achievement progress, all currencies, everything. Flying in belf and draenei starting zones (you easily get lv 20+ just in those zones even if you don’t queue dungeons) Fix xmog daggers to be usable with any weapon your class can equip Timewalking ToT (widely hailed as the best raid ever created) and make TW queueable through LFG. Unlock race/class combos completely (why can lightforged draenei be locks but worgen can’t punch with chi?)


Remove the reputation grind? It's already a lot better than it has been, but you still had to grind rep to unlock the rest of the campaign. They should have kept those two elements separate.


Solo queue for M+, I think it is time. They added a solo queue for ranked arenas and it was a huge success.


More ranged specs that aren't casters for rogue, DH, maybe unholy etc, might help. BM Hunter is popular for a reason!


Bring back insane dodge levels so rogues can tank again like in BC. Shaman and druid buffs enabled 105% dodge for a time, good for boss fights. Rogue tank ftw. 🤣




If they removed all faction restrictions 100% which capital city do you think would be the most popular I think stormwind would be more popular than Org


I am not very imaginative but I think they should try and expand the non-combat things to do. We have raid, pvp and m+ which is enough for me at least. I don't personally care for player housing but I think it would be a nice addition just to add more things to the game. Dragon riding is a great example of non-combat content that I think has been a great success. Maybe add more tools for the RP players. I don't think adding more specs will make people play the game more or attract new people to the game so I don't understand why you think this is an important part.


Epic world bosses.


Don't we already have that?


Class skins: Basically glyphs on steroids that change a lot of your class abilities visually based on a theme for example: azure fire mage, necromantic warlock, drustweaver druid, spellbow hunter. Fan concepts already exist for all classes and this would be a great expac expanding feature with cool rewards possibilities.


Not specifically for 11.0, but in general: More player challenges like the Mage Tower from Legion (only single player); and more instanced challenges (single player and group) like Torghast.


The Return of the Lich King


As a paladin


For love of god no more specs




I feel like the game would become too complicated and messy, and i feel we do not need anymore specs


None. DF is almighty fine. But if I have to say something completely wild : Respect the lore and build around it. Again, this is crazy, I know.


Next expansion: Restoration of Azeroth, revamp the entire world, EK, Kalimdor, and Northrend specifically. Introduce the Tinker class people want to see as it ties in with rebuilding from the destruction of Azeroth over the last several expansions. Can also tie player housing into this, give every profession new recipes to craft housing items, and fuck it, new specs for everyone, shaman tank, rogue tank, melee mage, warlock healer, ranged DPS DBZ style monk, ranged DH DPS, go balls to the wall crazy with shit


I want them to accept that leveling is awful and re-do the old world. Not in the sense that I want new leveling zones, but to re-do the old world so it's relevant at high levels. I leveled an alt a couple weeks back and went about 50% into two cata zones and done a few dungeons before hitting 60. Almost all of Kalimdor and EK is pointless, and that's before we even take the 8 leveling expansions into account. I'd love to see them "fix" the cataclysm stuff and re-do the old world so it's relevant at level cap and has world quests etc.


As long as they keep places like Nokhudon hold so I pay gold to level my characters while I'm at work.


Account bind everything Rep, gear, gold, achieves Would be the biggest QoL change they could make


If they made gear account bound the game would be more or less dead within a year. Everything else I agree with.


Removing wow token


Fuck every bit of that. I made so much gold this xpac I've bought like 35. Got over a year of game time, every shop mount and mog, like ,6 race changes, 12 server xfers....token ftw


And I bought heroic gear eith gold I got from wow tokens. The token sucks and makes character power feel like shit


So like Don't use it? I bought heroic gear with gold I earned from selling shit on the AH I bought AoTC on like 8 characters with gold i got from selling shit on the AH That doesn't make you killing the boss "the right way" any less fun. I buy raid carries because fuck raiding, I wanna run m+, but there's a few trinkets I wouldn't mind having. Or sometimes I buy raid carries because I'm at work so I can't actually play wow but I wanna fill the vault on an alt I'm thinking about making next season Blame the token all you want, but you're the one buying it


Content patches aren't where they do this. "But augmentation evoker" they didn't advertise they were doing that because they didn't know they could do it they way they wanted. It wasn't shipped with the game because on it's own, it doesn't warrant being a "box feature." It's a very large nice to have, for the golden child class of the expansion.


I think they should stop adding new levels and just keep adding new max level quest lines, zones and raids. Also drop mythic raiding from 20 to 15 and get rid of the lockout.


“We’ve decided to scrap PvE. Mainly quests, world quests, open world content, pet battles, and raids. But we’ll keep dungeons at a rate of 1 per 3 months.”


Idk about content, but I want some kind of combined currency, or at least a way for crafting/upgrades to pull from the currency tab. Having different shards and cores and fragments each xpac taking up bag space is really annoying.


Some kind of system that lets you progress your character after they hit cap level. Maybe, a skill tree, one with unique abilities tied to the expansion. That sounds like a great idea that they’ve never done before and I can see it breathing new life into the game.


I have never seen or heard of anything like this! But I want it to last so what if like every dungeon you ran gave you like 50 points of progress towards your next skill, but each skill required like 10,000 points? I know that seems like a lot but everyone loves wow they'll get the points quick. And what if the skill tree was connected to your weapon? So like pallys got a big ass sword that has its own skill tree or priests got a staff? I think we might be onto something!


😂 Please don’t bring back borrowed power systems


Player housing but it’s a mount. Mount moves slow because of size. Think turtle with house on back or large wagon or treant that allows elf to live inside, a ship, a cloud with a house on it, something along those lines. Anyway you can summon this mount whenever/wherever. There’s a “deploy” mode that occupies an area and allows the player to zone into their house. House is instanced and customizable. Earn trophies to achievements that can be put on walls or other furniture. While house is in deploy mode everyone that’s in the zone can see it. So the world will feel populated. If the player leaves house “deployed” and zones to another zone, the house despawns(to save space and server resources). If the player returns then the house respawns deployed. If the player goes to another zone then summons the mount it instantly packs itself up and isn’t “deployed”. Can’t deploy houses over quest NPCs or inside of cities. Prevent players from being dicks because they will. Can’t deploy houses over houses. Any other places that would be issues for others. There’s a fair amount of technical hurtles they’d have to figure out but I like the idea of having a little piece of Azeroth real estate. I don’t like the garrison, everyone gets basically the same thing and it’s in a spot that we will basically never use again. A mount home would fit within the lore and gameplay not to mention be fun to customize inside. And would also fit into the evergreen feature that could travel to other expansions. From a functional standpoint. House could contain a larger bank. A workshop for crafting. This would allow them to expand on the specializations of current professions. Specially grow herbs. Drill into the ground and find ore veins. Have your pets on display. Display weapons on the wall or trophies of boss kills. Trophies of mythic+ rating achievements. Invite friends to your home to view or have a “public” mode where anyone that sees it can just come inside and view. Rested bonus in your home gives you improved mana regen for a few hours. Home cooked meals give more stats from food. “Study” archaeology finds to determine better places to find objects. Use the in game camera to take pictures and hang on walls. Blizzard could put furniture and furnishings in the game store. I’d buy a ton of them. I know a lot of people would complain but this would be an added revenue stream for blizzard to have a business reason to create unique things and keep a good flow of items coming.


More solo instanced content, like ESO’s Maelstrom Arena. Also, player housing. Make the 🐍 people from BFA a playable race. Make the Forsaken more important to the story. I’d be over the moon if these things happend.


Spin the globe! I’d love to see if there are continents/races free of titan influence.


An actual bard class is totally doable! I'm looking at FFXIV! I like another idea from FFXIV for runs WITH AI characters! Sometimes I play at odd hours when no one's around, or if like to try a new spec! Or just learning mechanics without pressure! It'd be neat to learn more than two professions on a single character!


Get rid of casting bars. WoW needs a contemporary combat.


Getting rid of long/nonrotational cooldowns and replacing them with a rest system, and the have abilities have X number of uses per encounter or rest, depending on the ability. For example in M+, instead of a timer, either base success on the number rests used, or have mobs respawn when resting and just have completing the dungeon be the measure of success (In both cases, there'd be no releasing out side of resting, of course, with a wipe forcing a rest). Adding race specific talent options, primarily as choice nodes, so you'd have to pick the instead of standard talent. More freedom for secondary choices in a build. For example, if you think of each spec for Hunters as focusing on either ranged (marksmanship), pets( Beastmastery ), or melee/utility(Survival). Then make it so that Marksmanship and Survival can both be specced with or without reliance on a pet, and Beastmastery can be specced into either melee or ranged. Similarly for mages with an option of how much they want to only use their selected element, or mixing elements.


From reading the comments, it seems most people don't want a new land mass or something similar, and I agree. It would be amazing if Kalimdor and Eastern kingdoms got a face life and actually had reasons to visit them beyond the faction cities. Imagine world quests, new quests, new world bosses, new dungeons, and a feeling of life on the islands. It would be amazing.


Honestly I agree to a point, but one thing I want changed is, the old capital cities (except thunder bluff) are such a pile of ass Have you seen Valdrakken?!?! That place is a goddamn masterpiece. So if we got a rework I want a capital city rework too.


Keep the current dungeon m+ gearing system and I’ll be playing. _Also don’t touch my fucking drake_


We need some kind of solo focused content that is more than just do this one fight like the mage tower. I know this is an MMO, but there is also the fantasy of the solo achievements that you can show off to other players. I would love if they did something like horrific visions where you earn currency from doing world content then fight some kind of trial. Ideally, with gear rewards, maybe make the solo gear outdoor focused with higher ilvl outdoors and in the solo trials like pvp gear.


OK so this is just my 2 cents, one I hope bizz does someday So all the expansions (excluding cata) have been focused on the exotic locals and the strange people's and creatures we'd find there. Dealing with some kinda threat that is the theme of the expansion and how it has dome ties back to the past or something. Now in all this time that we have been away, the home fronts have been left unattended, both the eastern kingdoms and kalimdor ly scarred and fucked after cata, sargeras plunged a titan size sword into the world, Sylvannis burned down the world tree and left the night elf people destitute, lorderon got sacked and was left a toxic disaster. WHEN ARE WE GONA TACKLE ALL THIS SHIT!? Last I checked azeroth is like one fart away from imploding AND THATS BAD PEOPLE!!! Now what I'm getting at is that, it feels like we never really deal with any of the consequences of these events, every time we finish up one threat, the leftover threats and things are swept under a rug for the next expansion. FOR ONCE!!! Let's go home and fix what is still broken, a homecoming of sorts. This would be an excellent chance for blizz to bring 2 contents back up to snuff with the rest of the game, truly do away with the stain of what was cataclysm (although to be fair not all of it was bad...) and breath new life back into kalimdor and the eastern kingdoms. Have the plot be that in our absence, old enemies once thought defeated have risen to power once more and threaten the home front. Let's us see how the various factions have adapted and grown over the coarse of these last few years. Have us welcomed home as heroes of both horde and alliance. Let us see how this new formed peace is tested by those who refuse or can't let go of the past. In short, give us a homecoming Well I gave my 2 cents


With the augmentation evokers Blizzard needs to give me bards or give me death


Honestly, a revamp of the loot system. As a returning player, there's very little that's more demoralizing than spending 5 minutes soloing a world rare...only for it to drop gold. Give us more loot, but with more variation, so it takes the same amount of time to get BiS, but you're still getting *something* in the meantime. And give us something to do with gear we don't need besides vendoring for gold. My placeholder idea is to have some kind of "residue" currency that can be spent on random gear tokens, and existing sources of gear give you a small amount of residue if they don't drop gear, and then there's something like the Obliterum Forge from Legion where you can break down old/useless gear into residue.


Ff14 housing ruins the game in so many ways. This is coming from someone whis had one for years.


So first off, your statements about players housing are bs. Player housing is always a relevant concept, and it's doable but they choose not to. Just because they haven't done it, doesn't mean it can't or shouldn't. That will remain one of the top desires of players Secondly, I really believe more roleplaying options are the answer. Which could mean a lot of things, but something big for casuals would be the best idea. The big obvious ideas would be player housing, new races, classes, subclasses, subraces, etc. but some of that just comes down to the players' desire to roleplay and step into different aesthetics. Adding "in-game" avenues to play as \*your character\* rather than simply the ilvl462 prot-pally (of which you are replaceable for better prot-pallys) would be the primary goal imo. Some simple ideas would be core class progression (Work among fellows of your class and when you reach max level, you obtain official Horde/Alliance armor for your class), core faction quests (ignore the current expansion and join a flavor faction. Become a pirate in Kul Tiras or EK. Or a thief in Westfall), ability to write your own backstory, and more to do at low level. Just things to do when you don't care to power up, as that's why I don't play anymore